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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Ok ladies. I am ok geting drunk and feeling good. I love u all and need u all. I thank you for being here and I will definately need u. Many things changing way to fast. As I drink I kee thinking empty calories. I am a bandster aren't I!!??!!

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Jackie, we are here for you. Have a beverage for me.

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Where is everyone??

Grey, cloudy, windy, cool morning. I think I heard rain all night and the windows are wet. I want to stay home and not go to church. Have a bit of a headache and upset stomach. Is that a good reason to skip church?? Just want to stay on the couch wrapped in my blankie!


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Jackie, both you and I like routine, change is hard for us. But we will both make it through the changes. The new year is bringing new adventures. Candice has a direct line to GOD and is making sure my house sells by Christmas, if you haven't gone back and read posts I have to sell for financial reasons. I am putting in prayers that you will find a house by Christmas. Have you gone through the pre-approval process? Your future is bright, you are young and beautiful and have tons to offer. IF you chose to not be alone, then there will be a Mr. Wonderful for you. I understand that God has planned me to be alone, whether that is because it is what is best for me or because I don't deserve it, either reason, I'm okay with it. Imagine you house, dream it, see it, attract it to you. I know right now sucks, your soon to be ex is being a jerk, but he is immature and will always act like a juvenile. That's why you are moving on. You NEED and DESERVE more.

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Jackie, both you and I like routine, change is hard for us. But we will both make it through the changes. The new year is bringing new adventures. Candice has a direct line to GOD and is making sure my house sells by Christmas, if you haven't gone back and read posts I have to sell for financial reasons. I am putting in prayers that you will find a house by Christmas. Have you gone through the pre-approval process? Your future is bright, you are young and beautiful and have tons to offer. IF you chose to not be alone, then there will be a Mr. Wonderful for you. I understand that God has planned me to be alone, whether that is because it is what is best for me or because I don't deserve it, either reason, I'm okay with it. Imagine you house, dream it, see it, attract it to you. I know right now sucks, your soon to be ex is being a jerk, but he is immature and will always act like a juvenile. That's why you are moving on. You NEED and DESERVE more.

We need a "LIKE" button like FB has!! LOL

I agree with what you said. Except for the part about God planning for you to be alone. Maybe for now, but I choose to believe He has someone out there for you when His time is right. Hang in there both of you. Praying for the perfect housing for each of you.

12_1_121.gif 12_2_16.gif 208.gif

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Jackie, both you and I like routine, change is hard for us. But we will both make it through the changes. The new year is bringing new adventures. Candice has a direct line to GOD and is making sure my house sells by Christmas, if you haven't gone back and read posts I have to sell for financial reasons. I am putting in prayers that you will find a house by Christmas. Have you gone through the pre-approval process? Your future is bright, you are young and beautiful and have tons to offer. IF you chose to not be alone, then there will be a Mr. Wonderful for you. I understand that God has planned me to be alone, whether that is because it is what is best for me or because I don't deserve it, either reason, I'm okay with it. Imagine you house, dream it, see it, attract it to you. I know right now sucks, your soon to be ex is being a jerk, but he is immature and will always act like a juvenile. That's why you are moving on. You NEED and DESERVE more.

Good advise Karla! You are soiunding way more positive and IN charge of your life... I am so happy for you!!! GOd is good and HE will bring you through this process (and Jackie too :))

still typing with Puppie on my lap :confused:

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O.k. Girls, happy SUNDAY morning to all!

I think you all deserve a lengthy post, as I have been MIA for a few days... so much has happenee in the last few days, I hardly know where to start.

Well, I have my sweet little girly on my lap... she is black and white and is fastenated by the typing KEYS... should have called her Pianicimal, or BACH, or Vivaldi... something MUSICAL cause she is so darn cute.. but alas I can't think of a single FEMALE composer? can any of you???

So we are still calling her Bridget, her Litter owners name for her... until I think of something more appropriate..

I liked BRIA or GIDGET, Peter dosn't .... so we are at an impasse....

HELP ME OUT~~ Be creative!!! I am all ears!~:confused:

Yesterday, we drove to see DH brother, the one that just got out of prison... He served 5 of his 10 years, but has been a model prisoner, taken an anger management program, an alchohol abuse program. he really appeara to bbe on the right tract.

He has to live with my SIL until he findsa job and apt. He already has had some offers of employment...he was very lucky and maintained many friendships while 'inside'.

DH and I have mixed feelings..... I am glad he is home safe and sound but still wrestle with the thoughts of his victim...my SIL Peg.... She and I were close through the years and she didn't deserve a crumby marriage or the INCEDENT that caused his arrest.

