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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Okay, does candice REALLY have 10 bedrooms?

Ha,ha,ha,... Janet is exaggerating... I only have FIVE bedrooms! and FOUR bathrooms...

It sounds austentatious but it really isn't, just a Ranch style house.... really we bought it for the YARD... it was really a great yard for the DOGS... hee,hee.

Karla, I am so sorry about that Sh!theal parent... absolutely get the principal to back you up... what did they say? Is it POLICE worthy? if so... have them charged... teachers take enough crap with out getting it from the Parents too!~!~~~ JMHO

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Phyl: Have a great holiday up north with your Family and Friends... GOD Bless and safe driving! p.s. the concrete will still be HARD when you get back.

Janet: I loved your post on the other link... I printed it out and am keeping it in my batharoom right next to my SCALE! I have been really good about going to the gym, ah not just going but WORKING hard... last night I did 1 1/2 hours... 1 hour of all my weight machines and 30 mins HARD cardio... I am walking fast 3.4 then jogging for 1 minute every 5 minutes or so... it really gets my heart rate up... my arms are starting to look different already... its been 3 weeks with Michelle and me going..

Karla: Hugs GF, good luck on the showing... then RELAX and enjoy your beautiful girls... you are so lucky... remember to COUNT your BLESSINGS this Christmas! Give your DAD a big hug~!

Stephanie: SO glad Rose is there, will Michael be home at all over the holidays? Good news you got your meds adjusted... whew... now just be patient while they do their thing... have a super holiday... thanks for the invite....!!! I'll be there in the SPRING

LINDA: I know you are lurking, so are you Kari!!! SO happy CHRISTMAS to you both...

Did you guys get my Christmas Cards in the U.S. Yet???? I mailed them weeks ago????

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Phyl: Have a great holiday up north with your Family and Friends... GOD Bless and safe driving! p.s. the concrete will still be HARD when you get back.

Janet: I loved your post on the other link... I printed it out and am keeping it in my batharoom right next to my SCALE! I have been really good about going to the gym, ah not just going but WORKING hard... last night I did 1 1/2 hours... 1 hour of all my weight machines and 30 mins HARD cardio... I am walking fast 3.4 then jogging for 1 minute every 5 minutes or so... it really gets my heart rate up... my arms are starting to look different already... its been 3 weeks with Michelle and me going..

Karla: Hugs GF, good luck on the showing... then RELAX and enjoy your beautiful girls... you are so lucky... remember to COUNT your BLESSINGS this Christmas! Give your DAD a big hug~!

Stephanie: SO glad Rose is there, will Michael be home at all over the holidays? Good news you got your meds adjusted... whew... now just be patient while they do their thing... have a super holiday... thanks for the invite....!!! I'll be there in the SPRING

LINDA: I know you are lurking, so are you Kari!!! SO happy CHRISTMAS to you both...

Did you guys get my Christmas Cards in the U.S. Yet???? I mailed them weeks ago????


Yes I got your card last week early in the week - Have you gotten mine - I mailed them a week ago Monday - I see you sent yours air mail - I sent mine regular mail.

I didn't know there were 4 bathrooms - just yours - the one I used and the one Phyl used..

Since I use foxfire I have all these tabs open and FB is one and Linda will be on and want to chat but by the time I see it cuz I a posting here - we miss each other..

I guess what caught my eye on that thread was - Relax eat what you want - I took it literally - And I can't - Like I said I am a sober addict right now - if I ate the way I wanted I would be 250..

WTG on the exercise girl - I am proud of you... Exercise is key for me - and I think for those of us who have desk jobs and don't move very much - it's a great boost to our weight loss cuz our bodies arent' use to the work outs..

I am back from my weight training arms - Had a good workout - The coffee kicked in and I think I will be sore in a couple of days - last week my chest was so sore that I thought I was getting sick - I told that to Idrise tonite he knew what I meant - I like it when I get sore after a work out - it means I am burning calories :0) and building muscle..

Well, Tomorrow is Christmas Eve - Joseph & Family should be here around 10ish tomorrow night.. I am going to have to make sure the living room is dark so Brooke can't see the presents - When Joseph & Andrew were little I never put presents under the tree til after they went to bed..

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hi guys.

