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Candice here is the instruction on shipping. Naturally I would pay for shipping, but the reality is that it also would cost you a lot in time. So mull it over.


Oh my gosh! Its like reading a bible!!! I do not think you;ll be able to have it shipped for anywhere's near $100...so I have another idea.

You have summers off right because you are a teacher? Why dont you drive here with your car/minivan and just pick it up?

If its going to costs hundreds of dollars to ship, why not make a minivacation out of it... ???

Online Offers:

Total Travel Estimate: 34 hours 46 minutes / 1971.92 miles Fuel Cost: $266.93 at 20 MPG edit

so it would have to be a 10 day vacation minimum, bring a tent and camp along the way???

Oh this may be completely out of the questions but I thought I'd list it anyways.

OR... failing that I may just donate it to my Quilt Store where I buy all my stuff, it'd look cute in their store..... but you have first dibs!!!

Edited by peaches9

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Yeah... they owe you an answer by now!! Hope you hear something soon!

Doctor made it really clear that he wasn't suggesting I needed surgery. He said I needed to see a back specialist ASAP to get some "direction" as to what I should and should not be doing. I was really completely shocked because I have not had back problems with my back. My sister thinks I need a back brace. So maybe I'll see someone down here.

So tell me about what is "Bioflex" and what do you recommend?? I really am not to keen on chiropractors, but would seriously consider other suggestions, maybe even acupuncture.. and tell me again how laser therapy can help. Also, do you know if insurance covers it???

Did you get my email with the article on Laser THerapy for backs???

I have another web site for you to read too... check you eamil

http://www.wasagabeachchiropractic.com/treatments/low-intensity-laser.html this is my web page on our clinic website..

Also, CLICK on the TESTIMONIALS from my patients that I've treated over the years...

About Insurance: Here in Canada if people have Extended Health Insurance ie. Blue Cross, Greensheild, SUNLIFE, Manulife etc... about 1/2 of the agencies will cover Laser Therapy, but I dont' have any experience with the U.S. system so I don't know how it works there. I'd call the BIOFLEX clinics that I sent you a list of and ASK THEM about Insurance coverage they'll be better able to answer that for you... If you can't get Laser paid for by Insurance then ask about ACUPUNCTURE and TRACTION devices (one being a back brace, the other being a "teeter hang-up table" which I have used BOTH personnaly.

The "teeter hang up table" can be googled and purchanses online and they'll ship it to you... It will separate all your discs cause you hang from your ankles.. I know this sounds barbaric but it works and is quite relaxing hanging upsidedown for 10-20 mins.. you start out with 5 mins and work it up...

The benefit of having your own TEETER HANG UP is that you can treat yourself 4 - 5 times per day... and you won't need DRUGS...( or can get by with much less)

Oh my gosh, I just remembered, when you and TRACY stayed in the twin beds in the basement the TEETER HANGUP TABLE was set up right in front of you , it was BLUE cloth on that A frame ... do you remember???

Edited by peaches9
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Teeter Hang Ups F7000 Inversion reviews, consumer reports & videos

CLICK On this VIDEO Phyl and see how the hangup works...

You can sometimes buy them second hand on EBAY

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Hey Gang....

Karla - why do they have to get in your closet for roof repairs??

Home is fine - Andrew's been walking Ryder so he's a little calmer - It was work and lack of water..

I don't have any idea - UPS is the only thing I can think of..

Well, I have never been gone 5 weeks - but I could do it - I would love to travel like that..

Candice - Gotta say I am feeling very left out :thumbup: lol - Karri lives in Oregon not Washington - I will email you the xmas card list - you didn't keep it ;0)..

But I understand - maybe your next road trip - I live the furthest away...

No! Don't feel left out, Peter even mentioned Cali but once I started making the TRIKTICK on CAA you are so far south... and besides Honey I'll see you in JULY remember???

Phyl - Hugs on the back issues - we have desert orthopedic but I agree - you want to do everything you can before surgery - those back streachers are good - debbie uses it too.. It depends on how long it takes to see a doc here since you are only here for a few more weeks.. But heck it's worth a call..

oh gosh see above

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Yes, Candice, I did get your emails and the websites. I've looked at most of them. Didn't look at the video yet.

