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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Little Bridget is getting on my nerves tonight.. I just went upstairs to check on my chicken Soup bones a=boiling and found a TURD on the hardwood. Then came back downstairs and found 4 pee spots on the carpet... I am so pissed (no pun intended) Peter just went out for the evening so I guess it was her protest.... cause she's been ringing the windchimes with her paws when she wants out??? I jsut don't get it today:mad2: But alas, those big brown eyes keep me from KILLING HER!!!

Hey Karla, this Canuk says spend the $45 on yourself!!! Its extra revenue right, and you worked hard for it. What about a Pedicure/Manicure???

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New family pics on facebook...but don't tell Rose I put her on there...she'll hack me and take it off :thumbup:

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Well, just checked my bank balance...there will not be any wool dye or fabric...it goes to the bank to try to make it until next payday. Actually, to make the rest of the house payment. This sucks....I thought I'd make it this month because I had some extra money. So no wool, no dye, & no groceries until the 20th. grrr

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I didn't get to see the doc today. Her surgery ran long and so I saw the PA which is her husband. He said that it doesn't look split open to him (though I still think it does) so he didn't sew me up. Just am supposed to keep taking the antibiotic and use the antibacterial cream.

Well I am so damn tired that I have to go to bed at 6:30 pm. I tool some sleeping meds and hope to sleep through the night. I'm only working half days this week.

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Hey Gang...

Back from the gym - I almost quit at 2 mile... I was pooped and sweating like a pig - but nope - I didn't give up - did 3.5 burn 506.. I was going to go for 3 and burn 400 - but said what the hell - do the other .5 and burn an extra 100 - so today's total 606 cal burn..

Food has been good - I am hungry - but dinner is started butternut squash (instead of rice) spinach & fish..

Steph - I am glad you had a good time w/Michael - it's funny my DS hated being and only child - where GS who has 2 sis from his dad and 1 sis and 3 bro's from his mom - loves being the only child (mine) - It sounds like Michael does better with one on one instead of the whole crowd..

Of course we want to hear how you weekend went.. We love you and glad you are back posting...

Loved the pic's had to go check them out before I posted.

Karri - how did the doc go - I saw on FB you are pooped so you most likely aren't posting tonite - Rest...

Phyl - if you are sick you need to stay home - do you know you are spreading your sick germs and it's going to be your fault when others get sick lol... But really take it easy..

I saw on FB the fishing pole story - that was too freaking funny.. You should have taken a pic..

Candice - Dogs - Bear is great but my little angel likes to leave me presents every few weeks.. That's why cats are so much easier - just give them a box.. This too shall pass..

WTG on the gym - so Peter went too - he didn't work out he was just going to wait for you - Love the shower/play thing that was too funny.

That's one reason I really don't have a workout buddy when I go I go and don't want any interference in my program..

Karla - Hugs GF skip the medical bill payments cuz you gotta eat and sew..

Well, squash is done - need to go start my fish...

Be back in a few

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i didn't get to see the doc today. Her surgery ran long and so i saw the pa which is her husband. He said that it doesn't look split open to him (though i still think it does) so he didn't sew me up. Just am supposed to keep taking the antibiotic and use the antibacterial cream.

Well i am so damn tired that i have to go to bed at 6:30 pm. I tool some sleeping meds and hope to sleep through the night. I'm only working half days this week.

Chat later

omg i am so proud of you for only working 1/2 day for the week - wtg karri - you are #1 and important!!

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Hey Everyone,

Karla- love the rugs!

Kari- a opening under a boob is pretty common, did you ever go on makemeheal.com?

I was afraid it would happen to me, but it never did, although one side took a looooong time to close all the way.

Steph- so glad you had a nice time, your pics are beautiful. I vote sleeve. It scarier, but I think more effective. Dr. Oz talked about it today. The part of your stomach that makes the hunger hormone ghe.... will be cut off.

