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Good Morning Gang...

Had an OK time last nite - thought the party started at 5 got there around 5:30 - well you know how you get something in your head - well it was 6 not 5 - but no biggie..

The group has changed alot and and I only really knew/like 3 pple there - Debbie flaked and didn't go - got home around 10 ate some of my Soup ( at party had 1 prime rib bone - meat is usually over done imho and the rib part is still rare a little mashed tato & salad - 1 pb ball and 1 cheese cake bite) Then I had 2 pieces of fudge :0) - I am going to have to freeze that stuff..

Woke up at 7 - am having coffee scanned the paper and that's about it..

Candice - I don't know much about channeling - but as long as it puts you in a better place - that's good ;0) Ask for your book back since it's obvious L hasn't read it ;0)

I love doggies - but I hate the whole potty training - Cats are so much easier - give them a box and that's it ;0)

Phyl - Sounds like you really has a BIG walking day - I am glad you are going to DS for Xmas.. Hope you are able to sneak away to get that gift for Earl :0) - I know that's hard sometimes..

Karla - Batman?? I guess it's not my kind of movie :0).. I watch HGTV alot and of course QVC but I get in trouble with that station - Plus I read alot too..

Glad you got a nap - I love when I get to nap ;0).. Well back to work tomorrow for me ;0( - I don't know where 2 weeks went - didn't get half of the stuff I planned on doing done..

Well it will get done eventually - not going to sweat it -

Well just cking in - CBL

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Janet, that was my point with Batman, I'm not into that kind of stuff either, I was desperate. I'd love HGTV, but alas, when you have cheap cable you get lousy channels. I can't complain, I could pay for a larger package, but I usually only watch a few programs and $15 VS $60 is too much to pay just for HGTV and Animal Planet.

Well, stepped on the damn scale, I hate that thing!!! I have been careless with my eating for the last 2 weeks and paybacks are a -itch. Gained 1 or 2 pounds, haven't been able to find my glasses, so I couldn't read the scale clearly, probably packed the darn things, but saw that it had changed directions. I knew it would, so now back to the staight and narrow.

Today is laundry, sprucing up the house, and working on Christmas projects.

Janet, i can't believe the two weeks is over either. I'm like that over Christmas break, one minute I have all this time infront of me, the next, is heading back to school. I like Christmas break because it is the one time that I don't have to work on other jobs.

Well, my coffee cup is empty, time to go fill it back up. Check in later.

I think we need to go find Steph and everyone and drag their butts back.

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Well sitting here watchin...Batman, very sad. Munching popcorn, trying to not think about food.

Candice...this is said with love...be careful please with the Channeling. It isn't that I don't believe that it exists, just make sure that they aren't being unethical. In other words, don't give them money, etc. I believe true channelor would not be doing it for money. Although I do believe it may well be a time to move on, job wise. You need to be happy. Hey, you and I could open a quilt store???

Karla, I always KNOW that you speak from a position of LOVE.. That's cool.

I have a healthy sckepticism of the CHANNELING, my GF invited me to go and it was interesting. And if nothing else I left there 'thinking' and feeling more positive mentally that I have in a couple of weeks.. so that is a good thing...

I do need to be happy and I now know what that takes. THe money thing was just a Pass the Hat donation... I didn't have any problem with that... hey Ministers and Priests get money from their parisioners... everybodys got to eat right???

Even if it was only an evenings entertainment... it was worth it.

I won't come here and post with crappy stuff anymore...

LOVE the Quilt store idea!! Are you coming NORTH or am I going SOUTH :w00t:

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Janet, that was my point with Batman, I'm not into that kind of stuff either, I was desperate. I'd love HGTV, but alas, when you have cheap cable you get lousy channels. I can't complain, I could pay for a larger package, but I usually only watch a few programs and $15 VS $60 is too much to pay just for HGTV and Animal Planet.

Well, stepped on the damn scale, I hate that thing!!! I have been careless with my eating for the last 2 weeks and paybacks are a -itch. Gained 1 or 2 pounds, haven't been able to find my glasses, so I couldn't read the scale clearly, probably packed the darn things, but saw that it had changed directions. I knew it would, so now back to the staight and narrow.

