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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Thanks Gang

I called Trinity Towers today (that's where my aunt lives)- to ask how she's doing - I think I talked to her nurse - they asked had I talked to Chris and said yes that I understood the situation - I asked that they tell her that I called and that I loved her..

When Chris (her stepson) called last week - I did say a pray that if her cancer was back to please take her quickly - but this is really bumming me out - I guess being so far away - and yes it was after Michael's death that I went and saw her - cuz tomorrow not promise. Yes I am glad I did - I am losing my last link to my Dad - to my Grandma - to someone who can tell me about the old days..

The nurse said she's on morphine so that's good..

Phyl - don't break the zoloft up - I think it's time released - just ask for a lower dosage or do what I did when I got off them - I would take them everyother day - then every 3 days etc - and just stopped taking them all together..

Candice doing good - love your challenge 160 ~~ to 150 WTG

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I'm checking in. More about my day later.

Phyl - doesn't it feel fantastic to get around on two legs? When I was really fat, my back just killed me. (knees too, but.>>) After the weight came off, it was back to the normal shopping carts (no more scooters for me) and even wqs able to go to a mall. Don't quit the Zoloft though.

Janet - sorry to hear about your aunt. I will say a prayer for her. I know what it is like to lose the last link with part of your family. My dad was born in Germqny and all his relatives are still there. Don't ask me where though. There is no one left of his immediate family here so when I hand down my family tree to my kids, it goes no further back than my grandparents.

Jackie - I like your new avatar. It's kind of little to see it very well, but it reminds me of Melanie Griffiths.

Okay, Now for my day. I don't know if my food selections were good or not, but I am happy with them. In fact, I'm kind of proud of myself. You see, a big bunch of us from church drove 2 hrs to take one of our old timers out to lunch. We went to the Mongolian BBQ. I'd never been there so I didn't know what to expect. I did think to myself that this was special, I could have some goodies. Anyway, time to order beverage?? I DID NOT ORDER PEPSI!!!! I had ice wqter. Two glasses. Food, I had the Soup and salad bar. Soup was Bavarian cheese. It was out of this world. Probably filled with calories. A cheddar soup with bacon, parmesan and spices. YUMMY. I had two cups of it. Then I had salad. Put lots of Protein on it. Chopped eggs, cheese, onions. I was full.

Then, for dinner, I had a cup of chicken boullion, and one ear of sweet corn. During the biggest loser, I'll probably have a cheese stick for some protein.

And, we left early this morning so I only got 40 minutes of pedaling in so far. Maybe later.


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I'm checking in. More about my day later.

Phyl - doesn't it feel fantastic to get around on two legs? When I was really fat, my back just killed me. (knees too, but.>>) After the weight came off, it was back to the normal shopping carts (no more scooters for me) and even wqs able to go to a mall. Don't quit the Zoloft though.

Janet - sorry to hear about your aunt. I will say a prayer for her. I know what it is like to lose the last link with part of your family. My dad was born in Germqny and all his relatives are still there. Don't ask me where though. There is no one left of his immediate family here so when I hand down my family tree to my kids, it goes no further back than my grandparents.

Jackie - I like your new avatar. It's kind of little to see it very well, but it reminds me of Melanie Griffiths.

Okay, Now for my day. I don't know if my food selections were good or not, but I am happy with them. In fact, I'm kind of proud of myself. You see, a big bunch of us from church drove 2 hrs to take one of our old timers out to lunch. We went to the Mongolian BBQ. I'd never been there so I didn't know what to expect. I did think to myself that this was special, I could have some goodies. Anyway, time to order beverage?? I DID NOT ORDER PEPSI!!!! I had ice wqter. Two glasses. Food, I had the Soup and salad bar. Soup was Bavarian cheese. It was out of this world. Probably filled with calories. A cheddar soup with bacon, parmesan and spices. YUMMY. I had two cups of it. Then I had salad. Put lots of Protein on it. Chopped eggs, cheese, onions. I was full.

Then, for dinner, I had a cup of chicken boullion, and one ear of sweet corn. During the biggest loser, I'll probably have a cheese stick for some protein.

And, we left early this morning so I only got 40 minutes of pedaling in so far. Maybe later.



I do have family tree on my parternal grandma's side of the family going back to 1600's I have this booklet Memorials of the Sidneys & Woolletts Mary Ann Sidney Woollett was my great great grandmother from England - she married George Durrant who was my GGF - I have a cousin or something - Carol Ann and her DH did family tree - I have this memorial booklet from my Aunt when I went and visited in 2004 - It's something I would like to to when I am retired - it takes a lot of time and now that my aunt won't be around I won't have alot of info - I would like to to my Dad's side of the family - I have my grandfather's birth certificate - His Mom was from Ireland - so I have a little info..

PROUD OF YOU FOR NO SODA !!!!! Your soup wasn't the best choice - but you had a lite dinner - so hopefully it balanced out...

Well cooked for Andrew - fed the cat - fed the dogs now I get to feed me..

