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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Well back from Xmas shopping - I think I am done..

Won't be decorating tonite - knees are hurting - they will be ok after I have sat for a while - I guess I am going to have to get them ck'd out - I hate this - here I get healthy - like exercising and now my knees are bugging me.. WTF!!! I'm only 54 yrs old..

Talked to my nephew Jimbo this morning - he and his bro Stephen are my Bro Jimmy's boys (who died in 99)- I had tried to call him on his bday - but # wasn't working - he sent me an email on thanksgiving to my work email (has my card) anyway - my gf sent to me at home - it was so good to talk to him - He & bro will be coming over for Xmas dinner ..

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Janet, it will be wonderful to have family for Christmas. Four of my 5 girls will be home for Christmas, I can't wait. We usually play some cards and act silly. No men are allowed, actually no men want to come.

Candice, you go girl!!! It must be the day for people thinking we are the big bad wolf. I had a parent in after school, for an HOUR, to discuss how intimidating I am to her daughter. Heck I see 165 kids a day, I don't have time to be intimidating!!! But naturally I appeased her and promised to spend some more time with her daughter, yadiyadiyadi!! What ever it takes to make them happy. Got a bit of a reprimand from my principal, I didn't have my lesson plans posted on the web page in time. My bad. It just seems to be the area I feel is least important, I think developing the lesson and working with the kids is the most important, but hey, I'm just an underling. I think from now on, if I don't have the plans done, I'll just change the date on last years and post them or post last weeks again. that way it looks good. I know I am not doing my best teaching, I'm still really stuggling with my ability to focus. The Bcomplex shots are helping, but as I said yesterday, I can't get a grip on things.

I found out where DD#4 has been going...and why she didn't tell me. As I mentioned yesterday, I figured out that she was spending the night with a guy. Her choice, she is almost 24. But today I found out that she is driving 4 1/2 HOURS to Whitefish, ONE WAY! No wonder she was evasive, had I known I would have freaked. Oh well, I need to let her grow up!! She says she told him about the drugging and rape that happened a couple of years ago and that he understands and ISN'T pushing her for sex! I worry, but again, it is time that she have a life.

Well, I have taken a hot shower, drank my latte, and need to do some school work. So I best go, I'll check in later. TTFN

OH Candice, that baby is a beauty, it ALMOST makes me want another, then I remember potty training, oh heck NO.

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Well back from Xmas shopping - I think I am done.. Won't be decorating tonite - knees are hurting - they will be ok after I have sat for a while - I guess I am going to have to get them ck'd out - I hate this - here I get healthy - like exercising and now my knees are bugging me.. WTF!!! I'm only 54 yrs old..

Talked to my nephew Jimbo this morning - he and his bro Stephen are my Bro Jimmy's boys (who died in 99)- I had tried to call him on his bday - but # wasn't working - he sent me an email on thanksgiving to my work email (has my card) anyway - my gf sent to me at home - it was so good to talk to him - He & bro will be coming over for Xmas dinner ..

WOW!! You are going to have a BIG crowd for Christmas!! That's going to be great fun! I am still thinking about asking Earl if he wants to drive up to DS for Christmas. It's just kind of lonely to be here for Thanksgiving and Christmas sometimes.

Knees... so sorry!! I think I was about your age when mine first started bothering me. You need to go have them checked out! Maybe a steroid injection will help. My very first steroid injection gave me GOOD relief for at least six months!

I left for Water aerobics at 8:45 a.m. or so this morning and got home 8 hrs later!! I went to beading class after water aerobics/hot tub/shower at 11 a.m. Earl brought me a hot lunch~ I had a granola bar with me! It was embarassing when he brought me this little container of hot turkey& dressing! I am so spoiled! Don't need everyone to know!! LOL!

Anyways, Earl came and "stole" my scooter while I was there, so when I left at 2:30pm I had to walk home. No problem. But my next door neighbor was sitting outside with her husband when I got home.. getting ready to play Cribbage. So she asked if I went to beading. So I stopped to show her the Bracelet I made today... beautiful black bracelet with crystals on it. I'll take a photo later. Anyway, they poured me a glass of wine and it went down hill from there! THey had cheese and carrots and crackers and cucumbers.... really good little cukes from Trader Joe's. Then Earl called and I told him I was next door and he should come over. So 10 min later he shows up with another bottle of wine and more cheese. So it was 2 more hrs before I got home... and now... well I am more than a little "buzzed"!! I am so BAD!! So I was out and about for a total of 8 hrs!!!

