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Good Morning Peeps...

Went to bed at 8 last night - got up at 6:30 have gym at 10

Karla - Hugs & Prayers on your Dad - I know how you are feeling right now - Hugs

Phyl - Hope you made it home safely - Heck I was burning up when I landed - had tights long sleeves jacket - car said 85 degrees..

Candice - didn't really get to watch the olympic's feel a sleep - I know we have 5 metals so far - I hope a Canadian wins at least 1 in their olympic's someone told me they never have won one on their own land

Karri How are you doing

Denise - more snow ??

Well I need to go get luggage out of car and unpack - clean up the kitchen from dinner last night and after gym go shopping - Joseph and family will be here tomorrow for a few days - no rest for the wicked...

Pic's from FL and snow in DFW

Great pics! Sounds like you all had a great time!

Landed a little after 6pm last night. Exhausted! Still fighting off this cold. Skipping Water aerobics this morning and Earl is not happy about that. Heck, I've gone through half a box of kleenex already this morning I think! Still have aches and pains. No energy! Need to rest and get over ths. Tracy and Jim are flying in Wed. night for a few days.

It was sure nice to get back to the warm temps and I am loving the sunshine this morning.

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I'm home for now, flew home like crazy. I looked at 5 houses, none of them totally thrill me, but what do you expect for $130,000. The house I can live with is next to the police department. That is probably a good thing...I guess. The house is good, the yard sucks, no privacy, but has a good chainlink fence. No garage or carport. Here is the link:

MLS#10000807 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

Karla; I like the house... just about the right size for you... qui.lting room in the basement is a bonus!!!

How much can you dicker on the price???

So let me know what you think. I'm exhausted. My sister talked to the doctor after I left and he says that dad is fighting to stay alive for us. We did talk to him about his final wishes. He kept thinking we were talking about his money, which is none. He wants no service no coffin, cremeted and sprinkled in the hills that he grew up in. I'm not thinking about the fact that I probably have seen him for the last time. My sister and I talked about telling dad that it is okay to 'go'. He still talks about getting strong enough to go home. Mom says that he doesn't know that this is the end. I don't know what to do. Do we tell him to go, which tells him that this is the end? or do we keep up the pretence and he keeps stuggling to hang on.

I need a little 'down' time.

Your poor Dad, if it was my Dad I'd tell him it was the end and that it was o.k. to let go... no need for anymore suffering needlessly. He sounds very stoic and loves his family.. that is why he is fighting SO hard. SOmetimes you just gotta give them 'permission'... that's all he's waiting for.

I am crying right now, It must be so hard for you.... Girls all have a special spot in their hearts for their DADS.. Its o.k.

((((hugs))) Candice:wub:

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Great pics! Sounds like you all had a great time!

Landed a little after 6pm last night. Exhausted! Still fighting off this cold. Skipping Water aerobics this morning and Earl is not happy about that. Heck, I've gone through half a box of kleenex already this morning I think! Still have aches and pains. No energy! Need to rest and get over ths. Tracy and Jim are flying in Wed. night for a few days.

It was sure nice to get back to the warm temps and I am loving the sunshine this morning.

Yes GIrl, you need to get over this bug!~ Stay in for a few days and just slouch around...

YEAH, We GOT GOLD!!!! Whoo-hoo... last night Alex got it... so wonderful... we came close in the Pairs skating shorts, so we'll see tonight if we can't get a bit closer to GOLD.... I was watching the pairs/short programs last night... gosh the CHINESE are doing SO well, I thought Cda was the best and then WOOSH.... in came the Chinese pair, she is so tiny but gracefull... she deserved it...

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Thank you Candice. I don't know for sure where I stand with my dad. He always favored my sister, but in the last few years, he has been upset with her because she never comes to visit. There is a lot of Water under the bridge. Both dad & mom drank constantly when we were growing up. I spent most of my childhood in the car behind the bar or at home alone. All of us moved out by the time we were 15. Neither of them drink now, but that is mainly because of their medications. We have a strong family tendency toward depression and I'm sure that had a major impact on why they drank. Both of them and I are on antidepressants and both my sister and brother drink a lot. We are not the 'Leave It To Beaver' family. I decided years ago that I had to let it all go so that I could live with myself. I don't want dad to hang on for us, but talked to DD#2, she is a PA at a Heart Institute, and she says that dad isn't ready to give up yet and telling him that it is 'okay to go' would not change anything right now. Any knowing my dad, he really isn't hanging on for us kids, but for my mother. So we will wait.

