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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, it must feel great to be so mobile, soon you will be dancing that jig!

Janet, I know you are gone, but know that we are all thinking of you.

Linda where are you.


Candice you are very lucky to have a sweetheart.

Got a little depression going, I'm tired and weepy. Lousy food in general, no exercise. I want summer back!!

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OKAY!!! KICK MY BUTT!!! Made lousy food choices today. Lots of JUNK. But, no SODA. Now, if I could just get all this crap out of me, I'd be doing good. (I know, TMI)

I have to laugh at all the man stories. I've got a few of them myself. Guess it's just a guy thing. EH?

Steph - GREAT BIG GIANT HUG!!!!! You are not alone.

Karla - one long sleeve shirt, one 3/4 sleeve sweater top and a couple short sleeved ones. and one pair of black slacks (pull on) I hope they work out for you. I'm anxious to find out.

Jackie - sounds like Courtney's doing just great. chomping at the bit to get out and start her new life. WTG


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kari, thank you so much, I'm getting bored with the few things I have. I'm sure my students are too. Good job on the no soda. but I can relate to the food issues.

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O.k. note the time... I havn't been UP and AWAKE this early since I don't know when!

I've taken myself off of my Bedtime Meds for Bipolar just for a week or so... I am thinking that its the ONLY medication left that I take that could possibly be responsible for my RASH.. Ya know the Allergic reaction RASH that I've been struggling with all freeking summer...

Well, I got the "bottom end" rash cleared up... stoped taking my HRT Vag cream.... but I still have the rash under my one armpit.. actually in front of my armpit but not quite on my boob... anyways TMI!!!

I just have to get ride of this last bit of itch... i am hoping that it is NOT my Bipolar meds cause I like them.. they don't bother my stomach like the other meds did...

So my hubby is "watching" me mood wise in case I start to go loopy or something... you guys know me pretty well too... so if you NOTICE I am different or talking a little SIDEWAYS you have my permission to Say so...

enough of that... I'll be fine for a week or two... while I check out the skin reaction...

I got off my butt and went for a walk this a.m. at 7:30.... felt good, I hadn't had ANY exercise since last weekend when we went hiking on our camping trip. Its a good thing that we went last wkend... as the Temperature now is COLD... and FREEKING Damp and COLD... Yuk...

Phyl, I don't know what it is but I've had a headache all week too???? are you bothered by barometric pressure changes? That's what I amputtin it down tooo, either that or coming off these meds... maybe is causing the headaches?

i'LL survive.. not a biggie

Good job, on all those shopping finds.. girl you do get the bargains!

I am back in the basement today, gong to work on my newest quilt.. Peter HATES it.. its for a girl at work and its PINK and Green... not my colour picks.. I'm a green/blue/purple kind of person....

Plus I've got to package up the Swiss Baby quilt and get it in the mail this weekend for sure!

Steph, Karla hugs to you both...

Kari, good work on staying away from the POP... you can do it.... the food will come.:thumbup:

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Hey ladies, how is everyone doing? Survived another day of classes. Was going to go out with a couple of friends, but DD#5 decided to spend a little time at home. Just about the first time she has been around since she moved into the dorms. So came home and made her dinner. Now her and my car have disappeared. Actually she is at the schools homecoming game. DD#4 is on another date with the young man she went out with earlier this week. whoowhoo!!!

Other than that, I don't have a life!! Oh well. Just sitting here watching some stupid TV program and vegging. My brain is pretty fried! Oh well.

Hope everyone is good!!

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One day short of three weeks, and...........I BLEW IT. Brad and I went to this guys surprise 75th birthday party this afternoon and there are all these two liter bottles sitting on the table. I told myself that a 75th birthday was a special event so I had a glass of pepsi and a glass of coke. Then I had a chicken wing, a slice of ham, a spoon of cheesy potatoes, raw califlower, a pickle and a little one in. slice of lasagna. Oh yeah, and a piece of birthday cake. But, I only had one bite of the cake. (I ate the frosting though). So, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. So hold the kudos for a couple weeks. I sure didn't deserve them tonight.

