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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning

Up early this a.m. Went to bed around 10 - Going to hang with Uncle this a.m. - he's taking me out shooting - yes you read that right - I have a gun - it was my bro's and I have never shot it before - in fact I haven't shot a gun in about 8-9 yr

I had a little 22 pistol when I was w/xdh - I had to do the whole safety course and only missed 1 on my test - Use to shoot w/Xdh.. He has an arsenal :tongue2: men and their guns like us girls and our shoes :0)..

Well Phyl you opened up a can of worms w/the sex :nono: How's your head this a.m. :P

I would report that guy to the animal cops - that's just terrible - I really really feel for your niece - she is in a bad place even if she doesn't know it..


Hugs on the cold - I don't know if I could take it myself - I have always lived in the desert - it's like 45 right now - I am ok I have a teeshirt on and that's it - the back slider is open

it's going to be another beautiful day here in the desert 74 and sunny.. But that's long sleeve weather for us ;0)..

My doc didn't tell me about lbt - I found it when searching info on the band - 1st I found obesity help - but they are mostly bypass pple and I think there website is harder to navigate - I still have a hard time finding the lapband section.

Then I stumbled on to this site. I told my doc about it as he was very impressed with all my knowledge about the band on our 1st meeting..

I agree pple need support - but I think this lady thinks/thought the band would do the work - a lot of pple think this. Have your invited her to lbt.

I have been here 3 yrs this coming May... I really feel that it has helped me - plus I LOVE the family that I have gained by being here - that's the very best part..

I wrote on Steph's wall last night telling her to come and see us - I don't know why she hasn't - maybe she doesn't like us any more :0) - Michael seems to be making improvements..

Well off to make another cup of coffee - I need to call Uncle in a bit - he's an early riser - so I know I can call at this time in the a.m. and he will be awake :0)

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Morning Ladies!

Karla; yup its starting to get colder here.... not cold enough for a scarf or hat, but I am definetly wearing GLOVES!!

Dear Little Bridget is doing really well at our house. Not completely house trained, but last night I went outside with her and waited & watched till her BM was done and witnessed!!! Then I knew she was empty.

Phyl: how ya feeling this morning??? Hummmm?? Was teh lovin you got worth the hurtin your head is doing this morning???? LOL

Yes, Phyl we all envy you your retirement... you guys meet such interesting people! ANd you have EARNED your fun> yA i WAS glad Obama sent more troups to Afganistan too. Too many of our Cdn guys are getting smucked... we need to work it together!!! AND we need to convince the French, Spanish & Germans to STEP it up and do some heaving lifting too...

I am sitting here at work , stuck on a Reese's Peices!!!! OMW ... stress eating... don't think I'll be done that until AFTER this Staff meeting... Janet I am glad your pistol is all the way down there in cali..... it's gonna prove to be a VOCAL, HEATED Staff meeting... the powder keg is gonna blow!!!

Ya, STEPHANIE * where the heck are you gf??? We need Stephi loving too!!!

Kari, what are you up to? THimbles and things??? GOt those quilts done yet? Don't be sipping on any soda while you are sewing o.k.???

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Well I am dressed in my roughing it clothes - 501 jeans - tennies and long sleeve blouse. Uncle will be here at 9 -

I have started moving stuff to decorate - I have to move a tree and end table in the living room so the xmas tree will fit - take pic's down etc - so with this started I will have to finish :0) when I get back..

Your meeting will be fine - don't work yourself up

Put the candy down :0)...

Kari ya gf where are you - I guess I am going to have to chase you down too..

I don't know if sending more troops is the answer but he thinks it is - so I will support that just like I supported Bush but imho - I think Afghanistan is going to be another Vietnam

Since I don't have CIA clearance - I don't know if we are getting the terrorist or not - don't think we can ever stop it (it's been going on for years - all in the name of God - I don't think God wants us killing each other in his name) - but do have to do our very best not to let another 911 happen if we can..

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WOW!! I think someone hacked in to my LBT account last night and posted stuff pretending to be me!! Maybe I should report it!!

Uh.... my head feels fine, and yes, it was worth it. I think I had about 3 glasses of wine.... big people glasses, not the kind Earl gives me! LOL! It started so innocently! I was walking home from beading class and my next door neighbors were sitting outside about to start a game of cribbage. She asked me if I went to beading... she didn't go because she's been fighting a cold. So I went over to show her my Bracelet I made. Next thing I knew I was sitting down having a glass of wine with them. Then Earl called and I said... I'm next door having a glass of wine. C'mon over! Ten minutes later he shows up with a plate of cheese and a bottle of Pinot Noir! And we were there 2 hours! I guess they never got around to their cribbage game and it's all my fault!

