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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, this may seem forward, but are you interested in some clothes? I just got done going through my closet and I have a pile of 2X clothes. I have a couple of pair of Lane Bryant jeans that I only wore a few times. I think I have a couple of 3 Red triangle (Lane Bryant sizing guide) and a 4 red triangle. they are cut larger in the leg. But they are probably too big for you. Plus a whole lot of 2X knit shirts from Lane Bryant. If you are interested I could mail them to Florida. Or if any of you know of someone who could use some clothes? A lot of them I wore only once or twice. I also have a lot of shorts and summer tops in the 2x and 3x sizes. So let me know so I can pass them on. My closet kind of echos but that is okay. Now I need to find some cheap shoes. Since all my shoes seem to be too big.

Don't worry, I'm not bailing the DD out. Right now I feel like slapping her, but this is her mess not mine. We had a chat about her grades, but I don't think it helped. In high school she never had to struggle. Hopefully she will learn something, if not....NOT MY PROBLEM.

Edited by cramerk

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I'm Back !!!!!!

You all have been busy...

All went fine- Friday my Cousin from NJ got lost and called asking if Chris would come an get them - he said no.. I was sitting watching him and his wife.. To say the least I was a little perturbed - these pple came all the way from NJ and he couldn't go get them - I would have had I known the area well enough.

My Aunt looked good - the funeral home was very nice - we went to dinner after the veiwing on Friday - me and the rest of Chris family (sis/dh - son and daughter - 7 of us) - I had fettuince alfredo shrimp - of course I didn't eat all of it - can't say it was that good - more greasy than creamy -

Saturday was the funeral (Noon)- it was a nice service - I sat with my Cousin Alfred & his wife Kathy - they are very nice pple - then when we got back from the cementary I offered to have them ride with me to Chris's - so we went there and the 3 of us visited - then Chris gave me a Bracelet and I think Alfred got the family pictures - we stayed till about 6 I think they wanted us out of there a little earlier- Chris can be a little cold - but I wanted to get Alfred & Kathy back on the freeway before it got dark so they could get back safely -

I am glad I took my Magellen - cuz I missed my exit and it would just recalulate and got me back to my hotel - to tell the truth I missed a few exits on the way back to the hotel on saturday nite - but I love my magellen - I don't know where my mind was..

I am a little concerned - that I won't be getting the china that my aunt said was mine and my name was taped to it - we will see..

I think Chris is glad to be done with it - I don't know I'm weird - we are her blood (sandra me & alfred) where as Chris & his sisters aren't - and it's not like they grew up w/my aunt - hell she was 60 something when her and their father married...

He did well by my Aunt - I can't complain - but he's different - heck his wife & sis went to some jewelry show on Friday.. and she wore jeans to the veiwing..

I ate 2 candy bars & 2 Fiber bars on Friday night - Saturday the inside of a sandwich - and a little potato salad then took back to the hotel a piece of cake and 2 brownies - There was a cajun kind of restaurant by the hotel - went and got some seafood bisque for dinner - I feel like a fat pig = today 2 cheese cracker and pb (280 cal) on the plane - then when I got home 2 eggs & 1 tortilla - popcorn -watermelon -

Having steak for dinner - feel the need for some blood !!! I Love a bloody red steak...

Linda - Hugs on the Mindy and BF issues - Oh I think we all remember that 1st heartbreak - it's so hard - Hugs !!

Your blood pressure is a big concern - have they ck'd your heart... Please Please take care of yourself Girl Friend...

Phyl - Hugs I Know that Earl would drive me absolulty bonkers .. Ya the car can go a few hundred miles without an oil change - I have a place by my house that does a good oil change :0)...

Candice- OMW making Ice cubes - hell all he has to do is put a bucket of Water outside and whala you have ice cubes..

Ok what happens when you go off your meds - - Will keep a lookout for werid behavior.. :0)

Karla - Hugs on your DD issues too - Well I do think it's a full moon.. and gf you can bunk w/me on our Lucky #7 trip..

Kari - Yes gf you can't do this by yourself - you need god's helps and he but us all together to be your support..

Steph - Hugs !!! Even with insurance mental health stuff isn't really covered... Hugs...

I got an email from Karri before I left - still haven't answered it - but she's doing fine - really really busy - but ok... Told me to tell you all hello... She has had to redo some school stuff..

