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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Janet, it's all about the narrator, ITunes has lousy ones. I typically like males over females. but I have always prefered males voices.

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damn, just gave myself the 'shot', oh hell did it burn! And it took me 4 jabs.

Do you have more energy???

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Not yet, but I'm hoping. But today's was the 1st 'real' shot. The one I gave myself in the office was just B because the shippment didn't come in.

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Not yet, but I'm hoping. But today's was the 1st 'real' shot. The one I gave myself in the office was just B because the shippment didn't come in.

Are you suppose to do them at night or in the a.m. - one time the doc gave me a B12 in the afternoon - and I was up all night this was a long time ago...

I take the sublingual and I don't really feel any diff..

Well I'm off to eat and watch t.v.

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Oh heck, we didn't talk about the time of day. Great.

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Hello all!!! Sorry I have been MIA but I tell you this week is flying by and I am crazy busy! Trying to get end of the month/beginning of the month stuff completed in a very short time since I will be gone and it is NUTS! I have a staff who I had to give a verbal warning to in August about absences and then sept 3 a written (missed 8 days in August) and today our team was discussing the absences in September so far (4) and it was decided I will be terminating her. This is the part of my job I hate! She is a single mom and always asks for more hours and then calls in. I have done everything possible to make things workable and even offered less hours so she would not have such a full schedule (in which she declined stating 'no I need my hours I will make sure I am there') and now we have no other choice. Just feel bad for her. Just makes me want to shake her and say damn it what are you thinking?! Your good at what you do when you are here but the problem is you are not here often enough and now you have left us no choice. She can be very hostile and everything in her life for her no matter how big or small becomes a major crisis so I am not looking forward to our meeting. I set it up for next Wednesday after Court was done and etc so I wouldn't be fretting over what I am assuming will be her reaction and the things I know she will be saying to me. Sometimes I think I liked being on the bottom of the pole and no one noticed me and I did my job instead of on the top of the pole and having this particular responsibility. It is my job though and I took the job knowing this was part of it. She took her job knowing the expectations of attendance so I have to remember that.

Ok enough of that....I am sure you don't want to hear of my emplyment woes.........sorry........

Well on a happier note I am happy to say I am down 6 lbs. Finally losing again. I am more conscious now though so it is my fault I have been at this stand still. Will be walking to the clinic from the hospital friday morning for a slight fill and hopefully that will put me at my 'sweet spot' again.

Courtney drank her bowel prep today and all the antibiotics tomorrow then surgery day! She is excited.....I am a basket case! I am better now. Just a very emotional thing for me.....and TOM just started so that doesn't help because that always makes me a bawling emotional mess anyway. LOL

Went and bought our gym membership today. Didn't tell Court because like I said the other day that is my gift to her after surgery. I can't wait! She told me she is trying to save money to buy a membership and I figured what better gift to give someone after wls?!

Anyway, so sounds like everyone is having a pretty good week. Glad to hear Steph's band is ok.

Janet so happy you will be able to go to your aunt's funeral. You ae in my prayers.

Carla I am going to talk to the doctor about those b shots Friday. I am ALWAYS worn out and I want to try them. I take a B complex Vitamin 3 times a day and it does nothing for me so I need a boost.

Karajh so proud of you and no soda. Awsome job. I know how hard it is to give that up. I still have to have a diet pepsi hear and there. Takes me forever to drink it but I still have one once in a while. My TERRIBLE habit is McDonalds sugar free ice coffee. I am MUCH better than I had been doing. I was drinking 1 a day. Now maybe 1 sometimes 2 a week. I know I know still bad but I have to have some indulgence or I will feel deprived and then WATCH OUT!

Well ladies it is getting late and I need to put myself to bed. Puppies are waiting for their last trip outside and then snuggling to read with mommy for a bit before lights out.

TTYAL!! Hugs!

