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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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When I last weighed I was holding, but that was over the weekend and I won't weigh again until this weekend. I will probably gain, but that's life. Here is the awesome part, even if I gain...last year 3 caramels would have seemed like 'dieting' and now it seems like out of control eating. This is huge!!! I know I am going to make it. With all your support I definitely will make it.

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When I last weighed I was holding, but that was over the weekend and I won't weigh again until this weekend. I will probably gain, but that's life. Here is the awesome part, even if I gain...last year 3 caramels would have seemed like 'dieting' and now it seems like out of control eating. This is huge!!! I know I am going to make it. With all your support I definitely will make it.

You are so right Karla - 3 is an OMG where as before - we didn't think about what we ate or how much we ate..

I know that when I think I have over done it - in all reality I haven't - Yes I do love the new mindset..

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I have appt 11:15 tomorrow for my MRI - But my knee hasn't really bothered me lately (a little Friday).. I have to take off all my jewelry I guess even though they are doing just my knee - do you know how much trouble that is lol... I am going to feel naked - I am going to take it off tonite - even my nose stud ..

Karla - Take the day off - you have the pto - take it - enjoy yourself - WTG on throwing the carmels away - those 3 aren't going to kill you.. How is your weight btw?? Are you losing - gaining or staying the same..

Phyl - What did you guys do today?? Whats for dinner

Morning routine, salad for lunch, volunteer in activities office. Then watched some Judge Judy, had 2 small glasses of wine and went out to the desert to watch Earl fly his plane. Neighbors came out, too. Pork loin out of the freezer for dinner. Cooked some weeks ago. Had a little steamed butternut squash with it, and a little applesauce.

Watching TV. Writing cards.

Tomorrow we're going to have lunch in Banning.. some place Earl found on the internet... on our way to Riverside to see the Christmas lights at Mission Inn.

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Good Morning Gang

Well I guess since Karla isn't going to work today - she is sleeping in :0)..

I slept really well last night - I didn't wake up once and that's a rarity for me..

Had 2 ck tacos for dinner and some popcorn and that was it..

Oh I wonder where in Banning you are going for lunch - Have fun in Riverside.

Well have my MRI today - work and gf coming over to cut my hair tonite -


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I'm kindof up. Slept in, didn't get up until 6:30!! I wonder how I get up at 4:30 every morning?

Yes I am home being a slug!!! Loving every minute of it. Actually will be working on projects for the day. But I am planning on sitting here and drinking another latte and then some Breakfast. I know there is a nap scheduled as well. When the kids were younger I loved playing hookie, I'd send them off to school & then have the whole day of quiet! there were a few times I let them play hookie with me and we would just curl up on the couch and watch movies, play games. It always seems so decatant (darn can't spell today).

Well time to go make more coffee, TTFN

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Good Morning! I"m up now, too! TOPS this morning so I have only a short time to scan emails, maybe read the paper and get out of here. Wii says I'm up 1/2 lb but Earl has the RV slightly tipped and I think it's not weighing very accurately. Anyways, I haven't been in the BR yet. But, it's probably not going to be great. I may just be a turtle today....??

Think the place Earl's picked out in Banning is "Guy's". It's Italian so he's probably after pizza. I'll find something.

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I'm kindof up. Slept in, didn't get up until 6:30!! I wonder how I get up at 4:30 every morning?

Yes I am home being a slug!!! Loving every minute of it. Actually will be working on projects for the day. But I am planning on sitting here and drinking another latte and then some Breakfast. I know there is a nap scheduled as well. When the kids were younger I loved playing hookie, I'd send them off to school & then have the whole day of quiet! there were a few times I let them play hookie with me and we would just curl up on the couch and watch movies, play games. It always seems so decatant (darn can't spell today).

Well time to go make more coffee, TTFN

Good for you Karla - it's a great way to treat yourself - you need a hookie day... I love napping..

Good Morning! I"m up now, too! TOPS this morning so I have only a short time to scan emails, maybe read the paper and get out of here. Wii says I'm up 1/2 lb but Earl has the RV slightly tipped and I think it's not weighing very accurately. Anyways, I haven't been in the BR yet. But, it's probably not going to be great. I may just be a turtle today....??

Think the place Earl's picked out in Banning is "Guy's". It's Italian so he's probably after pizza. I'll find something.

