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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I am checking in. I haven't posted in a very long time. I am now a grandmother, Janet you're right, it is awesome. I am also back in school at the graduate level. I am working on my MBA with an emphasis in Project Management. I'm glad our thread is still going strong. I am still trying to get the last weight off. I hope that when I am on a one class schedule in May I can get back to serious exercise through August.

I will try to log in periodically as my schedule permits

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I am checking in. I haven't posted in a very long time. I am now a grandmother, Janet you're right, it is awesome. I am also back in school at the graduate level. I am working on my MBA with an emphasis in Project Management. I'm glad our thread is still going strong. I am still trying to get the last weight off. I hope that when I am on a one class schedule in May I can get back to serious exercise through August.

I will try to log in periodically as my schedule permits

Congrats on being a GM - Yep it's really a great thing !!!

Great on going back to school !!! If I remember right and I could be confused - you were IT person - or am I confusing you with someone else?? Heck I'm an offical old fart this yr..

I was watching some Harvey Paksomething on QVC last night selling tapes that had only 25 min of exercise - he's some guru to the stars - selling some food (chips & pt bars) and some weights - book and cook book...

I got the chips 130 cal per bag 10 grms of pt - they are great to have at work and are a little cheaper than the ones I get from baratric choice.. We will see...

Our thread had dwindled down to 6-7 of us regular posters and 2 are adopted :0)...

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Yep, that is me in IT. I am now working for a great company I have been there for almost a year and a half.

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Yep, that is me in IT. I am now working for a great company I have been there for almost a year and a half.

My old memory isn't that bad after all :smile2:

So you are working all those crazy hrs anymore - I remember you having to do a system converstion or something like that..

It is a girl or boy (gb) how old??

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Quick check in. Jeff's still gone but I hope he's in town, just sittin somewhere. It's dark and I hate it when he rides after dark.

Got Jaimison's quilt front done. Or rather, mostly done. I think it's too small so I'm going to the fabric store tomorrow to see if I can find anything to coordinate with it to border it. I bought the fabric in Billings so I'm a little screwed if I can't.

Cut Nick's out and will stitch it tonight. Mom has hers cut and will sew next. Then I can pin and stitch. His is going to be the same problem, but I think I can find another batik to make an outside border work. We will see. I may buy two more and do more of a random type like on this page:

90 Minute Quilts - Introduction

My camera is frozen so I'll post pics when it thaws out. I'm so excited. Jai's turned out better than I thought and Nick's is going to be really cool.

okay...now I have to put the tenderloin in the pressure cooker. Will check in later with pics...but probably post on FB because I can't seem to post them here for some reason. Later ladies.

Steph, that looks like a great 2nd project!!! You rock on GF... pretty soon we'll have you making Prairie Points and Flying Geese!!!!

3rd Project, I'd suggest a RAIL FENCE pattern... it can be a 3 rail or a 5 rail fence... just a tiny bit more complicated than what you have done, but not by much!!

Can't wait to see the pictures!

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Great day today! Woke up to the telephone ringing at 9 a.m. it was my GF (the one who just burried her hubby) she wanted to know if "I" wanted to go to costco shopping... DO I ?????

I havn't been to costco in about 10 months. and my GF still shouldn't be driving distances just yet (concentration) so I picked her up and we LEASURLY doddled all thru the store - it was therapy for her. and just plain ol' fun for me.. It was so good to see her,and laughing...

I bought a spring coat, LEvi Jeans, a black w/blue polka dot bathing suit.... then all the regular grocery items that you buy 6 mos. worth of.. LOL I spent $280 I just about freeked then said .. wht th hell? When was the last time I bought clothes for myself????

NOW on to the food, no breaky, and for lunch we split a thin crust pizza - I ate the toppings off of 3 pcs and only ONE crust, just the top crunchy part not the whole triange. I was full, but pizza did taste good.

Tonight, I had 1 tbsn Baba Ganouj, 4 crackers, 1 slice of Havarti cheese, 1 fibre bar, and now I am havaing a Cafe Mocha(homemade)...

So I think its been a pretty good day all round. DGF wants me to call her next time DH has a gig and we'll go out to a girly movie... I am so happy that she WANTS to be out and about... she is doing so well. I don't think I could be THAT strong if I lost my hubby... I am so proud of her.:smile2:

Janet, hooray on the bra's... I totally get what you mean about being 'seen' without one on.... :sad:I won't be seen w/o in front of my SIL either... YIKES... :D

Hey, where's PHYL today???

Karri, sorry school sucks so bad today... back to full days huh???

