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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang..

Candice - I thought the blocks/color almost looked like a baby cake not a wedding cake :0)

Glad you all had a great time at the wedding...

Phyl - We have a 30% of showers tonite and tomorrow suppose to be back in the high 90's by this weekend.

Yep I know it will come off - it alreadys did but It scares me that's all..

Jackie Glad you have a good time with GFs and Court is doing well - DH well he could have gone his prob not yours.

Karla - Oh hugs - love - it's for the birds :0) Hugs for DD - I hate that kind of pain...

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Well, so much for staying put today. The rain stopped and the sun peeked through a hole in the clouds, so we are hitching up the car and ready to pull out. Someone has ants in his pants. We are only 300 miles from DS and don't really have to be there before Friday. I said we would be there Thursday and DIL has a big football dinner that we could help with. But no problem getting there by then either if we wait until tomorrow. But... we're going to drive through the redwoods and see if we can find some mud slides or maybe catch up with the rain and wind!! LOL

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Good Morning Gang..

Candice - I thought the blocks/color almost looked like a baby cake not a wedding cake :0)

BABY CAKE, that is too hilarious... I'll have to tell my DD

Glad you all had a great time at the wedding...

Phyl - We have a 30% of showers tonite and tomorrow suppose to be back in the high 90's by this weekend.

Yep I know it will come off - it alreadys did but It scares me that's all..

Jackie Glad you have a good time with GFs and Court is doing well - DH well he could have gone his prob not yours.

Karla - Oh hugs - love - it's for the birds :0) Hugs for DD - I hate that kind of pain...

O.k. for weight to come off... Oh yeah Baby, I'm there with ya! I jumped on the scale this a.m. and 182 :thumbup:

but its all my own fault I've been crazy eating for a couple of weeks... back to basics :biggrin:

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Well, so much for staying put today. The rain stopped and the sun peeked through a hole in the clouds, so we are hitching up the car and ready to pull out. Someone has ants in his pants. We are only 300 miles from DS and don't really have to be there before Friday. I said we would be there Thursday and DIL has a big football dinner that we could help with. But no problem getting there by then either if we wait until tomorrow. But... we're going to drive through the redwoods and see if we can find some mud slides or maybe catch up with the rain and wind!! LOL

Too funny - just cuz it's sunny there doesn't mean that down the road it's not pouring... Heck all of northern ca is suppose to have weather - the clouds have come in in the last hour here - like I said it's only 30% chance for rain

Be safe ....

O.k. for weight to come off... Oh yeah Baby, I'm there with ya! I jumped on the scale this a.m. and 182 :thumbup:

but its all my own fault I've been crazy eating for a couple of weeks... back to basics :biggrin:

10 lbs - OMW !!!

I was 146 sunday nite and that scared the living day lights out of me I haven't been that weight in since 6/08.. It was the salt but still - that # awe hell no - not acceptable - so got up and went to the gym in the a.m and then last night for weights.. Got up this morning to go again but scales said 143 so didn't and right now am trying to talk myself out of going tonite - I am very sleepy right now... Think I'm going for some caffine in a few.

Yesterday calories 1300 - no rice for dinner just veggies w;/my steak - and just a popcorn for a snack..

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Only made it 86 miles... raining too hard. Stopped in the middle of the redwoods in a place we've stopped at many times but now under new ownership/management. In fact, owned by the Assemblies of God now but still operated as an RV park. Also have year round campground facilities.. cabins, too, I think. Nice place, nice people. I wonder how wet I wll get if I walk across the highway to the espresso place!??

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Only made it 86 miles... raining too hard. Stopped in the middle of the redwoods in a place we've stopped at many times but now under new ownership/management. In fact, owned by the Assemblies of God now but still operated as an RV park. Also have year round campground facilities.. cabins, too, I think. Nice place, nice people. I wonder how wet I wll get if I walk across the highway to the espresso place!??

Wet as a drowned rat - but thats not going to stop you :0)

BTW the new Starbucks instant coffee (bold one italian I think) taste like real coffee..

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Hi ladies. Drive by post.

Busy today building a website for my BITL grant. I've put it off until I can't put it off any longer. Has to be up by Thursday morning. did as much as I could do. Now waiting on admin to get me the rest of the files. Have another hour or so once all the files are here.

