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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Janet, I have a Hoover SpinScrub. I love it, this is my 2nd, gave the previous one to an elderly lady who really needed one and I had borrowed a friends before that. It is a great machine for the $$ about $150. It is light weight and easy fill and dump. Has an apholstery brush and straight head. It is great for sucking up the Water. My carpets are dry within hours, and that is even during the winter. I would love a Spotbot, for puppy accidents, but it isn't in the budget.

Candice, I hate restraunts that are cold! I like chinese, but when I go out, I want a hunk of flesh!

YES, I know what you mean about a HUNK of flesh... and I don't mean the kind between the sheets~~~ Give my Sashimi, or Rib Eye steak - RARE.... yummmmm

Good work on gettint that whole cloth quilt done.. that is quite a lot of work. I agree on the Insurance Value too. No I havn't done a CRAZY quilt yet.... somebody might think I am.... :angry:

Only have 1/2 a row to do and then binding on DD#1's whole cloth quilt. I can't believe after 2 1/2 years I will actually finish it. My biggest fear is when I wash out the stencil that it will fall apart. I am going to insure (sp) the sucker for $1000.00 when I ship it to her. I'd actually like to make one for myself, but I think I will just do a pieces quilt of ivory and machine quilt it. I'd like to have something that is neutral on my bed and then I can throw and colorful small quilt on top. By the way, have you ever Crazy Quilted...I'm thinking I want to do one before I die, just to say I did.

Well back to the quilt !!

twitter up date - got toes painted and one hand - gotta let it dry to do the other ;0) - Magenta - really a dark/med pink - I'm in a pink mood - and I don't even like pink :0)

OOOh, that's a nice treat for yourself!!! I like the shade MAGENTA.... very sexy...

Karla they had a hover for $99 it didn't have a rotating brush

I got the little one for the accident - Andrew wants me to get a rug doc so he can clean - but I am afaird he will get the carpet too wet - I write insurance for a carpet cleaning co and the whole house is only 135 - and I love the way they rake it up looks brand new for about a second :0)

Earl is the one who suggested it along with me - like minds :0)

'Ya, its nice to own your OWN machine for such jobs.. also a spray on Product that works well on Puppy accidents and RED WINE on a Beige carpet... SPOT SHOT... its in a BLUE and SILVER/ORANGE can... awesome product!!! Been using it for years.

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Steph, here are some basic directions, it is called a rag time or rag quilt. VERY EASY. Most rag time quilts have you make a sandwich of flannel, batting, flannel. The one you are looking at is a sandwich of all flannel, printed flannel, white flannel, printed flannel. I cut mine in 6 in blocks because that is what my rotary ruler is, but any size work. Make your sandwich of 3 flannels and sew an X on it, corner to corner. To assemble, use a 1/2 inch seam and sew blocks together to make a row, lets say 6 blocks, then sew your rows together. The big difference on a rag time quilt is that you sew blocks 'back to back' so the seam sticks up on the front. After you have it all assembled, you cut your seam allowance just short of your sewing line multiple times, this is the fringy part about every 1/2 to 1 inch. Then you wash & dry, stop your drier part way through and clean out the lint trap, the first time you wash it there will be lots of lint. Let me know if you need help, I could email you more detailed directions or talk you through it on the phone. The quilt is a cutie.

Oh by the way, I am at an all time low, I'm going to break the 170 pound mark!!!! I haven't weighed this in 15 years!!!!

Karla, WTG on the 170#'s that is awesome!!! I'm right behind you

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Gotta go make dinner for my...self

Went to Toronto today for the KICKSTART PROGRAM at my Lapband clinic... more later babes

food today: CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg938/124/27/56

O.k so I went for my FAST TRACK appointment... 1/2 with a kinetics Doctor, 1/2 hour with a Dr. of Nutrician.

It was well worth the trip down there and back - 5 hours...

Turns out I am DOING several things WRONG and this is why I am not loseing the rest of my weight...

1) Eat EVERY 3 hours, weather I am HUNGRY or not...

