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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang

My morning started out breaking my Camera - So Phyl what kind do you have Olypimic ??

Came home watched a movie ate popcorn - then fixed dinner watch 1 hr of Idol and went to bed.

My goodness!! How did you break your camera?? Were you outside taking pictures of that beautiful rainbow this morning!?? Earl woke me up at 7 a.m..... I'm usually already up but for some reason I was still fast asleep. It was a complete rainbow... from horizon to horizon. We both took pictures, but really don't do it justice. It was GORGEOUS!!

Anyway... sorry about your camera. Mine is a Canon. But frankly, my last one was a Nikon CoolPix and I think it was easier to navigate the menus on that one. If I were to buy another one, I'd also seriously look at the Kodak EasyShares, too. On my new wish list is a Kodak Zi8 Video... the flip style easy video camera. They're on sale somewhere.. I think Target... for $150 this week. I'm dying to buy one and wondering if I should use some of my "mad money" to just DO IT! Someone here is giving me flack every time I bring it up. Would be nice to have for the cruise later this week.


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My goodness!! How did you break your camera?? Were you outside taking pictures of that beautiful rainbow this morning!?? Earl woke me up at 7 a.m..... I'm usually already up but for some reason I was still fast asleep. It was a complete rainbow... from horizon to horizon. We both took pictures, but really don't do it justice. It was GORGEOUS!!

Anyway... sorry about your camera. Mine is a Canon. But frankly, my last one was a Nikon CoolPix and I think it was easier to navigate the menus on that one. If I were to buy another one, I'd also seriously look at the Kodak EasyShares, too. On my new wish list is a Kodak Zi8 Video... the flip style easy video camera. They're on sale somewhere.. I think Target... for $150 this week. I'm dying to buy one and wondering if I should use some of my "mad money" to just DO IT! Someone here is giving me flack every time I bring it up. Would be nice to have for the cruise later this week.

Vanity - God Smack - I had a hounds tooth sweater on that I thought made me look fat - so I figured I would take a pic and see if it did..

So press timer - put it on top of lamp and he fell off and the lens won't go back in...

The Kodak that Andrew had before had terrible battery issues - Mine is a pack that is rechargeable which I like. But remember in Canada I was getting those grainy pic's and yours wasn't.. So I will look at the Cannon - isn't that what Tracy had too???

I saw the rainbow when I was leaving this morning - didn't know it rained - but haven't watched the news since Monday evening - Did watch it last nite or this a.m. - hell I just found out as I was leaving about how terrible the eq was in hatis...

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Good morning ladies. Nothing new here.

I didn't sleep well last night. AGAIN. It's drivng me crazy. I guess I'm going to have to look into sleeping meds. I just don't understand what's happening. I'm exhausted all day....until about 8pm and then I'm wide awake. Nothing is really working it seems.

Family therapy with Michael today went pretty well. We talked about being socially awkward and how it is really hard when you are an adult. Came up with some ideas on how to practice "small talk." I'm horrible at small talk. I tend to sit back and just nod. So I'm no help.

I don't know what I'm going to do today. Just not motivated. headache seems to be coming back and tired since I didn't sleep. Don't want to nap because then I won't sleep AGAIN tonight. I'm just really frustrated. I know how Karri felt. So Glad you aren't dealing with that anymore.

Okay. I'd better get going to do something. Jeff and I have a date to call Mexico today when he comes home from lunch. HIS idea. So we will see where it goes from there. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Hugs sladies. Love you all!

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Well...he made the call. He will fill out the paperwork and we will see how long it will take to get a date. He's serious. He's all over it. Talked a little bit about having a revision but the money just isn't there. Would be nice. I'm not going to push it though. Him doing it is good enough for me.

Mexicalli is a lot more than TJ but I think the Dr. is better.

Okay...off again. Talk to you later.

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food not so good today..

