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I don't have a good solution or strategy for dealing with holiday temptations! Back at the beginning, though, I had a "3 bite rule" that worked for me. I could have a treat now and then, especially when everyone else was indulging... but only THREE BITES! I have to say I don't always follow that rule, but if I do decide to have some desert... it's always a very small portion. Like at the Red Hat party the other day... Desserts were spread out on two tables... two kinds of pudding and two kinds of cake, one of which was carrot cake... my very favorite! So I went straight to the carrot cake, but one of the waitresses was still slicing it up, so I asked her to cut one of her pieces she was about to put on a plate in half for me. SO... it was a few more bites than three but it was a very small piece and it satisfied me.

Holidays and special occasions will always be a struggle for us. We have to find the best way to cope. This past month I have just held my own... no weight loss for a month, but I had my birthday, Thanksgiving and a bunch of parties! I have to do better next month. We're going up to our son's for Christmas and DIL already has a large turkey in the freezer for dinner. I LOVE turkey! I LOVE the stuffing. I LOVE the cranberries, and the taters and gravy! I'll have some of each. But probably only a bite or two of dessert, if any. DS has to have chocolate pie, and I can take it or leave it. pumpkin pie, the same.

Planning ahead... how you are going to respond to being surrounded by foods you love and people who are enjoying it helps! Then, Janet always tells us... we have to ramp up our exercise, and minimize your intake the rest of that day.

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Card games were fun last night. We usually play games with these folks several times every winter. They have a really nice double wide mobile, so we always go to their place. So this time, we decided we'd bring the Snacks. We got some low fat cream cheese spread... onion and chive, bag of carrots, low fat cheese... those little 35 calorie "Laughing Cow" I think they're called. And they brought out some stick pretzels to dip...we're all watching calories. My friend and I had just discussed how to deal with snacks when playing cards, etc. the day before, so we had a plan.

We played a game called "Jokers and Pegs"... 3X, gals won twice, guys once. So then we decided to play a game of "Hand and Foot". Guys beat us soundly! I guess we were all having fun. Got there at 6pm and left at 10:30pm!! My friend is always wanting to play "just one more game"!

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Glad you had a good time playing cards and had healthy snacks..

Yep we still must live life and life includes desserts and starches - it's all about the trade off - that's another reason I think calorie counting is a good idea - Hell a candy bar is 230 calories for the most part and that's just the reg size - It takes me 1/2 hr on the treadmill to burn those calories - so that in itself will sometime stop me from over indulging - it doesn't alway work but when I do over indulge - I do watch my eating for the next few days - like I stay "trade offs" Moderation - and don't keep crap in the house that you can't say no too...

Well need to go put in another load of wash - CB in a bit

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Janet & Phyl, thanks for the support. I am going to sit down and come up with a plan for the rest of the holidays. Tuesday I have my nursery Christmas party and a fabulous steak house. I need to have a HUGE plan. Not only do I love steak but they have this chocolate dessert called the chocolate Teton. It has a dark and white chocolate crunchy exterior with chocolate mousse on the inside. So I get this dessert once a year. I'm going for the bribery. NO extra eating between now and then AND I will eat part of the steak, no potatoes or bread and part of the dessert. THEN it is NO extra's until Christmas day. I'm going to allow myself sweets on Christmas day and then NO other treats for the rest of the holiday. Am I being too easy on myself?

Phyl, I love to play cards. Only get to about once a year.

Janet, have a good day. I best get busy on my projects. TTFN

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Janet & Phyl, thanks for the support. I am going to sit down and come up with a plan for the rest of the holidays. Tuesday I have my nursery Christmas party and a fabulous steak house. I need to have a HUGE plan. Not only do I love steak but they have this chocolate dessert called the chocolate Teton. It has a dark and white chocolate crunchy exterior with chocolate mousse on the inside. So I get this dessert once a year. I'm going for the bribery. NO extra eating between now and then AND I will eat part of the steak, no potatoes or bread and part of the dessert. THEN it is NO extra's until Christmas day. I'm going to allow myself sweets on Christmas day and then NO other treats for the rest of the holiday. Am I being too easy on myself?

Phyl, I love to play cards. Only get to about once a year.

Janet, have a good day. I best get busy on my projects. TTFN

No Karla you aren't being to easy on yourself - this is about the trade offs - not depriving yourself - I would do the exact same thing - It's a good plan..

