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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice we need puppy updates AND what is going on with the Channeling. You can't just leave us in the dark, we need the (wait for it.......................) SKINNY!!! okay sad I know.

Also Candice...so we have a name...SEW-lutions...now what are we going to sell? Finished projects...supplies....material?

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I like when we cook for more than one night, too! Last night I finished the last of your lima bean Soup. We had it for dinner twice, I think, and there was one bowl left. We cooked chili yesterday but didn't eat it until tonight except for a small sample last night. It was really good! We'll have it again tomorrow night.

Movie we saw yesterday was "Everybody's Fine". It was so so. A little slow moving at times. I'd like to see "Precious", too. "Blind Side" was the best we've seen in a LONG time!! We loved it!

Watching Biggest Loser... one of the best finales I've seen, I think! Watching east coast feed!

Did chat a bit with LindaA the other night. She mentioned PS & I told her Candice wants to go to Costa Rica. She was very interested in that.

Karla, puppy is probably not in my immediate future, but one of these days!

O.K. I want teh LIMA BEAN Soup recipe...sounds yum... and besides after next week I am going to have SO much time to cook and look after myself properly.

Yes, You heard it right


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Good Morning Gang

Karla - I won't quit posting :0).. I have formed friendships here that I don't want to throw away - they are real to me - they are important to me - I might not have met you in person yet - but for the rest of my life you will be my Friend..

I watched Biggest Loser this a.m. - was able to ff thru the crap - Shay was my fav and I love what subway did for her - and I loved Danny too - I didn't watch in the beginning this yr - came in sorta during the middle - was flipping channels and caught Shays story - I really felt for her - so I did dvr it and watch it most of the time..

I do think that these pple do learn healthy eating and exercise which is all about - regardless if you have wls or not - it's about mind set - that's really where the problems lie IMHO - I think we all just have to have our ah ha moments regardless if its wls or not..

I think for us it's that we had surgery and we were going to do it this time - Karla like you I have lost the weight (never got below 165 before) but it all came back on - never got the "lifetime lifestyle" thing - which it is all about - and I have never ever exercised for this long in my life 2.5 yrs..

I didn't care for Tracey - she caused some drama - I didn't see what it was all about - but she did fantastic. They all did.. Yea for them - I loved the proposal too :0)..

I wish my DS & DIL could take off 3 months and get on the show - they need it.. But who would pay the house payment - I would have to have the girls :0) for 3 months (well that's if they stayed the whole time ;0) - but I would love for them to learn about healthy eating and exercise..

I preach it to Brooke every time I see her - she's 20 lbs overweight and that's so sad for a 5 yr old..

Well, not much else to report this a.m. Had dinner - watched t.v. read and went to bed - didn't eat in the middle of the night - I think I woke up once but didn't get out of bed too cold ;0) - it's not minus here but it got to low 40's if not high 30's which for us Desert Rats is cold.

Gotta get my bro's taxes paid today - and something else - can't remember right off - hopefully I do before the day is over :0)..

Well better get butt in gear - CBL

Edited by IndioGirl55

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O.K. I want teh LIMA BEAN Soup recipe...sounds yum... and besides after next week I am going to have SO much time to cook and look after myself properly.

Yes, You heard it right


Retirement - you lucky girl you :0)

Now you have time to exercise every day - plan your meals and travel (coming down here to visit us during the winter so you can get away from the cold - you and peter can be like Earl & Phyl and stay here during the winter for a few months - oh how fun would that be) Oh pick up Karla and bring her w/you ;0)

Lima Bean Soup -

Bag of lima Beans (dried) - Onion - Garlic - Ham (made a ham for xmas dinner and use the left overs to make the soup - bone in perferable - but you can use turkey ham too.

Throw it all in a pot cover it with Water - cook the crap out of it and whala soup..

On this soup I left the lid on and the beans got over done (fall apart so that there are really no beans) so I threw another bag in and let it cook untiil those beans were done and soup was creamy..

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Yeah, I really enjoyed Biggest Loser last night. You do have to wonder how they pay their bills, etc., when they're at "the ranch" for 3 months! I finished up about 3 beading projects while I was watching. I'll have to take some more pictures. We made Santa earrings yesterday and they tured out so cute! I wish I'd bought enough stuff from her to make a couple of more pairs!

This should be interesting. The cat is on the dashboard trying to figure out how to get through the web of Christmas lights draped across behind the Christmas tree. If she tries going through it, she will get caught! She has a "hole" next to the tree to get in and out... she likes to lounge in the front window when the sun is out. But she seems a little bored this morning and is considering trying a new route! My swim visors were tossed around the living room when I got up. Earl said she'd been throwing them in the air and chasing them. She likes the elastic shoe laces across the back.

