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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Ok so I am setting at McDonalds and ate a small chunk of grilled chicken and tried to eat a hot fudge sundae. As I have said B4 I rarely ever eat sweets but wanted one today. 2 bites in and I have been pbing and barfed 2 times. OVER THE SUNDAE! My gosh it has been A LONG TIME since this has happened. I am miserable!! Lord help me get over this.

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Jackie - I will get stuck/pb sometimes on soft stuff like that too - but it's usually cuz what was in my pouch prior to eating..


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Ok so I am setting at McDonalds and ate a small chunk of grilled chicken and tried to eat a hot fudge sundae. As I have said B4 I rarely ever eat sweets but wanted one today. 2 bites in and I have been pbing and barfed 2 times. OVER THE SUNDAE! My gosh it has been A LONG TIME since this has happened. I am miserable!! Lord help me get over this.

I pb on sweet stuff frequently.... but if there are sweets around, it's usually at a potluck because we don't normally have anything sweet around. And if I'm at a potluck.... I probably already ate too much!

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WOW that was an awful and totally embarrassing incident today. I was training one of my staff with a client (they do not know about my band) and it just kept getting worse after I posted here so I thought just a sip of Water to 'move' it faster. OMG WRONG THING TO DO!!! Ran to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth get in there and BOTH stalls are filled. Kept swallowing and swallowing it (GROSS) and finally I just couldn't stop it I had to go to the garbage ban! A lady comes out of the stall here I am hunched over the trash throwing up and she goes to get a worker beccause garbage has to be taken out. Then they start asking me if I fell this or that and etc because 'it could be swine flu'. OMG how humiliating!!!! Won't be going back to McDonalds for a long time. That wont hurt my feelings though because I haven't ever been inside our Mconalds until today and this one opened over a year ago. Guess goes to show if I try to be a piggy what will happen. UUUGGHHHH

Phyl congrats on onderland!! I am sooo proud of you!!

Karla- hope you are approved for your new house. Got my fingers crossed and praying.

Janet- I agree it was probably the xanax. I know when I was taking my ativan like I was supposed to it made me sooo laid back my attitude about most things were F it.

Well off to watch some tv and slowly sip some warm tea. Wow what a day!

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WOW that was an awful and totally embarrassing incident today. I was training one of my staff with a client (they do not know about my band) and it just kept getting worse after I posted here so I thought just a sip of Water to 'move' it faster. OMG WRONG THING TO DO!!! Ran to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth get in there and BOTH stalls are filled. Kept swallowing and swallowing it (GROSS) and finally I just couldn't stop it I had to go to the garbage ban! A lady comes out of the stall here I am hunched over the trash throwing up and she goes to get a worker beccause garbage has to be taken out. Then they start asking me if I fell this or that and etc because 'it could be swine flu'. OMG how humiliating!!!! Won't be going back to McDonalds for a long time. That wont hurt my feelings though because I haven't ever been inside our Mconalds until today and this one opened over a year ago. Guess goes to show if I try to be a piggy what will happen. UUUGGHHHH

Phyl congrats on onderland!! I am sooo proud of you!!

Karla- hope you are approved for your new house. Got my fingers crossed and praying.

Janet- I agree it was probably the xanax. I know when I was taking my ativan like I was supposed to it made me sooo laid back my attitude about most things were F it.

Well off to watch some tv and slowly sip some warm tea. Wow what a day!

GF you are over 2 yrs out - you should know that trying to drink is only going to make it worse :0) - I know I want to at times but I did that once in the very beginning and have never done it since

OMG here they go w/swine flu - I bet if I got a cold they would make me go home - cuz once when the swine flu 1st started a lady here went to the er - she just said she was sick - she didn't want to tell them what was wrong - they assumed she had swine flu and lysoled her office to death and one girl wouldn't sit next to her in the lunch room

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I'm doing pretty good today. Mouth is only tender where they put the injections. And, I'm doing pretty good chewing with the front teeth.

