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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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o.k. here are another 5 pictures... some of individual blocks and some of the whole quilt (turn you head sideways, sorry!)

I forgot to mention, I especially loved the block of the SPIDER's Web so I used that motif to Quilt a WEB inside of each block...you can see my WHITE stitches in there...

Maybe by next year, my DD and DSIL2B will be "working" on MY grandbaby!!! and I can make some more quilts.. hee,hee,hee...

Sorry, this is probably boring for everyone except Karla, Linda & Kari.....






Edited by peaches9
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Candice, absolutely gorgerous. Hand or machine quilted? I'm jealous, I'm so close to finishing DD#4's quilt, I just need to finish the binding, but I haven't had a moment to work on it.

Well did finally urinate this morning. Had to 'stuff' things back up, do some of my pelvic floor exercises and RELAX. What a relief. Yep, I need to go to the doc, but I don't have the money. There is absolutely no way I can go, because doctors/hospitals require the bill be paid in no more than 12 months. I can't even afford $50 a month. If I have to, I will start cathing myself. Not my idea of fun, but no other choice. So hopefully things will 'stay' where they belong enough to go to the bathroom. Right now I only have $400 after all my bills for gas and food.

Okay, enough whining!!

Candice how exciting. You better swing by my part of Montana. Glacier Park, Yellowstone Park. Two of the most beautiful places in the world. Actually I have never gone to Glacier Park, even though it is close to where I live.

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Candice, absolutely gorgerous. Hand or machine quilted? I'm jealous, I'm so close to finishing DD#4's quilt, I just need to finish the binding, but I haven't had a moment to work on it.

Well did finally urinate this morning. Had to 'stuff' things back up, do some of my pelvic floor exercises and RELAX. What a relief. Yep, I need to go to the doc, but I don't have the money. There is absolutely no way I can go, because doctors/hospitals require the bill be paid in no more than 12 months. I can't even afford $50 a month. If I have to, I will start cathing myself. Not my idea of fun, but no other choice. So hopefully things will 'stay' where they belong enough to go to the bathroom. Right now I only have $400 after all my bills for gas and food.

Okay, enough whining!!

Candice how exciting. You better swing by my part of Montana. Glacier Park, Yellowstone Park. Two of the most beautiful places in the world. Actually I have never gone to Glacier Park, even though it is close to where I live.

Oh thanks Karla, it is all hand quilted... all my quilts are. I just love sitting watching TV and quilting... keeps my hands busy so I dont' EAT!! ha,ha,ha... but I am learning to Machine quilt, remmber the Blue/Yellow I posted not too long ago? That is my MachineQUilted project... it will be 20 blocks when done at the end of the year (BofTM club)

Girl, there has to be a way you could be seen by the doctor. What if you wrote a teaching hospital and voiced your delima, dosn't anyone do probono??? or could you be a Teaching SUBJECT for a Gyniey class???

When is OBAMA's health care reform going to take affect? WIll that help you out?

I had to take my MOM to her eye Doctor today. SHe said "my glasses aren't strong enough, I need new ones" So i took her to the Optometrist, he said "ah, you've not had an Eye exam by an Opthamologist in 2 Years!"

Now we really lucked in, cause my MOM did not make an appt. and it just so happened that the Opthamologist just happened in with her 6 1/2 mo.old baby on her hip...

When she saw my MOM, she said it's o.k. I'll see her right now, If you don't mind holding the baby? DAH, would "I" mind? Hell no!!! My Gramma Radar has been on ALERT ever since my DD and DSIL2B got engaged.

SO Dr. puts in drops and does the glacoma test, but then takes me aside and says Your MOM needs a further Specialist to examine her as SHe has Macular degeneration and I suspect that its the WET kind, not the DRY as she was told 2 years ago. So no amount of new glasses is going to save her vision... now we go to the EXTRA Special Opthamologist, probably in two weeks.

Oh , pray that its DRY macular deg. I don't want her to go blind too with all the other stuff that's wrong with her... crap, she sits all day on an oxygen tank, the only pleasures she gets is TV, GOLF tournaments and reading the newspaper. Getting old REALLY SUCKS!!! and is not for WHIMPS!

Karla, for SURE we are stopping in Montana, TWICE... once to see Stephanie and Once to see YOU!!! Wouldn't miss it for the world and you can tell us ALL the cool places to visit in MON...

Then we need to plan a swing trip to New Orleans and California....


