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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hey ladies, before you post today, highlight and copy. LBT is acting wierd. When I tried to post it said my "token had expired" what ever that means. I had to refresh the page. If I hadn't copied I would have had to start all over.

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Humm, I hate when that happens.

Had a great day yesterday. Drove to T.O. to see my old school chum.... We met at an Indian Restaurant and stayed the whole afternoon. Yaking... it was great... we laughed our asses off. SHe's single and HUNTING online for guys... she's the gal that had P/S in Costa Rica... and she looks fab.

I ate pretty well yesterday and excersised TWICE... once in the morning with Sally my walking buddy, then after I met with Cathy, I dropped in on the kids.... we went for dinner at a Japanese rest. and I had salmon and tuna Sushimi...OMG was it ever good... raw fish... so not too many cals there..

Plus we walked from there condo to the rest. and back so that was at least 2 miles in total... my thighs are hurting today!!!!

But on the drive home I stopped at Timmies and had 2 cookies... niot smart.. but considering all the exercise... it'll be o.k.// plus that was my only Deviation all week... lbs are down.. I'll do my official W.I. tomorrow morning so I can see how the week tallied out.

Have a great night ladies, off to eat a lean cuisine for supper.:w00t:

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Just popping by to say "HI"! Beautiful day here in the desert! We had our lunch out on the patio.

I wore my SIZE 16 pants to church this morning... they ARE 16W, which may mean they're "roomier" than a normal size 16.. I don't really know what 16W means. They are petites so the length is just about perfect. I'm still having people tell me how great I look... that feels pretty good. Some German lady crossed the street to tell me that when we were walking home this morning.. I have no idea who she was! But I guess she's been around a while.... long enough to see me "before"! Oh, yeah.... I was walking, Earl rode the scooter back! I had to ride it over because I'm always running late and I had to get there 1/2 hr early for choir. I did walk all the way back with no hip pain! So Earl took some flack from friends going by us in their golf carts because he was riding and I was walking! They teased him pretty good!

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PHYL - Congrats on the 16's. W stands for Women's. They are cut a little more generous. I guess you can say I'm like you today. Foodwise I've done really good. Drink wise, not so good. I sure do like my pepsi.

CANDICE - How long did your friend have to stay down in Costa Rica after her surgery? I read one post where they said they had to stay until they removed the drains...and that could take up to a couple weeks. I also read where it is almost impossible to get care from home doctors if you've gone out of the country. Our LB's are a prime example of that one. Out of about fifty doctors I called, I found three that were willing to do fills on patients who had their surgeries elsewhere.

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Done for the day....didn't get as much done as I wanted, but the front yard is pretty perfect. Just a little more gravel raking in the driveway. Tomorrow the back yard and...everything else. Can't guarantee I'll be able to list the house on Thursday.... But on a positive note got a call from DD#2 and she is going to come up next weekend. That will help. So if it isn't done, I'll bust it out next weekend.

Had Breakfast, stuck on everything else. So food so far has been breakfast, drinking a latte now, hope it will lossen things up, but dinner tonight is Soup, I'm too tired to chew.

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Phyl, I just love the image of Earl riding the scooter!!! So sweet! Pretty soon you won't even need to bring it along! You too sure to lead busy lives. I think you are busier than me, and I didn't think anyone could do that.

Kari, glad to hear from you. We miss you and Karri, Linda, & Steph. Kari, can you stand diet pepsi. I use to be a Cola freak myself, had to give it up. I don't find the diet pepsi bad if I can throw in a squeeze of lemon. I have been drinking an occasional Fresca. They have it in new flavors, black cherry, orange mango (I think) and original. I like the black cherry. Just a thought. Maybe if you substitute something you like just as well you will be able to kick the soda habit. I don't know that cold turkey will work for someone who really enjoys it.

Going to hunt down a recipe for garlic herb Tomato bisque. Schwans has a awesome one that I threw some tortollini Pasta with, yumm. If I can find a recipe then I can healthify it.

Well need to run to school and write some sub notes, then back to work on the house.

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Sitting here stress eating, not good.

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PHYL - Congrats on the 16's. W stands for Women's. They are cut a little more generous. I guess you can say I'm like you today. Foodwise I've done really good. Drink wise, not so good. I sure do like my pepsi.

CANDICE - How long did your friend have to stay down in Costa Rica after her surgery? I read one post where they said they had to stay until they removed the drains...and that could take up to a couple weeks. I also read where it is almost impossible to get care from home doctors if you've gone out of the country. Our LB's are a prime example of that one. Out of about fifty doctors I called, I found three that were willing to do fills on patients who had their surgeries elsewhere.

