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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I love that we are all getting back to SERIOUS Healthy Eating.... I went to the gym this a.m. with my buddy and I did 20 Mins of Biking, 20 mins of treadmill/incline but NOjogging today( hee,hee thanks Janet)

I did havea session with the personal trainer to set me up on all the equipment, so no worries there..

I did cardio then my UPPER BOdy workout only, lots of stretching but I thought I'd save my LEGS workout for another day... so far my Knees' been good today. I've got my brace on now and I think I'll start wearing it all the time to the gym... Better safe than sorry... so I'll look like a geek.. I don't care, I'm not going there to FETCH anybody. I sat down on the bike today and a guy(my age) next to me starts up a conversation... I just put my earplugs in and Smiled (get lost)

Then I went and filled up the car with gas, self pump Janet!! and its -13Celcius here... cold as a witches t!!! you get the idea.LOL

Answer: -13 ºC = 8.6 ºF

Karla, I am going to do some serious sewing this aft and evening... I am doing the quilt as you go BLUE/YELLOW quilt... it will be done in 3 mos... I can hardly beleive it.. although I am still behind in my blocks...

Peter gave me a box full of Toille fat quarters for Xmas... kinda dull and drab colours (don't know WHAT he was thinking?) any ideas of what I could do with it????

Oh and he also gave me 6 meters of WHITE/on Cream... which is very usefull to have around...

Phyl, on the road again... that feels good eh? It's nice to see the family, but you'll love getting back to the RV home as well.... oh the concrete pad will look so nice and be cured by now.... how will you decorate???

Stephanie, Karri, Kari & LInda... I know you are lurking to HUGS to you All!!!;)

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I love that we are all getting back to SERIOUS Healthy Eating.... I went to the gym this a.m. with my buddy and I did 20 Mins of Biking, 20 mins of treadmill/incline but NOjogging today( hee,hee thanks Janet)

I did havea session with the personal trainer to set me up on all the equipment, so no worries there..

I did cardio then my UPPER BOdy workout only, lots of stretching but I thought I'd save my LEGS workout for another day... so far my Knees' been good today. I've got my brace on now and I think I'll start wearing it all the time to the gym... Better safe than sorry... so I'll look like a geek.. I don't care, I'm not going there to FETCH anybody. I sat down on the bike today and a guy(my age) next to me starts up a conversation... I just put my earplugs in and Smiled (get lost)

Then I went and filled up the car with gas, self pump Janet!! and its -13Celcius here... cold as a witches t!!! you get the idea.LOL

Answer: -13 ºC = 8.6 ºF

Karla, I am going to do some serious sewing this aft and evening... I am doing the quilt as you go BLUE/YELLOW quilt... it will be done in 3 mos... I can hardly beleive it.. although I am still behind in my blocks...

Peter gave me a box full of Toille fat quarters for Xmas... kinda dull and drab colours (don't know WHAT he was thinking?) any ideas of what I could do with it????

Oh and he also gave me 6 meters of WHITE/on Cream... which is very usefull to have around...

Phyl, on the road again... that feels good eh? It's nice to see the family, but you'll love getting back to the RV home as well.... oh the concrete pad will look so nice and be cured by now.... how will you decorate???

Stephanie, Karri, Kari & LInda... I know you are lurking to HUGS to you All!!!;)

Doesn't it feel good to get back to healthy eating - funny how we miss it and look forward to getting back to it..

WTG on the gym - hell no one talks to me at the gym - not many our age at mine - and both Idrise & Vickey say I am not approachable.. I said the other day - no guys look at me at the gym and vickey said yes they do - but I haven't ever noticed - I don't smile enough I guess.. Who knows - but since I ain't looking no biggie and when I go to the gym I go to work out - When I go in the mornings I have a fresh washed face and that's it... I don't look too cute :0)...

Did you go see the Torch - Peter posted pic on FB how cool I would have went to see it pass thru..

I have my official Canada Olympic outfit that I got last summer to wear when I watch this winter (remember)...

Yep you should maybe do 10 min treadmill to warm up then go to leg weights one day - then next day arms - then 1 day just cardio then back to legs - do lunges - if you want your butt to hurt - we did they yesterday and my butt is sore today ;0)

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Doesn't it feel good to get back to healthy eating - funny how we miss it and look forward to getting back to it..

