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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Yes Candice it's a spiral but not honeybaked - everyone says the costco is just as good - I don't know - I had a slice and I don't think it's as good - but it will be ok..

Turkey in the oven - we are going to eat around 3 - it should be done at 2 - waiting for gd #1 to come home a peel tatoes - and everything is done - well except the green bean thingie - but Melissa is making it - cuz I don't care for it :0)

Karla - How many lbs is your turkey - it should be ok - I forgot about brining - I should have done that it's suppose to make for a tender bird...

Well just a quick ck in - I have 1:20 til the gang shows up at 1 - think I will have some coffee :0)..

Hugs - CGL

Dittio Phyl - I feel the same way

Oh my son can't hang - we went to gym this a.m. - after 1 mile on the treadmil at 3.3 he was tired then I said lets try the elipical (my knee is bothering me) so after 1/2 on that he didn't like it - then lifted one set of weights - he was done..

Well - tomorrow am going alone :0)

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Yes Candice it's a spiral but not honeybaked - everyone says the costco is just as good - I don't know - I had a slice and I don't think it's as good - but it will be ok..

Turkey in the oven - we are going to eat around 3 - it should be done at 2 - waiting for gd #1 to come home a peel tatoes - and everything is done - well except the green bean thingie - but Melissa is making it - cuz I don't care for it :0)

Karla - How many lbs is your turkey - it should be ok - I forgot about brining - I should have done that it's suppose to make for a tender bird...

Well just a quick ck in - I have 1:20 til the gang shows up at 1 - think I will have some coffee :0)..

Hugs - CGL

Dittio Phyl - I feel the same way

Oh my son can't hang - we went to gym this a.m. - after 1 mile on the treadmil at 3.3 he was tired then I said lets try the elipical (my knee is bothering me) so after 1/2 on that he didn't like it - then lifted one set of weights - he was done..

Well - tomorrow am going alone :0)

I've tasted that Costco ham and it tasted pretty good. It's been years since I've had a honey baked, but I remember they are pretty good! Green bean casserole is one of my favorites. If I don't get any with my dinner today I'm going to raid your refrigerator for leftovers!! :thumbup::biggrin::biggrin: These people are worse health nuts than we are so I'm not sure what to expect. Items we were asked to bring: FF cream cheese, FF sour cream, 1 lb baby carrots and a bag of pretzels! Munchies for before dinner.

8_5_25.gif 8_5_23.gif 8_5_22.gif

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

We had a nice day. I went get Mom this morning, and I just brought her back about 1hr ago. I'm really tired, I'll probably go to bed early. Don't think I'm gonna go shopping tomorrow. I could start getting presents, but I just don't feel like going. I still have painting to do.

Now I have to start thinking about the Christmas decorations. This holiday stuff is a lot of work.

Glad you had a nice birthday Phyl.

Candice, you look lovely. But you are a bit obsessed, there's not a damn thing wrong with your lovely nose.

Have ya'll decided where ya'll are getting together this year? When?

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Oh I forgot. My doctor was on our local news last night for weight loss Wed. They have a new surgery where they go down your throat and sew pleats inside your stomach all around. They say it seems to also block the hunger signal for some reason. It's called Pose.

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Well, I have discovered that pumpkin pie and homemade whip cream is not all that fabulous. Too sweet, to fatty. My favorite food is now on the "not worth the calories". Now I have a sugar headache. dinner was good, had about 2 ounces of turkey, 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes and some gravy, and about 1/2 cup of baked yams. Traditionally I make the yams with tons of brown sugar and butter. Used about 1/4th of what I would have used. Now a days, I cook yams/sweet potatoes with SF maple Syrup. So cals were naturally way high, but I learned something, I don't need the food I use to. This is huge for me.

Almost have my homework done!!

I love ham more than turkey, but I love turkey noodle Soup. Yeah my turkey was a 10 pounder and it was still icy in the cavity. So we shouldn't get food poisoning. Dumb to forget about it.

