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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good morning ladies. just a quick check in. I have to go down and get paint for Jeff's office and get it all painted. Not looking forward to it. I hate painting. ... but will get it done. I WILL get it done. I will GET it done! Help me out ladies. I need some pep for this. Will me the energy and desire.

Leaving tomorrow morning to go get Michael! woot woot!!! I'm so excited! We have our last therapy session today. I'm pretty sure he finds out today that he gets to come home. He's going to be hard to live with the next couple of days. Poor staff!

Okay...I've put it off long enough. Off to get paint!

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happy happy Birthday Karla Cramer!!!and many more happy years in the future...

(with US Lucky 7`s of course LOL)

Love you more than BETTER :)

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Thanks everyone!! Worked at the nursery, then home for a hot shower and a latte. Have talked to all my girls, mom & sister and now all the wishes from you all. Nothing planned, in some pain right now from the hanging outy parts. I had to spend most of the day tagging bareroot shrubs. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.

Phyl is homeless right now, no RV & no computer, I don't think I would like that.

Steph, I love to paint, especially if I can add some stencils or faux textures. Oh, when you come to pick me up in July, can you bring me bag of kettle korn?

Well need to go get some dinner, think I'll just have Cereal, too tired to eat.

Check in later, TTFN

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Hey Gang

Karla - be careful w/that lifting !!!! Glad you have had all your calls - I know I look forward to them on my Bday...

Hey sometimes cereal is the ticket..

I must have missed something - Phyl homeless - it's windy here so I know it's REAL windy at her place

Not much going on here.. Busy day at work even thought the computer was down 1/2 the day - but we had Unum (or something like that) explaining Long Term Health Care - disability and life insurance - my employer provides the disability (short & long term) 1 x salary and now 2 yr long term care insurance - I purchased 5 yr up grade - I already have a LTC policy (am of the age that I have to think about these things)

Idrise called me this morning - I guess it was bugging him about our discussion about food addiction - I tried to explain to him that my fear is that I will regain the weight and that I'm just as addicted as a drug addict ( this is where the conversation got heated - he said no I am diff - that I am not physically addicted to food as a drug addict is) - he said I don't give myself enough credit - that I have made the changes and he doesn't think I will - It was nice that he called - you have to understand - he's a know it all - (awe like I'm not ;0)...

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Guess I forgot to tell you all that when Earl had the RV in for tires and oil change they found a cracked serpentine belt... whatever that is. So they ordered a new one and he had an appointment to go back in today. But when he got there, they'd ordered the wrong size belt. So they got another from a Chevy dealer across town. Then they had the wrong size bearing and something else wasn't right! He finally got out of there a little before 2:30 pm. By then I'd gottne completely bored and drove over there to costco to fill up the gas tank and go to Starbucks. Sat outside at Starbucks reading my book and saw him go around the corner... he went to Costco to top off the RV gas tank so we'd be ready to hit the road next week.

So I was ousted at 7:30 a.m. again. Sat in the car and drank my coffee and read the paper until one of the neighbors came and knocked on my window and invited me over to sit in their yard. So I did.. until it was time for the restaurant to open. Then I went and had breakfast.... one egg, slice of ham, home fries and an English muffin. Put half the slice of ham in the muffin and wrapped it up in a napkin to save for lunch.

Went to beading for about 2 hrs after Water aerobics/hot tub. Only two others there besides me, so instructor helped me with the little purse I missed out on a few weeks ago. Finished that before 1 pm and left. It's teeny, tiny... like to wear on a chain as a necklace. I'm going to make two even smaller ones for earrings.

So.... now it's late and I'm oh so tired, so... later, chicks!!

Edited by phyllser

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Phyl, I think the serpentine belt is a long belt that runs more than one item in the motor, it's like a fan belt plus, RV won't run without one. I bet you are exhausted.

