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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Steph, glad to hear from you!! Talking with my girls, and they said that some of their fondest memories was the night a week I let them stay up late. We would all get in our jammies and climb in my bed and snuggle up. Sometimes they fell asleep and stayed the night. Even at 12 DD#4 would still crawl in and snuggle to watch a movie. So give yourself a break, you are doing what is right. Steph I also understand the social anxiety. On the surface you look totally in control, but on the inside...it is all squirely. I function the same way, in control on the outside, guts eating me up on the inside. Even with my friends I feel that way. Probably the only person, besides a couple of my kids, that I feel really comfortable with was the gentleman that died. I think that is why I miss him.

Well, cleaned and mowed the yard (acre) for the last time... It looks perfect. Yep I teared up, all my hard work. When I bought the place it was a knapweed field. Now it is nice. The girls have some pictures of the yard when it was all in bloom, so I am going to use some of them for the listing. My baby willow tree, was a twig when I planted it, now it is 20 ft tall with a 6 in trunk. My gynko tree...my weeping crabapple, my 'it' tree (looks like 'It' from the Adam's Family.

I did consume a box of Somoa Girl Scout Cookies, but ate no lunch and worked so hard that my feet have blisters. Shouldn't have eaten them, but I was having a moment.

Made a run to the dump, will again tomorrow. Decided to rent a storage unit, rather than be in debt to someone by using their garage.

Candice, I love when I'm sick enough to stay home, but well enough to quilt. My idea of heaven.

You all have a good evening. TTFN

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For all you dog owners, beware of your puppies getting ahold of our Papya Enzyme. Miss Molly ate 1/4 of a bottle while I was outside mowing the yard. Had to call the vet, it isn't the papya that causes problems, it is the sobatal that can hurt them. I had to make her vomit, the trick hydrogen peroxide. So keep a sealed bottle of hydrogen peroxide for when your puppy eats something like chocolate that they aren't suppose to. The hydrogen peroxide needs to be very bubbly, that is why you want to have a sealed bottled. The poor little thing bubbled after she vomited, she had a orange beared. But she is okay that is all that matters.

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Quilted all day... and watched Dr. Phyl, Oprah, the View etc... lots of CNN

Still runny nose, chills, sore throat... oh yeah and a REALLY TITE BAND!!!! It must be swollen up in there... can barely eat.

I got in Oatbran this a.m. lunch was a protien bar, dinner was 1/2 chicken thigh, 1/2 cup scalloped potates, 1/4 cup broccoli just about PB'd that, but it finally cleared.

Tried to drink Iced Tea this aft. NO GO!!! don't know what was up with that???

I'll stick to HOT tea tonight, that's usually my bev of choice anyways...

Gee, do you think I can take tomorrow off work too???? Hee,hee,hee

Yep take the day off - I haven't been sick since being banded (that I can remember anyway) but have heard that it ( being sick ) can cause you to be tight..

Holiday challenge for sure... LINDA wants in, PHYL wants in...n Me.... cammon who else.???? I wanna get to below 170 by Xmas... maybe even more....:tongue2:

Ok by 1/1/10 we have to state in our signature how many lbs went want to loose by that date..

For me it's 5 lbs - didn't we do something about exercise too..

I can't remember - I think that's when we started the exercise challenge too

Phyl do you remember??? or was it just an exercise challenge..

Steph"]QUOTE=cramerk;1359111]Steph, glad to hear from you!! Talking with my girls, and they said that some of their fondest memories was the night a week I let them stay up late. We would all get in our jammies and climb in my bed and snuggle up. Sometimes they fell asleep and stayed the night. Even at 12 DD#4 would still crawl in and snuggle to watch a movie. So give yourself a break, you are doing what is right. Steph I also understand the social anxiety. On the surface you look totally in control, but on the inside...it is all squirely. I function the same way, in control on the outside, guts eating me up on the inside. Even with my friends I feel that way. Probably the only person, besides a couple of my kids, that I feel really comfortable with was the gentleman that died. I think that is why I miss him.

