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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Kari, I have you all beat on IT. It's been years. I've been divorced now for 15 1/2 years, so it have been about 14 years. I don't even know it I could do IT if I tried. I figure by now, I've grown my virginity back. Plus I've been reconstructed, so everything is newish. Heck, I even have cadavar tissue...ummm, I don't think I'll share that with the gentleman, should I ever have an opportunity.

Okay, with that, I'm going to bed. ate about an ounce of food for dinner. Needless to say was hungry 2 hours later, so had some yogurt, blueberries, & Kashi. Calories today were about 900.

good night

Ahm Karla, no don't share THAT tid bit with the guy.. They'll be just glad there is still a opening!!! LOL

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dear Jackie;

You are 38? and no sex drive?

Girl, you need to get your anti-depressant changed!!!

You are 2 young &vibrant a woman to do without!

tempt whatz face back into the bedroom

if you are going to spend the rest of your life with HIM then he should be ur BEST Friend!


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Candice, excellent comments to Jackie! Life is way too short.

Black marshmallows, you guys are as bad as my girls. No the only way to eat them is slow toasted deep brown. NOT BLACK, you guys ruin them. Naturally they need to be nestled between 2 grahm crackers and chocolate, 168 calories.

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Good Morning Gang

I read yesterday but never got a chance to post - busy at work then last night gym then had to take Andrew to get a replacment phone (he paid for it) today at lunch have to take the car in to get the window replaced (again he's paying) - got up at 4:30 a.m. went to the gym at 5 did 3 miles - since I won't be getting there tonite - have to go by the accountants office drop off stuff then p/u Andrew's car.

food good yesterday - bf don't think I ate - lunch spinach tuna feta cheese salad - dinner baked blacked catfish 4 oz - 3/4 c butternut squash and 1/2 c rice.

Didn't get home til 8:30 so that's when I ate watched some of dancing with the stars and went to bed - slept pretty good..

Phyl - Love your little grown up gd - too cute..

Jackie - Girl don't settle for anything less that 100%

Candice - When's the wedding ...

Karla - I have never had a smore - had marshmellow and I agree w/you brown - My kids like there hot dog bbq'd to a crispt... Ugh...

Kari - Thanks for the hug !!! WTG no soda - really really proud of you.

Linda - what's up GF

Karri - Where are you

Denise - Hugs

Steph - are you alive - how's the tummy and your stress this week..

Well gotta get to work - I am taking off 1/2 Thursday to get nails done - food shopping for Andrew while I'm gone and banking... So got ton's to do...

CBL - Love & Hugs to all my girls...

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Candice, excellent comments to Jackie! Life is way too short.

Black marshmallows, you guys are as bad as my girls. No the only way to eat them is slow toasted deep brown. NOT BLACK, you guys ruin them. Naturally they need to be nestled between 2 grahm crackers and chocolate, 168 calories.

Oh gosh, wasn't that information included with your Lap Band Dietary notes! BLACK marshmallows have all the sugar burned off, hence they are healthier..... also the black bites are FULL Of FIBRE!!!!

Skip the graham crackers & chocolate, just skip that step and buy those nice butter crackers already coated in chocolate... its much handier!!


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Good Morning Gang

I read yesterday but never got a chance to post - busy at work then last night gym then had to take Andrew to get a replacment phone (he paid for it) today at lunch have to take the car in to get the window replaced (again he's paying) - got up at 4:30 a.m. went to the gym at 5 did 3 miles - since I won't be getting there tonite - have to go by the accountants office drop off stuff then p/u Andrew's car.

food good yesterday - bf don't think I ate - lunch spinach tuna feta cheese salad - dinner baked blacked catfish 4 oz - 3/4 c butternut squash and 1/2 c rice.

Didn't get home til 8:30 so that's when I ate watched some of dancing with the stars and went to bed - slept pretty good..

Phyl - Love your little grown up gd - too cute..

Jackie - Girl don't settle for anything less that 100%

Candice - When's the wedding ...

Karla - I have never had a smore - had marshmellow and I agree w/you brown - My kids like there hot dog bbq'd to a crispt... Ugh...

Kari - Thanks for the hug !!! WTG no soda - really really proud of you.

Linda - what's up GF

Karri - Where are you

Denise - Hugs

Steph - are you alive - how's the tummy and your stress this week..

Well gotta get to work - I am taking off 1/2 Thursday to get nails done - food shopping for Andrew while I'm gone and banking... So got ton's to do...