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Janet, it will be wonderful to have family for Christmas. Four of my 5 girls will be home for Christmas, I can't wait. We usually play some cards and act silly. No men are allowed, actually no men want to come.

Candice, you go girl!!! It must be the day for people thinking we are the big bad wolf. I had a parent in after school, for an HOUR, to discuss how intimidating I am to her daughter. Heck I see 165 kids a day, I don't have time to be intimidating!!! But naturally I appeased her and promised to spend some more time with her daughter, yadiyadiyadi!! What ever it takes to make them happy. Got a bit of a reprimand from my principal, I didn't have my lesson plans posted on the web page in time. My bad. It just seems to be the area I feel is least important, I think developing the lesson and working with the kids is the most important, but hey, I'm just an underling. I think from now on, if I don't have the plans done, I'll just change the date on last years and post them or post last weeks again. that way it looks good. I know I am not doing my best teaching, I'm still really stuggling with my ability to focus. The Bcomplex shots are helping, but as I said yesterday, I can't get a grip on things.

I found out where DD#4 has been going...and why she didn't tell me. As I mentioned yesterday, I figured out that she was spending the night with a guy. Her choice, she is almost 24. But today I found out that she is driving 4 1/2 HOURS to Whitefish, ONE WAY! No wonder she was evasive, had I known I would have freaked. Oh well, I need to let her grow up!! She says she told him about the drugging and rape that happened a couple of years ago and that he understands and ISN'T pushing her for sex! I worry, but again, it is time that she have a life.

Well, I have taken a hot shower, drank my latte, and need to do some school work. So I best go, I'll check in later. TTFN

OH Candice, that baby is a beauty, it ALMOST makes me want another, then I remember potty training, oh heck NO.

You teachers sure have to put up with a lot of CRAP these days! What a crock! How many years until you can retire from all that BS??? Did I mention I am more than a little "buzzed"!! LOL! Good thing because DH is making me listen to all the Obama BS!! Gag me! I am glad he is sending more troops.

Another thing I am jazzed about today.. that they gunned down the cop killer up in our part of the world!

Candice... being that the puppy is 3 1/2 mos old or so... I'm hoping maybe she is already potty trained!! HUH?? She is a big baby and a lap dog. If I were SINGLE.... I would definitely have a small dog, and maybe a Toyota Prius, and a double wide mobile down here!! Have I mewntioned I've had too muh wine/???

And what was it you were saying about sex??? I've been propositioned for later tonight and I'm taking the matter under advisement. You said DD is 24??? I guess old enough to make those decisions . But I'd get the guy's name and google him!! LOL!! My sister did that on one of her 5 daughters' BFs and found out he was a convicted sex offender!! YIKES!! She is still dating the guy and now is pregnant with his baby! Oh, yeah, and when he was 14 he stabbed a guy to death! And then spent 10 yrs in jail for "consensual" sex with a 14 yr old girl that he said he didn't know was only 14??!! I should probably delet this post, huh!??

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Janet, it will be wonderful to have family for Christmas. Four of my 5 girls will be home for Christmas, I can't wait. We usually play some cards and act silly. No men are allowed, actually no men want to come.

Candice, you go girl!!! It must be the day for people thinking we are the big bad wolf. I had a parent in after school, for an HOUR, to discuss how intimidating I am to her daughter. Heck I see 165 kids a day, I don't have time to be intimidating!!! But naturally I appeased her and promised to spend some more time with her daughter, yadiyadiyadi!! What ever it takes to make them happy. Got a bit of a reprimand from my principal, I didn't have my lesson plans posted on the web page in time. My bad. It just seems to be the area I feel is least important, I think developing the lesson and working with the kids is the most important, but hey, I'm just an underling. I think from now on, if I don't have the plans done, I'll just change the date on last years and post them or post last weeks again. that way it looks good. I know I am not doing my best teaching, I'm still really stuggling with my ability to focus. The Bcomplex shots are helping, but as I said yesterday, I can't get a grip on things.

