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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good morning ladies.

I woke up this morning with a fantastic amount of energy. Normally I wake up and struggle to get Nick ready for school and then come home and watch tv with Jai...or rather she watches and I snooze. But today, I'm raring to go. I feel so good!

Was talking to my SIL last night on the phone and was telling her how the gloom in the house has lifted. Even the little ones are getting along better. They still fight but not like they did. And last night they played TOGETHER for over an hour without even a raised voice. It was so nice. It's not perfect, but it's an improvement.

Today I start anew. coffee and a protien drink for Breakfast. No junk. Going to get a walk in today even though it's chilly. Will put coats on the dogs and take them for a nice jaunt. Going to keep in mind my goal of being healthy and remind myself that if I am physically hurting myself with my eating, and not healthy, I can't be what I want to be with my parenting.

Jaimison is ready for her bath so I'll sign off for now. Those of you with days off today, enjoy!

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Good Morning Gang....

I got my was done and clothe put away - that's always a big thing for me - I wash then hate putting away - now if I would Iron for the week..

Got up and went to the gym this morning - I think I am in a little bit of trouble - I have been eating too much junk - had a cup cake on Friday- some gourment thingie when I got to work - then some chips here and there - well no more damn it!!! I will not do you hear me - I will not put the weight back on - so I think I will be hitting the gym as much as I can this week..

I know right now the scales are showing the salt I ate yesterday (my collard greens were quite salty) - cuz there is no way on God's green earth I gained 3 lbs this weekend - but the scales says I did.. Carbs will be limited also this week..

Steph glad you feel good this a.m. - yes with Michael out of the house - your stress level should be decreasing - I am happy for you.

Karla - you have to work today - I thought most teachers had today off...

Well - since I didn't do crap on Friday - I gotta get my butt in gear...

Candice how was the wedding??? Pictures???

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Yes I had to work, and my room was a wopping 54 degrees. About 1/3 of our students have been out sick. I got all clammy this afternoon, so I better NOT be getting it!! It could have been the thermal underwear I had on under my shirt and vest. Froze like crazy. Came home and hopped in a hot shower. Was going to bake a pork loin, but even though it has been in the refrig since Saturday it is still frozen, so tomorrow I'll throw it in the crockpot and call it dinner. When I went to work at 6:45 it said that it was 6 degrees out. This stinks!

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Yes I had to work, and my room was a wopping 54 degrees. About 1/3 of our students have been out sick. I got all clammy this afternoon, so I better NOT be getting it!! It could have been the thermal underwear I had on under my shirt and vest. Froze like crazy. Came home and hopped in a hot shower. Was going to bake a pork loin, but even though it has been in the refrig since Saturday it is still frozen, so tomorrow I'll throw it in the crockpot and call it dinner. When I went to work at 6:45 it said that it was 6 degrees out. This stinks!

OMW !!! That's freaking cold - it's 78 I think - cloudy & windy - I have long yoga pants on for they gym tonite - Looks like maybe rain on Wed - just talked to DS and he said they are suppose to get rain tomorrow...

Have you gotten your flu shot and do you keep antibacterial stuff on your desk...

Hope you aren't getting sick !!!

Well off to the gym - cbl

Candice - are you wiped out after this weekend???

Phyl Drive careful - well tell Earl too...

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Hi gang, sorry I;ve been MIA... the dust has settled now... guests have all gone home... ah....

Here are some wedding photos, I'll post more as I get them edited... There was aMexican theme to the wedding as this is where Bryan and Meg met... CANCUN 5 yrs ago...

THe Lady in the SNOW WHITE costume is my SoninLaw's Mother.... she's 57 yrs old.... guess she liked the Disney movies??? My Daughter said "see Mom, I told you that you wouldn't show up wearing the same thing as B's Mother"...






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Been flu shotted, and antibacterialized, so I should be fine, that or I'll get sick over my 4 day weekend.

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Candice, LOVE the quilt blocks on the cake!!!!

Oh yeah, your daughter was right about her mother-in-law. I figured you were going to tell me that it was some strange relative, some cleveage!!! How about a picture of your front, the backside looks fabulous!!

