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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Maxine would be good.... but, no, they're Betty Boop! And I have a Betty Boop t-shirt to wear with those. The ones I wore to TOPS just kinda look like striped capris... blue & grey, etc. They're just really comfortable, and soft. I think I might have worn them to PT one day!! :)



Ok I know the kind you are talking about - and capri's on you are long pants lol - so they could pass for pants..

But still - PJ's oh I will take that back - I had a nightgown from target - with margrita's on it - it looked like a dress and I have worn that to price club.. lol

Gonna get cold tonight. Had to clean out the camper and winterize it. Ready to be put away tomorrow night at my SIL.

Really tired again. Been an active day. It was great seeing Court smile and laugh so much.

We went to the gym today and got the paperwork to fill out to join. I am filling it out tonight and taking it along with the check tomorrow. YAY!!!!! I love going to the gym! Just let my membership run out cuz summer was here. Time to start again. 7 days a week baby!

Jackie what is Court eating/drinking - is she getting her Water Protein in ???

IMHO 7 days a week - is a little excessive - you can get burned out real quickly on that kind of schedule - plus you need to give your muscles a rest.

Is Court OCD like you?? (said with love ;0)

I've been battling the hungries all week, so Janet you aren't alone. It seems like when you hit the 6 month mark you get lazy. However, my stomach actually growls, so it must mean something? or am I just rationalizing. The fill doc has me on a super Protein Drink for lunch, 250 cals. It was great while the weather was hot, but now that it is cold, I want comfort food. I spoon the drink to make it last longer. If I didn't it would be gone in less than 3 minutes. Work is getting to me, I find myself reaching for a grape everytime I turn around, then a small piece of Jerky. I know in reality that I can't keep this up much longer. I'm hungry damn it, and not just head hungry.

I did come home and to an 'interval' workout tape. Made it about 45 minutes before I was really struggling. I can walk forever, but anything else, I'm a woosie. I have to be really careful not to do any type of exercise that has jolting in it. So I can't do 'real' aerobics. The innards hang out in 3 seconds. The hardest part for me is that I really have to sequence my breathing and pelvic floor contraction. If I put any strain on it by holding my breath or abdominal crunching, pop, out it goes. right now I feel good muscle wise, I was so tired when I came home. The work out helped, but now I have the 'burn' from putting stress on the innards. Had to stop and 'poke' everything back in. Hell, I have really seriously considered asking the surgeons to stuff everything back up and sew everything closed. I don't use it anyway. But they think i'm crazy. Sorry, I guess it is all about me.

Jackie, give Courtney a hug from all of us. let her know that we are here and are rooting for her. she is as beautiful as her mother, and before long she will be active and slim. One thing...and I know it might be forward of me...oh hell, don't yell...but it is said with love as a mother. Has Courtney spent anytime working through the 'why's' of over eating? We all know there is the physical reasons we have trouble loosing weight, but we all have had to battle the demons of WHY we eat. Please, don't kick me off the island, I don't have anywhere else to go.

I should shut up...but I know it is important.

Sweetie we would never kick you off the island - we love you.. Jackie's cool - she won't take it the wrong way - hell I'm asking what's she eating - since they are running around and she was just the in hospital - I'm asking if Court's ocd like her Mom... Jackie is family - she knows we love her..

Hungry - IMHO you need to be eating food not drinking it - yes call me Dr Janet (without the $200,000 education & degrees)

Again IMHO I think the whole Protein keeps you full is bs - i am talking about a pt drink kind of pt makes you full bs that pple talk about.. Yes meat real food does keep you full for a longer time - hell a pt bar or pt drink don't cut it imho - pt bars are excuses for eating candy that has pt.. Cuz it's sure not going to keep you full like 4 oz of meat are..

You are drinking - it's not staying in your pouch - If you want drink if for bf (that is if you aren't super hungry in the mornings and add some frozen strawberries/fruit to it) lunch have tuna/salad or something left over from dinner.

How's the vit B12 shots doing - do you see/feel any diff

Stress does make you hungry - Think about it - you are at work or home stressing about something - you want to munch - but when you doing something you enjoy you don't really think about food.

