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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Janet; Foods been GOOD!!! I am sticking to my No sugar, No junk rule... been eating really light.. with this 'bug' I've not been too hungry, plus when i try to eat.... STICKING big time.

I've become a fan of your popcorn in the evening... even if I have 2 (100 cal) bags I've not blown the budget.. then if I want something sweet, I have SQUASH or a Hot Coco(SF)... hee,hee...

Now I haven't exercised since Sunday, but I may remedy that tonight after work.... even if its only a small walk. Gotta keep my BUDDIES happy.:tongue_smilie:

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Ok I FINALLY am caught up on all the reading. My own fault I fell so far behind I haven't been here in a while. I am so terrible with the posting! I do Facebook so often because it is on my blackberry and don't get on my computer unless it is for work usually so....need to just start doing lbt from my blackberry.

Anyway Thank you Janet for 'yelling' at me and getting me steered back here.

Courtney is doing fine. She is finding and recognizing alot of the time/times she wants to eat it is not because she is hungry. She had a rough day the other day and started crying and said to me 'I am angry and upset and I can't do what I usually do (eat) so what the hell am I supposed to do now~" I calmly told her that was a big step if she recognized that but that she needs to find better healthier ways of dealing with emotions. Of course at that time that is NOT what she wanted to hear. Other than that she has done well. She is on a plateua and discouraged by that but I have assured her eventually those will pass.

I on the other hand am really struggling with a tight fill. I have not gotten a fill since Court had surgery but since I was so sick I seem to be pretty tight. I can not eat much at all!! Which is good because if I honestly measured what I am SUPPOSED to eat I am getting that amount in but it is not the amount that my eyes mind wants. My eye is telling me I want more. And it had been a long time since I had good restriction so I am struggling with waiting out the whole time for liquids after drinking. Can't tell you how many times I have slimed and barfed! My own fault. I am back to bandster 101 teaching myself again. Just goes to show I am one that ventured slowly but not completely back to my old ways when I was less restricted. While the cats away the mouse will play kind of thing.

I do think I really need just a pinch removed from my band though. I called band doctor and I am supposed to see how I am feeling and get back to them. I still have this crud a bit (coughing, sneezing sore throat) and I am wondering if that is from the pbing and barfing. I am not doing it everytime I eat or anything but often enough. I am going to try 'listening to my band' really close the next couple of days.

Well I will get for now. Have dr appt again today to make sure it is still just virus working itself out. I have absolutely no energy and sleeping..........WOW..........I sleep more now than I did at 275 lbs! AND THAT IS A LOT!! and I just have no energy.

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Hey Jackie, great to see you back posting....

O.k. still have the cold/crud/flu thing going on... feel CHILLS right now! Argh!!!

Question to all you Nursey types out there... does you Blood Pressure read higher when you are sick???

Cause my BP is about 10 pts highter systolic and diastolicly speaking...??????:biggrin:

138/90 pulse is whacky too 87 :(

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Ok I FINALLY am caught up on all the reading. My own fault I fell so far behind I haven't been here in a while. I am so terrible with the posting! I do Facebook so often because it is on my blackberry and don't get on my computer unless it is for work usually so....need to just start doing lbt from my blackberry.

Anyway Thank you Janet for 'yelling' at me and getting me steered back here.

Courtney is doing fine. She is finding and recognizing alot of the time/times she wants to eat it is not because she is hungry. She had a rough day the other day and started crying and said to me 'I am angry and upset and I can't do what I usually do (eat) so what the hell am I supposed to do now~" I calmly told her that was a big step if she recognized that but that she needs to find better healthier ways of dealing with emotions. Of course at that time that is NOT what she wanted to hear. Other than that she has done well. She is on a plateua and discouraged by that but I have assured her eventually those will pass.

I on the other hand am really struggling with a tight fill. I have not gotten a fill since Court had surgery but since I was so sick I seem to be pretty tight. I can not eat much at all!! Which is good because if I honestly measured what I am SUPPOSED to eat I am getting that amount in but it is not the amount that my eyes mind wants. My eye is telling me I want more. And it had been a long time since I had good restriction so I am struggling with waiting out the whole time for liquids after drinking. Can't tell you how many times I have slimed and barfed! My own fault. I am back to bandster 101 teaching myself again. Just goes to show I am one that ventured slowly but not completely back to my old ways when I was less restricted. While the cats away the mouse will play kind of thing.

I do think I really need just a pinch removed from my band though. I called band doctor and I am supposed to see how I am feeling and get back to them. I still have this crud a bit (coughing, sneezing sore throat) and I am wondering if that is from the pbing and barfing. I am not doing it everytime I eat or anything but often enough. I am going to try 'listening to my band' really close the next couple of days.