Gotta sign off now, my TV show favorite is on at 9 p.m. "The Tudors".... its on CBC... don't know if you guys get any Canadian TV shows down there... or sometimes its on SHOWCASE... anywys, Historical drama about King Henry the VIII and all the wives that he killed etc... really GOOD!!!


Edited by peaches9

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Quilt is wonderful!! Love the spider webs! Not my thing, but GREAT!! Our DIL does machine quilting. She made us one last Christmas that she had kids & grandkids draw/color squares for. We LOVE it! Canadian quilters... friends at Sky Valley... had pictures of it emailed it to their quilting club in B.C. by Christmas day afternoon! They really liked it.

So is NO & CA going to be part of this trip or another one??

Karla... so no healthcare plan where you work??? or you just can't afford it? That's awful. I'm sure you explained it to us before, but I'm old and I forget stuff!!


There has to be a way to get this taken care of.. you definitely need surgery!

Bathroom scale -- which is not completely reliable... was weighing me between 199 and 202 this morning! That's a couple of pounds lower than two days ago and seriously flirting with "ONDERLAND"! So what do I do?? Totally blew it today! Primetimers served Kiebasa and macaroni and cheese! I took two small pieces of the sausage, but one would have been plenty... and macaroni and cheese, and some steamed veggies that seemed to be swimming in butter. A few bites of baked apple... more butter and lots of sugar... gave most of it to Earl, and then these big thick cookes with all sorts of stuff in them... white chocolate chips, cranberries, etc. It was WAY to sweet, too.. so I broke off a ssmall bite and gave the rest to EArl. Then tonight he heated up some mashed potatoes and gravy, two small chicken drumsticks and some cole slaw. Way to may calories for one day, I'm sure! I don't even want to try to add them up. Did have 35 minute workout at PT, but most of it fairly passive exercises, except for 5 minutes on the bike. Oh well, back to basics tomorrow!

Edited by phyllser

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Phyl, yes I have medical insurance, but it has a $2000 deductable and then only 70% coverage after that, so anytime I have surgery, I have a minimum bill of $8000. I pay $600 a month for this insurance.

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Where is Stephanie? I hope she's o.k.?

Jackie; I don't envy you your firing task, just remember... its not personal, SHE had a job to do and wasn't doing it... and YOU have a job and ARE doing it.. that's all. plain and simple. SHe's had warnings ... so it can't be that much of a surprise for her.

Linda; You must be very busy with school.....

GOOD NEWS, we've decided to do a BIG RV trip in the spring.

We are going to drive across Mich, Wisconcin, Montana into Washington state then cut up and into Canada to go to Vancouver Island... we used to live there 30 years ago!!!!

God time flys.... I am going to take a month to 6 wks off work... if my Boss balks, then I'll just RETIRE!!! ha,ha,ha...

Hugs to you all!


Hm-m-m-m, Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, and Washington..................sounds to me like you and Peter are planning on visiting us lapbanders.

When do you get home from Cali? You come back north in APril don't you??? I sure don't want to miss you and Earl... I've told Peter so much about him.. We can DRY DOCK just about anywhere's There is a holding tank for the BLACK water.. :blink: WE can always DUMP once we get to a park on the way up to Vancouver area.

Ya, Peter is getting excited now, we went shopping for a LAPTOP tonight... so we could stay connected while on the road, watch TV, movies, catch the news... ya know??? Cool huh, I had my doubts back in Aug.:) he was really pissing me off.... but we had such agood weekend up at tobermory.

I finished my quilt for the GrandBaby in Switzerland... gotta get it in the mail soon. Baby's born in November and I am sure it'll take a month to get across the ocean.

o.k. here are the first 5 Pictures of the "Eye Spy with My Little Eye" Quilt...:)

Your quilt turned out gorgeous. I want to see the BOM one when it's done. I had quilting class tonight. We're just doing a scrappy quilt but I am finding it hard to get off the computer and on the sewing machine so I figured it was time to go back to class.

Karla - I got thre care package all ready to ship. Going to the post office tomorrow.

Still no soda. And did pretty good today. Only snack I had was a low fat cheese stick just a little while ago. Of course, dinner wasn't the greatest but the other two meals were.

JANET - Hugs to you on your trip. Know we're thinking of you and are in our prayers.

