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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, how exciting!!! That it really had to be fun. You don't know look like you are the same person. WhOOOOOOOOOO.

almost dinner time, left over taco meat with refried Beans. exciting...not. All I want is comfort food. A big plate stogonough (sp)

Yeah, it was funny! I figured that was going to start happening sooner or later!

Might be too late for some of you, but since I'm on the west coast, watching TV recorded from east coast feed.... "Bones" story line tonight includes much discussion regarding obesity, and "gastric banding device" is part of the "evidence".

UGH! PB'd some of my dinner. Breaded Tilappia from costco, but Earl left it in the oven a little too long so it was very crispy and a little dry inside. Pieces were too big, so I didn't eat it all.... but.. wouldn't stay down. Third time this week! Have to be so careful with meat and some fish... can't be overdone!

Edited by phyllser

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Hey Gang

Karla you have little dogs why do you have to kennel them They aren't going to attack anyone are they. I had Duke a rot/lab mix he was vicious - just told them not to go in the back yard - they could see all they needed to see from the slider -

Ya sometime we eat stuff we really don't want - I did that last week - I told Phyl about it this past weekend - I realized it and spit it out - it wasn't worth the calories - didn't taste that good..

I am pretty particular about my food - I want to enjoy it - I rather have a cup of nachos than 2 bags of popcorn so I will have the one cup (really small childs bowl from target in the dollar section) and I am ok..

I'm a lot further out than you - and I still reach for food at times - you know that - next time just walk away..

Phyl - Glad you had a good time w/your Red Hat Ladies - I love the Kmart story - that's too cool...

Ya that guy seemed like a good old boy and when they get to drinking watch out..

Ya I don't know what Candice was worried about - we all cuss - again I try not to use the gd word but that's about the only one I watch out for - and again when I first meet pple I don't show my sailor side - but after I know you - the words can roll some times.

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Ya sometime we eat stuff we really don't want - I did that last week - I told Phyl about it this past weekend - I realized it and spit it out - it wasn't worth the calories - didn't taste that good..

I am pretty particular about my food - I want to enjoy it - I rather have a cup of nachos than 2 bags of popcorn so I will have the one cup (really small childs bowl from target in the dollar section) and I am ok..

I'm a lot further out than you - and I still reach for food at times - you know that - next time just walk away..

Phyl - Glad you had a good time w/your Red Hat Ladies - I love the Kmart story - that's too cool...

Ya that guy seemed like a good old boy and when they get to drinking watch out..

Ya I don't know what Candice was worried about - we all cuss - again I try not to use the gd word but that's about the only one I watch out for - and again when I first meet pple I don't show my sailor side - but after I know you - the words can roll some times.

Well, I didn't actually have a good time WITH the Red Hat ladies! LOL! The only one I really knew was the "Queen". The only chance to visit with anyone was when we sat down to lunch... store owner has a little area in the back set up with tables so when she has groups show up they can sit down for a little social time. It was a very small turout for this group... and it was mostly ladies much older than me. And to tell you the truth, none of them were overly friendly! Not like the group that usualy shows up when we go out tolunch once a month. Someone provided a light lunch today... not sure if it was her or the Queen! But I had a good time just looking at all the stuff. It wasn't much fun trying on SEVEN prs of pants! But I was happy to find a pair that fit.

And I thoroughly enjoyed being out all day BY MYSELF!! Went to City Hall & got tickets for Marine Band Christmas concert. They wanted to give me only four, but I begged and whined and they gave me 10 and sent me to another building where they said I could get more.. then I got another 10! I kept 10 and gave the rest to our activities director to distribute.

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Phyl, I really have to watch meat also. I'm not to much into breaded stuff, never have been. With the tilapia, I like it marinated in marsala wine then I bake it with a parmesean crust, parmesean, lt. mayo, herbs and a little olive oil. Pretty good.

Janet my furries are little, but they like to be guard dogs, doxies are like that. BIG attitude, itty bitty body. Actually they are not aggressive, but Jordan is a little territorial and likes the entire world know that someone is invading his space, so he barks. It is too cold for them to be outside for long without their coats. If they have their coats on when we aren't on a walk, they EAT their coats. So the realtor felt with their barking it would be best if they are boarded.

I taped Bones last night and hope to get a chance to watch it on Sunday. I have class today and Saturday and Sunday is the day to clear out and pack the crawl space. I don't really like it down there. It is just kind of dark and creepy.

Janet enjoy your long vacation.