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Finally lost a pound, only took 2 months, but I'll take it, I broke the 180 mark!!! Found a fabulous 7-grain hot Cereal at costco. Had it last night for dinner with SF maple Syrup, a few craisins and a little slivered almonds. It seems to really keep me full. With the craisins and almonds, the cals are around 250. I plan on using it for lunch part of the time. Very chewy and makes the tummy happy!!

Didn't get much school work done this weekend, okay didn't get ANY school work done this weekend. But that is okay, it is a 3 day week. We have Thursday & Friday off for MEA and I already did my stuff for MEA, so I have a 4 day weekend!! Going to get a jump on my Christmas sewing. DD#4 is having her new young man come out for dinner so I can meet him. Poor guy, I'm going to give him the once over. The new country song about the dad 'sitting here cleaning this gun' comes to mind. Nah, I'm just thrilled she has a life again. I used the Secret, attracting what you want, and within a couple of weeks of positive thinking he come into her life, amazing. Maybe I should try it on my financial situation?

I checked into the mortgage modification, thanks again to Janet, and I make too much money. I have a Fannie Mae loan, so refinance is not an option. I will muttle through, thanks everyone for listening. However, if it stays as cold as it has been, I'm selling and moving to a warmer climate. I'm sick of COLD!!

You all have a good day. Phyl, hope your trip is going well!! Be safe.

Karla; I am glad the SECRET is working on your daughters relationship... now use it on YOURSELF... asking the Universe for MONEY is o.k.... SEE yourself with money hanging out of your pockets... and make them LARGE bills too


Good luck!

SPeaking of cold, it was a SUNNY day for my Daughters wedding but it was FREEKING COLD... I am really glad I loaned my mom a Fur jacket to wear.. she really needed it.

Outdoors pictures of the wedding party went quick... I hope he can airbrush GOOSEBUMPS out of the photos!!! :confused:

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Candice, LOVE the quilt blocks on the cake!!!!

Oh yeah, your daughter was right about her mother-in-law. I figured you were going to tell me that it was some strange relative, some cleveage!!! How about a picture of your front, the backside looks fabulous!!

ha,ha,ha... here are afew more:drool:




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Great Pic's - your DD MIL's dress :o

Megan looks beautiful just like her Mom & GM :confused:

I couldn't tell that's what they were (blocks) now I get it :0) how cute...

Did you all have a good time..

Are they both from Canada (well I know Megan is) and met in Cancun - how cool..

Back from gym - it's windy cool - I guess no rain for us but 79 tomorrow and cloudy...

dinner tonite 4 oz steak - spincach & yellow squash and popcorn..

Cutting carbs for a few days :0)

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OK gang sorry haven't checked in for a couple of days. Really busy.

Court is doing great. Doing walking and wii fit. Still can't bend all the way over but sleeping in my bed each night so she is able to sleep throughout the night. She gets to start mushies on Friday and she can't wait!

Went out with the girls Saturday to a Welcome home Party for a friend who has been to Iraq 3 times and returned home a couple of weeks ago. They now live in Kansas but drove home to have the party. Had a blast seeing so many people from my past. My hubby refused to go with me was an ass all weekend and I think he thought if he didn't go I wouldn't but I thought screw you......got all dressed up and went. Got MANY MANY compliments on how I looked and hit on by many men and felt great. DH was still an ass when I got home and it hasn't stopped. Whatever! I am loving life right now!

It is so cold here. I now have an annoying cough I can not get rid of.

Well bettter get. Need to get some things ready for tomorrow. Have a conference all day for work 2 1/2 hours away so I want to be packed and ready when it is time to go.


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Great Pic's - your DD MIL's dress :o

Megan looks beautiful just like her Mom & GM :confused:

I couldn't tell that's what they were (blocks) now I get it :0) how cute...

Did you all have a good time..

Are they both from Canada (well I know Megan is) and met in Cancun - how cool..

Back from gym - it's windy cool - I guess no rain for us but 79 tomorrow and cloudy...

dinner tonite 4 oz steak - spincach & yellow squash and popcorn..