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Morning, Jackie, good job, heck GREAT job. Doesn't if feel better to be in control. Eating is an addiction that is the toughest to control because we have to eat to live. I've always been able to totally not eat. Starvation is something I can do, its finding the balance that I struggle with.

Glad to hear that things are okay with Steph. I wish I could make things better for her.

Well been up since 4 am. Miss Molly had to go potty twice in the night. The cat puked in the middle of the night...in my bed. Then I've had to urinate for the last 2 hours and can't go. I think I have prolapsed my bladder AGAIN. Last time I prolapsed my intestines and couldn't have a bowl movement. I had to go to Duke Medical center and be reconstructed for the THIRD time. It has been 7 years since then, and I'm still paying Duke off. I've had some 'bulging' issues for the last couple of weeks. This morning I woke up in pain and can't urinate, the 'bulge' is bigger. I don't have a specialist anymore, because the last gyn/urinologist said that it was time to try someone else because she couldn't do anything more for me. Many docs don't know how to deal with chronic issues, she also retired. So here I sit, wishing I could pee. I know, to much info. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm open. I don't want to get into a situation where I have to cath myself. One of the reasons I got the band is that excess weight increases your chances for pelvic organ prolapse. I guess if I don't 'go' I'll have to call around and see if anyone will take me. Most won't because my insurance will only pay 50% after $2000. I'd be better off if I never went to school and got a job.

Sorry, it seems to be all about me.

Jackie, Court's procedure will go great. Hugs on the employee issues. that's one reason I won't go into administration. by the way, because I'm new here, how old to Court?

Phyl, isn't it exciting to have to use your fanny packs because you won't need your scooter anymore!! What a blessing.

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Janet, you will be on our minds. Remember, we are here, so know that you are in our prayers.

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Good Morning Gang

Jackie its sure good to have you back !!! Hugs on the boss issues – I don’t know if I could fire someone – especially if I liked them – I use to be late all the time and was a great one for calling in sick on Monday mornings – it was cuz I was a party girl :0)… I was lucky they didn’t fire me – one year I was late/sick – I owed my employer 2 weeks..

Good Luck on that one…

Hugs and Prayers for Courts surgery – She will be fine – but I know you won’t believe that until it’s all over… I won’t be on line after Thursday nite – so know my thoughts are with you..

Karla – Did you sleep ok last night – besides being woke up by the doggies & cat – My Angel got me up right when I was falling a sleep – (she comes and licks me in the face) so took her – then woke up 2:45 to pee then went back to bed – about 15 minutes later the cat is fighting with another cat (I guess) in my laundry room (which is across the hall from my room) I wake up to this screaming – I jump up it was dark – didn’t see another cat but had to be (we have doggie doors and I can’t lock them cuz sometime she (sheba) goes out and has to get back in) It woke Andrew up – who’s screaming – I guess he thought it was me :0)…

OMW on your internal issues – my Aunt had major colon problems back in the 70’s in the hospital for a month – blockage – surgeries – adhesion and her tummy always hurt..

Lemon juice – watermelon – cranberry juice – I have never been plagued with bladder issues – so I’m not much help there..

Well I’m glad to say my food has been excellent the last few days. I have been paying attention to my fullness and not ignoring it.. Last night fish – rice and just a little of my veggies – then sf cinnamon pudding..

One minute I think I need a fill – but I really don’t I just need to pay attention to my fullness and make good food choices.

Well need to get but in gear if I am going to leave early tomorrow – CBL

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Good morning all. Well I got the call that all the big wigs have signed off on the termination paper so I am going to go pick it up and have called staff to set up a time today to meet. I guess it is best to do it now since tomorrow is the start of another month and new documentation. HoHum.

I really do like this person but I do do my best to keep personal and superviser roles seperate and I do a pretty good job. I thought that part would be hard for me but I have been pretty good with changing hats when needed. I know what my job is and I can't afford to lose mine so I am able to carry through. Not going to be easy because as I said EVERYTHING is a crisis with this person and this really is a crisis so yeah.........