WTG on the gym - hell no one talks to me at the gym - not many our age at mine - and both Idrise & Vickey say I am not approachable.. I said the other day - no guys look at me at the gym and vickey said yes they do - but I haven't ever noticed - I don't smile enough I guess.. Who knows - but since I ain't looking no biggie and when I go to the gym I go to work out - When I go in the mornings I have a fresh washed face and that's it... I don't look too cute :0)...

Did you go see the Torch - Peter posted pic on FB how cool I would have went to see it pass thru..

I have my official Canada Olympic outfit that I got last summer to wear when I watch this winter (remember)...

Yep you should maybe do 10 min treadmill to warm up then go to leg weights one day - then next day arms - then 1 day just cardio then back to legs - do lunges - if you want your butt to hurt - we did they yesterday and my butt is sore today ;0)

no i didnt go see the tourch....too cold to be standing around outside!!! Iwas at the gym doin my bit

YES, I am enjoying getting back intyo getting healthy.... my muscles are feeling FIRMER so cool ;)

I have Bridget on my lap right now, peter is playing his guitar.... so my typing is not so good.

SHe jjust sits here STARING at the monitor.. likeshe's reading it???

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ugh, my front TOOTH just came out!! While flossing my teeth after supper it just flipped out and onto my T-shrit.

Sure hope I can get into my DENTIST tomorrow a.m. to get it glued back in....!!!!

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Come on Candice, show us a picture of you without your tooth, hehe. Sorry couldn't resist. Stinks that your tooth took a dive.

Got the carpets cleaned, house scrubbed, garage mopped. Now I just need to polish up the stuff in the garage (cat litter tub, dog food tub, cat food tub, and the top of the freezer, probably the doors also.) BLECK

Going to go take a shower and then sit down for the rest of the night and watch a movie, AFTER I run to the store I'm out of yogurt.

Phyl, you sound better today, travel safe.

Called and checked up on my dad, he's weak, but alive at this point.

Anyway, need to run, so check in on you later. TTFN

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OMG Candice - is that the work you had done in Mx?? Send Peter to the store to get some fixodent (denture stuff) and put it back on - it will hold it a little bit - I have gf who used super glue to put her's back on

Ya I could imagine how hard it is to type w/doggie in lap - Angel is smaller and every now and then she's in my lap but it's to hard so on the floor she goes..

Phyl should be getting home by now - I didn't tell her - but it's cold here - low/mid 60's during the day...

Well I didn't do crap today - 2 loads of towels and that's it - oh ya took a nap..

I did make the mistake of getting on the scales - up 3 freaking lbs.. Well that's what I get for eating all those sweets it's a good thing I didn't make xmas Cookies last night..

Well back to the gym and eating healthy they will come off - am thinking about a fill again but again I don't think I really need one - who knows maybe a brain fill of .1 would help..

Well need to go see what I can throw together for lunch tomorrow - back to work for 2 days then off for a 3 day weekend - I won't have another furlough day til 1/15 then 1/29 -

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Got "home" about 5 pm. Got a late start. Jacki wanted to make us these Scandinavian things... aebleskiver. Anyone know what I"m talking about?? They're kind of like round pancakes... about like doughnut holes. Very good.. hollow inside. Very tricky to make...have to have a special pan. And have to keep turning them with a knitting needle to get them round.

Anyway, her granddaughter was throwing up all night long, so she didn't get up until 9 a.m. That's why we got a late start. Then we had to stop at costco for gas and to look for something for our neighbor... she was taking care of the cat. I wanted to get her a bottle of Egg Nog... Costco has been selling it... already has the alcohol in it. But they were out of it. She also likes "Fuzzy Navels"... the wine coolers. They didn't have those either. So we have ot go somewhere else to get her something.

We both had headaches all day long.. hope we're not getting what our friends' DGD had!

Had more friendly conversation with DS #2 yesterday, and then his son called... the one that has been among the missing for the last two months or so. We had a really good talk. Remember when his mother called me.. several times, so drunk I could barely undrestand her?? well that's why he left. Said he can't take it anymore. And she & her parents (his other grandparents) are growing/selling "medical" mj now, so... unsavory characters hanging around and he wanted out. He was court ordered to live with his mother and judge would not listen to any of his allegations so he ran away. He turned 17 last week. He wants me to help him get emancipated, and he wants to enlist in the Marines. He's talked about that for as long as I can remember.. like 6 yrs old!! So I'm going to do a little research online and see what is involved. He is staying with his girlfriend's family and I talked to the dad for a while. He's wanting to help, too... even said he'd fly DS up there to sign papers if it was necessary. Will need parent's signature to get emancipated, I think, and definitely to enlist at 17, if that's even possible!

