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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Karla - Aren't you just the fix it girl - Need you here - Andrew's mom is looking to buy this house for $50k in a nice neighborhood but it has some fire damage - you know how to hang drywall :0)

I vote shopping - hanging around will just start a fight :0) oh know don't pack this or that..

I'm Opal too :0) and so is gf Debbie :0) - We are some sassy senior citizens aren't we :0)

Well I went to Ross - got ankle length pants for $16 - Dress for $15 and a house dress for $12.. Went to Target - was going to look for a bike so I can take Ryder running - I can't run with him yesterday the little jogging I did killed my knee/hips - they ached yesterday..

But I just want a dumb beach cruiser type bike - they didn't have any girl ones just boys..

Well that's about it for my day - went to winco got stuff for salad - my sugar high is gone - it's weird I haven't been eating rice with dinner lately - just meat & veggies - I guess yesterday my body wanted the carbs - cuz that's what I was craving... It's almost 4 guess I'll go watch Grey's Antatomy from last week CBL [/center]

I did go shopping. He really kind of wanted me out of the way anyway! Got 4 Papaya at Riteaid... 2 for 1, Glossy was closed, found a nice pair of white pants at K-Mart for $7.98. Nice fit... supposed to be capris.. but you know how that goes!! I'm short... they come about to my ankles. I like them, but probably shouldn't wear my new striped or polka dot underwear with them! I don't do boring old white undies.. always colors, so solids will have to do even if they are red, black, royal blue, or turquoise. Maybe grey would work better. Probably not purple. Anyway, I like the way the pants fit and I've been looking for a white pair for a long time.

Then I went to Starbucks, of course, for my SF, FF latte, and I bought a California coffee mug there, too! That's another thing that Earl counts... how many coffee mugs I have! I like the size of the Starbucks mugs. I have one that says "Palm Springs", now the CA one, and my son-in-law brought me one from Jordan or Egypt or somewhere over there... I forget. It's at home in the condo!

Janet, I've never done Sheetrock, but with all the new taping supplies it isn't to hard from what I understand.

I am so incredibly tight, I was suppose to go in for a fill this week, but stress has be sticking on yogurt, so I think I better put it off for a couple weeks. Tried to take a nap after getting home, yep I went and bought the mirror, but my mind painted the new living room 3 times and put in french doors at least twice. So I gave up on the nap.

I work at the nursery tomorrow. Our weather has been glorious, a real spring, it will probably snow when I try to move.

Got the living room packed so I can wash walls and Shampoo. Most of the kitchen is packed except 2 plates, saucers, cups, and silverware. tomorrow I tear apart beds so I can shampoo bedrooms. We will move everything so we are living in just the 'family room' that has laminate floor and the kitchen and bathroom. I figure IF we close this week it will be on Thursday, so I plan on moving everything to storage on Wednesday. It will just be DD#4 & I. Well best get back to something, TTFN

Sheet rock... have helped my Dad do it, many years ago... it's HEAVY!! Don't know if you could lift it, Karla!! It will take 2 people to lift it in to place and nail it.

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Okay, I have some zanax left, I'm thinking I am going to have to take some. I am so totally jittery. Close to hyperventalating, mind is racing. I know this is stupid, but I just can't stop my head or my heart. I'm pacing the house. AAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHH

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I did go shopping. He really kind of wanted me out of the way anyway! Got 4 Papaya at Riteaid... 2 for 1, Glossy was closed, found a nice pair of white pants at K-Mart for $7.98. Nice fit... supposed to be capris.. but you know how that goes!! I'm short... they come about to my ankles. I like them, but probably shouldn't wear my new striped or polka dot underwear with them! I don't do boring old white undies.. always colors, so solids will have to do even if they are red, black, royal blue, or turquoise. Maybe grey would work better. Probably not purple. Anyway, I like the way the pants fit and I've been looking for a white pair for a long time.

