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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Forgot to mention that I did get my H1N1 flu vac yesterday. ONly people with underlying medical conditions and children were able to que up yesterday. The rest of the population in Ontario will have to wait until late November for their shots.

It was at the Arena, so I went after work and was told to come back at an appt. time of 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. O.k. I thought, better than standing around here for another hour... so I went home had a coffee with DH and he and I went back at the designated time... then I had to stand in line for 1 hour to get the shot... What was slowing down the procedure was there were about 10 nurses with Laptop computers who had to scan your OHIP card(Health card) and your drivers licence...?

People from other cities have been driving to smaller towns to jump the lineups... that s why they are checking Drivers Lic for your address. O.k then there were 50 medical questionaire to fill out.. did I have this, did I have that... then they wanted a list of all your prescriptions.... oh yeah, and what puts YOU at high risk. Asthma... so I finally get the shot.. then you gotta sit for 15 mins so the nurse can see that you have not had a reaaction to the shot...

Well, I am grateful to have it behind me... this was a process I don't want to do again. Usually for the seasonal flu shot you just go to your family doc. and bam you're done!!!

So now the local HEALTH Dept has all my medical info, my doctor has all my medical info, and the Provincial gobt. has all my med. info....

BIg Brother is WATCHING!!!!

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GGood Mornign Gang

Got up 4:20 a.m this morning but I did something very very bad last night - I took 2 5 mg xanax so I could go to sleep early cuz I was going to the gym - well got up and and about 800 cal of ice cream 1.5 cup ice cream and 3 ice sandwiches- i just kept shoveling the sugar in my mouth and didn't freaking care - I mean it was like something just came over me - I think it was the xanax that I didn't care - OMG I AM JUST SO PISSED OFF. I met my workout partner at 24 hr fitness this a.m. to ck it out - have a 7 day pass - I like their cardio but don't know about the weights.. I will be going to the gym after work today- Thursday is usually my day off but after last night I need to go again - I think there is one ice cream sandwich left in the freeze - I am throwing the crap out tonite -

Steph - Hugs - Yes I really do love all of you here - you guys mean the world to me.. I feel so blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life - and I know we all have our problems - some worse than others and I just wish I could fix them..

I am so happy though that you and family are getting the counseling - I think that is a very very good thing - let Michael walk out - next time he might stay - and it's showing the pple how he deals with crap.. I know that blended families are hard on everyone -

I am not good with confretation - I know it - I am passavie agressive - I should most likely see a shrink myself - but since I don't have to please anyone but me - why :0)..

I doubt I will get the swine flu shot - don't qualify really - I will take my chances - I am not that worried about it - I am in pretty good health - physically (mentally is a whole nother subject exspecailly after my sugar bing last night - hell I was 4 days no sugar and bam - I "f" it up)

I did sleep good after the xanax and sugar - but am dragging butt - I am on my 4th cup of coffee - I need a diet pill today..

Well I better get my butt to work..

Hugs to all my peeps... Steph share when you feel like it - I love hearing what the shrink has to say about all this stuff - sorta like getting free advice :0)

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GGood Mornign Gang

Got up 4:20 a.m this morning but I did something very very bad last night - I took 2 5 mg xanax so I could go to sleep early cuz I was going to the gym - well got up and and about 800 cal of ice cream 1.5 cup ice cream and 3 ice sandwiches- i just kept shoveling the sugar in my mouth and didn't freaking care - I mean it was like something just came over me - I think it was the xanax that I didn't care - OMG I AM JUST SO PISSED OFF. I met my workout partner at 24 hr fitness this a.m. to ck it out - have a 7 day pass - I like their cardio but don't know about the weights.. I will be going to the gym after work today- Thursday is usually my day off but after last night I need to go again - I think there is one ice cream sandwich left in the freeze - I am throwing the crap out tonite -

Steph - Hugs - Yes I really do love all of you here - you guys mean the world to me.. I feel so blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life - and I know we all have our problems - some worse than others and I just wish I could fix them..

I am so happy though that you and family are getting the counseling - I think that is a very very good thing - let Michael walk out - next time he might stay - and it's showing the pple how he deals with crap.. I know that blended families are hard on everyone -

I am not good with confretation - I know it - I am passavie agressive - I should most likely see a shrink myself - but since I don't have to please anyone but me - why :0)..