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Hey ladies, how is everyone doing? Survived another day of classes. Was going to go out with a couple of friends, but DD#5 decided to spend a little time at home. Just about the first time she has been around since she moved into the dorms. So came home and made her dinner. Now her and my car have disappeared. Actually she is at the schools homecoming game. DD#4 is on another date with the young man she went out with earlier this week. whoowhoo!!! Other than that, I don't have a life!! Oh well. Just sitting here watching some stupid TV program and vegging. My brain is pretty fried! Oh well. Hope everyone is good!!

Kind of quiet here, too. At least for a few minutes! Earl is at the hot tub! He is in a constant frenzy over packing the RV!! He's making me crazy! I have barely enough clothes to wear for the next five days! I'm working on sorting through odds and ends that have to go.... pens, pencils, stapler, stupid stuff like that. Started sorting through all my TOPS stuff.. need to consolidate it into one small bag instead of the three its now in! Finally found a pair of black pants today... at Walmart... $12!! But I still had to take flack because I bought too many things yesterday! Yeah, right! I just ignored it. I bought a halloween shirt.. scoop neck, 3/4 sleeve black.. with pumpkin appliques and sprarklies! And I found another of my favorite bras in the right size!! I'm going back to front hooks and they are hard to find but Walmart sells one style that I like... Playtex 18 hr with flex back. Very comfortable with good support.. better than underwire, I think.

Well.... I think I'll go do a few of my exercises. CBL!

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This is a quick note to let you know that I'm still with you, but simply have not been able to read and post. I'm so sorry. I haven't even been ckecking face book if that makes you feel any better.

They finally figured out that I have a 150% workload at work, which I think is still low since they don't account for the extra administrative issues due to having so many students--and needy ones at that. Lots of "displaced" workers who haven't been in school for 20+ years. . .have never used a computer except to play games. . .you get the picture.

But that's not all. Mindy's BF broke up with her. Basically, he had applied for jobs in her area, and was offered one, but when she refused to let him move in with her, he started piling on all kinds of other stuff that made him unhappy, picked up his things and walked out. Now, realize that he had taken her ring shopping over a year ago, but never quit got around to putting it on her finger. None the less, she called in the middle of the night just sobbing, and has been holding on by a thread since then. I had to cancel one class because I wasn't able to get back from her town in time. It's been a mess. Only good thing is that my psychologist son was home, so she did get opportunities to vent to him. In fact, last weekend for a few hours I had all my kliddos together. Mindy went to Chicago today to hang out with her old college roommate who also just broke up with her college boyfriend.

I have not been feeling well either. Was to the doctor's twice this week with blood pressure and related issues. (220/110 in the office) He added a second BP med, changed my diuretic, and gave me some meclizine for the dizziness. I'm doing a 24-hr urine today to rule out adrenal gland issues. Who knows? I didn't go to chruch today--trying to relax.

I didn't go back and read everything I missed, but I did catch that something about Janet--her aunt? I'm so sorry. I will try to go back later today and get caught up.

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Oh Linda, I'm so sorry about everything. It just rips our hearts out when one of our babies gets hurt. It is pretty impossible to get them to see that there is life after a break up. Partially because those of us with depression have find it difficult to see that tomorrow can be better. Maybe the blood pressure/adrenal gland issues is what is contributing to your depression. I think that is possible. On a happier note, personally there isn't anything that makes me feel better than to have all my little goslings all home at one time. I don't think that has happened for many years.

DD#5, the 'level headed' on who just started college is acting like a typical freshman. She is going to get a huge wake up call come the end of semester. She has decided that it is a fabulous idea to join a community hocky league. That would be fine, but she never has played hocky. Added to the fact that she can't stand purchasing anything that someone else has touched, she went to our local semi pro shop and bought all her gear. Naturally the price was inflated because it was at the Mawler store. So many hundreds of dollars later she is now outfitted in the finest hocky gear in our state. That would be fine (not really) but she hasn't even made the team yet. This is the kid who needs her wisdom teeth out and I don't have the $400 for the deposit. Well she DID until she decided to try out for the hocky team. THEN her and some friends decide a fun thing to do is at midnight drive 60 miles into the wilderness, hike for an hour and go swimming in a hot springs. Got home at 5 am, but at least she is still alive. The wake up call will come at the end of semester when her grades kick her out of her scholarship. She has to maintain a 3.4 or no scholarship. This is the same kid who sold her car for $200 to a friend because the car 'didn't like her' and never actually got the money. She thinks that my car is her car. Big wake up call this winter, when she needs a ride to her hockey game (IF she makes it) or when she is working because she isn't in chool anymore.