Well gang - I think I am going to go turn on the bbq - just shut the doors and turned on the air - it's a little windy - it's cuz Phyl's on her way down

Talk to you all tomorrow


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Hey, I have a CRV also!!! It is my dream car. It is paid off (although I have a lien on it for my band surgery) and it has 80,000 miles. It better last me until I die, because I won't be able to afford a new car, every.

Sitting here writing lecture notes, bleck. DD#4 is out with the new bf, she just glows. This is so good for her confidence.

Janet, glad you are home safe and sound. Family can be wierd. Mine is the strangest of all

Well, best go get some dinner.< /p>


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ALAS I am awake enough to update everyone. I have been so exhausted from all the up and down through the night in the hospital and then last night at home!! I get up and do what needs to be done and set back down and ZOINK I'm out. The weather doesn't help either. It has been cold and rainy for a week now. I guess fall has really set in. Makes me really tired.

Ok, Court got out yesterday morning. Dr came in and told her how impressed he is with her with how much she had been pushing herself so soon after surgery. His nurse from the office came to her hospital room to see her and tell her how excited she is to watch Courtney progress. Walked constantly while at the hospital. She did great!!!

I had to stop at Wally World quick on the way home for some whey Protein and told Court "I will be right back" she goes ' hang on I am going in I need to walk anyway." WOW! She walked around Wal Mart for about 15 minutes and went to the Jeep. Fell asleep. Got home and she was pretty uncomfy from the damn roads they are tearing up. Got her settled and she slept alot meaning mom slept alot too. LOL I would wake her up to do that breathing thingy and walk and sip sip sip and back to sleep we would go. Did take some pain meds yesterday.

Today up and walked quite a bit and helped her shower. Threw my swim suit on and got right in with her! :smile: I was getting soaked otherwise. Got her done and powdered up and dressed and then she walked again, sipped sipped sipped, took some more pain meds I gave her a backrub, done the breathing thingy and back to sleep she went. She is doing very well. She did not want to take the pain meds at first because she said you didn't take them when you came home. I told her everyone's pain tolerance is different and yours was a more invasive surgery. If you hurt take them. That is what they are there for no reason to suffer. She goes "must be a mom thing because we didn't help you in and out of bed and shower and all that. How did you do it." I said it was hard but I had to but your my baby and I am enjoying this mom and Court time. :(

So all is well she is resting again. I have slept so much! I work from a home office and have a couple meetings outside the house in the evenings this week so someone will be here with Court other than that I will be home.

On another note. I have been doing some real deep thinking. I decided I do deserve better and if hubby doesn't want to be social and part of this family (me and he kids) so be it. I don't need him. I am 36 years old and will not live lonely while with someone for the rest of my life. Court said something the other day at the hospital and it really got me thinking. I am back into the 'I am in charge of my life and I will not accept or settle for things I do not like nor want' (at least the things I can control).

So that is my weekend in a nutshell. Sorry so long a post. Just missed talking to you all and feel like I have soooo much to tell you all!

Muah! Love you all. Thank God I have found my way back to my Lucky #7's. I really missed all of you!:thumbup:

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Saturday morning 2 days after surgery


surgery holding room before surgery


Karla I forgot to answer you question earlier. Yes Courtney has blonde hair.< /p>

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Sorry I don't know how to make the pictures smaller. If anyone knows how plz feel free

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Love the pic's I wish I knew how to make mine bigger - they are so small when we attach that some of us with older eyes can't really get the details !!

Sounds like Courtney is a real trooper !!!

I am glad that you are thinking about your life - you deserve the best that life has to offer...

Well, just cking in before I turned off the computer..

hugs - J

p s jackie you guys look like sisters not mother & daughter..:smile:

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Jackie, the pics are beautiful! I love them!!! On the DH issue, go with your heart. You'll know what is best and don't let anyone else tell you what to do. courtney is lucky to have you. She will make it, she is so committed.

Right now I'd pretty much rip someone's liver out for some Ben & Jerry's coffee Heath ice cream. Had BBQ'd ribs tonight. Probably high on the cals with the sauce, but I loved every bite. Then had about 1/8th of a c of veggies and a 1/4 slice of foccocia bread. This was one of those days that I needed REAL food.< /p>

DD#4 and I did some aerobics. Only did about 1/2 hour, because she had to head into town for a date. Tomorrow we are going for a full hour. I joined the gym, but I don't really like it. I am going to go for the month a paid for, only $25, and then we will see. I'd rather spend the $$ on some exercise tapes and do them at home.

