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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Ya right now it shows we have 15 guest looking at our thread we normally don't have that many - usually 1 or 2 - I think maybe alot of pple are researching WLS for the new years??

I have never seen that many !!!!

Ya no telling that you are a strip tease dancer on the side :0)

I've done well with exercise lately - but ya I think it's compliance that's done it - we have treats every now and then and no real damage - but now they have do it..

That's where the problem lies I think - I know that when I have gained a couple of lbs after a weekend trip - the usually come off right a way - but the 3 lbs (it's 3 not 4) has been their since Tuesday - I know not alot of time but - still freaking me out - got me really depressed this morning..

So we are ALL back on the band wagon ;0)

Me to on sharing - I share more here than on my other thread I would say... I am pretty open but you guys are my #1 and I know you all in real life too..

If you drink too much tonite - you won't want to tomorrow :0)

Mix your wine w/some crystal lite - so that you are drinking w/the rest of the crowd but not consuming as much - crystal lite wine spritzer :0)

I don't know if I can bring myself to mix my wine w/crystal lite!! I'll just sip slowly. I tend to be a gulper!! That's not good! I was accused of being a lush with those margaritas the other night... but I pointed out that I was the FIRST to be served, so it was okay to be the first with an empty glass! Those BEER margaritas were TOO good!

Stop telling my secrets!! LOL

Strip Tease Dancer... better watch my wine tonight for sure lest I get carried away!! HAHAHAHA

Yeah... watched it good yesterday and down 1.8 lb according to my Wii. So it would have been worse than it was if I'd had to weigh in yesterday! That was just back to exercise, my small omelet for BF, Healthy Choice chicken/rice Soup for lunch and dinner... well, I passed on the blueberry mashed potatoes (LOL), but.. did have a small serving of instant mashed potatoes (made w/water and not milk, and a little margarine, and no blueberry pancake mix) because we were having this pretty dry pork loin slices out of the freezer that i think were cooked in WA!!! Which means it was a in the freezer a couple of months (!), and overcooked in the first place! So I said... heat it up in some FF mushroom soup with veggies and make a little bit of mashed taters. I wish he'd cook a little rice now and then. That'd be good too on those nights when we need a little bit of carbs. Anyway, it was back to exercise and eating normal yesterday and it made a difference.

Today... lunch was costco samples and we're skipping dinner since there will be finger foods at the party tonight. We had a light snack... a few little tiny cubes of cheese and a couple of small slices of pheasant sausage that Jacki gave us as we were leaving the other day.

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Here's a really deep question!

If you needed to buy some toothpicks and you were in Walmart, where would you look???


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How to Stay Young

1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them'.

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.'

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, and hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

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Wow, I'm busy for one day and you all go to town! Had our quilting Christmas party, the one I made the 7 hour ganache cake. Yep, I had a slice, 1/2 of what I would have had before band. Ate 1/2 of bowl of Soup & 1 slice of bread and a bunch of veggies. The cake was good, I made a decent ganache, but overall...way too sweet for me.

I'm home alone tonight, so it is me and the puppies.

Janet, I'm glad you got over the funk, sorry that I missed your post and wasn't there for you. I can't believe tomorrow is a new year and I'm not fat. Actually one of the quilting ladies didn't even recognize me, she wanted to know who was showing up uninvited. hehe.

I am going to take Janet's lead and get back to logging my food. I know i have been careless. I did box up all the chocolates that I got for Christmas and stored them in the garage. If I can't ignore them, they will go in the garbage. My biggest issue is exercise. I hate the gym. I'd LOVE to get a WII fit, but not in the budget until I sell the house.

I have new neighbors, a young couple, they were sweet and came over to let me know they are having a party and that there would be a lot of cars. I offered my driveway for parking. I remember those days of youth, having a home party with friends. Now it is me, the puppies, and LBT, oohhh do I have a life or what! Actually, I need to spend a little time reflecting on where I am at and where I want to be, so staying home is good. I want to stop wishing my life away, put teaching in perspective and start living what I have left of my life. Most of my quilting friends are in their mid 60's to early 70's. My family doesn't typically live that long, I figure I have 20 years left of reasonably good health, what do I want to accomplish? Well, I would like a 'tumble' before I die, if I have to, I'll hire someone. I want to make some beautiful original quilts. I would like to travel. It is scary as hell to think that my life is almost over. crap. Okay, now I think I am depressed.

