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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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LOL on the gas - I would say I have the same amount - my black eyed peas &/or greens gave me gas the other day and I am having it for lunch today -lucky I am all by myself today :0) LOL

I eat meat/fish for BF somedays - I don't always eat BF food..

Today's Menu

BF - Dannon Lite & Fit Toasted Coconut vanilla Yogurt with 1/2 banana and 4 teaspoons granola - 180 cal

1.5 cup coffee and 2 bottles of Water

Lunch - 1.5 cup black eyed peas - 1/2 c collard greens...

230 cal - another bottle of water after lunch

dinner - My Scallop Dinner from last night 320 Cal

More water after dinner

Snacks - Pre Workout snack 100 Cal - popcorn 100 Cal

Fruit - Yogurt - SF Angel food Cake 200 cal - 100 Cal for juice 16 oz of lite crangrape that I drinke before bed

So Planed cal for the day - 1230

Did 30 min Wii this a.m. - have gym weight training tonite

and maybe another 30 of wii - I love the biking and skate board :0)

I keep the frozen scallops/shrimp on hand for when I haven't taken anything out for dinner - throw them in some water and they are defrosed in no time - I ususally add them to a lean cuizine alfreado - YUMMY...

I'm ready for lunch :0)... Back to work - cbl


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Yeah THANKS JANET, I was able to get ride of my toothless picture... but away went the QUilt pictures too... oh well you'd all seen it anyways... no worries

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Where the heck is everyone tonight????

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Hey, some of us have to work your know :rolleyes2:

Candice, penny rugs are easy! You can buy pre-felted wool, but it is pricey. Basically you cut circles out of felted wool, stack them up, and blanket stitch around them either by hand or machine. Then blanket stitch the stack to a foundation of wool. I will get some website addresses together and post them for you. Because I'm poor, I am going to use old wool clothing. Basically I'll deconstruct the clothing, wash the wool in warm to hot Water, then rinse in cold. The temperature change causes it to 'felt'. Then I'm going to play with 'acid' dyes from Dharma to over-dye some of them into the colors i like.

food was good today, not as good as Janet. I stepped on the scale and I am in a holding pattern, I'll take that!!! Now I'm going to move onto loosing again. As many bad choices I made, holding is 'damn' good. AND LUCKY. But it is time to get back into the groove. this time of year is always my 'crawl in a hole' time. So I'm sitting under my full-spectrum light. I just need to make it until March when I start working at the nursery again.

Going to go search for the websites, I'll be back! TTFN

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Yep some of us work lol - even me who am on lbt too much during working hours - some days I have to work and not surf the net ;0l lol..

Phyl had a red hat lunch today - I saw on FB - so I guess she's feeling better..


Darhma (sp) like in Lost or Darmah and Greg lol...

I think I would do well w/o sun - but I don't know my DIL who is like me (grew up w/it 24/7) says she misses it - I know my DS loves the rain - it's something we don't get much of..

Well, I am off to the gym - legs tonite - haven't had prework out snack - so have 100 cal to spend tonite :0)...


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So what does your Dr. Chilsom charge for a face lift? What about for a TT? Ah Phyl, it does sound like the FLU, take care sweetie!!! If you are throwng up and diarhea it might be the H1N1 so be careful:tt1:
Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Hope you are feeling better this morning...

Candice - I am not sure on Dr Chilsom prices $8 or $9 k I think - he only does faces - a specialty kind of doc which I perfer - that's all he does so he has perfected his art.

Karla - gf ya how would you be my nurse when you would be out exploring the rain forest lol :rolleyes2: Like that rug - sorry but I don't have wool - not much need for it here in the Desert :0) - doesn't get that cold :0)

Hobbies are good - keeping hand busy is great - too bad my hobby is reading - i love to eat and read - now it's popcorn instead of candy..

Last night started Tami Hoag new book - it's good..

I made a FABULOUS dinner - sprayed pan with a little butter pam - sauted cut up scallops with some garlic till almost done - then added 2 tblespn can't believe its not butter - add cooked shrimp and heated - added 1 oz of habenero cheese stirred till melted put it over 1/2 c rice - OMW to die for.. It was enough for 2 nights - I immediately put the other half up cuz I would have eaten it all..

Got up this morning did 30 min on my Wii - Love the skate boarding game & bicycling on the Wii Fit Plus.. I looked for a platform for the board that you use when doing the step exercise - they were selling it on QVC this weekend - but it was bundled with the whole balance board etc which I already have..

Well that's about it - nothing exciting - I am the only team member of my team here at work today - hopefully the phones will be quite..CBL

May try to get back on my Wii. The more you talk about it the more I want to start using it again. Use it at home a lot, but in the RV there's just not much room, and the TV screen is so much smaller!