No Breaky

Lunch: 1 pc KFC chicken

Snack: 2 oatmeal Cookies, 2 skor choc bars

Dinner: going to Boston pizza

Terrible news from Haiti!! our Governor General Michael Jean(female) is originally from there.. She is just devastated... Canada like the US is sending troups, money, aid... Thank goodness we have it to give!

Pray for all the victims

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Steph - What doc did you end up calling???

I have called and made an appt for a fill - as you all know I eat pretty darn healthy 98% of the time and am dilgent on my exercise - but I am just not getting full till about 2 cup and not staying full for long - I want to go back to being full on 1 cup of food..

I got this band for a reason - I need a tweek even if it's only .1 - I need to eat a little less than what I am eating..


Why are you eating crap.... You don't have the excuse of work any more... And don't even try an blame the EQ

Why are you going to BOSTON pizza AFTER EATING CRAPPY !!! You can only have a salad w/lite dressing NO pizza !!!

I didn't know about Hati's till this morning when I was leaving for work - I didn't watch the news last night or this a.m - I saw online somewhere there could be as many as 500,000 dead they say just do to the devestation that happend..

You know we bitch and moan about bldg inspectors but I am sure glad we have them here..

And they are such a poor country to begin with (well except for the corrupt politicians)

Drinking french press coffee - have gym tonite

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Vanity - God Smack - I had a hounds tooth sweater on that I thought made me look fat - so I figured I would take a pic and see if it did..

So press timer - put it on top of lamp and he fell off and the lens won't go back in...

The Kodak that Andrew had before had terrible battery issues - Mine is a pack that is rechargeable which I like. But remember in Canada I was getting those grainy pic's and yours wasn't.. So I will look at the Cannon - isn't that what Tracy had too???

I saw the rainbow when I was leaving this morning - didn't know it rained - but haven't watched the news since Monday evening - Did watch it last nite or this a.m. - hell I just found out as I was leaving about how terrible the eq was in hatis...

That is a funny story... but so sorry you broke your camera. It's also funny because.... HOW could you think you looked FAT in anything????!!

I just sent a text message to Tracy asking whatkind of camera she had in Canada. I think Jim just bought her a new one though... not because she NEEDED one. Jim has a camera problem like I have a hat, purse & shoe problem!! LOL. I think he bought himself one of those Flip video cameras the same day.

I didn't sleep well last night. AGAIN. It's drivng me crazy. I guess I'm going to have to look into sleeping meds. I just don't understand what's happening. I'm exhausted all day....until about 8pm and then I'm wide awake. Nothing is really working it seems.

Family therapy with Michael today went pretty well. We talked about being socially awkward and how it is really hard when you are an adult. Came up with some ideas on how to practice "small talk." I'm horrible at small talk. I tend to sit back and just nod. So I'm no help.

I don't know what I'm going to do today. Just not motivated. headache seems to be coming back and tired since I didn't sleep. Don't want to nap because then I won't sleep AGAIN tonight. I'm just really frustrated. I know how Karri felt. So Glad you aren't dealing with that anymore.

Okay. I'd better get going to do something. Jeff and I have a date to call Mexico today when he comes home from lunch. HIS idea. So we will see where it goes from there. I'll let you know how it turns out. Hugs ladies. Love you all!

So... you didn't take another little drive to Williston, did you?? Or Minot?? I never did sing you my "I Hate Minot" song did I?? My kids still remember it... and they were little. One of them told me just a week or so ago that they could still remember all the words... I think it was Tracy telling me she sang it for Jim! There used to be a commercial years ago.. maybe when I was a kid, even, that went "I LOVE Bosco, it's the drink for me!" So I changed all the words and taught it to the kids!

So... where is all this insomnia coming from??? You, Karri, Tracy.... I'm hearing about lots of people having problems with insomnia.