14_2_101.gif 36_17_4.gif

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Glad you got home safely -fingers crossed you don't get what Jackies dgd had.

Sound's like your gs has his head on straight = Marines great idea - I think any of the militalry would be good..

Well I have work tomorrow - headed to bed in a few..

Talk to you all in the a.m.

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Good Morning Gang..

Drive by post - gotta hit the showers..

food Yesterday

BF - 4 oz prime rib - lunch popcorn - dinner Fish Cauliflower

snack - 1/4 c cashews - 2 sf dark choc puddings.< /p>

Exercise 3.5 mile 500 calories burned.

Today - BF - Steel Cut oatmeal - Lunch Fish/Cauliflower

Dinner - Fish/Rice/Veggies

Snack - taking a pear to work.

Exercise - Weights tonite (arms)

That's the plan for today...

Well gotta hit the shower - Work ;)

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Good Morning Gang..

Drive by post - gotta hit the showers..

food Yesterday

BF - 4 oz prime rib - lunch popcorn - dinner Fish Cauliflower

snack - 1/4 c cashews - 2 sf dark choc puddings.< /p>

Exercise 3.5 mile 500 calories burned.

Today - BF - Steel Cut Oatmeal - Lunch Fish/Cauliflower

Dinner - Fish/Rice/Veggies

Snack - taking a pear to work.

Exercise - Weights tonite (arms)

That's the plan for today...

Well gotta hit the shower - Work :)


I don't think you really want to know what I ate yesterday..

though it wasn't all bad.

Those abelskiver things for BF, with a little bit of scrambled egg and a couple turkey bacon strips. Oh, and I put some Lynchburg Syrup on the abelskivers, and a little jam on one.

Lunch was truck stop buffet! Had a little mashed taters, two chicken drumsticks, roasted, at leasnt not fried. Some peas and carrots, mac and cheese and salad. I had a bread pudding in front of me... took two very small bites and knew it would be stupid to eat any more.

But, we didn't eat dinner because we both had bad headaches when we got home. I had some cheese, crackers and a little pheasant sausage that Jacki sent home with us.

So, Earl got out the Wii this morning. Last time we weighed on it was 13 days ago. He was up 16 lb... yes, SIXTEEN lb in less than 2 weeks! He weighed 196 and his goal is 180, so he'll be swimming laps and starving himself and not getting weighed in tomorrow at TOPS! I was up 2.4 lb. So I have my work cut out for me, too! We're back on track this morning! All ready to go to Water aerobics even though the stupid thermometer is still sitting on 49 degrees. At least the wind isn't blowing so, I can stand it!

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Phyl - Hugs on your Earl issues - he's going to be a bear cuz like you said he will start starving himself and be grouchy...

Ya gotta get back to healthy eating - least you did better than me - 2.4 my scale 3 lbs - but remember alot of that is Water weight too cuz carbs make you hold on to the water..

I'm eating my steel cut oats right now - I like them ..

Yep no excuses for the gym/pool for the next month - gotta get those scales moving for all of us...

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Alright ladies. I was going to try to catch up on reading before I posted, but that just isn't going to happen. I just don't have time. So....hopefully I'll go back and read later and I'll get the gyst of what is happening in your lives. Sorry. That seems so selfish.

Well...for those of you on FB, you know I've had a sinus infection. But it's getting better. PA called in antibiotics for me. I can't believe what they cost. I'm not wanting to start a feud here, but if WITH insurance, antibiotics cost over $100 there is a problem that needs addressed. People need to be able to afford their meds! Lucky for me, I can. That's all I have to say about that.

On the other hand, my depression meds are much better covered and with the increase and the ritalin, I'm doing MUCH better. I have hardly sat in my chair in the last week. I guess I nap when the little one goes down, but that's all. I've put together 4 puzzles, visited with my mom, pittled around the house, and just done stuff. Nothing productive, but I'm moving. Because I'm not in my chair, I'm not on the internet as much as I was. Pop onto FB to check status updates and then I'm off again. I feel SO MUCH better!!!!

