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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Thanks Phyl and Janet for the updates on Steph. It is a worrysome thing. Hopefully now Michael will get the help he needs and Steph can get some destress time.

Been hungry all day, munched on Jerky, probably too much. Cold weather always makes me hungry. I'm a hibernator, not a migrator. Fall and winter tell my body to fatten up and go to sleep. Trying to get some exercise in. Way behind in school. Suppose to have my lesson plans in on Friday, and they are still not done. Here is the condition of our schools today. This did not happen in my class, but it could happen to anyone. A student in one of our high school classes is spraying cologne in everyone's face. Teacher tells the kid to stop and to hand over the cologne, student refuses. Teacher reaches over to take the bottle away, and the kid grabs her arm. She is a little thing and he is pretty burley. Teacher grabs students wrist to remove his hand from hers. Kid jerks his arm away and the teacher's nails scratch the kid. Kid and parents have filed charges against teacher. Teacher is now on administrative leave and has a good chance of loosing her job. This could happen to anyone. The kid had no right to be spraying cologne in other's faces or to grab the teacher. It just makes me sad, a teacher's career will pretty much be over, even if charges are dropped. This was her first year of teaching. And I wonder why I'm still here.

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OHHHH what a day!!! Court had a rough night sleeping last night, woke up this morning sore as hell and naseus. Waited it out and then she started to have dry heaves so called Dr. Went in right away. She was severaly dehydrated. Started dry heaving in the office pain was absolutely unbearable! They decided to get some IV fluids in her with some Reglan for the nasea and then have some labs drawn and an upper GI done to make sure no tear or leak. that all came back fine. They then gave her roxicet liquid for pain while finishing her 2nd bolis of fluids. Swallowed it and threw up. So they call dr back and he gives her 2 different meds, (sorry so frantic I can't recall the names right this second), one was to stop the nasea and the other was for pain and to calm to stomach. They shoot it into the iv she goes out like a light! Then the oxygen thing and blood pressure thing so off. She was so relaxed out of it from the med she was forgetting to breath so we kept rubbing her arms and trying to rouse her. AND THEY WERE STILL SENDING HER HOME THEN AND SOMEONE WOULD HELP ME GE HER INTO THE CAR!! I yelled at the nurse (usually I am very polite) and said we aren't going anywhere until we get her awake enough that she is breathing steady and her pressure is up. I don't have a F$%#ing oxygen machine in my car. Nurse was nice put her arm around me and said we would keep working with her to get her roused. I said call the dr I think she needs to stay. We came in here because of severe dehydration and she still isn't able to take things by mouth meaning she will dehydrate again. Nurse called dr said discharge the meds should work and if she was sick again tomorrow call and bring her back. My dr was out but his fricken PA was seeing Court. The same PA who screwed my band last May. Dr would put fill in it was to tight I go back for a slight defill he wasn't available PA was she took ALL fill out and said come back in 2 weeks. Did this same cycle 3 times!!!

Anyway, back to Court. She starts rousing. Higher than a kite but breathing fine no nasea and pain is totally gone. We sat there another hour just to make sure things were staying stable.

We are now how she is on the couch and says a few minutes ago 'mom I feel naseus. So gave her a regland again orally and hoping it will stay down or we're going back to the hospital.

Lord help me get through the rest of this week and next. She should be on the high road to recovery then. I am really worried because she is taking in NO nutrients. How the hell can she heal that way? Took my max on anxiety meds. Need to go to bed. I am so exhausted getting up numerous times during the night and day.

I am so sorry for the whining I just need to cry it out!

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Hugs - I thought she was sipping and sipping - isn't she on some kind of clear broth - pedialite or clear Liquid Protein.

Why didn't they give her suppositories for the nausea

Hope the she is better - make her sip sip sip Water even if its an oz at a time.. Get those pedialite popsicles..


That's a shame about the teacher - this is why we have problems with kids - the parents... The kid has no consequence for the cologne spraying

I know what you mean about being overwhelmed - I haven't had 2 nds - work was a bitch - the lady who is suppose to cover my desk left didn't left these 2 simple things - and everyone wanted something today..