So Phyl, how do you guy's do Thanksgiving and Christmas? Do you cook a bird in the RV, go out, or go to family? I don't think I could create a big dinner in a RV kitchen.

I'm tired today, it was all the junk I ate yesterday. But will be better today.

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Phyl, I really have to watch meat also. I'm not to much into breaded stuff, never have been. With the tilapia, I like it marinated in marsala wine then I bake it with a Parmesan crust, Parmesan, lt. mayo, herbs and a little olive oil. Pretty good.

I taped Bones last night and hope to get a chance to watch it on Sunday. I have class today and Saturday and Sunday is the day to clear out and pack the crawl space. I don't really like it down there. It is just kind of dark and creepy.

Janet enjoy your long vacation.

So Phyl, how do you guy's do Thanksgiving and Christmas? Do you cook a bird in the RV, go out, or go to family? I don't think I could create a big dinner in a RV kitchen.

I'm tired today, it was all the junk I ate yesterday. But will be better today.

We like the breaded tilapia from Costco... bake it in the oven. But I think Earl was trying to make it all crusty like when you deep fry it. But I have enough trouble getting down a small piece without it being overcooked!! I could tell from the smell that it was getting overdone. But if I say anything.. like "I think that's done", etc., he gets all defensive. Oh, well! Next time I will have to be assertive!!

It is difficult to cook a big dinner in the RV so we usually keep it simple. We cooked a turkey dinner once in our 1st RV. Bought the smallest turkey we could find. Earl put it in the oven while I was occupied doing something else and I didn't find out until much later that he SAT on it to break the breastbone so it would fit in the oven!!

So... we usually go somewhere for holiday dinner! Last Thanksgiving we were invited to go up in the mountains to have dinner with some old high school classmates. It was very enjoyable! Christmas day we went out to dinner with about 5 other couples from here in the park. That was okay, but don't know if we'll do that again this year. They weren't people we normally hang out with, and all older than us. Not that that's a bad thing...we just didn't know any of them very well, so I felt like I had my guard up or something. I'm not explaining this well!

Some folks we used to go to church with many years ago, the first time we lived up in WA, will be down here in a condo all next week, so they've invited us to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. Their two sons are coming and a couple of other relatives. I think there's going to be 10 of us. It should be fun. We visited with them up in OR on our way down here. They met us at the outlet mall where we were staying (RV park there).

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Well, I didn't actually have a good time WITH the Red Hat ladies! LOL! The only one I really knew was the "Queen". The only chance to visit with anyone was when we sat down to lunch... store owner has a little area in the back set up with tables so when she has groups show up they can sit down for a little social time. It was a very small turout for this group... and it was mostly ladies much older than me. And to tell you the truth, none of them were overly friendly! Not like the group that usualy shows up when we go out tolunch once a month. Someone provided a light lunch today... not sure if it was her or the Queen! But I had a good time just looking at all the stuff. It wasn't much fun trying on SEVEN prs of pants! But I was happy to find a pair that fit.

And I thoroughly enjoyed being out all day BY MYSELF!! Went to City Hall & got tickets for Marine Band Christmas concert. They wanted to give me only four, but I begged and whined and they gave me 10 and sent me to another building where they said I could get more.. then I got another 10! I kept 10 and gave the rest to our activities director to distribute.

Well Gf you are a young 60+ person - I know some of those Red Hat Groups can be a bit stuff and like I said you are younger in spirit than most pple in your age bracket..

Remember trying on clothes counts as EXERCISE :0)...

WTG on the tickets !!!

Eva is going to be here around 1-2 tomorrow - what time do you want to met in PS and where?

Phyl, I really have to watch meat also. I'm not to much into breaded stuff, never have been. With the tilapia, I like it marinated in marsala wine then I bake it with a parmesean crust, parmesean, lt. mayo, herbs and a little olive oil. Pretty good.

Janet my furries are little, but they like to be guard dogs, doxies are like that. BIG attitude, itty bitty body. Actually they are not aggressive, but Jordan is a little territorial and likes the entire world know that someone is invading his space, so he barks. It is too cold for them to be outside for long without their coats. If they have their coats on when we aren't on a walk, they EAT their coats. So the realtor felt with their barking it would be best if they are boarded.

I taped Bones last night and hope to get a chance to watch it on Sunday. I have class today and Saturday and Sunday is the day to clear out and pack the crawl space. I don't really like it down there. It is just kind of dark and creepy.

Janet enjoy your long vacation.

So Phyl, how do you guy's do Thanksgiving and Christmas? Do you cook a bird in the RV, go out, or go to family? I don't think I could create a big dinner in a RV kitchen.

