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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang...

Jackie - Glad you are felling better.. I am a food addict period too - I love my sweets at times - wish I didn't but I don't do them often either - I like to eat - last night had my fish rice veggies -and was full - so there went the theroy that I need a fill - everytime I think about getting one - then I get tight - When I woke up during the night raisins & walnuts - handfull - (karri says it's 1/4 cup) got stuckist..

I got on the scale this am up 1 pound - not good - but I will get it off - I didn't take the computer w/me this morning don't want to rush at lunch and if I do after work I won't go to the gym so I am going to the gym and I will use the laptop till I can get it fixed - paid bills yesterday from work as I had printed my spreadsheet - so I am cool there..

Thankfully I backed up my pic's on a click disk so I have that - that's the most important thing on the computer that can't be replaced..

Karla - Hugs - those medical bills are a debit just the same as a cc - so it might be something to look into - but I will drop it as you ask - Know that we are just trying to help you find a solution to your problems.

You have been under alot of stress lately that makes your body hold on to the weight - Hows your Dad doing??

Phyl - OMG YOU LOOK FANTASTIC !!! You need to take that current pic and put is side by side to your pre-surgery pic..

A whole nother person !!! I am so looking forward to 11/13 can't wait !!!! At least we are having good weather for you - you will be tanner than me - but I have quit using my self tanners - cuz it had cooled off - wasn't wearing carpis but now it's heated up - but still haven't done it..

Steph - I saw on FB that you went to see Michael yesterday - how did that go?? How are you doing? Did you guys have face to face counsleing

On the PS doc's the one in Costa Rica is USA trained supposeitly - I will ck that one you posted on phyll - If we go I would ck w/wasabubble butt - she's knows how to ck out mex doc and I think she has a link here to ck them out.

Candice - How are you doing this morning - Do you think that maybe for Xmas you might get Peter an new pup ??

Yesterday was my Uncle's bday someone gave him 2 kittens - he's never had cats before - but they will be company for him - it's a family trait to be single in our old age - he's like me doesn't want a wife/gf.. I think he's going to get a kick out of these cats.

Denise - I am going to hunt you down on FB - How are things going for you - how's the situation with DS and Mom..

Well, CBL



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Bummer, they don't quote any prices????

Yeah, I couldn't find prices anywhere on their site. But there is a toll free number and I've talked to them several times... last year. Never did talk $$$, though. This guy comes highly recommended. I was able to find a "diary" of one lady's experience with him and she was quite pleased. Also, he is the founder of cosmed clinic in TJ and has something like 18 yrs experience. He actually called me personally back in Jan or Feb after I emailed photos to him. At that time, he recommended I check and see if my insurance would cover thighplasty because he thought my surgery might qualify as "medically necessary". But after lots of phone calls, I kept getting the same answer.. Medicare NEVER pays for surgery like that. So I gave it up.

Okay... here is before picture and current. Those are my first size 18 jeans and they actually look a little baggy in this photo. Maybe I should've tried on a 16, but I'm having trouble finding 18's that fit my legs!! UGH!



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Whoot Whoot PHYL!!! You look AWSOME!!!! WOWZA!!

Off to yet another meeting today. Thank GOD the sun is shining!!!

Have a wonderful day ladies~! Think I am going to try Karla's Soup tonight. Have to remember to go to grocery store for ingredients!

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Awesome Phyl..... :thumbup:

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Yeah, I couldn't find prices anywhere on their site. But there is a toll free number and I've talked to them several times... last year. Never did talk $$$, though. This guy comes highly recommended. I was able to find a "diary" of one lady's experience with him and she was quite pleased. Also, he is the founder of cosmed clinic in TJ and has something like 18 yrs experience. He actually called me personally back in Jan or Feb after I emailed photos to him. At that time, he recommended I check and see if my insurance would cover thighplasty because he thought my surgery might qualify as "medically necessary". But after lots of phone calls, I kept getting the same answer.. Medicare NEVER pays for surgery like that. So I gave it up.