I doubt I will get the swine flu shot - don't qualify really - I will take my chances - I am not that worried about it - I am in pretty good health - physically (mentally is a whole nother subject exspecailly after my sugar bing last night - hell I was 4 days no sugar and bam - I "f" it up)

I did sleep good after the xanax and sugar - but am dragging butt - I am on my 4th cup of coffee - I need a diet pill today..

Well I better get my butt to work..

Hugs to all my peeps... Steph share when you feel like it - I love hearing what the shrink has to say about all this stuff - sorta like getting free advice :0)

Janet; I totally think it was the Xanax... that caused the binge. Just think, we don't eat crap and are afraid to eat sugar because you have a HEALTHY Anxiety against GETTING FAT AGAIN... right? thats how you operate and its been sucessful.... but with the xanax your anxiety threshold is artificially lowered so you can say 'what the F" and eat it anyways... plus it was the middle of the night, that has always been your bewitching hour...

GOing to the gym, extra workout you'll undo the damage... let me know how your new gym works out.

I went walking with TWIG again this a.m. have a WALK date for tomorrow with Michelle, and a WALK date Sat. a.m. with SALLY another buddy...

I am meeting Dr Cathy for lunch in T.O. on Sat... so I'll get some more scoop on P.S questions....

Off to work now, have a great day ladies!!! :thumbup:

Cold, damp and windy here :cursing:

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Janet; I totally think it was the Xanax... that caused the binge. Just think, we don't eat crap and are afraid to eat sugar because you have a HEALTHY Anxiety against GETTING FAT AGAIN... right? thats how you operate and its been sucessful.... but with the xanax your anxiety threshold is artificially lowered so you can say 'what the F" and eat it anyways... plus it was the middle of the night, that has always been your bewitching hour...

GOing to the gym, extra workout you'll undo the damage... let me know how your new gym works out.

I went walking with TWIG again this a.m. have a WALK date for tomorrow with Michelle, and a WALK date Sat. a.m. with SALLY another buddy...

I am meeting Dr Cathy for lunch in T.O. on Sat... so I'll get some more scoop on P.S questions....

Off to work now, have a great day ladies!!! :thumbup:

Cold, damp and windy here :cursing:

Candice - I think you are right - I that's the only place it could have come from - It was a total binge - it was scary..

The only problem is right now I am really pooped - I think I like the sleeping pills better - I don't have this sleepy problem with them - I think I have 2 left - I am going to need something to get me thru today - if I am going to gym tonite - if I don't make it tonite - I will get up and go early in the a.m. tomorrow.. Right now I could take a nap..

WTG on all your Walk Dates :0) !!!!

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I may be catching some flies today because I can't wipe this big grin off my face!!

Wii Fit weighed me at exactly 200# this morning.

BUT----then shaved my chin whiskers and had my morning "constitutional"!

SO... TOPS weigh in.... 199.2#!!

(Drum roll)

390p.gif hear_me_talk.gif


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I may be catching some flies today because I can't wipe this big grin off my face!!

Wii Fit weighed me at exactly 200# this morning.

BUT----then shaved my chin whiskers and had my morning "constitutional"!

SO... TOPS weigh in.... 199.2#!!

(Drum roll)

390p.gif hear_me_talk.gif









Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hello!! I am so angry I did a longggg post the other day and it is gone!

Anyway just checking in nothing new to report. Not liking the time change making it dark by 5pm. Well off to cook supper. Take care everyone!

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Checking in here. Been gone for a couple days. Computer was down and then it took me too long to get through everything. I just finished about four pages of posts. There's a lot there and a lot of replies. I['m just not up to it right now. Just know that I am thinking of all of you and I care. Had my appointment today at the dental school. Four teeth extracted. OUCH!!! Not really. They had me numbed up pretty good and now it's wearing off. One good thing though......stupid teeth didn't crack or anything. I never knew they were out till he told me. Now, I can only have cool and cold soft foods so Soup was out for tonite. So, I had cottage cheese. Chewed it with my front teeth. Got a good cup to a cup and a half down. Now I am full. Took a tylenol #3 since the numbness is wearing off so I am just going to sign off now and I will check back tomorrow. Then I should feel up to responding. BUT FIRST, I HAVE TO TELL PHYL - GREAT GOING. WAY TO GO. CONGRATULATIONS. And tell Tracey to get well soon.