I had Water aerobics this morning, then 1/2 hr to eat my lunch (salad), then to Activities office to sit and sell tickets and answer the phone for 2 hrs (listened to my audiobook and worked on this week's necklace when I wasn't busy). Then I went up to get my mail at the office and then to book club!! I was an hour late because of volunteering, so I missed all the book discussion. So I had a cup of coffee and a COOKIE, and some really delicious SF Jello salad... had lite cream cheese in it, FF cool whip, sf Jello, crunched up pretzels, strawberries. I want the recipe!

So now it's time for Judge Judy and a glass of wine! CBL

Oh... I just found this really horrible picture of me from 5 yrs ago that I have to share.. same sweatshirt as my usual "before" photo taken at the start of my pre-op diet. Sorry to post pictures AGAIN... but ya gotta see this:



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Steph - What doc did you end up calling???

I have called and made an appt for a fill - as you all know I eat pretty darn healthy 98% of the time and am dilgent on my exercise - but I am just not getting full till about 2 cup and not staying full for long - I want to go back to being full on 1 cup of food..

I got this band for a reason - I need a tweek even if it's only .1 - I need to eat a little less than what I am eating..


Why are you eating crap.... You don't have the excuse of work any more... And don't even try an blame the EQ

Ah, I got no good excuse at all... I went into Barrie to see my MOM... she had 2 oatmeal Cookies sitting there ....right next to me.... calling my name.... & the rest is history LOL

Why are you going to BOSTON pizza AFTER EATING CRAPPY !!! You can only have a salad w/lite dressing NO pizza !!!

You'll be happy about my adventure at Boston Pizza.... they had this 3/4 special on... A starter, a side, and an Entree for $9.99 ... SO of course Peter invited me out to dinner!!! LOL

I gave him my Ceasar Salad(can't eat lettuce), I gave him by FRIES(can't eat those either, they stick) and I ordered a Chili-con-carne for my entree. I only ate 1/2 of that (1 1/2 cups) cause the kidney Beans were still crunchy!! YUK!!! so it was a LIGHT dinner.. I'm o.k. tonight... had my slip and that's it... drinking tea right now and there is NO junk in the house... so thats out'a my system....

I didn't know about Hati's till this morning when I was leaving for work - I didn't watch the news last night or this a.m - I saw online somewhere there could be as many as 500,000 dead they say just do to the devestation that happend..

You know we bitch and moan about bldg inspectors but I am sure glad we have them here..

And they are such a poor country to begin with (well except for the corrupt politicians)

Drinking french press coffee - have gym tonite

You are right about us bitching about Inspectors... they DO SAVE LIVES

That is a funny story... but so sorry you broke your camera. It's also funny because.... HOW could you think you looked FAT in anything????!!

I just sent a text message to Tracy asking whatkind of camera she had in Canada. I think Jim just bought her a new one though... not because she NEEDED one. Jim has a camera problem like I have a hat, purse & shoe problem!! LOL. I think he bought himself one of those Flip video cameras the same day.

So... you didn't take another little drive to Williston, did you?? Or Minot?? I never did sing you my "I Hate Minot" song did I??

I'd like to hear that song!!

My kids still remember it... and they were little. One of them told me just a week or so ago that they could still remember all the words... I think it was Tracy telling me she sang it for Jim! There used to be a commercial years ago.. maybe when I was a kid, even, that went "I LOVE Bosco, it's the drink for me!" So I changed all the words and taught it to the kids!

So... where is all this insomnia coming from??? You, Karri, Tracy.... I'm hearing about lots of people having problems with insomnia.

I had Water aerobics this morning, then 1/2 hr to eat my lunch (salad), then to Activities office to sit and sell tickets and answer the phone for 2 hrs (listened to my audiobook and worked on this week's necklace when I wasn't busy). Then I went up to get my mail at the office and then to book club!! I was an hour late because of volunteering, so I missed all the book discussion. So I had a cup of coffee and a COOKIE, and some really delicious SF Jello salad... had lite cream cheese in it, FF cool whip, sf Jello, crunched up pretzels, strawberries. I want the recipe!

OOOH, that does sound good, share the recipe when you get it o.k.???