I am really sick of all the stupid Christmas shopping adds.

Called mom and dad. Dad is doing pretty good considering he had another chemo treatment this week. Mom made him a steak, so he should enjoy that.

Kari, I bet your mom enjoyed the day out and with family.

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Well folks homework is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Today DD#4 (I think I know you all well enough to start using her REAL name.), Elyse, and I are going to foil highlight each other's hair. Should be an adventure. We will post before & after pictures. If it is bad, we just dye it all. If it turns green....hum, other story. I've watched the beautician for years, and found a very good instructional video. I'm not concerned about Elyse's hair...a little concerned about mine. But $20 vs $120, that's a no brainer.

Hope you all had a restful night. Normally I would have pumpkin pie for Breakfast on post Thanksgiving, but it doesn't even sound good. whooopwhoop.

Kari, that new procedure sounds interesting. I'll have to look it up.


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Oh I forgot. My doctor was on our local news last night for weight loss Wed. They have a new surgery where they go down your throat and sew pleats inside your stomach all around. They say it seems to also block the hunger signal for some reason. It's called Pose.

I read an article about that somewhere a week or so ago. Sounded pretty interesting!

Had a nice Thanksgiving with our friends.. but the turkey was a little dry... did I already say this??? Don't remember. Anyway, couldn't eat much turkey... couldn't find the dark meat. But I had my share of mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, peas and sweet potatoes. And a tiny piece of apple pie and a spoonful of blackberry cobbler.

Later we stopped by Janet's... she only lives about 2 miles from where we were. So we got to meet her DS, GS, 2 GD, and DIL. food was all still out so I picked at the turkey and had a couple of bites of her green bean casserole, and a deviled egg. And a margarita!! And she gave us some of that delicious double layer pumpkin pie to take home with us. I just finished that off!

So...in lieu of all that, I did 15 minutes on the bike after Water aerobics this morning!!

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Hey! Where is everyone today??!! Out SHOPPING???

I did my usual Friday routine.... Water aerobics, stationary bike, lunch, email/laptop, choir practice, cheese & wine & Judge Judy.

Boring, huh??? But I keep checking here and no one is here or has been here!! What's up with that???

Candice has a new puppy that she's probably playing with.

Janet still has her family there... maybe she's making Cookies with the girls? How about the rest of you??

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Slept in late today and then went to town to buy highlighting supplies. Also had to buy stuff that we had packed and stored but needed. Should have been more careful. But guess what, JCPenny's was having a sale on corduroy jeans and I tried a 16, too big, tried a 14, a little loose, tried a 12 yes a 12!!!!!!!!!!!! was a little snugger than I like, especially after I would was them. So bought the 14, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! a 14, whooop!! and they only cost $12.97!!!

Foil highlighted Elyse's (DD#4) hair when we got home, Looks great. She did my hair, right now it is moisturizing, so I don't know what it really looks like.

Candice, where are the puppy pictures??? What have you named her??

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If you've found a food product that has made your weight loss journey a lot easier, please post in the new thread "Great Food Finds" in the food and nutrion forum.

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Goodmorning ladies...Candice where are our puppy pictures?????

I nagged at Stephani about being AWOL, so hopefully we will hear from her.

Need to Shampoo carpets and do laundry, do the realtor alert things and then....sewing!!!! I can't wait. I think I will be home alone this afternoon and evening so I should get a lot done. Also need to trim doggy nails and brush the cat. She is a long haired Maine Coon and has always kept her fur pristine, but lately she hasn't been grooming much so she has some knots. I guess she is getting older. The vet figures she is about 13 and is having difficulty jumping the dog gates and rarely comes out of my bedroom. It will be sad to see her go and I probably won't replace her, 3 dogs is enough!