CBL - Love & Hugs to all my girls...

Hey, you must have been typing the same time I was..:tongue2:

Did you get you plain ticket for Texas yet?

Sorry, I've not been on LBT much , there's been a BIG crackdown on internet use at work.:)

Last week we had a HUGE SPYWARE infiltration, so all the computers had to go into the shop to get cleaned up.

My BOSS comes to me (and the rest of the staff) and says "could we all pls not use the internet at work for a week or so, while SOMEONE gets this spyware/adware thing sorted out" I can totally see her point BUT I need the internet for MY JOB, as well as keep my sanity at work.

I often go on LASER sites to do research, take web seminars, submit Insurance Claims so the CHIROPRACTOR can get PAID for her services... dah... did she forget that?????

Also we have a WEB SITE for the clinic which "I" maintian... kinda hard to do if I stay off the internet eh????

I swear, she dosn;t think sometimes...

O.k. here's where I go... LAPBANDTALK ( we all know its safe or else WE"D all be getting bugs)

SPARKPEOPLE.COM,, where I log my food, also my WeightLoss CLients, I send them there to log their food also.

PUBMED where I do research for laser

Mayoclinic web site


that's it, that's allthe places that I go.

O/T I went last week and got my nails done, SOLAR nails she called them, acrillic I think??? They lood really nice - I'lll get them redone just before the wedding...

Oh Janet, the wedding date is SUNDAY OCT 11th... its our THANKSGIVING weekend here,,, s/b beautiful with all the fall colours changing then... can't wait.

Phyl, I can't believe YOU and ME are the only ones that like our marshmallows the RIGHT way??? Sheesh :)

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Hey!!! I like them black too. No calories. Although, I have to admit that it's been years since I had any marshmallows that didn't come out of a box of fruit Loops.

My high speed is back on. Still no Soda. Can you Believe it? Only Water to drink. Also, I am trying to make some good food choices but it isn't always easy. I figure that the no soda issue is the most important right now and the rest will follow.

Yeah, Antidepressants are HELL on the sex drive. I can live without it but once in a while would be nice.

Okay, will check in later. Love you guys.

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Good Morning, Gang!

We are packing, packing, packing. Earl just made me go through all my hats! Thirteen going to Goodwill, 2 bags full going with me. You all know I have a hat problem right?! I have one bag full of sun visors... half cloth and half the foamy kind for the pool. Need different colors (with sparklies on them) for different colors of swim suits. Then need different color cloth ones to go with different color clothes. Then need the ones that cover my head.. would you believe I've outgrown some of my hats. Yes, I had a fat head, I guess! So, I have cloth ones and nice warm furry ones and one knit one with ear flaps in case of really cold, windy days in the desert.

I'm really working on my purse problem and will not take two bags full of them with me. But I do now need fanny packs again because without my scooter basket... I hate to carry things.. have a couple of over the shoulder purses, but starting to use my fanny packs again.. and now they actually fit around my waist!

Shoes are another problem! I need some sandals, I need crocs for the pool, I need my slip on Easy Spirits, etc!

Anyways, we have a full garbage bag full of stuff ready to go out the door to the Goodwill... all inventoried for taxes. I had to let go of some very favorite things... especially a long, comfy purple thermal nightgown that I LOVE but I am swimming in it and have to give it up. Unfortunately, it's from Lands End and they don't sell that one anymore. I ordered a flannel one from them last night but it just won't be the same. Earl warned me that I better get a warm nightgown because we will have some cold nights as we travel south.

I have so many exercises to do now it's overwhelming! I went to Target and bought a ball... about the size of a soccer ball... that I'm supposed to squeeze between my knees... lying flat in bed. And I have ankle weights for leg lifts, etc, etc. I know I have to do all this stuff... and do my 1/2 mile walk, and it's all very time consuming. I was going to go try out the stationary bike at the clubhouse because I so much enjoyed that at therapy yesterday, but Earl says no because it's an old crappy one. Sky Valley has top of the line so I'll be using those for sure.

Weight was up yesterday... bummer! Crab cakes and loaded baked potato Saturday! Took two meals to finish it, but probably too many calories. Kind of frustrating, though, since I did all that walking. May have been retaining a little Water, though... ankles slightly swollen. I exercised yesterday.. both at PT and at home, but not enough to work up a sweat and I didn't walk... cold and windy and a BUSY day.. dr appt, TOPS, PT, etc! So I didn't log any exercise for the day in my signature.