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I forgot to mention that I'm thinking of joining a gym too. Heard on TV last night that Planet Fitness is charging a $1.00 sign up fee and it is only $10.00/month. And I don't think there's a contract. Of course, it's about 35-40 min. drive, but for that price I can certainly manage once or twice a week.

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Good Evening Gang..

It's 7:15 and I am just sitting down - had gym tonite - paid bills before that - went an picked up scrip it was only 30 day (bp pills) should have been 90 - 8.99 for 30 - 9.99 for 90... Well stupid me I just put a few pills in the smaller container and I only had 4 left so when I called gave them the wrong script # - so had to go back and get my 90 for $9.99.. The animals are fed - both Andrew's and my dinner are cooking - he's having chilli mac and me fish - rice- spinach

Jackie - hugs & prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery for Courtney !!! And you too - I know you are going to be frantic...

Candice - How cool 4-6 week vacation - you aren't going to want to go back to work.... Ya I think $614 was a great deal !!! Love your quilt !!! And you know I LOVE THE blue/yellow one - that's my fav one !!!

Yes you & Peter have to make it to Cali - I am going to be so jealous that you all get to meet Karla !!!

Yep getting old is for the birds - I know my Aunt's Eyes weren't good she couldn't read - but could still watch t.v.

Helll what is there to do if you can't see - that would be the pits - but Debbie's bro is blind and he's on the computer all the time and I think he has a contractpion for the t v too..

Karla - I thought Teachers were suppose to have good insurance - hell yours is worse than mine and we are in a small group - I would think you would have better coverage - I pay about 80 a month so that I have a $500 ded and 80% co insurance - and my employer pays 485...

Darling you need to go to the doc and if you need surgery get it - all they will do is send you to collections but you will be fixed - as long as you pay $5 month they will leave you alone...

Phyl - those extra calories may just help you hit ONDERLAND.. take an extra Water pill though - I bet all that food was full of salt...

You are going to have so much fun on your cruise - you will be walking !!!!

Kari - WTG I am super proud of you on the no soda!!! Heck you are retired too you have the time to drive to go to the gym - gives you something to do... I had a really good workout tonite - my arms are going to be sore tomorrow..

Did any one watch biggest loser last night - I think you can go to nbc and watch it on line - I saw a part about this young girl who weight the most (more than the men) and it was between her team and another one to go home - I fell asleep and missed part of it - but the red team said send us home we have a good support system and this girl don't remember her name didn't - and she really needed the help..

Just like us they have the same connection - their fatness - it was very very touching - I think I need to go watch it online - hate that I missed part of it - and the girl who was in charge/had the power last night is going to be in trouble next week it looks like..

Well my dinner's done - so I am signing off....

Thanks for all the hugs & prayers - I am doing ok really - Saturday will be sad - but - she lived a good long life and now she's with her family up in heaven...

xoxoxoxo J

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Janet, unfortunately hospitals and doctors DO send you to collection even if you make payments. I have had our local hospital send me to collections and Duke Hospital sent me to collections. Both because I couldn't pay them off in 12 months. I did eventually get the local hospital paid off and I am still paying the collection agency for Duke. I had 3 major surgeries between 2000 & 2002, totals where close to $200,000. Needless to say, the local hospital won't even admit me if I was dying. No it is a myth that teachers get good insurance. I did when I taught in Nevada, but Montana stinks. We don't have an option to not take the insurance. It is in the contract that we will use the insurance. Anyway, I'll get through. I don't really have any options, so I'll survive. At one point I wanted them to actually remove my vagina so that I wouldn't prolapse again, but they refused. I'm just tired of the pain.

Sorry, let's just drop it. Too depressing. I have been blessed. I have no right to gripe and whine.

Let's think about Candice's awesome camping trip. Phyl heading to warmer weather.

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Janet, Yes it will be nice to be able to walk on this cruise. Earl says we're taking the small scooter, but I"m betting I may be able to change his mind by then. Plan to continue to work on my endurance. Right now... the 1/2 mile is about my limit. Knee is getting sore by the time I get back. But when the soreness goes away, I'm sure I'll be able to continue to build on the distance. I definitely won't be using the scooter around the ship this time. And I don't think I'll even need it onshore. Heck, it's four months away!