Well, cleaned and mowed the yard (acre) for the last time... It looks perfect. Yep I teared up, all my hard work. When I bought the place it was a knapweed field. Now it is nice. The girls have some pictures of the yard when it was all in bloom, so I am going to use some of them for the listing. My baby willow tree, was a twig when I planted it, now it is 20 ft tall with a 6 in trunk. My gynko tree...my weeping crabapple, my 'it' tree (looks like 'It' from the Adam's Family.

I did consume a box of Somoa Girl Scout Cookies, but ate no lunch and worked so hard that my feet have blisters. Shouldn't have eaten them, but I was having a moment.

Made a run to the dump, will again tomorrow. Decided to rent a storage unit, rather than be in debt to someone by using their garage.

Candice, I love when I'm sick enough to stay home, but well enough to quilt. My idea of heaven.

You all have a good evening. TTFN[-UOTE=cramerk;1359141]For all you dog owners, beware of your puppies getting ahold of our Papya Enzyme. Miss Molly ate 1/4 of a bottle while I was outside mowing the yard. Had to call the vet, it isn't the papya that causes problems, it is the sobatal that can hurt them. I had to make her vomit, the trick hydrogen peroxide. So keep a sealed bottle of hydrogen peroxide for when your puppy eats something like chocolate that they aren't suppose to. The hydrogen peroxide needs to be very bubbly, that is why you want to have a sealed bottled. The poor little thing bubbled after she vomited, she had a orange beared. But she is okay that is all that matters.

Karla - how long have you lived in that house?? I know you have to be sad - thats understandable - Hugs

Social - I am ok - better now adays - the way I figure it - pple can't hurt me - Won't say I'm not a little nervous when meeting new pple = but like when I 1st met Phyl - I already knew here from here - (Phyl can't believe it's only been 2 yrs - seems like forever doesn't it)

and then when we met the rest of the #7 at the mall of american - I felt like I knew candice, linda & steph already - so it was no biggie - hell I feel like I know you Karla and we have never met - it was the same - we just met Kari this past July - and hell Karri and I never met and she flew down here and stayed for 4 days - I have a new lbt friend from my mentor thread who's coming to visit 11/21 - she's staying w/me - OMG we are a bunch aren't we meeting pple on the interent and inviting them to stay in our homes :))

Well back from the gym... need to go feed the dogs - food today

bf - 1 oz Jerky & V8 (not w/after)

Lunch - 4 oz ck

dinner - fish salad and vegge

Snacks - popcorn & sf pudding I guess haven't eaten dinner yet - so who knows..

oh ya I am pissed I had to rip out a weeks worth of crocheting - I skipped a stich so 1/2 was the right side and the other half was the wrong side..

cbl hugs

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How did you get your baby to drink the peroxide?? I couldnt get angel to take her pain pills they tasted nasty (had to cut them cuz she's so small) and even wrapped in cheese she wouldn't eat them -

I'll lucky she doesn't get into stuff - bear well if my purse is on the floor he will go for the gum - and he eats andrew's chap sticks

glad she's ok

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Hey... I'm the oldest... and you want me to remember something we did a YEAR ago!??? LOL!

I think it was 5 lb before the end of the year, or maybe between Thanksgiving and the end of the year??? But don't remember if we included exercise or not. But I'm challenging myself to at least 20 days of exercise a month. Hope to exceed that. If I walk at least 20-25 minutes, I'm counting it. But no matter how much I exercise in one day... I'm counting it as one. Like this morning... 1 hr of Water aerobics, 15 minutes of stationary bike... counted it as one. So at the end of the month it will be a tally of how many DAYS I exercised, not minutes or miles, etc. In TOPS we log everything as miles. Every 30 minutes of vigorous exercise is counted as 1 mile. So water aerobics is 2 miles. Today I tried hard to come up with an excuse to go in to town... either DHS or Palm Desert... Walmart, KMart, etc. What I really wanted was a Starbucks. But couldn't pull it off... Earl had too many reasons why I shouldn't go. So then... I end up being a couch potato ALL day! I even forgot to go back up and get the mail. It wasn't sorted yet first time I went up. SO now I'm mad that I didn't just grab my purse and say "Bye! See ya later, Dude!"