Then I went to Starbucks, of course, for my SF, FF latte, and I bought a California coffee mug there, too! That's another thing that Earl counts... how many coffee mugs I have! I like the size of the Starbucks mugs. I have one that says "Palm Springs", now the CA one, and my son-in-law brought me one from Jordan or Egypt or somewhere over there... I forget. It's at home in the condo!

Sheet rock... have helped my Dad do it, many years ago... it's HEAVY!! Don't know if you could lift it, Karla!! It will take 2 people to lift it in to place and nail it.

Girl go buy some beige undies for your white pants lol - or make sure you have a LONG blouse on ;0)

Okay, I have some zanax left, I'm thinking I am going to have to take some. I am so totally jittery. Close to hyperventalating, mind is racing. I know this is stupid, but I just can't stop my head or my heart. I'm pacing the house. AAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHH

Why !!! Take some and go for a walk - do you get anxiety attaches - sounds like you are having one

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Okay, I have some zanax left, I'm thinking I am going to have to take some. I am so totally jittery. Close to hyperventilating, mind is racing. I know this is stupid, but I just can't stop my head or my heart. I'm pacing the house. AAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHH



No caffeine!!

Girl go buy some beige undies for your white pants lol - or make sure you have a LONG blouse on ;0)

Why !!! Take some and go for a walk - do you get anxiety attaches - sounds like you are having one

What?? Don't you think grey will work??? I like colored undies!

Most of my blouses are long. I'll have to be careful!! LOL

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No caffeine!!

What?? Don't you think grey will work??? I like colored undies!

Most of my blouses are long. I'll have to be careful!! LOL

Ya grey may work -- I own mostly nude colored shapers a few black - and a few pairs of regular undies - but 1 is red - 1 pink (light) 1 purple - mostly nude or black - bra's the same - nude or black...

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I like colored undies myself, bra's I'm pretty boring, white or beige. I don't wear white trousers. I had a parent complain to the principal once that I wore white spandex to school. 1st the only spandex I own is my undies & bra, 2nd I don't wear white except maybe a top. I am a slob with everything. I always get something on my clothes, pencil, markers, coffee. I use clothes and makeup as a shield for my insecurities, so if I have something on them, I feel out of control. LAME

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It seems strange that I have known all of you for only a year. You are closer to me than most of my biological family. Phyl you must be torn, leaving your winter friends, but excited to go back to your summer friends. I don't know if I could do it.

I looks like I will be working in the rain. I don't mind the rain, other than it is cold. I hope I haven't packed my rain coat, but I think I did. Can't seem to find my sun hat either. The day will go fast though, I'm sure I'll be planting perenials, etc. I will have to resist taking them home, no place to plant them.

Candice, don't forget to pack some handwork for the trip and a stack of books. If you don't to much handwork, I will show you how to make a 'Promise' quilt. There is a whole lot of 'folklore' that goes with them, but I usually don't pay much attention to the lore. Mainly because the local Promise Quilt Guru, kicked me out because I asked too many questions and didn't follow the rules. But the process is portable and relaxing. I have made about 8 of them and it is all handwork. I like to have it when I travel or watch TV.

Well need more coffee and then get ready. I'll check in when I get home, TTFN

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drive by post. I'm supposed to be cleaning but had to catch up with you all.

Had a good kettle corn weekend. About $900 in sales so I made 1 months payments on both the RV and the business. Won't be going and doing anything else for awhile I don't think. I was asked to set up Saturday for the Easter celebration out at the fairgrounds but don't know if I want to or not. It's a toss up. We'll see.

My body hurts from this weekend. I definitely am out of shape. I'm sure I'll hurt even worse tomorrow. My back is killing me. I need to find my brace. Haven't worn it in a year and not sure what I did with it. I'm pretty sure I need to wear it while I'm doing corn to support my back while stirring. I'm also extremely exhausted. That physical labor can kick you in the @$$. I was in bed by 10 on Saturday and before 10 last night.