Kids are doing great. getting along and happy. Amazing how the mood has changed. Jeff is loving not having to lock his office, car, and can have soda in the fridge. We are able to let our guard down and it really has changed the mood. Michael's birthday today. Miss him. Will call him tonight. Get to have lunch with him on Thursday and then Friday night get to take him out for his birthday dinner. Really looking forward to that.

Leaving tomorrow at noon for teacher's convention. Will be spending until Sunday down in the big city :biggrin: Staying at hotel with Water park for the kids. Will buy their halloween costumes. Maybe do build-a-bear with them. Might be able to find a corn maze and pumpkin patch. Oh yeah...and do the teacher convention thing too....I guess...since that's why I'm going :yikes:

Started a bible study last night. Have never done one before. Not at my church but sounds interesting. We are studying the book of Daniel. 11 Monday nights. Have to give up football for it :thumbup: I think it will be really good though. Last night was week 1 and I really did get a lot out of it. Plus I will meet some other women around town. I need some friends besides you guys. I love you guys but f2f would be nice too :wink5:

Okay...drive by turned into stop and go. Later taters. Love you!!!

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Rain stopped...walked across the highway and got my latte. Met nice people in the rig next door...80 yrs old and they sold their house to travel in 5th wheel RV!! They are headed to Thousand Trails in Indio! Told them to call us when they get down there! Worst of the storm is supposed to come tonihgt!!

Left over spaghetti.. a little pasta/green Beans for early dinner... no lunch. May snack later.

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Wet as a drowned rat - but thats not going to stop you :0) BTW the new Starbucks instant coffee (bold one italian I think) taste like real coffee..

Well, I was a little annoyed when Earl decided we were going to press on today! Especially when it started raining again soon after we left! And then it just got worse and worse!

I might try that new instant Starbucks with Apple's recipe. Not really espresso, but I might like it. And I only get a latte once or twice a week in CA... only when we go in to DHS or over to Costco/Wal-Mart.... my boyfriend, John will be glad to see me again. He'll probably give me a freebie!! He does that every now and then. But I could try the homemade ones in between. Used to have an espresso maker to make my own but it was a cheapie and it didn't last long.

We've met the nicest people at this park. It's very small... only a few RV slots, so maybe that's why people are so friendly here. Always meet someone when we stop. People next slot are 80ish, sold their home, put all their belongings in storage and bought a 5th wheel to travel in! They're headed for Thousand Trails in Indio! Will be in that area for a few months so we exchanged cards so we can get together down there. New managers of the park are really nice, too.

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Well, I was a little annoyed when Earl decided we were going to press on today! Especially when it started raining again soon after we left! And then it just got worse and worse!

I might try that new instant Starbucks with Apple's recipe. Not really espresso, but I might like it. And I only get a latte once or twice a week in CA... only when we go in to DHS or over to Costco/Wal-Mart.... my boyfriend, John will be glad to see me again. He'll probably give me a freebie!! He does that every now and then. But I could try the homemade ones in between. Used to have an espresso maker to make my own but it was a cheapie and it didn't last long.

We've met the nicest people at this park. It's very small... only a few RV slots, so maybe that's why people are so friendly here. Always meet someone when we stop. People next slot are 80ish, sold their home, put all their belongings in storage and bought a 5th wheel to travel in! They're headed for Thousand Trails in Indio! Will be in that area for a few months so we exchanged cards so we can get together down there. New managers of the park are really nice, too.

I just bought the Italian Instant coffee $11 for 12 not cheap - but convenient - I won't be making them every day but will carry in my purse for work in the afternoons - the girl said they make a good iced coffee too.. They would be good when traveling too.. You know when the hotels have the little coffee pots in the room but only give you 1 bag of coffee..

I have done that only once - It wasn't as good as the frappicinos from sb..

Well when Karla & I retire we are going to get us an rv and travel too ;0) who knows who we will meet... I like the 5th wheel idea cuz then you can have a vehicle - but again I don't know how to tow - Karla do you ???

Well, am hungry - want lamb shank for dinner - but neither winco or target had them - and it's hit and miss at staters so I guess I am just having fish..

Steph - glad to hear home life is smoother -

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Drive by post.