Regarding the house: My realtor doesn't want to put an offer out until my buyer officially signs the paperwork. They are out of town until Wednesday. He says they shouldn't back out, but that they might. He did call the owner and tell them that we are extremely interested and that we would like a heads-up if they get some 'action'. I dont' know, the house would be perfect. The yard, not so much. Because neither me nor the puppies are use to a lot of traffic, I would need to put in a solid wood fence asap. Otherwise, I would never go outside and the puppies would spend their entir life barking themselves to death. I have to leave it in God's hands. IF this is the house for me then He will make it happen.

Congratulations on Canada's Gold! The boy who won Bronze for USA only lives about 2 hours away from Missoula. So we count him as our own 'hometown' boy.

I think I'm going to take tomorrow off, I need to think and waller a little.

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Thank you Candice. I don't know for sure where I stand with my dad. He always favored my sister, but in the last few years, he has been upset with her because she never comes to visit. There is a lot of Water under the bridge. Both dad & mom drank constantly when we were growing up. I spent most of my childhood in the car behind the bar or at home alone. All of us moved out by the time we were 15. Neither of them drink now, but that is mainly because of their medications. We have a strong family tendency toward depression and I'm sure that had a major impact on why they drank. Both of them and I are on antidepressants and both my sister and brother drink a lot. We are not the 'Leave It To Beaver' family. I decided years ago that I had to let it all go so that I could live with myself. I don't want dad to hang on for us, but talked to DD#2, she is a PA at a Heart Institute, and she says that dad isn't ready to give up yet and telling him that it is 'okay to go' would not change anything right now. Any knowing my dad, he really isn't hanging on for us kids, but for my mother. So we will wait.

Regarding the house: My realtor doesn't want to put an offer out until my buyer officially signs the paperwork. They are out of town until Wednesday. He says they shouldn't back out, but that they might. He did call the owner and tell them that we are extremely interested and that we would like a heads-up if they get some 'action'. I dont' know, the house would be perfect. The yard, not so much. Because neither me nor the puppies are use to a lot of traffic, I would need to put in a solid wood fence asap. Otherwise, I would never go outside and the puppies would spend their entir life barking themselves to death. I have to leave it in God's hands. IF this is the house for me then He will make it happen.

Congratulations on Canada's Gold! The boy who won Bronze for USA only lives about 2 hours away from Missoula. So we count him as our own 'hometown' boy.

I think I'm going to take tomorrow off, I need to think and waller a little.

Oh Karla; I can totally relate to not being from a BEAVER CLEAVER family...non of us are...perhaps thats why we all overeat!!! food is MY drug of choice.

Can you forgive your Father? It would be the best gift you could give yourself. I beleive our parents did the 'best' that they could raising us... hindsight is always 20/20 .... resentments will only tarnish your soul

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Candice, you are right, I have forgiven my father. He did the best he could. I've made my peace with it. It is my mother that I can't forgive. Mainly because she continues to 'put me down' with comments about me 'being better off had I not been born'. She is also the one who cheated on my father for 13 years. Dad knew about it and put up with it because he knew mom would get the kids. It bothers me because she talks about the 'other' man. I don't want to hear about it or know about it. Yep, good is my drug of choice, more socially acceptable. Oh well, life goes on...

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I am watching last night's Olympic's Yea Canada - I am rooting for both since I am an Honorary Canadian !!! Glad you got the gold in the Moguls !!! -

I love the Chinese story !!! They skated very well last night -

Karla - Hugs on the parent's issue - The cheating isn't your issue - it's theirs - so let it go too.. If your Dad looked the other way - why arent' you.. Hugs cuz no matter what he's still your daddy and it's hard..

Why would you never go outside cuz of the fence - omw girl - throw up some lattic and plants - a wood fence is going to cost alot - well maybe you will have enough left over... You need to look some more - what happen to those other houses..

You know what - None of us had the Father Know's Best family - I don't think there is such a thing - the only thing we can do is move forward - quit looking back

Well got my gym in - food shopping done - all put up - wash done - Joseph & Family will be here tomorrow

My sis is in the hospital - my stupid BIL said I could be an only child - he was kidding but I didn't appreciate that kind of kidding - she's doing ok - should come home tomorrow she hopes..