Karla - call me - I'm home - not going anywhere either - infact ignored my cell phone - I don't feel like going out..

Ya I just freaked out this morning I am use to gaining a lb or 2 but it's usually off in a day or 2 and like I said - I haven't been this heavy since 7/08... Do not like it - am not staying here either.. That's another reason I am not going anywhere

I will be done w/sweets til 1/29 ;0) bday :0) oh I am going to see Lionel Richie on 1/15 so will have a drink or 2.

I just hooked my wii up to the internet - so it you got one we could play each other...

Anyone else have a wireless system that we can play each other???

Really don't know how you do it yet - but can't be that hard to figure out..

As to hating the gym - I use to be that way - but I figure what the hell - I'm an old broad and those kids can't hurt me - I don't give a damn what they think - I am in here to get healthy...

That's something I have gotten good at - gym and not being afraid to go into places by myself

Hi - Happy New Year to you all! It's all good ladies! All of you are GREAT! A great inspiration to all bandsters out there. You are real, honest. supportive and inspirational. Keep up the good work...and hang in there. It's all peaks and valleys..that's what keeps it interesting and definitely challenging. Thank you for your honest experiences and successes. I think you are ALL A SUCCESS! HAPPY NEW YEAR! What's your new year journey going to be? :-)

NCIS - How sweet !!! Happy New Years to you too... I do know our thread is one of the most looked at threads behind before & after pics...

I don't know if I can bring myself to mix my wine w/crystal lite!! I'll just sip slowly. I tend to be a gulper!! That's not good! I was accused of being a lush with those margaritas the other night... but I pointed out that I was the FIRST to be served, so it was okay to be the first with an empty glass! Those BEER margaritas were TOO good!

Stop telling my secrets!! LOL

Strip Tease Dancer... better watch my wine tonight for sure lest I get carried away!! HAHAHAHA

Yeah... watched it good yesterday and down 1.8 lb according to my Wii. So it would have been worse than it was if I'd had to weigh in yesterday! That was just back to exercise, my small omelet for BF, Healthy Choice chicken/rice soup for lunch and dinner... well, I passed on the blueberry mashed potatoes (LOL), but.. did have a small serving of instant mashed potatoes (made w/water and not milk, and a little margarine, and no blueberry pancake mix) because we were having this pretty dry pork loin slices out of the freezer that i think were cooked in WA!!! Which means it was a in the freezer a couple of months (!), and overcooked in the first place! So I said... heat it up in some FF mushroom soup with veggies and make a little bit of mashed taters. I wish he'd cook a little rice now and then. That'd be good too on those nights when we need a little bit of carbs. Anyway, it was back to exercise and eating normal yesterday and it made a difference.

Today... lunch was costco samples and we're skipping dinner since there will be finger foods at the party tonight. We had a light snack... a few little tiny cubes of cheese and a couple of small slices of pheasant sausage that Jacki gave us as we were leaving the other day.

Phyl - I am going to do rice every other night for a while - today's food - I hate to tell you all has been zip so far - I have had 2 bottles of Water - I was busy at work today - then the gym and after gym I am not hungry am getting there but not yet may have some coffee

will have my dinner in a bit - skipping rice tonite since I had it last night but will have some popcorn..

Here's a really deep question!

If you needed to buy some toothpicks and you were in Walmart, where would you look???


Paper plate section where the plastic untensils are napkins etc??

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I sitting here w/my coffee

Andrew just left for the night so it's you me and our fur babies...

Call me if you want some company..

I did 30 min on my wii burn 127 calories so for today I have burned 677 calories..

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3 more hours - I have had 2 cup of coffee so I will be up to ring in the New Year ;0)

Well, just got off the phone w/my DD - She called her Mommy for New Years !!! Don't I have such a good DD !!!

Well, guess who's coming back !!! We are all going to get back on the band wagon - get this weight off -

Watch out 2010 Lucky #7's are still going strong !!!

We are going to get some healthy competition going here..

As Karri knows - she was the one who I was secretly competing with during my weight loss phase...

