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oh well, nothing earthshattering, i am still alive and still crying off and on.

I was away overnight to my SIL's , nice change of scenery.

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I'm bummed. My Newman's Own individual coffee was NOT instant, it was an individual serving of grounds, are you kidding me? So I guess, I'll take my french press to school and french press coffee.< /p>

I have found a great lunch idea. Steamers Veggies & Rice in 'butter' sauce, 130 cals per 1 cup with some canned chicken. I think it would also be good with tuna or even thinly sliced deli meat. Of course it tasted so good, I rushed a bite and now am stuck, but will sit for awhile and then I should be able to eat it. One package of Steamers and 1 can of chicken makes enough for 2 lunches. So now I have a quick summer lunch recipe (Steph's chicken salad) and a quick winter recipe. I grated some sea salt and garlic on top, I get it would be good with a little parmesean.

Went to school & set up a lab, now back home with a head ache. So, I'm going to eat lunch and then take a nap.

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I've taken to copying my postings before I post. I am so sick of loosing them.

Candice, hang in there.

Janet, I don't know if you told me, but what was the tattoo Andrew had removed? Why did he not want it any more. AND How do they do it. DD#4 has one that she regrets since the day she got it.

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Well worked all day in the office. I am sick of this crud and figure maybe making myself move around and do things will make it work its way out. Hacked all day but only threw up twice! Made hubby go to pharmacy for refill on cough Syrup. Drank a cup of chicken broth today. YUM! NOT!! I am getting so tired of soup!

Hubby came home this afternoon complaining of sore throat with a fever and coughing now. GREAT!! On a good note I got ALOT done in the office and a major jump on the week since I was gone last week.

Janet you have been quite the busy bee today! Good exercise!

Peaches and Karla-I keep losing my posts too. Irritating!!

Well need to go set in a hot bath and then going to bed. Have a big meeting in the am. Not looking forward to it. Really hoping I don't hack through the whole thing. That is so embarrassing!!!

Night ladies!

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ok im going to try again... no swearing this time :-)

I went to my SIL's for the night Sat. I took TWIG with me, he loves the car... My SIL has 3 cats... so that was challenging, but she felt so sorry for me losing Woody that she offered to put her 3 cats in her bedroom with cat box and food... that was nice of her.

Twig was very good, I took his little furry bed and I put it on the leather couch next to me and he slept beside me all evening.. only chased ONE cat...the others stayed hidden.

Then today driving home I cryed just about all the way.. knew when I got home that Woody would not me there to meet me.. Gosh when does it ever stop hurting.

Then my MOM calls tonight and says "why didn't you come visit me today?" dah, well cause I'd be crap visitor... and she thinks I am wasting too much time GREIVING... well... I dont' think it'll be over until after Wed when Peter comes home and we say our final goodbyes to Woody... The VET agreed to "keep" her until my hubby could get home... then she's off to cremation.

I want her ashes back though, we might bury her in the backyard or at Blueberry trails... her fav. place for hikes.

Gotta work tomorrow, 4 hours... don't want to... yuk...

Tried eating pizza tonight for dnner.. no go... got stuck... that's a good think as I have to start eating healthier agian...

Meg and Bry are home from their honeymoon and I had to call her and tell her about Woody... oh she was so upset...

A GF sent me a poem called Rainbow Bridge... about a dog passing away.. it was beautiful..

Thank you for being such understanding friends... I'd not have anyone to unload all this emotion on if it were not for y'all.

Love C

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Peaches my heart goes out to you!! I know exactly how you feel. Like I said we lost one of our precious yorkies in March and I was just a wreck! Took time from work and cried and cried for days. Heck if I am looking at pictured or talking about her I STILL tear up!

I had her cremated as well. Bought a very nice pet urn off the internet at a pet cemetary and she is home with me. The urn has a place to put a picture of her in and I had a plaque engraved with the poem "my forever pet". I chose between that one and rainbw bridge. That is an awsome poem as well. Hugs hugs hugs t you during this time. Some people don't understand what others pets mean to them. I am sooo deeply sorry for your lose.

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Peaches this is the poem I was talking about. It just said what I was feeling for me.

My Forever Pet

There's something missing in my home,

I feel it day and night,

I know it will take time and strength

before things feel quite right.

But just for now, I need to mourn,

My heart -- it needs to mend.

Though some may say, "It's just a pet,"

I know I've lost a friend.