Karla - Who has the mortgage on your house? Is it one of the companies that got a bail-out from the government? How about writing to your congressman/senator and explain the situation and how the mortgage company won't work with you. AT ALL. It just makes me so angry that there are so many people out there getting handouts and a lot more getting a free ride that when there is someone who wants to do right, but is in a temporary fix, and just asks for a little break, that they just can't do it. It sucks.to put it mildly. I still say, quit making your payments, put it in an escrow account and let them foreclose. Bet they'll be willing to work with you then. They don't want your house. They just want your money and if they can't get that, well, something is better than nothing. You'd think anyway. Are you paying for your daughter's educations? I know you want to help them get ahead, but it won't help you if you end up out in the street.

Candice, - saw an add in our local paper, someone has Jack Russell puppies for $100.00. I thought of you.

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I did get approved for a new mortgage, granted a lot smaller, but if I can find a house with in what I can pay a month I'm golden. I now understand how people get into mortgage trouble. I was approved for $160,000, are you kidding, my payment would only be $100 less than what I pay now. I am aiming for a total monthly payment of no more than $800. That will give me a little wiggle room. So now I need prayers on a quick sale and finding a small house.

PB'd on popcorn today, never do that. But we could also talk about how much I ate. All healthy food, but way too much.

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WOW that was an awful and totally embarrassing incident today. I was training one of my staff with a client (they do not know about my band) and it just kept getting worse after I posted here so I thought just a sip of Water to 'move' it faster. OMG WRONG THING TO DO!!! Ran to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth get in there and BOTH stalls are filled. Kept swallowing and swallowing it (GROSS) and finally I just couldn't stop it I had to go to the garbage ban! A lady comes out of the stall here I am hunched over the trash throwing up and she goes to get a worker beccause garbage has to be taken out. Then they start asking me if I fell this or that and etc because 'it could be swine flu'. OMG how humiliating!!!! Won't be going back to McDonalds for a long time. That wont hurt my feelings though because I haven't ever been inside our Mconalds until today and this one opened over a year ago. Guess goes to show if I try to be a piggy what will happen. UUUGGHHHH

Phyl congrats on onderland!! I am sooo proud of you!!

Karla- hope you are approved for your new house. Got my fingers crossed and praying.

Janet- I agree it was probably the xanax. I know when I was taking my ativan like I was supposed to it made me sooo laid back my attitude about most things were F it.

Well off to watch some tv and slowly sip some warm tea. Wow what a day!

So sorry for you McD's episode!! Reminded me of my county fair episode when I was back home summer of 2008! BIL is a fireman so we went on Firemans' day... ate at their booth... hamburger and corn on the cob. The rest of the afternoon I was looking for secluded trash cans so I could barf!! LOL! Not fun!

GF you are over 2 yrs out - you should know that trying to drink is only going to make it worse :0) - I know I want to at times but I did that once in the very beginning and have never done it since

OMG here they go w/swine flu - I bet if I got a cold they would make me go home - cuz once when the swine flu 1st started a lady here went to the er - she just said she was sick - she didn't want to tell them what was wrong - they assumed she had swine flu and lysoled her office to death and one girl wouldn't sit next to her in the lunch room

Ridiculous!! But, it's everywhere! That's one reason why I don't want to go to urgent care clinic with this bladder infection! My dear Three Rivers friend just called her Rx for Cipro in to a local drugstore here for me to pick up in the morning!! HOORAY! That will do it!

I'm doing pretty good today. Mouth is only tender where they put the injections. And, I'm doing pretty good chewing with the front teeth.

Karla - Who has the mortgage on your house? Is it one of the companies that got a bail-out from the government? How about writing to your congressman/senator and explain the situation and how the mortgage company won't work with you. AT ALL. It just makes me so angry that there are so many people out there getting handouts and a lot more getting a free ride that when there is someone who wants to do right, but is in a temporary fix, and just asks for a little break, that they just can't do it. It sucks.to put it mildly. I still say, quit making your payments, put it in an escrow account and let them foreclose. Bet they'll be willing to work with you then. They don't want your house. They just want your money and if they can't get that, well, something is better than nothing. You'd think anyway. Are you paying for your daughter's educations? I know you want to help them get ahead, but it won't help you if you end up out in the street.

Candice, - saw an add in our local paper, someone has Jack Russell puppies for $100.00. I thought of you.

You are right... contacting congressmen... good idea!

Jack Russell pups for $100??? That is a pretty good price! I am starting to want a small dog, but I know it's not a practical idea! So hard to travel if you have a dog. Cats are easier! But I'd love a little dog!

