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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang

Quite weekend I see..

Karla - Hugs on your mood and situation - I hope you got some rest and are feeling better today..

As far as family goes and good memories - they all weren't good - when I was 5 I found my Mom on the kitchen floor with her wrist slit... She finally succeeded (suicide) when I was 15 - So darling my life hasn't been all bliss - I have been victim of domestic abuse and other stuff - both my bro's are dead and they are younger than me.. Life sucks big time at times - But you can't focus on the negative as there were good times/memories too - I choose to remember those - You can't dwell on the bad

As to your $$ situation - I guess you need to sit down and figure out a plan - ck out suzie orberman (sp) - I know you love your house but if you can't afford it - then sell it - file bankrucpy. You can't continue your life being bogged down by all these $$$ problems..

How do you have 4 jobs - you teach - pay bills for pple (you do this from home right) and nursery in the summer (well that don't count in the winter - and you are looking for a winter (holiday) job now..

Phyl - What time is your exercise - I think if I picked you up at 10 a.m we would be early enough.. And I will just plan on spending the day with you and Earl -

Get this I had a dream about you and LBT - I dreamed that You post "186" weight !!!! WTG on that walking - hell 186 will be here before you know it !!

Even though I have been mia since friday - LBT is still in my mind :0)

Candice - I love the brown castup !!! I have to ck the dates on mayo in my fridge cuz I rarely use it and it's usually expired by the next time I go to use it..

Well, had a wonderful time with Joseph and family - cried as usual when they left this morning around 9 - but they will be back for Turkey day..

Ate way too many sweets - Not so much the Tricker Treat candy but Melissa kept baking those pre sliced sugar Cookies - my total down fall.. But did go to the gym yesterday a.m. and did 4 mile - popcorn at movies - then 3 mini candies - 2 slices of meat - cup of cauliflower - then the cookies 10 50 cent piece size.. Well back to normal now that everyone is gone..

I gave out candy last night - I love the little one they are so cute - there was one little girl that was a lady bug - she was darling - I gotta say they all were polite and said thank you..

Went and saw MJ movie yesterday - I loved it - it was great to see him in normal mode not performing for an audience.

Well tried to pay bills this a.m. but stupid ck at bank didn't hook up my account to bill pay like I asked - I don't like the Indio bofa - I am the wrong nationallity.. I need to go to another branch..

Well just cking in - I gotta get moving - I know it's only 11:30 but it feels later - I love the fall back time change...

Hugs - Janet

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Good Morning Gang

Quite weekend I see..

Karla - Hugs on your mood and situation - I hope you got some rest and are feeling better today..

As far as family goes and good memories - they all weren't good - when I was 5 I found my Mom on the kitchen floor with her wrist slit... She finally succeeded (suicide) when I was 15 - So darling my life hasn't been all bliss - I have been victim of domestic abuse and other stuff - both my bro's are dead and they are younger than me.. Life sucks big time at times - But you can't focus on the negative as there were good times/memories too - I choose to remember those - You can't dwell on the bad

Karla: I couldn't agree with Janet more... my life hasn't been all jOYS either, like Janet one of my parents committed suicide too. I was 20 when I lost my Dad. But she is right (WRIGHT) when she says that you cannot dwell on the past, negatives, resentments... they will drag you down hon... even if your upbringing was not picture perfect, try to call up some GOOD memories, I am sure that there are some... and then CHERISH those.

As to your $$ situation - I guess you need to sit down and figure out a plan - ck out suzie orberman (sp) - I know you love your house but if you can't afford it - then sell it - file bankrucpy. You can't continue your life being bogged down by all these $$$ problems..

How do you have 4 jobs - you teach - pay bills for pple (you do this from home right) and nursery in the summer (well that don't count in the winter - and you are looking for a winter (holiday) job now..

Sorry, I can't offer any $$ advise, what you are doing by getting another p.t job is a Very Responsible thing to do... I hope you enjoy it at Starbucks, I hear they are a great employer and it might be fun to meet the public in a different scenerio than the classroom... Good for you!

But another thing, are you reading the SECRET??? Girl, you can attrack money and good things to you.... focus on HAVING money, rather than Not having it...

Phyl - What time is your exercise - I think if I picked you up at 10 a.m we would be early enough.. And I will just plan on spending the day with you and Earl -

Get this I had a dream about you and LBT - I dreamed that You post "186" weight !!!! WTG on that walking - hell 186 will be here before you know it !!