Okay... here is before picture and current. Those are my first size 18 jeans and they actually look a little baggy in this photo. Maybe I should've tried on a 16, but I'm having trouble finding 18's that fit my legs!! UGH!

OMG Phyl you look fabulous dahling! If it wasn't for your eyes I wouldn't even recognise that it was YOU before and after....:thumbup: You are such an inspiration to us ALL Keep up the great work:wub:

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o.k. what is it with computer problems today????

I took my work Laptop in the a.m. to the computer geek in town... he says ah, its dirty and dusty inside.... so he cleans it.

I get it back to work, rehook up everything... and my LASER program will still not work... so I call the software mfr... they do a walk thru of a system "Patch" for me while on the phone... now working agian! thank Goodness- I am sure my BOSS thought I'd pickd up a virus visiting WEB sites while at work :thumbup: and I didn't want to loose my WEB time... it keeps me sane between patients :thumbup:

food good today, I exercised this a.m. went for a LONG walk with a BUDDY... so that made me feel good and in control again... still got my O.A. medallion in my pocket. and I am praying several times a day...

oh yeah, and guess what I had engraved on my medallion EIGHT years ago???


First things FIRST


"energize don't tranquilize"

Good messages for me to be reminded of!!!

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A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee...You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up; she was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with Water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee Beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ' Tell me what you see.'

'Carrots, eggs, and coffee,' she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hardboiled egg.

Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, 'What does it mean, mother?'

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

'Which are you?' she asked her daughter. 'When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a Fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

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Okay Phyl, if I combine the egg and carrot do I get a salad with a coffee chaser? I know what you are saying...I do all 3, there are times that I am a whimp, times that I am hard and bitter, and times I make it into something good. If it is personal, it is the carrot, if it is school, it is the egg, if it is family, it is the coffee. So what does that say....I'm just mixed up, damn that's the carrot again. So...I guess it was the carrot saying to drop it,...So I am going to be the coffee, any and all suggestions welcome. Then we can all have coffee together! I know that I give up when it comes to personal stuff because it is easier and I'm tired. Janet, I need you to come and take charge for a few days...hold my hand when I make those phone calls for help and insist that something happens.

So, I'll call the mortgage co., the utilities, the medical, the credit card...and beg for help...maybe....ah crap.

On a different note, we got the results of dad's PET scan and the cancer has NOT spread, but has grown back to its original size. The Fluid that was drained from the lung does NOT show cancer, so dad can go in every couple of weeks and get an 'unfill'. The doc decided to start dad on a new chemo that he get's every 3 weeks, he will loose his hair again, but at least we have something to try. The doc thinks we can buy a year, so as long as dad wants to fight, we will fight. His spirits are good.

Got an email from my lb doc. Told him basically that on weekends I eat maybe 2 meals a day & no Snacks. On weekdays I struggle to stop eating. I want food all the time at work. I am not eating junk only my allotted food, but I can eat about 1/2 pound of grapes and then top it off with a pear. I don't have a desire for junk, but I could eat non-stop. There is a 3 hour span, that it is chew chew chew chew chew. I am going to be the only person know to man to get fat on fruit.< /p>

Phyl, you do look fabulous, sorry I have been too focused on my own issues. You are an inspiration. All of you are...

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Morning ladies, miss molly up at 4 am, not my idea of fun.

Phyl, I love the pics of the red hat affair. You look like you are just having a blast!!

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Good Morning

I had gym last night did 4 miles burned 500 calories if you beleive the calorie counter on the treadmill :drool:)

Came home Andrew said Sister called - so called her back - it was good it was about estate - she wants it over (probate) and I really think they just want their $$ but anyway we had a good conversation - they may be moving this way come May - Morongo Valley for my sis health - it's about 30-40 miles north east from me. So talked to her and bro in law and then started dinner came to turn on the computer (laptop) and Debbie showed up and stayed to 9 so never got on line last night

Karla - I would come and hold your hand so just think I am on your shoulder - can't be with you in person but am with you in spirit.