It's been a really tough time for me. Somes days I am up, others I am down. I think it's the time of year and the weather. I will admit to lurking before, but the last month or so, I've only come here about every 5 pages or so. I checked in last week end and clicked on to reply and said, forget it and got out of here. That's how things have been. Loved the Christmas card idea. I just didn't get any sent. None. Sorry, I had good intentions and about ten boxes of cards. Finally got my shopping done. Just got to wrap now and we're leaving for Grand Rapids tomorrow to spend Christmas with the grandkids. Oh no, I just pulled a blank mind so I'm gonna sign out now. BUT I DON WANT TO WISH EVERYONE A VERY MERRY AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS AND A PROFITABLE NEW YEAR. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU.

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What the heck is up with having to login. It took me forever to get it going!!

Just had some carolers, that was nice. The puppies went bonkers naturally.

Anyway, absolutely fabulous to be home and done with school. Finally had my eval conference. The official eval went well, it was the unoffical one that wasn't all that good. I have to stop teaching science to the 6th graders. I will only teach 'simple science' and then I need to meet the parent's needs. I will check every assignment and contact every parent immediately if an assignment is not turned in. I am only to use the book and book assignments, but the assignments are not to be too hard, umm the book is designed for 9th graders. I am to make sure that every assignment is fun AND I need to no longer do hands on activities AND I am no longer be concerned with the curriculum.

So folks, I am now an official babysitter.

Anyway, I suppose I best get busy on projects. Oh and yes there will be Christmas cards, I am just doing post Christmas cards!

Steph, give Rose a hug please, don't stress too much!!!

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hi guys.

It's been a really tough time for me. Somes days I am up, others I am down. I think it's the time of year and the weather. I will admit to lurking before, but the last month or so, I've only come here about every 5 pages or so. I checked in last week end and clicked on to reply and said, forget it and got out of here. That's how things have been. Loved the Christmas card idea. I just didn't get any sent. None. Sorry, I had good intentions and about ten boxes of cards. Finally got my shopping done. Just got to wrap now and we're leaving for Grand Rapids tomorrow to spend Christmas with the grandkids. Oh no, I just pulled a blank mind so I'm gonna sign out now. BUT I DON WANT TO WISH EVERYONE A VERY MERRY AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS AND A PROFITABLE NEW YEAR. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU.

Kari - Hugs - GF - you need one of those sun lights - and go to the doctor and ck your meds - they may need adjusting..

Have a safe trip tomorrow - I know the weather isn't good for my northern friends..

What the heck is up with having to login. It took me forever to get it going!!

Just had some carolers, that was nice. The puppies went bonkers naturally.

Anyway, absolutely fabulous to be home and done with school. Finally had my eval conference. The official eval went well, it was the unoffical one that wasn't all that good. I have to stop teaching science to the 6th graders. I will only teach 'simple science' and then I need to meet the parent's needs. I will check every assignment and contact every parent immediately if an assignment is not turned in. I am only to use the book and book assignments, but the assignments are not to be too hard, umm the book is designed for 9th graders. I am to make sure that every assignment is fun AND I need to no longer do hands on activities AND I am no longer be concerned with the curriculum.

So folks, I am now an official babysitter.

Anyway, I suppose I best get busy on projects. Oh and yes there will be Christmas cards, I am just doing post Christmas cards!

Steph, give Rose a hug please, don't stress too much!!!

Ya I had to sign in too - they must have reset something - I never have to sign in and when that's happen before - I forget my password and then get locked out - then it takes forever (15 minutes) to get your password reset - I was lucky I remember my password this time..

OMG your kids would fail in Cali schools...And you are suppose to contact EVERY PARENT when they haven't turned in their papers - OMG I would have heard every day 10 times a day from GS teachers... Kid's don't have to take responsibility - OMW - you work for a F'd up school district.

How can you teach 6th grade science with a 9th grade level book - did you ask that question - simple but no hands on - no fun - is it earth science you teach - so you can't have them bring a potato and what it grow - your kid's don't have a science fair that they MUST enter.. Andrew did..

Ya you are a babysister - OMW - I can't believe that so much diff than our schools here..

Hugs Hugs Hugs - I think you need to get online and ck out Desert Sands Unified School District or Palm Springs Unified School District - Coachella Valley Unified School District (those are the 3 school districts here in the Desert) Plus we have ton's of private schools too.. Can't hurt to ck it out and then you could move here and have me as a ft gf :0)

Maybe you could teach me how to quilt - but remember I am not good w/math :0)

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Great day. Driving seemed to go by quickly, but first I read a People magazine and then I finished the book I've been reading... The Glass Castle.. Jeannette Walls. Very thought provoking, disturbing in many ways, but intriguing as well. About an extremely dysfunctional family. Read it for book club. Brought another one for the trip home since I've not yet been able to figure out how to download audio books to my new iPod.