Even though I have been mia since friday - LBT is still in my mind :0)

Candice - I love the brown castup !!! I have to ck the dates on mayo in my fridge cuz I rarely use it and it's usually expired by the next time I go to use it..

Well, had a wonderful time with Joseph and family - cried as usual when they left this morning around 9 - but they will be back for Turkey day..

I am so glad you had a super time with your Family. Tears are o.k.... means you LOVE THEM.

Ate way too many sweets - Not so much the Tricker Treat candy but Melissa kept baking those pre sliced sugar Cookies - my total down fall.. But did go to the gym yesterday a.m. and did 4 mile - popcorn at movies - then 3 mini candies - 2 slices of meat - cup of cauliflower - then the cookies 10 50 cent piece size.. Well back to normal now that everyone is gone..

I gave out candy last night - I love the little one they are so cute - there was one little girl that was a lady bug - she was darling - I gotta say they all were polite and said thank you..

We only had 6 kids last night, I think it was a combination of Swine Flu fear keeping kids home, also our neighbors are kinda OLD like us...ha,ha,ha.

Went and saw MJ movie yesterday - I loved it - it was great to see him in normal mode not performing for an audience.

Well tried to pay bills this a.m. but stupid ck at bank didn't hook up my account to bill pay like I asked - I don't like the Indio bofa - I am the wrong nationallity.. I need to go to another branch..

I dont understand, you are the right nationality???

Well just cking in - I gotta get moving - I know it's only 11:30 but it feels later - I love the fall back time change...

Hugs - Janet

I finally got off my butt yesterday and went out and helped Peter with the lawn/yard cleanup... I chopped down all my perenials... it is so sad, they won't have any colour now until Spring.... but I left some Hydrangia BALLS up cause I love how the snow looks on them... and it will be coming sometime soon...

WE heard from some friends of ours this week, wondering what our travel plans for winter vac were... I'd love to go away with them again, they were fun... But I'd REALLY like to go to FLORIDA this yr for a wk or two to scope out trailer parks for next year...

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Making Stuffed Green Peppers for supper... oh, they do smell good.

To make them extra healthy, I included T.V.P., bulgar 1/2 and 1/2 with Rice, beef boulion cube, 1 egg, 1 lb of ground beef, onion, garlic, salt. and part of a can of spaghetti sauce for some liquid... they are Not DH's favorite, but if I tell him there is bulgar in them he'll be happy.

I have had a hankering for Diet Coke yest. and today, so I put it in the microwave for 1 minute, stirred the heck out of it and poured it over ice... yummmm:biggrin:

Just ran across this... awesome...__________________


...the courage to change the things I CAN...

Edited by peaches9

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Walked 3 miles

Making healthified taco soup: ground turkey, Beans, stewed tomatoes, light sour cream, and cheese. It isn't totally healthified because I can't stand faky cheese. It will be the real stuff.

Working on homework, cleaned, laundry, etc.

and a fun time was had by all

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WE heard from some friends of ours this week, wondering what our travel plans for winter vac were... I'd love to go away with them again, they were fun... But I'd REALLY like to go to FLORIDA this yr for a wk or two to scope out trailer parks for next year...

Excuse me????

Not "trailer park"..... RV RESORT!! LOL

Walked 3 miles

Making healthified taco soup: ground turkey, Beans, stewed tomatoes, light sour cream, and cheese. It isn't totally healthified because I can't stand faky cheese. It will be the real stuff. Working on homework, cleaned, laundry, etc. and a fun time was had by all

Taco Soup sounds GOOD!

Sounds like you had a successful day!

Karla - Hugs on your mood and situation - I hope you got some rest and are feeling better today..

As far as family goes and good memories - they all weren't good - when I was 5 I found my Mom on the kitchen floor with her wrist slit... She finally succeeded (suicide) when I was 15 - So darling my life hasn't been all bliss - I have been victim of domestic abuse and other stuff - both my bro's are dead and they are younger than me.. Life sucks big time at times - But you can't focus on the negative as there were good times/memories too - I choose to remember those - You can't dwell on the bad

As to your $$ situation - I guess you need to sit down and figure out a plan - ck out suzie orberman (sp) - I know you love your house but if you can't afford it - then sell it - file bankrucpy. You can't continue your life being bogged down by all these $$$ problems..

How do you have 4 jobs - you teach - pay bills for pple (you do this from home right) and nursery in the summer (well that don't count in the winter - and you are looking for a winter (holiday) job now..

