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Good Morning Gang!!!

Slept in till 6:30 - have read the paper and still sipping on my coffee and while waiting for computer to get up and running changed purses ;0)

Need to get butt in gear but am a little pooped from my GREAT DAY yesterday - Stayed up till 11:30 which is late for me but had no problem sleeping last night even w/my coffee..

Andrew asked me last night if I wanted to go to the show with him today :cool2: - He wants to see 2012 - Not a movie I really want to see - but he asked me to go to the show so - so hell yes I will go and enjoy every second.

Need to get house cleaned though for company next weekend - but it will get done and I need to go to the post office and return that coat I got from QVC that's too big..

This Morning on Good Morning Amercia - they are talking about fatty foods being just like heroin - OMG - I could have told them that !! That's news :thumbup: - Us fatties already knew that - But I guess maybe the rest of the world doesn't and it will help the world understand why we have so much obesity...

Well just cking in

Steph don't freeze

Karla enjoy your girls and have reasonable expectations -

Phyl - I keep smiling this morning I really enjoy yours & Earl's company - And this is very unusual for me to feel so joyful after hanging with friends - I don't know if I am getting out what I mean - I do stuff w/other pple but can't say that I am smiling the next day when thinking about my previous day...

Earl and I need to make a date to hike the bump & grind - but need an early start - like 7 - 7:30

Kari - Hope you are doing well

Linda - I will email you

Denise - Hugs

Candice - Hope you enjoyed your turkey w/friends ..

Well off to get something started :0) CBL

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Good Morning Gang!!!

Slept in till 6:30 - have read the paper and still sipping on my coffee and while waiting for computer to get up and running changed purses ;0)

Need to get butt in gear but am a little pooped from my GREAT DAY yesterday - Stayed up till 11:30 which is late for me but had no problem sleeping last night even w/my coffee..

Andrew asked me last night if I wanted to go to the show with him today :cool2: - He wants to see 2012 - Not a movie I really want to see - but he asked me to go to the show so - so hell yes I will go and enjoy every second.

Need to get house cleaned though for company next weekend - but it will get done and I need to go to the post office and return that coat I got from QVC that's too big..

This Morning on Good Morning Amercia - they are talking about fatty foods being just like heroin - OMG - I could have told them that !! That's news :thumbup: - Us fatties already knew that - But I guess maybe the rest of the world doesn't and it will help the world understand why we have so much obesity...

Well just cking in

Steph don't freeze

Karla enjoy your girls and have reasonable expectations -

Phyl - I keep smiling this morning I really enjoy yours & Earl's company - And this is very unusual for me to feel so joyful after hanging with friends - I don't know if I am getting out what I mean - I do stuff w/other pple but can't say that I am smiling the next day when thinking about my previous day...

Earl and I need to make a date to hike the bump & grind - but need an early start - like 7 - 7:30

Kari - Hope you are doing well

Linda - I will email you

Denise - Hugs

Candice - Hope you enjoyed your turkey w/friends ..

Well off to get something started :0) CBL


I stayed up until after midnight, but still wide awake a little after 6 a.m. Pulled the covers over my head and stayed in bed until 7 though!

Yesterday was a VERY fun day! I loved it! I NEVER get to go places w/GFs!! It was GREAT, and only ONE call from Earl while we were gone!! LOL! GEEZ... Red Hats luncheon I went to a few weeks ago he called about three times. The last time the "Queen" said, GIVE ME THAT PHONE! So I did and she answered it and said, "Hello, this is the QUEEN..." LOL! It was pretty funny. I'm glad you're comfortable hanging out with us. That's a really nice compliment! We enjoyed having you here, too..

Yes, you'll have to figure out a time to hike with him... he's a very early riser, so shouldn't be a probelm to get an early start. Let's see, where can I shop that early in the morning while you're gone??? HAH!