I logged exercise after all tonight because I just did 20 minutes on the Wii and worked up a GOOD sweat! Can do some of them without the cane now. Not using the cane at all, really, but some of those balance exercises... to get any speed you have to put all your weight on your toes and I'm still working on balance with the new knee! Interesting... when you do the weight and balance on the body test... balance was always fairly good, but I always favored the right leg. Now with the new knee, I am favoring the left leg already! PT noticed that today in one of the exercises she had me do. Stand on one foot and lightly touch the floor with the opposite toe... 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 6 o'clock with the right toe. I did fine with that.. standing on the left leg... one with the new knee. But when I put the weight on the other leg.. balance was no good and I had trouble with it. Have to remember to practice that one.

Janet... know this will be a sad trip, but I think you will have some "warm fuzzy" time with new found family and those you didn't know very well before. And you'll all enjoy some sweet remembrances of your aunt with them.

Edited by phyllser

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Hi ladies. I don't know what to say to you all. I've completely fallen off the wagon. I'm sleeping all day, eating junk when I'm awake, would rather sit on my ass or sleep than get anything done.

My EDG scope went fine yesterday. Nurses got me hooked up to monitors, asked me to roll on my side and the next thing I remember is opening my eyes to hear the doc say everything looked fine. They don't put you to sleep but I think they must have knocked my ass out because I don't have a clue. No prolapse, no hernia, no erosion, no nothing. No fill. No solid food going down. WTF??? How can I be completely open and too tight? What does that mean? The only things I can keep down are junk. chocolate is no trouble. Ice cream a dream. Walleye stays, tuna doesn't. Cereal...no way in hell....and oatmeal is too thick some days. However, I could sit and eat a dozen or more choc chip Cookies today. No problem with those. Tried chicken tonight...no way in hell. I'm so frustrated. I am so scared. I don't know what I'm going to do. If there is no problem what's the problem???? Lord have mercy!

Michael? I can't even begin to explain. I don't know if I told you guys that while I was on my walk that he took my credit cards and charged a couple hundred dollars. Well, I told Jeff he needed to go press charges. He did but now we are waiting for the legal system to work it's magic. In two weeks nothing....so yesterday, while we were in Bismarck, he came home from school at lunch and took my car. Drove to school. On the way home, 100 yards from the school wrecked it. Spent the late afternoon at the emergency room making sure that he was alright. His head hit the rear view mirror so hard that the mirror went through the windshield. No major injuries. Brought him home and then tried to lay down the law. His only concern was that we "didn't even mention that he had been hurt." Really? Are you kidding me? Talked to the sherriff last night. He had me bring Michael in and talked to him. Thought he did some good. Made great points. I was impressed. First thing out of his mouth when we got home was, "Will you and dad talk about taking me to Richey for homecoming this weekend?" Really? Are you kidding me? Then he copped an attitude when I made him brush his teeth. Talked to the therapist today. She suggests residential care. Called the psychiatrist, but didn't get a call back. Called county mental health, no real help there. Talked to my insurance and they walked me through the process. Tomorrow we have therapy again. I just don't know.

My younger two are acting like complete assholes. Yelling at me, refusing to eat, mouthing everything I tell the to do, fighting each other.

Jeff and I are finally speaking after a week of me sleeping on the couch. I just feel like a complete and utter failure. I'm not a teacher, I'm a lousy mother, I'm a sucky wife. ... I hate everything about my world right now.

The sad part is, I don't want to come here and tell you all this because you all have your own issues and mine seem so very inconsiquential when put next to yours. I feel like I'm whining and being selfish. I'm so very sorry. I can't seem to even do THIS right. I don't want you guys to spend time trying to bolster me up. I know I'm being a whine bag and I need to buck up. Get over myself. Move on.

I love you all and your issues do concern me. Janet, my heart breaks for you. Karla, go see a doc even if you have to file bankrupcy afterwards. Your health is more important than your credit score. Phyl, you make me so proud. You are such a fighter and an amazing woman. I wish I was half of you! Love you ladies. I hope you know how much. Even when I'm not posting I'm reading. I wish I could be more involved but I just can't.

Hugs. I'll be lurking.

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Steph I am soooo sorry and don't ever think your issues and hurts are any less important than anyone elses. We are here for each other. Hugs gf!!!

Did they recommend anything you should do since you are unable to eat? So what's their solution?