Cutting carbs for a few days :0)


Hi Janet, oh the cake... that's not quilt blocks , they are supposed to be MEXICAN TILES... but the cake was a bit of a dissappointment... they were expecting something MORE colourful...

Bride and Groom are both from Toronto. Bryan's lived here since he was 10 yrs old... His Mom left Saigon after the war and came to Canada as a refugee... she worked here and saved $$$ and 8 years later brought Bry and his Sister to Canada.. Gradually, she sponsored & brought every member of her family over here. Really a remarkable woman, very courageous

We all had a wonderful time. I got Bryans Uncle Li up dancing around the Mexican Hat... the bride and groom came up with this idea for "KISSING" during the dinner. You know how everyone clinks glasses to get the B and G to kiss? Well, Meaghan and Bryan decided to make it a bit more difficult so they'd get a chance to eat their food!... Everytime someone wanted to see the couple KISS they had to get up, grab the casstonetes and dance around the Mexican Hat on the floor..

It was way too funny. and at "our" table there was Peter and I, David(step dad), Linh(Bryan's Mom), Uncle Li (Bryans Uncle), Aunt Mui and Cousin Korey... now 3 of these people speak NO english o.k. so I noticed that Bryans uncle kept raising his glass of wine and smiling, so I knew he was trying to get the head table to kiss... So I gestured to him to dance, he was quite shy... but I grabbed him and got him up dancing anyways.. Well, Bryan and Meaghan loved it... seeing his Uncle dancing was a real hoot...

Bry's Mom is very nice and speaks a TINY bit of english , plus David and she were married for a long time, that's why he's Bry's step dad..

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Finally lost a pound, only took 2 months, but I'll take it, I broke the 180 mark!!! Found a fabulous 7-grain hot Cereal at costco. Had it last night for dinner with SF maple Syrup, a few craisins and a little slivered almonds. It seems to really keep me full. With the craisins and almonds, the cals are around 250. I plan on using it for lunch part of the time. Very chewy and makes the tummy happy!!

My weight loss pattern for over 2 years now!! I will have to look for that cereal. DH gets stuck fixing same thing EVERY day and I get tired of seafood eggbeaters omelets!! Right now I'm eating leftover egg Breakfast from Friday when I went out to lunch with friends.... Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon and there's still some left for tomorrow!! Enough is enough!! May go to costco when we're in Mountain View and look for that hot cereal!! And now I have some really good dried cranberries that I bought this morning in Bandon OR... the cranberry capital of the USA!! (or so they say)

I checked into the mortgage modification, thanks again to Janet, and I make too much money. I have a Fannie Mae loan, so refinance is not an option. I will muttle through, thanks everyone for listening. However, if it stays as cold as it has been, I'm selling and moving to a warmer climate. I'm sick of COLD!! You all have a good day. Phyl, hope your trip is going well!! Be safe.

Trip is going well. Slow... but we like it that way! 200 miles 1st and 2nd day, and I think we did about 175 today, but shopped in Bandon OR this morning with my sister. Bought a cute top... purple w/hummingbirds and lots of sparklies! And, a new rain jacket because one i had went in the Goodwill bag. And I bought 4 bottles of wine, a very small amt of chocolate!! And cinnamon toothpicks!

We are probably going to stay put for two nights now. We are just north of Eurkea CA, on the coast, with a huge nasty storm due to hit after midnight. That's why we're not planning to move tomorrow. And we drove 30 miles further than we planned to stop today because place we usually stay after leaving my sister's has no wi fi, no cable, can't get satellite signal, poor showers, herd of elk which is nice, and interesting, but they tend to leave deposits everywhere. Nothing to do there. At least here I can watch TV tomorrow, play on the internet and read my book. There.... I'd just be reading my book!

Good morning ladies.

I woke up this morning with a fantastic amount of energy. Normally I wake up and struggle to get Nick ready for school and then come home and watch tv with Jai...or rather she watches and I snooze. But today, I'm raring to go. I feel so good!

Was talking to my SIL last night on the phone and was telling her how the gloom in the house has lifted. Even the little ones are getting along better. They still fight but not like they did. And last night they played TOGETHER for over an hour without even a raised voice. It was so nice. It's not perfect, but it's an improvement.