Well, gang... hope you all have a GREAT Saturday. Don't work TOO hard, Karla, but take advantage of those DDs there to help you!

Steph, sounds like you have a bazaar today. Hope you sell lots of carmel corn and have a great time.

Candice, hope you're feeling better SOON!!

Who did I miss??? Jackie, Linda, are you lurking, Kari?? Karri???

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Well never made it to the show - Andrew woke up with a sore throat

I never left the house - cleaned out my closet & 4 drawers..

I want a vote - do you think I have too many clothes

or not enough :tt2::laugh::cool2::w00t::lol::thumbup:

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now the shoes....

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Hello everyone! Just a flit by post. Wanted you to know I have been thinking of ya! I went back to the doctor and took my son last Thursday for this lingering sore throat and just not feeling well and so darn tired. Well I am over the flu but have STREP THROAT! For lordy sake I should be good after this antibiotic set I hope. Give anything just to feel 'normal' again!

Definately have to get into my band doctor this week. Since getting sick as I said before the band has tightened up and it is even tighter now. Uncomfortable. Able to eat but not keep it down. Having some big issues with that. And now after drinking if I bend over I pour out like a tea pot. LOL Will be calling right away Monday.

Janet and Phyl pictures are wonderful!! So jealous!! You are a couple real hotties.

Janet Earl's message-HAHA hilarious!! I bet he is a hoot to be around huh Phyl!

Karla-sorry about selling your house but sounds like you are being proactive and doing something about the situation before it is to far out of control and you lose everything.

Peaches-congrats on your loot of fabric for xmas gifts! Those are the best gifts to receive.

Steph- keep up with you on FB but sure miss reading your posts here. I understand you are busy and I have no room to talk.

Well ladies I am off to bed. Finished cleaning the house top to bottom when I FINALLY got energy to move (at 8:30pm). I even scrubbed the carpets and then lysoled the hell out of everything. I am trying to kill these darn sick germs ! Family thought I was nuts when I said I was cleaning the house and gonna scrub carpets that late. Oh well it is done now and I am happy but exhausted.

Janet to answer your question yes I had all my labs drawn last week again. Everything looks good. Iron a little low but she really feels that I am so tired and exhausted from the flu crud. She said that seems to be something many people are dealing with for a few weeks after they get over it. I tell ya.....I sleep more than I ever have in my life!! The weather has been gloomy as well and that is not good for me because I like to sleep and just stay in bed on those days. Old habits still die hard.

Good night ladies!!!

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Good Morning Gang

Angel woke me up 5:45 to potty - thought about going back to bed - but need to get stuff done 1st and foremost coffee & paper - then clean - nails and weekly shopping - don't need much softner and I wanted to get something else for target now I forgot - I need to start making notes.

Jackie - yes Earl is a hoot and a great cook.. I really really enjoy hang out with them..

Being sick will cause you to want to sleep more - well that's how it is when I'm sick - I sleep.. Thankfully I haven't been really sick since I got my band - had a cold maybe but nothing too bad that I can think of.. I had my regular flu shot but that's it..

Talked to DS yesterday - they aren't coming for Xmas - Which I am glad of - DS was going to come and leave DIL at home cuz she has to work - I told him that I really appreciated that he wanted to come and be w/mommy but that he needed to stay home w/wife and family -(well the girls were coming w/him - Melissa home/work alone) ..

I think he was afraid they wouldn't get gifts !!! Told him would give him $$ to buy Brooke presents and that the rest were getting gift cards anyway ;0)

Well going to ck to see if papers here - CBL

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Morning everyone, I know its a late start for me but had to sleep in cause I was up coughing ALL night long! Took my puffers too! SO I spent it on the sofa downstairs with CNN on a loop... while I dosed on and off. TWIG came to keep me company though, GOsh I love that dog...

Janet, hum those closets dear! Do all those clothes fit? if they do and you can wear 'em then I say keep them all... its better to be clothes addicted than food addicted...