Edited by phyllser

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where is everybody?? I'm lonely!

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where is everybody?? I'm lonely!

Hi... I'm here! Watching out the window as the rain comes down. It is our afternoon wine w/Judge Judy time. Tracy just popped in for a short visit. I will miss that when we go south! Did my 1/2 mile walk in the drizzle... before the pouring down rain started. Around and around the parking lot is VERY boring! I wear my headset and listen to music, but I need something else. Likes books on tape or something. I STILL have to do my exercises. Been talking about that ALL the day long and still haven't done it. Did do a lot of packing and cleaning out my closet. And I already posted about my HATS!! LOL

12_3_15.gif 12_3_14.gif 15_9_15.gif

Booked a cruise today, too. Seven day Mexican Riviera... Cabo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, out of L. A. Jan 30-Feb 6, only $1250 for both of us including taxes and insurance. Hopefully we can watch the SuperBowl onboard!

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Candice, I'm here. Ladies get this...joined the gym last night and went today and did the elliptical machine with arms. Shall we say noodely driving home. I guess walking and elliptically is 2 different things. Got my Bcomplex and amino acid injections today, so tonight is the big night. shoot myself all alone. I've given ton's of shots before, but only the one on Friday to myself. I sure hope it helps. The doc has me replacing one to 2 meals with a super Protein Drink. I was worried, because the Protein Drinks that I used after surgery really didn't keep me full. He assured me that because is was one of the highest quality Protein available that it would keep me full. dang if he wasn't right. It is also gluten free which is suppose to help with my intestinal bloat. Of course right now I have a grape lodges in my stomach that is about to make an appearance. Probably have a bit of an over fill. I'm going to give it a week or so and then see where I'm at.

Did anyone hear how Steph's tests went?

I got some good news today...I think. I was accepted into the Master's program that I told you all about, where everything is paid for AND they pay me $200 a day for sitting in class. That's the good news, the bad...it starts THIS Friday! Oh hell, what was I thinking. I don't have time for this. I'll have to write papers, and be observed, write lessons, yeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuugg.

DD#4 finally went to the doctor and she has walking pneumonia again.

DD#5's wisdom teeth are acting up. Does it ever end?

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Phyl, I have the the DaVinci Code on 'tape' CD. The narator is excellent. I've listened to is 3 times while driving.

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Candice, I'm here. Ladies get this...joined the gym last night and went today and did the elliptical machine with arms. Shall we say noodely driving home. I guess walking and elliptically is 2 different things. Got my Bcomplex and amino acid injections today, so tonight is the big night. shoot myself all alone. I've given ton's of shots before, but only the one on Friday to myself. I sure hope it helps. The doc has me replacing one to 2 meals with a super Protein drink. I was worried, because the protein drinks that I used after surgery really didn't keep me full. He assured me that because is was one of the highest quality protein available that it would keep me full. dang if he wasn't right. It is also gluten free which is suppose to help with my intestinal bloat. Of course right now I have a grape lodges in my stomach that is about to make an appearance. Probably have a bit of an over fill. I'm going to give it a week or so and then see where I'm at.

Did anyone hear how Steph's tests went?

I got some good news today...I think. I was accepted into the Master's program that I told you all about, where everything is paid for AND they pay me $200 a day for sitting in class. That's the good news, the bad...it starts THIS Friday! Oh hell, what was I thinking. I don't have time for this. I'll have to write papers, and be observed, write lessons, yeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuugg.

DD#4 finally went to the doctor and she has walking pneumonia again. DD#5's wisdom teeth are acting up. Does it ever end?

Got a text from Steph a while ago.. tests showed nothing. I wonder if the problems are stress related. Doc doesn't know what's going on.

Good news on the Master's program! You'll do okay!

I read DaVinci Code, and saw the movie. Often Earl walks with me and then I have someone to talk to.

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Hey, you must have been typing the same time I was..:(

Did you get you plain ticket for Texas yet?

Sorry, I've not been on LBT much , there's been a BIG crackdown on internet use at work.:scared2:

Last week we had a HUGE SPYWARE infiltration, so all the computers had to go into the shop to get cleaned up.

My BOSS comes to me (and the rest of the staff) and says "could we all pls not use the internet at work for a week or so, while SOMEONE gets this spyware/adware thing sorted out" I can totally see her point BUT I need the internet for MY JOB, as well as keep my sanity at work.