Gym after work - told Idrise to work my butt off after my sweets this weekend..

Target after gym - needed a few things - home dinner started (well it's done now) talked to DIL for a second - printed pics to send cousin - and just now reading our thread..

it's 8 dancing with the stars is on - and I need to eat - so cb in a few

oh here's the pics of my and my cousin Alfred and his wife Kathy

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just like my emails forgot to add attachment ;0)

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Sorry for such a bad day with Court, Jackie! Hope things are going better now!

Nice pictures, Janet. I saw them on FB first. So glad you could go.

Bought Wii Fit Plus today after PT and I really LOVE it. Updates the software, so all your old stats are there, all the old games plus a bunch of new ones and feature that lets you customize your workout. It calculates calories burned and you can enter your food, too. My favorite tilt table is there, but there's a new one, too and it is quite challenging. I think I got four levels and couldn't figure out how to make the balls go in to the holes on the 4th. There's a snow ball war, segway ride around the beach going off ramps and breaking beach balls for points. If you already have the Wii Fit, it's only $20 and well worth the price.

About to move in to very close quarters and Earl is driving me nuts! Got in a fight with renters upsairs because they woke him up from his afternoon nap.. they are very heavy-footed except for the dad and it really does get quite annoying at times. He was polite the first time... but then the mom came home and daughter must have told her about his "visit" and so then they started really stomping around just to annoy him so then he went up again and it was not pretty, he said. I was not home. But then when I got home he decided to call the owner of the unit... they had already called her so she immediately started yelling at him.. that's when I left and went next door to see my neighbor! I am so tired of him always being mad at someone or critical of someone.. yelling at the TV, pissed at other drivers, pointing out everyone else's frailties ALL the time! Give me some peace and quiet!! Can I go shopping again???? by myself???? :thumbup::D:biggrin::cursing:

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Janet Beautiful pics! You look faaabulous darling just faaabulous!!:thumbup:

Phyl-oh the whoas of a man! Arent they all critical of others and pissed off at the world all the time. HUGS!!! We give you permission to sneak away and go shopping. I may look into the wii fit plus. I really thought about getting the AE sport thing. It had rafting and things outdoors I think. I thought that would be fun. Maybe for Christmas.

Steph- hugs honey hugs!! My thoughts are with you. I know how hard it is to raise a teen. As a mother you do the best you can for your children and that is what you are doing for Micheal. HUGS HUGS HUGS!!

Well better day today. I am not so whiny feeling......yet! As I said yesterday was rough. I went through this whole thing 'why is everything so damn hard for Court! She lost her dad so young, dealt with weight issues and is trying to do something and now suffering.' I was exhausted! Had MANY good cries and fell asleep about 2:30 this morning. Woke at 8am so now many hours but it was a restful peaceful sleep. I needed it. She has drank 6 ozs of just since getting up at 8 with me. Getting herself in and out of the chair and done some walking. Is having some nasea but gave her a reglan. She says it is a 'bit' better but she is gonna try resting and see how it goes. Keep telling her this is just part of it and she will be so happy with the end results. She told me today she doesn't get how a lady we know went threw gastric by-pass and then blew it right out of the hospital and she lost her weight but also regained it. Court says after this pain forget it I want something for the rest of my life out of this like I went into it. I smiled and said when the time comes, because we all know that it will, that you want 'just a little more' and 'a couple pounds isn't much to gain' remind yourself of the pain that you went through and why and I will be there reminding you as well. She laughed and said 'great now I will never get my mom off my shoulders telling me what to do!:cursing: She is in pretty good spirits today and my smiling girl. Really kinda worried about school this semester with being gone for 2 weeks. She was talking about it earlier and worrying and even though I am worried as well I tried to reassure her that she will do the best that she can do and if she does not pass due to absense she will redo it. She did talk to the professors but it is still quite a bit of time.

Working from home the rest of the week. Cancelled all outside office appointments so I could be here. Have plenty I can do so I am good. my employer is sooo awsome and supportive. Told me to do what I need to do and not worry about using my vacatin. They know I go above and beyond (again OCD) and always doing something with work.