Tomorrow will be very busy. Usually get done with my morning routine about 11:30 a.m. if I go on the bike. No time for that tomrrow. That beading class I want to go to is at 11 a.m., then there's a ladies' luncheon at noon... will probably go eat and hear the speaker and go back to beading if they're still there. Wed. I'm working in Activities al afternoon, and I'm thinking of joining the book club... Thurs at 1 p.m.! Then Friday.... SHOPPING at the outlet mall with Janet!!

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Janet, I used a syringe without a needle, gave her 8 cc's. If I didn't get it down her I would have had to take her in for the vet to give her something stronger. But fortunately the peroxide worked.

I don't know if I will join the challenge. Life is going to be crazy. I'll give it some thought.

I am 'asking' that I am in a new home by Christmas, so I would appreciate all prayers. I know it will be a stretch for it to happen, but this is something I need.

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Slept in this morning, didn't realize how 2 extra hours can make a huge difference. Didn't get up until 6:30. Today, the 2nd dump run and then several to the storage unit. I have accepted that the house won't be ready by Thursday. So Monday is the new firm deadline. Wednesday & Thursday I have to work and have parent/teacher conferences in the evening. But Friday I have off and I'll have 4 of my 5 daughters home for a weekend of fun (packing) and frivolity (cleaning). Hopefully will have time to do something fun. It has been years since I had this many girls at home at one time. That alone is worth moving.

Janet, hope you get your computer picked up, I miss your posts.

Candice, take another day of sick leave. They will appreciate you more at work.

Phyl, oooooooooooooooooooowwww, a beading class, you'll have to show us what you make. I'd love to learn to do some REAL beading. I play with it, but nothing spectacular. I am too much of a control freak to just let it flow. I am a great copier, but nothing original. I admire artists that just 'go for it'. That's when you get the truely unique pieces.

Well, time for my second cup of coffee. You all have a great Tuesday!!! TTFN

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Phyl - You are the one who started the Thanksgiving Challenge 10/22/07 - lol * I thought it was Kathybad - but maybe she started the exercise by xmas - cuz I know we had that challenge too.

Okay... here are the names I have of those who want to take the THANKSGIVING CHALLENGE.... 10 LB. BY THANKSGIVING:


Phyllser/Phyl 282/272





frustrated/Ruby..... 205/195


Brandy 166/156


Anyone else want to join in??

OMG so many #7 don't post any more - and you gotta go back and read where we were at 2 yrs ago at this time - page 436 is 10/22/07 the date we started the challenge

It's really interesting to read what where were saying back then - I read a post where I went out and bought all these 14's and was so happy and xl tops.. I can tell you that I never thought I would be where I am today - I really didn't have any idea of where I was going - I was just on the ride and waiting I guess to see where it took me,.

So when you guys have time - go back and start at page 436 of our original thread and read forward - pretty interesting and motivational really.. The sad thing is all the pple who don't post anymore..

Ok - we are having a New Years 2010 Challenge... EVERYONE IS PARTICIAPATING

Candice, Phyl, Kari, Linda (I will email her)

Kari, Steph, Karla, Me

Who am i missing..

I am going to say a 10 lbs weight loss (depending on how much you need to loose - I really don't need to lose 10 lbs - that would be a bit much for me)

Starting today and ending 1/5/10 (8 weeks)

Execise will be 4 days a week..

I think we all need this and it will help us get thru the holiday's - we need to remember the focus we had 2 yrs ago at this time - I know I was pretty damn focused.

I remember going to WW after the 1st of the yr and them saying - we don't know why you wait till after you have gained the 10 lbs during the holidays if you had joined prior to the holidays you would have had a loss and not a gain..

Karla - your cleaning, painting etc will count as exercise and yes you are going through some really really tough times right now - so this is the PERFECT time for you to change a learned habits - relying on food to soothe you - we are here for you girl and we are not going to allow you to continue with your addiction - problems or no problems - we want you healthy ..

So sweetie you can't flake on this..