Well need to get back to my lecture notes. You all have a good evening.

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I'm Back !!!!!! You all have been busy...

All went fine- Friday my Cousin from NJ got lost and called asking if Chris would come an get them - he said no.. I was sitting watching him and his wife.. To say the least I was a little perturbed - these pple came all the way from NJ and he couldn't go get them - I would have had I known the area well enough.

My Aunt looked good - the funeral home was very nice - we went to dinner after the veiwing on Friday - me and the rest of Chris family (sis/dh - son and daughter - 7 of us) - I had fettuince alfredo shrimp - of course I didn't eat all of it - can't say it was that good - more greasy than creamy -

Saturday was the funeral (Noon)- it was a nice service - I sat with my Cousin Alfred & his wife Kathy - they are very nice pple - then when we got back from the cementary I offered to have them ride with me to Chris's - so we went there and the 3 of us visited - then Chris gave me a Bracelet and I think Alfred got the family pictures - we stayed till about 6 I think they wanted us out of there a little earlier- Chris can be a little cold - but I wanted to get Alfred & Kathy back on the freeway before it got dark so they could get back safely -

I am glad I took my Magellen - cuz I missed my exit and it would just recalulate and got me back to my hotel - to tell the truth I missed a few exits on the way back to the hotel on saturday nite - but I love my magellen - I don't know where my mind was..

I am a little concerned - that I won't be getting the china that my aunt said was mine and my name was taped to it - we will see..

I think Chris is glad to be done with it - I don't know I'm weird - we are her blood (sandra me & alfred) where as Chris & his sisters aren't - and it's not like they grew up w/my aunt - hell she was 60 something when her and their father married...

He did well by my Aunt - I can't complain - but he's different - heck his wife & sis went to some jewelry show on Friday.. and she wore jeans to the viewing..

I ate 2 candy bars & 2 fiber bars on Friday night - Saturday the inside of a sandwich - and a little potato salad then took back to the hotel a piece of cake and 2 brownies - There was a cajun kind of restaurant by the hotel - went and got some seafood bisque for dinner - I feel like a fat pig = today 2 cheese cracker and pb (280 cal) on the plane - then when I got home 2 eggs & 1 tortilla - popcorn -watermelon -

Having steak for dinner - feel the need for some blood !!! I Love a bloody red steak...

Linda - Hugs on the Mindy and BF issues - Oh I think we all remember that 1st heartbreak - it's so hard - Hugs !!

Your blood pressure is a big concern - have they ck'd your heart... Please Please take care of yourself Girl Friend...

Phyl - Hugs I Know that Earl would drive me absolulty bonkers .. Ya the car can go a few hundred miles without an oil change - I have a place by my house that does a good oil change :0)...

Candice- OMW making Ice cubes - hell all he has to do is put a bucket of Water outside and whala you have ice cubes..

Ok what happens when you go off your meds - - Will keep a lookout for werid behavior.. :0)

Karla - Hugs on your DD issues too - Well I do think it's a full moon.. and gf you can bunk w/me on our Lucky #7 trip..

Kari - Yes gf you can't do this by yourself - you need god's helps and he but us all together to be your support..

Steph - Hugs !!! Even with insurance mental health stuff isn't really covered... Hugs...

I got an email from Karri before I left - still haven't answered it - but she's doing fine - really really busy - but ok... Told me to tell you all hello... She has had to redo some school stuff..

Well gang - I think I am going to go turn on the bbq - just shut the doors and turned on the air - it's a little windy - it's cuz Phyl's on her way down. Talk to you all tomorrow :smile:

Glad you're back and had an okay weekend.

Yeah, we'll be on our way down by this time next week. Well, actually before that. We'll leave here on Thurs, but not leave the area until Saturday morning. We'll be down south spending some time with the little ones. And you can turn the wind off any time after mid-October!!

Yeah, Earl is going to drive me nuts! And how much you want to bet we will still forget stuff, BUT, the OIL WILL BE CLEAN!!

At least this year we WILL have the remote for my digital photo frame!! Didn't have it last year... forgot it, couldn't find it! Don't know where he finally found it but it was a couple of months ago.