You've brought such laughter to my home,

and richness to my days.

A constant friend through joy or loss

with gentle, loving ways.

Companion, friend, and confidante,

A friend I won't forget.

You'll live forever in my heart,

My sweet, forever pet.

*Susanne Taylor

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Phyl when did Earl start sneaking cigs again - I remember last time you were here (I think) I remember him saying he didn't any more and you agreed..

That was a long walk from Starbucks to wallmart..

oh before I go - Phyl no the bosses have taken a pay cut too but the thing is that when we were making $$$ they took it (bought new cars - redid their houses etc) and didn't plan for a rainy day - they don't think things thru.. I know one of the bosses was quite upset about doing this - I did get a good raise when we bought ourselves back from HRH - and am glad they didn't actually cut our pay and keep us working 5 days a week - cuz to get that $$$ per hr back would be impossible - this way when things do pick back up - I am still make the same dollar amount per hour..

Let's plan something for the 1st of Nov weekend or even for my 1st furlough day 11/13 ;0)... Ok I am going now -----:thumbup:

If Earl really did quit smoking, it wasn't for very long. Never is. He "quits" just long enough to throw me off... to get me to believe he really quit. I'm too naive. It takes me a while to figure out he really didn't quit. It's been a longstanding game he plays with me. Pretty annoying.. not exactly a trust builder.

Glad to hear the bosses are tightening their belts, too! That's only fair!

I did several good walks yesterday, then some pool exercise and bike last night. But today... not so much! I did walk almost all the way home from church though.... over by the restaurant. So that's a good long walk. But then we went to Sidewinders for lunch with some friends and I had hot meatloaf sandwich with mashed taters. Didn't eat the bread.< /span>

We have Octoberfest Saturday night---Halloween night. Haven't really talked about whether we're going or not. It's a potluck, and i don't know what else they have planned. But that's the only thing on the agenda that I know of. Could go to COD next weekend if you want.

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Peaches this is the poem I was talking about. It just said what I was feeling for me.

My Forever Pet

There's something missing in my home,

I feel it day and night,

I know it will take time and strength

before things feel quite right.

But just for now, I need to mourn,

My heart -- it needs to mend.

Though some may say, "It's just a pet,"

I know I've lost a friend.

You've brought such laughter to my home,

and richness to my days.

A constant friend through joy or loss

with gentle, loving ways.

Companion, friend, and confidante,

A friend I won't forget.

You'll live forever in my heart,

My sweet, forever pet.

*Susanne Taylor

Thank you Jackie; that is a really nice poem.. I printed it out for my hubby to read when he gets home.

Its good to see you feeling better... cleaning... oh my you are getting your energy back!!!

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Jackie, thank you for sharing the poem, very lovely. We all are pet lovers here and view our pets as part of the family. I remember when my daughters' harmsters got old and developed cancer, we had the vet come in and euthenize them. She created such a lovely environment and talked my girls through the process allowing the girls to hold their hamster until it was time. She never rushed the girls and really spent some time making sure the girls were ready. Many of the people I know just couldn't understand why I would go to so much trouble for a hamster.

Well up late last night trying to finish my homework. I never did get my lesson plans done, project for today I guess. Hum....are we thinking a movie...only in my dreams. Our 1st assignment for my masters program was to complete a reading then post a response on the 'forum'. I spent 3 days doing addition research and 4 hours writing the stupid posting. Most people's postings were about 3 paragraphs long, mine...a page and a half. I need to stop over thinking things. It has been way too long since I used that part of my brain.

Made a recipe from Rachel Rays for Asian pork with veggies. Spent about an hour on prep using fresh ginger and garlic, normally it all comes from a jar. The bummer, it didn't taste any better than when I throw it all together. So a learning experience. Good to try new things, but the recipe was pretty over rated. It probably had lower calories that when I use a bottle of stir fry sauce.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day. It will be a long one. Only got about 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. So I think I'll come home, take a nap, workout and then heat up left overs. It is the nap I'm looking forward to. TTFN

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Morning everyone. Hanging out with my friends Cough, Sniffle and Sneeze until I get ready to leave for work. LOL (I am trying a new approach.....gonna humor this crap to death). I am up and ready for work. Have about an hour drive to my meeting and plan to spend the day working in the main office because if I come home I am sure I will not be as productive. I will see how I feel though don't want to get everyone else sick. Sweating pretty good this morning.

