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I'm with you on how Natalie won, but Russel was the player to hate. I didn't want him to win, but there really wasn't anyone who played the game better. I guess his arogance got to me.

I know I need to go to the doc, but I have to go to a new one. My last one who dealt with my pelvic organ prolapse told me she couldn't do anything more for me and then a few years later retired. I do have the name for one, but looking in to the procedures there really isn't anything new out there and I have done everything thing else some even twice. It is just one of those chronic issues that won't change. I imagine I can have surgery again, but I can't afford to go back to Duke, I'm still paying on the last surgery, and about the only thing they can do here is staple everything back up to my pelvis. Have already done that 2 times and I know that it will only last about 6 months. Also there isn't any point going now, because when I move I will be lifting heavy stuff and will just rip it loose again. So I will live with the pain for right now. Usually it isn't too bad, but the last few days has been worse. Imagine a bad bladder infection, but worse. As long as I can still go to the bathroom I'm going to have to deal with it on my own. Sorry to grumble. Just a lousy day.

I have never gone to a psychic, my sister has many times. I don't know how I feel about them. I think they may have some insight, mainly from reading their client, looking for clues on who the person is and what they are looking for. With that in mind, it wouldn't be so bad to have someone tell you what you want. But then again, who really wants to know. that's why we need someone to read us in the first place.

I'm sure that I'm in a funk mainly because of the season. DD#4 is having some self-esteem issues. She is really worried about all her sisters being home. She feels like she doesn't 'measure up'. That she is almost 24 and living at home. So I'll send all the girls an email, and remind them to be supportive. It is tough not being the strong female that all her sisters are.

Janet, you are right about the homework issue, I'll just make sure that the kid & mom get copies, heck I'll give him 2 just incase one isn't enough. I think this is really why I don't like working with 6th graders. The parents think that they still have their sweet little kid. The reality is that middle schoolers lie, not even on purpose, they just do. As a parent you are a fool if you think your kid is perfect. I have my evaluation report today. I wish I had some control over what I teach. I wish I could say...I'm a 7th grade teacher, just let me teach what I'm good at. Overall the eval will be okay, but I am not happy with the job I'm doing. I just don't like earth science and I definitely am not a 6th grade teacher. In a perfect world I should be able to say that. But in this world, it wouldn't matter. If I wouldn't suffer a huge cut in pay I would find a different job. but they will only give me 5 years of experience instead of 23, so it is not an option. I also need to 'grow a pair' and either decide to suck it up or shut it up.

Well, best get going, time to get things cleaned up. Only 2 more days!!!

Steph, glad you had a good shopping spree, sorry about the cold, stress will do that to you.

Candice, you are free!!! Think of all the quilts you will get done. I guess if I going to come up and quilt I will have to get a passport.

Thanks for listening, you all have a good day. Phyl drive safe, enjoy the concrete. TTFN

Yes, you will need a passport... Isn't that a royal pain! But if it keeps the TERRORISTS out of both our countries, then I guess its worth it...

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I had a parent like that. So I faxed a copy, gave the kid a packet, and mailed a copy of all assignments and worksheets every week. When I changed plans in the middle of the week I faxed and mailed new copies. After about 2 weeks, she said it was alright if I didn't do that anymore. Paper her to death! That's what I say. Oh...and leave voice mails for her every afternoon telling her what little Johnny has for an assignment... just to keep her in the loop.

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Concrete is being poured.. they were here before 7 a.m. And the weather is nasty. Wind blowing, raining, cold! And almost time to go to the pool. I may wimp out on Water aerobics.. will be cold even with my swim jacket on! But will at least go in the hot tub. Then beading at 11 a.m. We're going to make a beautiful green and red poinsettia Bracelet today. Extra cost for today.... $17, but worth it. But it looks complicated so hope I can finish it in one class! And hope they turn the heat on in that room BEFORE we get there!!!

SO what did you end up doing just the hot tub- we didn't get rain this way - it's windy now.. What time are you leaving tomorrow ??

Morning ladies. Just got home from my dr.'s appointment. I love my PA. I wish she would come back and that my dr wasn't such a putz. Oh well....she's awesome.

she upped my zoloft and decided to try me on ritalin for my adhd/anxiety. She said that she thinks if I can concentrate more, my thoughts won't race out of control with worry and scenarios that are crazy. I guess I'm up for anything.