You all have a great day, TTFN

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Ok Ladies...........give it to me!!! I haven't been here in a long time. I have so much to tell so gonna try to make it short version and if you get bored reading I totally understand. I haven't gone back and caught up on all the post yet. Haven't really been on FB much lately either. BLAH

Ok so here is my life lately in a nut shell:

been interviewing new clients to sign up for our services. We offer supported living to individuals with disabilities. I have a home office but when we do all the hoopla getting new clients we interview them at their home, then another day we go to our intake meeting and present what we have learned about them and then schedule another day to admit them if they are accepted. Then it is writing up goals, making charts (3 of them) and getting all paperwork lined up and funding from the state lined up then work on getting staff to work with them and then 4 days training the staff on the new goals and meeting the new individual. I have 4 of them going right now and will be meeting with intake next Wednesday to take on one more. UUUGGHHH. So that is the work side. NUTS!!!!

Home front......looking for a home NOW. Really need to get moved. Hubby not so nice total ass.long story........just being a jerk ALL the time and can't keep his mouth shut about my kids so.........I am leaving ASAP! I have been trying to look at houses inbetween the work stuff. Not many choices considering most people arent moving right before xmas. I did find a house that will be rented BUT it is totally gutted right now and will not be finished for 2 months!! The landlord is out of town until Monday so I will talk to him then but my gf bf is the one doing the work so I know about the house. The owner has about 30 rental properties and this one I like the location the whole outside is totally resided very nice porch on front and beautiful deck on the back and it will be totally NEW inside. 3 bedrooms and an office. Exactly what I need!!! I absolutely DO NOT want to live in the town but it is the most sensible place to move. The kids both work in that town and 95% of my out of office work is in that town. It will be the same distance for my son to drive to his school as it is from where we live now so that he will not have to switch schools for his last year and a half. The house is in town but the EDGE of town so not so close to so many houses within 2 arms length. HATE THAT! Besides this landlord will let me have pets so that is a plus because I have been so upset thinking I have to get rid of my babies.

I am so not into the holidays and can not get myself into them. It is terrible.

We were supposed to go to hubbies family on Thanksgiving and the night before he told me he did not want the kids and I at his families holiday so he UNINVITED us so we were not going to have anything since that was our plan. My sister called and we were talking and I told her I wasn't going to his family and what was going on. We hung up and she called back a while later and said "I went to the grocery store and we have everything and we are having thanksgiving here so you and the kids will be with me." She is single also. Long tory but she spends her holidays waiting for her kids to come home from their dads and then she does hers. I tell you I am so ready to be on the other side of all this.

I am tired of crying. Not because this isn't wait I want to do but because I am so tired of things being up in the air. You all know I have OCD and this unplanned sheet is really getting me.

I have to keep plugging along. I am so sorry this is a whine post. I really didn't mean to make it so long and whiney. I think of you all often and think I really need to get here but...........no no but............I have just been busy and dont really have anything positive to post. Sorry!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!! Bless you all!! Hugs to all!!

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Jackie, who the hell told you that we minded when you whined!!!!!!!!!!!!! We worry, don't cheat us of the opportunity to be there for you. Everyone has been so supportive to me, I NEED to have the ability to pay back. It built up because you didn't come here on a regular basis. Do I need to come over there and kick your skinny butt?

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Ok Ladies...........give it to me!!! I haven't been here in a long time. I have so much to tell so gonna try to make it short version and if you get bored reading I totally understand. I haven't gone back and caught up on all the post yet. Haven't really been on FB much lately either. BLAH

Ok so here is my life lately in a nut shell:

been interviewing new clients to sign up for our services. We offer supported living to individuals with disabilities. I have a home office but when we do all the hoopla getting new clients we interview them at their home, then another day we go to our intake meeting and present what we have learned about them and then schedule another day to admit them if they are accepted. Then it is writing up goals, making charts (3 of them) and getting all paperwork lined up and funding from the state lined up then work on getting staff to work with them and then 4 days training the staff on the new goals and meeting the new individual. I have 4 of them going right now and will be meeting with intake next Wednesday to take on one more. UUUGGHHH. So that is the work side. NUTS!!!!