Karla-wow! I couldn't spend that much time on homework. That's me though. I just never cared for the school and homework. I wouldn't have made a very good teacher. Kudos to you.

Janet I can't believe you are not on here. I think this is the first I have ever posted before you. LOL

Peaches-You are so very welcome. I just love that poem and I am so glad I could share it with all of you because .......YOU GET IT!! Some people just don't. HUGS!!

Well ladies I am off for the day. Gonna stop and get a SF FF latte on my way. Figure time to start trying to be amoungst the living once again. Guess have to fight back cuz this stuff don't seem to be moving on when I baby it.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone and I will CBL!!!

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good morning ladies. I am here before Janet? What's up with that?

Had an alright weekend in some ways. I wish I had more energy. There are a million reasons I don't and all of them seem very lame. But, it is what it is.

Karla, I've found that most recipes that take more than 15 minutes to prep are no better than the ones that take an hour or more. If it's not quick, I'm not going to do it. Glad you found a good school lunch though. Its great that you like veggies so well. It really limits my food choices when I'm not crazy about hardly any veggies cooked and raw I just can't seem to chew them well enough.

Phyl, your walking amazes me every day. As for Earl, I so get it. My mom has been "quitting" for 20 years. And then she sneaks. Drives me nuts. Like we can't smell it. grrrr. Anyways, it is very hard not to be frustrated. But think about it, he cares enough about what you think and how you feel to hide it so it won't hurt you.

Jackie, I am so sorry that you are sick. It sounds aweful. I'm with you guys that the swine flu scare seems to be pretty extreme. If I read everything correctly it is actually less likely to kill than the seasonal flu outbreaks. It sounds more extreme in the way you feel, but not as deadly. At least that is what I've taken from it. I guess the other difference that makes it a little "scary" is that it doesn't seem to be seasonal, more contagious, and lasts a lot longer than the normal flu. I think something that makes it seem bad is that we normally call stomach virus's flu...and this just seems so much worse. I had the true flu a few years ago and I did think I was going to die. I can see why people are so freaked in some ways. Especially if you've never dealt with it. But it is very overblown in my opinion. Okay...off my soapbox.

Candice, hugs to you waiting for Peter. Saying your final goodbys will be tough but also healing. I know it will help. Forget about the people who don't understand. You are perfectly normal and going through normal emotions.

There was something else I was going to share, but I can't remember.....imagine that!

Hugs ladies. Have a great week!

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Good Morning!

Going to go get ready for the pool and first time back to Water aerobics in a few minutes. Looking forward to it. Going to ride the scooter up... too much to carry.... bag with shower stuff and clothes in it, foam exercise thingies, jug of crystal lite! I'll walk later today. Earl is already gone. He gets up there at 8a.m. when the pool opens so he can swim laps before water aerobics (and probably sneak a ciggie!) Yeah, like we can't smell it! Unfortunately, my nose is apparently used to it and often I can't smell it!

Have to make hair appointment today. Wanted to do my Monday morning weigh in on the Wii, but it's not set up yet. Earl promises he'll have it ready for tomorrow morning. TIme to see what damage was done during two week travel phase!

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Good Morning Gang

Jackie - Karla has become the 1st poster of the day Monday thru Friday :0) - I normally post once I get to work - every now and then I may post from home early if I have gotten up early.. I am usually the Weekend early poster still.. But remember you are what 3 or 2 hrs ahead of me.. :wink2: - It's 7:44 here..

Phyl - Next weekend isn't good for me on COD the kids are here. Maybe the next one.. Ya the walk from the clubhouse /restaurant even to your RV is a good long walk for you..

Candice Hugs I know the heart ach you are feeling - and you aren't wasting time greving you need to and yes once Peter comes home you will start all over again - but then you will start the healing process too.. If pple don't have pets/babies - they just don't get it..

Karla - I wouldn't be a teacher if my life depended on it - too much work... Andrew got a tattoo on his neck - All Eyes On Me - something to do with tupac I guess- he was only 17 and I don't know who did it- I was pissed I didn't talk to him for a week - what else could I do the damage was done - are you going to tell my Dad - hell no you are.. All of us were pissed - not so much about the tattoo but where he go it - Hell I have a tattoo but it's on my ankle not my neck- Well anyway - his stepdad said when you want it off - I'll pay to have it taken off - they do a laser on it (burn it) I think they paid for 6 treatments and it's done once a month - he was sick and missed one - and on a couple of the treatments they didn't have the laser high enough so it didn't really burn - so they are suppose to be giving him and extra one for free - the one on Sat turned red - they shoot you up with novicane then laser it - I think 1 or 2 more treatments - I think the cost was $800 - Andrew is a teenager and very implusive - doesnt' always think things thru - I don't know I asked him what made him want to have it taken off - Oh I'm tired of it - I don't think so - I think he realized that it wasn't the place to put one..