Told Jeff and he laughed and said, "So we've got THREE speed freaks in the family now, huh?" I laughed and told him to shut up. I hope it works. I've known how ADHD I am for some time now and have never medicated for it...so if it helps great. If not, we tried.

Alright. I have to go run some errands. Have a good day ladies.

Steph - Tell 3 speed freaks - You - Michael - Nick??? An that me has the oppossite effect on Adha - it's going to slow you down :0) so you don't over think :0) - Glad you are getting med's adjust -hope you feel better soon

Yes, you will need a passport... Isn't that a royal pain! But if it keeps the TERRORISTS out of both our countries, then I guess its worth it...

So how's your 1st week of retirement :0)

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First week of retirement is GREAT so far...

I've made a Christmas apron for a Patient of mine... she's a sweetie...

Then I made and delivered a Cassarole to my DF who just lost her husband... it was good to see her.... Poor thing me heart just breaks for her... and I felt so helpless... There just isn't anything you can say to take that pain away...

They are holding off on the Funeral, and having it next Tues. after Christmas.. I offered to watch her dogs for her while she's down in the city...

Kids are coming in TWO days! so I gotta get the guest room cleaned up... looks like a BOMB went off in there!

Hugs to my Ladies.


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Steph, today's crowning glory has a parent sending me an intimidating and threatening email. Was suppose to have my eval report today but principal got wrapped up with something else. I did forward the email to principal and then met with her about it. She asked me what I wanted...I told her that I wanted the parent called and told that their behavior is unacceptable. If they don't stop then I will involve the police. I don't get paid enough for this crap. Then in an IEP the school psych said that the student was failing my class because they had a 'personality conflict' with Ms. Cramer. Oh could he be repeating his parent? Three years ago when I had the sister she got a zero for an assignment because she never turned it in. I finally told my principal that 6th grade is not a good fit and that she needed to seriously consider placing me in a different grade level next year. The reality is that it won't be taken into consideration. I really don't know what else to do. I have raised my kids, I'm not up to raising someone elses. So I just don't know what options I have left. I'm locked into teaching for the next 7 years, that is the contract I signed for the science master's program. I enjoy teaching 7th graders, I am a damn good 7th grade science teacher. Oh hell, maybe I'm not.

I'll go to the doc after I sell the house. Got an email from the realtor, someone wants a showing and I haven't made the changes they want. So I guess I will run around like crazy when they call. It doesn't really matter.

Steph, I am so glad that your meds have been changed. It will take some time for them to build up, but hopefully it will make a difference.

Need to get to work on DD#2's wool pillow. Check in later, TTFN

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I was one of only 4 that showed up for Water aerobics this morning! I stuck it out for the whole hour and then went in the hot tub for 1/2 hr. Wind was cold and awful.. I wore my "water warm-up jacket" and it helped some. Earl was NOT one of those who showed up! He said he had "things" to do! Like pack the car! Huh??? I have a suitcase... already packed, he has one, already packed. I guess that took about 2 minutes to pick them up and carry them out to the car! He did one load of laundry... sheets, but really lame excuse for not going in the pool!!

Then I went to beading... poinsettia Bracelet today. But she had samples in several colors and I decided I liked the white one with crystals and pearls! The red/green is very pretty, and one lady did hers in ecru and olive green and gold and it was beautiful, too! Trying to upload a photo via FB/Blackberry, but not working so far. Camera battery is recharging so that's not an option at the moment.

Janet.... Christmas program was great. Went very well. A real workout.. 40 minutes of singing and I was sweating! LOL! And my back hurt. We didn't stand the whole time... if you remember, last year we had no opportunity to sit at all and I came very close to passing out. Sorry you couldn't make it. Earl waited until about 5:45 pm before he left. I had to be there at 5pm for one last rehearsal. I should've called you.. You would've needed gate code to get in after 5pm! I forgot about that.

Earl is completely obsessed about the weather tonight.. not because we're driving up to SF tomorrow, but because it's supposed to go down to 30 degrees tonight and that's not good for the new concrete! He's making me tell him what the temperateure is every hour on the hour! Sensor is outside on the concrete and he can't see the readout.. it's right opposite me. It's 53 now and an hour ago it was 57! He's afraid the low temp is going ot weaken the concrete and then when we leave and have to drive the RV over part of it, it's going to crack! Okay.. and... so what??? If it cracks, it cracks!! What are you going to do about it??? Cry?? Get over it! It's going to get cold for the next few nights and there is not a blessed thing you can do about it save go out and buy a bunch of electric blankets and lay them over the wet concrete!!