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Janet, I think I would slap BIL, that was low. I know I need to let the parent issue go. It isn't my issue. I guess daughters rarely like their mothers. I just don't really like my mother, she is a self-centered witch. Oh and she really thinks she is a witch, has her own wicken. I don't relate to that, it is outside of my religious beliefs. I know, I'm narrow minded. Oh well.

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Yeah, I think most of us have some sort of parent issues. Mine was abusive and my dad completely absent. Fortunately my mom is gone and I have a relationship with my dad that is on my terms.

So I have been given permission to start losing weight by the PS and to go back to the gym with essentially no restrictions. The only thing that I have to watch is the chest exercises. So I bought the Beck Diet Solution Workbook (They didn't have the regular book). I have exactly 30 days until we leave for Philadelphia so it is going to be 30 days of clean eating. I cleaned out the cupboards both here and at home. I made my area for food in the kitchen at work. I have my sticky notes around my office and reminders plugged into my phone. I'm going to my PCP on Friday and going to talk about anti-depressants. I really need them but I am REALLY reluctant to go on them. TMI ALERT!!! I already have NO "drive" in that area and the pills do nothing to help that. They also seem to make me feel like I'm STARVING but I am also tired of feeling depressed also! I am REALLY weepy but I do know that part of that is that I am late getting my Vit B12 Shot. I was supposed to get it today but the vial they got in was contaminated so they have to reorder. Wouldn't be in until Wednesday and since I already have the appt on Friday I didn't want to pay 2 co-pays especially since my insurance refuses to pay for my Vitamin B 12 shots. Even though they truly are necessary.

Well I am off to bed. I don't have time to watch the Olympics so I just read the articles and get updates from everyone else.

Janet - I hope your sister gets better.

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - let it go for your sake - not theirs - and it's ok not to like your mom - nothing wrong with that.. You need to take care of you and not her... That's all I was saying - just let go of the anger - its hurts you and not her - You don't have to deal with her if you don't want to and if I were you I wouldn't

Karri - Good for you - today is a new day.. You can do this..

Well sorry for the fly by but gotta hit the showers

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A blonde woman was speeding down the road in her little yellow

bug and

was pulled over by a woman police officer who was also a blonde.

The blonde cop asked to see the blonde's driver's license. She dug


her purse and was getting progressively more agitated.

"What does it look like"?' she finally asked.

The policewoman replied, "It's square and it has your picture on


The driver finally found a square mirror in her purse, looked at

it, and

handed it to the policewoman.

"Here it is," she said.

The blonde officer looked at the mirror, then handed it back


'Okay, you can go. I didn't realize you were a cop.. ..'

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Candice, love it!!

Karri, depression is chemical...you know that. There are fabulous new antidepressants out. I used Zoloft for years with success and have recently changed to the generic version of Lexapro. None 'fix it all', but allow me to fix it.

Dad is settled in the nursing home in his hometown. This will allow mom to visit several times a day. Dad tries to talk to everyone and doesn't rest. Also his friends and family can drop by. The oxygen is basically what is keeping him alive, they have it maxed out, but when he talks he tires easily.

Oh, I have lost 4 of the 6 pounds I gained. So I'm back on track.

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I'm off to Barrie today. Wanna go book shopping.. I have got to get that BECK book.

I have a 95% life... I have so much going for me... I've been so blessed... but I keep sabotaging my food plan.. its horrible. I'm up 5 lbs again!!! You gals must be so sick of me... really.

This 5% is killing me. I will never get to goal wt if I stay on the course I've been on.... I want to be thin - but I LOVE MY JUNK FOOD...

there, I've said it... My lover is food.

I am going for a slight de-fil on Thursday as I am having trouble eating GOOD food, getting stuck a lot and cannot eat 1 1/2 cups of solid food. So I just am eating crap after crap...last night I was looking up FUDGE recipes...

SOmebody pleaaase SHOOT me!!!

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Yeah, I think most of us have some sort of parent issues. Mine was abusive and my dad completely absent. Fortunately my mom is gone and I have a relationship with my dad that is on my terms.

So I have been given permission to start losing weight by the PS and to go back to the gym with essentially no restrictions. The only thing that I have to watch is the chest exercises. So I bought the Beck Diet Solution Workbook (They didn't have the regular book). I have exactly 30 days until we leave for Philadelphia so it is going to be 30 days of clean eating. I cleaned out the cupboards both here and at home. I made my area for food in the kitchen at work. I have my sticky notes around my office and reminders plugged into my phone. I'm going to my PCP on Friday and going to talk about anti-depressants. I really need them but I am REALLY reluctant to go on them. TMI ALERT!!! I already have NO "drive" in that area and the pills do nothing to help that. They also seem to make me feel like I'm STARVING but I am also tired of feeling depressed also! I am REALLY weepy but I do know that part of that is that I am late getting my Vit B12 Shot. I was supposed to get it today but the vial they got in was contaminated so they have to reorder. Wouldn't be in until Wednesday and since I already have the appt on Friday I didn't want to pay 2 co-pays especially since my insurance refuses to pay for my Vitamin B 12 shots. Even though they truly are necessary.