So now it's time for Judge Judy and a glass of wine! CBL

Oh... I just found this really horrible picture of me from 5 yrs ago that I have to share.. same sweatshirt as my usual "before" photo taken at the start of my pre-op diet. Sorry to post pictures AGAIN... but ya gotta see this:

That is an awesome BEFORE picture... you rock Phyl... even if you have a little slip, you keep right on, keepin' on!!!!

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Well...he made the call. He will fill out the paperwork and we will see how long it will take to get a date. He's serious. He's all over it. Talked a little bit about having a revision but the money just isn't there. Would be nice. I'm not going to push it though. Him doing it is good enough for me.

Mexicalli is a lot more than TJ but I think the Dr. is better.

Okay...off again. Talk to you later.

A revision??? huh? Of your lapband? to Gastric Sleeve???

I'm confused :thumbup:

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One word to describe our day at RPA...Shi!tstorm!!!!

Building issues, boss most likely getting a divorce, money issues, plain out of time. Etc...you name it.

Food...ok...not great... but still within plan

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That is a funny story... but so sorry you broke your camera. It's also funny because.... HOW could you think you looked FAT in anything????!!

I just sent a text message to Tracy asking whatkind of camera she had in Canada. I think Jim just bought her a new one though... not because she NEEDED one. Jim has a camera problem like I have a hat, purse & shoe problem!! LOL. I think he bought himself one of those Flip video cameras the same day.

So... you didn't take another little drive to Williston, did you?? Or Minot?? I never did sing you my "I Hate Minot" song did I?? My kids still remember it... and they were little. One of them told me just a week or so ago that they could still remember all the words... I think it was Tracy telling me she sang it for Jim! There used to be a commercial years ago.. maybe when I was a kid, even, that went "I LOVE Bosco, it's the drink for me!" So I changed all the words and taught it to the kids!

So... where is all this insomnia coming from??? You, Karri, Tracy.... I'm hearing about lots of people having problems with insomnia.

I had Water aerobics this morning, then 1/2 hr to eat my lunch (salad), then to Activities office to sit and sell tickets and answer the phone for 2 hrs (listened to my audiobook and worked on this week's necklace when I wasn't busy). Then I went up to get my mail at the office and then to book club!! I was an hour late because of volunteering, so I missed all the book discussion. So I had a cup of coffee and a COOKIE, and some really delicious SF Jello salad... had lite cream cheese in it, FF cool whip, sf Jello, crunched up pretzels, strawberries. I want the recipe!

So now it's time for Judge Judy and a glass of wine! CBL

Oh... I just found this really horrible picture of me from 5 yrs ago that I have to share.. same sweatshirt as my usual "before" photo taken at the start of my pre-op diet. Sorry to post pictures AGAIN... but ya gotta see this:

I have mental issues - what can I say - my 4's are tight and I need to get a handle on this now...

I have been watching what I eat - and the weight isn't coming off - and I am not eating any diff than I was - so I am eating too much

I have appointment 1/21 for a tweak in my fill - I can eat about 1.75 cup per meal and be hungry an hour later

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Jeff is in Williston with his dad. Spending the night because his dad has a colonoscopy in the morning. If I don't sleep tonight at least I will get to toss and turn in my own bed.

We called Dr Aceves in Mexicali. That's Wasa's dr. Everything I read on the sleeve done in Mexico was on him. He really is the sleeve doc in Mexico. His stats are great. His protocol seems to be the most comprehensive.

Yes, I am seriously thinking of revising. I am still completely unfilled and still not able to eat solid food. Tonight I made ribs in my pressure cooker. The meat was fall apart. You barely could pick it up with the fork...Chew Chew Chew....and freaking STUCK! Just not right. We would have to come up with another $10k to revise though and it just isn't there. Jeff may figure out a way but I don't know. I just know I'm so tired of not being able to eat anything. Nothing solid. It SUCKS!

Rose finished her quilt tonight...all but the quilting. It's beautiful. I'll show pics tomorrow.