We left a little before 7 a.m. Stopped 1/2 hr later at Denney's for BF. Don't know where Earl puts it all. He ordered a 3 egg omelet w/hashbrowns and wheat toast. He also ate 1/2 of my 2 egg Sr. omelet and 3/4 of my english muffin. He no sooner got back in the car and he opened a bag of prezels. We stopped at a truck stop in the "grape vine" and he came out with a cup of coffee and a burrito... it was 10:30 a.m. Then we stopped in Gilroy at Panera Bread.. he had 1/2 sandwich and a bowl of Soup. Then we had dinner around 6:30 pm but in between he was eating Cookies and I think a bowl of cheetos.

I went in Starbucks in Gilroy for a latte, SF, FF. Long line. Earl came in to see what he should order me for lunch. When he left gal in front of me said she didn't know how he could hear me with all the noise in there. So we talked about his hearing problem, and her father's etc., etc. By the time we got to the cash register, we were best friends. So when she ordered her two drinks, the cashier asked her "are you two together?" because she'd seen us talking and talking. So the gal says, "Yes, we are" and then she turns to me and asks me what I want to drink and she paid for my drink! We continued to chat while we waited for our drinks and when we finally got them, she gave me a big goodbye hug! She'd been to Stanford to take her husband for a treatment for his MS and they were returning to Merced. That was an intersting story, too. He was dx'd with metastatic brain cancer and sent to an oncologist who then sent them to Stanford... who told him he has MS. She said they both started laughing and crying at the same time and the doctor was qutie puzzled at that kind of reaction to an MS diagnosis... but they explained that was a whole lot better than metastatic brain cancer!! Anyways, it was a pleasant interlude on a long travel day!

We got here about 4pm. And now it's time to go to bed!

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Phyl, what a wonderful time. Isn't it amazing how just waiting in line you can have a rememberable moment with just the right perspective. Instead of grumbling about the long line, you reached out and made a difference in someone's life as well as your own. I think we ALL need to remember that there are reasons for thing that happen. The couple have just received the greatest gift of life, and you were there to share it! What a joyous Christmas gift! Okay, waking up at 4:30 on the first day of vacation can make me a little strange. I was all set to sleep in, but my eyes popped open at 4:28 and my brain started singing Christmas Carols. Now Christmas has finally arrived for me. Which leads me to the bigger picture, my grumbling, it's time to let it go. I need to just accept and move on. Thank you all for listening to me and supporting me.

So that being said...I am driving to Butte to pick up DD#2 this morning. They live in Idaho Falls and my someday SIL is heading to Roundup. So we make a transfer of DD#2 in Butte. He heads on to Roundup and DD#2 is all mine for 4 whole days!!!! Then DD#3 & #4 should show up late afternoon or Early evening. Then DD#1 flies in on Christmas day at about 11 pm. So I think we are going to Celebrate our Christmas on Saturday.

Phyl glad your trip went well, Janet, enjoy your family, Candice MERRY CHRISTMAS and enjoy your family, Steph, relax and enjoy!!! Kari, hang in there, get your med's checked and go sit in a tanning bed, you need some solar energy. Karri, can't wait to see pics of the new you, Linda? Jackie? Come on ladies we miss you. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Merry Christmas Eve

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I too am awake early - but I didn't wake up - my alarm went off - I didn't turn it off last night cuz I wanted to get up early - gotta hit the gym this morning to burn those Cookies I ate last night :))

Phyl - What a wonderful story about the lady in Starbucks

isn't it wonderful that there are nice pple in the world who even with bad things happening to them they are friendly and happy and full of good cheer - that warms my heart.

There's a story on my mentor thread - but for you who don't read it gotta repeat it I thought it was wonderful

My friend went to church last night they took up the collection - the pastor had pizza delivery - and guess what - that collect that was took was given to the pizza delivery guy $485 tip !!!

Life is good !!! What a great thing to happen to that pizza guy..

Phyl - What you aren't realizing is that you use to eat like Earl - you have changed but he hasn't - I bet 2.5 yrs ago when you guys traveled - when he ate you ate - now you don't and he still is..

Gym this morning - then finish up my grocery shopping - Joseph bought a little compressor on black friday - it was his xmas present to himself - so he left it here to put under the tree - well I just noticed it in my closet the other day - so now I have to wrap that..