Listening to the wind howling outside and watching replay of today's Glenn Beck show... a whole hour of Michael Buble!! My very favorite! He's great!

I made the best chili ever yesterday.. a big crock pot of it and it's already gone!! Some neighbors who have been gone since about last March came back yesterday... they've been in Death Valley doing some photo shoots.. their business... so they had NO groceries. So they came over for some chili last night.


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Good Evening Gang...

Well tried to talk myself out of gym - Oh you are going Xmas eve so you don't need to go tonite... Cop out !!! So I didn't think about it came home changed and went -

Great work out burned 556 calories !!! I did incline 6 & 9 at 3.5 & 4.0 mph...

Tomorrow is our Xmas pot luck - didn't know what I was taking - had lox for lunch one of the girls likes lox - so that's what I am taking - I had to get some french bread - sliced it - toasted it - well the 1st batch burned - had to go back to the store and got some more bread got it sliced and toasted - so doing that w/some cream cheese..

Phyl - Ya I napped and didn't wake up til 5 and didn't feel like getting dressed - Sorry that Earl waited for me.. I was pooped Sunday - went to bed at 8:30 and sleep til 4:45.

You are taking the RV not the car?? I just looked at weather - the news said 40's but AOL Weather says 35 - 34 for the next few nights - I heard the grape vine was closed this morning for a couple of hours - so - becareful tomorrow

Well you know Earl he likes to fret over stuff he has no control over..

I don't know what I am cooking for dinner - didn't take anything out and am not really hungry at the moment...

Karla - Hugs on the student/parent issues - but you don't have to take the abuse and your principal should back you up..

As far as doing what the realtors suggested - like we all said do it after the holidays - if someone wants to buy the house they will - I thought it looked good as it was..

Candice - Your house is fine - hell you have 10 extra bed rooms lol - one has to be ready for the kid and hell it's your daughter - it's not like it's company :0)..

Well need to feed the dogs - Ck back in a bit

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RV and the cat stay here. Just taking the car. Hope there are no problems in the grape vine tomorrow morning!! Leaving early.


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Okay, does candice REALLY have 10 bedrooms?

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RV and the cat stay here. Just taking the car. Hope there are no problems in the grape vine tomorrow morning!! Leaving early.


It was cuz of the snow that it was closed for 2 hrs I read - I think the rain is gone so I don't think you will have a problem.

Well got the dogs fed - Andrew left with a friend and I don't know what to fix for dinner.

I guess eggs - omelett w/some cheese :0)

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Morning!!! Last day before break!!! The days that I can sleep in, whoooooooooooooohoooooooooooo!!! taking napsssssssss if I want. Can't wait. A lot of students will be absent today, most schools in the area are already out for the holiday, and since it is the 23rd, many parents will leave today for holiday travel, oh darn. I could almost sing a song..."Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...." Geez am I happy to have a break.

Janet you are so good, I hope to get your committment. I find myself still playing a game with my food. Especially this week. But, I'll get it together, that or you will come slap my fat face!!!

Got bills paid last night and went through the mail of the people who teach in China, not much I have to deal with this month. Need to license their car and a couple of other things.

Have 2 project to finish, but if I don't get them done, I'll just wrap up the pieces and then finish them over break. My kids are use to my IOU's, sad but true.

Phyl I know you will be on the road, drive safe. Everyone enjoy their company and holiday activities. What a wonderful time of year to Celebrate our Savior's birth. I love Christmas and it isn't just the chocolate and no school. Have a great holiday!!! Oh, and I do POST Christmas cards!!!

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Morning!!! Last day before break!!! The days that I can sleep in, whoooooooooooooohoooooooooooo!!! taking napsssssssss if I want. Can't wait. A lot of students will be absent today, most schools in the area are already out for the holiday, and since it is the 23rd, many parents will leave today for holiday travel, oh darn. I could almost sing a song..."Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...." Geez am I happy to have a break.

Janet you are so good, I hope to get your committment. I find myself still playing a game with my food. Especially this week. But, I'll get it together, that or you will come slap my fat face!!!

Got bills paid last night and went through the mail of the people who teach in China, not much I have to deal with this month. Need to license their car and a couple of other things.