2) Each time I eat, it must include PROTIEN

3) No drinking with meals ( i wasn't doing this) but I need to WAIT One full HOUR before beverages.< /p>

4) Between meals I must drink MORE water... he thinks I am dehydrated and that's causing fluctuations in my B/P... (makes sense)

5) I must NOT skip Breakfast, under any circumstances... if I am TIGHT, then have a pro shake or pro bar, cut up in very tiny peices.

6) I must stop saving Calories to Eat at night... to the detriment of rule #1 & #2... if I am going to snack in the evenings it must include a protien source...ie. pc of cheese, then the popcorn... or NUTS, then a SF, FF pudding or yogurt

7) strive to eat more veggies and fruit, and if I can't tolerate them... then I may need a slight Un-fill...

8) No carb. beverages.. (o.k. cause I don't drink them anyways)

He said I was "setting my body up for failure" because I was NOT eating enough protien, plus with working out at the gym 4 times per week, I need MORE cals on those days... up to 1250 cals... and increase PROTIEN...

So I think I can do this and refocus myself... eat more HIGH quality foods and less junk... he didn't say to completely eliminate sugar, but I think I'll do that anyways... gotta get the cravings under control....

Southbeach ... is a good lifestyle.. so I hauled that book out again.

He didn't weigh me, nor did he give my a scolding for the POOR choices that I've been making ( I sent him my food diary for the last week - the good, the bad, and the ugly details)

I felt empoured when I left... so that's it in a nutshell....

Went shopping on the way home and bought $100 worth of HEALTHY foods... to have on hand to grab and go...

I should be able to eat things from ALL food groups... or the band is too tight.

Edited by peaches9
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Drive by gotta leave for the gym in 5 minutes ;0)

Karla - WTG !!!!

Karri - What did doc say

Candice - Bloody rare is the only way to go !!! I need a fill but just took off old polish - and put on new - til I get to the shop next weekend..

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So I got back from the doctor's this morning but haven't had a chance to post. I have a MASSIVE infection. As she was feeling around it appears that it starts in the middle of the breast DEEP and then comes down toward the end. Pretty much the entire thing is HARD. It is spreading to the left breast. So I am on some strong, strong antibiotics. The only problem is that I am allergic to the antibiotics that she gave me. But I have to take 3 different kinds because we are unsure of the type of infection. So now I also have to watch for an allergic reaction. Which...I have NO idea how I will react because I was 3 when we found out I was allergic.

Well I have to finish writing my test. I'll check back in later.

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So I got back from the doctor's this morning but haven't had a chance to post. I have a MASSIVE infection. As she was feeling around it appears that it starts in the middle of the breast DEEP and then comes down toward the end. Pretty much the entire thing is HARD. It is spreading to the left breast. So I am on some strong, strong antibiotics. The only problem is that I am allergic to the antibiotics that she gave me. But I have to take 3 different kinds because we are unsure of the type of infection. So now I also have to watch for an allergic reaction. Which...I have NO idea how I will react because I was 3 when we found out I was allergic.

Well I have to finish writing my test. I'll check back in later.

Oh my Gosh Karri;;; I thought that it was an infection...you poor thing... I can only imagine how sore "THEY" are... ICE packs if they get really uncomfortable... decreases inflamation and helps cut the pain.

Now for the antibiotics and Allergic reactions...

1) Watch for itchiness/redness (although you are alreay RED)

2) tightness in your chest when breathing, trouble getting air into your lungs

3) swollen face, tongue

if you have ANY of the 3 listed above get your ASS back to an ER right away... Do not wait... go immediately or even call the fire dept to take you as they have oxygen onboard or an ambullance.

(((hugs))) and please keep us posted on your condition o.k.?

Candice (Momma #2)

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Hi Everybody,

Karri, OMG scary, take care of yourself. I'll be praying for you to get better.