Well I am off. My MIL is comming to set with Court so I can go to the bank and gonna treat myself to a FF SF Latte today. Realised last night that I really haven't been eating since Courts surgery day. not even 500 calories a day! Down another 4 lbs. Making a mental note to make sure I am eating my meals and taking care of myself as well. Could have been some of the reason I was not dealing to well yesterday. I got a fill last Friday and just not hungry. Loving being comfortably restricted again!

CBL. Hope you all have a wonderful day!:D

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Hi, Jackie! Thanks for the encouragement... at a time when you need it much more than I do! Glad things are a little better with Court. Yeah... one of my sisters works with a gal who had bypass, was doing well with 55 lb loss, but still weighing over 300 lb, but decided she needed to reward herself for the 55 lb and eating all kinds of junk... donuts, 2 McDonald Breakfast sandwiches at a time, etc. She's been doing it al summer apparently, so she's going to gain back what she's lost. Not listening to co-workers who have been trying to talk some sense in to her.

Anyway.... Earl is in much better spirits this morning. Of course, he is always in a good mood in the morning! And we did find out that those neighbors upstairs are moving in to a rental house the end of the month. They decided a 950 sq ft condo is a little small for 4 adults (2 teenage daughters) and 2 dogs! Hello????!! So who knows what we'll have when we get back from the desert next spring!!

I have to confess that I have a SF, FF latte just about every day when I'm at home.... once or twice a week when we're in CA.

Yes, I LOVE the Wii Fit Plus! Have thought about the EA Active and the Resort Sports but don't know very much about them. Sometimes I read the reviews on Amazon if I'm thinking about buying something like that. In fact, that's why I decided NOT to get the Jillian thing when it came out. There was so much hype about it but when I went to Amazon.com, no one had anything good to say about it. DIL wanted it for Christmas, so I got it for her, but haven't asked recently if she's still using it.

Another beautiful morning here. Can't believe how nice the weather has been all summer, and now fall! It's chilly, but clear skies, sunshine.

Tracy is subbing at the school today... at a job she's actually applied for even though she doesn't REALLY want to go back to work!! They wanted her to do it for 3 days, but she has an MRI tomorrow to take a closer look at the fibroid mess, and Thursday she and I are going to spend some time together while Earl is at his eye appointment, and just before we head south. I am really going to miss her!! Sunday her hubby told us he's taking us both shopping for clothes when we get back in the spring!! I think he's serious!

And Earl is stressing again at my lack of clothes.. telling me my drawers and closet here are empty, and I have empty drawers in the RV... that NEVER happened before, and the closet in the RV isn't full either... usually you can't get your hand in between things and impossible to find anything because it's cram packed!! I'll be fine. They do have places I can shop in CA, right Janet!!?? And there's always my pajama pants!! LOL! I wore a pair to TOPS yesterday and have two others that I sometimes wear in public... Tweety bird and -- my mind went blank.. the cartoon lady with the black curly hair who always wears red... sorry.. can't think!

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Sorry for such a bad day with Court, Jackie! Hope things are going better now!

Nice pictures, Janet. I saw them on FB first. So glad you could go.

Bought Wii Fit Plus today after PT and I really LOVE it. Updates the software, so all your old stats are there, all the old games plus a bunch of new ones and feature that lets you customize your workout. It calculates calories burned and you can enter your food, too. My favorite tilt table is there, but there's a new one, too and it is quite challenging. I think I got four levels and couldn't figure out how to make the balls go in to the holes on the 4th. There's a snow ball war, segway ride around the beach going off ramps and breaking beach balls for points. If you already have the Wii Fit, it's only $20 and well worth the price.