I'm tired today, it was all the junk I ate yesterday. But will be better today.

Karla - so every morning you have to drop babies off at kennel?? and then pick them up after work??? That would be a pain in the butt - that's the kind of stuff that would drive me CRAZY..

Well I have pb'd on dinner for the last 2 nite - eat fish then go to eat veggies and i end up pbing - it's my own fault - I am eating too fast..

Yesterday went to lunch w/a gf I had salad the day before so didn't want that - so decided on a patty melt - it's the first sandwich I have ordered out since I was banded - had a couple bite of the bread - but ate just the inside (meat that wasn't that tasty & onions & cheese) I wanted french fries w/ranch dressing as my side - but I didn't order it - I ordered the fruit - banana's and blue berries.. My gf was impressed - but truth be told - I could not have eaten the bread and meat all - it's funny I have had sandwiches - I have grilled cheese at home (lite bread 2% cheese) and a turkey or ham or bp sandwich and have had no problems - but I guess it was the hamburger patty which is more dense..

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Well, I hang out with way too many ladies in their 80's!! LOL! Like my mother's age! But, most of them are fun. The group who showed up yesterday was very reserved, shall we say. It was an okay day.

Sandwiches... if i ever have a sandwich, it's usually the Sara Lee 45 calorie bread or those little sandwich rounds. But every now and then I do have a sandwich when we're out to eat. Monday when we went to the Navy base, I ended up eating a teriyaki burger. That was not a good choice. I ate it really, really slow, though,and very small bites. And it was okay. But when I looked it up online, it was 610 calories! Won't do that again. I couldn't see the menu from inside the car so I didn't see the taco salad or zucchini or I would've ordered something like that. What really shocked me.... Earl ate a small Domino's pizza about an hour before that. But when he gets in the drive through and sees the pictures of all those burgers, he orders a burger!! I said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" He said he was hungry! No way! Then he tried to tell me it was only a couple hundred calories. That's when I decided to look it up on their website!

But eating bread usually makes me very uncomfortable. Especially if I don't eat it slowly. And I'd just as soon not have it. I like my meat and veggies.

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What a funny (weird) day!

A couple of days ago I was worried about my B/P... being too high... SInce Peter bought me that B/P cuff machine for my ANNIVERSARY (ya you heard me right!) I've been taking my pressure several times a day... and its been HORRIBLE.. so I took Phyl's advise and got an appt with my PCP...

I went this morning... guess what, my BP was fine in her office, she took it twice! and when I was there in AUG, same thing my B/P was fine... she has NO concerns with it... she is SURE that my BPMachine is kafluey ... and to stop taking it... She said to ck it every 3 days only, and then do it at the drugstore as well as home./....

So I got her to recheck my cholesteral too. I'll have those numbers back on Mon/Tues..

Phew.. I am releived... she said again how "GOOD I LOOK" and how impressed she was with my weight loss 240/176... now.... I think she may be a LAP Band converted LOVER now. she also said that as I lose this next 20 lbs my pressure will drop some more anyways, so not to WORRY!!!!

SO then I go to the LAB and have my blood drawn, the techy says I need your birthdate and OHIP card so I get it out... she says "wow, you were born in '55?" I said ya but I wished it was 1965!!! She then said, "y MIL is 10 yrs yonger than YOU and YOU look a hell of a lot better than her!!!" Don't worry about being born in 1955""

Then I drove in to see my MOM, and some little dear with ALsheimers says to me, oh you don't look old enough to have a mother in here!~!~ lol:thumbup:

o.K. THEN I get home and DH says, Oh a "Dr. Martins Vein Clinic" phoned today to remind you of your appt. on Tues. OH SHIT!!! That's my BOtox appt. and I was keeping it a secret from DH.... da, not any more!!! Yikes, so I quickly told a little WHITE lie and said Oh, that's for my MOTHERS appt..... he shut up and didn't ask anymore...

Am I goint to VANITY HELL??????:lol::frown::thumbup:

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What a funny (weird) day!

A couple of days ago I was worried about my B/P... being too high... SInce Peter bought me that B/P cuff machine for my ANNIVERSARY (ya you heard me right!) I've been taking my pressure several times a day... and its been HORRIBLE.. so I took Phyl's advise and got an appt with my PCP...

I went this morning... guess what, my BP was fine in her office, she took it twice! and when I was there in AUG, same thing my B/P was fine... she has NO concerns with it... she is SURE that my BPMachine is kafluey ... and to stop taking it... She said to ck it every 3 days only, and then do it at the drugstore as well as home./....