Going to a card party tomorrow night next door. It will be fun and not a drunken escapade like downtown will be. I'm excited! I need to go find a hostess gift. Then on Friday we are heading to Billings to spend the weekend with Michael. We had a breakthrough therapy session last week and he seems to be making progress. I'm so happy to hear that. I think he may have crumbled some of the walls he has built up. We are going to have family pictures taken! Its been 2 years since we had the last ones done....before surgery. It will be nice to have a family photo up that I'm not ashamed to look at. I'm not at goal but at least not as bad as I was. Also planning on taking him to Avatar 3D. We are staying at a hotel with a waterpark attached so we will spend some time there too.

My neice is coming home from the air force also. She'll be there. I'm sooooooo excited to see her. I miss her so badly! It is just going to be a great weekend.

My PA said that I shouldn't worry about my food right now, that when my meds kick in and I feel better about me, the rest will come. You know...I think she's right. I'm making better choices. Not great ones, but better. I want to be healthy! Another interesting thing, the Ritalin is making me not want to eat. I'm still getting hungry, but just don't want to eat. WOOOOHOOOOO!

Okay. I need to go do a few errands. Hope I can catch up soon. Love you.

Oh...BTW, you will be getting New Years cards.....I didn't get the Christmas ones out. Sorry!

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Phyl, just read about your abelskivers! I actually have my own pan! I LOVE them.

My grandmother would make them for us every time we stayed at her house. But, we fill ours with jams and jellies. They aren't hallow and then you don't need Syrup in them. They are a pain to make, but so special. I don't think I've made any in 3 years or so.

Thanks for the memories. It made me smile!

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Morning ladies, late start, didn't get up until 11 am, what's up with that. Actually i know what is up, DD#4 is visiting the boyfriend, so her puppy was up ever 45 minutes looking for her. He jumps off my bed and then is too heavy to jump back on. I tried locking him out, but he whined so loud that I could hear it over my CPAP machine. Now my day is half over.

I'm not thrilled with DD#4 going to see the boyfriend in Whitefish because he has never made the effort to come here and meet me. I am really afraid that she is getting taken advantage of, but she is almost 24 so it is her mistake to make. I think she is making it way to easy for him. He doesn't have to make any effort to build a relationship, she is convienent. I know she will pay in the end and I need to SHUT UP and let her make her own mistakes.

Did good foodwise yesterday until evening. I scrubbed and cleaned all day until aboutf 7:30 pm, when I finally sat down I ate off and on all evening. NOT good. I was over tired and should have just went to bed. So today is a new day and we will go from here.

Phyl, I love that Earl gained weight, I shouldn't, he will be grouchy, but at least he didn't 'get away' with all that eating. Of course being a man, he will loose it in a week or 2.

Steph, glad to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing better. I'm thrilled!!

Well need to get some breakfast/lunch. TTFN

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Goodaye Ladies!

Oh I am late gettin on here. Bridget went for anothe booster shot today... so far so good. Peter just went to pick her up.

Peter went to the bank, did some errands and came home with A new set of sheets for our KING bed... now we don't NEED any sheets, I already have 2 sets!!!! but it was such a deal!!!

Then he says I got you another present!! A meat marinator syringe thingy... ya, really NEED that too. Then there are 3 pillar candles.. all scented... like FOOD>>>> ARGH:thumbdown:

He is a sweetie but just dosn't know when to walk away from a bargain... oh my!

food yest and today good, shake for bready, lamb curry/rice for lunch. chicken something for dinner... No workout today as I don't get into the dentist until 4:15... so Michelle said "lets just scip a day" o.k. by mee....tomorrow we'll just work harder.

But I am craving sweets today... don't know what's up with that... so I ate my chewable Vitamins(strawberry), Vit D (choc flavor) and my Calcium chew (also choclate) I should make some pudding like Janet had... yummmmm

Phyl, glad you are home safe and sound.. 16 lbs on Earl!! omygosh... but as long as he had fun, congrats on not joining him in that gain!!! You did awesome over XMAS.

Loved hearing from you Steph!!!

Hey us Canucks are playing US in big HOCKEY Torney on the New Years Holiday... we should ALL watch and cheer along!!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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