If WE are always going to be addicts then clothes/shoes shopping is healthier than overeating or over drinking....AMEN I could use some RETAIL THERAPY myself but got no good buddies to do that with here.

What is keeping me on the 'straight and narrow' these days is looking forward to my goal of a tummy tuck... that's what I am plastering on my MIRROR for motivation. DH dosn't know yet but that's o.k. I'll just tell him at the right time so he dosn't get all anxious about it.

I agree with Jackie, when we are sick. oh that Band just seems to SLAM SHUT... It's taken me 1/2 hour to nibble thru a bowl of oatmeal.

Made baked Beans last night for supper, they were getting stuck too.. but oh so delicious... then I had my cursory popcorn... been eating it every night... helps with the lower digestion too (Kari are you lurking????) :wink2:

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Just got back from the ER. Thank God it was my band doctor on call for bariatric instead of the PA. He took out enough to make me comfortable but still have restriction. Was up all night last night because when I would fall asleep and muscles relaxed all the fluids in my stomach would back up and pool in my chest and felt like I was drowning! Even tried setting up but still happened. Dr and I both think it was from being sick and coughing so much that the stomach swelled causing irritation and it hasn't gotten to settle back down cuz it was still swollen from not being relaxed. Anyway I feel so much better!! He looked back in my chart and said the level I was at was my sweet spot 2 other times and then I got sick once and was unfilled and then the whole thing with the new PA happened so he is thibking once things settle back down and I get back to normal I will need my fill back. He only removed. 1CC. I am in no hurry believe me. Now it is time to rest. Need some sleep but don't plan to sleep my whole day away. Gonna sleep a couple hours and then who knows what but the sun is shining and I don't want to waste the day. Check back later.

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Yes they all fit ;0)... Its an accummilation of what I have gotten over the last yr..

Hugs on the being sick - that's the pits - As to not having a shopping buddy - you have me - but the problem is all the $$ you gotta spend to get here ;0) - well our taxes aren't as much as your 8.75%

Jackie glad you got some taken out being too tight is the pits and being sick on top of that makes it worse..

I got nails done - ross & marshall shopped (candles - lotion - no clothes !!) Target - cut Angel - got some clippers but I think they are going back - they don't work too well.

Well I haven't eaten today - I am hungry - cbl

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Ok so I am pissed. Wasted the whole friggin day sleeping! Guess I was just exhausted since not being able to sleep the past how many nights from fluids settling in the chest. Really think I need to give the band some time to settle down now. Throat is sore but I think it is more from the throwing up than anything. Have to say even my cough is some what relieved when I slept today. I really did a number on myself staying to full. Just couldn't get into dr and when I called and could they couldn't get me in. I learned a very valuable lesson though. Listen to my band!! I know that and should have been doing that. I could have caused lots of damage! Dr did say if things don't settle down we will be checking to see if I caused a hyatal hernia. Pray to God that I didn't and things just need to settle down. Just mad at myself. I should have been taking care of myself better and I know to listen to the band. UUGGHHH Anyway, slept very good THE WHOLE DAY!! Very restful sleep. food still not working very well so I am just gonna do liquids. liquids are going down a lot better than before so that is a plus. Getting my OJ in. Gonna just 'baby' the band as much as possible for a while.

Mark that down in the rules of the band: be on alert if you are sick and coughing alot it can cause swelling and need to go to dr immediately! LISTEN TO THE BAND LADIES!!!

Well I am off. Need to finish payroll or I will have some women very unhappy with me come next Friday.

Good night all!!

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Morning ladies, shampooed carpets until 1 am, then up at 5:30. Went in and did sub notes. One I'm not ready for to show, plus my innards are so damn sore. Took me 1/2 hour just to pee this morning. Too much lifting. All I have left is the bathroom and garage and a few misc. stuff. As soon as the house is listed I'll give you guys the website and you will have to check it out and tell me if it looks good enough.