It's 41 outside now and Earl already went to the pool. He has all my stuff outside and ready to go. I just can't get motivated about it when It's this cold! But I have to go. Missed Monday and Tuesday because of weather.

Can't complain about weather, though, when I see the TV reports of what's going on in the rest of the country!

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Karla, you didn't do anything wrong... Principles CAVE in to what Parents complain about... they are ALL about SMOOTHING things over... and you get the crap.


Phyl, I hope you are staying warm.. I could SO see you with a dog... go on... treat yourself!!! An early Xmas Present!!!

Weather here is finally WINTER, not always a good thing but I DO like the snow.. just not the blowing & drifting..

But I'll be careful in the car!!!

Janet; You are going to Fla in Feb? For how long? Just a long weeend??? Perhaps we should plan another Vegas Getaway? Hummmm I'll have more than enough time ha,ha,ha..

I feel so DAMN good... I can't tell you... sleeping much better since I gave my notice...

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Phyl - Here ya on the excercise - I didn't go monday or yesterday - I have to go to nite for sure...

Candice - Ya I am going(President Weekend) 2/11 2/12 2/13 - coming home the 14th - I have Monday off - and the 12ths is my furlough friday so I will be only taking 1 vacation date

Ya you will have more time - but how about $$$ :0)

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Phyl - Here ya on the excercise - I didn't go monday or yesterday - I have to go to nite for sure...

Candice - Ya I am going(President Weekend) 2/11 2/12 2/13 - coming home the 14th - I have Monday off - and the 12ths is my furlough friday so I will be only taking 1 vacation date

Ya you will have more time - but how about $$$ :0)

Well, I logged exercise for Saturday because of all the walking I did, and we went to Water aerobics this morning even though it was only 40 degrees outside. I wore my swim jacket and the pool water was nice and warm. Then did 30 minutes in the toasty hot tub. NICE! Sure miss that when we can't go. Have to miss tomorrow because Red Hat Christmas party (two of them this week!).

Here are all my beading projects.






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And yesterday's project... Santa Claus earrings.

I started another pair this afternoon, but it's funny how much you forget in just one day!! LOL


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Still alive and kicking. Spent the end of last week doing cleaning and last minute shopping for the family Christmas. I just love looking around my decluttered house. I don't think it's been this uncluttered and clean in at least five years. (shame on me). It was great having all the kids and grandkids in one place. Sunday went great. A little crowed but fun. Then Monday, I spent the whole day prepping for my test on Tuesday and a lot of time in the bathroom. Colonoscopy Tues morn. Everything checked out the way it was sposed to. Spent the rest of the day sleeping off the meds. Today, I went to the gym and froze my a$$ off.

Winter has finally come to Michigan. We don't have much snow to speak of, but it's real windy and cold outside. The snow is due tonight and tomorrow. Can I get a discount at your quilt store?? I will post my quilt pics soon. Just got to figure out how to do it. Was going to have my daughter show me but they left early sund. nite for home and didn't have time. Janet, where in Florida will you be? We might be down there then too. And Candice, weren't you and Peter going down there too, this winter?? Now that you'll be retired you can do a lot of traveling. Okay, gotta go. Checked my e-mail and have over a 100 messages to check out. Then got to do some research on line. I will try to check in a little more often now that I have Thanksmas over with. And, I am not lurking either. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.

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Beautiful Phyl !!!

I love the Santa Earrings ;0) Alot of counting ;0)

Well I am off to the gym - Arms tonite... Last week arms was good - they were sore last week..

Well - will ck in when I get back

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yeah! Officially only 5 more working days.... then I'm retired!! Whoo0hhoo

Phyl, your new hobby is cool, I love the bracelets and Santa Earrings... you are so tallented.... Good for you getting into that pool...

I actually WENT to the gym tonight after work with my GF Michelle.... We both started off on the ELipital trainer... me I didn't wwwant to but MICHELLE insisted!!! ack! So I did 10 mins. and then went onto the treadmill w/ incline for 15 mins. then I did weights... Legs, Arms

An hour all tolled... so that's a good start

I ghootta tell you that typing with a PUP on my lap is a hinderance!! Oh and guess what SHE did today/ While at the gym I didn't want to leave her loose in the house. SO i puy her in a dog crate(metal) with a bone and her fluffy bed. LOCKED the cge door. and when I got home who was at the front door to greet me?? You guessed it the PUP... I don't know for the life of me how she did it...