Janet, so was Idrise still trying to convince you that food can't be an addiction? We all know that it is, people that don't have that addiction don't understand. It's like offering a drink to a recovering alcoholic. It is only in our lifetime that alcoholism was considered a disease, eventually food addiction will be also. Our country is proof of that. I bet there are more people with food addiction than there are alcoholics. The huge difference, an alcoholic can avoid alcohol, a food addict doesn't have that choice and THAT is the problem. I can NOT eat very well, have done it many times. I can live on 200 calories a day, for weeks. But eventually the body rebels and has to have food.

Ah my kingdom to be able to urinate, sorry TMI. Too much bending yesterday and certain organs are rebelling.

Hope you all have a good day, ttfn

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Stress Eating: Is food Your Sedative?


Dos and Don’ts for Taking Control of Emotional Overeating

Do you turn to overeating, binge eating, or constant nibbling as a way to calm yourself or cope with stress? This is one of the most common forms of emotional eating, and it’s a situation where many busy women living high-stress lives feel at a loss. I often hear from women who know that eating to calm themselves is contributing to struggles with weight, but they aren’t sure what else to do in situations where they feel anxious, overwhelmed, and usually time crunched. Sound familiar? If so, here are three changes you can start making today to start taking control of your eating—and to actually start creating more of a sense of peace and calm in your life.

1. Don’t use food as a stress reliever. It doesn’t work—at least in the big picture. Many women may feel calmer and more relaxed immediately after indulging. Food may also temporarily distract you from the situation at hand. Unfortunately, the satisfaction is usually short lived. Guilt and self-blame for overeating, or for food choices made in stressed out moments, can result in a vicious cycle of more emotional eating and stress. However, the deeper issue is that using food to cope with emotions of any kind is only a temporary fix. It’s a band aid that doesn’t address or resolve the real issue. Without better strategies, life stays the way it is, and you keep needing band aids—usually on a more and more frequent basis.

2. Don’t multitask while eating. This is so tempting to do—especially when you are busy—but multitasking while we eat prevents us from being fully aware. This means that it’s easy to eat for reasons that aren’t really physical hunger—without even fully registering that this is the choice you are making. People who eat mindfully (meaning they are fully present and not distracted by other tasks) eat less. They taste their food and are more likely to be aware of how much they are eating. If you give your meals and Snacks your full attention, you are also more likely to catch those instances when you are eating to try to calm yourself rather than eating for fuel.

3. Don’t eat on the run. Practice slowing down. If you can’t make the time to feed yourself, something is seriously out of balance. Sure, from time to time, life happens, but if you are feeling that it’s too hard to stop and eat on a regular basis, than this problem is one that needs to be addressed. The act of stopping, focusing, and putting your food on a plate, may actually be the first step you need to take in reversing the cycle of stress and overwhelm.

Are you overeating to calm yourself? Three easy ways to start fixing the problem

Now it’s time to fill in the gaps. Here are three things to start doing that will help you create more peace with your eating and with your life.

1. Do get into the habit of asking yourself how you are feeling before you eat. Create a ritual of checking in with yourself before you reach for a snack, stop by the vending machine, or serve up your plate. Ask yourself both whether you are physically hungry, and what you are feeling emotionally. Don’t worry if you don’t always know the answers. Creating the habit of checking in with yourself and paying attention to your emotions is an important first step.

2. Do create a list of other calming strategies you can start to experiment with. When you aren’t in the midst of a stressful situation, brainstorm some quick, easy ways you might try calming or soothing yourself. Write them down and keep your list somewhere where it is easy to access. Not all your solutions will work in every situation, but that’s okay. You are creating a list of ideas to try. Some solutions others have tried: a few minutes of deep breathing, a walk around the block or even the office, changing tasks, a bath or shower, calling a friend, putting on some music, yoga or stretching, or making a cup of tea.