I will tell you for me - once I start eating - I don't want to stop - I have said this a million times - but I will be physically full - but my body wants more food - almost like a junkie needing a fix.. It's physical not mental - this is why I say - head hunger does manifest it's self in to physical hunger - I pay attention to this - I think about it when after dinner I want more food - so I eat popcorn - lower calories and a slider for me

Can you pop some popcorn at home put in a baggie and take to work to snack on.. And there's always the celery carrot thingie too - if you have the urge to munch - do it with lower calorie foods..

Ok your innards - Do you have a 40lk at work that you can borrow from???

And never apoligize for being about you- hell this journey is about you... it's about each one of us - and this is where we come to talk about it -

Candice - I know you are getting ready for the wedding this weekend- is the stress of it making you go overboard ??

Kari - how are you doing about giving it over to God.. Are you back on the no soda wagon.

Denise - How goes your battles - how you doing girl??

Steph - I guess you aren't home yet - we are waiting to hear how things turned out for Michael - and the rest of the family- you are in our prayers..

Karri - love baby girl..

Well, I went to the gym - was looking for an excuse not to but couldn't come up with one - especially after reading Phyls thingie about the bypass person going back to her old ways - can't do that so went.. Did my 3 miles - burned 400 cal..

I guess somethings do change - even with my bad eating this weekend - I don't say "f" it - I come home and get back on track - That's in itself is a big accomplishment..

Linda - How's your blood pressure - how are you feeling...

Well - gotta go feed the dogs and get my dinner started..

CB in a few..

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Janet~ When I start the gym (anyways this has been since the band and over 2 winters now) I do go 7 days a week. If I skip I feel 'guilty'. I know I don't have to go so often but truly I like to. Gets me away from Hubby and out of the house. It is MY time. Especially since I work out of a home office. I am home so much I look for ways to get out. LOL

Yes Court can be OCD like me in some ways. She has her quirks. LOL

Today was better. She got 6 ozs of diluted juice in, then 8 ozs of Protein shake, and 8 ozs diluted oj for potassium and is almost finished with her bottle of Water. All Vitamins in except for 1 and she will take at bedtime. She took her drinks along with today. She really had a great day. Lots of laughs and smiles.

I agree with you on the Protein thing. drinks don't keep me full at all. I need the solid protein. I do sometimes drink a carnation instant Breakfast (sf) in the am for the protein but that is so I get the protein because I am never hungry until supper. I have never been one to eat until night and unfortunately I went to bed after eating. HAHA.

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Janet, i'm with you on the Protein, it isn't something I can keep up, so I'm going to bail on it. I can't eat carrots lately or apples. I miss my watermelon. It was the one thing I could eat and be full. Tonight I had about a cup of bean and carrot Soup, very little broth with some ham chunk. My tummy is happy.

No, teachers don't have 401K's. We pay for a small retirement. Pay is big, about $700 a month and when I hit 65, I'll get about $1200 a month. I probably should have stayed teaching in NV, I would be able to retire at 55 and get almost as much as I made, which would be about $80,000 tax free. But I couldn't face teaching in the same district as the ex. My girls couldn't figure out why daddy lived about 1 mile away and he never saw them. I also was harassed a lot. Condoms were circulated around school and town with my name on them. My principal filed a sexual harassment suit against several of my ex's co-workers, but I refused to testify. My girls had to live there and one was in school, so I wanted it to disappear right away. I know I probably need to go to the doc, but I have a hard time facing it. I spent 3 years of my life in and out of doctors offices, hospitals. I'm just sick of the whole thing.

Jackie, good for Courtney, she is taking charge!!! Thanks for understanding. I so want her to be successful, and counseling is part of that.

Well, I'm going to finally start my new book, I'll check in later before going to bed.

I really love you all!!! You all are the few who really understand me.


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Janet~ When I start the gym (anyways this has been since the band and over 2 winters now) I do go 7 days a week. If I skip I feel 'guilty'. I know I don't have to go so often but truly I like to. Gets me away from Hubby and out of the house. It is MY time. Especially since I work out of a home office. I am home so much I look for ways to get out. LOL

Yes Court can be OCD like me in some ways. She has her quirks. LOL

Today was better. She got 6 ozs of diluted juice in, then 8 ozs of Protein shake, and 8 ozs diluted oj for potassium and is almost finished with her bottle of Water. All Vitamins in except for 1 and she will take at bedtime. She took her drinks along with today. She really had a great day. Lots of laughs and smiles.