But its really funny as we used to have a dog (Meaghan's dog at 8yrs old) Samantha who used to get out of her dog crate too... Oh MY GOODNESS :thumbup:

Tomorrow off to QUILT of the month club class, my block is NOT done so I'll have to pay$$$ SH!T... oh well, I did get my pillowcases for the Sick Kids Hospital in T.O. done though, so I feel good ab out that... Our Quilt club volunteered to make `100 pillowcases for Boys and GIrls who are sick having Chemo etc...

Then we're off to London for my GYNY appt. Annual ck... no worries there...

Then we are stayin over night with GF and her 2 Jack Russells... should be fodder for some laughs, I'll keep you posted...:scared2:

DH is out at BAND Practice tonight, and I've been packing up stuff for the trip tomorrow. INCLUDING motion sickness meds for the PUP... You;ll remember that she puked all over me last 2 1/2 hour car ride...

Kari, glad your family gettogether went so well, I know how much you love those Grandbabies:thumbup:

Janet; I'm not too worried about the loss of $$$'s I have a bit stashed away right now, so I'll just be fruggle... Hell, I can always sell my body!!:lol:

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Candice we need puppy updates AND what is going on with the Channeling. You can't just leave us in the dark, we need the (wait for it.......................) SKINNY!!! okay sad I know.

Also Candice...so we have a name...SEW-lutions...now what are we going to sell? Finished projects...supplies....material?

Oh my gosh, Bridget is just too cute for words. She is already GROWING, this week looks more like a DOG than a puppy... SHe is getting muscular with all the in the woods walking (running) she's doing with TWIG and DH...

Weird, she's eating her poop this week, anybody got any ideas about that behaviour???

Less accidents since DH has been home from Montreal... SHe just ADORES him...:lol:

No more CHANNELING this week ah,ha,ha... but I feel really good about my decision to leave my employ.... better and better each day.:thumbup:

Why don't we keep on brainstorming re sewlutions until I see you in the SPRING.. Rember Dh and I are driving RV across the northern states??? We'll be stoppinng in Montana 2x :scared2:

Janet /PHyl:L I don't know if I can wait until JULY to see you gals??? we gotta think of something??? Vegas? L.A.???

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Kari - I will be in Orlando Feb 11 12 13 - I saw on FB that your colonoscopy went well :0).. Glad you had a good time w/the family - I love it when my house is all clean - just too bad it doesn't stay that way ;0)

Candice - Bear gets car sick too :0) - Linda is suppose to be here in March sometime - don't know when

but looks like I will be going on a family vacation the last week of March - I am getting some $$ from my Aunts estate and I want to take the family on another family vacation - we are looking into going on a cruise or maybe an all inclusive place - Linda gave me the name of the one she went to and it looks nice - it's a big place alot of walking.. The girls are on Easter break the last week of March/1st week of April - so that's when I am aiming for - so I hope Linda's here the 1st part of March..

Wtg on the exercise girl !!! Now you will have the time no excuses..

Karla - Where are you tonite - another bad day - are you frozen ;0)

Well gotta feed the dogs and get started on my Xmas cards tomorrow is the 10th...

CB in a bit

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I finally here, didn't get home until after 6 pm. I had papers to grade and sub notes to write, I have a curriculum meeting about 40 miles away tomorrow. When I finally got home I had to cook dinner, make an incredible pot of red Beans and rice with turkey sausage. Have enough for the next few days!!

Candice..CONGRATULATIONS ON THE RETIREMENT. I'm jealous. On the pup eating poo. My vet says the best thing to do is to make sure that you clean up any poop right away, but you can also sprinkle montasodium glutinate (sp) on their food. It is suppose to make the poop taste terrible. Miss Molly is occassional poo snacker, the vet says it is a natural behavior for using 'all available' food. You'll have to let me know when you are going through montana. I have no idea where I'll be living. I could well be living in an RV.

Not much going on, just reading homework. Next week the principal has arranged for me to observe a 6th grade teacher's class. So I will go and smile and take good notes, and then sit through my evaluation results. It won't be good, but there isn't anything I can do about it. Also their isn't much the school can do about it either. They may require me to have an additional evaluation, in which case I will request an evaluation from an independent source. I'm just not going to get cranked up about it. I will work at improving, but quite frankly there are teachers that are incredibly bad and our school district does nothing.

Well suppose I should get back to reading. Got home to late for my 2nd cup of coffee and I want it bad!!

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