Margarita Party at the next door neighbor's tonight and we are both quite wasted!!! Lost track of how many Margaritas becasue every time glass got half empty Larry was filling it up. Then when I decided I needed to quit that, Earl brought me aglass of wine and kept filling it. Eats were'nt bad... I had some of my FF bean dip, but mostly I ate salmon... two couples from B.C. brought smoked salmon and it was SOOOO good! I ate two taquitas, and a very small brownie... three bites. But I OD'D on adult beverages!!

And, I think I'm going to start a new hobby... several of these gals are in to beading and have made some really pretty bracelets and earrings, etc. I think I might start going to the classes. My eyes are good enough... not sure about my hands because of arthritis, but they use a needle to thread the beads and I think I can do that!

I did get approved for a new mortgage, granted a lot smaller, but if I can find a house with in what I can pay a month I'm golden. I now understand how people get into mortgage trouble. I was approved for $160,000, are you kidding, my payment would only be $100 less than what I pay now. I am aiming for a total monthly payment of no more than $800. That will give me a little wiggle room. So now I need prayers on a quick sale and finding a small house.

PB'd on popcorn today, never do that. But we could also talk about how much I ate. All healthy food, but way too much.

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Phyl, so you had a little too much to drink, who cares, you'll work off the calories. You could travel with a pup if you trained him right. Personally, life without a little furry is too short, but hey I have 3, technically only one, but I own the girls' by default. I love smoked salmon, haven't had it in years, probably more like decades.

Sitting here drinking my hot latte, tryin not to think of all the work that needs to be done. But I really don't think I can get the house ready by Thursday. It is end of the quarter and I have to get grades done, then Wednesday and Thursday night is parent/teacher conferences, AND I have to have a unit outlined for my master's program. But have a 3 day weekend next week, so I think I will put the listing off until a week from Monday. Pray the snow stays away. Been trying to get a hold of DD#2 and see if she would come up next weekend to help. But she isn't answering her phone, which is her way of saying, "Hell no!" It hurts that when I need her she doesn't have time for me. Now I'm just being petty, she is a busy woman with her own life. It shouldn't bother me, but it does. So DD#4 and I will have to move all the heavy stuff, not the best thing for my pelvic organ prolapse. But there just isn't any other options. I don't have any good friends that would help. DD#5 won't come and help, because she is too busy rock climbing, etc. Now I'm having a pity party. Just ignore me. This is just one of those times it would be helpful to have a best friends or a husband. Hell if I had a husband I wouldn't need to sell the house.

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We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are ....- Max Dupree

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I just love that truism above... found it this morning doing my morning prayer and meditation.

You all have been so busy the last couple days... had to really catch up on the posts..whew...

First off, PHYL, onederland - so cool.... Finally your milestone reached after working SO hard and being SO determined... You are my total influence... I love you! I am so proud for you!!

Karla; You are really putting your FAITH into ACTION, see you were able to find a great realtor to work with... now you find that you are approved for a new mortgage!!!! See what possitive thought and prayer can do???? Take it one day at a time.... it WILL work out.... you get to keep you puppies too!

Janet: i AM EXcited for you and your new gym, its just the new twist on your exercise regime that you need... Way to go... and that mileage!!! OMG...

Kari; I am glad your extractions are behind you, you can handle the healing process...just remember your FIBRE!!!! Prune JUICE!!! Don't get 'behind' (pardon the pun)

Jackie; Good to see you pop in... ya, Jack Russels for $100... oh you don't know how tempted I am... but its too soon and I thing we'll just stay to one dog from now on.... as Phyl said its hard to travel with pets... and One is manageble..

Been having a great week here, eating right, and exercised every day... even twice on FRIDAY!!!

Off to T.O. today to meet up with an old G.F. the one that had plastic surg. in Costa Rica.... I'll ask tons of questions:rolleyes2:

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Good Morning Gang

Back from the Gym - met my gf there - well I got there about 6:30 a.m so I could get a good start - I just love this new treadmill - I did a 24 incline - I did 4 miles burned like 560 calories.