Today I start anew. coffee and a Protein drink for Breakfast. No junk. Going to get a walk in today even though it's chilly. Will put coats on the dogs and take them for a nice jaunt. Going to keep in mind my goal of being healthy and remind myself that if I am physically hurting myself with my eating, and not healthy, I can't be what I want to be with my parenting. Jaimison is ready for her bath so I'll sign off for now. Those of you with days off today, enjoy!

You know what.... you will never find the PERFECT parent and there's no way to be the perfect parent !! we have all made our mistakes that have impacted our children in one way or another. We have to accept the fact that we did the best that we were equipped to do with our kids..... in your case, you're still in process. Do the best you can, pray to God to help you give your kids what they need to reach their full potential, and to know that they are truly loved and cherished, and then sit back and trust God! So glad you are finding some peace in your home. Praying for Michael to find what he needs to come back and function in your family in an acceptble manner, and in a way that will not be detrimental to himself or his family. It's obvious that you love your kids with all your heart and soul. They have to know that, and that will impact their lives in a powerful way!

Got up and went to the gym this morning - I think I am in a little bit of trouble - I have been eating too much junk - had a cup cake on Friday- some gourment thingie when I got to work - then some chips here and there - well no more damn it!!! I will not do you hear me - I will not put the weight back on - so I think I will be hitting the gym as much as I can this week..

I know right now the scales are showing the salt I ate yesterday (my collard greens were quite salty) - cuz there is no way on God's green earth I gained 3 lbs this weekend - but the scales says I did.. Carbs will be limited also this week..Well - since I didn't do crap on Friday - I gotta get my butt in gear...

There's a gal in our TOPS group that always says, when someone has a gain,



Yes I had to work, and my room was a wopping 54 degrees. About 1/3 of our students have been out sick. I got all clammy this afternoon, so I better NOT be getting it!! It could have been the thermal underwear I had on under my shirt and vest. Froze like crazy. Came home and hopped in a hot shower. Was going to bake a pork loin, but even though it has been in the refrig since Saturday it is still frozen, so tomorrow I'll throw it in the crockpot and call it dinner. When I went to work at 6:45 it said that it was 6 degrees out. This stinks!

YIKES!! Hope you don't have the dreaded SWINE FLU!! Going around like crazy, I guess! BIL is hospital administrator in a small town hospital in OR. He is implementing more precautions today including personally customized masks. DS works for the hospital but not IN the hospital. Her office is offsite... she's hoping NOT to have to go over to the hospital until it's over!! Only place worse than a hospital to spread something like the flu is school!!!

OMW !!! That's freaking cold - it's 78 I think - cloudy & windy - I have long yoga pants on for they gym tonite - Looks like maybe rain on Wed - just talked to DS and he said they are suppose to get rain tomorrow...

Have you gotten your flu shot and do you keep antibacterial stuff on your desk... Hope you aren't getting sick !!!

Well off to the gym - cbl

Candice - are you wiped out after this weekend???

Phyl Drive careful - well tell Earl too...

Yeah, that's pretty cold!! Earl says weather report looks like you might get a LOT of rain down there in southern CA!! We are going to stay put tomorrow!

Yeah, antibacterial stuff and masks!! The uniform of the day!!

Been flu shotted, and antibacterialized, so I should be fine, that or I'll get sick over my 4 day weekend.


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Poor DD#4 just came home in hysterics, the boyfriend that I used the Secret on to bring into her life, just dumped her. He says he, "Isn't sure he wants to be in a relationship." In my opinion he is paniced, but her heart is broken. So much for the Secret working...yeah Candice, I'll Secret me some money...worked great on DD#4.

I'm hoping I'm not getting sick, achy and headache, can't get warm. That or I'm just tired.

Candice sorry about thinking the cake was quilt blocks, I'm a ditz. The pics are fabulous!!

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just lost my post, why do I alway keep hitting the wrong button. grr.

Been up since 4 am, miss molly had to go potty. Decided to stay up and go to work early.

You all have a good one!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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