So I got her to recheck my cholesteral too. I'll have those numbers back on Mon/Tues..

Phew.. I am releived... she said again how "GOOD I LOOK" and how impressed she was with my weight loss 240/176... now.... I think she may be a LAP-BAND® converted LOVER now. she also said that as I lose this next 20 lbs my pressure will drop some more anyways, so not to WORRY!!!!

SO then I go to the LAB and have my blood drawn, the techy says I need your birthdate and OHIP card so I get it out... she says "wow, you were born in '55?" I said ya but I wished it was 1965!!! She then said, "y MIL is 10 yrs yonger than YOU and YOU look a hell of a lot better than her!!!" Don't worry about being born in 1955""

Then I drove in to see my MOM, and some little dear with ALsheimers says to me, oh you don't look old enough to have a mother in here!~!~ lol:thumbup:

o.K. THEN I get home and DH says, Oh a "Dr. Martins Vein Clinic" phoned today to remind you of your appt. on Tues. OH SHIT!!! That's my BOtox appt. and I was keeping it a secret from DH.... da, not any more!!! Yikes, so I quickly told a little WHITE lie and said Oh, that's for my MOTHERS appt..... he shut up and didn't ask anymore...

Am I goint to VANITY HELL??????:lol::frown::thumbup:

Candice too funny - you haven't told peter about the botox lol -

and yes you have beautiful skin - you look 10 yrs younger than me...

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Candice too funny - you haven't told peter about the botox lol -

and yes you have beautiful skin - you look 10 yrs younger than me...

Oh Hell NO I havn't told him about the BOTOX... He'd say oh you are SO vain... well, I hate the ANGRY lines between my eyes... and I am also going to ask about the Deep lines around my mouth too.... if it's too much #$$$ then I won't do it... I'll just suck it up and deal with the 50 yr face...

I really hate the Crinkle lines that come up from my lips... they are really creepy... they look like STRETCH MARKS... from doing "You know what" which I HAVN't...!!!!:thumbup:

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We like the breaded tilapia from Costco... bake it in the oven. But I think Earl was trying to make it all crusty like when you deep fry it. But I have enough trouble getting down a small piece without it being overcooked!! I could tell from the smell that it was getting overdone. But if I say anything.. like "I think that's done", etc., he gets all defensive. Oh, well! Next time I will have to be assertive!!

It is difficult to cook a big dinner in the RV so we usually keep it simple. We cooked a turkey dinner once in our 1st RV. Bought the smallest turkey we could find. Earl put it in the oven while I was occupied doing something else and I didn't find out until much later that he SAT on it to break the breastbone so it would fit in the oven!!

So... we usually go somewhere for holiday dinner! Last Thanksgiving we were invited to go up in the mountains to have dinner with some old high school classmates. It was very enjoyable! Christmas day we went out to dinner with about 5 other couples from here in the park. That was okay, but don't know if we'll do that again this year. They weren't people we normally hang out with, and all older than us. Not that that's a bad thing...we just didn't know any of them very well, so I felt like I had my guard up or something. I'm not explaining this well!

Some folks we used to go to church with many years ago, the first time we lived up in WA, will be down here in a condo all next week, so they've invited us to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. Their two sons are coming and a couple of other relatives. I think there's going to be 10 of us. It should be fun. We visited with them up in OR on our way down here. They met us at the outlet mall where we were staying (RV park there).

Well, I hang out with way too many ladies in their 80's!! LOL! Like my mother's age! But, most of them are fun. The group who showed up yesterday was very reserved, shall we say. It was an okay day.

Sandwiches... if i ever have a sandwich, it's usually the Sara Lee 45 calorie bread or those little sandwich rounds. But every now and then I do have a sandwich when we're out to eat. Monday when we went to the Navy base, I ended up eating a teriyaki burger. That was not a good choice. I ate it really, really slow, though,and very small bites. And it was okay. But when I looked it up online, it was 610 calories! Won't do that again. I couldn't see the menu from inside the car so I didn't see the taco salad or zucchini or I would've ordered something like that. What really shocked me.... Earl ate a small Domino's pizza about an hour before that. But when he gets in the drive through and sees the pictures of all those burgers, he orders a burger!! I said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" He said he was hungry! No way! Then he tried to tell me it was only a couple hundred calories. That's when I decided to look it up on their website!

But eating bread usually makes me very uncomfortable. Especially if I don't eat it slowly. And I'd just as soon not have it. I like my meat and veggies.