Today is laundry, sprucing up the house, and working on Christmas projects.

Janet, i can't believe the two weeks is over either. I'm like that over Christmas break, one minute I have all this time infront of me, the next, is heading back to school. I like Christmas break because it is the one time that I don't have to work on other jobs.

Well, my coffee cup is empty, time to go fill it back up. Check in later.

I think we need to go find Steph and everyone and drag their butts back.

My cable co is changing their line up again so that you have to have a box to watch certain channels - but I read something today where you can get a box for 1 yr free I don't know if I would quailfy since i already have one box well take that back now cuz mine is dvr it cost $9 a month - but I couldn't live without it - I have a cable box in the living room (dvr) but we don't have them for the bedrooms - I have the one above basic cable - but don't get movie channels - but truly I don't watch much that requires the box - and I don't watch that much tv in my room and don't think the line change will affect andrew much either..

Ya with the kids coming too up alot of time that I could have used differently - but heck I most likely would be still complaining that I didn't have enough time :0) - there never seems to be enough ;0)..

Karla, I always KNOW that you speak from a position of LOVE.. That's cool.

I have a healthy sckepticism of the CHANNELING, my GF invited me to go and it was interesting. And if nothing else I left there 'thinking' and feeling more positive mentally that I have in a couple of weeks.. so that is a good thing...

I do need to be happy and I now know what that takes. THe money thing was just a Pass the Hat donation... I didn't have any problem with that... hey Ministers and Priests get money from their parisioners... everybodys got to eat right???

Even if it was only an evenings entertainment... it was worth it.

I won't come here and post with crappy stuff anymore...

LOVE the Quilt store idea!! Are you coming NORTH or am I going SOUTH :w00t:

Sweetie I love hearing about diff stuff so keep posting - like you said it's an evening of entertainment and got you to change your focus - WTG

Well I am headed to Target - CBL

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Candice, don't you stop posting about it! I, like Janet, enjoy hearing about it. But I had to give a warning, like I said, cause you are in a vulnerable place. I agree, that passing the hat is appropriate and it does pay for an evening of entertainment. There is NOTHING wrong with going and enjoying yourself, heck if I was there, I'd go with you!

Humm, north or south??? We would have to check out the market. Then there is the issue of leaving the hubby behind. He WOULD have to be taken into consideration.

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Candice, don't you stop posting about it! I, like Janet, enjoy hearing about it. But I had to give a warning, like I said, cause you are in a vulnerable place. I agree, that passing the hat is appropriate and it does pay for an evening of entertainment. There is NOTHING wrong with going and enjoying yourself, heck if I was there, I'd go with you!

Humm, north or south??? We would have to check out the market. Then there is the issue of leaving the hubby behind. He WOULD have to be taken into consideration.

Oh Yeah, "we'd" keep him around... He can do all the heavy lifting... so "our' guts don't fall out :woot:

Men are sometimes useful for some things :thumbup:

He bought us a 3 years membership to SAMS R.V. parks or something this week. He's all excited about it!!! So we are doing some traveling into the U.S. YIPPEE....:wow:

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I have been wrapping all afternoon - my back and shoulders are about done - wrapping chapstick - ugh... Got 5 more to go

I use to be a great wrapper - but realized the kid's don't care so I don't do much.. And got bags for my gf's at work

Found the top that I got for Kaitlin - $5 reg $14 it was in the bottom of Brooke's stuff - never found the tea I got for my Uncle - so had to buy some more but it was only $5 - I did really good price wise on my shopping got alot of stuff on clearance at Marshall's & Ross

Well will have to turn the alarm back on tonight 4_14_1.gif

But only have to work 4 day 4_17_211.gif

Well back to wrapping - I just want it done !!8_2_61v.gif

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Well took an online test for my master's program, I did lots of research and looked at all the notes, ended up with an 83%. Stinks, I don't get B-'s. grrrrrrrrrr.

Done so much cleaning this month that my fingers are spliting. Usually doesn't happen until I do a lot of quilting. They spray fabric with fermaldahyde to keep the insects out and after awhile the fermaldhyde dries my fingers out.

