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Well I am trespassing on my someday home. Everyone thought the $$ would arrive on Tuesday and the sellers gave me permission so I brought me & my toothbrush in for the night. The money is suppose to be on it's way but not by tomorrow. So now the hope is by Wednesday. Hope springs eternal.

I'm tired, well exhausted actually, been sleeping on an air mattress and no furries to keep me warm. I really miss them. The mortgage co. has agreed to pay the kenneling costs since I am not charging them for 'room & board'. Now if they were really sorry, they would buy me a new fridge. I gave up a side by side for an old one that sings when it runs and it runs LOUD or a new stove, gave up a ceramic top for one that was new in the 70's. But I shouldn't complain.

I don't know if I mentioned that in the moving DD#4 and friends broke the kitchen table leg off, they thought it was hilarious. I have officially cut her off in regards to $$. Not only did she buy a belly button ring, she went and got 'fake' nails while the rest of us were moving. I haven't seen her in 3 days. She is almost 24 and it is time that "I" stop enabling her. So no more gas money and as of May when she is out of school, I will no longer pay for her car insurance. I will have to make some decisions regarding medical insurance. I'm not even angry, I had an epiphany this weekend when she was 'unavailable' that this move to a new house is good, that this is MY home and no longer have to provide a home for anyone else.

Candice, I'm glad your trip is going well.

Phyl, sounds like the Jazz festival was great fun. I like music, but after students all day, I don't find it relaxing.

Janet, what's up?

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Hey Gang...

Phyl when will you be home... Ankle is ok it's still sore and a little swollen but it's ok .- Debbie and I went to the Street Fair yesterday - took a little vicoden mixed in w/a little liquid tylenol and walked for 2.5 hrs - lots of nice stuff there - spend too much money - blouse - sandals - self tanner - 6 visors (3 white - 3 black) Then we had a salad and I got home around 3ish - and vegged - in bed by 9..

Went today at noon to get contacts re-adjusted then he tells me I will never have perfect vision w/contacts that they don't make any yet that will do the job - (I was saying I can't read the news paper) - No one told me that - the stupid commercial (baush lome) says get rid of your readers.. Dumb me to believed a commercial - But gotta say he changed my right eye and it's better and my distant is ok - I can read the computer ok - I can read price tags - so I do have more freedom than I had before - I guess if I want 20/20 I would have to wear glasses and they have there own issues - hell I would need trifocals - I'm a little frustrated with all this back and forth - I go back friday again..

Candice - Glad you are having a good time w/Linda & Mel and got to meet the rest of the family..

Steph - Yes each child needs their own quality time - I'm lucky I only had 1 cuz I don't know if I could spread myself out - you are one busy lady...

Karla - Yep our kids - we are their major problem most of the time - cuz we give too much..

Well gotta go order tickets for earth wind and fire concert


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Janet, I'm so jealous, enjoy the concert. I didn't know they were still touring...does that make us old?

One of my students 'facebooked' me, way cool. Yikes, just dated myself again. I won't add him as a 'friend' but it is cool to get messages from him.

A new day! I hope the funds come in! I'm ready to get busy nesting my new home. Even though most of my possessions are still in boxes and 1/2 sitting outside in the rain, it feels like home. I like the grocery store, one of my favorite previous students works there. He gave me a huge hug, miss him. A true sweetheart. When he left my class he wrote me a letter telling me how much he learned & enjoyed my class. He is gay and from a influencial family, so school was rough for him. But I enjoyed every minutes of him. I guess I have been blessed. I need to remember these positive moments. I know I focus too much on the negative...I'm working on changing that. I have been given an opportunity to become part of a nice community! Who knows, maybe I will have a booth at the farmers market, my new neighbor makes awesome homemade bread, she sent over some when I was unloading stuff. Also there is community Bingo. I kind of like Bingo.

Well I hope you all have a good day! TTFN

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Janet, I'm so jealous, enjoy the concert. I didn't know they were still touring...does that make us old?

One of my students 'facebooked' me, way cool. Yikes, just dated myself again. I won't add him as a 'friend' but it is cool to get messages from him.