It's beautiful here. I have all the windows open. Only problem with that is the city's lagoon is melting. It will be stinky for a few days and then it goes away. The wind could change directions and then I wouldn't even notice. No matter. I love having the windows open so it won't stop me even if it stinks.

I need to paint tonight. Jeff's office is complete. Once it is painted I can start moving his stuff outta his current office so that I can get Nick moved outta Michael's room. We go Wednesday night to Billings and pick him up on Thursday. I am really excited and not so nervous anymore. There are a million things I need to do around here but what gets done will get done and what doesn't, Michael can help with when he gets home :thumbup:

Okay...so this was more than a drive-by but don't tell Jeff. Talk to you all later. Love you ladies!

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First day back at the nursery and I'm beat. Cleaned the pruned Water plants. We were able to overwinter a good portion of the plants (water lettuce, spider lily, black taro), so it is money in the bank. Some voles got into the cattails and Water lily's so not too many of them let.

Steph, hang in there, there will be good times & bad. Take it in stride.

The zanax, really helped. I think I will take some tonight. The house passed the appraisal and has gone to one level of underwriters, one more level to go. My realtor doesn't think it will happen this week. That will give me time to get things done, but next week just really won't work for me. End of quarter so grade need to be done.

I'm tired, so I'll check in later. TTFN

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Do what most teachers do. Stop taking grades on Thursday of this week for this quarter. Anything assigned after can be the beginning of next quarter. Or....give them a 2 week project that can be graded after you move. I know lots of teachers who do that this quarter because there are so few next days next quarter because of spring stuff.

Good news on the house. It is all going to be GREAT!!!

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Good Morning - Good Afternoon - Good Evening Gang

Great advice Steph - I like the 2 week project idea...

WTG on the $$ you made on your popcorn.. Great 2nd job..

Karla - sweetie glad you enjoyed your time at the nursery - and sweetie - quit having un-realistic notions - they will close when they close - you are just going to have to work around it.. (take Steph's advice)

You have no control - so quit trying to control it - you are making yourself nuts..

No much to report - busy at work which is the norm now a days -

Bf - greek yogurt/granola

L- salad w/3 oz tuna

D- lamb chops & veggies

Snacks - who knows..

Had a good workout w/Idries - and got in a heavy discussion about food addicts - all I can say is that he really doesn't understand - he does but he doesn't - if that makes any sense but again - he doesn't have a weight issue -

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quick post...and THIS one is goiing to be quick.

does anyone have the listing for our 4th of July house? Friends keep asking where we are going and when and I have forgotten all the details. I need to forward them onto Rose too. Oh...BTW, I told Karla, no excuses. She can hop in with Rose and I and there will be NO reason she can't come.

Okay...gotta run. Have to put on another coat of paint.

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I plan on being there unless something comes up! I LOVE the beach, some day when I am rich and famous I want to live there. If someone gives me the dates I can make sure I request the time off from the nursery! Steph, I will take you up on the ride. So far the only thing going on in July is to scatter my dad's ashes on his birthday, but that is the end of July. Dad's family (he was one of 10) want to have a shinddig, but it is really going to tick him off. He didn't want any celebration. I know I mention that dad visited DD#1 after he died. I swear when I was talking to mom this week that I heard him on the phone. I know it was my imagination, but it is going to suck not to have him on my birthday.

I'm majorly stiff and sore today. I guess I have been a slug. I'm feeling really old today, could have something to do with doing little manual labor, that or hitting 51 today. Just looking at the # makes me irritated.

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oh, naturally I want to stop at a quilt shop or twelve. I can pack my featherweight Steph, if you want a few lessons. any news on a treadle? Also I would love to hit an antique store. I have a real weakness for antiques. Steph, you mention having some big crocks, I would like to buy one from you, it you wouldn't mind getting rid of one.

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