I found out where DD#4 has been going...and why she didn't tell me. As I mentioned yesterday, I figured out that she was spending the night with a guy. Her choice, she is almost 24. But today I found out that she is driving 4 1/2 HOURS to Whitefish, ONE WAY! No wonder she was evasive, had I known I would have freaked. Oh well, I need to let her grow up!! She says she told him about the drugging and rape that happened a couple of years ago and that he understands and ISN'T pushing her for sex! I worry, but again, it is time that she have a life.

Well, I have taken a hot shower, drank my latte, and need to do some school work. So I best go, I'll check in later. TTFN

OH Candice, that baby is a beauty, it ALMOST makes me want another, then I remember potty training, oh heck NO.


4.5 hrs that's a long way - why doesn't he come to visit her - that kind of drive would bug me a bit too - but like you said we have to let our kids grow up - but we never stop worrying about them...

Hugs on the parent issues - and an hour of your time...

Christmas will be lite this yr - shopping done - Walmart - Target - Ross & Marshalls - Candles - hot choc - got my stepbro clearance clothes - he mention the other day he hadn't gotten any new clothes in yrs - so got him some jeans & shorts for $7 each and a couple tshirts for $5 & 10 - got my Uncle Soup bowls and some instant soup thingie - my 2 nephews coin collectors and will but $ in them

WOW!! You are going to have a BIG crowd for Christmas!! That's going to be great fun! I am still thinking about asking Earl if he wants to drive up to DS for Christmas. It's just kind of lonely to be here for Thanksgiving and Christmas sometimes.

Knees... so sorry!! I think I was about your age when mine first started bothering me. You need to go have them checked out! Maybe a steroid injection will help. My very first steroid injection gave me GOOD relief for at least six months!

I left for Water aerobics at 8:45 a.m. or so this morning and got home 8 hrs later!! I went to beading class after water aerobics/hot tub/shower at 11 a.m. Earl brought me a hot lunch~ I had a granola bar with me! It was embarassing when he brought me this little container of hot turkey& dressing! I am so spoiled! Don't need everyone to know!! LOL!

Anyways, Earl came and "stole" my scooter while I was there, so when I left at 2:30pm I had to walk home. No problem. But my next door neighbor was sitting outside with her husband when I got home.. getting ready to play Cribbage. So she asked if I went to beading. So I stopped to show her the Bracelet I made today... beautiful black bracelet with crystals on it. I'll take a photo later. Anyway, they poured me a glass of wine and it went down hill from there! THey had cheese and carrots and crackers and cucumbers.... really good little cukes from Trader Joe's. Then Earl called and I told him I was next door and he should come over. So 10 min later he shows up with another bottle of wine and more cheese. So it was 2 more hrs before I got home... and now... well I am more than a little "buzzed"!! I am so BAD!! So I was out and about for a total of 8 hrs!!!

Ya about 11 pple for dinner - the kids will be here around 3 or 4 in the morning I think that can change - Melissa works Xmas Eve gets off around 8 p.m. - I think they should get some sleep and leave around 2 or 3 and get here around 6.. But it will be whatever it turns out to be..- they have rented a truck so they can bring gifts with them and have room to take them back not enough room in their trunk when you add the luggage..

Truly I am glad they are coming... But in the last 3 months I have seen them 3 times :0) - heck more than when they lived here :0) not really cuz I use to pickup the girls all the time..

Your DS lives near San Jose ?? You could leave on Wed and then come back either Saturday or Monday - I wouldn't try driving on Sunday...

You did have a busy day !!! I am glad you are feeling better and you are one lucky girl to have a dh who spoils you like that - that's just fantastic !!

Oh my word Phyl you are buzzed - I just saw your last post since I started this.. lol...

OMW I am just cracking up at that post...

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You teachers sure have to put up with a lot of CRAP these days! What a crock! How many years until you can retire from all that BS??? Did I mention I am more than a little "buzzed"!! LOL! Good thing because DH is making me listen to all the Obama BS!! Gag me! I am glad he is sending more troops.