3. Do give yourself permission for this not to go perfectly and tweak and adjust as you go. The goal is to increase your control and you will do that as you become more aware of the reasons and times that you overeat and other strategies that help you make different choices. Don’t focus on making “perfect” changes, focus on learning about yourself and identifying changes that work for you, your preferences and your life.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? Please do! Feel free to reprint on your own website, newsletter, blog or message boards as long as you include the following: Copyright © 2010 Melissa McCreery, PhD. Are you a smart, busy woman struggling with emotional eating, overeating, and balancing work and life? Claim your free psychologist-designed audio series:” “5 Simple Steps to Move Beyond Overwhelm with Food and Life&rdq uo; at http://TooMuchOnHerPlate.com Melissa McCreery, PhD, ACC, is a Psychologist, Emotional Eating and Life Balance Expert, and the founder of www.TooMuchOnHerPlate.com, a company dedicated to providing smart resources to busy women struggling with food, weight and overwhelm.

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Phyl, I think the serpentine belt is a long belt that runs more than one item in the motor, it's like a fan belt plus, RV won't run without one. I bet you are exhausted.

Janet, so was Idrise still trying to convince you that food can't be an addiction? We all know that it is, people that don't have that addiction don't understand. It's like offering a drink to a recovering alcoholic. It is only in our lifetime that alcoholism was considered a disease, eventually food addiction will be also. Our country is proof of that. I bet there are more people with food addiction than there are alcoholics. The huge difference, an alcoholic can avoid alcohol, a food addict doesn't have that choice and THAT is the problem. I can NOT eat very well, have done it many times. I can live on 200 calories a day, for weeks. But eventually the body rebels and has to have food.

Ah my kingdom to be able to urinate, sorry TMI. Too much bending yesterday and certain organs are rebelling.

Hope you all have a good day, ttfn


He was saying it's mental not physical - He doesn't get it - he isn't obese or never has been - his theroy is that most obese pple have been abused in some manner.

I think there are studies that predispose us to being obese just like alcoholic's or druggies - food is our drug of choice - he is saying we can live without drink or drug but that we can't live without food - so that it's not a physical addiction

again he doesn't get it on the level we do..

Stress Eating: Is Food Your Sedative?


Dos and Don’ts for Taking Control of Emotional Overeating

Do you turn to overeating, binge eating, or constant nibbling as a way to calm yourself or cope with stress? This is one of the most common forms of emotional eating, and it’s a situation where many busy women living high-stress lives feel at a loss. I often hear from women who know that eating to calm themselves is contributing to struggles with weight, but they aren’t sure what else to do in situations where they feel anxious, overwhelmed, and usually time crunched. Sound familiar? If so, here are three changes you can start making today to start taking control of your eating—and to actually start creating more of a sense of peace and calm in your life.

1. Don’t use food as a stress reliever. It doesn’t work—at least in the big picture. Many women may feel calmer and more relaxed immediately after indulging. Food may also temporarily distract you from the situation at hand. Unfortunately, the satisfaction is usually short lived. Guilt and self-blame for overeating, or for food choices made in stressed out moments, can result in a vicious cycle of more emotional eating and stress. However, the deeper issue is that using food to cope with emotions of any kind is only a temporary fix. It’s a band aid that doesn’t address or resolve the real issue. Without better strategies, life stays the way it is, and you keep needing band aids—usually on a more and more frequent basis.

2. Don’t multitask while eating. This is so tempting to do—especially when you are busy—but multitasking while we eat prevents us from being fully aware. This means that it’s easy to eat for reasons that aren’t really physical hunger—without even fully registering that this is the choice you are making. People who eat mindfully (meaning they are fully present and not distracted by other tasks) eat less. They taste their food and are more likely to be aware of how much they are eating. If you give your meals and Snacks your full attention, you are also more likely to catch those instances when you are eating to try to calm yourself rather than eating for fuel.