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Busy day today... I read posts this morning but no time for anything more. Beading class after Water aerobics. She had a necklace for us to make today. I'm not even 25% done! Worked for 2 hrs! Everyone decided they were tired and ready to leave at 1:30 p..m. so I left too.

Reflux last two nights made for uncomfortable sleep. PB'd both evenings... last night on one chicken thigh, night before ... I can't remember. Hasn't been a good week for comfortable eating. Had leftover pork loin tonight... heated up with a little mushroom Soup. Earl put a little bit of stove top stuffing in with it, and some peas. Then had some applesauce with it... so it should've all gone down real easy but I feel a little stuck again!

Two photos of today's necklace so far.

Picture of Earl & I was taken by our neighbor yesterday afternoon.




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Well got an offer on the house, don't get excited, the offer was $20,000 less than my asking price (which is listed at the low end) AND they wanted to pay all closing fees. So it would come down to giving them my house AND paying an additional $5000 for the priviledge. Of course now my realtor is rethinking my asking price and wants me to think about refinancing, but I would have to come up with $550 cash (don't have) and I would pay interest only for 7 years and then have to refinance at a higher rate, probably 10 to 12%. So my payments would increase by about $200 a month. So now I have a migrane, food was good, but tears are only a moment away. I guess I will be living in a 5th wheel on the curb. Got my prayers answer, asked for an offer for the house, I guess God has a sense of humor, unfortunately I don't seem to think to have one.

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Well got an offer on the house, don't get excited, the offer was $20,000 less than my asking price (which is listed at the low end) AND they wanted to pay all closing fees. So it would come down to giving them my house AND paying an additional $5000 for the priviledge. Of course now my realtor is rethinking my asking price and wants me to think about refinancing, but I would have to come up with $550 cash (don't have) and I would pay interest only for 7 years and then have to refinance at a higher rate, probably 10 to 12%. So my payments would increase by about $200 a month. So now I have a migrane, food was good, but tears are only a moment away. I guess I will be living in a 5th wheel on the curb. Got my prayers answer, asked for an offer for the house, I guess God has a sense of humor, unfortunately I don't seem to think to have one.

Crap Karla, that really sucks. Have a good cry and then look forward to another offer... Your realtor shouldn't even have brought you that offer.... its an insult.

I don't get it why would YOU want to refinance at this point when you are selling... dosn't make sense to me.

Your house is cute, it will sell.... don't let this set you off.


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Good Evening Gang..

Back from the gym - pooped..

Candice - I don't go to costco often - but when I do it's always $200 :0) - well not always but alot of the time :0)

Glad you were there for you GF and lucky you have a good dh who even if he didn't have a gig - would let you go to the movies w/her - she needs friends like you..

Phyl - You better stick to Soup or soft food for a while - you have irritated yourself. Do you have any chewable pecid - chew a couple before bed... I only had reflux once in the very beginning and that's cuz I ate too much..

I saw your pic's on FB - Very good pic of you and Earl - you need to post that other one her as an up date - you look fab in that pic - put it sided by side to your before..

That necklace looks beautiful..

Karla - GF you can always come back w/ a counter offer - that's what the pple expect - and you don't have to accept it - and if you refi now your payment would go up $200 or at the end when you have to pay interest & principle.

Well I gotta feed the dogs and see what I am eating - still have bbq chicken - think I have some left over spinach and broc to go with it and maybe a small red baked tato..



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Janet... did you feel the earthquake tonight??

A light earthquake occurred at 6:36:08 PM (PST) on Monday, January 11, 2010.

The magnitude 4.3 event occurred 4 km (3 miles) NNE of Banning, CA.

The hypocentral depth is 7 km ( 4 miles)



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Hey guys, thanks for everything. If all else fails, I will keep my house for now and refinance, that will lower my payments if I go with an interest only for 7 years. At the end of 7 years, I have to refinance again. This isn't what I want, but it is an option.

We made a counter offer, but it won't be accepted, what I really wanted to say was..."take your offer and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine'. I really didn't want to give credibility to their offer, by making a counter, but I guess we have to play the game.

food good today:

Need to get back to the unit and then alter a suit jacket. so chat tomorrow.

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I hope all of you rocking and rolling down there in So. Cal are alright!