A positive note, DD#4, the one with social anxiety, has gone on another date with the same young man. This is an all time record, never has she gone out with the same gentleman more than once. AND she has gone out on about 3 dates her entire life. She comes home with a glow you couldn't imagine. I guess he asked her if he could hold her hand on their date earlier this week. AND last night he kissed her. They keep finding all kinds of things they have in common. She says it is spooky. Could this be the one??? I am looking forward to 'vetting' him and checking him out. I will have to be the stern mother hen. But I am just thrilled. If it doesn't go anywhere, the experience will help build her self-esteem.

Cold here this morning. There were actual snow flakes last night. It was in the low teens. Where the heck are my mukluks?

Janet, safe trip home.

Phyl, have fun running away.

Steph, hopefully you get Michael into the facility.

Kari, where are you?

Karri, where are you AND have you been kidnapped?

Jackie, is Courtney home? Wierd, had a dream about her last night. By any chance does she have blond hair? Saw her in the hospital and she was working out on an exercise machine. Very strange.

Check in later.

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Oh Linda, I'm so sorry about everything. It just rips our hearts out when one of our babies gets hurt. It is pretty impossible to get them to see that there is life after a break up. Partially because those of us with depression have find it difficult to see that tomorrow can be better. Maybe the blood pressure/adrenal gland issues is what is contributing to your depression. I think that is possible. On a happier note, personally there isn't anything that makes me feel better than to have all my little goslings all home at one time. I don't think that has happened for many years.

DD#5, the 'level headed' on who just started college is acting like a typical freshman. She is going to get a huge wake up call come the end of semester. She has decided that it is a fabulous idea to join a community hocky league. That would be fine, but she never has played hocky. Added to the fact that she can't stand purchasing anything that someone else has touched, she went to our local semi pro shop and bought all her gear. Naturally the price was inflated because it was at the Mawler store. So many hundreds of dollars later she is now outfitted in the finest hocky gear in our state. That would be fine (not really) but she hasn't even made the team yet. This is the kid who needs her wisdom teeth out and I don't have the $400 for the deposit. Well she DID until she decided to try out for the hocky team. THEN her and some friends decide a fun thing to do is at midnight drive 60 miles into the wilderness, hike for an hour and go swimming in a hot springs. Got home at 5 am, but at least she is still alive. The wake up call will come at the end of semester when her grades kick her out of her scholarship. She has to maintain a 3.4 or no scholarship. This is the same kid who sold her car for $200 to a friend because the car 'didn't like her' and never actually got the money. She thinks that my car is her car. Big wake up call this winter, when she needs a ride to her hockey game (IF she makes it) or when she is working because she isn't in chool anymore.

Karla: Is this a MOM problem? Nope, its HER scholarship, its HER wisdom teeth, and HER hockey equipment?... sounds like she's made her choice hummmm teeth? or HOCKEY... wash your hands of it... you got your own life to lead... Master program right??? Studying and kids at school... She's a big girl and its time she dealt with her own consequences.

A positive note, DD#4, the one with social anxiety, has gone on another date with the same young man. This is an all time record, never has she gone out with the same gentleman more than once. AND she has gone out on about 3 dates her entire life. She comes home with a glow you couldn't imagine. I guess he asked her if he could hold her hand on their date earlier this week. AND last night he kissed her. They keep finding all kinds of things they have in common. She says it is spooky. Could this be the one??? I am looking forward to 'vetting' him and checking him out. I will have to be the stern mother hen. But I am just thrilled. If it doesn't go anywhere, the experience will help build her self-esteem.

Cold here this morning. There were actual snow flakes last night. It was in the low teens. Where the heck are my mukluks?

MUKLUKS... you must have been reading my mind... I went out and bought myself a new winter coat last week $250... GOSH and its a 'day to day' coat.. nothing fancy... just warm and functional. I also tore apart my front hall closet, matching hats, with gloves and mitts and scarves for the season ahead... SNOW!!! :smile:

Janet, safe trip home. EMAIL us when you get in

Phyl, have fun running away.

Steph, hopefully you get Michael into the facility.