Karla - Hugs on some of the DD's not being there for you - that's the pits - If you are anything like me I remember that kind of stuff - one year DS didn't call me on Mothers Day - that's all I wanted - but no call so on his Bday in July he got no call or gift from me - If he didn't have a mother - then I didn't have a son - Gotta say it worked cuz even in his out there days - on my bday or mday he made sure he called or stopped by with a card..

Things are looking up - as my dad always said things work out for the best - you might no see it right now - but eventually you will get pass this.

It's the stress that made you pb on the popcorn I know it's a total slider for me but once a while back I bp'd on it too and I hadn't even eaten anything before it..

Phyl how can you type when you are buzzed - I don't think I have ever tried it.. OH I REMEMBER THAT SALMON !!!! TO DIE FOR AND HEALTHY AT THE SAME TIME ;O)

I am sitting on the patio - listening to someone with a saw or weed eater - distrubing my peace and quite..

IMHO a dog the size of Angel would be easier than the cat - just cuz I don't know how you keep it indoors - Sheba was suppose to be an indoor cat - but since the back door is always open in the winter it's hard - cuz I am out here smoking or letting the dogs out and they like being outside..

It's all about the potty training - that it - Angel is good she doesn't run she stays with me - bear on the other hand has to be on a leash -

The only thing with animals is when you travel travel - (lucky #7 get aways) where you can't bring your baby or on a cruise - then you have to find someone to baby sit or kennel them..

I think I will always have a little dog like angel size.

Well, I should be doing something - I need to take my computer to get fixed = need to go to the post office - need to clean - but here I sit..

Am a little hungry feel like sunny side up eggs

Well off I go to get started on something


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LOL!! I guess I wasn't THAT buzzed!

Mall today.. first time since knee surgery to shop at the mall. Took the scooter... parked by Macy's end when I wanted to go to Penney's. Found out when we got inside that it was at the exact opposite end! So off we went... and I shopped and shopped. Penney's was having a sale and all their Alfred Dunner stuff was on sale.... I really like their styles and fabrics. I was still on a search for black dress pants. So I found some I liked. Tried on Size 18... too big! Went back out and got size 16. Held them up in the dressing room and thought... NO WAY!! But... put one leg in, then the other... pulled them up!! THEY FIT!! Took them back off... checked the tags.. inside and out a few more times to make sure they were really a size 16!! I'm sure there are a lot of size 16's that I couldn't get on, but the 18's I just started wearing about 2 weeks ago are feeling a little baggy, so I guess I'm going to skip on by the 18's! That was exciting.

After all that... Earl was whining that he was tired. I said, you have a hangover, sweetheart! Finally let him have the scooter. So I walked the length of the mall and back to the car so he could ride! Then he dropped me off at Home Depot and I walked across to Starbucks.

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Well, I got the trim and paint bought. Spent the day moving stuff around in the storage sheds trying to find more room to put stuff in. Spent the rest of the day cleaning the yard. All I have left outside is to mow and rake. I got all the pots empty and stored, all the hoses and yard furniture stored. So tomorrow morning I'll finish the yard, then hit the garage. One of the secretaries at school is letting me store some stuff in her garage. So I hope to get the furniture down sized then Shampoo carpets, paint, lay trim, clean, write sub notes, lesson plans. I have asked for an extention on my master's unit proposal until next weekend. I hope to hear soon if they will let me.

I'm sitting here stuck on a grape. Had Breakfast but nothing else, so now I'm sitting here with a grape stuck.

Phyl congratulations on the size 16!!! I know I was excited when I hit a 16 I was thrilled.

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Whew...got my extention on the unit for my master's program. The person in charge of the program was just a sweetheart about it all.

I'm stiff and sore this morning, but it will work out. Having a latte and breakfast and then hit it again. I have been blessed with decent weather so I am able to finish the outside. On a sad note, I am giving my koi away today. I have raised them from 3 inch babies to between 6 and 12 inches. I don't know if I will put in another pond where ever I end up. It is a lot of work. But I know that if I do, I will be able to get my koi back. It will also help reduce the electric bill. It costs about $20 a month to run the aerator and heater during the winter. If who ever buys the place is going to take the pond out, I am going to ask if I can tear it out and keep the rocks and liner. That is about $500 worth of supplies. If that happens then I will put in a pond, but much smaller.

I hope you all have a good day. TTFN

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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