About to move in to very close quarters and Earl is driving me nuts! Got in a fight with renters upsairs because they woke him up from his afternoon nap.. they are very heavy-footed except for the dad and it really does get quite annoying at times. He was polite the first time... but then the mom came home and daughter must have told her about his "visit" and so then they started really stomping around just to annoy him so then he went up again and it was not pretty, he said. I was not home. But then when I got home he decided to call the owner of the unit... they had already called her so she immediately started yelling at him.. that's when I left and went next door to see my neighbor! I am so tired of him always being mad at someone or critical of someone.. yelling at the TV, pissed at other drivers, pointing out everyone else's frailties ALL the time! Give me some peace and quiet!! Can I go shopping again???? by myself???? :thumbup:



Hugs GF - I think Earl needs something to do - a hobby or something - doesn't he have any men freinds to like go fishing with - how about his airplane - he spends way too much time in front of the TV worrying about stuff he can't change - it's the reason I don't even watch the news anymore.. I think he should go volunter or be a Walmart greeter - hell he could take pic's and do a pple of walmart #4 - I just go pple of walmart #3 yesterday - it was too funny..

I think I will get the Wii Plus - I saw it in the ads on Sunday...

Ya I don't know how you handle those tight quarters when you are here for 6 months - I know you enjoy your alone time when he go's to the spa at night... or the guard house ;0)...


I have the Wii Active - it's good - at first Karri poop - pooped it - but then after all the lunges her legs were hurting...

Glad to hear Court is doing better today - Ya I know the pain of surgery kept me honest the 3rd week when on mushies I wanted cream gravey - said to myself - did you just have major surgery to continue to eat that way - that was my ah ha moment I think... And yes like we all know the memory of the pain will soften and a bite of this a couple pounds on the scale doesn't matter and before you know it - 250 lbs again..

Congrats on the weight loss - I wish I wasn't hungry - wasn't so much last night but am right now and don't feel like sweet Cereal for bf - just had a lite skinny cow - but that didn't hit the spot :0)

Well just a quick ck in - cbl :wub:

Janet Beautiful pics! You look faaabulous darling just faaabulous!!:ohmy:

Phyl-oh the whoas of a man! Arent they all critical of others and pissed off at the world all the time. HUGS!!! We give you permission to sneak away and go shopping. I may look into the wii fit plus. I really thought about getting the AE sport thing. It had rafting and things outdoors I think. I thought that would be fun. Maybe for Christmas.

Steph- hugs honey hugs!! My thoughts are with you. I know how hard it is to raise a teen. As a mother you do the best you can for your children and that is what you are doing for Micheal. HUGS HUGS HUGS!!

Well better day today. I am not so whiny feeling......yet! As I said yesterday was rough. I went through this whole thing 'why is everything so damn hard for Court! She lost her dad so young, dealt with weight issues and is trying to do something and now suffering.' I was exhausted! Had MANY good cries and fell asleep about 2:30 this morning. Woke at 8am so now many hours but it was a restful peaceful sleep. I needed it. She has drank 6 ozs of just since getting up at 8 with me. Getting herself in and out of the chair and done some walking. Is having some nasea but gave her a reglan. She says it is a 'bit' better but she is gonna try resting and see how it goes. Keep telling her this is just part of it and she will be so happy with the end results. She told me today she doesn't get how a lady we know went threw gastric by-pass and then blew it right out of the hospital and she lost her weight but also regained it. Court says after this pain forget it I want something for the rest of my life out of this like I went into it. I smiled and said when the time comes, because we all know that it will, that you want 'just a little more' and 'a couple pounds isn't much to gain' remind yourself of the pain that you went through and why and I will be there reminding you as well. She laughed and said 'great now I will never get my mom off my shoulders telling me what to do!:tt2: She is in pretty good spirits today and my smiling girl. Really kinda worried about school this semester with being gone for 2 weeks. She was talking about it earlier and worrying and even though I am worried as well I tried to reassure her that she will do the best that she can do and if she does not pass due to absense she will redo it. She did talk to the professors but it is still quite a bit of time.

Working from home the rest of the week. Cancelled all outside office appointments so I could be here. Have plenty I can do so I am good. my employer is sooo awsome and supportive. Told me to do what I need to do and not worry about using my vacatin. They know I go above and beyond (again OCD) and always doing something with work.