Okay Candice...we need to think of a name... KCQuilts... CKQuilts.

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Well took an online test for my master's program, I did lots of research and looked at all the notes, ended up with an 83%. Stinks, I don't get B-'s. grrrrrrrrrr.

Done so much cleaning this month that my fingers are spliting. Usually doesn't happen until I do a lot of quilting. They spray fabric with fermaldahyde to keep the insects out and after awhile the fermaldhyde dries my fingers out.

Okay Candice...we need to think of a name... KCQuilts... CKQuilts.

GF you got a b- be happy - c is passing - wtf you are putting too much pressure on yourself.. I think 83 is a fantastic grade - especially with all that you have on your plate at the moment -

EMU oil is great for the skin Since I hit menopause my skin is really dry

Well Good Morning Gang - Back at work - is dark cloudy and raining :0) I have my sweater skirt - boots - sweater and leather jacket on - I love winter weather -

My DIL called right now - it's snowing where they live (Stockton Area) it hasn't snowed there in 15 yrs and it's her 1st snow fall - omg 32 and never seen snow falling ;0).. I guess since we had a house in the mountains when I was a kid I have seen it snow :0)

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GF you got a b- be happy - c is passing - wtf you are putting too much pressure on yourself.. I think 83 is a fantastic grade - especially with all that you have on your plate at the moment -

EMU oil is great for the skin Since I hit menopause my skin is really dry

Well Good Morning Gang - Back at work - is dark cloudy and raining :0) I have my sweater skirt - boots - sweater and leather jacket on - I love winter weather -

My DIL called right now - it's snowing where they live (Stockton Area) it hasn't snowed there in 15 yrs and it's her 1st snow fall - omg 32 and never seen snow falling ;0).. I guess since we had a house in the mountains when I was a kid I have seen it snow :0)

I KNOW you are enjoying this! Earl says it's supposed to last through next Sunday! Trip to L.A. is off once he looked at the radar this morning.. 1-2 inches of rain and flood warnings! May go to a movie instead although there are none that I am excited about seeing right now. Maybe Christmas Carol 3D. Too cold and rainy to go to Water aerobics. Even too cold inside for me! Wrapped up in two blankets!

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Hello my lovelies!!! I just wanted to stop in and say hi! I miss everyone! I am continuing on this roller coaster we call life and hoping to hit smaller hills soon. LOL

I am really liking the counselor and I am feeling a bit better. She is not telling me anything that I did not hear when I went through my first divorce but I needed the counseling then to make myself emotionally strong enough to proceed as well. I am a person who feels I need to fix everyone else and their problems and unfortunately I let myself fall to the side and forget to 'fix' me. So anyway.........

Funny story. Got up this morning and went to the living room after just talking to a friend on the phone about what my yorkies mean to me and etc. Sat down turned the television on and the Today show was interviewing a women about a book she wrote called 'Why my third husband will be a dog" LOL They made references to this women getting rid of one husband and got another yorky and then got rid of her second husband and got ANOTHER yorky. I found it hilarious because I have 3 yorkies and that is what they were joking about. Replacing men with yorkies because they give unconditional love and don't talk back. LOL Anyway, I had to go on Amazon and order the book right away just because I thought it would be an upbeat for me.

Things he at the homestead are still the same. I am just gonna keep on keeping on. I do not argue with him and I am pleasent to him. I do not dislike him as a person just as a husband. I talked with him the other night about trying to be friends and at the very least being cordual until I get a place. He agreed that would be the easiest to do. Of course he still tries to get me going to I walk away and juswt tell him I am not speaking to him if he wants to fight.

I really really need to get into the swing of things for xmas. Just have NO x,as spirit this year. I am usually a very xmas person and just can't find that person this year. The kids are older and the marriage....well you know....and I think that is what is dampening my spirits.

It will get better. I truly do feel like there is a light at the end of my tunnel. I see a means to an end. Someone posted on fb the other day 'beginnings are happy, endings are sad so focus on what you had in the middle because that is what matters.; I found that so true and inspiring so I wanted to share.

HUGS to all my girls out there. I am hanging in and hanging on.