I agree with you on the Protein thing. drinks don't keep me full at all. I need the solid protein. I do sometimes drink a carnation instant Breakfast (sf) in the am for the protein but that is so I get the protein because I am never hungry until supper. I have never been one to eat until night and unfortunately I went to bed after eating. HAHA.

Jackie - Ya I understand since you put it that way - If I worked at home I would go more - I would love to go every morning around 7 -8 a.m - instead of afterwork... It's hard for me some days after work - I have more energy in the a.m. and think I would get a better workout..

Janet, i'm with you on the protein, it isn't something I can keep up, so I'm going to bail on it. I can't eat carrots lately or apples. I miss my watermelon. It was the one thing I could eat and be full. Tonight I had about a cup of bean and carrot Soup, very little broth with some ham chunk. My tummy is happy.

No, teachers don't have 401K's. We pay for a small retirement. Pay is big, about $700 a month and when I hit 65, I'll get about $1200 a month. I probably should have stayed teaching in NV, I would be able to retire at 55 and get almost as much as I made, which would be about $80,000 tax free. But I couldn't face teaching in the same district as the ex. My girls couldn't figure out why daddy lived about 1 mile away and he never saw them. I also was harassed a lot. Condoms were circulated around school and town with my name on them. My principal filed a sexual harassment suit against several of my ex's co-workers, but I refused to testify. My girls had to live there and one was in school, so I wanted it to disappear right away. I know I probably need to go to the doc, but I have a hard time facing it. I spent 3 years of my life in and out of doctors offices, hospitals. I'm just sick of the whole thing.

Jackie, good for Courtney, she is taking charge!!! Thanks for understanding. I so want her to be successful, and counseling is part of that.

Well, I'm going to finally start my new book, I'll check in later before going to bed.

I really love you all!!! You all are the few who really understand me.


Sweetie - yes we love and understand you... I can understand about the whole doc thingie - I hate going to the doc..

Well my dinner is done - time for some tv..


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Drive by post.... geez you guys have been YAKKY!!! LOL

Jackie; I am releived to hear Courtney is feeling better and getting rehydrated... tube out... that's a big step.

Phyl; Oh my girl, HUGS to your... Earl is just getting TRAVEL Anxious.. ... Peter gets the same way 2-3 days before we go anywhere... makes lists... paces around the house muttering... he dosn't get angry at other people... jsut kinda of POUTY... I hate when he gets like that...

When Meg was a kid and we were going on a FAMILY Vacation ... she always called him "The Travel Nazi".... we laughed our asses off.. it was SO appropriate...

Yes, you and Janet are definetly going to have to SHOP when you get to CA... Hey, you didn't tell me when you are coming home in the Spring??? Mar? April? or May????

About the Lucky 7's July 2010 thing... did we give up on a cruise??? Alaska????

Karla; major teacher/student pedophile issues going on in Toronto this past week. Teacher acused, was arrested, let out on bail and then promptly JUMPED in front of a Subway car... suicide... horrible... its on thenews constantly...

Wouldn't want the pressure of being a teacher...

Janet, it sucks when your replacement at work sluffs off and dosn't do the work... LIked your family photos, they look like nice folks.

Stephanie, wherever you are HUGS girlfriend, you are in our thoughts!!!

Night night everyone...

Weddng in 4 more sleeps... still have to CLEAN my house... any of your gals with OCD wanna help????

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Coming home towards the end of April, Candice. Sorry.. I forgot to tell you that! Alaska cruise would be great... if anyone wants to do that, always game for a cruise. Esp. Alaska!


Hey... I decided to take on the steep condo driveway and walked over to the shopping center after dinner, and down to Riteaid to get Earl some sinus medicine. Used the cane because of the incline... but it was okay. Just didn't like the standing still while they figured out what to do.. I bought the wrong thing this afternoon so I was going back to exchange it for the right one! But was pretty excited that i walked it!!