Went to the gym - 2 miles on the treadmill 1 mile on the eliptical..

Well cbl going to go feed me...

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Phyl - don't break the zoloft up - I think it's time released - just ask for a lower dosage or do what I did when I got off them - I would take them everyother day - then every 3 days etc - and just stopped taking them all together..

Didn't think about it being time-released. It is generic.... sertraline, so maybe not, but probably good advice. I have to go back and see my primary care doc soon to get new Rx for CA, so I'll talk to her about it then.

Just did 2nd 1/2 mile walk of the day. Tired, hot and sweaty now, ice bag on my knee. Though it doesn't feel bad at all..just kind of tired and achey. One concern.... hate to even say it or think it, the more I walk the more the opposite hip is hurting! Hoping if I just keep it up it'll be okay. I'm going to log every 1/2 mile walk in my signature... even if I do two in one day.. just to keep track of how many times I do it.

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Kirajh~ Melanie Griffith?! Thank you thank you thank you!! I love her. I wish I could be that gorgeous. I was going to try to make the pic bigger but if it makes me look that good small maybe I will leave it. LOL Thank you for the compliment though.

Janet~Prayers and hugs for you and your aunt. I am soo sorry.

Phyl~WOWZA!! Your really starting to strut your stuff now huh? Walking farther and farther all the time. Good for you.

Candice~ UUUGGGHHHH.....I know your irritation. I was taking Sulfa one time and itched so damned bad and young (19) so had no friggin clue why. It was so bad I took a toothbrush to bed with me and scratched all over. My hubby finally got tired on my jiggling the bed while scratching and said 'lets go to the hospital I have to get some sleep for work!' LOL Yeah I guess he thought I was having a great time. Anyway, hope it isn't your meds but if it is there are many more they can use. Have you called your doc who prescribed the seroquel?

Well found DS a pick up today. It was meant to be. I woke him for school this am and we were talking and I told him we needed to get on finding him a different vehicle because the one he bought himself ($200.00 '91 Tracer) was no good for winter and who knows when we will get snow our weather has been so crazy. He said 'I told you I am not getting a car I want a Ford Ranger like dad and I had'. I told him Trucks are expensive and I don't think you can afford a payment on a truck. Left it at that. Went into Farm Fleet today to get dog food and was looking at their board that people post ads on. A guy comes up behind me and said 'looks like they cleared the board because not many ads.' I said 'yeah'. He said 'excuse me a minute mam.' I moved over he put his ad up and walked in the store. I looked at the add and guess what..................'96 Ford Ranger XLT no rust, new tires, 123,000 miles. I rush after him and talk to him about it. Followed him to his place (10 miles) looked at it and drove it to a friends mechanic shop. They put it on the hoist and looked it over really well told me it was in excellent shape that they could see. Called the bank for book price.....$4300.00. Took pictures and told the guy I was going to go see my son at work and show him the pictures and would be back if he liked it. Austin loved it!! The guy started at $2650.00 and I got him down to $2200.00!!! He just bought a newer one and wanted to get rid of this one because he now has 3 vehicles and doesn't need them. Very nice man! Said I reminded him of his daughter in Texas. Wrote him a check and the truck is Austin's. We go to the bank to sign papers tomorrow so needless to say Court is happy because she is going to have surgery and Austin is on cloud 9 because he got the vehicle that he wanted!!! All in all a really good day.

Hope everyone else is doing well. For those not mentioned you were not forgotten I forget who posted what. LOL

Love ya all!!!:tongue2:

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Howdy all,

Has anyone heard from Steph about her dr. appt?

I'm beat and overwhelmed so I'm going to keep it short, I'm really exhausted.

keep bouncing ideas around about the christmas challenge.

I need to crawl in a hole for a while to de-stress and avoid the world. Not going to happen, but I know I need it.

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Steph posted on Facebook she is home and scheduled for a scope next week but now knows her band is ok.

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hi ladies.short but sweet. ingrown thumb nail. killing me.

band looks good. no noticeable prolapse. PA is still thinking hernia. next week have to have a scope done.

while i was gone, michael acted up again and now jeff and i are fighting...or rather i'm mad and he's sleeping....@$$!!! i want to smother him with a pillow.

okay. hopefully my thumb is better tomorrow so i don't have to hunt and peck and can add capitals....sorry ladies. love u....goodnight

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Steph, thanks for the update, I was worried about you.

I guess now you have your answer, Michael must have some type of issue with Jeff. Hopefully the family counceling will help work things out. You are in my prayers.

Janet, I've only had a few people that I truely loved die. It is even harder when you are torn between letting them not be in pain and wanting to keep them around. Remember the memories.

Candice think quilting not scratching.

Intestines are still feeling like they are on fire. I know it is stress. I'm hoping the fill doc has a few ideas. DD#1 has celiacs disease, which is inherited. I've been tested and show positive, but I've never had any symptoms. Since I'm eating less carbs, I'm eating less gluton, so it shouldn't be celiacs. I could handle the fire, if the bloat wasn't so bad. Reality is that I am 'swallowing' my frustrations and being overwhelmed. I need to find a way to get caught up. It's like I am ADD, everytime I try to get something done, I find myself flitting around amoungst many projects, esulting in NOTHING getting done.