Kari, where are you?

Karri, where are you AND have you been kidnapped?

Ah, I've seen her on Facebook she is ALIVE!!!

Jackie, is Courtney home? Wierd, had a dream about her last night. By any chance does she have blond hair? Saw her in the hospital and she was working out on an exercise machine. Very strange.

HUGS to Courtney... she's over the worst of it now.... its all uphill ( on the treadmill hee,hee)

Check in later.

Linda; I am so sorry for Mindy... She's broken hearted Im sure.. But if that guy took her shopping for RINGS a year ago and still hadn't bought it>>>>well... she will be better off without him... he obviously had COMMITTMENT issues, better to find out now than later... ANd why was he manipulating his way into her apt.? that sounds fishy too.

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Working away in the basement, sewing... getting the final border on that new quilt.. ( pink and green YUK)

Burnt my freeking forearm on the IRON... nice straight 3" burn... hope it dosn't show in my MOTB outfit next Sunday!!!!

Got up early again today! WEnt for a 2 km walk with TWIGGY to Tim Hortons' hot coffee YUMMMMY

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Candice the hazards of quilting. I've done that. Break open a Vitamin e capsule if you have any and put it on, might speed the healing. A few years ago, I burnt my arm on the manifold of a rototillar, tried to lift it up into the truck when I was finished using it. Had some nice burns, one of those things that I heard the sizzling but didn't realize it was my flesh. Left a nice 2 in.+ hunk on it. The only thing I could think of was that if someone used the tillar to 'kill' someone, that my DNA would be all over it. Had a prescription cream that really helped. Still have a scar but not too bad.

Yep Candice this is DD#5 problem, not mine. She just flitted home...with my car, finally, and wanted me to give her a ride to the dorms. Not happening. Now she is in her room pouting because she has to find someone to come and get her. Gee, I guess you should have not decided to drive into town last night to sleep at the dorms. I had told her that today I wouldn't be giving her a ride back to the dorms.

Suppose I should be getting something done. Cold weather just makes me want to snuggle in, AND I have a new book to read, Dan Brown's Lost Symbols. Hummm, work or read????

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Working away in the basement, sewing... getting the final border on that new quilt.. ( pink and green YUK) burnt my freaking forearm on the IRON... nice straight 3" burn... hope it doesn't show in my MOTB outfit next Sunday!!!! Got up early again today! WEnt for a 2 km walk with TWIGGY to Tim Hortons' hot coffee YUMMMMY

Gee! Feel all warm and fuzzy reading about all this.. because I lived in your basement for a few days so I can picture you down there working on your quilt, and burning your arm on the Iron, :smile: and walking Twiggy to Tim Horton's! There coffee is good, but that Breakfast sandwich I had... oh, my! It was SO good!

Earl is going to drive me nuts until we're actually moved in to the RV. I have very FEW clothes left in the house. Today he wants to take my back-up drive! It's Sunday. We're leaving Thursday! He better not try touching my laptop! I didn't walk or do many of my exercises yesterday because every spare minute was spent sorting through STUFF and deciding what was going and what was staying and throwing stuff away. He wants to pack the Wii tomorrow after we do our Monday morning weigh in! The Water tank has been sanitized... he put clorox in, let it sit a few days, flushed it out a couple of times and today he plans to fill it with fresh water. We're going to Tracy's for lunch, so I managed to talk him out of one more trip over there with STUFF last night! I can't wait until we're actually on the road! Then I can relax and the frenzy will stop!

The man is a fanatic about oil changes and the CR-V is going to be a couple of hundred miles short of his routine oil change schedule! I think it's every 3000 miles. He says if he doesn't get it done before we leave then it's going to need an oil change on the way to CA and he CAN'T get it done in an unfamiliar place!! Give me a break! We're dragging the fool thing to CA and it will hardly get driven on the way down except a little bit in Mountain View!! It has 97000+ miles on it! It can probably handle a few more than 3000 miles between oil changes this ONE time! NO... he will be getting that done in the next few days, too!

OKAY.. enough of that! Linda, so glad you had time to drop by. So sorry about Mindy's situation. Probably a good thing in the long run. He doesn't sound like a keeper! Hope you can get the health issues resolved. That is NOT a good BP!!