Love and hugs to you all

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The realtor (the one I bought the house through) just left and the news isn't too bad. He feels I should be able to sell for enough to pay it off, pay his fees and have some for a down payment on a tiny house. I will go to be pre-approved tomorrow, that will tell me what the next move is. If I can get pre-approved then I will move to have the house on the market by the end of next week. Most of what has to be done is simple. Down size and deep clean. The most difficult will be to paint DD#5 room, she painted it tourquoise, lime green, fushia, and black and put the trim in my sewing room. Need to find a place to store things. There actually is a house that the realtor gave me the info on that is selling for $140,000. He calculated that I can afford to finance $130,000. The house that is available right now needs a lot of work cosmetically, but it is structurally sound. It is actually across from the post-office, which I would fit me just right. It is a 1000 square feet, plus 1000 square foot unfinished basement. So I would actually have more space than I have now, but I would loose the garage. So I'm turning this over to God, if it is meant to be then it will be. So please pray for me to see the path God has for me. I actually am okay about it. As long as I can stay in florence and keep my puppies. If I have to wait to find a place, I can use my dad's 5th wheel RV and park it somewhere that I can keep the dogs. So this will work out okay. I will have a crazy weekend, I think I will take a couple of days off to get everything done. We will be on Realtor Alert until the house sells, I wish it would happen right away. I don't like upheavel.

Naturally have a raging headache, but guess that is better than anything else. I will need to borrow money from someone until the house sells, but I will either go to the bank or talk to someone in the family. Maybe my rich as sister will loan me $150 a month.

Thank you everyone for the support, In a perfect world I would sell for enough $$ to be able to redo some of the interior of what ever house I buy. Let's just hope I qualify to buy a house.

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Kari - Hugs on the teeth - I know that when I had to have a tooth pulled earlier this year it wasn't bad at all - it came right out - it was all the drilling before to take off the bridge..

Karla - I am so glad things are looking a little brighter for you - I know you hate moving - but sound like you have a plan and it might not be as bleak as you thought it would be -

GF you are always in my prayer - but I will send some extra ones for you..

Well girls - I went to the gym again tonite - I am using my 24 hr fitness 14 day pass - they have this treadmill I LOVE !! Most treadmills go only up to a 15 incline - I think this one goes up to 30 - I only went up to 24 and it goes down hill too -3 incline too.

I did 4 miles - computer says I burned 600 calories and did 1100 elevation I assuming that it's telling me that .

So today I have walked 7 miles....

Am going to try and go again in the morning..

I have to undo the damage from my addict behavior last night.

I ck'd the outside freeze (where the offending ice cream was) it's all gone ... I ATE IT ALL !!

So now since I did the crime - I have to pay the time..

Phyl - hope you have a good time at the street fair tonite - A week from tomorrow we will go get your reward for ONDERLAND - a Coach Purse and Earl can't bitch :thumbup:) I bet he's happy for you.

I can tell you how very proud I am of all that you have done - you are a poster child for lap band for ladies in their 60's and who have physical issues that limit their exercise - you lost 100 lbs even with those limitation and now that that knee is fixed - and you can exercise - you are going to be at goal before you know it...

Well - seems like no one's around tonite - I am going to go ck my other thread and then fix dinner - it's 7:45

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Phyl!!! You ROCK!!!! I know you think it has been a super long time coming, but you have been slow and steady and you are winning the race!!!! Way to go lady! You are the best!

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Thanks to all of you... your encouragement and support means a lot to me... you all contribute immeasurably to my success!

Had a fun day today. After lunch we went to a lecture on Medicare, "Will it be there for you", at Eisenhower Hospital. Then we went to Trader Joe's and got some Two Buck Chuck. And I bought my favorite.. White Balsamic Vinegar! Then we went to Palm Springs and had an early dinner. Earl had a heaping platter of fried fish& fries! I had a cup of seafood gumbo and an appetizer basket of oysters (sorry, they were friend). I would've gotten oysters on the half shell, but I found out they were raw. I swore off raw oysters after the "sliders" experience last summer! I'll eat them any other way but no more raw oysters!