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Phyl you are the gramanator!!

Didn't sleep all that great, Miss Molly thought it was a good idea to get up twice last night. Only read about 3 pages on my new book. Just couldn't focus. Mind kept jumping everywhere.

A little frustrated with my teaching co-workers. We had a meeting with a parent to discuss their child's lack of sucess. The student has aspergers (a mild forn of Autism) and has several ticks. Anyway, here we all are grouped together discussing the childs options and the fact that his parents want him officially evaluated for special ed. At 4 oclock a teacher gets up, grabs his bag and leaves because his contract time is over. After about 5 minutes the councelor say, 'well we will need to continue this at a later date, teachers are released at 4 pm'. The remaining teachers get up and walk out the door. The meeting started about 10 minutes late because we had to hunt down teachers to show up and we just told them that they are only worth 15 minutes. The parents just sit there with their mouths hanging open. Mom was about ready to cry before this happening, dad has some real concerns about testing and teachers just walk out and leave. Is this message we want to send. "Your child isn't important enough to put in some extra time." I was mortified. I stayed for about 15 minutes more and talked the parents through the next step. Lied and said that the middle school staff is fabulous and that we would help their child as needed. I so want to go to my admin and complain, but 1st, it would sound like a tattle tailer, 2nd, teachers may leave when their contract day is up. 3rd, it wouldn't change anything. I or admin can't make teachers care about a child.

Tired today, everytime I blink my eyes want to stay that way. coffee isn't even working.

Janet, has a good food day!

Phyl keep on packing!! Just a smidgen away from 'onederland'!

Steph you better check in or we are going to hunt you down, same for karri, linda,Kari.

Edited by cramerk

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Hi guys

Internet is back on high speed. I hate it when it goes to dial up. Things are going pretty good. Had soda Sat. nite at a b'day party and again Monday when hubby and I went out for lunch. I decided that I am going to drink it only as a special treat. Doing without will kill me and I'll binge on it. So, my occasional glass of soda will be like your glass of wine. Signed up for the gym. Went for the bigger package. $1.00 sign up and 19.99 per month. Got a t-shirt (WOW), get unlimited tanning, use of a massage chair, unlimited guest privileges and I can use any Planet Fitness in the US. There is one ust a couple miles from my mom's in Florida. GF and I are heading down there this afternoon. I can't wait. Okay, I need to go get dressed so I will check back later.

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Court is having a good day. Grumpy cuz she didn't sleep well last night...gas I am sure from so much moving around yesterday. Still sleeping now and it is 11:30. I should be working but just am not motivated to do it today. Was up really late last night couldn't sleep. Finally went to sleep at 4:50am last time I looked at the clock. So damn mad at the man that lives in my house. Not calling him my hubby anymore he is ...the man that lives in the house. Tried chit chatting last night....no responses until I got pisssed and yelled. Anyway whatever.

Carla that is so sad. I bet those parents were devastated. They are looking for support and a plan and opps teachers are off work....we will continue another time. Good for you for staying to talk for a bit. I have a friend with a little girl with downs and she is really struggling with the school right now. I feel terrible for her.

Phyl congrats on the walk. You'll be dropping weight like mad!

Steph checked in on face book. She got home last night.

Well I guess no one is around this morning so I better get my Buns up and sweep and vacuum at least. UUGGHHH!

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Drive by post.... geez you guys have been YAKKY!!! LOL

Jackie; I am releived to hear Courtney is feeling better and getting rehydrated... tube out... that's a big step.

Phyl; Oh my girl, HUGS to your... Earl is just getting TRAVEL Anxious.. ... Peter gets the same way 2-3 days before we go anywhere... makes lists... paces around the house muttering... he dosn't get angry at other people... jsut kinda of POUTY... I hate when he gets like that...

When Meg was a kid and we were going on a FAMILY Vacation ... she always called him "The Travel Nazi".... we laughed our asses off.. it was SO appropriate...

Yes, you and Janet are definetly going to have to SHOP when you get to CA... Hey, you didn't tell me when you are coming home in the Spring??? Mar? April? or May????

About the Lucky 7's July 2010 thing... did we give up on a cruise??? Alaska????