You are up early today :0) - Good luck at tops. pizza omw well they always have a salad -

It ok to be a turtle - hell it's the holidays - today was my weigh in too - 143 - I got to 141.5 when I was on vacation last week - haven't done too much else diff - I think I moved more while on vacation - where I work I am on my butt more.

Have a safe drive - talk to you tonite :0)

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good morning ladies!

I made the call to the doc. He's out of town until after new years, but have an appointment on the 5th to ask him to adjust my depression meds. Thinking about calling my pa, even though she doesn't work there anymore to see what she suggests until then.

Update....called the PA...she's going to be filling in on the 22nd and she will see me then. I think she's awesome!!!

Okay...so I'm going on Nick's first field trip with him today. I'm so excited. But I've been very short tempered the last week or so, so I'm hoping I can hold it together. I'm sure it will be fun, but I do worry.

I need to get a box in the mail for Michael today. A bunch of people have given me Christmas cards for him. I hope he likes them. Actually I just hope he thinks anything about them...let alone like.

Gotta run. Jeff just called and said one of the greys was limping this morning. I didn't notice but I'll go check on her. Have a great day ladies. Love you!

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Good Morning Gang

Well I guess since Karla isn't going to work today - she is sleeping in :0)..

I slept really well last night - I didn't wake up once and that's a rarity for me..

Had 2 ck tacos for dinner and some popcorn and that was it..

Oh I wonder where in Banning you are going for lunch - Have fun in Riverside.

Well have my MRI today - work and gf coming over to cut my hair tonite -


I'll be thinking about you in your MRI... Good luck! And let us know how you are o.k???

I have a Doc's appt today too, in a few minutes.. I have this sty in my RIGHT eye, just w0n;t go away!! Also, I can't wear makeup :) so I look like a old hag! HA.

I'll check back later to see how everyone is...

karla, enjoy your pto day... you FOR SURE deserve that:thumbup:

Phyl, I love your 2 glasses of wine with Judge Judy, sounds like a new ritual that I"LL Be able to copy soon.

HUGS to all,


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I am enjoying my day so far. Working on a purse for DD#4, so far so good. Taking a little lunch break and then back to it. The puppies are all being irritating. They aren't use to having someone home and they think that they need to be right on top of me. Miss Molly is currently whining at me because the other 2 are under my blanket and she can't figure out how to get there.

Janet, let us know what the MRI says, I hope it isn't surgery!

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good afternoon ladies!

Janet, I'll be waiting on pins and needles until I hear how your MRI goes. I'd never had one before my back problems. Everyone told me how awful they were, but I was probably on too many drugs for it to bother me. I actually kinda enjoyed it. The bang bang bang with the tweeting sound in the background was kinda soothing for some reason. Anyways....let us know!

My grey's leg got scratched on something. She has 5 little pea size scrapes. I took her to the vet tech to make sure they were okay and get advice on whether they were worry marks or scratches. She said to keep em clean and if she starts to bother them to put a sock over them. Glad it wasn't more serious than that. Did find out that Chi does not like to be left alone. He howled from the time we walked out the door until we got back. They are called hounds for a reason....sheesh!

Well Nick's "field trip" was just a walk across the campus to the ag building to see the rodents. It was fun though. Very unstressful. They had guinea pigs, rabbits, a hampster/rat (not sure which one because it didn't have a tail), and a couple of chinchillas. The kids LOVED it. It was kinda stinky to me. But it was fun.

Now my next dilemna.....I haven't gotten my Chrismas shopping done. I wasn't going to buy anything for anyone. I was going to make donations to charities in their names. But then I found the "perfect" thing for Rose. And then for Jeff's dad. then a couple of things for my sister. Now I'm stuck. I have to go shopping for the rest....and the only day I can is Tomorrow afternoon-Saturday night. But jJeff can't go because he has a funeral to go to on Saturday. sheesh!!! So anyways....this goes to my social anxiety.

I put it out there on Facebook if anyone wants to take a girls run with me. How crazy is THAT! that is a big step for me. Now, the hard part comes when no one can go and I feel completely rejected. That's why I never do things like that. But my counselor says I have to put it out there even if it's a no go. So I did. Please let someone want to go!