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WOW!! I think someone hacked in to my LBT account last night and posted stuff pretending to be me!! Maybe I should report it!!

Uh.... my head feels fine, and yes, it was worth it. I think I had about 3 glasses of wine.... big people glasses, not the kind Earl gives me! LOL! It started so innocently! I was walking home from beading class and my next door neighbors were sitting outside about to start a game of cribbage. She asked me if I went to beading... she didn't go because she's been fighting a cold. So I went over to show her my Bracelet I made. Next thing I knew I was sitting down having a glass of wine with them. Then Earl called and I said... I'm next door having a glass of wine. C'mon over! Ten minutes later he shows up with a plate of cheese and a bottle of Pinot Noir! And we were there 2 hours! I guess they never got around to their cribbage game and it's all my fault!

You are such a bad influence:lol:

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Okay Phyl....how was the sex? Did Earl 'rise' to the occassion? You started it...now you have to finish it!!! but I think those kind of evenings are the best. The impromptu without any planning stress.

I hope that Candice's day was better than mine. I had a student announce to the class that she didn't have the assignment because the principal had it because her parents were meeting to 'discuss' my class. So needless to say I immediately emailed the principal demanding a meeting with her and I to 'discuss' their 'discussion'. The principal successfully side tracked me and I never got around to telling her that I would have liked a heads up that meetings are going on about me. I was ready to hand in my resignation. That is my line in the sand, you don't have a meeting about me without telling me. Now I'm ticked that my principal side tracked me and I didn't get a chance to say what I needed to say.

My classroom was a whopping 52 degrees today, but i shouldn't complain, there were some rooms that were 98 degrees. hopefully they will get this heating thing figured out before I turn into a popsicle.

Oh ladies, you will be proud of me, today after school I stood in front of the B&J's coffee Heath icecream, smacked my lips ........AND............ walked away!!! I was needing comfort food because i was ticked and stuck on lunch, never did eat. So tonight I am having salmon with Pasta. A small mile stone, but a milestone none the less.

Janet, yep, I did invite the parent with the band to join LBT, and told her about my new LB doc. But I agree with you, I think she thought the band would do all the work. I'm telling you, if I had to deal with all the hassle eating with the band AND not lose weight, I'd be ticked. There are times I get tired of the struggle. But I also know that is one of the things that keep me on the straight and narrow. Pain, it works,

Well need to finish up dinner, check in later, TTFN

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It's 8 p.m. and just finished for the evening - I have been up since 5:15 - being shooting and four wheeling in the desert with my Uncle - got Xmas stuff up - been to the gym - have the house mostly picked up - dogs fed - Andrew made himself a frozen pizza..

I have had 2 cups coffee this a.m. 2 bottles of Water and a slice of salami :0) Didn't take anything out - so now I will have to forge for something to eat later - once I have wound down..

Phyl - you crack me up :0) yep it was the other Phyl - I have some gf who have other name's from themselves when they have too much to drink ;0)

Karla - WTG on walking away - didn't it feel good - it's so empowering !!!!

So you never found out what was being discussed about you...

Candice - How's the puppy - I saw on FB that she had a reaction to her puppy shots

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Okay Phyl....how was the sex? Did Earl 'rise' to the occassion? You started it...now you have to finish it!!! but I think those kind of evenings are the best. The impromptu without any planning stress.

I hope that Candice's day was better than mine. I had a student announce to the class that she didn't have the assignment because the principal had it because her parents were meeting to 'discuss' my class. So needless to say I immediately emailed the principal demanding a meeting with her and I to 'discuss' their 'discussion'. The principal successfully side tracked me and I never got around to telling her that I would have liked a heads up that meetings are going on about me. I was ready to hand in my resignation. That is my line in the sand, you don't have a meeting about me without telling me. Now I'm ticked that my principal side tracked me and I didn't get a chance to say what I needed to say.

My classroom was a whopping 52 degrees today, but i shouldn't complain, there were some rooms that were 98 degrees. hopefully they will get this heating thing figured out before I turn into a popsicle.

Oh ladies, you will be proud of me, today after school I stood in front of the B&J's coffee Heath icecream, smacked my lips ........AND............ walked away!!! I was needing comfort food because i was ticked and stuck on lunch, never did eat. So tonight I am having salmon with Pasta. A small mile stone, but a milestone none the less.