I keep telling my self, I am not in the position to judge, condem or shun anyone... none of us is perfect ... and after all he's paid for his crime with 5 years of his life, and now 4 yrs of manditory parole... which is really an extention of prison, as there are MANY, many restrictions he has to adhere to strictly or he goes right back inside!!!

Onw of his restrictions is NO alcohol, no being in a bar or establishment that SERVES booze for 4 years...

HIS kids have stuck by him during this ordeal

TO anyone he meets or tries to HIRE him he MUst make full disclosure of his crime... oh that'd be a tough one for me... he will face a lot of stigmatizm and have to deal with it in a mature manor for the rest of his life..

Can you imagine having to TELL everyone you met of all YOUR worst SINS for the rest of your life???? Wow, that's a hard one for sure.

So I am praying for him, my Ex_ SIL, her NEW partner..through God's GRACE they will all heal...

I am so grateful for MY life, unencumbered as it is... I have many blessings.... and really I/

you don't appreciate your FREEDOM until you meet up with

someone like this...

Lessons I've learned? Don't drink and drive

Don't harbor resentments

Don't covet your neighbor

Don't act on impulse

Don't have access to fire arms

Forgive others their transgretions... you may never know when you are in a position to want to ask forgiveness yourself.


Edited by peaches9

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Quick drive-by post here.


second, congrats on the new puppy, Candice. I like the name Bridget. Then again.............Guess you could call her Branch

Things are hectic here. We're having Thanksmas next weekend at our house. I need to finish three christmas throw quilts, shovel the dirt out of my house, finish gift shopping and wrapping, go to the grocery store.......need I say more? Thanksgiving was really enjoyable this year. Had two invites and went to both. Ate at both too. Me BAD!!! Did make it to the gym three times this past week. Hope to get there at least twice this coming week. So, if you don't hear from me, you know why. Of course, I have to cram in my addiction to FB in all this too. Be back next week after all these goings on are over.

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Quick drive-by post here.


second, congrats on the new puppy, Candice. I like the name Bridget. Then again.............Guess you could call her Branch

Things are hectic here. We're having Thanksmas next weekend at our house. I need to finish three christmas throw quilts, shovel the dirt out of my house, finish gift shopping and wrapping, go to the grocery store.......need I say more? Thanksgiving was really enjoyable this year. Had two invites and went to both. Ate at both too. Me BAD!!! Did make it to the gym three times this past week. Hope to get there at least twice this coming week. So, if you don't hear from me, you know why. Of course, I have to cram in my addiction to FB in all this too. Be back next week after all these goings on are over.

Hi Kari, well don't be too hard on yourself eating... after all it's ONLY once a year eh? oops I guess it was 2x LOL!!!! You have to have JOY right? What are you serving at YOUR place next weekend?

I have absolutely NO ideas on what to buy people for Christmas... I am totally drawing a blank... except for the Christmas Pillow cases, they have been a hit with one couple, not so sure about the others????:)

Are you giving those throw quilts for gifts??? what kind of pattern are you doing???:confused:

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Linda, Denise, Jackie, Phyl, Janet, Karri GIRLS we miss your posts... its been far to quiet on here....

Next week, back to normal eh??? :confused:

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Linda, Denise, Jackie, Phyl, Janet, Karri GIRLS we miss your posts... its been far to quiet on here....Next week, back to normal eh??? :confused:

Hey, Jackie & I have been here. Even today. And I just called Janet to make sure she didn't fall in to a hole somewhere. She's been chillin' in her jammies today, too, just like me! I haven't felt too good all day... queasy stomach, bit of a headache. But Earl poured me a glass of wine and gave me about 10 stick pretzels and now I feel better. Janet promised she'd be here later! I think! Her family left this morning.

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Three weeks and a couple of days before Christmas break!!!! I am so looking forward to some time off.

I made it through Thanksgiving without gaining weight!!! Amazing!

Phyl, sorry your don't feel well, did you get some bad turkey?

Janet, did you survive the family weekend?

Candice, I don't imagine you will be getting much quilting done with the new baby. Girl composers???humm, I'll go do a search, I'll be back.

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Candice here are some female composers:

Keiko Abe (I like Keiko)

Luna Alcalay

Vittoria Alleotti

Gabrielle Ferrari

Dame Margot

Here's the website so you can look further, but I'm voting for Keiko or Vittoria, but I didn't get through the whole list.

List of female composers by name - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have a college student observing this week, bleck. It will work out though, I'm doing Microscope labs, so it will be helpful to have an extra body. Just hope that they aren't too much of a ditz.

Feeling kindof achey, the hangy downy parts are letting me know. I didn't do any heavy lifting this weekend, other than shampooing carpets. Must be the full moon.