Well I am off. My MIL is comming to set with Court so I can go to the bank and gonna treat myself to a FF SF Latte today. Realised last night that I really haven't been eating since Courts surgery day. not even 500 calories a day! Down another 4 lbs. Making a mental note to make sure I am eating my meals and taking care of myself as well. Could have been some of the reason I was not dealing to well yesterday. I got a fill last Friday and just not hungry. Loving being comfortably restricted again!

CBL. Hope you all have a wonderful day!:wub:

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Really good day for Court today. Showered and feeling better. Drain tube out Thursday. They say that is the big turning point for gastric by-pass patients and they start feeling better.

She is really happy and high spirited today. Went to town with me grocery shopping and done errands came home and helped her shower. I just needed to wash her hair and she could do the rest. Big improvement from the last shower.

So anyway, pretty good day. Lots of work done with the house and work today.

Good day!

I will check back later.

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So glad things are going well today, Jackie!

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Hi, Jackie! Thanks for the encouragement... at a time when you need it much more than I do! Glad things are a little better with Court. Yeah... one of my sisters works with a gal who had bypass, was doing well with 55 lb loss, but still weighing over 300 lb, but decided she needed to reward herself for the 55 lb and eating all kinds of junk... donuts, 2 McDonald breakfast sandwiches at a time, etc. She's been doing it al summer apparently, so she's going to gain back what she's lost. Not listening to co-workers who have been trying to talk some sense in to her.

Anyway.... Earl is in much better spirits this morning. Of course, he is always in a good mood in the morning! And we did find out that those neighbors upstairs are moving in to a rental house the end of the month. They decided a 950 sq ft condo is a little small for 4 adults (2 teenage daughters) and 2 dogs! Hello????!! So who knows what we'll have when we get back from the desert next spring!!

I have to confess that I have a SF, FF latte just about every day when I'm at home.... once or twice a week when we're in CA.

Yes, I LOVE the Wii Fit Plus! Have thought about the EA Active and the Resort Sports but don't know very much about them. Sometimes I read the reviews on Amazon if I'm thinking about buying something like that. In fact, that's why I decided NOT to get the Jillian thing when it came out. There was so much hype about it but when I went to Amazon.com, no one had anything good to say about it. DIL wanted it for Christmas, so I got it for her, but haven't asked recently if she's still using it.

Another beautiful morning here. Can't believe how nice the weather has been all summer, and now fall! It's chilly, but clear skies, sunshine.

Tracy is subbing at the school today... at a job she's actually applied for even though she doesn't REALLY want to go back to work!! They wanted her to do it for 3 days, but she has an MRI tomorrow to take a closer look at the fibroid mess, and Thursday she and I are going to spend some time together while Earl is at his eye appointment, and just before we head south. I am really going to miss her!! Sunday her hubby told us he's taking us both shopping for clothes when we get back in the spring!! I think he's serious!

And Earl is stressing again at my lack of clothes.. telling me my drawers and closet here are empty, and I have empty drawers in the RV... that NEVER happened before, and the closet in the RV isn't full either... usually you can't get your hand in between things and impossible to find anything because it's cram packed!! I'll be fine. They do have places I can shop in CA, right Janet!!?? And there's always my pajama pants!! LOL! I wore a pair to TOPS yesterday and have two others that I sometimes wear in public... Tweety bird and -- my mind went blank.. the cartoon lady with the black curly hair who always wears red... sorry.. can't think!

Phyl - Wii Active is good - but I love the boxing on it - I can't say I have really done much of it since June when Karri was here - The Wii resort is really just games - I got it - but not an exercise really - I did like the ping pong on it.... I think I will get the new one that you just got -

Yes darling we have shopping in the Desert and sweetie no more wearing pj's in public !!!! Maxines????

Today is a hungry day - I really didn't eat much bf cuz I didn't want cereal or oatmeal - had a lite cheese 50 cal

lunch was 4.5 oz pork tenderloin and 1/2 cup cauliflower - and then a handfull dry roasted peanuts (375 cal) total 425 for the day..