Well I will get for now. Have dr appt again today to make sure it is still just virus working itself out. I have absolutely no energy and sleeping..........WOW..........I sleep more now than I did at 275 lbs! AND THAT IS A LOT!! and I just have no energy.

Jackie - Tell Court she's not alone in "what am I suppose to do now" We all are - it's hard not to eat... Is she on any kind of board for bypass - like we have for lbt?? I think they may have a thread here too..

I'm with you to girl on what my stomach says is enough but what my eyes and mind want..

Have you had a blood test lately - you may be low in your vitimans and thats why you are sleeping so much..

Hey Jackie, great to see you back posting....

O.k. still have the cold/crud/flu thing going on... feel CHILLS right now! Argh!!!

Question to all you Nursey types out there... does you Blood Pressure read higher when you are sick???

Cause my BP is about 10 pts highter systolic and diastolicly speaking...??????:biggrin:

138/90 pulse is whacky too 87 :(

I think so but will let phyl answer this one :0)

Well off to gym I think I am going to be late :0)

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O.k. still have the cold/crud/flu thing going on... feel CHILLS right now! Argh!!! Question to all you Nursey types out there... does you Blood Pressure read higher when you are sick??? Cause my BP is about 10 pts highter systolic and diastolicly speaking...??????:biggrin: 138/90 pulse is whacky too 87 :(

Hmmm.... that's a little high, pulse not too bad, but BP too high even with the flu, IMHO. Have you been to the doctor?? Might be time.

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Back from the gym - arms tonite had a good workout..

I was posting on my other thread and realize the dogs had no dinner so had to run to winco and get them some chicken

They are fed - my dinner is in the oven - 20 minutes chow time

Quite tonite - Karla is at parent conference....

Well off to fb to play my scrabble game with phyl - I think she has beat be by like 200 points - but I think on one I did beat her by 1...

the girl must have some scrabble hand book ...

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One night of parent/teacher conferences down, one to go. So far they have been positive. Even had one of the school board's kids and the parent gave me hug and said they really appreciate what I do. That is nice.

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Back from the gym - arms tonite had a good workout..

I was posting on my other thread and realize the dogs had no dinner so had to run to winco and get them some chicken

They are fed - my dinner is in the oven - 20 minutes chow time

Quite tonite - Karla is at parent conference....

Well off to fb to play my scrabble game with phyl - I think she has beat be by like 200 points - but I think on one I did beat her by 1...

the girl must have some scrabble hand book ...

LOL! Sorry! Many years of Scrabble! My three sisters and I are fanatics.... and taught by a pro... our Aunt Genny! She was really GOOD! We rarely beat her. She used to make up words and then dare us to challenge her. Never failed.... if you let it go, at he end she'd say... ha, ha, fooled you! But if you challenged her.... it would be a legal word and then you lose your turn! Mom likes Scrabble, too, but she's not as sharp as she used to be.

One night of parent/teacher conferences down, one to go. So far they have been positive. Even had one of the school board's kids and the parent gave me hug and said they really appreciate what I do. That is nice.

Glad you had a good first night. Hope tomorrow is even better.

You wanted to see a picture of my first beading project. So, here it is!


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Phyl, gorgeous, just gorgeous! You have an eye for color and texture! I love how you put the 'satin' finish with the glossy. I'm not surprised, you are so creative.

Well ladies, had an epiphany this morning, I guess 4:30 will do that to you. So here it is....I have been playing with losing this last 20 pounds!! So today is it! I lose the 20 pounds starting today. I looked at all the crap I've been eating and I saw myself headed down the road back to 'fatsville'. No way!! I've sacrificed too many things to go back to fat. So I am here by joining the 10 pound Christmas challenge!! I'll weigh tomorrow morning and then post it. My exercise will have to consist of packing, moving, and cleaning for right now. Packing boxes and hauling averages about 400ish calories burned an hour, so that will be my exercise right now. You all just watch, I'm going to kick your skinny butts.

Thanks everyone for the prayers and support. The house issue is in God's hands where it belongs. Also thanks for putting up with my lack of committment this last month. Not anymore, I'm back in charge.

Home late again today, but tomorrow I'm off. The realtor comes by in the morning for the final paper signing and take pics of the outside. He will come back on Monday for the inside pics. I'll have 4 of my 5 girls home this weekend. I understand there will be some adult beverages. I am going to have one a day, so It is a good thing I have some 93 calorie Mike's Hard lemonaide.