Janet, yep, I did invite the parent with the band to join LBT, and told her about my new LB doc. But I agree with you, I think she thought the band would do all the work. I'm telling you, if I had to deal with all the hassle eating with the band AND not lose weight, I'd be ticked. There are times I get tired of the struggle. But I also know that is one of the things that keep me on the straight and narrow. Pain, it works,

Well need to finish up dinner, check in later, TTFN

Karla, you have to ask the "other" Phyl about that....

I never discuss stuff like that!!


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Janet, sounds like you had a fabulous day! I hope to get my Christmas stuff up this weekend. But have to only put up the 'pretty', not the trashy stuff. Actually I have a few nice Christmas things. Way WAY back, I painted a 12 inch nativity scene in ceramics. Look pretty nice if you aske me. I keep meaning to build a chrech (heck can't spell it), the building thingie, but it hasn't happened yet.

Phyl, you are such a prude (said with love), I want the other Phyl back, it was very enlightening. ehehehe.

Janet, the parent was complaining that I wasn't following their kids 504 plan. A 504 plan is modifications made for students who have a medical condition that get's in the way of their learning. So the student SUPPOSIDELY has ADD, no formal diagnosis & not on medication. Actually the students is LAK, lazy ass kid, who has their parents jumping through hoops. Now I have only taught for 22+ years, so what do I know. the student is a sneaky, lying, lazy little twit. but I guess to some that looks like ADD. I am suppose to write the parents a note in the adgenda about the assignment, email if any assignment is not turned in, and basically wipe the kid's nose when necessary. Like I have nothing better to do. For a true ADD kid, you bet, no problem, I'll do what ever it takes. But this little ahrigant (spelling again) little jerk will actually remind you that you have to do the writing for her. Now she can well us a writing instrument to draw, write on herself, and her mouth to visit when we are working. But hey what do I know.

Candice I heard the puppy isn't feeling too well. I hope she gets better soon.

You all have a good day, TTFN

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Karla, you have to ask the "other" Phyl about that....

I never discuss stuff like that!!


Ya that was what SHOCKED ME !! We have to give the other Phyl a name - one gf name is Cindy - her alter-ego is LiL

Put Karla see smilies - maybe she said it without really saying its :0)

Janet, sounds like you had a fabulous day! I hope to get my Christmas stuff up this weekend. But have to only put up the 'pretty', not the trashy stuff. Actually I have a few nice Christmas things. Way WAY back, I painted a 12 inch nativity scene in ceramics. Look pretty nice if you aske me. I keep meaning to build a chrech (heck can't spell it), the building thingie, but it hasn't happened yet.

Phyl, you are such a prude (said with love), I want the other Phyl back, it was very enlightening. ehehehe.

Janet, the parent was complaining that I wasn't following their kids 504 plan. A 504 plan is modifications made for students who have a medical condition that get's in the way of their learning. So the student SUPPOSIDELY has ADD, no formal diagnosis & not on medication. Actually the students is LAK, lazy ass kid, who has their parents jumping through hoops. Now I have only taught for 22+ years, so what do I know. the student is a sneaky, lying, lazy little twit. but I guess to some that looks like ADD. I am suppose to write the parents a note in the adgenda about the assignment, email if any assignment is not turned in, and basically wipe the kid's nose when necessary. Like I have nothing better to do. For a true ADD kid, you bet, no problem, I'll do what ever it takes. But this little ahrigant (spelling again) little jerk will actually remind you that you have to do the writing for her. Now she can well us a writing instrument to draw, write on herself, and her mouth to visit when we are working. But hey what do I know.

Candice I heard the puppy isn't feeling too well. I hope she gets better soon.

You all have a good day, TTFN

Karla - I am into nativity scenes myself - when I was a kid it was my job to set it up - I have a big costco one I got 10 yrs ago - I put it infront of my fireplace.. Last nite I thought the tree looked good - but this morning it needs more ornaments - then only thing I really miss about not having a real tree is the tinsel - That too was my job as a kid - my Mom taught me to put it on a few pieces at a time ;0)

My X and I painted a village pple ceraminc's about 14 yrs ago and I have added a few store bought items - I love that too..

Those kind of things (non add kid) are the things I don't think I could deal with. I would love to take a real personality test to see what job I am really cut out for - I know it's not customer service ;0) - I think I took some sort a long time ago - advertising or something like that - something that works my brain and isn't paper pushing or dealing with pple.

