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O;k. back from my shopping trip... bought the book...have a nice clean cup of tea in front of me and I am going to READ....

I am not feeling sorry for myself, just MAD at myself for getting into this situation yet again.

Karri, you rock on the excersise - you are a model there for us all...

Phyl; hugs on the grandson, I know you feel powerless... stiky situation all round

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Just did a rampage throughout my Kitchen cupboards.

I got rid of Icing SUgar, choc chippets, skor chippets, butterscotch chippets... all BAKING supplies.

They are all double bagged and in the garage, going to a friends house - some items I had in tupperware and were opened so I couldn't take them to the food BANK which would have been the best place for them.

Best of all they will NOT end up on my HIPS, THIGHS, LIPS, BUTTOCKS, GUT or BOOBS....

ah that feels good and empouring... Janet, I am READING the book and DOING the exercises too.

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I don't really allow to many treats at home - do eat them when I am away - but not at home - you have to have a safe haven - home is that place for me - I don't have food that i crave - and that's all it is is craving – craving food or being hungry isn’t an emergency – as you will find out from Beck – sit down make a menu – write out your food plan then stick to it..

Candice you aren't suppose to be able to eat 1.5 cups of hard Protein at a meal

4 To 5 oz – weighted on a scale is what you are suppose to eat per meal of hard protein.. That’s a usually a piece of meat the size of a deck of cards then maybe ¼ to ½ cup of veggies – that should be a meal – 1 cup oatmeal should fill you up (thick not

You just want to eat more food - I am down to about 1 cup per meal - which is good - no room for my rice (75%) of the time..

Make your homes a junk free zone – and get rid of the stuff that can make healthy foods fattening if you can’t say no to it – that’s Peanut Butter for me – do you know how much I have thrown away..

Also – don’t tell your self you can’t throw it away – you can – you say you don’t want to waste it – well would you rather gain 5 lbs – throw the stuff away – your friends don’t need it either – no one needs junk food..

You gotta look at food as the devil - - I hate it – but in throwing the crap away you do gain some control imho – I love throwing stuff away – it make me feel powerfull and maybe next time I won’t be so tempted to buy it cuz I will just have to throw it away..I am the winner not the food when I throw it away

You don’t need junk food to live – in fact it has no nutritional value what so ever – so you don’t need it in the house and you don’t need to go looking for it …

This isn’t a diet – and I think you still think it is – you can NEVER EVER EAT JUNK FOOD LIKE YOU USE TO… Never – so just say good bye to the damn stuff –

If you want junk – pick one Saturday or Sunday – go buy a small ice cone – a small can bar – 2 small Cookies from the bakery and have your treat – and be done with it –


Phyl glad you are feeling better – Hugs on Curtis – When will he be 18 - Hugs I can just imagine how hard this is for you… Hugs & Prayrers

Karla – WTC on getting those 4 lbs off – like you said you know what you did – you just have to be mindful – this is a learning experience – Hell I am still learning myself..

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Phyl glad you are feeling better – Hugs on Curtis – When will he be 18 - Hugs I can just imagine how hard this is for you… Hugs & Prayers

This has got to be the most miserable virus I've had in a very long time. Feel better as far as congestion, etc., but aches and pains.. Went to beading and could barely stand sitting there.. back, ribs, etc. hurting, no energy. Finished my Bracelet ASAP. It turned out to big. Think I will give it to someone.

Kurtis' court appearance was at 1:30 this afternoon. Will probably hear something soon. Tracy talked to his attorney and he's apparently fed up with him. He missed several court dates, and the times he did show up he said Kurtis told so many stories he no longer has any credibility. He has it great where he's at.. living with his 19 yr old girlfriend and her parents, not going to school, not working... what more could a 17 yr old kid want! He won't be 18 until December. Tracy thinks he will end up in the state system.. group home or foster home, but not before spending some time in jail. She said typically 7 days for truancy.

In the meantime, just had a text from my youngest sister and my Mom is sick and at the doctor... coughing up blood.

Isn't it a GREAT day!???

One positive note today... Earl got the Wii out so I decided to get weighed... 196!! I lost 10 lb in 8 days! HUH??? Yeah, that's what it said. Haven't been eating much because I feel like shxxxxx!!