My real treat... I bought a piece of choc/espresso fudge, but so far I've just had a little nibble of it, and a little trail mix.. that is mostly nuts with a few raisins. When we got home, I was shocked to see the piece of fudge was twice as big as I thought it was. But I'm sure Earl will be helping me eat it.

Tomorrow will be a little scary... first neighborhood happy hour/Margarita Party on the next door neighbors patio. I am making a bean dip.... FF refried Beans, FF sour cream, lite cream cheese. Spread beans on the bottom of a 9 x 12 pyrex, mix sour cream and cream cheese... and my DIL said taco seasoning... but I didn't know about that so I will put in just a little bit of queso to season it. Then pico de gallo and shredded lettuce on top. And I bought some fresh cilantro that I'm going to chop up and sprinkle on top, and I'm going to put some sliced avacado around the edges. Sound good??

Karla... sounds like a good plan with the house. Sure will be praying with you for God's direction.

Janet... so sorry about the ice cream!! But I can't help a little chuckle! We sure have to keep our guard up ALL the time don't we!! Looking forward to that shopping trip next week!

Oh... one more thing.... there was a little disappointment tonight. I planned to walk the street fair after dinner, but after 30 minutes Earl had to go get the scooter. Frustration is that it was NOT my knee that was hurting.. it was my hip.. on the same side. Hope this is not going to be a problem. I have an appointment at the Navy hospital later this month... just CPAP followup as required by Medicare, but I think I may have the guy xray the hip. I have been walking 30 minutes and more with only occassional hip pain... so maybe it was just the end of a long day and not an indication of a new problem.

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phyl, lets just pray that the hip hurts from nonuse!!! But is frustrating none the less.

Moving slow this morning. Just now sitting down to coffee, everything took longer, guess it is Friday.

So today I start collecting boxes and find out if I will qualify for a loan to buy a small house. Need to get some ##'s together for the mortgage co. That is the part I hate. But either it will work and I'll have a busy weekend or it won't and I'll sit home and try to figure out how to pay bills. Kids not thrilled that I will be selling, but that's life. If I don't qualify for a loan, I guess I'll figure something out.

Everyone have a good day. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Well didn't make it to they gym - Angel woke me up at 4 and I was still pooped - so I re-set the alarm to go off at 5:10

I think I may go after work though - The scales were down this a.m. so I am happy - but I got to get them lower -

Yes Phyl - we have to be aware - ALL THE TIME !!! Or like I always preach if you can't control it - don't have it in the house - I did good while the kids' where here (expect for the cookies) but you know what I mean - I won't be buying it when then come for turkey day - I will make a dessert everyone likes and that will be it.. (if everyone likes it - it won't be around long - especially Choc Cake - Joseph's fav)

Karla - I know about getting the paperwork for a loan - it's a pain in the butt - they want your life history... I said a special pray for you last night and this morning to - cuz you see I pray in the a.m. to - Thanking God for letting me wake up..

Phyl - can't wait for our shopping trip too - they have an Ann Taylor Loft and J Crew - gotta say that when Debbie and I went before those were really the only stores that I liked - but again we never made it to the other side.

We will take the scooter just in case - but again - you will be fresh cuz we are going in the a.m.but I think we should take it - since Earl's not going you might want to shop your head off :thumbup:

I think the more exercise you do the more it will help that hip and hopefully that's all it is.. Prayers on that too.

It'll be a quite day at work 6 ppl are out for their furlough day - well it''' be quite as long as I don't have to take their calls - well only 2 are in my department and I am pretty sure their team partner will have to take their calls.

Well, no great plans for the weekend. I really need to go thru my closet and put away my summer stuff (capris & shorts well bermuda or skimmers cuz I don't really wear shorts and summer dressed) Need to wash the stuff that's been folded on top of the closet - dusty you know.

Who knows what mood will strike me - Debbie wants to go to the show to see MJ - we will see -

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