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Ok almost 2am and I am just getting to bed. Worked all friggin day! Fired her....she bitched how she does her job and etc. I'm over it now. Came home, cleaned the whole house again, packed, wrote progress notes for september and done billing for september, done payroll and schedules. Mind you all of that usually is drawn out over a few days but I can't go away knowing it is undone and waiting. My OCD is in over drive right now even with my meds. I am sure it is nerves and everything going on. I have had about every emotion known to man today and now I am exhausted! Talked to DS *,5 DH tonight about getting along while I'm gone. I am freaking out with them 2 being home and me not hear to make sure things are ok. Calgon take me away pleaseeeee!

Janet have a safe trip

Karla I agree with Steph go to doctor and forget the credit score. Take care of yourself.

Phyl you just amaze me! Congrats on all the walking.

Karajh woohoo no soda! Awsome job!

I am down 2 more pounds tonight. Happy about that.

Really am jealous that you have all met and my dumb ass didn't come to MOA when u were all so close. Now with one in college and the other driving and etc prob be 5_-6 years before I can go anwhere! Oh yeah forgot to tell you all....tomorrow was the day I was supposed to fly to los angelos to visit my cousin. Couldn't afford after we got court enrolled in schpol. Oh well I will be with my daughter tomorrow right where I need to be.

Hugs to all. I will keep you updated from my blackberry from the hospital. Please say prayers for my little girl tomorrow!

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Steph... we are here for you... all the time, any time. And whatever you are going through.. whenever... it IS important and worthy of our "ears". Wish I had some wise advice though! All I can do is pray..... Michael sounds like a BIG challenge. I really can relate because in the mid-80's.. my full time job was trying to keep our youngest son in school and out of trouble! He did a lot of "stuff", believe me. And he about consumed us for a few years. You just do the best that you can do.. and if you need outside help, then do whatever you need to do.

As for the food issues, my best suggestion would be to try the 5-day pouch thing... Can't remember the detaisl but you can google it. I think it's two days Protein Drinks, two days mushy, one day hard... but all protein... no carbs. You might have to stretch it out.. maybe ten days... to get back to where you can eat hard Protein and veggies. But you have to get off all that sugar and junk food.

Jackie... will certainly keep you and Court in my prayers tomorrow. And so glad the firing thing is behind you. Tomorrow a new month, new start for Courtney! God's blessing.. a new start every morning!

Karla... that is a horrible health plan! I don't like the health plans currently being proposed for so many reasons, but your story is certainly a perfect example of what needs to be changed. Hard working people such as yourself need to have health care plans they can afford and that cover their needs! But I don't think we should be providing for those who choose not to work or for illegals. If a person can't work because of health issues, then by all means. We have a huge problem in this area and I don't think anyone knows how to fix it. Don't mean to get in to politics. I know this is a touchy issue, but makes me mad to hear that a teacher would have such lame health insurance!

Hugs, Gals! I need to go to bed!!!

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Stephani, find a residential facility, be active in what ever program they have, THEN kiss your son and say I love you, BUT you are destroying my health, Tell him that you will always love him but that he must be here or jail, AND walk away. YOU are in crisis mode, acceptable, but it is time to take charge. Call around until you locate a space for him, deliver him, kiss him, and go home and sleep for 2 day. THEN, get up, shower and fake it until it becomes real. You know you are not a lousey teacher, I've worked with you. You are not a lousey parent, I've watched you with your 2 younger ones. You are not a lousey bander. YOU ARE HUMAN. However, it is time to take charge. Get up this morning, take the little ones to the daycare. Make a Protein Drink AND coffee, sit down with the phone and notebook and don't move until you have a place for Michael. Okay you can get up to go to the bathroom. Call the therapist and tell them, that by the time you get there, THEY need to have a facility lined up, BECAUSE you will be bringing Michael, but you won't be taking him home. The therapist has more clout than you. Michael needs a residential situation where he can rant and rave without having to rant and rave at you. The reality is that he isn't safe, and neither are you while he is in this destructive mode.

Okay enough ranting.

Jackie,you and courtney will be in my prayers all day.

Okay ALSO enough serious stuff...here is your humor for today.

Get up at 4:30, try to go potty, yeah right. Anyway, leaving the bathroom, forget that the dog gate is up, walk right through it, wouldn't have been bad, but the gate stayed, so did my feet, ankles, shins, and knees. The remaining part of my body continues forward, Newton's law you know. Gate finally gives up the fight and releases. Upper body now bolstered my the release of potential energy, bounces off the other side of the hall and gravity, also one of Newton's ideas, pulls all mass to the floor. Miss Molly thought it was rather humorous. Probably was a hoot to watch.

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