Hope your sister is better by now! Out of the hospital yet??

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I don't really allow to many treats at home - do eat them when I am away - but not at home - you have to have a safe haven - home is that place for me - I don't have food that i crave - and that's all it is is craving – craving food or being hungry isn’t an emergency – as you will find out from Beck – sit down make a menu – write out your food plan then stick to it..

Candice you aren't suppose to be able to eat 1.5 cups of hard Protein at a meal { I meant 1- 1/2 cups TOTAL.}

4 To 5 oz – weighted on a scale is what you are suppose to eat per meal of hard protein.. That’s a usually a piece of meat the size of a deck of cards then maybe ¼ to ½ cup of veggies – that should be a meal – 1 cup oatmeal should fill you up (thick not

You just want to eat more food - I am down to about 1 cup per meal - which is good - no room for my rice (75%) of the time..

No, I can't eat 4 oz. of meat.... only about 2 1/2 oz. then 1/4 cup of veggies... that's it.... ALL the good food that I can eat... so that's why I am getting a slight UNfill on Thursday... so I can eat a proper amount of PROTIEN, then I'll stay full longer and not have as many cravings..

Make your homes a junk free zone – and get rid of the stuff that can make healthy foods fattening if you can’t say no to it – that’s Peanut Butter for me – do you know how much I have thrown away..

Also – don’t tell your self you can’t throw it away – you can – you say you don’t want to waste it – well would you rather gain 5 lbs – throw the stuff away – your friends don’t need it either – no one needs junk food..

You gotta look at food as the devil - - I hate it – but in throwing the crap away you do gain some control imho – I love throwing stuff away – it make me feel powerfull and maybe next time I won’t be so tempted to buy it cuz I will just have to throw it away..I am the winner not the food when I throw it away

You don’t need junk food to live – in fact it has no nutritional value what so ever – so you don’t need it in the house and you don’t need to go looking for it …

This isn’t a diet – and I think you still think it is – you can NEVER EVER EAT JUNK FOOD LIKE YOU USE TO… Never – so just say good bye to the damn stuff –

If you want junk – pick one Saturday or Sunday – go buy a small ice cone – a small can bar – 2 small Cookies from the bakery and have your treat – and be done with it –


Phyl glad you are feeling better – Hugs on Curtis – When will he be 18 - Hugs I can just imagine how hard this is for you… Hugs & Prayrers

Karla – WTC on getting those 4 lbs off – like you said you know what you did – you just have to be mindful – this is a learning experience – Hell I am still learning myself..

OH Janet, thanks for being the voice of reason... the book is GOOD... I will still have some food left for this evening... as I need to get my protien UP... my calories will be over the top for today, but I want to get my Protien in... so that's o..k.

back to basics and Spark People for journaling.

Something that I forgot;;;; I have a trigger time while I am DRIVING in the CAR... does anyone have any suggestions for avoiding EATING while I Drive???

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First, someone give me the name and author of this book!

Second, Phyl, you are in WONDERLAND, whopwhooop!!

Candice, eating in the car...Crystal light, guzzle, guzzle, and gum. Car eating is mindless eating. That is what I do when I'm grading papers. How about a skinny latte? Something that is a treat.

Janet, on the other houses... 2 of them were scarey, had to walk ON peoples possessions, pluss their idea of a bathroom is one that you soak your feet in the tub while going potty and washing your hands. The one that I love the yard, has a bizare heating system. A radiant furnace sitting in the middle of the living room. NONE had room for my qulting room, even after DD#4 moves out on her own. One had a huge window 6 ft by 5 ft that was ready to fall out AND their idea of a bedroom was either a 6 ft by 8ft room with no closet and the 2nd up a set of stairs that were only 2 ft wide, no way to even get a bed up them because of the twisting.

By the way, thanks you all for your support. I wish we lived closer!!! I need some friends, not just quilting friends.