Kids won't be here til 10ish tonite - Andrew will go to his Mom's tonite and I will watch It's a Wonderful Life

Gotta email my Uncle & 2 nephews to tell them to be here around 1 ish on Christmas for dinner..

I'll be cking in during the day :)

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Phyl, Janet it right, besides...he is a man, men ALWAYS get to have more of EVERYTHING and get away with it.

Got all of DD#2's pillow appliqued, now I need to do the embroidery...is it going to be done, umm probably not, but my kids are use to my IOU's.


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A quick ck in - back from the gym - took 1 hr to burn off 1 cookie - so I should have stayed for another 3 hours lol..

Well need to jump in the shower - Angel needs a bath too and hit the store before the rest of the world - hopefully most pple have to work at least 1/2 day today - so that this morning won't be too crazy...


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Just time for a quick post. We need to get out of here...Going to Earl's brother's to have coffee and chat and then out to lunch. Chris & Kellie will meet us all for lunch.

You're right... I used to eat just like Earl. He had Cookies before his Breakfast this morning! The kitchen has plates of Cookies and candy EVERYWHERE!! I had one oatmeal/raisin this morning, but 2 sm pieces of fudge last night. I just can't go in there and look at it! I will have to be very careful this weekend!

Yes, it was a great encounter in Starbucks yesterday! The two of us just instantly clicked... and I'm old enough to be her mom, but we just chatted and chatted the whole time we were in line and then waiting for our drinks. I'm kind of sorry we didn't exchange contact info now because we had such a great visit. I'm convinced the Lord just arranges things like that.. sort of divine encounters.

Sister Mary Lou & family coming over this afternoon for Snacks, etc and then we're all going to Christmas Eve candlelight service. Her son can't come... ped. neuro resident and he's on call all weekend and can't get more than 30 minute drive from the hospital (SF).

Later, Gals....

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!8_2_114.gif 8_2_118.gif 8_2_117.gif

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Phyl sounds like you are having a great time !!!

Yep I believe like you do -God brings us together for a reason... There was a lesson to be learned from that encounter - We have to be thankful for what we have - I agree MS is better the brain cancer - and I know from personal experience you will make anyone smile - you have that way about you..

I am in a very emotional state today - I am just feeling so very blessed - I have you guys - for the original #7 we have been sisters for 2.6 yrs now - and Karla - when did you join - but I feel like you have been here from day one - Karri too..

We have so much - we have our health - we have our families - we have each other - we all have a roof over our heads - jobs - and food on our tables (a little too much right now lol)

God Bless each and everyone of you I love you all from the bottom of my heart and I thank God everyday for bringing you all into my life...

Well enough crying :0)...

Angel and I took a shower - I find it easier to give her a bath w/me in the shower - she doesn't slip so much as she does in the sink - got her all brushed out - now I have to put on my face and get dressed and get my shopping done...

Just want you all to know how much I love you - Thank you all for being my Sisters ...

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Well Gang I see everyone is gone already :0) doing family stuff - Well mine left their house about an hour ago - should be here 9:30 or 10

I got food shopping done - cake cooling on rack - cheesecake done - bought those precut sugar Cookies got them baked and iced so that Santa will have some on his plate tonite when he comes to go along w/his milk..

Ate a cheese/jalepeno tamale - took a power nap - had one cup of coffee - on my second - load of wash done..

Now just need to wrap DS compressor - nephew presents - do my cards and ck the guess room to see if it's decent.

I may have a delima (sp) It's going to be Brooke - I hope she goes straight to bed cuz of the presents under the tree already - I think I am going to pump up the air mattress and put it infront of the tree so she can't see the presents - plus there will be the ones Joseph is bringing

Well back at it - will cbl


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It sounds like you all are having a fabulous time with family and friends. We aren't celebrating Christmas until Saturday. DD#1 doesn't arrive until after 11 pm tomorrow. Just splurged and had a small plate of nachos for dinner, probably a fourth of what I use to eat, but I only ate 1/2 a hamburger for lunch, okay and a starbucks scone....BUT IT IS CHRISTMAS. Most of my family went to Christmas eve service, I bailed. Went for a walk with DD#2 and the puppies and my hangy downy really hurts. No excuse.

Janet, I to am blessed by having you all. I can't wait until I get to meet all of you. I joined in January of 2009, so it is almost my year anniversary for LBT and 9 months for my band. I am looking forward to this summer when I will have a little extra money from working at the nursery.

Well I have combined my sleeping pills with a little alcohol and it is starting to kick in, so HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS TOMORROW!!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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