Again - you are going to have to face the fact that you are overwhelmed and can't continue down this road.

Phyl loved the story - just scanned it - but got the drift - I wanted to post this morning..

Well I gotta call attonery & accountant this a.m. and get this estate closed so maybe me and sis can mend our relationship - I have to let go my hurt feelings - I gotta pratice what I preach - sounds like her health is getting worse -

We use to get in fights along time ago - it was cuz she was mad at me about something - this time it's cuz I'm pissed - but like I told her last night - when she said we need to mend our freindship - I told her we are sisters and that's what counted.. So I am feeling a bit better about all this - I know I have to let go and with the estate setttled it may be easier..

Well gotta jump in the shower..

cbl hugs

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Good morning Ladies;

Drive by post... gotta leave for work shortly.

scale is moving today, yeah... When I finally make up my mind to ASK for help... dah... I get it... I am stubborn!

Anyways, H1N1 vaccinations are available in the Beach today, so I may go after work and see if I can get mine done... the only way that I can get mine this early is because of having Asthma... who knew that would be a GOOD THING????


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Just a quick post this morning.

Tracy is on my mind big time as she is at the hospital now and her hysterectomy is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. - two hours from now.

It's also a different morning because it's the once a month "Cecil's Breakfast" morning so Earl has been up there for probably 2 hours now. Last year he was the pancake mixer so I assume he'll be doing the same. I'm going up in a few minutes for my Breakfast and then think I'll get on the stationary bike before Water aerobics today. I usually do it after, but makes more sense before and since I'll be up there early. I'll just stay and do that. I usually come back to the RV after breakfast.

Please keep Tracy in your thoughts and prayers today. I'm worried about her. She's never had surgery before. She's afraid of the I.V. She hates needles. And she's never had general anesthesia before. SO... this mom is worrying about a lot of aspects of this whole thing, including recovery!!

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Just a quick post this morning.

Tracy is on my mind big time as she is at the hospital now and her hysterectomy is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. - two hours from now.

It's also a different morning because it's the once a month "Cecil's Breakfast" morning so Earl has been up there for probably 2 hours now. Last year he was the pancake mixer so I assume he'll be doing the same. I'm going up in a few minutes for my breakfast and then think I'll get on the stationary bike before Water aerobics today. I usually do it after, but makes more sense before and since I'll be up there early. I'll just stay and do that. I usually come back to the RV after breakfast.

Please keep Tracy in your thoughts and prayers today. I'm worried about her. She's never had surgery before. She's afraid of the I.V. She hates needles. And she's never had general anesthesia before. SO... this mom is worrying about a lot of aspects of this whole thing, including recovery!!

Just sent up a prayer for Tracy. She'll do fine... and she'll feel so much better without those malfunctioning organs.. in two weeks she'll feel like her old self, but will continure to have to take it easy (no lifting) for a full 6 weeks.

Why didn't they do a spinal on her instead of general anesthetic??? SHe would have felt more in control of the situation and no I.V. just a needle in the back and some heavy valium.... that's how I had mine done.. I was sitting up on the gerny coming out of the o.r. Yaking to everyone( cause I was still loopy from the Valium)

They will manage her pain... be strong MOM...

Love C

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I have been saying prayers since yesterday - since I saw your post on FB

Let us know how's she doing..

Hugs - she will be fine :0)

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Phyl, how did the surgery go??? Tracy must be out of recovery by now... HUGS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY

Janet; I know you will be able to forge a new relationship with your sister.... I know that that's what you really want deep down in your heart. So it WILL happen. Pity her, with failing health.... you are as strong as a LION(ess)... hee,hee.

Karla; You CAN make that call and organize your payments.. I just have a really good feeling about it... something GOOD will come your way.

Good news about your Dad too, so releived to hear that the cancer has not spread and is not in that lung Fluid. Savor your time together.

Linda, Jackie, Stephanie, Kari and Karri hope you are all well and staying warm and out of trouble....

Hugs to you all!


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