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The name of the book is the Beck Diet Solution by Judith Beck. It really is a good book. I only have the workbook but so far it really makes you think. It is NOT a diet book though. I

It is a cognitive therapy book that is about changing the way you think about dieting and eating in general. It's an up in your face kinda book. You will want to fight with it at times but in reality you know that what it says is what you should be doing. There are things that I struggle with. For instance it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for me to meaningfully eat at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursday. I dint have a single break from 9-2. Therefore I can't take 20 minutes to eat my lunch. However I make sure in those days that I do at least sit down and eat. Even if I have to disappoint my students because it is okay to disappoint people. That is something that I really need to learn.

Well I need to eat dinner and then go to the gym.

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Karri, I am glad yu got the book too.

I've made my ADVANTAGES RESPONSE CARD (advan. to losing wht)

1. I'll be happier when I look in the mirror

2.There is nothing magical about any diet. The only formula for losing weight is taking in fewer calories than your body expends.

3.Skipping Breakfast in the pst hasn't allowed me to lose weight permanently. I need to change my eating habits if I want to be successful this time.

4. I'll be less self-critical

5. As I lose weight I won't have to worry about how others think I look.

6. Losing weight will improve my love life as I'll feel more attractive.

7. I'll be healthier and have a lower blood pressure

8. I'll be proud of myself for staying the course

9. I'll be able to move without back, knee, hip pain.

10. I'll look thinner and have better self-esteem

11. I'll be able to wear clothes I like.

and last but not least....

"As much as I want to eat this food and enjoy a moment or two of pleasure, LOSING WEIGHT is much more important to me!"

I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, I am just going to be happy that tonight I am not binging on JUNK~~~ I have a food plan and I stuck to it.:biggrin:

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11:42 and I am going to bed... Green tea in hand...

Hugs and sleep tite!:biggrin:

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Hello Everyone,

Mardi Gras today. I only went to one parade on Sat.

I went to the fill nurse last Fri. She took out 2 ccs and sent me for an upper GI. I had it Mon. I have the films to bring to the doc. I been googling what the band is supposed to look like, but I can't tell in the film. It looks fine, it don't look fine, it looks fine, it don't look fine....... IDK

Phyl- hope you feel better, sorry about your Mom and GS

Karla- Sorry about your Dad. I agree with your sister, he will decide it's time when he's ready.

I'm gonna get the Beck book. DH got an Amazon gift card for Christmas. He said I could have it.

Me and DH went see Avatar last night. I liked it, and thought it was beautiful. We saw Imax 3D

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Well, I'm back on realtor alert, the buyer backed out of the deal. No big deal. I'm looking into whether it would be possible to build a small house, doubt it, but it can't hurt to dream.

Didn't sleep well last night, too much going on in my head. Mom says dad is stronger, my sister says he is worse. So I'm going with the middle and saying he is the same.

Need to find some way to focus. Right now crying is what I want to do. Don't really want to face school. Fake it if you have to.

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Karri, I am glad yu got the book too.

I've made my ADVANTAGES RESPONSE CARD (advan. to losing wht)

1. I'll be happier when I look in the mirror

2.There is nothing magical about any diet. The only formula for losing weight is taking in fewer calories than your body expends.

3.Skipping Breakfast in the pst hasn't allowed me to lose weight permanently. I need to change my eating habits if I want to be successful this time.

4. I'll be less self-critical

5. As I lose weight I won't have to worry about how others think I look.

6. Losing weight will improve my love life as I'll feel more attractive.

7. I'll be healthier and have a lower blood pressure

8. I'll be proud of myself for staying the course

9. I'll be able to move without back, knee, hip pain.

10. I'll look thinner and have better self-esteem

11. I'll be able to wear clothes I like.

and last but not least....

"As much as I want to eat this food and enjoy a moment or two of pleasure, LOSING WEIGHT is much more important to me!"

I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, I am just going to be happy that tonight I am not binging on JUNK~~~ I have a food plan and I stuck to it.:(


Hello Everyone, Mardi Gras today. I only went to one parade on Sat.

I went to the fill nurse last Fri. She took out 2 ccs and sent me for an upper GI. I had it Mon. I have the films to bring to the doc. I been googling what the band is supposed to look like, but I can't tell in the film. It looks fine, it don't look fine, it looks fine, it don't look fine....... IDK

Phyl- hope you feel better, sorry about your Mom and GS

Hope the upper GI news is GOOD and all is well!