Phyl - What time is your exercise - I think if I picked you up at 10 a.m we would be early enough.. And I will just plan on spending the day with you and Earl - Get this I had a dream about you and LBT - I dreamed that You post "186" weight !!!! WTG on that walking - hell 186 will be here before you know it !!

Even though I have been mia since friday - LBT is still in my mind :0)

Candice - I love the brown castup !!! I have to ck the dates on mayo in my fridge cuz I rarely use it and it's usually expired by the next time I go to use it..

Well, had a wonderful time with Joseph and family - cried as usual when they left this morning around 9 - but they will be back for Turkey day..

Well tried to pay bills this a.m. but stupid ck at bank didn't hook up my account to bill pay like I asked - I don't like the Indio bofa - I am the wrong nationality.. I need to go to another branch..

Well just cking in - I gotta get moving - I know it's only 11:30 but it feels later - I love the fall back time change...Hugs - Janet

Glad you had such a nice visit with Joseph and family! I miss seeing the little ones dressed up for Halloween. Had to settle for a photo on FB!

We had Oktoberfest w/potluck and costume contest last night. It was nice, but all over by 7pm! Then ANOTHER potluck after church today! Thankfully, I am really tight this weekend so last night most of what I put on my plate either went to Earl's plate or the trash. Today I put much less on my plate but still couldn't eat it all. Deserts were 95% chocolate. After having to run to the br to pb after two small bites of apple pie, I decided I'd just take a small brownie home with me. So I wrapped it up in a napkin. Shortly after that, Earl unwraps a little chocolate mint patty for himself and then decides he going to go rinse off our silverware in the kitchen. So he says, watch my candy for me. While he's gone, I unwrap my brownie because I accidently spilled a little coffee on the napkin it was wrapped in. Guess what? There's a BIG bite out of my brownie!! He tells me to watch his candy, but while I was up getting some coffee... he ate about a third of my brownie! He apparently thought it was too big for me to eat! So I went and got another one! I'll show him. LOL! I didn't eat it yet, BTW!

Water aerobics is over at 10 a.m. but it takes me about 30 minutes in the shower. But I can skip that day so we can get an earlier start. It won't kill me to miss a day.

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thanks Phyl, I will try hard in PT tomorrow to get range of motion, right now it's 103 on my own and 113 with the therapist's help. I just want to be able to walk for longer than 20-25 minutes before it stiffins up on me. I know it will take time, and appreciate your thoughts.

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I finally got off my butt yesterday and went out and helped Peter with the lawn/yard cleanup... I chopped down all my perenials... it is so sad, they won't have any colour now until Spring.... but I left some Hydrangia BALLS up cause I love how the snow looks on them... and it will be coming sometime soon...

WE heard from some friends of ours this week, wondering what our travel plans for winter vac were... I'd love to go away with them again, they were fun... But I'd REALLY like to go to FLORIDA this yr for a wk or two to scope out trailer parks for next year...

This won't let me add color or change font or size. What a bite!!! Brad and I will be going to Florida for a few weeks this winter. I'd love to meet up with you and Peter if we're there at the same time.

No trick or treaters again this year for us. Guess that's what happens when you live out in the country. I think in the twenty five years we've lived here, we've maybe had a total of six trick or treaters not including the next door neighbor kids. Still waiting for DD to post pictures of the grandkids.

Karla - for the life of me, I can't remember the name, but there is a firm that advertises on TV that will renegotiate with your mortgage company. They might not talk to you but they'll probably listen to them. What do you have to lose? I'll remember to jot down the number and name next time I see it. It's on all the time.

Phyl - you are going great guns. I need to get motivated. Been going to the gym, but my friend Sarah can't go very much and I don't like going by myself. Yeah, any excuse will do. That will change. I just need to get motivated AND JUST DO IT!! Hey, that sounds like a great slogan for some company. It was good to see you back on the farm. I was so tempted to leave Earl a message and tell him that this was his chance to get ahead of you........but I didn't. LOL

Four more days till I lose four teeth. Eating will be difficult then. Hopefully, I choose good soft food to eat and not that slider food. So, until then, I will eat, drink and be merry.........and not go overboard. Just need to make up for future lost time.

Okay, will sign off now and will check back tomorrow. Mood is doing better but I wish this was spring and not fall. I HATE WINTER!!!!

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Kari, I'm with you on hating winter. It just means death to me. Everything is brown, no sunshine, no sweet smells of growth. That's why when I'm rich and famous I'm moving out of here. Don't know where I'll go, some place that is in the high 70's to low 80's, oh that's right that is Hawaii!