Phyl- hope you feel better soon, I'm probably gonna have to switch to something stronger than Keflex

Janet and Candice- great job with the exercise:thumbup:

We had a hard freeze here last night, and we will have one again tonight. We haven't had a hard freeze in several years. I'm definitely gonna lose some plants.

I don't know how you northern gals do it, I can't stand it. Mischief has his sweater on, and the spoiled rotten dog is still shaking.

I forgot to tell ya'll someone stole my credit card number when I used it over the holidays. It's actually my debit/credit card. I have the card which mean someone I purchased from actually stole my number. It was used twice near Disney. I have to file a police report to get my money back. Thank God only about 300.

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Denise, heck I have a sweatshirt on and I'm still shivering!! Darn cold this morning and windy! Sorry to hear about your card. It is scarey when someone steals from you, even if it is just a card #, such an invasion of privacy!! I'm thinking that a 'penny rug' purse would be sweet. I'm going to play around with it and then maybe try to sell some on ebay, who knows. It would be fun to open an internet shop. I'm going to give it some thought anyway.

I shouldn't be thinking about crafts, I need to think about the unit that is due on Sunday for my masters. Not even interested in doing it. Right now for 2 cents I would bail on the whole master's thing. I know it is a great opportunity, but it is just eating up my life. Next year will be even crazier with taking multiple classes while teaching.

Oh well, suppose I should get it together and straighten up the house before going to work. TTFN

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sleeping through the night was a no go. I kept my eyes open until about 7:30 and then fell asleep. I took some Simply sleep which is the Tylenol PM...without the tylenol. Apparently I can't take that. It caused me to go CRAZY! I guess I woke up about 9:30 and was thrashing around and demanding that Lee take my temperature and cool me down. I guess I was screaming that I was so hot. I don't remember that at all. Then I remember waking up at 11:30 and pretty much doing the same thing. I was disoriented and throwing things. It was NUTS!!! I fell back asleep then woke up at 3 and couldn't go back to sleep for a long time. I think I finally fell asleep at 4:30ish just in time for my alarm to go off at 5! I won't be taking that again tonight. I feel no more rested than I did yesterday!!!

I have a dentist appt at 2:00 today. yipeee!

food wasn't so good yesterday. I was starving all day long and in a lot of pain. So I just ate. Nothing I ate was unhealthy per se, I just ate WAY too much.

Well I'm going to try to get motivated at work today. Though I can hardly keep my eyes open.

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Good Morning Peeps....

Karri call your doc and get some real sleeping pills - Well aren't you only working 1/2 days this week - But I know how it is when you can't sleep and being tired is a big food trigger for all of us.. Hugs on the dentist...

Karla - I was hugs - I knew that the Master thingie was going to be a bit tough on you - no time for you.. I know my bil and a gf who gets stuff off ebay but it's usually cuz it's so cheap.. How much would you sell the rug for. Do they have street fairs/swap meets where you live or craft fairs - I think a craft fair would be the best place to sell your stuff..

Phyl - How are you feeling this a.m. - What's on your schedule today??

Denise - Girl you got one fine DH and you aint bad looking either -love your new avatar on FB.. My DS had the same thing happen on their atm card - in FL $100 at a subway - they didn't have any problems getting it reversed and a girl on my mentor thread had it happen too but it was a burlington coat factory in San Fran..

Kari - I saw on FB that you are in the dumps what's going on girl.

Steph Whats on your plate today - Jeff doesn't look huge - they way you talked I thought he was like a REAL big guy.. He's handsome too - Your DD looks just like him. Beautiful family..

Candice - Going to the gym today by yourself :0)

Well yesterdays food 1100 - Wii & Treadmill ...

Today - Wii but only about 20 minutes wasn't feeling it today and the stupid hoola hoop thing kept failing and I was swinging my hips - Have gym tonite..

I am tired this a.m. - but at least I won't be here by myself today - both the other pple who work on my team will be here - boss isn't due back til tomorrow..