Everything with DGS turned out good...he called me as soon as proceedings were over. His mother showed up at court sober and agreed to let him continue to live with his girlfriend and her parents and he promised he would enroll in school this morning. So they canceled the warrant for his arrest. He spent one night in Juvie, but Tracy and I thought it would be a week since that's the usual "punishment" for truancy. Also, prosecuting attorney is helping him to get in to a military school in western WA... our part of the world--when we're home, July 19 for 5 mos.. They will help him continue with school... hopefully get his GED, and he'll be 18 when he finishes that and then he can enlist. He wants to go in the Marines.

As for my crazy Mom, after the dr. appt, her and Uncle Ed went out for dinner!! Typical for those two! It WAS his birthday yesterday, so I suppose that's why. I really intended to call him and wish him a happy birthday since I neglected to send a card... my life has been too crazy to remember... but I didn't call either so I better do that today and then I can check on how she is doing!

Well, I'm back on realtor alert, the buyer backed out of the deal. No big deal. I'm looking into whether it would be possible to build a small house, doubt it, but it can't hurt to dream.

Didn't sleep well last night, too much going on in my head. Mom says dad is stronger, my sister says he is worse. So I'm going with the middle and saying he is the same.

Need to find some way to focus. Right now crying is what I want to do. Don't really want to face school. Fake it if you have to.


So sorry to hear the house deal fell through! Was so hoping things were going to turn around for you!! Spring is on the horizon... people will start getting in to the house hunting mood!

Prayers for you Dad... and for you! So much to deal with!

I keep saying... I feel better, I feel better! But, still coughing up crud and bones aching! Going to Water aerobics... we'll see if I have the energy. Yesterday just ended up sitting in the hot tub for a little while. Then took a shower and went to beading. Made a pretty gold Bracelet, but it's too big so it will probably be a gift to someone because I'm NOT going to take it apart to make it smaller! I'd rather give it away and make another one that fits better. This one falls off my wrist. I almost stopped one motif earlier, and I should have. It didn't seem big enough then so I did one more. But... when you add the clasp, it adds 1/2 - 1 inch. I have like about a 6 inch wrist!

Like the ortho guy told me last week... "you have a very small frame!" Then he told me I was carrying WAY TOO MUCH weight for the small sized hardware he had to install in my knee which would increase the risk of failure! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my ortho doctor, but you have to wince a little when he tells it like it is without any effort to soften it!! Too bad I can't tell him I lost 10 lb this week! Of course, I wouldn't tell him what I gaind on the cruise!! LOL! But I'm still down 2 lb since my before cruise weight so there IS progress!!

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Good Morning Gang….

Phyl – Hugs – maybe it’s time for Kurtis to learn that he can’t have it his way – Tough love is hard but it’s needed sometimes… Hugs on your Mom – hope that it’s nothing too bad – My Sis should get out today – I will call later it’s to early now..

WTG on 196 !!!!! You need to slow down a bit and get well - Hugs

Candice – I am glad you are reading Beck – like Karri say’s it’s in your face and it counters all the excuses you make as to why you can’t do stuff.

Karla – Hugs on the house falling thru – that’s means it wasn’t meant to be – but something will come along…

Denise - Keep us posted ok - What are you giving up for lent :0)

Ok this has to be drive by – I gotta get to work – Joseph & family here yesterday – tonite going to have Melissa’s Mom Stepdad – bro his wife – and their 2 kids – PLEASE PLEASE Pray for me - I can’t wait for some recharging time…

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Good Morning Gang….

Phyl – Hugs – maybe it’s time for Kurtis to learn that he can’t have it his way – Tough love is hard but it’s needed sometimes… Hugs on your Mom – hope that it’s nothing too bad – My Sis should get out today – I will call later it’s to early now..

WTG on 196 !!!!! You need to slow down a bit and get well - Hugs

Candice – I am glad you are reading Beck – like Karri say’s it’s in your face and it counters all the excuses you make as to why you can’t do stuff.