I missed the part about sitting on the turkey -lol....

I do grilled cheese with the sara lee lite no problem nor a ham or turkey sandwich - but that's all made with deli meat - I have even had bpj no problem - I think it was the dense meat. I was never a big sandwich eater - we at home anyway - ya we would go out for lunch and I love a good club sandwich - but they aren't anything I miss to terribly - I can say that every now and then I want a Ciro's submarine - to me that's a sub I LOVE THEM... Well I know that there is no way in God's green earth that I could eat one today... Ciro's has the best dressing - I guess I could eat just the inners - but that's not the same without the crusty bread..

And I bet you 10 to 1 that neither the zuchinne nor taco salad is good calorie wise - I eat the fried zuchinne cuz it's easy to eat on the road - plus when you add the dressing I think it's like 400 cal if not more -

Ok I just went and looked up calories

- that taco salad is 970 :lol:

Your hamburger was 610

zuchinne 330 w/dressing 110 = 440 (i'm pretty damn good arent' I - I know my calories)

the best thing at Carls is the char broiled ck salad 250 with balsamic dressing 35 cal - if you get ranch then add 220 for 470..

A kids hamburger is 230 calories

Oh Hell NO I havn't told him about the BOTOX... He'd say oh you are SO vain... well, I hate the ANGRY lines between my eyes... and I am also going to ask about the Deep lines around my mouth too.... if it's too much #$$$ then I won't do it... I'll just suck it up and deal with the 50 yr face...

I really hate the Crinkle lines that come up from my lips... they are really creepy... they look like STRETCH MARKS... from doing "You know what" which I HAVN't...!!!!:thumbup:

Yes if you didn't get a good arm one - it can give you a bad reading and you are suppose to take it the very 1st thing in the a.m as soon as you get out of bed.

I got botox once - no one even noticed and I couldn't move my forehead - It was hard to put on mascara.. but I might try it again by a real doc - I was getting facial from this chick who was a pa who took a class and I think she didn't do a good job - hell the first set of shots didn't do much and she had to do a touch up,

Nothing wrong with being vain - I am pretty vain myself..

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Okay Candice...1st of all, watch it on the being born in '55, I was born in '59. I figured you were younger than me. 2nd, I am really DENSE, but I don't know..."You Know What"? I'm assuming you are refering to a bedroom activity....if so, hell, I didn't know that IT caused wrinkles.

Had class today and tomorrow for my master's program. I came home so tired I shut my head in the closet door because I forgot to move it.

The realtor emailed me and said that the couple who looked at my house really liked it, but that they were older and needed a home without any stairs.

I didn't realize that Thanksgiving was next week. DD#4 & I have a little bird to cook. Mainly because we like homemade turkey Soup. DD#5 is not honoring us with her presence because she is going home with the boyfriend in Wyoming. I'm not surprised, she never has felt that family was important. I'm a little ticked because she didn't give me the opportunity to say it was okay to go by asking, she just told me she was going.

I am sitting here drinking a fabulous latte. We have a local coffee roaster, that you submit your order and they roast it specially for you. So you get the coffee only one day after it is roasted. Then they espresso ground it for me. MAN you wouldn't believe the difference, it is better than Starbuck coffee. Sad but true, I think I'm turning into a coffee snob. Now if only I could find a place to get Da Vinci SF Irish Cream by the case. I can only get Torriano (sp), but Da Vinci is 10 times better. But I can't afford the shipping.

Hope you all have a good evening.


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Okay Candice...1st of all, watch it on the being born in '55, I was born in '59. I figured you were younger than me. 2nd, I am really DENSE, but I don't know..."You Know What"? I'm assuming you are refering to a bedroom activity....if so, hell, I didn't know that IT caused wrinkles.

Had class today and tomorrow for my master's program. I came home so tired I shut my head in the closet door because I forgot to move it.

The realtor emailed me and said that the couple who looked at my house really liked it, but that they were older and needed a home without any stairs.

I didn't realize that Thanksgiving was next week. DD#4 & I have a little bird to cook. Mainly because we like homemade turkey Soup. DD#5 is not honoring us with her presence because she is going home with the boyfriend in Wyoming. I'm not surprised, she never has felt that family was important. I'm a little ticked because she didn't give me the opportunity to say it was okay to go by asking, she just told me she was going.