Hey, I have a CRV also!!! It is my dream car. It is paid off (although I have a lien on it for my band surgery) and it has 80,000 miles. It better last me until I die, because I won't be able to afford a new car, every.

Sitting here writing lecture notes, bleck. DD#4 is out with the new bf, she just glows. This is so good for her confidence.

Janet, glad you are home safe and sound. Family can be weird. Mine is the strangest of all. Well, best go get some dinner. TTFN

I was driving for the first time since knee surgery last Monday when the odometer passed 97000 miles!! That's a LOT of miles. Besides that it probably has at least 60000 towed miles.

Phyl, this may seem forward, but are you interested in some clothes? I just got done going through my closet and I have a pile of 2X clothes. I have a couple of pair of Lane Bryant jeans that I only wore a few times. I think I have a couple of 3 Red triangle (Lane Bryant sizing guide) and a 4 red triangle. they are cut larger in the leg. But they are probably too big for you. Plus a whole lot of 2X knit shirts from Lane Bryant. If you are interested I could mail them to Florida. Or if any of you know of someone who could use some clothes? A lot of them I wore only once or twice. I also have a lot of shorts and summer tops in the 2x and 3x sizes. So let me know so I can pass them on. My closet kind of echos but that is okay. Now I need to find some cheap shoes. Since all my shoes seem to be too big.

You don't insult me one bit by offering me clothes!! Heck, since surgery, I've been buying a lot of clothes at Salvation Army! But I know what you mean. We have a huge amount of clothes to take over there this week that are all too big. But I had a few things that were favorites or so nice that I would rather give them to friends, but it's a very awkward situation. I took this Lands End fleece pullover... really nice one, to Primetimers Wed and gave it to a lady that I thought it would fit and she promptly told me that someone at the Tent City homeless camp would probably be glad to have it! Well, if I'd known she was going to do that I would've just put it with the Salvation Army stuff! I have two nice dress outfits that were $100+ new and I am reluctant to offer them to a couple of friends I think could wear them!

But... to get back to the issue... I'm wearing mostly XL tops now. I may have one or two 1X or 2X that I can still wear, but most of the plus sizes are too big now. Of course, I wanted a Halloween top yesterday at WalMart... and the XL was too small and there weren't any 1X so I ended up with a 2X. Sizes all run so different. Pants are a nightmare. I have everything from XL (16-18) to 1X to 22 that I'm wearing now. The 22... definitely too big, but not ready to give them up because I haven't found a good replacement. If they're relaxed fit, I can wear an 18 or 20. But then... some of my 20's are baggy now and I have to wear a belt to keep them up! It's nuts trying to find the right fit because I am so short and my thighs are so big. I don't wear shorts, so I wouldn't want you to send those. The Lane Bryant jeans may or may not fit! It's been a long time since I've ordered anything from Lane Bryant. What fits me best is relaxed fit, cropped pants, low rise (because most pants are too long in the crotch), petite in 18 or 20!

So it's up to you.. but because of my weird shape, chances of things fitting me are not good! Pretty much have to try things on before I buy. That really clears things up for ya, doens't it!! LOL! But, it'll take about 3 weeks for us to get to CA anyway. We're S-L-O-W..... but we enjoy the journey!

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Just wanted to tell everyone goodnight and to tell you all I feel so good. I have really made up my mind that I want someone who treats me well and is a companion or I don't want anyone at all. I mean the kids are my companions now and they will soon leave home and I will be damned to live with someone and still be lonely. My thoughts are I might as well live alone and not be irritated that I am lonely living with someone.

Karla thank you for the compliment of Court and I looking like sisters. Can't wait to get into the gym with her. This will be beneficial for both of us!

Phyl I know what you mean about offering clothes to others as we 'under' grow them. I just didn't offer. I know I should have but I couldn't think of one person around here that would not have been insulted so mine went to a second hand store. Heck most of my clothes CAME FROM a second hand store when I was really losing. Court and I have discussed this as well.

Janet-so glad your weekend went well and you are safe back at home.

Doing great on my food choices and I have even kicked up my Water again. Gotta be a good 'role model'. My son hasn't been home the past 4 nights because ya know Austin and hubby usually don't get along so I didn't even chance it when we went to the hospital. Had enough on my mind. So anyway, he has worked the past couple of nights and Court can't eat solids yet so I had a smart ones and hubby fended for himself. He came in from hunting tonight and asked what we were having for supper I said 'meatloaf and mashed potatoes' he said 'that sounds good' i said 'well ya better go to town because I only have one smart ones of that and it won't be enough for both of us'. He is so lazy he didn't even eat!!! That is what he does. If I don't cook he will make microwave popcorn or leftovers or a pbandj sandwich. Oh well bout time he takes care of himself. I raised my kids let his mother finish raising him or make him grow up!