Karla – Hugs on the house falling thru – that’s means it wasn’t meant to be – but something will come along…

Denise - Keep us posted ok - What are you giving up for lent :0)

Ok this has to be drive by – I gotta get to work – Joseph & family here yesterday – tonite going to have Melissa’s Mom Stepdad – bro his wife – and their 2 kids – PLEASE PLEASE Pray for me - I can’t wait for some recharging time…

Yeah... I was almost disappointed that they didn't make Kurtis stay in juvie a few more days. I hope he follows through with going to school. i have my doubts about the military school thing working because he will have to be away from his girlfriend for 5 months! But, I've reminded him that if he goes in the Marines, you can't take your girlfriend to basic training!!

Earl refuses to let me be sick! Yesterday he was upset that I didn't go to Water aerobics. This morning I told him my bones were still aching... esp my back. He said, "well, when I get muscle aches it's because I need to exercise!" So... okay, I went to water aerobics. I coughed crap up for 2 hrs before that! First 20 minutes are very strenuous for legs and arms and I ended up sitting on the steps resting before that part was over because my arms and legs felt like jello! But then I did the other 40 minutes without any problem. But, my favorite hot tub was really hot again today... and I might still have a slight fever, so I didn't stay in my whole 30 minutes that I usually do. Felt a little light headed after that. Just had some Soup for lunch and I do feel quite a bit better now.

Yeah, you need some catch up time, too! That's quite a crowd to be having for dinner on a work night!!

Tracy and Jim fly in to San Diego late tonight and then are driving over here. We arranged for them to rent a double wide mobile for 4 nights. Then we're spending Sunday night in Temecula and Monday night in San Diego. Planning to do sightseeing in SD on Monday/Tuesday and don't you know those are the two days it's supposed to RAIN!!

16_4_48.gif 28_2_8v.gif 16_4_48.gif

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Hope the upper GI news is GOOD and all is well!

Everything with DGS turned out good...he called me as soon as proceedings were over. His mother showed up at court sober and agreed to let him continue to live with his girlfriend and her parents and he promised he would enroll in school this morning. So they canceled the warrant for his arrest. He spent one night in Juvie, but Tracy and I thought it would be a week since that's the usual "punishment" for truancy. Also, prosecuting attorney is helping him to get in to a military school in western WA... our part of the world--when we're home, July 19 for 5 mos.. They will help him continue with school... hopefully get his GED, and he'll be 18 when he finishes that and then he can enlist. He wants to go in the Marines.

As for my crazy Mom, after the dr. appt, her and Uncle Ed went out for dinner!! Typical for those two! It WAS his birthday yesterday, so I suppose that's why. I really intended to call him and wish him a happy birthday since I neglected to send a card... my life has been too crazy to remember... but I didn't call either so I better do that today and then I can check on how she is doing!


So sorry to hear the house deal fell through! Was so hoping things were going to turn around for you!! Spring is on the horizon... people will start getting in to the house hunting mood!

Prayers for you Dad... and for you! So much to deal with!

I keep saying... I feel better, I feel better! But, still coughing up crud and bones aching! Going to Water aerobics... we'll see if I have the energy. Yesterday just ended up sitting in the hot tub for a little while. Then took a shower and went to beading. Made a pretty gold Bracelet, but it's too big so it will probably be a gift to someone because I'm NOT going to take it apart to make it smaller! I'd rather give it away and make another one that fits better. This one falls off my wrist. I almost stopped one motif earlier, and I should have. It didn't seem big enough then so I did one more. But... when you add the clasp, it adds 1/2 - 1 inch. I have like about a 6 inch wrist!

Like the ortho guy told me last week... "you have a very small frame!" Then he told me I was carrying WAY TOO MUCH weight for the small sized hardware he had to install in my knee which would increase the risk of failure! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my ortho doctor, but you have to wince a little when he tells it like it is without any effort to soften it!! Too bad I can't tell him I lost 10 lb this week! Of course, I wouldn't tell him what I gaind on the cruise!! LOL! But I'm still down 2 lb since my before cruise weight so there IS progress!!

Great job on the weight loss... I love it that you get right back on the wagon as soon as your vacation is done... KUDOS KIDDO.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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