Karla; major teacher/student pedophile issues going on in Toronto this past week. Teacher acused, was arrested, let out on bail and then promptly JUMPED in front of a Subway car... suicide... horrible... its on thenews constantly...

Wouldn't want the pressure of being a teacher...

Janet, it sucks when your replacement at work sluffs off and dosn't do the work... LIked your family photos, they look like nice folks.

Stephanie, wherever you are HUGS girlfriend, you are in our thoughts!!!

Night night everyone...

Weddng in 4 more sleeps... still have to CLEAN my house... any of your gals with OCD wanna help????

Candice - I think we are going to go get together in Washington (state) this next year -at Phyl's - She gave prices of a holiday inn that was decent (very) and I think it will be the least expensive for all of us - $$$ is going to be tight this summer. My vote is to visit Phyl's area - there is a lot to do and the weather should be good for all you northern pple who can't take the Summer heat in the Desert..

Aren't you going to have your lady come in and do the deep stuff :0) I would ..

My cousin was great - the only thing I watched was my cussing - they were great pple - I enjoyed meeting them..

Coming home towards the end of April, Candice. Sorry.. I forgot to tell you that! Alaska cruise would be great... if anyone wants to do that, always game for a cruise. Esp. Alaska!


Hey... I decided to take on the steep condo driveway and walked over to the shopping center after dinner, and down to Riteaid to get Earl some sinus medicine. Used the cane because of the incline... but it was okay. Just didn't like the standing still while they figured out what to do.. I bought the wrong thing this afternoon so I was going back to exchange it for the right one! But was pretty excited that i walked it!!

Phyl - Congrats on the steep driveway - I know that has been your biggest fear - WTG - !!!

Phyl you are the gramanator!!

Didn't sleep all that great, Miss Molly thought it was a good idea to get up twice last night. Only read about 3 pages on my new book. Just couldn't focus. Mind kept jumping everywhere.

A little frustrated with my teaching co-workers. We had a meeting with a parent to discuss their child's lack of sucess. The student has aspergers (a mild forn of Autism) and has several ticks. Anyway, here we all are grouped together discussing the childs options and the fact that his parents want him officially evaluated for special ed. At 4 oclock a teacher gets up, grabs his bag and leaves because his contract time is over. After about 5 minutes the councelor say, 'well we will need to continue this at a later date, teachers are released at 4 pm'. The remaining teachers get up and walk out the door. The meeting started about 10 minutes late because we had to hunt down teachers to show up and we just told them that they are only worth 15 minutes. The parents just sit there with their mouths hanging open. Mom was about ready to cry before this happening, dad has some real concerns about testing and teachers just walk out and leave. Is this message we want to send. "Your child isn't important enough to put in some extra time." I was mortified. I stayed for about 15 minutes more and talked the parents through the next step. Lied and said that the middle school staff is fabulous and that we would help their child as needed. I so want to go to my admin and complain, but 1st, it would sound like a tattle tailer, 2nd, teachers may leave when their contract day is up. 3rd, it wouldn't change anything. I or admin can't make teachers care about a child.

Tired today, everytime I blink my eyes want to stay that way. coffee isn't even working.

Janet, has a good food day!

Phyl keep on packing!! Just a smidgen away from 'onederland'!

Steph you better check in or we are going to hunt you down, same for karri, linda,Kari.

Karla - yesterday's Oprah - a 7 yr old with schizophrenia and a bad bad case of it - the parents are saints - I don't know if I could handle it... What shitty Tearchers -

b12 shots??? - more coffee - my little angel let me sleep last night but she does that too sometimes..

Hi guys

Internet is back on high speed. I hate it when it goes to dial up. Things are going pretty good. Had soda Sat. nite at a b'day party and again Monday when hubby and I went out for lunch. I decided that I am going to drink it only as a special treat. Doing without will kill me and I'll binge on it. So, my occasional glass of soda will be like your glass of wine. Signed up for the gym. Went for the bigger package. $1.00 sign up and 19.99 per month. Got a t-shirt (WOW), get unlimited tanning, use of a massage chair, unlimited guest privileges and I can use any Planet Fitness in the US. There is one ust a couple miles from my mom's in Florida. GF and I are heading down there this afternoon. I can't wait. Okay, I need to go get dressed so I will check back later.