Kari, she stayed in Costa Rica for 14 days... as she had multiple procedures... Boob lift and implants, then also a face lift with Eyes done too. With a face lift you have to stay longer... Also, with TT there are drains in place for 6-10 days after surgery(ask Karri) so the clinic gives you the choice of which resort you book into, from reasonalbel $80 / day incl 3 meals, to Mariot which is $100-120 /day U.S. so you get to choose.. Personally, if I have AC , TV, food thats good enough for me as I won't be using the POOL or ocean while I am there.. but gets lots of reading done!!!

Also regarding after care, its not like the band where you go back and forth for fills. Its just post-op care, really someone to order your Rx if you need it back in the US/Cda... In Canada it'd be no problem.. I'd just go see my family doctor...

THe COsta Rica clinic looked after my friend VERY well. SHe just raves about them... also, my GF is a DOCTOR in T.O. so she knows what to look for...that's all the recommendation I need.


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Good news this a.m. weight down 3.4 lbs, Yeah my weeks work paid off.

SO now this week, I'm going to keep up with my walking and eating sensibly (NO SUGAR)

Woke up yest with a sore throat, and this a.m. I have a badk headache... so I called in sick... never do that...screw it they can live w/o me for a day.

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Phyl, I just love the image of Earl riding the scooter!!! So sweet! Pretty soon you won't even need to bring it along! You too sure to lead busy lives. I think you are busier than me, and I didn't think anyone could do that.

Well need to run to school and write some sub notes, then back to work on the house.

Good Morning! Yeah, try to stay busy but some days are long and boring! I want to start beading class tomorrow but that starts at 11 a.m., which would be RIGHT after Water aerobics and my 30 min soak in the hot tub. AND, there's a ladies' luncheon at noon and the speaker is in our water aerobics class. I want to hear her.. she's the local rabbis wife... Messianic Jew. So I have to figure out how to get all that in! And it looks like I've volunteered to sit in the Activities office on Wed. afternoons for about 2 1/2 hrs! Offered to do it last Wed. and now she asked me to do it again this week. Not sure if it's now "permanent", but if so, I don't mind. I read 100 pages of my book that day!

Candice, take it easy today! Hope you're feeling better soon.

Costa Rica idea is sounding better every day.

Just not sure I could ever sell it to Earl, but there's time! Maybe!

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Good Morning Gang

I tried to get on Saturday nite but the page wouldn't load - I could get on FB but not LBT.

Phyl - WTG on your 16 !!! We are women - so the W is appropriate - and who cares any way they are 16 !!!!

OMG I love it - Earl on the scooter and you walking !!!

Yes we did have a beautiful weekend

Saturday I finally got dressed and I took my computer in - it could be the power source or the mother board - keep your fingers crossed it's the power source and not the mb !!!

Then went to target bought a few groceries and came home - made chill - and marinated ck breast for last night and lunch this week.

I am reading a Holocaust survivor book and it really does put things in perspective - we think we have it bad we don't know bad... I gotta say that while reading this it makes me appreciative of what I have - life it's self.. How could the Nazi's get away with this for so long - that's what I really can't comprehend..

So I read Saturday - Crochet & read yesterday - gave both dogs baths and brushing - trimmed Angel - I think I am going to have to get some clipper and start grooming myself..

Karla - Sound like you had a productive weekend and are in a positive frame of mind - I know you are terribly stressed and going thru alot right now - but I am glad you are working to wards getting things in a better place.

Candice - I read 15 day for a tt - but who knows - I talk about ps but I don't like pain - doubt that I would ever really get it done - maybe my face - but I would go to a doc here.

I know ton's of pple go over the border - even to Africa now a days - but you won't find me doing it... I like the idea of it - but I don't know if I could do it- Yes what if something happened - infection - it is true doc's here don't want to touch you...

WTG on your 3.4 lbs - I was feeling skinny Sat morning - put on my jeans and they were tight - I was like really disgusted with myself - These are the jeans that use to fit loose - so I am on the straight an narrow myself..

Was thinking of some kind of holiday challenge like we had our 1st yr - Remember !!!

Well gotta get busy - pple walking around... CBL

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Hi ladies. I've been MIA but not lost. Just very busy.

Thursday is always therapy day. Finished that with a very positive vibe. I really did feel like I've made big progress as far as family goes. She is a little worried about my social anxiety and said if I try some of the things that we talked about and am still struggling I may need to add an anti-anxiety med. I'm going to work really hard at not doing that.