3. Don’t eat on the run. Practice slowing down. If you can’t make the time to feed yourself, something is seriously out of balance. Sure, from time to time, life happens, but if you are feeling that it’s too hard to stop and eat on a regular basis, than this problem is one that needs to be addressed. The act of stopping, focusing, and putting your food on a plate, may actually be the first step you need to take in reversing the cycle of stress and overwhelm.

Are you overeating to calm yourself? Three easy ways to start fixing the problem

Now it’s time to fill in the gaps. Here are three things to start doing that will help you create more peace with your eating and with your life.

1. Do get into the habit of asking yourself how you are feeling before you eat. Create a ritual of checking in with yourself before you reach for a snack, stop by the vending machine, or serve up your plate. Ask yourself both whether you are physically hungry, and what you are feeling emotionally. Don’t worry if you don’t always know the answers. Creating the habit of checking in with yourself and paying attention to your emotions is an important first step.

2. Do create a list of other calming strategies you can start to experiment with. When you aren’t in the midst of a stressful situation, brainstorm some quick, easy ways you might try calming or soothing yourself. Write them down and keep your list somewhere where it is easy to access. Not all your solutions will work in every situation, but that’s okay. You are creating a list of ideas to try. Some solutions others have tried: a few minutes of deep breathing, a walk around the block or even the office, changing tasks, a bath or shower, calling a friend, putting on some music, yoga or stretching, or making a cup of tea.

3. Do give yourself permission for this not to go perfectly and tweak and adjust as you go. The goal is to increase your control and you will do that as you become more aware of the reasons and times that you overeat and other strategies that help you make different choices. Don’t focus on making “perfect” changes, focus on learning about yourself and identifying changes that work for you, your preferences and your life.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? Please do! Feel free to reprint on your own website, newsletter, blog or message boards as long as you include the following: Copyright © 2010 Melissa McCreery, PhD. Are you a smart, busy woman struggling with emotional eating, overeating, and balancing work and life? Claim your free psychologist-designed audio series:” “5 Simple Steps to Move Beyond Overwhelm with Food and Life&rdq uo; at http://TooMuchOnHerPlate.com Melissa McCreery, PhD, ACC, is a Psychologist, Emotional Eating and Life Balance Expert, and the founder of www.TooMuchOnHerPlate.com, a company dedicated to providing smart resources to busy women struggling with food, weight and overwhelm.

Candice this is great - going to have to read it when I have more time..

Phyl you were a busy girl yesterday - homeless and all and with this ugly wind - at least this year it hasn't been that bad..

Steph - What color paint did you get - is it all done

Karri - You are back - you said you would be here :frown:

Well busy at work again - I guess I am never ever going to have time to goof off anymore..

Gym tonite - then stopped at target to get contact stuff - don't know which is the best to get - so got the stuff they gave me.

Go tomorrow to get them (contacts) readjusted - he gave me 40 yr old eyes - you know when you need 125 strenght glasses to read the paper --(I use 200 now and could most likely go up to 225) so he's going to have to do something - I have pretty good mid range site - but distant and small isn't perfect -

Well that's about it - don't know what I am doing for dinner - chicken or a lean cusine - I don't feel like cooking..

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Morning ladies, Steph, have a safe drive to Billings! It will be okay.

DD#2 is coming up tonight and we are moveing everything to storage. I am hoping the sellers of the house I'm buying will let me move the big stuff in, since we will be closing POSSIBLY next week when no one can help. I am going to offer them some $$ for the privilege and hopefully they will go for it. The Radon test came back high, so I am asking for a long term test with possible remediation if it comes back high.

I'm beat and sore from working in the nursery. I haven't been doing anything heavy, just cleaning up 4 inch perenial pots. But it involves sitting on a 5 gal bucket and lots of bending over. Unless things start feeling better, I am going to have to go to the docs and see about a peccuary, not what I want, but if it ends the pain, it will be worth it. I'm sick of the pain and of not being able to urinate (yep TMI)

I am going to have to take Friday off, I know my boss won't be thrilled, but I don't have any other options right now. Hopefully she will understand. Life has gotten so crazy.