And on that bitchy note...lol.....I am heading back to bed to wonderful dream land! Night all!!!

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Just lost my post, Jordan stepped on the mouse....computer mouse.

Jackie, I think you have your answer. Do you really want to live with someone who makes your kids feel unwelcome enough that they aren't home unless you are? My answer came when the refrigerator door fell off and I asked for help. His response, "What do you expect me to do about it?" Needless to say I fixed the damn door by myself. Also when DD#4 was about 4 or 5, someone asked where we lived, she said, "Mom and I live in Ely, daddy lives at basketball." (He is a coach.) Okay, enough ex bashing.

I don't want to do to school, I want to stay home in my snugglies and drink latte and read my new book, Dan Brown's Lost Symbols. I haven't even had time to start it.

Well best get going. Need to go jab myself. Have a good day everyone!

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Janet , so glad you are home safe... ya family's can be weird... I cna't beleive your cousin Chris would nt go an help find your other cousins when they we lost???/ WUWT? And they made the trouble to caome all the way from NJ? What an ass.

candy was for your soul girl... its done now, bact to that 138!!!!

God, I way exactly 40 lbs more than you do Bleckt!!! Oh yeah, its Not ALL about mee..... have to make better choices

Gotta take my TWIG to the vet this a.m. he has a lump on his back left ankle... hopefully nothing , but I gotta get it checked out..

Courtney is Beautiful!!! and I am glad you are thinking about yiur future relationships.... you are right, kids won't be around for ever... take care of YOURSELF.

Love to all,


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Back from the Vet... they took a biopsy of Twigs LUMP.. so I'll have the results in afew days...

His heart medication cost me $200 but its for 2 months... oh well having geriatric pets is expensive but HE"S so worth it.. I love that damn dog so much.. took him for two runs yesterday...

One was down to the beach, and there was no one there but seagulls so I let him off leash... oh boy, he took off like a rapist from Prison.... I looked like a fool chasing after him... the more I ran th faster he took off in the opposit direction. THen he got a beed on a seagull and started chasing it... dah! the bird can fly dummy.... so he chased it all th way into the bay... oh that Water must have been C O L D.... he finally got tuckered out and slowed down enought to "SIT" when I commanded him ( oh yeah but we won;t cound HOW many times I yelled SIT) clipped his colar back on and we walked back to the car...

Oh did I mention that this is the dog with TWO heart medications???? Guess their working well :frown:

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Back from the Vet... they took a biopsy of Twigs LUMP.. so I'll have the results in afew days...

His heart medication cost me $200 but its for 2 months... oh well having geriatric pets is expensive but HE"S so worth it.. I love that damn dog so much.. took him for two runs yesterday...

One was down to the beach, and there was no one there but seagulls so I let him off leash... oh boy, he took off like a rapist from Prison.... I looked like a fool chasing after him... the more I ran th faster he took off in the opposit direction. THen he got a beed on a seagull and started chasing it... dah! the bird can fly dummy.... so he chased it all th way into the bay... oh that Water must have been C O L D.... he finally got tuckered out and slowed down enought to "SIT" when I commanded him ( oh yeah but we won;t cound HOW many times I yelled SIT) clipped his colar back on and we walked back to the car...

Oh did I mention that this is the dog with TWO heart medications???? Guess their working well :frown:

Sounds like exactly what Tracy went through with their older dog two weeks ago! Results were inconclusive, so they decided to go ahead with surgery to have it removed. Then it got infected. Now there's a little nob there again and they're hoping it's not coming back.

Text message from Steph a little while ago. She said please let LBT know... taking Michael to residential care facility this afternoon. Told her she had our support. It will be hard.

Down 3 lb today, but last week I was up. So, I'm back to my lowest weight now but still not under 200 quite yet!

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Drive by post - got a text from Steph - She is on her way to take Michael to a residential facility - she wanted me to let you know she was ok - don't know any details - she just didn't want us to worry - so maybe tonite or tomorrow we will hear from her...

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