Janet- your BD is not on my FB page. I can't figure out how to add people to my list. I don't even know what my list is and who is and who's not on it. I tried to send you a card, but the app wouldn't let me cause you're name wasn't on the list. Anybody know how to add people? or even where I look to see whose on it.

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Kari, good luck with the antibiotics, hope all goes well.

Thanks everyone for the support.

Late post, came home with a headache, so came home and took a nap with s heating pad on my face. It did help. Then dinner, show, finally sitting down.

food mainly good today, not as good as over the weekend. Candice thanks for the list, I'm printing it and putting it on the fridge. Thanks!

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I love skype's - it's so fun to talk to the family and see them..

Karri - Follow Candice's instructions to the T... Hives too

Keep us posted

Kari - I will ck fb to see - I don't know how..

Karla - omg look at all those k's ;0) - I do better w/food at work than at home - infact today a chick said oh I need lapband - to lose some weight - well you can all guess I sorta when off on her... I said I did 75% of the work and the band did 25% - she says well it keeps you from being hungry - I said oh hell no it doesn't - I still want Cookies and candy and it doesn't go to the gym - well you all know the work it takes to lose the weight..

Hope your headache is better..


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You tell her Janet!! Half the reason I don't tell anyone that I have one. It does tick me off when people think it is easy because you have a band!!!

I can't wait until summer, when I don't have stress of school. I have absolutely no problem keeping to planned food.< /p>

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Hi ladies. Trying to catch back up here.

Saturday afternoon I went out to my MIL's house and stayed with her. Jaimi came with me so we had a quiet girls day. I got Michael's quilt top done. Now I need to get batting and work on THAT step. I would like to have it done by Thursday so I can take it to him, but that's pushing it a little I think. I may go out to MIL's again tomorrow and stay with her. I worry about her being out there alone. She's so heavy and if she falls, it could be disasterous if no one is there. She thinks we're being silly but I'd rather not worry. FIL won't get out of the hospital until Thursday at the earliest. He walked about 50 feet today is all. He's very very weak. He finally got to eat something today. Don't know what, but he hasn't eaten since Thursday morning. I know they are giving him IV's but I'm sure it's not the same. Sunday Jeff and I went down to see him. They were giving him a couple units of blood because he was so weak. Amazing that he can get to 76 and never have been in the hospital before. This is really tough for him.

Anyways, today I spent a few hours at the daycare so some of the staff could go to the funeral of the woman who was shot last week. I don't remember what I told you guys about that. Anyways, she was my postal lady and one of her daughters was in Michael's class. Jeff had to work and I can't go to a funeral alone, so my presence at the daycare allowed 2 of the staff people to go instead.

Tonight I went to do weights. The instructor is a KILLER when it comes to the ab workout at the end. My problem isn't so much my abs...though they aren't great....but I have no back strength in my lower back so when we hold our legs and our hed off the deck, I get charlie horse pains in my incision spot. It's about all I can do to not scream and I feel like the biggest wimp. Frustrating. Tonight's ab workout was HELL! I think we did over 200 reps of different combinations in like 15 minutes. I thought I was going to DIE!!! I didn't do 200....because my back couldn't take it, but I did a BUNCH!!!!

I leave Thursday morning to go to Billings to see Michael and then on to a math conference. I'll be on most nights but not Saturday. I'm staying on the ranch with Michael that night. ... or rather in the housing there and Michael will be in his lodge, but there isn't internet access there.

Now...Karri! I'm so worried about you. I hope your body handles the infection better this time. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us in the loop.