Ok soda = wine - congrats on the gym

Kasha golean oatmeal with 1/4 c raisins - bf

Lunch 4 oz pork & veggies

well back to work

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Hi ladies. I'm going to try to condense a very intense 2 days into one post. Thank you so much for hanging with me.

On Monday we got the call that insurance had decided to approve Michael's placement. He can stay as long is "medically necessary". It is considered major medical so it doesn't have a 21 day stay maximum.

I got off the phone with YBGR and called Jeff and asked him when we were leaving. We tried to get out of here by 3pm, but it was closer to 5:30 before we left town. It's at least a 5 hour drive and lots of animals on that highway always as well as rain all the way down. Needless to say it was a very very long night. Got to sleep in a bit on Tuesday though because we didn't have to check Michael in until 130.

Michael was excited to go. I think he had visions of summer camp. I did feel bad during intake because it felt like I was describing this horrible kid that has no redeaming value. I know it's because we had to get all his issues out in an hour or so, but it was sad. By the time we left he was already talking about rules he didn't think he needed to follow. Could HE have his ipod? After I had already read to him in the manual where it said no. Could HE be given extra privlidges. Very frustraing but showing his normal true colors.

Met his therapist and did like her no nonsense attitude. Told him, "all things may change while your here, except me. I'm with you until the end. It's important that I am consistant and it doesn't matter if you like me or don't. I'm it." Talking to our intake manager, she had great things to say about her. I think it will be a great thing for him.

I do think when he does come home, probably 6-8 months from now, he will appreciate all he has in his world. I think he will appreciate the freedoms he has been given...that he really just took advantage of.

Okay...I need a nap. I'm exhausted. I'll talk to you ladies more tonight. Thank you for all the support.

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Steph I am glad you will be able to get Micheal the help that he needs. Good luck and hugs.

Court and I walked a mile and a half tonight!!! She is down 13 lbs and feeling really good. Drain tube comes out tomorrow. She wants to go to the theatre tonight. LOL

I am feeling good. I made my mind up. Gonna get some financials paid off in the next few months and I am OUT!! Lovin life and feelin good for making a decision. Just can't stay with someone who wants no communication of companionship. I want better or I want to be alone! Thanks for listening ladies!!

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Stephani, what a blessing. Michael may or may not commit to the program, but you have done your best!! It is up to him now. Now you need to work on you and the rest of the family. While this has been Michael's problem it still has affected you. Maybe consider family counceling even though Michael is gone. That way when he comes home, you and Jeff are a united front. There are still hard times ahead, but you've made it so far, you'll make it the rest of the way. Just remember to establish your rules that EVERYONE has to follow, and Michael will make the decision to follow, or he will not be allowed back. What are your priorities? figure them out, write them down and you and Jeff come to an agreement. Also hold the little ones to the rules also. Make sure to let the little ones know that YOU didn't send Michael away, that he chose to not follow the rules and so he needed help learning.

I am really frustrated with myself today. I think I ate all day long. Hungry Hungry. I have been working out so that helps, but when I stepped on the scale this morning it said 4 pounds up. Two days before it was 4 pounds less. The bean Soup had more salt in it that I liked so I'm thinking some of it was Water retention. But I have not eaten anything I wasn't suppose to. Hell, now it looks like I can't make it through the winter without gaining. The Bcomplex and amino acids are boosting my energy level, but I don't like the scale right now. I've not eaten any junk food. An extra handful of grapes and an extra piece of Jerky yesterday, but that was it.

I had a chat with my principal today, not about the meeting issues, but with my supply budget. I am teaching twice as much science with half as much budget. I filled out purchase orders for the bare minimum it will take to teach earth science and it was over $2000. My budget is about $500. Basically I reminded her that the person who taught earth science for the last couple of years bought zero supplies AND threw away most of the supplies he inherited because he didn't want to store any of it. I said that the district needed to decide if it wanted a science program or not. She wanted me to prioritize the list. I told her that this WAS prioritized and that these were the bare minimum. She actually said that she expected it to be higher. So we will see. My job will be very easy if the don't get the supplies because there won't be any labs to do. I'll just assign worksheets and reading.