Reading a Nora Roberts book... Blue Smoke. I don't think I've ever read one of her books before... very good. Also have an audio book... listened in the car coming home last week, and when I volunteer in the activities office Wed. afternoon. Tortilla Curtain... it's a pretty good story, too. OH... and today I went and got a Riverside County Library card so I can download audio books!

Feeling MUCH better tonight. Decided to go to Water aerobics this morning even though I still felt yucky... bad headache up the back of my neck. Almost quit after first 15 minutes, but kept on going. Then decided I'd quit at the halfway point. Then decided... oh, what the heck.. may as well just stay until it's over. So I did.. Aggravated the headache a little, but relaxing in the hot tub for 1/2 hr helped a lot. Then went to Red Hat lunch. Still had headache when I got home, but not bad. It did feel Great when I sat down on the couch and put up my feet for the first time since this morning. Didn't realize how tired I was. Then a couple of Ibuprofen and the headache finally went away!! Yippee!! Still feel kind of worn out, but so much better than yesterday and this morning!!

BEAUTIFUL sunset out my window right now!!

Should go out and take a picture!!

Edited by phyllser

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Phew...I survived the day in tact and even better...without eating a single piece of non-planned food!!!! I stayed on plan all day. We are having baked macaroni and cheese for dinner....though most of the "macaroni" is cauliflower!

I'm starving and exhausted...for me those words can be used interchangeably! Work went pretty well. I staved off most of the painful hugs and had a nice conversation with my boss. He called the pompous English teacher a moron and said that everyone was going to get a dose of reality in the morning at our staff meeting. I told him I was very happy to see that he had "grown a pair" over break. Before you have a heart attack that I said that to my boss...I've said it several times before. :rolleyes2: This is our 3rd school and 4th year together!

Well I am exhausted so I'm going to lie down until dinner is ready. Then we are going to the gym. I don't know how far I will be able to go, but I want to go tonight.

Chat later

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Happy New Year Everyone!

I've been sick since last Tues., on Keflex, and still sick.

I don't go back to work till Thurs. Good thing I was off, cause I woulda missed several days. Phly when it was really bad, the back of my head hurt severly.

Me and DH's 26th anniversary yesterday. We didn't do anything. We will later. I need to check out Willie Nelson tickets.

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Phyl, you need to read Montana Sky by Nora Roberts, fabulous, then there is the Sea Swept series, I could go on. I hope to get your pants done this weekend!!

Candice here are some website directions for making penny rugs:



Janet, it is Dharma like the 'India' dharma.

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OH gosh, I was working today.... in my sewing room! Ha.

food yest. 755 cals.

TOday 755cals,, weird huh, and I din't eat the same food:???

but I am going to have 2 more Snacks tonight as I didn't have lunch.... I WAS WORKING TOO HARD :rolleyes2:

FINAL FOOD for today:


Edited by peaches9

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May try to get back on my Wii. The more you talk about it the more I want to start using it again. Use it at home a lot, but in the RV there's just not much room, and the TV screen is so much smaller!

Reading a Nora Roberts book... Blue Smoke. I don't think I've ever read one of her books before... very good. Also have an audio book... listened in the car coming home last week, and when I volunteer in the activities office Wed. afternoon. Tortilla Curtain... it's a pretty good story, too. OH... and today I went and got a Riverside County Library card so I can download audio books!

Feeling MUCH better tonight. Decided to go to Water aerobics this morning even though I still felt yucky... bad headache up the back of my neck. Almost quit after first 15 minutes, but kept on going. Then decided I'd quit at the halfway point. Then decided... oh, what the heck.. may as well just stay until it's over. So I did.. Aggravated the headache a little, but relaxing in the hot tub for 1/2 hr helped a lot. Then went to Red Hat lunch. Still had headache when I got home, but not bad. It did feel Great when I sat down on the couch and put up my feet for the first time since this morning. Didn't realize how tired I was. Then a couple of Ibuprofen and the headache finally went away!! Yippee!! Still feel kind of worn out, but so much better than yesterday and this morning!!

BEAUTIFUL sunset out my window right now!!

Should go out and take a picture!!

Phyl - Glad you are feeling better !!! Nora Roberts is good I have read most of her books - Blue Smoke was good - It's a movie on lifetime - lifetime has lots of her books made into tv movies - I LOVED the trilogy about 3 sister that were witches (good ones)- 3 Sister trilogy - I loved it - Really Really enjoy that trilogy -


I also loved Carolina Moon - I have read so many I have to read the bio to see what it's about - I lose track and hate when I buy a book I have already read -

She also writes under the name JD Robb but those are sifi books and I don't like si-fi

That's an idea - go to the library to down load books - can you listen to them 1st - I might do that sometime... I think I can download to my ipod..