Phyl - WTG on exercise

Ok since I went back and was reading our old thread - i wasted alot of time - so i need to get to work


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Just told the realtor that I wouldn't be ready by Thursday. He doesn't feel that we will sell before Christmas. I don't know that I can handle several months of realtor alert. Made 2 trips to the dump and ready for a 3rd. Made 2 trips to storage, but I think I'm going to go and pull some stuff from storage and dump it. I could only afford a 10x20 storage unit, so if I don't dump, I won't fit. Stressed ate a sleeve of thin mint Cookies. Damn. DD#5 just flitted in and flitted out from the dorms, why...she wanted Snacks. She couldn't come and help clean out her roomk, but she has time to drive here for snacks. I'm pissed. Now I don't even know if I will make it before Monday.

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Just told the realtor that I wouldn't be ready by Thursday. He doesn't feel that we will sell before Christmas. I don't know that I can handle several months of realtor alert. Made 2 trips to the dump and ready for a 3rd. Made 2 trips to storage, but I think I'm going to go and pull some stuff from storage and dump it. I could only afford a 10x20 storage unit, so if I don't dump, I won't fit. Stressed ate a sleeve of thin mint Cookies. Damn. DD#5 just flitted in and flitted out from the dorms, why...she wanted Snacks. She couldn't come and help clean out her roomk, but she has time to drive here for snacks. I'm pissed. Now I don't even know if I will make it before Monday.


Throw the cookies away !!!!

I know you want this done before Xmas - but that's only a few weeks away - and in today's market - may not happen - especially if you aren't giving the house away

Yes you can be on Realtor alert - just make sure everyone picks up as they go.. and I would tell DD #5 if she doesn't come and clean out her room you are throwing the crap out..

She's being very inconsiderate and disrespectful imho..

One day at a time - don't worry about tomorrow today - just put your efforts into today - I know between school and this you really have your hands full and you just may have to break down and ask for help...

I understand how hard that is - I hate asking for help too - but sometime you just need it - we all do - so ask...

I have been saying extra prayer for you...

Candice where are you today - does that mean bad food day?? How are you feeling..

Phyl - How was the beading class..

Steph - Where are you are you avoiding us too..

I picked up my computer at lunch - it was the power supply (thank God and not the mother board)

Went to gym after work - did 3.5 mile burned 500 cal and even took it up to 30 incline for about 3 minutes..

Came home and hooked the computer back up - now need to go feed the dogs -

The only think I dislike about the time change well really cooler weather - stuff doesn't defrost as fast - I forgot to take anything out and cuz it's cooler my fish won't defrost fast enough (it's 7:05 right now) so I will either have my chili from Saturday or maybe an omelet..

Food has been good today

BF - 1/2 pear & 1 oz jerky

L - 1 cup butternut squash - 3 oz chicken

Dinner who know - snacks who know - I'm not super hungry right now...

Well off to feed the dogs - will cbl

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Phyl - You are the one who started the Thanksgiving Challenge 10/22/07 - lol * I thought it was Kathybad - but maybe she started the exercise by xmas - cuz I know we had that challenge too.

Okay... here are the names I have of those who want to take the THANKSGIVING CHALLENGE.... 10 LB. BY THANKSGIVING:


Phyllser/Phyl 282/272





frustrated/Ruby..... 205/195


Brandy 166/156


Anyone else want to join in??

OMG so many #7 don't post any more - and you gotta go back and read where we were at 2 yrs ago at this time - page 436 is 10/22/07 the date we started the challenge

Ok - we are having a New Years 2010 Challenge... EVERYONE IS PARTICIAPATING

Candice, Phyl, Kari, Linda (I will email her)

Kari, Steph, Karla, Me

Who am i missing..

I am going to say a 10 lbs weight loss (depending on how much you need to loose - I really don't need to lose 10 lbs - that would be a bit much for me)

Starting today and ending 1/5/10 (8 weeks)

Execise will be 4 days a week..

I think we all need this and it will help us get thru the holiday's - we need to remember the focus we had 2 yrs ago at this time - I know I was pretty damn focused.

I remember going to WW after the 1st of the yr and them saying - we don't know why you wait till after you have gained the 10 lbs during the holidays if you had joined prior to the holidays you would have had a loss and not a gain..