Yesterday that's why I went with the salad & 1/4 of the bread - and I barely ate the dressing that went with the salad - it was old/vinegar on the side - and I use the ww trick dip fork in dressing then in the salad - well it works better with ranch cuz that sticks to the fork the oil/vinegar doesn't so 3/4 of dressing was still in the container - where as had it been the ranch it wouldn't have been..

Is it to cold/snow for you to take a walk today ??

Oh on the house thingie - yep your sold by Xmas was a little bit of a reach (well really a big one) and other agents will be showing house while your guy is gone - so it's not like it's at a stand still - but w/the holidays - you may not be getting so many lookers so you can chill and not worry so much about keeping the house super immaculate - less stress on you..

I love to play cards too - use to do it all the time - I love to play spades - that's my game.. Use to be really good at it - I would shock the pple I use to play with cuz they didn't think I could play ;0) that and domino's

ya gotta understand - I played these games w/mostly african americans and they didn't think this little white girl could play - well I would shock them :0)

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Oh Phyl before I forget, you bet I will hem the pants before I mail them, just give me the inseam length of one of the pairs of pants that fit you 'just right' and I'll whip in a hem and drop them in the mail.

Okay.... I measured a whole bunch of pants!! 27 inches is the right length. You are a sWEETHEART to do this! I owe you!

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Phyl, no big deal, I'm in the middle of sewing anyway. Besides, it allows me to 'pay back' a little.

Well, got the dog yard raked and bagged of all to poo, cleaned out my coffee maker, car, and hauled a bunch of boxes to storage. So now I can focus on Christmas projects.

Sitting here and am eating chicken and veggies with a little parmesan. I'm feeling a nap coming on, so I think a little one in between laundry loads.

It is pretty cold, actually too cold to snow, but I'll think about a walk. Yep, I hate exercise without a purpose. I like to see the end result immediately. muscles are not instant gratification. A new flower bed or some project is.

Yeah, I know that selling my Christmas was incredibly unrealistic. I know it will eventually sell, it's the 'eventually' that kills me. I like routine and being settled. This is none of that.

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Now I know why I don't eat chicken damn I'm stuck!

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Ok I'm back - DS called earlier wanted to know what Andrew wanted for Xmas - then threw on some gray sweats - coach tennies - red thermal shirt - black jacket and some lipstick and went to Winco

- Now this is something I usually didn't do when obese (run to the store not fully made up) I don't know for sure if it's the weight loss or my age - it just takes too much time to do the hair and makeup just to run to the store - It's not like I don't care about my appearance - but it is easier to get dressed when you are a smaller size.. I might regret this choice if they was a cute guy at the store - but hell I go to gym naked faced too - I hate those girls who get all made up to exercise..

Got the Oxtail Soup going - enchillada's in the oven for Andrew - kitchen cleaned - dish washer unloaded - load in the dryer nother in the wash - just put a xmas cd (oldie bing - dean - frank - I like traditional xmas songs) in while on the computer and drinking a cup of coffee so nap for me :0) well not yet who knows what will happen around 4 ish ;0)

Karla - immediate results - walking does - it gets those endorphines going and that makes you feel better

GF I hear you on the being settled and routine - I'm the same way - but sometimes we have to go w/the flow..

What did you do with the bars - I need to get started on my cards - that's another thing I planned on doing this weekend..

Well time to put softner in - be back in a bit

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Didn't end up eating lunch, so now I am having some 100 cal popcorn. The bars are in the refrigerator and since I made a deal with myself to be able to eat dessert on Tuesday they will be fine. I did talk to DD about how hard it is to have them around. Need to go change laundry. Janet, we have SUCH an exciting life. Hell I went to the store in my sweats, hair in a ponytail, no makeup and unbrushed teeth. I threw a piece of gum in so my breath was okay. Even IF there was a cute guy in the store I wouldn't know what to do with him anyway, EVEN if I looked good. Besides...I'm not really in the market. TTFN

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Phyl, no big deal, I'm in the middle of sewing anyway. Besides, it allows me to 'pay back' a little.

Well, got the dog yard raked and bagged of all to poo, cleaned out my coffee maker, car, and hauled a bunch of boxes to storage. So now I can focus on Christmas projects.

Sitting here and am eating chicken and veggies with a little parmesan. I'm feeling a nap coming on, so I think a little one in between laundry loads.