Today is Michael's 15th birthday. I didn't get down about that until about 8pm. Now...crushed. Talked to him. He didn't want to really talk. Had to go real quick. I've done well not to cry so far, but tonight is pushing that. I guess it's pity party time.

yes, I know it is best for both of us. yes, I know that I did the best I could. yes, I know that it will be better when we get together again. But no matter what I KNOW....I hurt in my heart.

Going to go before I cry. Life sucks! the big one! Happy Birthday darling. I love you more than you know!

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Janet, we can handle anything!!! I have done some towing. I never thought of a 5th wheel, but we will check out our options as we get closer.

Been a long day, I had a meeting at the University from 4:30 to 7:00. Came home and was starving, so started eating too fast, naturally stuck and lost dinner. The weather finally warmed up and I would have loved to just sit in the sun. Tomorrow is the last day of work for 4 days!!! Have a bunch of work to do for the master's program, need to Shampoo carpets, and start Christmas sewing. Am meeting sushi guy at a Starbucks on Thursday morning.

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Morning ladies, it is raining this morning. Which is better than freezing.

Steph, glad you are destressing. Enjoy your time with Michael for his birthday. I won't be attending the conferences in Billings. I have already done my alternative MEA stuff and plan on spending time doing my master's work and starting sewing for Christmas. Christmas is lean this year, but I am hoping I could have all my girls home at one time. Won't happen, but I can hope. DD#1 did find a new job with a personal injury law firm. She hates it and the salary is significantly less than what she was making, so she won't be able to fly home this year. There is a position available for the EPA in the Aterondacks (sp), her dream job. So hopefully she is considered for it. Government jobs take forever to go through the hiring process, but so far she has passed all the requirements. Her field of study was environmental law, so we will keep our fingers crossed.

DD#4 is in the 'angry stage' about the ex boyfriend. But it still breaks a mom's heart.

Phyl, I hope you have your Water wings!

Well best get going, the goal today is NO stress snacking, even healthy Snacks. My goal is to be very consious of when I eat. All Snacks are low cal and healthy, but that doesn't mean I should eat them. I'll let you know how it goes.


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Called to get a Defill this a.m. haven't heard back from them yet... I am too tight, that is why all I am eating is JUNK.

Time toget serious.

1st Patient for 9a.m. was a no show!!

Now it looks like px #2 10:00 a.m. is late or going to be a no show too!!!

I'll get to go home early thats for sure!... If I'm lucky I'll get my FILL appt this aft. in toronto.

Keep your fingers crossed... I am tired of waking up with Reflux and PB'ing all th "GOOD" foods..

Steph; HUGS GF, Michael is in the best place right now.. you can still love him from a distance... but he needs that distance right now.

Janet" I am still too tight, so I am trying to do something positive about it... Wedding stress is over... life is just regular... so there is no reason I should PB over everything


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Good Morning Gang

Steph - Hugs... Yep being a grown up sucks big time.. The bible study will be good for you.. I have a few gf who do it.. Why are you going to a teachers conference when you aren't teaching any more..

Karla - Ya with a 5th wheel we can park it and drive around in our vehicle - well you can do that with mh too but I think 5th wheel may be a good idea :0)

Starbucks tomorrow morning - can't wait to hear about it -

Xmas - My DS wants to come home for xmas - We have spent all our xmas together in some way - but now that they live so far away and DIL has to work - I tried to tell him that he has is own family now and there will be times we can't get together - GS spends xmas eve w/mom - and I can't take off the end of the yr - and I am not driving 7 hrs to turn around and drive back.. Maybe we will have early xmas when they come for Thanksgiving..

Candice - I would be pissed at the no shows - Yes you need to eat real food - last night I was a bottomless pit - but again food was soft - 1.5 c cauliflower 80c - 4 oz fish 150c- 1 cornmeal muffin 150 c- .5 c sherbert 110c- 1 popcorn 100 - I guess it really wasn't that much but felt like it was.

my totals for yesterday 1300..

Yesterday was the 1 yr anniversary of my bro's death and I was feeling very anxious - wanted carbs carbs carbs to soothe my emontions - I think I did quite well in not giving into those urges.

Well need to get butt in gear - cbl

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