Pain is a little less today. But having trouble adjusting to the reality of it all. And not dealing well with Earl's "teasing"... "you mean I spent all day at the doctor with you and ALL IT IS is ARTHRITIS????" I wanted to smack him. Then he told someone at Water aerobics that all it was is "OLD AGE"! So... okay, arthritis/old age... it still HURTS!

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Hello Everyone,

Phyl- so sorry about your back. What about the inversion things. Look on HSN.com they have one on all the time. I bought one, at Sams I think. I keep saying I need to use it. My left upper butt cheek area has been hurting like a &*%$@ for over a week. The girls at work say it's my siatic (sp?).

I have been logging my food and exercising regularly. I have decided I need to go to an endocrynologist (sp?)

So I need: endo, gyno, dermo, that's it for now. Oh, I need to get my taxes done. And I have decided to get DS in threapy. He needs help.

Yesterday I was nausious all day so cals were under 400 with dry heaving.

Today I still have no desire to eat, so cals are low.

If anyone uses Thedailyplate it has changed, and it sucks!

You know what I hate about my job most? Parents today believe their children over adults. Imagine having to defend what a unmedicated, dr certified manic child says you said. And this crap happens all the time.

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Hello Everyone,

Phyl- so sorry about your back. What about the inversion things. Look on HSN.com they have one on all the time. I bought one, at Sams I think. I keep saying I need to use it. My left upper butt cheek area has been hurting like a &*%$@ for over a week. The girls at work say it's my sciatic .

I have been logging my food and exercising regularly. I have decided I need to go to an endocrinologist

So I need: endo, gyno, dermo, that's it for now. Oh, I need to get my taxes done. And I have decided to get DS in threapy. He needs help.

Yesterday I was nauseous all day so cals were under 400 with dry heaving.

Today I still have no desire to eat, so cals are low.

If anyone uses Thedailyplate it has changed, and it sucks!

You know what I hate about my job most? Parents today believe their children over adults. Imagine having to defend what a unmedicated, dr certified manic child says you said. And this crap happens all the time.

Thanks, Denise. I will look in to the inversion thing, but no room in the RV, so I will wait until we get home next month. Pain is a lot less after taking a generic Vicodin and having a couple of glasses of bubbly!! But no telling what will happen when I try to get up and walk because I've been sitting for a couple of hours now.

Yep, butt pain is probably sciatic nerve.

Cheez!! You're too young for all those medical problems!! LOL

I need to see a derm, back specialist, ophthamologist and I haven't had a PAP smear in several years. I hate it!

Janet and I are going to hang out tomorrow... her furlough day. Earl is going to put corned beef and cabbage in the crockpot for us to have when we get back. So I guess I should clear some of my clutter and chaos off the couch tonight so she has a place to sit!!! After almost 6 months living in the RV, it begins to take over! I am not a well organized person. And I can't seem to keep up with reading my magazines, etc. It's horrible. And I have tax stuff laying around. I need to do the taxes!! But my hard drive is as cluttered as the couch is and I KNOW it's going to tell me there's no room to install the new tax software!! All this is called procrastination!!! HAHAHA!

I really can relate somewhat to what you said about students/parents, etc!! We have a brilliant SIL who works at Microsoft, but would've been a very gifted math teacher! He was somewhat disillusioned during the student teaching phase of his college experience with exactly what you are talking about. "My son/daughter failed that test because you didn't teach them good enough!", etc., etc.! One day he got so frustrated that he said a word he shouldn't have, under his breath, but within earshot of a student who then reported him. That was the day he decided he was done with teaching!

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Denise, don't I know it!!! You won't believe how many middle school parents say, "my kid wouldn't lie". Oh hell yah, I raised my girls to be honest, but I was NEVER food enough to believe they wouldn't lie!

Well, I THINK I have good news on the house. I have a verbal agreement from the buyers to honor the buy/sell and to split the cost of the roof. My realtor got me another bid at $2800 as long as the realtor helps the contractor...which he has agreed to do. So next weekend the plan is to replace the roof. Tomorrow is the inspection on the house I'm buying. For the first time, my realtor said congratulations, that is huge. There is still a few things that could put a wrench into the mix, but at this point all should go okay! The contractor is coming tomorrow to make 2 repairs that would normally cost $200 but he is only charging me $50. Also my realtor negotiated a discount on my inspection fee. My realtor says I can breathe now. Which means I can stop stress eating. So tonight is me and Beck!!! If all goes well, in 5 weeks i will be in my new place with piles of boxes. I am going to take one of my storage sheds, it would cost me $1000 to replace it, and with the roof I can't afford it.