Work got better, but my stomach got HUGER! (No I am not an English teacher). Just so much to do and my student teacher leaves in 4 days. Plus Aunt Flo decided to show up today. Could the day get any better??? I am teaching evolution right now in Biology and that always riles up a few students. There was this student who threw a fit because I was making her learn it. Well sorry punkin...its a state standard. I was infringing on her right to freedom of religion...Ugh...the last I knew...biology was science, NOT religion. She accused me of being rude to all religious people just because I am a "heathen". Which, by the way, my students do not know ANYTHING about my religious affliliation (or in my case, lack of religious affiliation) That and politics are the two things that I REFUSE to discuss with students. I tell them that there is a separation of church and state so I can't discuss religion and that it is my right as a citizen to keep my vote private and I choose to invoke that right. Because I refused to tell her my belief or lack of belief in God, she freaked out and said that she could not be taught by someone so immoral and that I was prejudice against her because she was religious and that I was condescending towards her when she brought it up. I know that I am the only one on the board here that is not religious and I don't think that I have EVER been condescending towards any of you and/or your beliefs. I respect anyone's right to believe and follow the faith of their choice. I don't chastise anyone for their belief. Unfortunately I can't even really defend myself. I just let her babble on and rant and rave. Then I asked her to either continue working on the activity or leave class it was her choice, but that I was mandated to teach the evidence of evolution. If she chose to ignore the evidence it was her right, but it was everyone else's right to learn and she was infringing on that. She stomped out. FUN TIMES!

So that was my day!!!

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Janet... did you feel the earthquake tonight??

A light earthquake occurred at 6:36:08 PM (PST) on Monday, January 11, 2010.

The magnitude 4.3 event occurred 4 km (3 miles) NNE of Banning, CA.

The hypocentral depth is 7 km ( 4 miles)

Nope didn't feel it at all - I keep getting updates from kesq in my email - but I haven't felt a thing - but it's only a 4 and I ususally don't feel them..

LOVE LOVE LOVE THE New progress Pictures!!!! OMG just look at the difference - My humble apoligies for teasting you about the Cookies & pancakes - look how far you have come

Hey guys, thanks for everything. If all else fails, I will keep my house for now and refinance, that will lower my payments if I go with an interest only for 7 years. At the end of 7 years, I have to refinance again. This isn't what I want, but it is an option.

We made a counter offer, but it won't be accepted, what I really wanted to say was..."take your offer and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine'. I really didn't want to give credibility to their offer, by making a counter, but I guess we have to play the game.

food good today:

Need to get back to the unit and then alter a suit jacket. so chat tomorrow.

I totally agree w/you on the game playing- we get offers on the ranch and like I am always telling the realtor I hate that ..

Things will work out - some way some how...

I hope all of you rocking and rolling down there in So. Cal are alright!

Work got better, but my stomach got HUGER! (No I am not an English teacher). Just so much to do and my student teacher leaves in 4 days. Plus Aunt Flo decided to show up today. Could the day get any better??? I am teaching evolution right now in Biology and that always riles up a few students. There was this student who threw a fit because I was making her learn it. Well sorry punkin...its a state standard. I was infringing on her right to freedom of religion...Ugh...the last I knew...biology was science, NOT religion. She accused me of being rude to all religious people just because I am a "heathen". Which, by the way, my students do not know ANYTHING about my religious affliliation (or in my case, lack of religious affiliation) That and politics are the two things that I REFUSE to discuss with students. I tell them that there is a separation of church and state so I can't discuss religion and that it is my right as a citizen to keep my vote private and I choose to invoke that right. Because I refused to tell her my belief or lack of belief in God, she freaked out and said that she could not be taught by someone so immoral and that I was prejudice against her because she was religious and that I was condescending towards her when she brought it up. I know that I am the only one on the board here that is not religious and I don't think that I have EVER been condescending towards any of you and/or your beliefs. I respect anyone's right to believe and follow the faith of their choice. I don't chastise anyone for their belief. Unfortunately I can't even really defend myself. I just let her babble on and rant and rave. Then I asked her to either continue working on the activity or leave class it was her choice, but that I was mandated to teach the evidence of evolution. If she chose to ignore the evidence it was her right, but it was everyone else's right to learn and she was infringing on that. She stomped out. FUN TIMES!

So that was my day!!!

OMG - What a rude little B.... Hope your tummy feels better cramps and swelling - Hugs..

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LOL! You can tease me all you want. I have thick skin!! Most of the time!?! And it was NOT a cookie! HAHAHA! I really am trying to do better! Only one glass of wine today.

Having a cup of tea with my honey. No... not REAL honey! He has a cup of tea just about every night and sometimes I have one with him.

So sorry about the house issues, Karla! That stinks! I think I'd go with the refinancing.

Definitely felt that earthquake... first time since we've been coming down here that I actually felt one. The RV was gently rocking back and forth for a few seconds. Earl was at the pool and he didn't feel it at all. Went next door to tell Larry & Wanda something and they said they didn't feel it either!

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