I often go on LASER sites to do research, take web seminars, submit Insurance Claims so the CHIROPRACTOR can get PAID for her services... dah... did she forget that?????

Also we have a WEB SITE for the clinic which "I" maintian... kinda hard to do if I stay off the internet eh????

I swear, she dosn;t think sometimes...

O.k. here's where I go... LAPBANDTALK ( we all know its safe or else WE"D all be getting bugs)

SPARKPEOPLE.COM,, where I log my food, also my WeightLoss CLients, I send them there to log their food also.

PUBMED where I do research for laser

Mayoclinic web site


that's it, that's allthe places that I go.

O/T I went last week and got my nails done, SOLAR nails she called them, acrillic I think??? They lood really nice - I'lll get them redone just before the wedding...

Oh Janet, the wedding date is SUNDAY OCT 11th... its our THANKSGIVING weekend here,,, s/b beautiful with all the fall colours changing then... can't wait.

Phyl, I can't believe YOU and ME are the only ones that like our marshmallows the RIGHT way??? Sheesh :thumbup:


Yes I got my ticket - air - hotel - rent a car for $650 on priceline.com - pretty good price with out advance notice - I ck'd american air lines website it would have been $1300 just for the plane..

I fly out of Palm Springs 7:35 a.m on Friday - get to Tx 12:20 (2hr time change) Come home Sunday - leave TX at 9:45 - land in PS 10:40 (again time change)

I am friends with the IT girl - so I don't have a problem with surfing the net - but we get alot of spam at work - we have a filter it goes to my spam folder most of the time - I found that when I FB I was getting tons of spam here at home... Since I really haven't been there that much - it's slowed down - but LBT has it's one clicks (tracking devices) - so we are always beening tracked and spamed - they all have it (websites) that's how they afford to run..

I couldn't live without my nails even though at times they are a pain to keep up..

Hey!!! I like them black too. No calories. Although, I have to admit that it's been years since I had any marshmallows that didn't come out of a box of fruit Loops.

My high speed is back on. Still no Soda. Can you Believe it? Only Water to drink. Also, I am trying to make some good food choices but it isn't always easy. I figure that the no soda issue is the most important right now and the rest will follow.

Yeah, Antidepressants are HELL on the sex drive. I can live without it but once in a while would be nice.

Okay, will check in later. Love you guys.

Way to go Kari - Yes Soda is your 1st step on getting back in the groove.. My food has been good for the last 2 days - But on Saturday & Sunday it sucked - candy - 1/2 bagel (threw the other half away) 5 choc chip Cookies with walnuts - 2 glasses of wine and who know's what else - I know I ate too many carbs

Today had to run Andrew around - he wanted micky D's so I got a snack warp (grilled chipote 260 calories) ate almost all of it except the last bite of the tortilla - it filled me for about 1/2 hr then I was hungry - had 1/4 c peanuts and then just water

Just drank some more water (got stuck - on water - and haven't done that in ages) and right this second I am ok - it's too early for dinner...

Good Morning, Gang!

We are packing, packing, packing. Earl just made me go through all my hats! Thirteen going to Goodwill, 2 bags full going with me. You all know I have a hat problem right?! I have one bag full of sun visors... half cloth and half the foamy kind for the pool. Need different colors (with sparklies on them) for different colors of swim suits. Then need different color cloth ones to go with different color clothes. Then need the ones that cover my head.. would you believe I've outgrown some of my hats. Yes, I had a fat head, I guess! So, I have cloth ones and nice warm furry ones and one knit one with ear flaps in case of really cold, windy days in the desert.

I'm really working on my purse problem and will not take two bags full of them with me. But I do now need fanny packs again because without my scooter basket... I hate to carry things.. have a couple of over the shoulder purses, but starting to use my fanny packs again.. and now they actually fit around my waist!

Shoes are another problem! I need some sandals, I need crocs for the pool, I need my slip on Easy Spirits, etc!

Anyways, we have a full garbage bag full of stuff ready to go out the door to the Goodwill... all inventoried for taxes. I had to let go of some very favorite things... especially a long, comfy purple thermal nightgown that I LOVE but I am swimming in it and have to give it up. Unfortunately, it's from Lands End and they don't sell that one anymore. I ordered a flannel one from them last night but it just won't be the same. Earl warned me that I better get a warm nightgown because we will have some cold nights as we travel south.