Phyl, bitch slap the man, how did he think that was funny? Next time I would be tempted to respond with a 'performance' comment. But you are a better woman than I...Oh that's right, that is why I am single.

Janet, tomorrow is furlough day?

Today is my mother's birthday. Called her and she sounds good. We had a few tears, but we both agree that we are glad/releaved dad is gone. The was struggling so. I'm taking tomorrow off for a mental health day. Dad's remains will be picked up tomorrow and I am sure that mom will have a melt down. I'm struggling with one!!

Thank you all for the support this last few months. Once I get to the fill doc and get moved I will be back on the right track. No more stress eating!! I can't wait to feel full again.

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Hello Everyone,

Phyl- so sorry about your back. What about the inversion things. Look on HSN.com they have one on all the time. I bought one, at Sams I think. I keep saying I need to use it. My left upper butt cheek area has been hurting like a &*%$@ for over a week. The girls at work say it's my siatic (sp?).

I have been logging my food and exercising regularly. I have decided I need to go to an endocrynologist (sp?)

So I need: endo, gyno, dermo, that's it for now. Oh, I need to get my taxes done. And I have decided to get DS in threapy. He needs help.

Yesterday I was nausious all day so cals were under 400 with dry heaving.

Today I still have no desire to eat, so cals are low.

If anyone uses Thedailyplate it has changed, and it sucks!

You know what I hate about my job most? Parents today believe their children over adults. Imagine having to defend what a unmedicated, dr certified manic child says you said. And this crap happens all the time.

Hey Denise, sorry about your school woes.. Yeah Parents all think they have the BEST kids ever... if not its seems like a reflection on (THEM) and their parenting skills....sheesh

For food journaling I use SPARKPEOPLE.com... I've used it for 3 years and love it... its free and very motivating.


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Yes, Candice, I did get your emails and the websites. I've looked at most of them. Didn't look at the video yet.

Pain is a little less today. But having trouble adjusting to the reality of it all. And not dealing well with Earl's "teasing"... "you mean I spent all day at the doctor with you and ALL IT IS is ARTHRITIS????" I wanted to smack him. Then he told someone at Water aerobics that all it was is "OLD AGE"! So... okay, arthritis/old age... it still HURTS!

Since you can't kick him in the ass right now, how about using a FRYING PAN upside the head!!!!!:blushing:

I've heard many patients equate their BACK PAIN to being WORSE than childbirth... so don't feel like you are a weenie... it is REAL pain no matter WHAT the source..

HUGS GF:tt1:

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Denise, don't I know it!!! You won't believe how many middle school parents say, "my kid wouldn't lie". Oh hell yah, I raised my girls to be honest, but I was NEVER food enough to believe they wouldn't lie!

Well, I THINK I have good news on the house. I have a verbal agreement from the buyers to honor the buy/sell and to split the cost of the roof. My realtor got me another bid at $2800 as long as the realtor helps the contractor...which he has agreed to do. So next weekend the plan is to replace the roof. Tomorrow is the inspection on the house I'm buying. For the first time, my realtor said congratulations, that is huge. There is still a few things that could put a wrench into the mix, but at this point all should go okay! The contractor is coming tomorrow to make 2 repairs that would normally cost $200 but he is only charging me $50. Also my realtor negotiated a discount on my inspection fee. My realtor says I can breathe now. Which means I can stop stress eating. So tonight is me and Beck!!! If all goes well, in 5 weeks i will be in my new place with piles of boxes. I am going to take one of my storage sheds, it would cost me $1000 to replace it, and with the roof I can't afford it.

Phyl, bitch slap the man, how did he think that was funny? Next time I would be tempted to respond with a 'performance' comment. But you are a better woman than I...Oh that's right, that is why I am single.

Janet, tomorrow is furlough day?

Today is my mother's birthday. Called her and she sounds good. We had a few tears, but we both agree that we are glad/releaved dad is gone. The was struggling so. I'm taking tomorrow off for a mental health day. Dad's remains will be picked up tomorrow and I am sure that mom will have a melt down. I'm struggling with one!!