I am sitting here drinking a fabulous latte. We have a local coffee roaster, that you submit your order and they roast it specially for you. So you get the coffee only one day after it is roasted. Then they espresso ground it for me. MAN you wouldn't believe the difference, it is better than Starbuck coffee. Sad but true, I think I'm turning into a coffee snob. Now if only I could find a place to get Da Vinci SF Irish Cream by the case. I can only get Torriano (sp), but Da Vinci is 10 times better. But I can't afford the shipping.

Hope you all have a good evening.


Karla - I'm not sure either - that (bedroom) or smoking - you do the same thing ;0)...

I have never had fresh roast - sounds good.. It's ok to be a coffee snob - I know some wine snobs (not you phyl) but my bosses wife - friends don't let freinds drink white zindfindel...

I just got stuck on a black berry - went to the store and got some fruit for a lite dessert tomorrow after we get back from Palm Springs

Eva from my mentor thread is coming to visit - going to meet Phyl in Palm Springs for dinner - and thought I should have something in the fridge in case we get the munchies when we get back to the house - so got raspberries - blueberries - blackberries - strawberries - walnuts and some sf vanila yogurt - I think I will have some tonite :0) and stuff to make Breakfast - I will do major food shopping on Monday in preperation for Turkey day..

Andrew did a GREAT job on cleaning even dusted & polished the furniture. He's such a good kid... I truly have been blessed - he hasn't been that bad - I would say 8th grade and maybe freshman year he was a real smart mouth boy but all in all he's a great kid...

Karla - how old is DD#5 - she no longer lives at home does she - doesn't she live at college.. Remember when you were in love - did you want to hang with mom & dad or w/BF..

Hugs I know you are going threw a tough time right now and want the comfort of your kids -

Your house is single story - stairs????

No work for 16 day!!! I feel so relaxed right now even though I have a busy weekend - Sheba gets fixed @ 7;30 a.m so I will be up early - won't make the gym - Andrew wants to go to the mall - the be back home to meet Eva - pick up Sheba - then visit - then Palm Springs

Candice - he got you more than a blood pressure machine for your bday... That's an awful gift unless you asked for it..


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My house is a single level, but it does have a sunken dinning room and family room, better known as my quilt room. You have to step down one step to go into the dining room and to get to the garage. But at least they liked the house. I finally found my realtor's listing of my house, it has more pictures than the other listing and he said some nice things about the house, so here it is.

Bruce Stiegler MLS#908255 florence Montana (Residential Property)

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Oh Hell NO I havn't told him about the BOTOX... He'd say oh you are SO vain... well, I hate the ANGRY lines between my eyes... and I am also going to ask about the Deep lines around my mouth too.... if it's too much #$$$ then I won't do it... I'll just suck it up and deal with the 50 yr face...

I really hate the Crinkle lines that come up from my lips... they are really creepy... they look like STRETCH MARKS... from doing "You know what" which I HAVN't...!!!!:thumbup:

No question about it..



I missed the part about sitting on the turkey -lol....

I do grilled cheese with the sara lee lite no problem nor a ham or turkey sandwich - but that's all made with deli meat - I have even had bpj no problem - I think it was the dense meat. I was never a big sandwich eater - we at home anyway - ya we would go out for lunch and I love a good club sandwich - but they aren't anything I miss to terribly - I can say that every now and then I want a Ciro's submarine - to me that's a sub I LOVE THEM... Well I know that there is no way in God's green earth that I could eat one today... Ciro's has the best dressing - I guess I could eat just the inners - but that's not the same without the crusty bread..

And I bet you 10 to 1 that neither the zuchinne nor taco salad is good calorie wise - I eat the fried zuchinne cuz it's easy to eat on the road - plus when you add the dressing I think it's like 400 cal if not more -

Ok I just went and looked up calories

- that taco salad is 970 :lol:

Your hamburger was 610

zuchinne 330 w/dressing 110 = 440 (i'm pretty damn good arent' I - I know my calories)

the best thing at Carls is the char broiled ck salad 250 with balsamic dressing 35 cal - if you get ranch then add 220 for 470..

A kids hamburger is 230 calories

Just had to make too quick of a decision without being able to see the menu very well! Probably would've gone with the Taco Salad or the kids' hamburger! I can't believe I ate the whole bun! Never thought I'd be able to, but i ate it so slow and carefully, it wasn't a problem.

Feeling kinda sad tonight. A dear friend of mine up in WA is in ICU in very grave condition.. kidneys not working, diabetes complications. There's that ugly word again! Just had an email from her daughter and they are calling friends and family to come. Glad that we got to see her just before we came down.. several of us met for lunch the day before we left.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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