I've seen the ads...I don't know that it will work for me. I've tried the federal bail out, but your house payment has to be over 31% of your gross and my gross is about $100 to much. If I got my gross, that would be fabulous, but unfortunately my net pay is half of my gross pay between taxes, insurance, and union dues (we are a closed shop).

Oh well I'll survive.

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Excuse me????

Not "trailer park"..... RV RESORT!! LOL

Dah? I had to reread this 3 times before I caught on to your meaning... exactly, and RV RESORT... I stand corrected ha,ha,ha... Didn't realize the distinction in conotation!!!

Taco Soup sounds GOOD!

Sounds like you had a successful day!

Glad you had such a nice visit with Joseph and family! I miss seeing the little ones dressed up for Halloween. Had to settle for a photo on FB!

We had Oktoberfest w/potluck and costume contest last night. It was nice, but all over by 7pm! Then ANOTHER potluck after church today! Thankfully, I am really tight this weekend so last night most of what I put on my plate either went to Earl's plate or the trash. Today I put much less on my plate but still couldn't eat it all. Deserts were 95% chocolate. After having to run to the br to pb after two small bites of apple pie, I decided I'd just take a small brownie home with me. So I wrapped it up in a napkin. Shortly after that, Earl unwraps a little chocolate mint patty for himself and then decides he going to go rinse off our silverware in the kitchen. So he says, watch my candy for me. While he's gone, I unwrap my brownie because I accidently spilled a little coffee on the napkin it was wrapped in. Guess what? There's a BIG bite out of my brownie!! He tells me to watch his candy, but while I was up getting some coffee... he ate about a third of my brownie! He apparently thought it was too big for me to eat! So I went and got another one! I'll show him. LOL! I didn't eat it yet, BTW!

Water aerobics is over at 10 a.m. but it takes me about 30 minutes in the shower. But I can skip that day so we can get an earlier start. It won't kill me to miss a day.

Morning Ladies, Drama in Wasaga Beach already this a.m. DH friend (Jazz guitarist J.) arrived this morning for a practice... well he inadvertently let TWIG out the front door onto the BUSY ROAD out front.. all I could think of was we were going to "lose" another dog.. OMW my heart was pounding... I ran out with a wet head, slippers on and leash in hand.. Twig looks back just long enough to see if we're following him and he just runs like wind down and into the subdivision across the street. Thank GOD, because at least there is not as much car trafic there.. so DH starts running down there, dog bolts and doubles back across the BUSY road and into the subdivision behind us!! So Jazz man and I take the truck and I go hollering like a banshee "Twig, car ride!".... several times and open the door and voila!! in he jumps...

O I hate to start the day like this.

A/T I did some reading last night regarding food addiction... I hate to admit it..... but this a.m. I got out my old 12 & 12 and started some reading. Got on the scale, 184... gross

2 years out from banding and I am still screwing around with TRIGGER foods. I want to be thinner, but my behavior says otherwise... so today I will pray for WILLINGNESS and leave it at that... I am not making any promises (I always break them) I am taking food to work with me today, so I can't be tempted to pick up something unhealthy.

I hate meetings, I hate admitting that I am at THIS point agian... Lapband was gonna solve my eating problems...ya right.

I am not going to be negative, I have a problem and I need someone greater to help me with it

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A/T I did some reading last night regarding food addiction... I hate to admit it..... but this a.m. I got out my old 12 & 12 and started some reading. Got on the scale, 184... gross

2 years out from banding and I am still screwing around with TRIGGER foods. I want to be thinner, but my behavior says otherwise... so today I will pray for WILLINGNESS and leave it at that... I am not making any promises (I always break them) I am taking food to work with me today, so I can't be tempted to pick up something unhealthy.

I hate meetings, I hate admitting that I am at THIS point agian... Lapband was gonna solve my eating problems...ya right. I am not going to be negative, I have a problem and I need someone greater to help me with it

Hang in there Kiddo! You can do it!!


Remember what I told you cuz you don't want to be called "TRAILER TRASH" do you???

10_7_8.gif 7_6_1.gif 36_12_4.gif

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This won't let me add color or change font or size. What a bite!!! Brad and I will be going to Florida for a few weeks this winter. I'd love to meet up with you and Peter if we're there at the same time.

Kari, where do you and DH go in Florida? We havn't made any plans yet, we are still in the DISCUSSION phase of planning.