Well...better run. I have a few things to get done before 4. Hugs all. Love you.

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Back from MRI & lunch - OMG a MRI is nothing !!! The put head phones on me (well with all the clanging - you couldnt hear much) I sorta power napped.. I'm w/you Steph the clanging sorta like white noise.. I don't think it would bug be at all if I had to have my head done.

I won't know the results till they call me for another appt - but Steph & Candice - it's nothing big my right knee was hurting while I was on vacation - I think it's a muscle thing from over use (well shopping shouldn't be that hard on it) anyway - could be a torn mensucusi (sp) nothing major - an in & out surgery and 1 month pt... But hopefuly it's nothing - in fact it has bothered me since I was on vacation and going to the gym every morning - then shopping in the afternoons - Like I said it only acts up if I am on my feet for 5 - 6 hrs..

Steph - You gotta get your little ones presents - even Michael something - I could see donating for Grown ups but not kids - My sister takes buspar (sp) for her social anxiety - when did this start - you didn't seem like this was an issue in July 08..

Sweetie I don't nor can't run - so it's not a rejection of you - it's just something I don't do.. I'm old enough to me your Mom - am in decent shape for an old broad - but am not a runner and if I am going to spend $$ going somewhere to exercise :0)- I want it to be fun - even though I exercise alot - doing it for 3 day walk or run - No fun imho - give me get to gether time w/my Girl Friends - then you will find me -

We are going to WA this yr - for our reunion - so you better show up and bring Karla w/you..

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Glad to hear it was nothing serious. And who doesn't need a power nap!

I don't run either, remember. ISH! That's your other daughter. She's the crazy one :) If that is the Facebook post, I meant a girlfriend road trip. Running meaning it's going to be a quick one.

The social anxiety has always been there. It seems to be a lot more powerful when I'm struggling at home. I worry a lot about a lot of things. In July 08 I was feeling good about me. I was feeling good about my family. I was loved by you all. Now...not feeling good about me. not feeling good about my family....however I do know you all still love me. It's just that the other stuff has me more anxious. I'll talk to my PA about that on Tuesday.

Later taters.

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Glad to hear it was nothing serious. And who doesn't need a power nap!

I don't run either, remember. ISH! That's your other daughter. She's the crazy one :) If that is the Facebook post, I meant a girlfriend road trip. Running meaning it's going to be a quick one.

The social anxiety has always been there. It seems to be a lot more powerful when I'm struggling at home. I worry a lot about a lot of things. In July 08 I was feeling good about me. I was feeling good about my family. I was loved by you all. Now...not feeling good about me. not feeling good about my family....however I do know you all still love me. It's just that the other stuff has me more anxious. I'll talk to my PA about that on Tuesday.

Later taters.

Yep my crazy daughter wants to do a 3k one day then the next day 1/2 marathon and on the 3rd day a full marathon - yes she is certifiable - but I love her and her determination.

Ok I would go on a GF trip with you - that's another good part of being single - someone can say let's go and I have the freedom to do it - but hell we live to far apart - go get Karla and do something - how far do you guys live from each other... What happen w/your church group that you were going to join..

I can get hermit like if I stay in the house too long - I am glad you are going to see your PA - I want you to tell her everything that's going on - so that she can adjust your meds to help you deal will all thats going on..

Candice - get your RV - go pick up Karla - then Steph and head to Vegas :)) Phyl & I will met you there..

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Good Evening Gang..

Phyl - How was Guy's & Riverside

Karla - How has your hookie day been

Kari - You haven't posted - but I know where to find you :0)

Candice - One more day....

Steph - How has the rest of your day gone today...

Well am waiting for GF to come over to cut my hair - she use to work at my job - she use to be a hair stylist - but is allergic to the chemicals - She does a better job than the girl I was going to - but this is her side job.

Andrew said why are you getting your hair cut again - I don't like short hair - well dude it's not your head and I look better w/short hair - I guess he doesn't understand the words shape up.. Well I guess I would grow it out if it was nice and thick but I have fine hair and not doing the whole extension thing - plus I think as you get older you look better in shorter hair

Heck I was 27 and had medium hair got it cut shorter and this lady said - oh you look younger (kinda rude - I was old to begin w/at 27) and you know what I did get carded after that..

Well, not much else going on - will ck back after hair cut

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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