It' not a race but since we were so close in our starting weight and how fast we lost it and I was keeping up with a 28 yr old when I was 52 !!! I thought I was doing damn good..

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Well I called and talked to my mommy tonight and then came here and read these posts. While I am not proud that I have had the EXACT same problems, I am really glad to hear that I am not the only one. My weight is way up...20 pounds over my smallest. While my doc and my personal trainer agree that I will never and should never get to that weight again, that doesn't mean that I can't get down to a healthy weight.

So beginning right here and right now I am saying that I am going to only eat foods that benefit me. If there is no benefit to me eating them, I will refrain from doing so. This isn't about food, this is about me being good to myself. I have a lot that I want to accomplish in the next year...primarily training for the Dopey run in Walt Disney World in Jan 2011 (5K on Friday, Half marathon on Saturday, and Full marathon on Sunday). I have to prepare my body to run 42 miles in 3 days. I can't do that when I eat foods that harm my body. I can't do that when I'm letting work get between me and the gym. I can't do that when I eat foods that don't help build muscle strength and endurance.

So while I can't participate in any sort of weight loss challenge because I am gaining and losing 5-8 pounds per day from swelling, I can be in on a challenge of eating healthy foods only. I can no longer be complacent. I no longer want to be complacent. Guess what...that one or two bites DOES hurt.

Love you all...And I'm REALLY going to make an effort to be here more. I need the support. I need the love...and I need the ass kickings!

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Well I called and talked to my mommy tonight and then came here and read these posts. While I am not proud that I have had the EXACT same problems, I am really glad to hear that I am not the only one. My weight is way up...20 pounds over my smallest. While my doc and my personal trainer agree that I will never and should never get to that weight again, that doesn't mean that I can't get down to a healthy weight.

So beginning right here and right now I am saying that I am going to only eat foods that benefit me. If there is no benefit to me eating them, I will refrain from doing so. This isn't about food, this is about me being good to myself. I have a lot that I want to accomplish in the next year...primarily training for the Dopey run in Walt Disney World in Jan 2011 (5K on Friday, Half marathon on Saturday, and Full marathon on Sunday). I have to prepare my body to run 42 miles in 3 days. I can't do that when I eat foods that harm my body. I can't do that when I'm letting work get between me and the gym. I can't do that when I eat foods that don't help build muscle strength and endurance.

So while I can't participate in any sort of weight loss challenge because I am gaining and losing 5-8 pounds per day from swelling,

I can be in on a challenge of eating healthy foods only. I can no longer be complacent. I no longer want to be complacent. Guess what...that one or two bites DOES hurt.

Love you all...And I'm REALLY going to make an effort to be here more. I need the support. I need the love...and I need the ass kickings!

Hey Baby Girl - I agree now weight loss challenge I love the healthy eating challenge better - cuz you know what if we eat healthy we will be healthy and that for most of us will mean lbs coming off..


So glad to have you back !!!! I have missed you and you know Mommy will kick some A$$ :biggrin:

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8_6_54.gif 8_6_52.gif 8_6_54.gif

Now I can go to bed :biggrin:

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I have over indulged!!

I think I drank most of a bottle of merlot all by myself because EArl was being very careful since we had to drive 5 miles down the road to get home!!!

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Sorry Janet, I missed you again,...

I watched Angels & Demons, pretty good. Went to bed at 10 pm with 4 fur babies. Needless to say, it took a long time to get to sleep, even with my sleeping pills. I haven't had trouble getting to sleep for almost a year. Without the sleeping pills, I was lucky to doze for a couple of hours a night. I couldn't seem to shut off my mind and Simon & Molly have to tussel with each other before settling down. I did spend a good portion of last night evaluating my life. I have prayed for 1) the house to sell soon, and 2) long life, I asked for 50 more years. That is new for me, I never have even considered asking God for more years, I always have had difficulty dealing with the years I have had. So today is a new day AND a new life.

The gym...I don't hate it because of young people. I just hate the monotony, boooooring. Also one of my parents work there and I don't feel like I can relax. Sounds like an excuse...and probably is one. I am going to dig through the few video tapes that weren't packed and see if my work out tape is still there. If not, I am going to spend the $$$ and get a new one. I have to get a no impact one.