A new day! I hope the funds come in! I'm ready to get busy nesting my new home. Even though most of my possessions are still in boxes and 1/2 sitting outside in the rain, it feels like home. I like the grocery store, one of my favorite previous students works there. He gave me a huge hug, miss him. A true sweetheart. When he left my class he wrote me a letter telling me how much he learned & enjoyed my class. He is gay and from a influencial family, so school was rough for him. But I enjoyed every minutes of him. I guess I have been blessed. I need to remember these positive moments. I know I focus too much on the negative...I'm working on changing that. I have been given an opportunity to become part of a nice community! Who knows, maybe I will have a booth at the farmers market, my new neighbor makes awesome homemade bread, she sent over some when I was unloading stuff. Also there is community Bingo. I kind of like Bingo.

Well I hope you all have a good day! TTFN

Good Morning..

Yep EWF still touring - Indian Casino's so you know they are super fab anymore - only us old timers want to see them ;0)

May 14th I think is the date - Debbie and Ann and Me - Ann and I have been friends since 8th grade and Debbie and me since my Freshman yr.. all had our kids together - all bff's

Sound like you are doing good - I'm glad to hear ;0) - as we all keep telling you - it will work out - don't worry ;0)

Well gotta hit the showers - i need extra 10 mintues for the contacts - sometime they go right in - others they don't..


Have a great day everyone

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Hey Gang...

Phyl when will you be home... Ankle is ok it's still sore and a little swollen but it's ok .- Debbie and I went to the Street Fair yesterday - took a little vicoden mixed in w/a little liquid tylenol and walked for 2.5 hrs - lots of nice stuff there - spend too much money - blouse - sandals - self tanner - 6 visors (3 white - 3 black) Then we had a salad and I got home around 3ish - and vegged - in bed by 9..

Went today at noon to get contacts re-adjusted then he tells me I will never have perfect vision w/contacts that they don't make any yet that will do the job - (I was saying I can't read the news paper) - No one told me that - the stupid commercial (baush lome) says get rid of your readers.. Dumb me to believed a commercial - But gotta say he changed my right eye and it's better and my distant is ok - I can read the computer ok - I can read price tags - so I do have more freedom than I had before - I guess if I want 20/20 I would have to wear glasses and they have there own issues - hell I would need trifocals - I'm a little frustrated with all this back and forth - I go back friday again..

Candice - Glad you are having a good time w/Linda & Mel and got to meet the rest of the family..

Steph - Yes each child needs their own quality time - I'm lucky I only had 1 cuz I don't know if I could spread myself out - you are one busy lady...

Karla - Yep our kids - we are their major problem most of the time - cuz we give too much..

Well gotta go order tickets for earth wind and fire concert


Left Three Rivers this morning.. drove just under 200 miles to Gilroy. Soon as I have some leftover chili I'm going shopping... RV park is right behind a shopping center... Target, Kohl's, etc., and a Salvation Army store where I always find good clothes at a good price, and other goodies as well. So I'm headed out fo the afternoon in a short time. Love to spend the day here exploring. And I'll be gone a long time so I"m taking my scooter! There's a Panera bread over there so I'll grab some sour dough rolls for Earl so he won't yell when he sees me coming with shopping bags! LOL

15_9_27.gif 7_18_4.gif 7_18_5.gif 15_8_8.gif

Karla, hope you are in the house legally and officially SOON!!

Not surprised with the contacts situation... my experience exactly! That's why I rarely wear mine. Can't read the small print.

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Well dinner tonight will be sad. Last night with Mel and Linda. SHe has been so awesome, even sharing her PLAYTIME with CORA with ME... I am not a gramma yet but it was sure a fun day. I think it was more fun play8hg with Cora than fabric shopping!!

Currently, the men are UNDER the RV looking for where a bolt dropped out of.... wish them luck!

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It is OFFICIALLY mine, ALL MINE!!! Just got home from the title co and signed the next 30 years of my life away. But now I can put in the doggy door and secure the fence and bring the furries home, it won't REALLY be home until they get here. There was a last minute glitch when my previous mortgage co told the title complany that I missed the last payment for insufficient funds. Actually, the mortgage co told me to put a stop on the payment since I was closing on the same day as when the payment was due. Ended up coming up with $1000 because the payoff given to the title co from the mortgage co was wrong. But they used my escrow account and I came up with a bank draft of $216, so we were able to close. I made the mortgage co get on a conference call with me to the title co and made sure they told them that I DID NOT have a missing payment because of ISF.