You all have a great day, TTFN

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Thanks, Karla! I'm really not THAT creative!! LOL! Teacher had us do something simple this first class, so all I had to do was choose the colors... I wanted "Red Hat" theme so I picked the reddish beads with light purple crystals. Then we put together another "kit" for me to make one with the opposite colors... purple beads, bright red crystals. That one I will use for gift for our Red Hat Christmas party. Have to get some tools at Walmart so I can make it. Quite simple... this first project, but have to have a couple of tools...like needle nose, but not with grooves so can't use Earl's!

TOPS weigh in this morning... we'll see how it goes but Wii Fit was NOT very encouraging! It said I was UP!! I was less than a pound under 200 last week, so I'm afaid I may drift over this week! Last week the Wii weighed me heavier than the TOPS scale, so I can always hope, but it doesn't look good!

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Good Morning Chickies !!!!

Karla - WTG love the shift in your attitude !!!!

GF we all go thru our tough times - where everything looks black and hopeless - but the diff now is that we are pulling up those bootstraps and moving forward !!!!

Yep it's so easy to slip back into old routines -

Phyl - You are a MASTER at scrable !!!! Love the Bracelet !!! it is beautiful...

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I'm home!!! Got home from conferences and realized I didn't have milk, so back into town..... So now I have milk. Conferences went well, lots of parents, but all positive. I did have to have a 'coming to Jesus' talk with one of my girls. She is headed down a road of 'dropping out' of school and ending up pregnant. So I laid it on the line. I don't want her to become a statistic. But I care too much about her.

So tomorrow I sign the paperwork to sell my house...a little sad. Of course the house is a disaster. Oh well, he'll be more impressed on Monday when it is done.

Going to eat, so catch you later. food was good, but snarfed popcorn. I just couldn't stop. But at least it wasn't chocolate.< /p>

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I'm home!!! Got home from conferences and realized I didn't have milk, so back into town..... So now I have milk. Conferences went well, lots of parents, but all positive. I did have to have a 'coming to Jesus' talk with one of my girls. She is headed down a road of 'dropping out' of school and ending up pregnant. So I laid it on the line. I don't want her to become a statistic. But I care too much about her.

So tomorrow I sign the paperwork to sell my house...a little sad. Of course the house is a disaster. Oh well, he'll be more impressed on Monday when it is done.

Going to eat, so catch you later. food was good, but snarfed popcorn. I just couldn't stop. But at least it wasn't chocolate.< /p>

Karla - I eat popcorn ALL THE TIME - I use it when I need to feed the face - it's doesn't have the calories that all the other stuff does - It's my methadone :thumbup:

Yep - it's going to be sad - but in the long run you are going to have one less burden to carry (wondering how you are going to pay the bills)..

I am so proud of you for making this big step !!! I can only imagine how hard it is for you...

Well I just sat down a few minutes ago - after work had to take Andrew Target & Food shopping - he's on a health kick - but you gotta understand the boy doesn't eat veggie - but he's going to start eating more meat/tatos/corn and not so much fast food & top ramens - you gotta understand he eats but must weigh about 112 and he's about 5'6 - he could stand to gain about 15 lbs..

Then we got home - put food up and then cleaned the pantry some and cooked him dinner..

I would love a cup of coffee it just sounds good - I have some Decaf - but I want the starbucks instant... To bad they don't make that instant..

But I need to get to bed as I have GREAT plans for my Furlough Friday !!! Spending the day with Phyl - but want to go to gym in the a.m. - I need the extra day so that I can make the xmas/new yrs challenge..

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Phyl: Wow, onederland, how wonderful. You go girl. Ok, here's my problem. I haven't lost any weight since April. I've had to have my band unfilled once, I've had a upper endoscopy done and then the ol gallbladder out in August. I feel like I've lost my way and I do not know how to get back on track. Any words of wisdom, Phyl and Janet?

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I just have to share this - this is to freaking funny - I got this from Earl on my FB wall yesterday (just saw it right now)

Earl HandAll the furlough days required by the state of California employees have been declared a hardship on all state employees . They have decided to close all shopping malls and outlet malls to help those employees conserve on their spending during the extra time off.

The Cabazon Outlet stores will close Thur night. This they declare will help all ... State of California Employees from spending more money than they should. The new proposal is suppose to be passed tomorrow to help the Fri – Mon long weekend.

OMG I AM LMAO RIGHT NOW.... I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EARL TOMORROW..:thumbup::lol::drool::lol::tt2::lol::blush::lol::laugh:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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