Home front......looking for a home NOW. Really need to get moved. Hubby not so nice total ass.long story........just being a jerk ALL the time and can't keep his mouth shut about my kids so.........I am leaving ASAP! I have been trying to look at houses in between the work stuff. Not many choices considering most people aren't moving right before xmas. I did find a house that will be rented BUT it is totally gutted right now and will not be finished for 2 months!! The landlord is out of town until Monday so I will talk to him then but my gf bf is the one doing the work so I know about the house. The owner has about 30 rental properties and this one I like the location the whole outside is totally resided very nice porch on front and beautiful deck on the back and it will be totally NEW inside. 3 bedrooms and an office. Exactly what I need!!! I absolutely DO NOT want to live in the town but it is the most sensible place to move. The kids both work in that town and 95% of my out of office work is in that town. It will be the same distance for my son to drive to his school as it is from where we live now so that he will not have to switch schools for his last year and a half. The house is in town but the EDGE of town so not so close to so many houses within 2 arms length. HATE THAT! Besides this landlord will let me have pets so that is a plus because I have been so upset thinking I have to get rid of my babies.

I am so not into the holidays and can not get myself into them. It is terrible.

We were supposed to go to hubbies family on Thanksgiving and the night before he told me he did not want the kids and I at his families holiday so he UNINVITED us so we were not going to have anything since that was our plan. My sister called and we were talking and I told her I wasn't going to his family and what was going on. We hung up and she called back a while later and said "I went to the grocery store and we have everything and we are having thanksgiving here so you and the kids will be with me." She is single also. Long tory but she spends her holidays waiting for her kids to come home from their dads and then she does hers. I tell you I am so ready to be on the other side of all this.

I am tired of crying. Not because this isn't wait I want to do but because I am so tired of things being up in the air. You all know I have OCD and this unplanned sheet is really getting me.

I have to keep plugging along. I am so sorry this is a whine post. I really didn't mean to make it so long and whiny. I think of you all often and think I really need to get here but...........no no but............I have just been busy and don't really have anything positive to post. Sorry!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!! Bless you all!! Hugs to all!!

Hey... we're sisters here and no need to apologize for any whining!! We all do it from time to time. It's okay, and I know I'm not the only one who was wondering how things were going with you since you've been AWOL!!

Nasty deal your DH pulled on you for Thanksgiving! Glad your sister came through for you! Hope you had a nice day with her!

One of my niece's has a BF who can't seem to stand being around her kids... 12 & 15. There is a very nice guy waiting in the wings who LOVES her AND her kids and has a couple of his own. They all get along GREAT. The only reason she sticks with the A-Hole guy is that every time she tries to break up with A-H, he CRIES!! They tried living together for a while but it only lasted a few months because he'd come home from work and sit in the kitchen by himself because the kids were there! In the meantime, she's about 37 and has wasted 7 years of her life on this guy. And passed up one really good catch about 5 years ago, too! A guy named Joe that my sister and I LOVED! Now he's going to marry someone else, and that's going to happen to her again if she sticks with Mr. Jerko. All he wants is his booty calls! UGH! She's a soft heart! Can't stand it when he cries and then she backs down and goes back to him! No basis for a lasting relationship. You are making the right decision. Because, like I told my sister, even when the kids are grown and out of the house... he'll treat them the same when they come to visit. Holidays will always be a nightmare!

Hope you find a suitable place to move in to soon!

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Trying to figure out what I'm going to make as Christmas gifts...I had it all planned, however, in our downsizing frenzy I discovered MOST of my supplies for my Christmas projects were packed and stored. I went to the storage unit and was able to find some of the supplies. the reality is that I don't feel like 'Holiday Cheer'. hopefully the house will sell by Christmas, then hopefully I will feel like holiday cheer.

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