DD#4 didn't come home last night (at least she called), so I had her furry in bed with me, but he whines when she isn't around, so not much sleep. Once I get moved I'm going to take what time I have left for personal days, and get the house together and SLEEP. I'm tired.

I know it seems like all I do is talk about me, sorry. Yesterday, I was really missing my dad. All these decisions to make without his advise AND I have NEVER moved without him and his horse trailer. I want him here. It seems so weird not to have him around. Most the time, I just don't think about it. but right now I want him. The other day when I talked to mom, I heard him. I know just my imagination. But I wish I could talke to him. He always had such good advice. Oh well, life goes on even when we don't want it tooo. I can't even think about going back to work right now. Only 9 weeks left.

Well best get going, TTFN

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Hi Girls, not MIA just sewing up a storm... gottta get one sandwiched to take on the road with me to quilt.

here are two views of it... Baby Quilt

I started this one yesterday aft. worked sewing the blocks until 12:30 a.m. then got up today and started putting it into rows. They my GF came over to show me her new machine... she suggested the blue border... so now I have to dig around find batting the correct size and sandwich the sucker.:thumbup:

Oh yeah, 55` X 55`` so a crib size, but seems big to me..???



Edited by peaches9

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Very sweet quilt Candice, I'm jealous, I sure wish I could be working on something.

Have a tentative closing date of next Friday. I have permission to move stuff into the house this weekend. Technically we are suppose to start until Saturday, but hey Saturday begins at midnight, right. DD#2 and my someday SIL are coming up tonight so we can move things tomorrow. I am just going to have to move and then say oops sorry, I misunderstood.

Need more coffee, be back in a few.

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Morning ladies, Steph, have a safe drive to Billings! It will be okay.

DD#2 is coming up tonight and we are moveing everything to storage. I am hoping the sellers of the house I'm buying will let me move the big stuff in, since we will be closing POSSIBLY next week when no one can help. I am going to offer them some $$ for the privilege and hopefully they will go for it. The Radon test came back high, so I am asking for a long term test with possible remediation if it comes back high.

I'm beat and sore from working in the nursery. I haven't been doing anything heavy, just cleaning up 4 inch perenial pots. But it involves sitting on a 5 gal bucket and lots of bending over. Unless things start feeling better, I am going to have to go to the docs and see about a peccuary, not what I want, but if it ends the pain, it will be worth it. I'm sick of the pain and of not being able to urinate (yep TMI)

I am going to have to take Friday off, I know my boss won't be thrilled, but I don't have any other options right now. Hopefully she will understand. Life has gotten so crazy.

DD#4 didn't come home last night (at least she called), so I had her furry in bed with me, but he whines when she isn't around, so not much sleep. Once I get moved I'm going to take what time I have left for personal days, and get the house together and SLEEP. I'm tired.

I know it seems like all I do is talk about me, sorry. Yesterday, I was really missing my dad. All these decisions to make without his advise AND I have NEVER moved without him and his horse trailer. I want him here. It seems so weird not to have him around. Most the time, I just don't think about it. but right now I want him. The other day when I talked to mom, I heard him. I know just my imagination. But I wish I could talke to him. He always had such good advice. Oh well, life goes on even when we don't want it tooo. I can't even think about going back to work right now. Only 9 weeks left.

Well best get going, TTFN

Sweetie - It's ok to be all about you - your life if all about you that's what we are here for..

Hugs I missing your Dad - Wish I had some great words of wisdom - I still miss mine and he's been gone 18 yrs this June..

Hi Girls, not MIA just sewing up a storm... gottta get one sandwiched to take on the road with me to quilt.

here are two views of it... Baby Quilt

I started this one yesterday aft. worked sewing the blocks until 12:30 a.m. then got up today and started putting it into rows. They my GF came over to show me her new machine... she suggested the blue border... so now I have to dig around find batting the correct size and sandwich the sucker.:thumbup:

Oh yeah, 55` X 55`` so a crib size, but seems big to me..???