Karla, that girl needs a strong dose of reality!! Let her worry about her teeth! Sounds like she's set her priorities! Don't bail her out!

Better get off the laptop and hit the shower. Need to get ready for church. Then a quick stop at costco and to Tracy's for lunch. We usually go out for salads after church, but they have two of their little grandchildren today and Mom said if the youngest doesn't hit her bed by noon we will all be sorry!! So we're having salads at Tracy's today!

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Gee! Feel all warm and fuzzy reading about all this.. because I lived in your basement for a few days so I can picture you down there working on your quilt, and burning your arm on the Iron, :smile: and walking Twiggy to Tim Horton's! There coffee is good, but that breakfast sandwich I had... oh, my! It was SO good!

Earl is going to drive me nuts until we're actually moved in to the RV. I have very FEW clothes left in the house. Today he wants to take my back-up drive! It's Sunday. We're leaving Thursday! He better not try touching my laptop! I didn't walk or do many of my exercises yesterday because every spare minute was spent sorting through STUFF and deciding what was going and what was staying and throwing stuff away. He wants to pack the Wii tomorrow after we do our Monday morning weigh in! The Water tank has been sanitized... he put clorox in, let it sit a few days, flushed it out a couple of times and today he plans to fill it with fresh water. We're going to Tracy's for lunch, so I managed to talk him out of one more trip over there with STUFF last night! I can't wait until we're actually on the road! Then I can relax and the frenzy will stop!

The man is a fanatic about oil changes and the CR-V is going to be a couple of hundred miles short of his routine oil change schedule! I think it's every 3000 miles. He says if he doesn't get it done before we leave then it's going to need an oil change on the way to CA and he CAN'T get it done in an unfamiliar place!! Give me a break! We're dragging the fool thing to CA and it will hardly get driven on the way down except a little bit in Mountain View!! It has 97000+ miles on it! It can probably handle a few more than 3000 miles between oil changes this ONE time! NO... he will be getting that done in the next few days, too!

OKAY.. enough of that! Linda, so glad you had time to drop by. So sorry about Mindy's situation. Probably a good thing in the long run. He doesn't sound like a keeper! Hope you can get the health issues resolved. That is NOT a good BP!!

Karla, that girl needs a strong dose of reality!! Let her worry about her teeth! Sounds like she's set her priorities! Don't bail her out!

Better get off the laptop and hit the shower. Need to get ready for church. Then a quick stop at costco and to Tracy's for lunch. We usually go out for salads after church, but they have two of their little grandchildren today and Mom said if the youngest doesn't hit her bed by noon we will all be sorry!! So we're having salads at Tracy's today!

Yup, these men! I just finished boxing up my Quilt for Switzerland... Peter is online checking out which shiping company to use... 07193423w53414123$$@%#!#@^$:( I could just walk down tot he SHoppers Drug mart and Send it CANADA POST.... oh my GOD, now it's gonna cost me $100 is purolator fees!

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Phyl - I totally agree with you about Candice's basement and Tim Hortons bf sandwiches. On the issue of your CRV, I have a 2001 CRV and the manual says to change the oil every 3600 miles. Brad had a 92 Civic that he changed the oil on regularly and it had 450,000 miles on it when we got rid of it.

Karla - DO NOT..............AND I MEAN DO NOT BAIL OUT YOUR DAUGHTER. She made her choice and when ever you get the urge to feel sorry for her, just think about your closet and lack of clothes and then think about that hockey gear.

Okay, I confessed how i've been bad here. Went to bed and woke up this morning at 4:30. This whole issue going over and over in my mind. I knew there was no way I was going back to sleep. Then all of a sudden a Bible verse popped into my head (we've been discussing trials in church and small groups) "So then, those that suffer according to God's will , shall commit themselves to their faithful creator and do good." Dang. It hit me then. I've been trying to do this my way, on my own. It's no wonder I am failing here. I need to put this in God's hands and I did. And so far today, I am doing really good. Not even head hunger. I just need to remember to give Him the glory and lean on him for help and encouragement. That doesn't mean I don't need you guys though. I need balance.

Linda - HUGS, and another one to Mindy too.

Okay. enough here. TTYL. Thinking of curling up under a quilt and taking a nap. It is cold and damp here although the rain has stopped and the sun has just come out.

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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