Janet if I do not get to talk before you leave have a safe trip and I will be thinking of you. Again so sorry for your lose.

Karla DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR!!! I am not really knowledgable about prolapse but it doesn't sound good so I would be getting to the doctor! Good luck and hopefully you can 'go' soon.

Phyl where are you? Haven't heard from you today yet.

Peaches is at work so not able to check in due to the 'watching the net'. We miss you Peaches!!

Well I better get. Need to get dressed and go to main office and then meeting with some staff today and the meeting with THE staff today (hopefully if she calls me back. She left a message this morning she would not be working tonight-sick. day 3 this week now).

Last day before surgery. Antibiotics and totally Clear Liquids with no color today. WAHOO we are finally close. I want to be on the other side and Courtney to be done!

Hope everyone has a good day today! I will prob be back tonight.

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Good Morning!

Gloomy day today.. but not raining and I thought it was supposed to. I walked in the drizzle yesterday, but right after that it started pouring. Good timing.

Did I already post that I booked us a cruise yesterday...?? Mexican Riviera... same one Janet took last March except we're on Norwegian.. same ship we went to Alaska on in May. Got a very good price and it leaves out of L.A., so no plane fare. Looking forward to it.

DIL in CA called this morning. I have an assignment.. go to Kohl's and see if they have a Seahawk Santa Gnome. Guess they have Raiders in the bay area so she's hoping maybe they have Seahawks up here. So I can look for pants while I"m there.

Primetimers today. Earl thought today was Tuesday. I bugged him yesterday because I had all this stuff ready to go to the RV and it sat there all day as did he! I'm not sure he went out of the house all day except to the trash bin! I was all over the neighborhood before it rained. I took the scooter, went to my latte place across the highway, then to RiteAid to check on Rx, Albertson's... bought two rotissiere chickens, then to the next shopping center and got him 2 of his favorite hard rolls and a pepperoni stick from the deli. So I had a great time before the rain started. He sat and watched Fox news and slept all day. So today he starts loading up the car to go to the RV with all this stuff. I saw what he was doing and said.... "UH... we have Primetimers today!" He insisted it was Tuesday! No dear, it's WEDNESDAY today!! So, he's making a quick trip to Tracy's to unload the stuff and we will be late to church. Oh, well. No biggie! First hour is just sitting and visiting.

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Good morning all. Well I got the call that all the big wigs have signed off on the termination paper so I am going to go pick it up and have called staff to set up a time today to meet. I guess it is best to do it now since tomorrow is the start of another month and new documentation. HoHum.

I really do like this person but I do do my best to keep personal and superviser roles seperate and I do a pretty good job. I thought that part would be hard for me but I have been pretty good with changing hats when needed. I know what my job is and I can't afford to lose mine so I am able to carry through. Not going to be easy because as I said EVERYTHING is a crisis with this person and this really is a crisis so yeah.........

Janet if I do not get to talk before you leave have a safe trip and I will be thinking of you. Again so sorry for your lose.

Karla DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR!!! I am not really knowledgable about prolapse but it doesn't sound good so I would be getting to the doctor! Good luck and hopefully you can 'go' soon.

Phyl where are you? Haven't heard from you today yet.

Peaches is at work so not able to check in due to the 'watching the net'. We miss you Peaches!!

Well I better get. Need to get dressed and go to main office and then meeting with some staff today and the meeting with THE staff today (hopefully if she calls me back. She left a message this morning she would not be working tonight-sick. day 3 this week now).

Last day before surgery. Antibiotics and totally clear liquids with no color today. WAHOO we are finally close. I want to be on the other side and Courtney to be done!

Hope everyone has a good day today! I will prob be back tonight.

Karla, get to a DOCTOR now, that prolapse won't get any better on its own. I've had Bladder done 2x, reconstruction in Vag/rec area... so don't ignore it...