Anyway, you all have a fabulous New Years Day. I have to run into town to pick up a zipper for DD#4's new jacket. Zipper broke when we washed it and the store doesn't have another jacket in the color that she liked, so I am repairing. TTFN

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Well I called and talked to my mommy tonight and then came here and read these posts. While I am not proud that I have had the EXACT same problems, I am really glad to hear that I am not the only one. My weight is way up...20 pounds over my smallest. While my doc and my personal trainer agree that I will never and should never get to that weight again, that doesn't mean that I can't get down to a healthy weight.

So beginning right here and right now I am saying that I am going to only eat foods that benefit me. If there is no benefit to me eating them, I will refrain from doing so. This isn't about food, this is about me being good to myself. I have a lot that I want to accomplish in the next year...primarily training for the Dopey run in Walt Disney World in Jan 2011 (5K on Friday, Half marathon on Saturday, and Full marathon on Sunday). I have to prepare my body to run 42 miles in 3 days. I can't do that when I eat foods that harm my body. I can't do that when I'm letting work get between me and the gym. I can't do that when I eat foods that don't help build muscle strength and endurance.

So while I can't participate in any sort of weight loss challenge because I am gaining and losing 5-8 pounds per day from swelling, I can be in on a challenge of eating healthy foods only. I can no longer be complacent. I no longer want to be complacent. Guess what...that one or two bites DOES hurt.

Love you all...And I'm REALLY going to make an effort to be here more. I need the support. I need the love...and I need the ass kickings!

Karri, welcome back babe... we have all missed you and were Jealous that you were only sharing yourself with MOMMY!!! tsk, tsk..

While reading the post from Phyl, this one line really jumped out at me.... We have to be the BEST friends to OURSELVES first... !

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

Happy New Years Day Ladies.. love you all!:biggrin:

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Good Morning Gang - Happy New Years Day!!!

Remember to eat your black eye peas for good luck and collard greens for prosperity ....

Karla - Yep I was all alone last night - not really - my DD called and we talked on the phone for 1 hrs - and this is from a girl (DD) who isn't a big phone talker - now me hell I have been known to talk on the phone for hours. My Ex James sister use to call and we would be on the phone for 3 hrs.. My GF Billie we too would be on the phone for hours - hell we use to watch the Olympics together over the phone lol

Ok dear you asked for 50 yrs - I'll be happy w/30 - Do you really want to live to be 100.. Reasonable expectations..

You Know what - Live for today - tomorrow is not promised.. That's my motto... Yes to a degree you have to plan for tomorrow - but you need to live in the moment..

Well, just got off the phone w/Candice :0) We had a nice Chat - I think I will have another melt down so she has to come and kick my butt :0)

Stayed up till 12:30 - chatted with Phyl online for a bit.

Up at 7:30 - Andrew called me last night at 11:59 how cool is that an 18 yr old at a party thinking about his Grandma..

Well going to the show at 11:30 going to see Blind Side w/gf and her mom - on my 2nd cup of coffee - feel a little hung over from the late night ;0) even though I didn't drink - but hell I rarely stay up past midnite anymore..

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My food for Dec 31/2009

Holy Hanna, I was just drinking an Isopure protien drink, and I PB'd on that??? WTF??

I had a hot cocoa/coffee mix a hour ago and it was fine.. Couldn't gag down oatmeal for breaky either... guess I'm having a TIGHT TIGHT Day... Perhaps I'll try Soup later on.

I put Baked Beans and Meatballs in the Crock pot for dinner tonight.

I've bee trying to incorporate more legumes and lentils into my diet..

Edited by peaches9
more stuff

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My food for Dec 31/2009

Good going girl !!!

I had 100c popcorn and an eggbeater omelet w/haberno cheese & slice of lite toast for dinner - and didn't even eat it all I stopped when I was full - That in it's self was a great accomplishment ...

So my total for yesterday was about 300 total - burned 677 so I did excellent :0)

Not really I should have eaten more - but that's ok - I needed to get all the junk out of my system.

Well need to jump in the shower - I gotta go to the bank and get some $$$ for the show - Plus I think I am going to go get some black eye peas and collard greens to eat today...


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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