Well thats about it - Anyone watch the biggest loser last night - They must get paid to be on there... I am going to ck it out and enter my DS & DIL and DGD brooke -

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Denise, heck I have a sweatshirt on and I'm still shivering!! Darn cold this morning and windy! Sorry to hear about your card. It is scarey when someone steals from you, even if it is just a card #, such an invasion of privacy!! I'm thinking that a 'penny rug' purse would be sweet. I'm going to play around with it and then maybe try to sell some on ebay, who knows. It would be fun to open an internet shop. I'm going to give it some thought anyway.

I shouldn't be thinking about crafts, I need to think about the unit that is due on Sunday for my masters. Not even interested in doing it. Right now for 2 cents I would bail on the whole master's thing. I know it is a great opportunity, but it is just eating up my life. Next year will be even crazier with taking multiple classes while teaching. Oh well, suppose I should get it together and straighten up the house before going to work. TTFN

Purses... a great idea! I buy a lot of things on eBay, DIL does too. And I've sold a lot of things on eBay. Might work.

Good Morning Peeps....

Karri call your doc and get some real sleeping pills - Well aren't you only working 1/2 days this week - But I know how it is when you can't sleep and being tired is a big food trigger for all of us.. Hugs on the dentist...

YES!! That was a WILD night!

You need your sleep!

Karla - I was hugs - I knew that the Master thingie was going to be a bit tough on you - no time for you.. I know my bil and a gf who gets stuff off ebay but it's usually cuz it's so cheap.. How much would you sell the rug for. Do they have street fairs/swap meets where you live or craft fairs - I think a craft fair would be the best place to sell your stuff..

Yeah, but I think where she lives might be too remote for opportunities like that. But would be a GREAT COD booth, huh?! I shop for stuff on eBay all the time. Got annoyed at Fry's Electronics after Christmas because every accesory I wanted for my new iTouch was $20 or more. So I went on eBay and got a pkg of 16 accessories for $16! Even with shipping, cost me less than one of the items anywhere else. I wanted a car charger, wall charger, vinyl covers.

Phyl - How are you feeling this a.m. - What's on your schedule today??

Denise - Girl you got one fine DH and you aint bad looking either -love your new avatar on FB.. My DS had the same thing happen on their atm card - in FL $100 at a subway - they didn't have any problems getting it reversed and a girl on my mentor thread had it happen too but it was a burlington coat factory in San Fran..

Kari - I saw on FB that you are in the dumps what's going on girl.

Steph Whats on your plate today - Jeff doesn't look huge - they way you talked I thought he was like a REAL big guy.. He's handsome too - Your DD looks just like him. Beautiful family..

Well yesterdays food 1100 - Wii & Treadmill ...

Today - Wii but only about 20 minutes wasn't feeling it today and the stupid hoola hoop thing kept failing and I was swinging my hips - Have gym tonite..

I am tired this a.m. - but at least I won't be here by myself today - both the other pple who work on my team will be here - boss isn't due back til tomorrow..

Well thats about it - Anyone watch the biggest loser last night - They must get paid to be on there... I am going to ck it out and enter my DS & DIL and DGD brooke -

Feeling a little better this morning. I should be getting ready for Water aerobics NOW! Earl is up making pancakes, and I can get free Breakfast if I go up, but not motivated! Once a month "Cecil's Breakfast"! Usually have a little scrambled eggs, sm pancake a couple of sausage links and some coffee.< /span>


Back of my neck is still achy, but no headache yet this morning! Volunteer in activities this afternoon, but that's just sitting there listening to a book on my iTouch and hopefully finishing my beading project from a couple of weeks ago!

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Purses... a great idea! I buy a lot of things on eBay, DIL does too. And I've sold a lot of things on eBay. Might work.