Another thing I am jazzed about today.. that they gunned down the cop killer up in our part of the world!

Candice... being that the puppy is 3 1/2 mos old or so... I'm hoping maybe she is already potty trained!! HUH?? She is a big baby and a lap dog. If I were SINGLE.... I would definitely have a small dog, and maybe a Toyota Prius, and a double wide mobile down here!! Have I mewntioned I've had too muh wine/???

And what was it you were saying about sex??? I've been propositioned for later tonight and I'm taking the matter under advisement. You said DD is 24??? I guess old enough to make those decisions . But I'd get the guy's name and google him!! LOL!! My sister did that on one of her 5 daughters' BFs and found out he was a convicted sex offender!! YIKES!! She is still dating the guy and now is pregnant with his baby! Oh, yeah, and when he was 14 he stabbed a guy to death! And then spent 10 yrs in jail for "consensual" sex with a 14 yr old girl that he said he didn't know was only 14??!! I should probably delet this post, huh!??

I figured you & dh would be glad about the troops - about time right :0) !!! I knew they caught the guy but didn't know they killed him - haven't watched the news..

Double wide here in the desert with your little dog :0)

OMW on your niece and her bf and babies daddy!!! Doesn't sound like someone that any of us would want our kids to see..

Sex - OMW Phyl - I hope it was Earl that propositioned you :0)

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Phyl, whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is about time to try out that new knee!!

Good idea about googling him, I'll do that!

I have at least 15 more years to go. I won't be able to retire until 65 or 67. Crap, I'll get to retire just in time to die. at that point I will have worked for 38 years. I want to retire in 5 years, but I know that isn't going to happen.

DD & I did talk about the guy coming here instead of her driving.

Oh and Phyl, have some sex for me!!

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Phyl, whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is about time to try out that new knee!!

Good idea about googling him, I'll do that!

I have at least 15 more years to go. I won't be able to retire until 65 or 67. Crap, I'll get to retire just in time to die. at that point I will have worked for 38 years. I want to retire in 5 years, but I know that isn't going to happen.

DD & I did talk about the guy coming here instead of her driving.

Oh and Phyl, have some sex for me!!

I wanted to retire by 55 - but doesn't look like that's happening for me either - so don't feel like the lone ranger..

I've worked for 35 yrs as of right now - if I get to retire by 60 that will be 41 yrs of working !!!

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You teachers sure have to put up with a lot of CRAP these days! What a crock! How many years until you can retire from all that BS??? Did I mention I am more than a little "buzzed"!! LOL! Good thing because DH is making me listen to all the Obama BS!! Gag me! I am glad he is sending more troops.

Another thing I am jazzed about today.. that they gunned down the cop killer up in our part of the world!

Candice... being that the puppy is 3 1/2 mos old or so... I'm hoping maybe she is already potty trained!! HUH?? She is a big baby and a lap dog. If I were SINGLE.... I would definitely have a small dog, and maybe a Toyota Prius, and a double wide mobile down here!! Have I mewntioned I've had too muh wine/???

And what was it you were saying about sex??? I've been propositioned for later tonight and I'm taking the matter under advisement. You said DD is 24??? I guess old enough to make those decisions . But I'd get the guy's name and google him!! LOL!! My sister did that on one of her 5 daughters' BFs and found out he was a convicted sex offender!! YIKES!! She is still dating the guy and now is pregnant with his baby! Oh, yeah, and when he was 14 he stabbed a guy to death! And then spent 10 yrs in jail for "consensual" sex with a 14 yr old girl that he said he didn't know was only 14??!! I should probably delet this post, huh!??

oH gOSH pHYL You are JUST the medicine that "I" needed after a long day at work.... you just sleigh me!! Too drunk, and sex tonight?? whoo-hoo you rock on girl!!!