Karla - your cleaning, painting etc will count as exercise and yes you are going through some really really tough times right now - so this is the PERFECT time for you to change a learned habits - relying on food to soothe you - we are here for you girl and we are not going to allow you to continue with your addiction - problems or no problems - we want you healthy ..

So sweetie you can't flake on this..

Phyl - WTG on exercise

Ok since I went back and was reading our old thread - i wasted alot of time - so i need to get to work


WOW!! Interesting info you dug up!

Yeah, we've lost a lot of people.

A lot of them are posting on FB, but not here.

Brandy, Nichole, Ruby, for instance.

Oh... I got embarrassed at the ladies' luncheon today.

The lady who was moderating told us all to get acquainted at lunch and find something unique about someone you didn't know. Well, we all knew each other at my table... all Water aerobics gals. One young one (44) is new, so we had a chance to get to know here better. We're all scattered about the pool, so no opportunity for me to talk to those out in the deep end. I'm so short, I stay in the shallow end.

So, anyway, later the lady comes around to each table to find out what each table talked about. When she got to our table, lady next to me grabs the mike and says something like, "well, the lady next to me is not world renowned, but she's a hero to me because she's lost over 120 pounds!" Etc., etc. and that was elaborated on by a couple others and I got a big round of applause. It was sweet, but I was embarrassed.

Oh... and guess who that lady was... some of you may remember about 2 years ago I got my feelings hurt because a bunch of water aerobics ladies got together for lunch and I wasn't invited??? Well... it was the same lady who had that luncheon! And she's the one who bought be a dozen roses when I hit my 100 lb mark last year! She's a woman of few words, and sometimes comes across as unfriendly. And I've been guilty of misinterpreting her!

Beading class was fun.. I had to sandwich the luncheon in between! I made a Bracelet and earrings. Not bad for my first try.

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Phyl, where are the pictures??? You can't go beading and then not show us? OOOHH, I hate when you have to 'find out something' about someone. I either have diarehha of the mouth or just clam up. Yeah I spelled it wrong, what to you expect for 5 am?

Back to school, won't get home until about 7:30 pm, parent/teacher conferences. I do stress about conferences. Either parents come in and expect me to know who they are, I have 168 kids, or they want me to turn their teenager back into a human. Either way I'm at a no win situation. Actually some parents are a real joy. So tonight 3 hours of pretending I'm a nice person.

Janet, I did not eat anything after dinner last night, no snack or girl scout Cookies. I wanted chocolate, but I ignored it.

Candice, we haven't seen any new quilts lately.

Hugs to everyone else. TTFN

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Janet, I used a syringe without a needle, gave her 8 cc's. If I didn't get it down her I would have had to take her in for the vet to give her something stronger. But fortunately the peroxide worked.

I don't know if I will join the challenge. Life is going to be crazy. I'll give it some thought.

I am 'asking' that I am in a new home by Christmas, so I would appreciate all prayers. I know it will be a stretch for it to happen, but this is something I need.

Good girl Karla, for asking the Universe for what you need!!! I will for sure include you in my prayers too...

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Phyl, where are the pictures??? You can't go beading and then not show us? OOOHH, I hate when you have to 'find out something' about someone. I either have diarehha of the mouth or just clam up. Yeah I spelled it wrong, what to you expect for 5 am?

Back to school, won't get home until about 7:30 pm, parent/teacher conferences. I do stress about conferences. Either parents come in and expect me to know who they are, I have 168 kids, or they want me to turn their teenager back into a human. Either way I'm at a no win situation. Actually some parents are a real joy. So tonight 3 hours of pretending I'm a nice person.

Janet, I did not eat anything after dinner last night, no snack or girl scout Cookies. I wanted chocolate, but I ignored it.

Candice, we haven't seen any new quilts lately.

Hugs to everyone else. TTFN

New Quilts, that's funny cause I a currently working on TWO... the one is PINK and I bought all the fabric on FAT Quarters.com ( remember you found me the site, and I love it) and the other I made yesterday... yeah, while I was sick and unfit to live with... ha,ha,ha... Its a Christmas Table Runner and you'll have pictures of it shortly... It's being gifted to some friends of ours in Barbados... He is coming to Canada the first week of Dec... so I gotta rush and get it completed... But for sure I'll show my girls picturs:thumbup:

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WOW!! Interesting info you dug up!