That's the reason on got back on my Wii - alot of pple got them for Xmas - and all the talk made me want to get back on it... It is fun - Not super exercise - it takes a long time on the wii to burn 200 cal like an hour - whereas I can burn 500 on the treadmill - but hell 200 x 4 is 800 more than sitting on my butt :0)

Phew...I survived the day in tact and even better...without eating a single piece of non-planned food!!!! I stayed on plan all day. We are having baked macaroni and cheese for dinner....though most of the "macaroni" is cauliflower!

I'm starving and exhausted...for me those words can be used interchangeably! Work went pretty well. I staved off most of the painful hugs and had a nice conversation with my boss. He called the pompous English teacher a moron and said that everyone was going to get a dose of reality in the morning at our staff meeting. I told him I was very happy to see that he had "grown a pair" over break. Before you have a heart attack that I said that to my boss...I've said it several times before. :) This is our 3rd school and 4th year together!

Well I am exhausted so I'm going to lie down until dinner is ready. Then we are going to the gym. I don't know how far I will be able to go, but I want to go tonight.

Chat later

WTG girl - only eating planned food and I talk to my bosses that way too ;0)... How's the swelling ?? Take it easy at the gym.. I am starving right now too - not really too tired but am hungry - I am adding spinach to my dinner menu - but to me veggies are free foods..

Happy New Year Everyone!

I've been sick since last Tues., on Keflex, and still sick.

I don't go back to work till Thurs. Good thing I was off, cause I woulda missed several days. Phly when it was really bad, the back of my head hurt severly.

Me and DH's 26th anniversary yesterday. We didn't do anything. We will later. I need to check out Willie Nelson tickets.

Hugs Denise - I saw on FB you werent feeling good - Happy 26 anniversary !!!

How have you been otherwise - How's life - How's the kids.

Did you have a good Christmas - How's your Mom??

Phyl, you need to read Montana Sky by Nora Roberts, fabulous, then there is the Sea Swept series, I could go on. I hope to get your pants done this weekend!!

Candice here are some website directions for making penny rugs:



Janet, it is Dharma like the 'India' dharma.

Karla - I think I loved Montana Sky too - was that the one where 3 sis re-connected - I remember the house - I loved that book too - made me want to move to Montana and live in that house and of course the hunk to go along w/the house ;0)

OH gosh, I was working today.... in my sewing room! Ha.

food yest. 755 cals.

TOday 755cals,, weird huh, and I din't eat the same food:???

but I am going to have 2 more Snacks tonight as I didn't have lunch.... I WAS WORKING TOO HARD :rolleyes2:

WTG Candice - You do better at home than at work !!!!

Well back from the gym - got the few dishes put up - Andrew pissing me off just threw my clothes on the bed now they are all wrinkled..

My most fav book in life was Celeste DeBlase (she's dead now) she wrote a trilogy Swan Chance - Wild Swan - Season of Swan - they are romatic stories - Family saga - Oh I think I should order them and re-read them..

Tigers Woman was good too..

Well - I am going to ck my email then go settle in front of the t.v. eat and read my new Tammi Hoag book..

CBL (maybe ;0)

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Happy New Year Everyone!

I've been sick since last Tues., on Keflex, and still sick.

I don't go back to work till Thurs. Good thing I was off, cause I woulda missed several days. Phly when it was really bad, the back of my head hurt severly.

Me and DH's 26th anniversary yesterday. We didn't do anything. We will later. I need to check out Willie Nelson tickets.

Hey Denise, sorry you were sick:sad: , but CONGRATS :rolleyes2: on you Anniversary... 26 yrs is quite an accomplishment these days!!

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Phyl, you need to read Montana Sky by Nora Roberts, fabulous, then there is the Sea Swept series, I could go on. I hope to get your pants done this weekend!!

Candice here are some website directions for making penny rugs:



Janet, it is Dharma like the 'India' dharma.

Oh my I just finished reading the directions above... they are cute projects, but just too finicky for me!!! You go girl!!!

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Well ate my dinner - plus 1/2 c spinach and now I am nice and full - but still want to eat :0) - once I start - I don't want to stop..

So here I sit - seeing if anyone has posted - watching my Soap (amc)

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dinner was a bust.. had pork loin/beans/rice, stuck. I am out of yogurt, so tried a casadeea, stuck, ended up with popcorn and a piece of bread. NOT good choices. So tomorrow is a new day, and I'll make sure that my backup meal is in place if needed.

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