We only had 6 kids this year too for Halloween, kinda disappointing, plus we have all these chips left over!!! And you know what happens to them!

No trick or treaters again this year for us. Guess that's what happens when you live out in the country. I think in the twenty five years we've lived here, we've maybe had a total of six trick or treaters not including the next door neighbor kids. Still waiting for DD to post pictures of the grandkids.

Karla - for the life of me, I can't remember the name, but there is a firm that advertises on TV that will renegotiate with your mortgage company. They might not talk to you but they'll probably listen to them. What do you have to lose? I'll remember to jot down the number and name next time I see it. It's on all the time.

Phyl - you are going great guns. I need to get motivated. Been going to the gym, but my friend Sarah can't go very much and I don't like going by myself. Yeah, any excuse will do. That will change. I just need to get motivated AND JUST DO IT!! Hey, that sounds like a great slogan for some company. It was good to see you back on the farm. I was so tempted to leave Earl a message and tell him that this was his chance to get ahead of you........but I didn't. LOL

Four more days till I lose four teeth. Eating will be difficult then. Hopefully, I choose good soft food to eat and not that slider food. So, until then, I will eat, drink and be merry.........and not go overboard. Just need to make up for future lost time.

Okay, will sign off now and will check back tomorrow. Mood is doing better but I wish this was spring and not fall. I HATE WINTER!!!!

HUGS, on your teeth troubles that is never fun. But the end result will look beautiful! eh?

So are you getting full dentures?

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - I'm with you about the food addiction - I kept about 8 mini candy bars - and the ice cream bars I had gotten Joseph - well I ate the candy bars - ate one ice cream (threw the other one away) this morning pants fit but have more of a roll than I would like - the scales were ok on Thursday 143 - but I really want to get back 138. For me it's been a combination - eatting too much (I can eat 1.75 cup per meal) and choices.

I am calling this morning for a fill - yes my choices this last week haven't been good but I can eat too much - I am happy with 1 cup of food and I need to go back there - I think I have been kidding myself that I am ok on my fill cuz I like to eat - I got the band for a purpose and that was to stop me from eating too much - I know it doesn't make my food choices and 98% of the time I do make good ones - so I think a tweek is in order - it's 8 here I am calling doc's office at 9..

Karla - Hugs - I was reading Oprah magazines yesterday - there was something in the self help section - if your main problem went away - what would be your next one - I think it was saying that the thing we focus on the most isn't what the real problem is - its an aviodance tatic. Email me your address and I will send it to you..

See I am a fixer - I want to fix your problems :0)..

Phyl - Ok - I will be at your house on 11/13 about 10 a.m.

Ok I started this at 7:40 - it's now 8:40 - I gotta get to work



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Good Morning Gang

Candice - I'm with you about the food addiction - I kept about 8 mini candy bars - and the ice cream bars I had gotten Joseph - well I ate the candy bars - ate one ice cream (threw the other one away) this morning pants fit but have more of a roll than I would like - the scales were ok on Thursday 143 - but I really want to get back 138. For me it's been a combination - eatting too much (I can eat 1.75 cup per meal) and choices.

I am calling this morning for a fill - yes my choices this last week haven't been good but I can eat too much - I am happy with 1 cup of food and I need to go back there - I think I have been kidding myself that I am ok on my fill cuz I like to eat - I got the band for a purpose and that was to stop me from eating too much - I know it doesn't make my food choices and 98% of the time I do make good ones - so I think a tweek is in order - it's 8 here I am calling doc's office at 9..

Karla - Hugs - I was reading Oprah magazines yesterday - there was something in the self help section - if your main problem went away - what would be your next one - I think it was saying that the thing we focus on the most isn't what the real problem is - its an aviodance tatic. Email me your address and I will send it to you..

See I am a fixer - I want to fix your problems :0)..

Phyl - Ok - I will be at your house on 11/13 about 10 a.m.

Ok I started this at 7:40 - it's now 8:40 - I gotta get to work



Tummy Tuck in Costa Rica

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I like the doc's credentials - I wonder what air is - you get to goal and we can go together - 115 to share a room :0)

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wow, would that be cool or what ... three invalids on vacation... I like the sounds of that already!

I put all the sugary treats at work up on a REALLY high shelf... I just don't wanna look at them all day long... my resolve is good now, but tonight .... will be trying...

I have my medallion in my pocket and I just keep saying the serenity prayer over and over... I CAN DO THIS:thumbup:

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