I have so many exercises to do now it's overwhelming! I went to Target and bought a ball... about the size of a soccer ball... that I'm supposed to squeeze between my knees... lying flat in bed. And I have ankle weights for leg lifts, etc, etc. I know I have to do all this stuff... and do my 1/2 mile walk, and it's all very time consuming. I was going to go try out the stationary bike at the clubhouse because I so much enjoyed that at therapy yesterday, but Earl says no because it's an old crappy one. Sky Valley has top of the line so I'll be using those for sure.

Weight was up yesterday... bummer! Crab cakes and loaded baked potato Saturday! Took two meals to finish it, but probably too many calories. Kind of frustrating, though, since I did all that walking. May have been retaining a little water, though... ankles slightly swollen. I exercised yesterday.. both at PT and at home, but not enough to work up a sweat and I didn't walk... cold and windy and a BUSY day.. dr appt, TOPS, PT, etc! So I didn't log any exercise for the day in my signature.

Hi... I'm here! Watching out the window as the rain comes down. It is our afternoon wine w/Judge Judy time. Tracy just popped in for a short visit. I will miss that when we go south! Did my 1/2 mile walk in the drizzle... before the pouring down rain started. Around and around the parking lot is VERY boring! I wear my headset and listen to music, but I need something else. Likes books on tape or something. I STILL have to do my exercises. Been talking about that ALL the day long and still haven't done it. Did do a lot of packing and cleaning out my closet. And I already posted about my HATS!! LOL

Booked a cruise today, too. Seven day Mexican Riviera... Cabo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, out of L. A. Jan 30-Feb 6, only $1250 for both of us including taxes and insurance. Hopefully we can watch the SuperBowl onboard!

OMG Phyl yes you have been busy !!! Yes exercise is very time consuming - my life evloves around it and going to the gym - I went this morning cuz I thought I had to run Andrew around again this evening but I didn't have to after all - should have gone to the gym again - but I am not that much of a gym rat..

Great price on your cruise - that's the one that I did in March - which cruise line - carnival or royal - we did royal - mine cost a bit more - but we had a balcony...

Yes they will have the game on !!!!

It's suppose to get in the 80's this weekend - didn't see night time but that means 60's - so yea it's cooling off hear..

where is everybody?? I'm lonely!

I have 2 big 10/1 renewals and I am trying to take off 1/2 day Thursday to get nails done - banking - shopping etc before I go..

Candice, I'm here. Ladies get this...joined the gym last night and went today and did the elliptical machine with arms. Shall we say noodely driving home. I guess walking and elliptically is 2 different things. Got my Bcomplex and amino acid injections today, so tonight is the big night. shoot myself all alone. I've given ton's of shots before, but only the one on Friday to myself. I sure hope it helps. The doc has me replacing one to 2 meals with a super Protein drink. I was worried, because the protein drinks that I used after surgery really didn't keep me full. He assured me that because is was one of the highest quality protein available that it would keep me full. dang if he wasn't right. It is also gluten free which is suppose to help with my intestinal bloat. Of course right now I have a grape lodges in my stomach that is about to make an appearance. Probably have a bit of an over fill. I'm going to give it a week or so and then see where I'm at.

Did anyone hear how Steph's tests went?

I got some good news today...I think. I was accepted into the Master's program that I told you all about, where everything is paid for AND they pay me $200 a day for sitting in class. That's the good news, the bad...it starts THIS Friday! Oh hell, what was I thinking. I don't have time for this. I'll have to write papers, and be observed, write lessons, yeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuugg.

DD#4 finally went to the doctor and she has walking pneumonia again.

DD#5's wisdom teeth are acting up. Does it ever end?

Phyl, I have the the DaVinci Code on 'tape' CD. The narator is excellent. I've listened to is 3 times while driving.

I got a text message this morning from Steph - No Prolapse all is ok with her band - I assume it was from her it was a diff # than what I have for her in my phone - but who else would be texting me with that info - got the text about 7:20 a.m on my way to work...

I think my mind would drift too much with the book on tape - I listen to snips on Itunes cuz I thought I might want to down load one - but I didn't care for the voices.'

Hugs on DD's no it doesn't ever get better - for a while it might go smooth then there will always be a bump in the road to stir things up..

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damn, just gave myself the 'shot', oh hell did it burn! And it took me 4 jabs.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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