Now my new mattress will be here in about a 1/2 an hour and taking the kids out for pizza to Celebrate. THEN I'm going to take a long soak in MY bathtub and crawl into my NEW bed and dream about painting the house!!!

whoohooo, thank you all for putting up with me. I took 2 days off and then on campus Friday & Saturday. Have to work Sunday at the nursery, but no biggy.

Phyl, enjoy your shopping!!

Candice, drive safe!

Janet, enjoy your evening.

Of course, now what am I going to grumble about???


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OMG Karla - you had me ROTFLMAO "What am I going to complain about now" I mean it - I was really was laughing out loud..

Girl - You will find something - don't worry :cool:) (said with love cuz you are a worry wort) - Next will be I want to paint but don't have the $$$..

What kids are you taking out for dinner - I thought yours were mia during the move???

Have fun and enjoy your new home - you need to give us your new address


Have fun shopping - lol bringing Earl rolls - how was his bday on Friday???

I can read price tags so it's not too bad - where as before I couldn't read anything without glasses on - like right now I can read the computer here at home ok but I have a bigger screen - but tiny print isn't so easy - can read the cell phone - so we will see what happens when I go back on Friday.. All in all right now pretty liveable - and I have the freedom of not having readers on the tip of my nose.. So we will see..

Well - picked up taxes - was in for a big shock owe $1000 - I have sent accountant email asking why - cuz nothing is diff - if it wasn't for the ranches (this is where the extra $$$ is due I think) I would do my own taxes - but I don't know the 1st thing about K1 and deprecation - so I have to pay - This yr they showed income where as last yr they didn't and we have the same income each year..

Because of this I came straight home and pulled out last yr's taxes to see what the diff was - I forgot I needed to go by the store cuz I didn't take anything out - oh ya I did but it was for andrew - and since I wasn't going to the gym tonite - 137.5 this a.m. - Well I am undressed now - so I guess I will just have to figure something out - got shrimp -

Candice... What's for dinner - I forgot to tell you in those pic's you posted your tummy looked smaller - so what out for those calories :0) - You and Linda be good..

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Well dinner tonight will be sad. Last night with Mel and Linda. SHe has been so awesome, even sharing her PLAYTIME with CORA with ME... I am not a gramma yet but it was sure a fun day. I think it was more fun play8hg with Cora than fabric shopping!!

Currently, the men are UNDER the RV looking for where a bolt dropped out of.... wish them luck!

Happy Trails, Kiddo! Sounds like you had a great visit with Linda and Mel! Remind me again when you think you'll be in our area. We should be home in a week!

It is OFFICIALLY mine, ALL MINE!!! Just got home from the title co and signed the next 30 years of my life away. But now I can put in the doggy door and secure the fence and bring the furries home, it won't REALLY be home until they get here. There was a last minute glitch when my previous mortgage co told the title complany that I missed the last payment for insufficient funds. Actually, the mortgage co told me to put a stop on the payment since I was closing on the same day as when the payment was due. Ended up coming up with $1000 because the payoff given to the title co from the mortgage co was wrong. But they used my escrow account and I came up with a bank draft of $216, so we were able to close. I made the mortgage co get on a conference call with me to the title co and made sure they told them that I DID NOT have a missing payment because of ISF.

Now my new mattress will be here in about a 1/2 an hour and taking the kids out for pizza to Celebrate. THEN I'm going to take a long soak in MY bathtub and crawl into my NEW bed and dream about painting the house!!!

whoohooo, thank you all for putting up with me. I took 2 days off and then on campus Friday & Saturday. Have to work Sunday at the nursery, but no biggy.

Phyl, enjoy your shopping!!

Candice, drive safe!

Janet, enjoy your evening.

Of course, now what am I going to grumble about???



Had a great time shopping... except when my battery went dead and Earl had to come and bring me the other scooter! He was ticked and very grumpy... but he's the one who gave me the OLD scooter that hadn't been charged since we left a week ago!! It lasted about 2 hours if that! So he was mad because he had to unhitch the car to come and swap scooters! Tough... I wasn't going to push the thing all the way back to the RV park... and I wasn't done shopping!


Have fun shopping - lol bringing Earl rolls - how was his bday on Friday???