What a lovely quilt Candice... Keeps your hands busy so you cant eat :0)

Very sweet quilt Candice, I'm jealous, I sure wish I could be working on something.

Have a tentative closing date of next Friday. I have permission to move stuff into the house this weekend. Technically we are suppose to start until Saturday, but hey Saturday begins at midnight, right. DD#2 and my someday SIL are coming up tonight so we can move things tomorrow. I am just going to have to move and then say oops sorry, I misunderstood.

Need more coffee, be back in a few.

Karla - glad they are working with you... Yep midnite hell they won't even know - you got the keys right

Well went and got my contacts adjusted but had a hell of a time getting the left eye in - so I just said forget it - I will deal with it in the morning- I irradiated it - so will let it rest - the one thing I can't get is how to tell if they are inside out or not..

Got Andrew fed - dogs feed and my dinner is done - one pot wonder - chicken zucchini bell pepper onion rice corn in spagh sauce..

Phyl you still busy with your good bye parties - at least today wasn't as bad as they said it was going to be...

Tomorrow nite going to go play bingo

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Well went and got my contacts adjusted but had a hell of a time getting the left eye in - so I just said forget it - I will deal with it in the morning- I irradiated it - so will let it rest - the one thing I can't get is how to tell if they are inside out or not..

Got Andrew fed - dogs feed and my dinner is done - one pot wonder - chicken zucchini bell pepper onion rice corn in spagh sauce..

Phyl you still busy with your good bye parties - at least today wasn't as bad as they said it was going to be...Tomorrow nite going to go play bingo

Contacts.... they always seem to forget to tell you how to tell if they're inside out... Most contacts, if you hold them up to the light... will have either letters or numbers on them... 123, or letters. If they're not backwards, they're not inside out. I had contacts for years before they told me that. You're supposed to tell by the curve of the outside edge, but that's a little harder to figure out.

Today was very busy... TOPS (lost a fraction of a pound! Four losses in a row, but not much to Celebrate as they seem minuscule!), Water aerobics, hot tub. Got back from the pool and had a phone message from the elderly couple from OK and they wanted to meet us for lunch, so it was off to DHS and Sidewinders where I enjoyed my favorite seafood omelet... Have only had 2 or 3 all winter. I have enough left over to last me about 4-5 more mornings! Friend looks pretty good considering, at 87, she had 10" of gangrenous colon removed just a little over 2 weeks ago. But... Dr. appt and lunch with us was a little much and I could see she was getting very uncomfortable by the time we finished lunch.

We got home at exactly 2 pm which was when I'd agreed that we'd go over to visit with a couple from OR that we've had very little time to see this winter. They have had lots of company and we've been so busy. So sat over there drinking coffee for an hour and a half or so. Then to the mailbox, library (saw people dropping off books there a lot this week so thought I"d go "shopping"), and did a little visiting on the way back. Just busy, busy, busy all day long!

Nothing going on tomorrow. Saturday... dinner in Palm Desert with two couples we graduated high school with. Sunday.. church in the morning and neighbors invited us over to their RV for Easter dinner in the afternoon.. with some other couples. Monday... last Red Hat luncheon in Palm Springs. Tuesday... off to 29 Palms Marine base most of the day to pick up Rx refills and Wed. we're out of here.

Edited by phyllser

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Good Morning Gang

Well these new contacts aren't really any better I think worse - I think I am going back to costco today - my appointment isn't till next week..

Phyl - You sure are busy... I think we are going to have good weather - but heard something about rain??

Karla - I guess you are moving today :0)

Candice - How the food going,...

Well, got up at 5:30 - been to the gym - washed the back patio off from all the wind - 2 loads done - bills paid

Going to go play bingo tonite - That's it so far need to finish cleaning..

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