Feeling a little better this morning. I should be getting ready for Water aerobics NOW! Earl is up making pancakes, and I can get free breakfast if I go up, but not motivated! Once a month "Cecil's Breakfast"! Usually have a little scrambled eggs, sm pancake a couple of sausage links and some coffee.< /span>


Back of my neck is still achy, but no headache yet this morning! Volunteer in activities this afternoon, but that's just sitting there listening to a book on my iTouch and hopefully finishing my beading project from a couple of weeks ago!

BF should be

Coffee - Eggs & 1 sauage

- no pancakes :0) remember we want to get those scales moving again...

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Good morning ladies. I trust that everyone is having a wonderful day!!! Fake it til you make it! That's my thought of the day!

Phyl, I'm sure your beading is wonderful. I wish I had the patience to do something like that. It really sounds fun and looks so nice. I just wouldn't have the concentration.

Candice, your puppy sounds so sweet...NOT! My shitzus have been driving me nuts leaving me presents in the house lately too. I know it's because of the snow, but having a reason doesn't help my temper. I told them last night if they didn't shape up I was shipping em to Asia! Never would, but frustrated! It will get better. I know it will.

Denise, I agree with Janet. Beautiful family and I LOVE the avatar.

Karla, I really worry about you and this masters program. I know it is something you want, but is this the time in your life to do it? Just another stressor that you really don't need right now. Love you though. I know you know that. I'm pulling for you.

Karri, sounds like a HORRIBLE night. I'm sure you are BEYOND exhausted. Even when you were sleeping, obviously your brain was in overdrive. Call your doc and get something better. You need the rest to heal. And take the 1/2 days as rest time....not kill yourself time.

Janet, I'll try to attach a pic of Jeff here. A full body shot. If you watched the Biggest Loser last night, Jeff looks a LOT like the twins. He is built almost exactly like them. When they walked to the scale it could have been Jeff from the back. He holds all his weight in his belly and legs. If I can't attach here (the last couple of times I couldn't) I will put it on Facebook.< /p>

Okay...gotta run for a bit. I will tell you about my world in my next post. It's been a crazy morning. No pic. Find it on facebook.

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Do you ever wonder where the gremlins in cyber space came from? They just ate my post. GRRRR

Okay. Today has been crazy so far. I just don't know what's happening. It isn't a full moon! Nick got up this morning on the WRONG side of the bed. He didn't want to get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, NOTHING. I had to dress him like a baby. I put his coat on him and took him to school. I had to push him through the doors and down the hall. It was crazy. I told the teacher if his attitude didn't change to call but that I thought it was just a "mad at mom" attitude. An hour later the principal called and said he had been in his office and it wasn't getting better. I went and got him and brought him home. Straight to the bedroom. Listened to a couple of relaxation exercises and then left him to his own devices. He was going to spend the whole day down there. He called me down after about 20 minutes and asked me why I wanted him to be bored. I told him that I WANTED him at school but HE was choosing to be bored instead. After about 30 mins he came up and said he was ready for school. I took him back. We'll see. I told teacher if his attitude melted again to call.

So,that's been my morning. I did add pics to my family album. You can all see my darling hubby! I look at me in those pics and I REALLY have to get back on program! Wow...that woman is HOT!

Okay. Off for a bit. Talk to you all later. Love you ladies!

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I felt so sorry for the twins and one having to leave - but he did well 100 lbs in 2 months.. They looked so sad on TV and I loved that the Blue & Yellow teams have 1 month to work hard and get back on the show..

Oh if Jeff is as big as those twins - he does need some help :0) you know that's said w/love. This season has some big pple - but I don't think exercising till you throw up is good for you - and no way in hell would I take Jillian or Bob yelling at me... I would tell them F off and jump in a freaking lake.. Day one walking at a 7 incline - don't know how long they had to - I know they edit this shit to make things look dramatic - but again they should think of the pple at home watching it and going to try it on their own - very very bad advice IMHO..

Sounds like you did just the right thing with Nick this a.m. - he rather go to school than be bored - see what happens when you stick to your guns..

WTG - Ok going to fb to see pic

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