Phyl you are almost on your way, warm weather here you come!!

Jackie, you've made your decision, now don't look back or 2nd guess yourself. Do what you need to be happy.

I'm tired and feeling fat, so I think I'll take a little nap. Can't really workout today, I need to give the innards a rest. Tomorrow I'll hit it again.


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Glad you are home safe and sound - Michael is in a safe place -he might not like it once he finds out the rules and that he can't maniuplate them like he can you - but he's safe - he has a roof over his head - food in his stomach - school etc..

I agree w/Karla - I hope you all still go to counseling - will you have family counseling at this place he's at??

Get some rest - and hopefully this is the beginning of a new start for your family...


I haven't been with my xdh since 7/13/02 - but I haven't ever filed for divorce - I am going to see attonery on friday..

I knew we were never getting back together - but getting a divorce is expensive and a hassle - but I found someone who isn't that expensive and I have to do it - so that he can't come after my assests if I die before him and I sure don't want to be stuck with his crap... So I am doing it..

It's not going to be easy for you - it's still going to be hard - but you have to do what's best for you..

WTG Court !!!


This is why I only weigh once a week - otherwise I would go crazy - I am feeling fat right now - but I don't know my weight I haven't been on the scale since last week.. I'll deal with it tomorrow - Thursday is my weigh in day.. I know like on Tuesday last week I was feeling thin - got on the scale in the afternoon - was 144.5 - but the next morning 143 - I have learn my lesson - I expect the scales to be up tomorrow - after my sweet attack last weekend - but know that I am back on track and it will come off..

Well just a quick ck in - got gym tonite - arms

cbl :wink2:

oh ya I went out to lunch today - mex food - made good choice - shrimp cocktail (small) I was watching biggest loser last night they had 1 week of all 3 meals had to be from a restaurant - they were freaking - but jillian and bob or whatever his name is - was showing them how to make the best choices - for me I don't eat out often - so it's usually my treat - but since I didn't eat well this weekend - I didn't earn a treat - so made healthy choice - I was really proud of me.. Today :0)

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I am having minor separation issues re: big screen HD TV, always on DSL wi-fi, my electric recliner, king size bed, etc. But it's all good... I do love living in my RV, too. But I had to say good bye to my Primetimers friends today, neighbors in a few minutes, Tracy tomorrow... that will be the hardest. We've had our issues in the past, as you well know, but I think related to her health problems and teenager problems to a large extent. Our relationship has been going great this year, unlike last year when GD was making her crazy!! I have so much enjoyed having her just 7 miles away, meeting her at Surf Shack for a latte, as we did today, Sunday church and lunch, etc. It's just really been a joy! It will be hard to say good bye for the winter. I will be back up in Feb for a few days, and maybe they'll come down to see us for a few days.. they're thinking about it, and SIL is retiring 1 Jan!! He's older than her... 55, and he's got almost a full-time job managing his mother's multi-million$ estate. Plus his job is going to get very taxing in the very near future. So he's decided to call it quits and he's been really excited about it ever since he made that decision.

Last PT today. She has been so supportive and complimentary. She was impressed that I walked to Riteaid last night! She printed out all the exercises she wants me to continue doing and gave me new resistance bands... upped me to "green". Told her maybe I'll see her next summer, if Dr. wants to do the other knee!

Earl is still in a frenzy! Asked him to sit down and relax for our usual afternoon routine... Judge Judy and a glass of wine. But he can't settle down. He said he would, but he's been bouncing off the walls ever since.. cleaning, doing last load of clothes, etc. We're going to be back here tomorrow afternoon, so ...go figure!! Some of this could wait! I was planning to do the bathrooms tomorrow afternoon. Oh, well.. guess I won't have to!

Irratic bathroom scale fluctuated between 198 and 202 this morning!! Almost to ONDERLAND! I'm guessing 2 lb down since Mon.

So... we're about to leave for Tracy's and the RV. She's fixing us dinner tonight.

I will be able to check in with you from time to time because I can't live without all of you!! XOX

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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