Have 2 project to finish, but if I don't get them done, I'll just wrap up the pieces and then finish them over break. My kids are use to my IOU's, sad but true.

Phyl I know you will be on the road, drive safe. Everyone enjoy their company and holiday activities. What a wonderful time of year to Celebrate our Savior's birth. I love Christmas and it isn't just the chocolate and no school. Have a great holiday!!! Oh, and I do POST Christmas cards!!!

Good Morning

No she really doesn't have 10 but she has 2 guess rooms upstairs and 2 in the basement and that's where her sewing room is along w/wine celler and Peters workshop - if I remember correctly - both Phyl & Tracy slept down stairs along with Kari - Linda & I slept up stairs...

You were the 1st person on my mind this morning knowing today was your last day of school - Yea...

Karla - as far as my commitment - you (well all of you) gotta go read this thread - http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/eat-what-you-want-107023/index3.html

I am terrified of gaining the weight back - like you I freak when I eat too many sweets or something indulgent for dinner like tacos or lasagan - I have lost the weight before never this much and I have never gone to the gym for 2.5 yrs - when I have lost weight before about the 2nd yr it starts coming back on.

I am so scared of that - I don't think anyone truly understands that about me.. I think this is a dream and that I am going to wake up morbidly obese tomorrow - especially since I haven't really been able to get back under 143 - where I was 138 for the longest - while on vacation a couple of weeks ago I did get 141.5 but now that I am back to work and this past week did over do it on the choc (last friday)

So I have to have the committment of going to the gym - I know it works - I do know what works (eating healthy & exercise) but I still have a fat chick brain and I still want to eat junk - that hasn't left me - but like you said before it's 1/4 of what I use to eat when I do eat it - but I am afraid that one day I wont stop - or I will say oh it's ok to have treats more often and not be so diligent about what I eat..

You all think I have it under control - I am a sober addict right now - but I am still an addict..

LBT is my AA - You all are my sober friends - I can't do without you all - You all help me stay on tract..

Well I had leg cramps last night didn't go to sleep til after 12 - and hell when the alarm went off - i said wtf it's 5 already.

I looked up (toogled) at 12 last night immediate relief for leg cramps - pinch the bases of the nose (the part that separates your nostrils) well it did seem to work..

Well it's 5:30 and today is our office Xmas lunch - it's pot luck and I gotta figure out what to wear - I don't have all the xmas tops that I had when I was obese - I haven't been able to find any cute ones in medimum size - have one from target but it's short sleeve (very short) so I gotta wear something over it..

Phyl - have a safe trip - I know we will hear from you during the holidays - (we better ;00)

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Morning ladies. Going to pop in really quick. I took a long time to catch up on yesterdays posts so I only have a second.

I had a really good therapy session with Michael today. It was hard and raw and emotional...but that's good. It means a lot to have progress right now.

Janet, yes, Michael, Nick, and I are the three speed freaks. Jeff knows that it works opposite on ADHD but he thought he was being funny. It is kinda. Nick calls his "silly pills" because they take his sillies away. We'll see if they take my sillies away.

Karla, if something happens, and you don't fulfill the 7 years, what is the repercussion? You need to look into it just in case something happens. For instance...what if your hanging problem makes it impossible? Or if you lose your job for some reason (NOT going to happen)? Or if you say bullpucky and quit. What are they going to do about it?

Phyl, drive safe.

Candice, my house is always open...since we are both retired :tongue: come on over! Maybe you can help me find the quilting bug I'd love to have.

Okay. It's time to get the kids out of their jammies and start the cleanup. Rose will be here around 4. Love you all. Have a great day!

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Tell Rose I said Merry Christmas - Enjoy having your Mom around for the holidays ...

Well - Am off work - we got off at 3 - did good at pot luck as I wasn't hungry - Had 2 shrimp filled yellow chili peppers and 1/8 of a tamale.. But I did bring 4 Cookies home...

Sitting here drinking coffee - have gym at 4 and my 4.5 hrs of sleep has caught up w/me hopefully the coffee helps.

Last time I talked to Phyl - she texted me that she was wearing the cap I crocheted for her for her Bday - they were in the Grape Vine - oh you guys don't know it - but it's I 5 going up north - it got closed yesterday morning due to snow.. She was glad she had it cuz it was COLD..

CB after gym

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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