Karla, good for you taking the bull by the horns. Whether you like the answer or not, you did something about it. Taking charge make us feel very powerful. You are going to be just great! You're very strong, loving, and capable. You're going to get through this just right!!!

Yesterday Jeff and I got busy and worked in the garages. Cleaned out his, really cleaned the dog's garage, and then did a bit in mine. At least found enough room to park the van. Now I'm defrosting the popcorn freezer. It's been 2 years and it's really got a lot of frost on its shelves.

Jai and I sat int he chair this morning and watched a movie and I realized that it's nothing to feel guilty about, like I've been doing for the last couple of months. We are snuggling, talking, and sharing life. We are building a relationship we can live with for the rest of our lives. I LOVED it. and NO GUILT!

Okay. I'd better run and check the freezer. I'll pop in tonight. Love you ladies!

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Steph Good to hear from you see you on fb so know you are alive.

Glad the counseling is going well - Ya there is nothing wrong with chillin w/the family - social anxity ?? you seem to do fine in social situations -

Phyl - too funny retried and so busy ;0) Love it..

Well just dropping in before I leave for home - have gym tonite..

got call from best buy - it's the power source- but then he said I had a virus - spybot - I told him spybot is a program to quariented virus - that I have Macafee - I think they just wanted more $$$ - $100 for the power source - but I guess that's better than $600 for a whole new computer - may pick up after gym tonite- see how I feel and how sweaty I am - may have to wait til tomorrow..

well will ck in after gym

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Quilted all day... and watched Dr. Phyl, Oprah, the View etc... lots of CNN

Still runny nose, chills, sore throat... oh yeah and a REALLY TITE BAND!!!! It must be swollen up in there... can barely eat.

I got in Oatbran this a.m. lunch was a protien bar, dinner was 1/2 chicken thigh, 1/2 cup scalloped potates, 1/4 cup broccoli just about PB'd that, but it finally cleared.

Tried to drink Iced Tea this aft. NO GO!!! don't know what was up with that???

I'll stick to HOT tea tonight, that's usually my bev of choice anyways...

Gee, do you think I can take tomorrow off work too???? Hee,hee,hee

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Good Morning Gang

I tried to get on Saturday nite but the page wouldn't load - I could get on FB but not LBT.

Phyl - WTG on your 16 !!! We are women - so the W is appropriate - and who cares any way they are 16 !!!!

OMG I love it - Earl on the scooter and you walking !!!

Yes we did have a beautiful weekend

Saturday I finally got dressed and I took my computer in - it could be the power source or the mother board - keep your fingers crossed it's the power source and not the mb !!!

Then went to target bought a few groceries and came home - made chill - and marinated ck breast for last night and lunch this week.

I am reading a Holocaust survivor book and it really does put things in perspective - we think we have it bad we don't know bad... I gotta say that while reading this it makes me appreciative of what I have - life it's self.. How could the Nazi's get away with this for so long - that's what I really can't comprehend..

So I read Saturday - Crochet & read yesterday - gave both dogs baths and brushing - trimmed Angel - I think I am going to have to get some clipper and start grooming myself..

Karla - Sound like you had a productive weekend and are in a positive frame of mind - I know you are terribly stressed and going thru alot right now - but I am glad you are working to wards getting things in a better place.

Candice - I read 15 day for a tt - but who knows - I talk about ps but I don't like pain - doubt that I would ever really get it done - maybe my face - but I would go to a doc here.

I know ton's of pple go over the border - even to Africa now a days - but you won't find me doing it... I like the idea of it - but I don't know if I could do it- Yes what if something happened - infection - it is true doc's here don't want to touch you... Don't worry about PAIN, they WONT let you have pain, they give you GOOD meds for that silly... just think how great your tummy would look after... You could get your belly button peirced, wear a bikini again... You'd be an even HOTTER MOMMA than you are now :tongue2: Cathy got her face lift, eyes done, Boob lift and implants for $6000 U.S..... oh yeah, they did a neck lift too!!

WTG on your 3.4 lbs - I was feeling skinny Sat morning - put on my jeans and they were tight - I was like really disgusted with myself - These are the jeans that use to fit loose - so I am on the straight an narrow myself..

Was thinking of some kind of holiday challenge like we had our 1st yr - Remember !!!

Well gotta get busy - pple walking around... CBL

Holiday challenge for sure... LINDA wants in, PHYL wants in...n Me.... cammon who else.???? I wanna get to below 170 by Xmas... maybe even more....:)

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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