I've gotta go. Have another headache. Going to take some tylenol pm and hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight. Have a good night ladies. Love you all!

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Good morning, sorry I was AWOL last night. Had a house showing and then I needed to complete a sewing order, altering a suit jacket, but I'm finally caught up, all my 'work' is done. So tonight, I get to work on something I want!!! Going to finish sewing down the binding on DD#4's quilt, have only been working on it for a year, I have about 5 feet of binding to handsew down and then I'm done. Hopefully I will be able to put a picture on. The pattern is very simple, but the colors are gorgeous!! Then it is on to hand quilting the last border on DD#1's quilt.

Today is Thursday whopppwhoppp. Then Friday, THEN a 3 day weekend. Saturday, there is a showing so, no sleeping in, bummer.

Steph congrats on Jeff making the surgery decision! Janet, I need a fill also, but it is going to have to wait. I'm struggling to keep my portions under control, but I'm always starving.

Check in tonight, TTFN

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Just wanted to let you all know that I won't be on until late Sunday or Monday. I just don't have time. I have worked 13, 14, and 16.5 hour days this week and there is no end in sight. I just don't have the time right now. I will be back I promise. I just feel like everything I put on here is negative and I don't want to be like that. So I will be back in a few days. I love being here and talking with everyone but for the rest of this week I just can't. Something has to give and my job will most likely always come first. The sooner I realize and accept that the better off I am. It will always come first. My job is who I am.

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Good Morning Gang...

Well watched the rest of AI from the night b/4 and BL then watched AI last night..

dinner 4.5/8 oz ck breast - 3/4 c califlower - 1 popcorn - 1 pt bar 140c - 15 pringles (lite) - I think that was it - scale this a.m. 144.5 (WTF) I have been good I really have - I am ready for this tweak - I MUST MUST MUST get back to 138 for my own sanity.. And I truly think it's all about my portion size and had a stupid janet moment last night the cal's that I am alotting for lunch is based on 1 cup not 1.75 so that's part of the problem. Anyway 1/21 @ 3:30 I have a doc appt - my way of thinking (rationalization) is that I did get the band to help me with my portions - and I have been doing so much w/my will power and it's not getting the results that I was hopeing for - so I am going to utilize my tool and get a tweak..

Phyl your pic's are amazing !!! You have come such a long way !!! So Proud of you - but what's up w/the COOKIE :thumbup:

I thought we wanted to get the scales moving - biscottie Cookies and today is thursday - isn't that pancake day - or is that only once a month :thumbup:

Karri - You are your job - I want you to analize that statement - I don't think it's healthy... I know you take great pride and w/this whole new school thing - but you are not your job - I know it feels that way - but You are more than a teacher - you have feeling wants needs and being a teacher is PART of who you are - but it is not the total sum of you and it shouldn't be.. I understand that for a while (hopefully) you job is going to be all consuming - in the time that I have known you I know it is what you strive for - to be that perfect teacher - you want to help your kids and take a great amount of pride in your job.. Just please please please make a small amount of time for you ok... :biggrin:

Steph - Dr A is the only person in Mex I would let touch me - I know a few pple who he did - OregonDaisy from the 50's thread converted to the sleeve maintaining 135 w/no issues - she's older than me and she struggled w/her band and was a slow loser - I think she lost like 10 lbs from the sleeve - she's a good buddy of Wasa.. $10K - i see the ad's that say $5500 - but don't know who the doc is..


I have a 3 day weekend tomorrow is my FF (furlough friday) going to take down all the inside xmas decorations - go to the post office return my qvc coat - go ck out my bro's house (dreading that) and going to see Lionel Richie Friday night - Going to see Smokie 3/12 with another gf - going to FL 2/11 - Just the little jet setter..

Gang - We need to pick a date for our July meeting so I can schedule the time off - we need to get a date set...

So what is a good date - I will send email out too since Linda doesn't post much..

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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