Well I am off to bed. I don't have time to watch the Olympics so I just read the articles and get updates from everyone else.

Janet - I hope your sister gets better.

Karri - So sorry for your "parent issues". I feel so blessed to have had two parents who loved each other and who loved us. I can't relate to how it must have been for so many of you and my heart goes out to all of you for what you've been through. I'm so glad you now have a "mom" who loves you very much. Too bad you can't see each other more often. This summer will be fun!

You've had a tough winter with your surgery and recovery. So glad you've been released to "normal"!

Hugs on the depression issue. I just started on antidepressants last summer - Sertraline... which I believe is generic zoloft. First it was 25 mg... that wasn't enough, so Doc upped it to 100... then I was having sleep issues that I thought were related so we cut back to 50 mg and that seems to be a good fit. But as the gals said.... there are lots of them out there and hopefully your doc can find something that works for you and doesn't disrupt other parts of our life!

Good Morning Gang

Karla - let it go for your sake - not theirs - and it's ok not to like your mom - nothing wrong with that.. You need to take care of you and not her... That's all I was saying - just let go of the anger - its hurts you and not her - You don't have to deal with her if you don't want to and if I were you I wouldn't

Karri - Good for you - today is a new day.. You can do this..

Well sorry for the fly by but gotta hit the showers

Yep.. I agree, Karla. Good advice.

Candice, love it!!

Karri, depression is chemical...you know that. There are fabulous new antidepressants out. I used Zoloft for years with success and have recently changed to the generic version of Lexapro. None 'fix it all', but allow me to fix it.

Dad is settled in the nursing home in his hometown. This will allow mom to visit several times a day. Dad tries to talk to everyone and doesn't rest. Also his friends and family can drop by. The oxygen is basically what is keeping him alive, they have it maxed out, but when he talks he tires easily.

Oh, I have lost 4 of the 6 pounds I gained. So I'm back on track.

Karla - hugs on the Dad situation! Hang in there. Glad you're back on track. I think I am too... pretty sure all the "cruise" weight is gone and maybe another pound or two. Too much hassle to get out the Wii and weigh so I will wait for Thurs and the "official" TOPS scale.< /span>

Feeling a little better this morning but still have a deep, productive cough and some head congestion. But I'm going to the pool. Just want to sit in the hot tub. But I'll try to do some of the Water aerobics. I'm not going to wear myself out though.

Upsetting news this morning. DGS, Kurtis... 17 yrs old... his girlfriend's mom called me a short time ago to tell me he was arrested last night and is in juvie.... truancy... which is a FELONY! Did you know that? Anyways.... long story, so I'll spare you, but suffice to say... his mother is a drunk.. is wasted every time she calls me. Called me in WA last week threatening to have me arrested for "aiding and abetting" because I'd been talking to Kurtis on the phone and not letting her know! I had to hang up on her. She was so drunk she wouldn't let me say a word and she was just ranting and raving and threatening etc. DS is not much help. He's in OK and barely able to support himself let alone a teenager. And Kurtis wanted to bring his girlfriend with him if he went down there! So... don't know what will happen. Jim & Tracy still have a foster license and are willing to take him, but they're on the other side of the state and he doesn't want to leave the girlfriend! What a mess!

Cute joke, Candice!!


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Candice, I'm with you. I think we get to a point that we say, "Hey, I'm skinnier than I've ever been, so what the heck!" I don't know the answer. I know we all have our food demons, Janet is the only one I know that is able to keep it under control. Last night I was cruising for chocolate, fortunately I don't have any in the house. I can rationalize every fattening bite of food. If I stay totally away from junk I don't have the physical cravings. But the mental desire is huge. I would trade most anything for the ability to eat junk and get away with it or to never desire junk. I know that winter is the hardest for me. Summer I don't think about food. Hang in there. I sometimes think it would be easier to be an alcoholic, at least then I would never have to drink to survive. I hate that food is a necessary part of living.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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