It is pretty cold, actually too cold to snow, but I'll think about a walk. Yep, I hate exercise without a purpose. I like to see the end result immediately. muscles are not instant gratification. A new flower bed or some project is.

Yeah, I know that selling my Christmas was incredibly unrealistic. I know it will eventually sell, it's the 'eventually' that kills me. I like routine and being settled. This is none of that.

If it's not too late, I better change that length to 26". I measured the pants I wore to Red Hats today and they were 25! 27" might be a little long.

As long as I had the measuring tape out, I took measurements again. Since pre-op measurements, I've lost 11" in my waist, 11" in bust (53 to 42), hips... 68" to 49",!! I won't bore you with the rest, but I was pretty shocked. Good thing I didn't lose any height!! I'm still 5 ft tall, thank God!

Sorry about the chicken. I love chicken, but I eat it very carefully and not very often.

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Didn't end up eating lunch, so now I am having some 100 cal popcorn. The bars are in the refrigerator and since I made a deal with myself to be able to eat dessert on Tuesday they will be fine. I did talk to DD about how hard it is to have them around. Need to go change laundry. Janet, we have SUCH an exciting life. Hell I went to the store in my sweats, hair in a ponytail, no makeup and unbrushed teeth. I threw a piece of gum in so my breath was okay. Even IF there was a cute guy in the store I wouldn't know what to do with him anyway, EVEN if I looked good. Besides...I'm not really in the market. TTFN

Yep darling some days are like that :0) this morning I did brush the teeth and washed the face - but I too have just chewed some gum and said that was good enough :0)

Well just got done coloring hair,I think I like the color I mixed 2 colors together - but I had already used half of one mixture and I thought it was a red - but I think it was more golden something - too bad my hair wont be this color again - I should learn not to experiment so much :0).. showered and nice and clean

threw the cabbage in the Soup - decided not to make the corn bread - I feel like I have put on 10 lbs - I haven't I have eaten good - but said - Hell I don't need the corn bread cuz I will over eat it w/too much butter - See Karla being here does help even 2.5 yrs later - It help keep me honest..

What are your plans for the nite?? I think I am going to sit on the couch - and hope something good is on - have 2 magazines to read - I haven't vegged all day - grocery shopping - cooking - washing - picking up (never really cleaned) and on the computer in between - that the most sitting down I have done...

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If it's not too late, I better change that length to 26". I measured the pants I wore to Red Hats today and they were 25! 27" might be a little long.

As long as I had the measuring tape out, I took measurements again. Since pre-op measurements, I've lost 11" in my waist, 11" in bust (53 to 42), hips... 68" to 49",!! I won't bore you with the rest, but I was pretty shocked. Good thing I didn't lose any height!! I'm still 5 ft tall, thank God!

Sorry about the chicken. I love chicken, but I eat it very carefully and not very often.

Don't know how I missed your post Phyl - OMG was great losses in inches.. WTG

Karla good talking to you to nite - hope you enjoyed your dinner


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I did enjoy my cassadea, AND stopped eating when I was full, so had 1/2 of a small one, basically 1 tortilla with onion and cheese. Finished embroidering DD#1 dishtowel. So now I just need to wash it and sew on the decorative band and rickrack. Tomorrow need to wrap her presents and get them in the mail on Monday. Will make some peanut clusters for her DH.

I have a bit of a headache tonight. Watching Mummy, I love both the movies. If there isn't anything else to watch I do love a little Mummy marathon. Of course it could have soemthing to do with thinking Brandon Frazier is HOT!! almost as good as Kevin Bacon!

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Okay ladies. I'll just say that I can relate to all of this here and leave it at that. Anyway, this is for Karla. I just came from my e-mail and I saw this ad on the yahoo page. It read most homeowneers haven't taken advantage of Obama's refinacne relief. Then it gave the website www.LowerMyBills.com. Don't know if it's any good, but at least it's worth a look at.

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Okay ladies. I'll just say that I can relate to all of this here and leave it at that. Anyway, this is for Karla. I just came from my e-mail and I saw this ad on the yahoo page. It read most homeowneers haven't taken advantage of Obama's refinacne relief. Then it gave the website www.LowerMyBills.com. Don't know if it's any good, but at least it's worth a look at.

Well I take it gf - you haven't been making good food choice :0)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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