I can read price tags so it's not too bad - where as before I couldn't read anything without glasses on - like right now I can read the computer here at home ok but I have a bigger screen - but tiny print isn't so easy - can read the cell phone - so we will see what happens when I go back on Friday.. All in all right now pretty liveable - and I have the freedom of not having readers on the tip of my nose.. So we will see..

Well - picked up taxes - was in for a big shock owe $1000 - I have sent accountant email asking why - cuz nothing is diff - if it wasn't for the ranches (this is where the extra $$$ is due I think) I would do my own taxes - but I don't know the 1st thing about K1 and deprecation - so I have to pay - This yr they showed income where as last yr they didn't and we have the same income each year.

Earl had a good birthday. We were at the jazz festival from 3 pm until about 9 pm. But we went in the pool before we went, which he always enjoys, and Jacki and I had bought him a Marie Callender cherry pie. She wanted to know what kind of cake and I thought he'd enjoy a cherry pie more, so that's what we got. He loved it.

I found a couple of things at the Salvation Army store and a pair of those champion pants at Target... usually $15 and I found a pair in my size marked down to $3.47! Then I went to the bottle store and got a bottle of Merlot. Not that we didn't have any, but sometimes I like something besides 2 buck Chuck!

Think I'll go over to the showers before Idol starts. But then, I don't remember what time Idol starts!

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8 California time

Glad he had a good bday - sent him happy bday wishes on fb..

WTG on your shopping - and yep not your fault - his...

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Janet, you probably are right. BUT I am going to do my best to live on the positive side. I have gotten the house and with the lower payments and no longer helping DD#4 out, I won't have tons of spending $$, but I will have a zero balance on the credit card and a little nest egg. Also will be working a lot this summer and will get $2000 for being on campus in June AND my 1st payment isn't until June 1.

I took DD#5 and the couple of friends who hauled my new mattress home in a down pour for pizza. DD#4 FINALLY showed up, so I really couldn't say, oh hell no you aren't coming. She did a little crying jag when we where talking about things she didn't know about. Well then maybe you should be home. BUT guess what, this isn't my problem AND the only one I am taking care of from now on is ME.

I here by promise to stop bitching about $$ and children and life in general. I have been given a new start and I am going to grab it and run. NO excuses!!!!! So I also give you all permission to slap me next time I do.

I love you all!!

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8 California time

Glad he had a good bday - sent him happy bday wishes on fb.. WTG on your shopping - and yep not your fault - his...

Thanks... just starting now so I had plenty of time to walk over and take a shower. Sick of no Water pressure in the RV.

He seems to be grumpy about every other hour! Sick of it! Pissed me off the other day... was online checking accounts and found that Desert Sun charged us for 1 yr subscription on the same day I put it on vacation suspend... $80+, so I got chewed out about it! It was an automatic payment... didn't even know it was going to happen and I didn't do it. But he got all mad at me. Then we go in the house and he flips a switch... oh, Mr. NICE GUY, sweet as can be to everyone. I was ready to kill him. Ruined my day and then a big phony! Then he always tells me I took it TOO personally!! He wasn't mad at ME!! But I'm the one that gets yelled at!! Give me a break!!


Janet, you probably are right. BUT I am going to do my best to live on the positive side. I have gotten the house and with the lower payments and no longer helping DD#4 out, I won't have tons of spending $$, but I will have a zero balance on the credit card and a little nest egg. Also will be working a lot this summer and will get $2000 for being on campus in June AND my 1st payment isn't until June 1.

I took DD#5 and the couple of friends who hauled my new mattress home in a down pour for pizza. DD#4 FINALLY showed up, so I really couldn't say, oh hell no you aren't coming. She did a little crying jag when we where talking about things she didn't know about. Well then maybe you should be home. BUT guess what, this isn't my problem AND the only one I am taking care of from now on is ME.

I here by promise to stop bitching about $$ and children and life in general. I have been given a new start and I am going to grab it and run. NO excuses!!!!! So I also give you all permission to slap me next time I do. I love you all!!

Stick to your guns!!

Good plan!!

The ONLY one you're taking care of is YOU!!!

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Phyl, maybe Earl is going through MANopause. It sounds like he just likes to grumble about $$$. Personally that is another reason I'm single. But then again, I earned every cent, so if someone tried to tell me what to do, I'd cut his little nads off. But is sounds like Earl is a sweetheart most of the time, so I'd take him if you get tired of him.