Really good day for Court today. Showered and feeling better. Drain tube out Thursday. They say that is the big turning point for gastric by-pass patients and they start feeling better.

She is really happy and high spirited today. Went to town with me grocery shopping and done errands came home and helped her shower. I just needed to wash her hair and she could do the rest. Big improvement from the last shower.

So anyway, pretty good day. Lots of work done with the house and work today.

Good day!

I will check back later.

Jackie it's great to hear that Court is doing much better to day - give her our love...

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Maxine would be good.... but, no, they're Betty Boop! And I have a Betty Boop t-shirt to wear with those. The ones I wore to TOPS just kinda look like striped capris... blue & grey, etc. They're just really comfortable, and soft. I think I might have worn them to PT one day!! :)


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Gonna get cold tonight. Had to clean out the camper and winterize it. Ready to be put away tomorrow night at my SIL.

Really tired again. Been an active day. It was great seeing Court smile and laugh so much.

We went to the gym today and got the paperwork to fill out to join. I am filling it out tonight and taking it along with the check tomorrow. YAY!!!!! I love going to the gym! Just let my membership run out cuz summer was here. Time to start again. 7 days a week baby!

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I've been battling the hungries all week, so Janet you aren't alone. It seems like when you hit the 6 month mark you get lazy. However, my stomach actually growls, so it must mean something? or am I just rationalizing. The fill doc has me on a super Protein Drink for lunch, 250 cals. It was great while the weather was hot, but now that it is cold, I want comfort food. I spoon the drink to make it last longer. If I didn't it would be gone in less than 3 minutes. Work is getting to me, I find myself reaching for a grape everytime I turn around, then a small piece of Jerky. I know in reality that I can't keep this up much longer. I'm hungry damn it, and not just head hungry.

I did come home and to an 'interval' workout tape. Made it about 45 minutes before I was really struggling. I can walk forever, but anything else, I'm a woosie. I have to be really careful not to do any type of exercise that has jolting in it. So I can't do 'real' aerobics. The innards hang out in 3 seconds. The hardest part for me is that I really have to sequence my breathing and pelvic floor contraction. If I put any strain on it by holding my breath or abdominal crunching, pop, out it goes. right now I feel good muscle wise, I was so tired when I came home. The work out helped, but now I have the 'burn' from putting stress on the innards. Had to stop and 'poke' everything back in. Hell, I have really seriously considered asking the surgeons to stuff everything back up and sew everything closed. I don't use it anyway. But they think i'm crazy. Sorry, I guess it is all about me.

Jackie, give Courtney a hug from all of us. let her know that we are here and are rooting for her. she is as beautiful as her mother, and before long she will be active and slim. One thing...and I know it might be forward of me...oh hell, don't yell...but it is said with love as a mother. Has Courtney spent anytime working through the 'why's' of over eating? We all know there is the physical reasons we have trouble loosing weight, but we all have had to battle the demons of WHY we eat. Please, don't kick me off the island, I don't have anywhere else to go.

I should shut up...but I know it is important.

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Jackie, give Courtney a hug from all of us. let her know that we are here and are rooting for her. she is as beautiful as her mother, and before long she will be active and slim. One thing...and I know it might be forward of me...oh hell, don't yell...but it is said with love as a mother. Has Courtney spent anytime working through the 'why's' of over eating? We all know there is the physical reasons we have trouble loosing weight, but we all have had to battle the demons of WHY we eat. Please, don't kick me off the island, I don't have anywhere else to go.

I should shut up...but I know it is important.

Karla I would never get upset at you for asking questions like that. Courtney has been seeing a counselor steadily for 2 years now and off and on before that and she has seen a psychiatrist off and on since she was 11 and then steadily since she was 15. Along with medical doctors of course for diets and etc. But anyway, to answer the question, yes they have worked on why she over eats but I don't know that they ever got to the bottom of it. It is one of my hopes that now that the surgery is done and she isn't over eating she will eventually be able to recognize what it is that triggers her to want to eat. She will continue with psychiatrist and counselor as she says they really help. Thanks!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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