Janet, hugs girl, I am glad you got a good deal on your flight/car... that's a blessing! Good job on the food too!!

Kari, you are doing swell with the NON SODA days. whoo-hoo I knew you could do it~

Phyl, I am envious of your packing!! Dont' throw out all your hats they are your TRADEMARK girl - to heck with Earl.. he likes you cute and matching...

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Where is Stephanie? I hope she's o.k.?

Jackie; I don't envy you your firing task, just remember... its not personal, SHE had a job to do and wasn't doing it... and YOU have a job and ARE doing it.. that's all. plain and simple. SHe's had warnings ... so it can't be that much of a surprise for her.

Linda; You must be very busy with school.....

GOOD NEWS, we've decided to do a BIG RV trip in the spring.

We are going to drive across Mich, Wisconcin, Montana into Washington state then cut up and into Canada to go to Vancouver Island... we used to live there 30 years ago!!!!

God time flys.... I am going to take a month to 6 wks off work... if my Boss balks, then I'll just RETIRE!!! ha,ha,ha...

Hugs to you all!


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GOOD NEWS, we've decided to do a BIG RV trip in the spring. We are going to drive across Mich, Wisconsin, Montana into Washington state then cut up and into Canada to go to Vancouver Island... we used to live there 30 years ago!!!! God time flys.... I am going to take a month to 6 wks off work... if my Boss balks, then I'll just RETIRE!!! ha,ha,ha... Hugs to you all! Can:thumbup:

7_6_1.gifThat is SO exciting!! You will LOVE it and then you will definitely want to retire.... and buy a bigger RV!!

I hope you don't do it before we get home from CA!!! You will want to spend some time in the Seattle area and we would LOVE to spend some time with you! If you can get by with Water and electric only, maybe you can park at Tracy's! She lives 7 miles from us and has 5 acres. We store our RV there in the summer.

I think Steph is having some Michael problems since she got back from her tests. And she's stressed out because tests didn't show what's wrong.

Yes, Linda must be very busy!!

Hugs on the firing issue, Jackie! Candice is right... lady didn't do her job... and you're just doing yours. Earl had someone like that who was never at work... always sick, or some such excuse. It took him several YEARS to get rid of her... and LOTS of paperwork!!


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7_6_1.gifThat is SO exciting!! You will LOVE it and then you will definitely want to retire.... and buy a bigger RV!!

I hope you don't do it before we get home from CA!!! You will want to spend some time in the Seattle area and we would LOVE to spend some time with you! If you can get by with Water and electric only, maybe you can park at Tracy's! She lives 7 miles from us and has 5 acres. We store our RV there in the summer.

I think Steph is having some Michael problems since she got back from her tests. And she's stressed out because tests didn't show what's wrong.

Yes, Linda must be very busy!!

Hugs on the firing issue, Jackie! Candice is right... lady didn't do her job... and you're just doing yours. Earl had someone like that who was never at work... always sick, or some such excuse. It took him several YEARS to get rid of her... and LOTS of paperwork!!


When do you get home from Cali? You come back north in APril don't you??? I sure don't want to miss you and Earl... I've told Peter so much about him.. We can DRY DOCK just about anywhere's There is a holding tank for the BLACK water.. :blink: WE can always DUMP once we get to a park on the way up to Vancouver area.

Ya, Peter is getting excited now, we went shopping for a LAPTOP tonight... so we could stay connected while on the road, watch TV, movies, catch the news... ya know??? Cool huh, I had my doubts back in Aug.:) he was really pissing me off.... but we had such agood weekend up at tobermory.

I finished my quilt for the GrandBaby in Switzerland... gotta get it in the mail soon. Baby's born in November and I am sure it'll take a month to get across the ocean.

o.k. here are the first 5 Pictures of the "Eye Spy with My Little Eye" Quilt...:)






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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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