Thank you all for the support this last few months. Once I get to the fill doc and get moved I will be back on the right track. No more stress eating!! I can't wait to feel full again.

When you get into your new house, Peter and I can help you unpack...or perhaps you'll have some interior painting that needs to be done???:blushing: But seriously, if you don't want us to stop there cause you are so busy - just say so....

Janet: Have a great day visiting with PHYL, no don't go wearing her OUT o.k.??? Good thing Earl is making dinner for you two... its the LEAST he can do!!!!

Food today:CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,394/145/28/100

Edited by peaches9
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Candice, I'll take you up on the painting. I don't like the colors that are there. I know what colors I want, so i could get the paint and we could knock it out. Thanks for the offer!! don't you dare bail on stopping by.

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Omw haven't we been chatty today - It's 7:45 and I am just posting - went and had nails done after work (I have had them off for about 3 weeks) - then had to come home clean the ktichen - and I didn't take anything out to eat for dinner this morning - Fast food for the most part isn't band freindly and since Earl is making Corn beef - I guess I will have to watch what I eat - He's a pain in the tush at times -but he is a great Host !!! and Phyl's a great hostess too-

Phyl don't sweat the couch - I can scoot the stuff over and find a seat and hopefully tomorrow will be nice and we can sit outside...

My house is a little messy right now too.. but heck - it will get done eventually..

Denise - I would be like Phyl DS - I couldn't be a teacher or work in the school system - Hugs - Glad you are taking DS to counsler - maybe it will help..

Karla - see things are working out - Hugs to your family again -

Candice - Ya I'm seeing you in July - but everyone else will be too plus this trip ;0( ... lol = I totally understand..

Ok gang I gotta go eat - going to the gym in the a.m. before I pick up phyl ...



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Late post this morning. Found out that when I shut of the hotwater heater, has to be drained so we can repair the wall, I also shut off the router to my wireless internet. I'm taking the day off, shouldn't, but I am. I need a day to clear the head, inspect my new house, work on masters stuff. AND get my hand carrying food OUT OF MY MOUTH. You would not believe, okay you all would, the amount and type of food I have been cramming down my throat. Worse than before i was banded, STUPID. So new start. I really have to make a decision, fat or thin. and believe it or not, my mind is in a muddle over it. I know it is the addiction talking, but there shouldn't even be a choice. But you sit there and think: food would make me feel better, food will make me happy, food is the answer. IF I eat enough I won't feel empty inside. Wow...now I'm crying. That is it..."I won't feel empty inside." Who knew...a venting spree identified the problem. I'm empty, hollow. Crap, now what? How do you fill that? Right now my BRAIN is still saying, FOOD, FOOD, THAT'S THE ANSWER. My heart says, "you know that won't work". Actually, right now BOTH are saying "food IS the answer". I KNOW there isn't enough food in the world to fill that spot, but what will? Humm, I KNOW Beck has the answer, or does it? Does it tell you how to feel solid again? Does it tell you how to deal with what you are given, when you want to say, "this isn't fair! Haven't I dealt with enough already? Is there really a future? Or am I just going to muddle along until I die?" Sorry folks, didn't know that was going to come spilling out.

On a different note...I almost lost Miss molly this morning. I woke up to Molly making some really strange quiet noises. Got up to find that she had gotten her head through a small hole in my blanket, yeah I know, but I like this blanket. She was choking! I know they say as long as they are making noise they won't choke to death, but what if I hadn't heard her and she stopped making noise?

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Good morning,

I'm going to be doing another drive by post. Things are just so busy at work and Lee and I are trying to get ready for our 10 day trip next week. The meds are still doing great but I have been really hungry the last couple of days. I think it is the lack of sleep that I have been getting. Still trying to adjust the medication times so that I can sleep at night. I have no problems falling a sleep, but can't stay asleep for more than about 3 hours. Then I am wide awake for about 3 hours and then seem to fall asleep just before I need to get up! FRUSTRATING!!!

Well I need to go get ready for the last chemistry lab of the year!!!! Don't get too excited for me though...while chemistry and integrated science end (5 hours of teaching a week)...forensic science and environmental science (11 hours of teaching a week) start. I lose 27 students and gain 85. Not really a great trade...but the classes are more fun to teach!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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