Slept wonderfully on my new mattress! Need to run to school and finish up some sub notes and then back home to get things furry friendly. I hope to have them home by this weekend!

Janet, is this Furlough Friday? I forget...okay, I'm getting old. I forget lots of things anymore.

Had a small 'discussion' with DD#4, to be continued I'm sure. No big deal. I am so into a different mind set, that little is going to irritate me....for awhile anyway.

Hum...may even have to take a nap today. Well best get going if I want to get things done. Check in later! TTFN

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Good Morning Girls..

Candice who are you off to see now Steph???

Phyl - Men - what can I say but here ya on pissing you off and ruining your day.. Idol was good - I like Casey - Crystal is great but getting boring.. Wonder who will be the 2 kicked off tonite..

Karla - Love & Hugs good for you - I am sure glad to here about your new attitude .

I talked to my finanical guy last nite - If I every want to retire I am going to have to quite spending $$ - I shop too much.. I am going to have to get a hobby - but hell hobbies cost $$.

Had a hell of a time sleeping last night - have gym tonite - need to go iron..


Oh on furloughs - Starting April - I only have 1 FF a month - and have had it for April (last friday) So my next one isn't till 5/7 - 3 weeks of working 5 days I don't know if I will be able to handle it - I heard on the radio yesterday - that pple who have them really enjoy the extra time off work - ya they have to tighten their belts but it's worth it.. More time for you..

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Phyl, maybe Earl is going through MANopause. It sounds like he just likes to grumble about $$$. Personally that is another reason I'm single. But then again, I earned every cent, so if someone tried to tell me what to do, I'd cut his little nads off. But is sounds like Earl is a sweetheart most of the time, so I'd take him if you get tired of him.

Slept wonderfully on my new mattress! Need to run to school and finish up some sub notes and then back home to get things furry friendly. I hope to have them home by this weekend!

Janet, is this Furlough Friday? I forget...okay, I'm getting old. I forget lots of things anymore.

Had a small 'discussion' with DD#4, to be continued I'm sure. No big deal. I am so into a different mind set, that little is going to irritate me....for awhile anyway.

Hum...may even have to take a nap today. Well best get going if I want to get things done. Check in later! TTFN

Good Morning Girls..

Candice who are you off to see now Steph???

Phyl - Men - what can I say but here ya on pissing you off and ruining your day.. Idol was good - I like Casey - Crystal is great but getting boring.. Wonder who will be the 2 kicked off tonite..

Karla - Love & Hugs good for you - I am sure glad to here about your new attitude .

I talked to my finanical guy last nite - If I every want to retire I am going to have to quite spending $$ - I shop too much.. I am going to have to get a hobby - but hell hobbies cost $$.

Had a hell of a time sleeping last night - have gym tonite - need to go iron..CBL

Oh on furloughs - Starting April - I only have 1 FF a month - and have had it for April (last friday) So my next one isn't till 5/7 - 3 weeks of working 5 days I don't know if I will be able to handle it - I heard on the radio yesterday - that pple who have them really enjoy the extra time off work - ya they have to tighten their belts but it's worth it.. More time for you..

Yeah, and he was already grumpy and now we have electrical problems. Like no turn signals, brake lights, back up lights and maybe anti-lock brakes. Stopped in Mountain View at his brother's so... two electrical heads to figure it out.

Janet, I don't know how you will curtail your shopping "problem"!! My friend Jacki that we were just visiting... she has a similar problem, but hers is with 2nd hand stores. She dragged me around to every one within 20 miles the other day! And she never leaves empty handed. She buys mostly glass and household stuff. She has provided us with a lifetime supply of matching champagne glasses that we'll probably never use!! And Earl doesn't know where to put them all! She has every kind of glass you can imagine, wine glasses, champagne, brandy, etc., etc.! So.... maybe if you switch to 2nd hand stores you'd spend less! :cool::biggrin::eek:

I did find a couple of things.. a nice polo shirt... pale blue with pink rose pattern. I love it! And a nice teal short sleeved cardigan that I wore on Sunday. And I bought a bunch of beads that I'm going to clean, cut apart and reuse to make more jewelry!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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