Well yesterday - went and got nails done - then went to Ross's - Not your daughter jeans on sale for $39 (reg $98) got a pair and a top - then went to Marshalls and got a white velor jogging outfit $20 both pieces - then as I was leaving Karri called - sat in the car for and hour talking with her.

She is overwhelmed with all the work she has - she's like teaching 4 classes w/labs (she's the only science teacher) I gotta say that it's not her ocd - but just too much work not enough hour and this whole new approach to schooling that her school is doing - again - I would never be a teacher... She is doing ok - she will make it thru - as you all know who are on FB she's getting breast reduction and reverse tt in Dec

Ok a girl who use to work here - who's 48ish - had an anurisum (sp) thrus nite - doesn't look good - we just had a pray meeting in the lunch room... it's 8:42 and I gotta get my butt in gear..

Hugs & love to you all....

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Good Morning Gang

Jackie - Karla has become the 1st poster of the day Monday thru Friday :0) - I normally post once I get to work - every now and then I may post from home early if I have gotten up early.. I am usually the Weekend early poster still.. But remember you are what 3 or 2 hrs ahead of me.. :wink2: - It's 7:44 here..

Phyl - Next weekend isn't good for me on COD the kids are here. Maybe the next one.. Ya the walk from the clubhouse /restaurant even to your RV is a good long walk for you..

Candice Hugs I know the heart ach you are feeling - and you aren't wasting time greving you need to and yes once Peter comes home you will start all over again - but then you will start the healing process too.. If pple don't have pets/babies - they just don't get it..

Karla - I wouldn't be a teacher if my life depended on it - too much work... Andrew got a tattoo on his neck - All Eyes On Me - something to do with tupac I guess- he was only 17 and I don't know who did it- I was pissed I didn't talk to him for a week - what else could I do the damage was done - are you going to tell my Dad - hell no you are.. All of us were pissed - not so much about the tattoo but where he go it - Hell I have a tattoo but it's on my ankle not my neck- Well anyway - his stepdad said when you want it off - I'll pay to have it taken off - they do a laser on it (burn it) I think they paid for 6 treatments and it's done once a month - he was sick and missed one - and on a couple of the treatments they didn't have the laser high enough so it didn't really burn - so they are suppose to be giving him and extra one for free - the one on Sat turned red - they shoot you up with novicane then laser it - I think 1 or 2 more treatments - I think the cost was $800 - Andrew is a teenager and very implusive - doesnt' always think things thru - I don't know I asked him what made him want to have it taken off - Oh I'm tired of it - I don't think so - I think he realized that it wasn't the place to put one..


Well yesterday - went and got nails done - then went to Ross's - Not your daughter jeans on sale for $39 (reg $98) got a pair and a top - then went to Marshalls and got a white velor jogging outfit $20 both pieces - then as I was leaving Karri called - sat in the car for and hour talking with her.

She is overwhelmed with all the work she has - she's like teaching 4 classes w/labs (she's the only science teacher) I gotta say that it's not her ocd - but just too much work not enough hour and this whole new approach to schooling that her school is doing - again - I would never be a teacher... She is doing ok - she will make it thru - as you all know who are on FB she's getting breast reduction and reverse tt in Dec

Ok a girl who use to work here - who's 48ish - had an anurisum (sp) thrus nite - doesn't look good - we just had a pray meeting in the lunch room... it's 8:42 and I gotta get my butt in gear..

Hugs & love to you all....

that is so nice that you do a Prayer meeting at work for a former coworker... so sweet... she'll need all the prayers she can get.

I GF of mine (W.B.) husband had a heart attach on Friday, the day after I put Woody down.. hard to believe but JOHN has a great sense of humour and I am sure that it will help him thru his recovery... they are just waiting on an angiogram right now.. to see how bad the blockages are.

How come Karri dosn't post here anymore? Dosn't she love us any???

Phyl; Confront EARL on his smoking.. he HAS to quit... my friend JOHN (see above) was a secret smoker too.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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