Well my Boss and I kind of tiptoed around each other for most of today. I drafted my Resignation, put it in my left pocket and treated my patient #1, then my px #2 was a new one to me... an Old Vet. who's got a hip replacement, two knee replacements... and is in terribel arthritic pain... I can help him, with my Laser.... Oh my... he just GREW on me... nice old fella, he's been threw hell and back, served his country and now that he's old, retired, all his "parts" are giving him grief.... This is the part of my job that I LOVE!~!! helping others.... so I tore up my resignation letter... and after patient #6 today, I sat down with my BOss again... we both cried... hugged.... well. you get the picture.

But we are still going ahead with the STAFF meeting on Thurs night. I told her(BOSS) we All have to clear the air, all the good, the bad and the worts... we all have shit to deal with and cop to.... so I'll let you all know how THAT goes:eek: wish me luck and TACT :smile: I'll need it :tongue:

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oH gOSH pHYL You are JUST the medicine that "I" needed after a long day at work.... you just sleigh me!! Too drunk, and sex tonight?? whoo-hoo you rock on girl!!!

Well my Boss and I kind of tiptoed around each other for most of today. I drafted my Resignation, put it in my left pocket and treated my patient #1, then my px #2 was a new one to me... an Old Vet. who's got a hip replacement, two knee replacements... and is in terribel arthritic pain... I can help him, with my Laser.... Oh my... he just GREW on me... nice old fella, he's been threw hell and back, served his country and now that he's old, retired, all his "parts" are giving him grief.... This is the part of my job that I LOVE!~!! helping others.... so I tore up my resignation letter... and after patient #6 today, I sat down with my BOss again... we both cried... hugged.... well. you get the picture.

But we are still going ahead with the STAFF meeting on Thurs night. I told her(BOSS) we All have to clear the air, all the good, the bad and the worts... we all have shit to deal with and cop to.... so I'll let you all know how THAT goes:eek: wish me luck and TACT :smile: I'll need it :tongue:

Wishing you luck - I knew you weren't going to quit and if you did I bet they would give you a raise to stay :0)

Can't wait to hear how the office meeting goes ;0)

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I figured you & dh would be glad about the troops - about time right :0) !!! I knew they caught the guy but didn't know they killed him - haven't watched the news..

Yep! They shot him dead in the street. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!!! He was coming towards a patrolman with a gun in his hand.

Double wide here in the desert with your little dog :0)

Yes... I have one all picked out right here in Sky Valley... the mobile that is, not the dog!!

OMW on your niece and her bf and babies daddy!!! Doesn't sound like someone that any of us would want our kids to see..

Yes, my sister called me in tears just before we left. The bastard had beat her daughter's dog with a 2x4. He is a monstor, and now she's let him move back in with her! NUTS!!

Because he's going to "anger management classes"!!

Sex - OMW Phyl - I hope it was Earl that propositioned you - yeah, it was him, but now he's passed out in his chair, so we'll see if he follows through with that!! LOL :0)

Definitely TOO much wine!

Phyl, whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is about time to try out that new knee!! Good idea about googling him, I'll do that!

I have at least 15 more years to go. I won't be able to retire until 65 or 67. Crap, I'll get to retire just in time to die. at that point I will have worked for 38 years. I want to retire in 5 years, but I know that isn't going to happen.

DD & I did talk about the guy coming here instead of her driving.

Oh and Phyl, have some sex for me!!

LOL! You need to meet a guy!!

I wanted to retire by 55 - but doesn't look like that's happening for me either - so don't feel like the lone ranger.. I've worked for 35 yrs as of right now - if I get to retire by 60 that will be 41 yrs of working !!!

Retirement is a wonderful thing!!

Wonder how much wine I really drank???

I think I might need to take a litte nap! BYE!!

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Definitely TOO much wine!

Retirement is a wonderful thing!!

Wonder how much wine I really drank???

I think I might need to take a litte nap! BYE!!

We all have over indulged ;0) I can't beleive you are typing ;0)

Yep I bet it would be (retirement) heck tomorrow is Wed and I haven't gotten everything I wanted to do done - a.m. go w/Uncle for a few hours - want the house decorated by Thursday - Saturday have Xmas party to go to...

I go back to work 12/7 then on 12/11 is my furlough friday - so I only have to work 4 days then have 3 days off - Yeah..

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Candice, I'm with you, Phyl just makes my day. Let's hope earl can wake up enough to 'wake up' things!!