Karla!!! You ROCK. You just keep dropping and I keep gaining. you're going to pass me soon! You should be so proud of yourself. AND... since you are about a foot taller than me, you must be just HOT!!!! You go girl!!! I'm sos excited for you. Keep it up! All this stress and you are still about to stay focused. Great Great Job. Thanks for the info about the quilt. I watched a few of those videos. I never thought about you tubing quilt making. the quilting process makes more sense since I watched them too. I'm going to order some really pretty flannel that I found in a catalog to make that quilt for my pink ribbon quilt raffle this year. They look really easy to do, but have some real class. The videos only had 2 layers though, will 3 make it better? The one in the catalog looked like it had cotton on the front and flannel in the other two layers....but I could be wrong. I'll do it all flannel though. It will be so cool! Probably do a sample one for Jai first though before I attempt the pink ribbon one. Just to make sure I know what I'm doing. :angry:

Candice, your appointment sounds like a great thing. I think if I were to follow those instructions I would e able to get focused again. My biggest problem is that I can't get any solid Protein in. meat of any kind sticks bigger than life. String cheese is a no go. If I let my kashi sit for a little while it will usually stay. But so I'm never full for more than 1/2 hour or so. Anyways. I can eat apples but most other fruits and veggies stick....grrrr. I had 2 apples today though. It was good. My biggest hurdle is that since I can't eat solid protein Ieat a LOT of junk. I need a HUGE kick in the ass. Jeff's surgery will probably be later in March. He's going to Vegas the end of this month and he doesn't want to be on mushies for that trip. The more I can't eat anything the more he's pushing for a revision. I just don't know where we are going to get the money. I still owe my mom for most of my band surgery. I did talk to her about it and she's not stressed about it, but it's hard to think about another surgery when I haven't even payed this one off yet.

Okay...now I'm getting down again. Time for a little bit of r and r gaming and then off to bed. I probably won't be able to pick up a pencil tomorrrow let alone type. My arms are going to be rubber.

Love you ladies. Have a good night!!!

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Steph, make it with 3 layers, 2 pretty flannel and the middle, white flannel. Diaper flannel works great for the white. Your quilt will be fabulous. Protein smoothies my dear. make one and split it in 2 and have 1/2 ever 2 hours. Freeze it so it is like a milk shake. Just some thoughts. Also, I'm sure that your mom would rather see you be able to eat, so think about the revision, but I understand. I hate owing people $$. However, if you aren't able to eat, your band is worthless. Okay, so let's think of some good health foods...try some Laughing Cow light on your apple. I love it. I prefer the lite original over any of the flavors. Peanut or almond butter. I love almond butter, but have to be careful that it doesn't stick, I get it at costco. How about stew blended? Things that are warm usually keep me full longer, the whole comfort thing. Nibble nibble, but on healthy things. Step away from the chocolate!!!! Did you know a fun sized snickers bar is 85 calories! Yeah, don't ask how I know.

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Good Morning Gang

Steph - Hugs on your postal lady you told us a little murder/suicide - how sad... What about your procunies (sp)

Karla - At least you are reading what the calories are of those snack size candies ;0) !!!!

Candice are you painting today..

Well, this is drive by - I gotta hit the shower


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Well so far my tongue is still the same size, my lungs are taking in oxygen, and I haven't turned into one giant hive! My boob has gone from one giant rock to many midsized boulders now, so progress is being made.

The pain seems to be easing up some, but I pretty much didn't sleep last night. Went to bed at 9 but woke up at 12:30 WIDE AWAKE...ugh. Fell back to sleep at 3:45ish and woke up at 5. Umm...I'm a little tired.

I need to go grade some papers and get some food for lunch so I will check back in later.

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Good morning ladies. Nothing much to report but wanted to say hi.

Karla, sending you a pm about the quilt. No reason to clutter up here with my questions. I'm going to go buy some try me fabric today at the store here...just wondering a couple things about when I do the actual one.

Janet, I keep forgetting to wish you happy birthday! What a putz I am! I'm glad you had a great time! We're both January babies. Didn't know that.

Karri, glad the antibiotics are helping. A couple of days and you will be feeling much better I hope. Glad there aren't any horrible side effects yet. sleep would be nice but if that's as bad as the allergic reaction gets, you can count your blessings I guess. I love that you are breathing a little easier at work these days. You need that. Hope your laptop comes soon. I'd be lost without mine.

I forgot, how long is Phyl's cruise? I'm sure she's loving it. I'm so jealous.

there was something else but I can't remember what. Oh well. I'll be back. Have a great day ladies!

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