Yeah, we've lost a lot of people.

A lot of them are posting on FB, but not here.

Brandy, Nichole, Ruby, for instance.

Oh... I got embarrassed at the ladies' luncheon today.

The lady who was moderating told us all to get acquainted at lunch and find something unique about someone you didn't know. Well, we all knew each other at my table... all Water aerobics gals. One young one (44) is new, so we had a chance to get to know here better. We're all scattered about the pool, so no opportunity for me to talk to those out in the deep end. I'm so short, I stay in the shallow end.

So, anyway, later the lady comes around to each table to find out what each table talked about. When she got to our table, lady next to me grabs the mike and says something like, "well, the lady next to me is not world renowned, but she's a hero to me because she's lost over 120 pounds!" Etc., etc. and that was elaborated on by a couple others and I got a big round of applause. It was sweet, but I was embarrassed.

Oh... and guess who that lady was... some of you may remember about 2 years ago I got my feelings hurt because a bunch of water aerobics ladies got together for lunch and I wasn't invited??? Well... it was the same lady who had that luncheon! And she's the one who bought be a dozen roses when I hit my 100 lb mark last year! She's a woman of few words, and sometimes comes across as unfriendly. And I've been guilty of misinterpreting her!

Beading class was fun.. I had to sandwich the luncheon in between! I made a Bracelet and earrings. Not bad for my first try.


Phyl How cool is that - that the rude lady turned out to be nice - yep we all can make assupmtions sometimes about pple and they turn out to be wrong - I find it rarely happens but everynow and then it does -

Well 120 lbs is something to brag about - WTG !!!

Ya it's interesting to go back and see where we were 2 yrs ago... I think it's help motivating me right now - I was so darn dedicated - Not that I am not now - but I sure have a few over indulgences lately

Phyl, where are the pictures??? You can't go beading and then not show us? OOOHH, I hate when you have to 'find out something' about someone. I either have diarehha of the mouth or just clam up. Yeah I spelled it wrong, what to you expect for 5 am?

Back to school, won't get home until about 7:30 pm, parent/teacher conferences. I do stress about conferences. Either parents come in and expect me to know who they are, I have 168 kids, or they want me to turn their teenager back into a human. Either way I'm at a no win situation. Actually some parents are a real joy. So tonight 3 hours of pretending I'm a nice person.

Janet, I did not eat anything after dinner last night, no snack or girl scout Cookies. I wanted chocolate, but I ignored it.

Candice, we haven't seen any new quilts lately.

Hugs to everyone else. TTFN

Karla - I don't care if you ate after dinner or not - throw the darn cookies away - why do you have them in the 1st place- what nutritional value do they have - what are they doing besides makng your feel like more of a failure - if they weren't there you couldn't eat them!!! This is why I say keep junk out of the house - and that way you won't eat it..

Also - I saw on fb that your DD only get to keep 2 boxes of treasures - since all but 2 live somewhere else - can't they take their stuff to their houses/apts - I know on DD lives at home and the other in the dorm - but the other 2 why can't they take their stuff so you don't have to store it..

As to cleaning stuff out - if you haven't used it in a year throw it out or give it away.

New Quilts, that's funny cause I a currently working on TWO... the one is PINK and I bought all the fabric on FAT Quarters.com ( remember you found me the site, and I love it) and the other I made yesterday... yeah, while I was sick and unfit to live with... ha,ha,ha... Its a Christmas Table Runner and you'll have pictures of it shortly... It's being gifted to some friends of ours in Barbados... He is coming to Canada the first week of Dec... so I gotta rush and get it completed... But for sure I'll show my girls picturs:thumbup:

Candice - I see you ignored my question about food :0)

How's my fav quilt going (blue & yellow)..

I had to rip out 1 weeks of crocheting cuz I missed a row..

Well gang just cking in - i couldn't get on lbt til just now..


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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