Candice, I would love to come up and go shopping, or you come down and go shopping. There is a fabulous quilt shop in Salt Lake. We could go to Idaho Falls, stay at my daughters, the Salt Lake is only a 2 hour drive. The shop is 3 buildings, if you can imagine it, they have it.

Well back to work. Oh I cut and laid my first wall trim. Not bad either. AND I still have all my fingers. You all have a good day. Sorry this is short, have to work! TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - would love to see the house - when you say trim - do you mean crown molding or base board.. Either way still impressed - I don't know how to use any power tools - well I do have a drill - but no saws..

Not much to report - except my knees are bothering me - they ache.

I work this week then I am on vacation for the next 2 :biggrin:

Kids coming for Turkey day since they won't be here for Xmas - I think I will make Xmas Cookies with Family the Wed before Thanksgiving :0).... Then if GS want's cookies closer to Xmas - I will buy the presliced ones and frost them - he doesn't know the diff :0)


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Janet, just trim in the room that I laid a wood floor. I dream that I can put crown molding in my next home. I love power tools!!

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Yes they all fit ;0)... Its an accummilation of what I have gotten over the last yr..

Hugs on the being sick - that's the pits - As to not having a shopping buddy - you have me - but the problem is all the $$ you gotta spend to get here ;0) - well our taxes aren't as much as your 8.75%

I gotta figure that the flight to you would be worth it.. as your selection and deep sales are a PLUS! Also, we'd get some quality visiting time in too!!:blink:Ya, our retail taxes on purchases is 15%

Jackie glad you got some taken out being too tight is the pits and being sick on top of that makes it worse..

I got nails done - ross & marshall shopped (candles - lotion - no clothes !!) Target - cut Angel - got some clippers but I think they are going back - they don't work too well.

Well I haven't eaten today - I am hungry - cbl

Eating, ah that's been pretty easy, havn't been too hungry... just at night... and then I have my popcorn, sometimes with butter spray only, sometimes with butter spray and SPLENDA sprinkled on top - poor mans KETTLE CORN HA!

But the Xmax candy at work has started!!! :tt2: Because we are a clinic, charities drop off their goodies for us to sell patients... WRONG... our patients don't need this sugar crap either!!! I must resist, got my medallian in my pocket and I jsut keep touching it to remind myself of my pledge to NO SUGAR!!!!:biggrin:

Xmas w/l challenge... this mornings W/I I am down again 2.8 lbs... YEAH!!!

No sugar, no sugar, no sugar

Edited by peaches9

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Morning ladies, shampooed carpets until 1 am, then up at 5:30. Went in and did sub notes. One I'm not ready for to show, plus my innards are so damn sore. Took me 1/2 hour just to pee this morning. Too much lifting. All I have left is the bathroom and garage and a few misc. stuff. As soon as the house is listed I'll give you guys the website and you will have to check it out and tell me if it looks good enough.

God, you are so talented... moulgings, carpet cleaning.. you go girl!!

Speaking of inards, have you ever been fitted for a Pesary? It worked for a time for me...keeping "everything" in its' place... just a athought.

Candice, I would love to come up and go shopping, or you come down and go shopping. There is a fabulous quilt shop in Salt Lake. We could go to Idaho Falls, stay at my daughters, the Salt Lake is only a 2 hour drive. The shop is 3 buildings, if you can imagine it, they have it.

Ah for sure I'll come shopping with you for fabric, next spring when DH and I are on our RV trek across the northern states we are stopping to VISIT you! And then we can do some serious PLASTIC damage!! WHoo-hoo... hubby can entertain himself by shopping for GUY stuff... he's not allowed to come fabric shopping with us...

Well back to work. Oh I cut and laid my first wall trim. Not bad either. AND I still have all my fingers. You all have a good day. Sorry this is short, have to work! TTFN

Peter would be so impressed with your capabilities!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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