Well best get going so I can get to work. See you all tonight, have a good day. I think someone needs to go find Steph, linda, Karri, Kari and drag there butts back here. TTFN

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Ok Ladies...........give it to me!!! I haven't been here in a long time. I have so much to tell so gonna try to make it short version and if you get bored reading I totally understand. I haven't gone back and caught up on all the post yet. Haven't really been on FB much lately either. BLAH

Ok so here is my life lately in a nut shell:

been interviewing new clients to sign up for our services. We offer supported living to individuals with disabilities. I have a home office but when we do all the hoopla getting new clients we interview them at their home, then another day we go to our intake meeting and present what we have learned about them and then schedule another day to admit them if they are accepted. Then it is writing up goals, making charts (3 of them) and getting all paperwork lined up and funding from the state lined up then work on getting staff to work with them and then 4 days training the staff on the new goals and meeting the new individual. I have 4 of them going right now and will be meeting with intake next Wednesday to take on one more. UUUGGHHH. So that is the work side. NUTS!!!!

Home front......looking for a home NOW. Really need to get moved. Hubby not so nice total ass.long story........just being a jerk ALL the time and can't keep his mouth shut about my kids so.........I am leaving ASAP! I have been trying to look at houses inbetween the work stuff. Not many choices considering most people arent moving right before xmas. I did find a house that will be rented BUT it is totally gutted right now and will not be finished for 2 months!! The landlord is out of town until Monday so I will talk to him then but my gf bf is the one doing the work so I know about the house. The owner has about 30 rental properties and this one I like the location the whole outside is totally resided very nice porch on front and beautiful deck on the back and it will be totally NEW inside. 3 bedrooms and an office. Exactly what I need!!! I absolutely DO NOT want to live in the town but it is the most sensible place to move. The kids both work in that town and 95% of my out of office work is in that town. It will be the same distance for my son to drive to his school as it is from where we live now so that he will not have to switch schools for his last year and a half. The house is in town but the EDGE of town so not so close to so many houses within 2 arms length. HATE THAT! Besides this landlord will let me have pets so that is a plus because I have been so upset thinking I have to get rid of my babies.

I am so not into the holidays and can not get myself into them. It is terrible.

We were supposed to go to hubbies family on Thanksgiving and the night before he told me he did not want the kids and I at his families holiday so he UNINVITED us so we were not going to have anything since that was our plan. My sister called and we were talking and I told her I wasn't going to his family and what was going on. We hung up and she called back a while later and said "I went to the grocery store and we have everything and we are having thanksgiving here so you and the kids will be with me." She is single also. Long tory but she spends her holidays waiting for her kids to come home from their dads and then she does hers. I tell you I am so ready to be on the other side of all this.

I am tired of crying. Not because this isn't wait I want to do but because I am so tired of things being up in the air. You all know I have OCD and this unplanned sheet is really getting me.

I have to keep plugging along. I am so sorry this is a whine post. I really didn't mean to make it so long and whiney. I think of you all often and think I really need to get here but...........no no but............I have just been busy and dont really have anything positive to post. Sorry!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!! Bless you all!! Hugs to all!!

OH Jackie, I didn;t go backwards and read this until today... I am so sorry... I am hoping that your T-day with your sister was really good.

DOn't worry about having anything Positive to post... just you being here is enough for all of us... We are concerned about you and want to hear you are doing fine..

Whining gets rid of the stress level, even if its only a temporary fix..

HUGS & Prayers


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Good Morning Gang

I have recharged my batteries !!

Turkey day was fine - but they made drinks - so I drank :0) I don't eat and drink :0) I enjoyed the afternoon visiting with my Uncle & Bro and family - Phyl did you notice I was a little buzzed ;0)

Friday the kids went to see Melissa's mom - so I napped on and off (tad of a hangover) then they got back fixed dinner and visited..

Saturday Joseph & I put up lights - then watched Phelam 123 great movie - they left yesterday morning at 6 - and I was going to do something - I turned on the computer but never made it back to it.. I watched more movies - read and napped and still went to bed around 9 and slept.. I think I have caught up on all my sleep - going to the gym in a few - my knees have been bugging me - so I think I am going to have to be careful..

Eating - well not too bad - not too great - Since Thursday have had 2 slices of pie - 2 small pieces of cake - trail mix (this was my biggest oh no cuz it's full of calories) 1.5 turkey sandwich - 1.5 cups stuffing - made navy bean Soup -

This week is going to go by too fast - I need to decorate inside and that's a job .. The kids are coming for Xmas so I am going to have to do a little shopping

Candice - lets see a pic of your new puppy

Jackie - Hugs..

Karla I have been thinking of you all weekend -

Phyl - I have seen and talked to you :0)

Kari - food - well we are back on the band wagon

Denise - How's the painting :0)

Well it's 6:30 need to get dressed - CBL

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