Linda (0ur) thinks I am a very compassion person and I most likely am to a fault - I feel bad for my sb brad cuz he doesn't have any clothes - but then I hear what he spends his $$ on - and I shouldn't - but I still do. I got him some really cheap/clearance clothes - I can be an enabler myself..

Plus I feel really sorry for the kid - even though he's 52 and hasn't grown up and has no one but me (he was an only child). He's been sorta hanging w/my Uncle (this is my mom's bro) and I think it's good for him - My Uncle is like 64 and has done just about everything in life - Airforce - to being in a Mex Prison for 2 yrs - to being a Captain in the Merchant Marines - He really has live life and is well read - a very intelligent man with the life experience to go along with it..

Plus I love talking to him about family - I think it's great to get to know your family once you are a grownup - My Uncle Bobby died (my Mom's other bro) - hell I don't remember when - but he's another person I would love to talk to as a grown up - I knew him as a kid and in my 20's but as we all know we are diff pple and appreciate more as we get older.. My Aunt Valerie to - My uncle says I look like her - but I don't think facially I do - but my stature (petite) I don't have any pic's of her..

Well up sorta early this a.m. 6 - didn't go to sleep til after 11:30 went to bed about 10 but couldn't go to sleep. Not going to the gym today - Need to shop for dinner and finish cleaning the house and maybe do some bills for bro's estate. I am going to need more than 1 cup of coffee this morning..

Phyl & Earl are coming over at 3 today :0) - I'm such a lucky girl :0) I am looking forward to it..

Food was excellent yesterday - omelet & toast (lite) for dinner w/Habenro cheese ;0) popcorn and 1 cup ice cream.. I know not healthy but sometime I love it when I don't eat - but I know today I am making a dessert that I got from my other thread (fudge) so I will end up making up for yesterday :0)...

Dinner will be healthy - but dessert will be decadent

Candice - How's Bridget & how did the meeting go??

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Phyl, you are such a prude (said with love), I want the other Phyl back, it was very enlightening. ehehehe.

Ya that was what SHOCKED ME !! We have to give the other Phyl a name - one gf name is Cindy - her alter-ego is LiL

Put Karla see smilies - maybe she said it without really saying its :0)

Well up sorta early this a.m. 6 - didn't go to sleep til after 11:30 went to bed about 10 but couldn't go to sleep. Not going to the gym today - Need to shop for dinner and finish cleaning the house and maybe do some bills for bro's estate. I am going to need more than 1 cup of coffee this morning..

Phyl & Earl are coming over at 3 today :0) - I'm such a lucky girl :0) I am looking forward to it..

Dinner will be healthy - but dessert will be decadent

We will have to think of a good name for the other "Phyl"!

This one doesn't talk!

DECADENT!! I can't wait!

TOPS this morning...have to go. Wii weight looks good...down! Hope the other scale agrees!

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We will have to think of a good name for the other "Phyl"!

This one doesn't talk!

DECADENT!! I can't wait!

TOPS this morning...have to go. Wii weight looks good...down! Hope the other scale agrees!

Yes me too (scale) then we will be ok w/our decadent dessert :0)

I think I am going to have a 3rd cup of coffee :0)

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Scale this a.m. 141.5 :0)

Yea !!! Get to eat fudge :0)

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Drive by post... Bridget is doing much better this a.m.

Meeting at work dos't happen until tonight!!!

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Okay, Karla..... here's a tidbit for you......

Earl had to spend HOURS fixing the bed yesterday!



The sleep number bed sprung a leak and my side went almost flat!

Actually.....I've been telling Earl for WEEKS that something was wrong. Controller is on HIS side (of course, the control freak). So he sets it on 55 for me at night and by morning it's feeling a whole lot softer than that. Now... this is again TMI, and I haven't even had a DROP of wine... but for "certain occasions" he sets both sides on 100. So, he noticed the other night that i was right and it was definitely leaking. So he took it all apart yesterday. In the process, one cord dropped down in t a hole and then he REALLY had to take it all apart. But, he tightened up all the hoses and connections and now it stopped leaking!

Now you all know a LOT more than you need to!

TOPS weigh in..... after my birthday AND Thanksgiving, AND the 17 lb turkey that Earl bought AFTER that, I was down .8 lb!! I was VERY happy! I didn't deny myself anything, just had small portions! And still lost! If I'd eaten like we normally do, however, it probably would have been one of those -5 lb weeks!

Since I know we're having wine and decadent desert at Janet's, I parked my scooter at the clubhouse after Water aerobics and walked to the office and back to get the mail! It was either that or ride the bike. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

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