Googled the DD young man that she is driving 4 1/2 hours to see. No info, not even a Facebook. At least he isn't on any criminal lists!

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We all have over indulged ;0) I can't believe you are typing ;0)

Yep I bet it would be (retirement) heck tomorrow is Wed and I haven't gotten everything I wanted to do done - a.m. go w/Uncle for a few hours - want the house decorated by Thursday - Saturday have Xmas party to go to...

I go back to work 12/7 then on 12/11 is my furlough friday - so I only have to work 4 days then have 3 days off - Yeah..

I have revived!! But Earl has gone to the pool/hot tub, so he will probably pass out again when he gets back.

Furlough day Dec. 11? Nice! We are going to Marine Band concert in Palm Springs...convention center Thurs. Dec. 10. Have you ever gone?? Excellent concert. One of the highlights of the winter for us.

Candice, I'm with you, Phyl just makes my day. Let's hope earl can wake up enough to 'wake up' things!!

Googled the DD young man that she is driving 4 1/2 hours to see. No info, not even a Facebook. At least he isn't on any criminal lists!

Uh oh.... now I suppose you're all going to be waiting for a report in the morning!! LOL! Me and my big mouth!

No records, no FB, etc. is probably a good thing!! When my sister googled her DD's BF... immediately pulled up as sex offender! YIKES! So rest easy if you pulled up nothing!! Have you met this guy yet??

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Phyl, no I haven't met the guy yet, I didn't even know he existed until this week. As I mentioned earlier, I thought she was staying at a friends, well she was, but it is a male friend. It wasn't until last night that I found out he doesn't live in Missoula. So we did chat about how he needs to come down here. I didn't mention that it was so I could check him out, just mentioned that he should do some of the driving. Hopefully we will get to check him out soon. But at least she is out there living her life, this is a huge step for her, especially with her social anxiety and what happened a few years ago.

Heck it is COLD outside! Clear sky, full moon, and brrrrrrr. I want summer! Dang, I'm envious of you all living in the 'sun belt'. I don't think I will EVER get warm. This is one of those times I miss my insulation. NOT enough to want it back, but after I get chilled I don't warm up for anything.

Oh and Phyl, if Earl get's tired of bringing you a hot lunch, he can come and pamper me any time. Man, someone who cooks AND propositions you. You one lucky woman.

Exactly 3 weeks before Christmas break. I shouldn't be counting the days, but I'm cold and tired. Next week I may just have to be 'sick' and stay home and snuggle in with several blankets and lattes. It must be in the low teens this morning. Candice that's in the negative #'s for you Celsius people. Heck I'd stay home today if I didn't have a college kid there. Did I mention that I use to teach the girl? Definitely makes me feel OLD.

Going to redo how I approach the 6th grade. The kiddo's really tanked the test we had on Tuesday. So I am going to simplify things. Finally sat down with the state standards last night and realized that the last unit on maps wasn't even IN the curriculum. DUH, I should know better since I was on the state comittee that WROTE the Essential Learning Expectation fo the standards. Gosh I'm such a ditz sometimes.

AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGG I'm cold!!! I think it may be time to break out the thermals. Too bad I only have a themal top and not any bottoms. I was so cold yesterday, my body said it needed extra calories. So I ate 2 dinners, well actually 2 large snack. Had blueberries/yogurt/kashi and then later last night I had veggies, rice and some chicken. was only about 3/4 of a cup total. But I topped it off with a tiny piece of chocolate. Of course if I compare it to what I use to eat, a pint of B&J's coffee heath ice cream, I made much better choices.

Checked in on the parent who got the band this fall, and she has decided that the band doesn't 'work for her'. It makes me mad that the docs, the one in Great Falls that was pretty cold, aren't working with her to help her see that she does have to make changes. So I guess going to TJ DID work out for me. I would have gone to this doc IF I had stayed in the states. I know he is an exception, that most of the docs are really good, but my heart kind of goes out to this lady. I just wish she would realize that she has to make changes. She didn't even know about LBT. I know I wouldn't have been successful with out all of you.

Suppose I should take me freezing butt out of this chair and get busy! TTFN

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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