Well have a good day. This week is getting as crazy as all the rest. Friday I go to Kalispell to the fill doc. Saturday need to meet my parents in helena to pick up dad's new kitty. Oh hell, somewhere in there I need to find time to get organized!

Edited by cramerk

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Steph...question...just a thought, don't rip my lips off...Maybe you should use the $$$$ you have for Jeff's surgery and go to the sleeve since you are having troubles with a hernia and sticking? Jeff 'appears' to be dragging his feet. I'm just thinking about the drive to the fill doc, stress = tightness. Your stress isn't going to change much any time soon. Just throwing that out there. You know I love you. I am just trying to find ways to make your life easier.

Won't find out until next week whether I made it into the master's program. I really was hoping I'd know this week. The classes start in a couple of weeks and I need some time to get organized. So positive thoughts.

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CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg 1,171/131/24/108

not bad for yesterday... back on trak... I hate it.

When I got home from work yest, I sayed to Peter... oh lets just hop in the car and go to DQ? Please!!!!

:-) NO! says DH... its 2 weeks until the wedding.... argh~!

I just wanted JUNK when Igot hom e from work...

O.k. so this a.m. feeling abit better... had a McDonalds Egg Burrito for breaky, and bought a 2nd one to have for lunch today... gonna be a long day today.. px started at 7:30 and I roll until 5....

Mantra for today? I love my Job, I love my co-workers, I love my rate of pay....

Edited by peaches9

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Up and at em for the day. Checking in LBT first then house work and errands. I have a meeting for work tonight and got everything prepared for that last night so I am good there. DS and I have to go register his truck and do the bank stuff this am. I let him stay home from school because unfortunately neither of our work schedules will allow for this this week so he had to miss school. I hate letting him miss but it couldn't be avoided right now.

Well ladies off for my day. I may have time to get in this afternoon.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Hugs to you all!

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Good Morning Gang - Happy Hump Day...

Candice - I love your mantra !! DQ GF I am glad Peter said NO!!!! What day is the wedding...

Steph - Hugs - I remember you saying that Jeff & Michael didn't have much of a relationship when we were in Minn - When do you go to the family therapy.. Hopefully that helps - I wish we could fix it for you - I feel your pain - blended families are hard - it's one of the reasons I am divorced..

Karla - Masters program - it's cuz you will get a pay raise right - That's going to be tough - hell you don't have time for yourself as it is.. I have a hard time getting orignized too - not enough hours in the day - and I procrastanate too..

Phyl - Maybe it's just muscles that haven't been used and your body is readjusting its self - We will keep good thoughts. WTG on your walking !!!

Jackie - Sounds like things are going good for the family... That's great - I love and cherish those times..

Denise - What's up GF - how are you doing

Kari - Am really impressed no soda - keep it up

Karri - hope the ankle is better and school is going smoothly.

Linda - How are you doing - hope all is well..

Well gang I gotta get to work Hugs CBL

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Steph~ Sounds like Micheal and Jeff have the same relationship as my son and husband. The kids dad as you all know is deceased and my current husband was never married and no kids AND he is the baby of his family. I don't leave the house if they are going to 'overlap' time before I get back. Like tonight I have a meeting for work so I will nonchalantly let son go to his friends because I have had SEVERAL instances when I was called at work, appointments and etc beccause they can't function together if I am not in the house. I hate it and DH and I have alot of issues over that. He thinks he is always right and......well nevermind......I won't even go into all of it because it upsets me so much and gets me going. To make a long story short we live 2 seperate lives in 1 house. Me and my kids are one family and my husband is the other. Hubby is so unwilling to bend for anything. But like I said never married, no kids and the baby of his family....oh and did I mention his mother lives next door?! Totally babies him yet!

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Jackie, oh hell no, I'd be packing his sweet ass up and move him to his mothers. There better be some compensation...good in bed? good salary? No way am I going to put up with having to mother another 'child'. Uhhh, I guess that is why I'm single. Oh well.

Janet, I don't know how I'm going to do the master's program either. I actually put in over to God and said, "If you think I can do this, give it to me, If you think I can't handle it, I can totally live with in. Right now I swear that I have 'caught' ADD from my students. I stare at the computer and don't get anything done. It took me almost a week to order the kid's 'Book Order's", the kids think I ordered it last Thursday. I'm going to blame it one the mail. It took me 3 hours to get done, usually I am done in 1/2 hour.

Did get my walk in today, I'm waiting for the endorphins to kick in. I need them!!!!!

Need to write a quiz tonight, actually 2 quizes. Need to write lesson plans for Friday since I'm going to the fill doc. Saturday need to drive to Great Falls, 4 hours 1 way. Sunday... need to find my house, classroom!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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