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Karla, I always KNOW that you speak from a position of LOVE.. That's cool.

I have a healthy sckepticism of the CHANNELING, my GF invited me to go and it was interesting. And if nothing else I left there 'thinking' and feeling more positive mentally that I have in a couple of weeks.. so that is a good thing...

I do need to be happy and I now know what that takes. THe money thing was just a Pass the Hat donation... I didn't have any problem with that... hey Ministers and Priests get money from their parisioners... everybodys got to eat right???

Even if it was only an evenings entertainment... it was worth it.

I won't come here and post with crappy stuff anymore...

LOVE the Quilt store idea!! Are you coming NORTH or am I going SOUTH :thumbup:

Karla, we could call it SEW-lutions....:sneaky:

GF you got a b- be happy - c is passing - wtf you are putting too much pressure on yourself.. I think 83 is a fantastic grade - especially with all that you have on your plate at the moment -

Ya, Karla what is wrong with 83? That is a good mark.....

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Hello my lovelies!!! I just wanted to stop in and say hi! I miss everyone! I am continuing on this roller coaster we call life and hoping to hit smaller hills soon. LOL

I am really liking the counselor and I am feeling a bit better. She is not telling me anything that I did not hear when I went through my first divorce but I needed the counseling then to make myself emotionally strong enough to proceed as well. I am a person who feels I need to fix everyone else and their problems and unfortunately I let myself fall to the side and forget to 'fix' me. So anyway.........

Funny story. Got up this morning and went to the living room after just talking to a friend on the phone about what my yorkies mean to me and etc. Sat down turned the television on and the Today show was interviewing a women about a book she wrote called 'Why my third husband will be a dog" LOL They made references to this women getting rid of one husband and got another yorky and then got rid of her second husband and got ANOTHER yorky. I found it hilarious because I have 3 yorkies and that is what they were joking about. Replacing men with yorkies because they give unconditional love and don't talk back. LOL Anyway, I had to go on Amazon and order the book right away just because I thought it would be an upbeat for me.

Things he at the homestead are still the same. I am just gonna keep on keeping on. I do not argue with him and I am pleasent to him. I do not dislike him as a person just as a husband. I talked with him the other night about trying to be friends and at the very least being cordual until I get a place. He agreed that would be the easiest to do. Of course he still tries to get me going to I walk away and juswt tell him I am not speaking to him if he wants to fight.

I really really need to get into the swing of things for xmas. Just have NO x,as spirit this year. I am usually a very xmas person and just can't find that person this year. The kids are older and the marriage....well you know....and I think that is what is dampening my spirits.

It will get better. I truly do feel like there is a light at the end of my tunnel. I see a means to an end. Someone posted on fb the other day 'beginnings are happy, endings are sad so focus on what you had in the middle because that is what matters.; I found that so true and inspiring so I wanted to share.

HUGS to all my girls out there. I am hanging in and hanging on.

Good fofr you Jackie, you are being very MATURE about it all... YES, love those puppies.... they do give unconditional love 24/7

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Candice, I LOVE SEW-lutions!!! Perfect in every way. Sewing is my therapy. I use to call myself "My Sanity Crafts" when I did the craft show circuit. Can't live without it. But that is also why I get stressed during school, don't have enough time to sew.

Dinners almost done, I'll check in after. TTFN

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I KNOW you are enjoying this! Earl says it's supposed to last through next Sunday! Trip to L.A. is off once he looked at the radar this morning.. 1-2 inches of rain and flood warnings! May go to a movie instead although there are none that I am excited about seeing right now. Maybe Christmas Carol 3D. Too cold and rainy to go to Water aerobics. Even too cold inside for me! Wrapped up in two blankets!

Sorry your trip is postponed! WE are in for crummy weather too... but actually we've been really lucky for all of FALL we've had fantastic weather..Just starting to get really cold this week. ANd forecast is for ICE storms for the next 2 days....

Stay in the blankies, its nice to snuggle up... I get into my JAMMIES as soon as I get home from work:w00t:

Did some more sewing tonight to keep my MIND occupied... So 2 more Christmas Pillow cases for gifts.... Yeah... I am getting there...:thumbup:

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