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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Well dinner and lunch both stuck. I'm wondering since I've lost weight if my band opening slightly too big, so instead of food 'stacking up' it moves partially through and stick. Is that possible?

So Breakfast was my usually blueberries, yogurt, & Kashi, Lunch - about 4 bites of chicken & veggies, snack, 100 cal popcorn, dinner 4 bites of steak & veggies, but ended puking up. So todays calories are about 400. This is the cycle I have gotten into. I was doing really well for about 2 months, but the last 2 weeks I have stuck on any hard Protein.< /p>

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Karla--I don't know if that is what actually happens, but it does seem a possibility. Sounds like a trip to your fill doctor is in order. You're chew, chew, chewing--right?

Have a great day, everyone. Kari--today's the first day. . . Karla and I are watching you!

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Here I am. Got up this morning, took pills and then had a 100 yo crunch for breakfast. Then pedaled 71 minutes. Now, thinking of getting some Water cause I am fighting the head hunger right now.

I forgot to tell you guys what I found at Walmart the other day. Now, when I was looking for the yo crunch, I saw this stuff by Yo plait called delights parfait. 100 Calories. Looked good and some girl told me that they were out of this world. She said the lemon was the best. They were out of lemon, wouldn't you know it? So she told me the chocolate raspberry was so so but the caramel creme was pretty good. So I picked it up and that's what I had for breakfast the next day. Let me tell you, I couldn't finish it. Talk about RICH!!!! But, delish. OH YEAH! A hundred calories. No way! That is one thing that will satisfy a sweet tooth without the calories and guilties. You've got to try it.

Hey, Jackie,...even Jesus gave Mary and Joseph problems when he was young. LOL


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Okay, I haven't been here in a while because I have been trying to work, play board games with DH, and heal. Everything is all better though. I was given clearance to workout today and start running tomorrow. She wanted me to try a gym workout before I started running to make sure things didn't start cramping up. But all went well this morning.

So it is back to training tomorrow. Pretty much have to start at the beginning weeks and I will worry about catching up with the training plan later after I have made sure that there are no problems. Well I have to get moving. I have a dentist appt to get a crown this morning becuase I have a cracked tooth. Then on to work.

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Good Morning Gang!!!

My you all were busy this weekend - I had 4 pages to read !!!

Linda CONGRATS on GK#2 - I am so happy for you!!!

I didn't get to the gym on Saturday - just didn't have time - Dogs to the groomers - hair appointment - target shopping got new vaccum and mop - came home and cleaned my house from top to bottom - didnt finish til 7:30 - Debbie came over and wanted to go eat - well I went with her but had 2 glasses of wine instead of food and then we went to a local dive that has Karoke (had 2 tequilla tonics) - some guy sang a song to me (unchained melody) - told him thanks but no thanks wasn't looking for a 1 nite stand or even a relationship..

Yesterday - got up was out of the house by 9:00 Target/Winco home by 12 - groceries put up and watching t.v./napping by 1:30..

Food - I am still an addict - it never goes away !!! I was starving - wanted something but didn't know what - it takes less time to make a quesidilla than it does to make a salad - that's the problem - when you are hungry you want to eat now and healthy food just seems to take longer to prepare

I hear you on the PB cheese crackers - they are a fav of mine. - I was glad when they were off the shelve for a while - they are something I eat when traveling (airplane) that and trail mix with m&m's :biggrin:)

Jackie - You look wonderfull !!!! Will your insurance pay for a sleeve - I know that some are. IMHO it's less drastic than bypass due to the malabsorbtion issues - I know plenty of pple who have had bypass and they are just fine - I just read a report that indicated less pple are having issues with bypass than before - that doc's have gotten really good at it

Karri - I am glad to hear that you are getting back on track - You don't know how good that is to hear. I have been very very worried about you..

You say you don't need a fill - I have been saying the same thing to myself - I wonder if we are just telling ourselves this cuz we want to be able to eat - yes we have restriction but not like we use to..

I know it's mostly about our food choices - but heck why did we get the band cuz we all needed the help.. To fill or not to fill - that is the questions - I don't know - I can eat more than 1 cup - but again that 2nd cup is usually veggies - so it's the choices not so much the amount (well it is - but you all know what I mean)

Ok gang - gotta get to work !!!


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Wow, I disappear for a couple days and stuff really happens here.

Linda: Congrats on another BABY... you are so lucky!!!!

Kari; O.k. girl you are on! Consider yourself Accountable!! I WILL PHONE YOU!

Phyl; you are continuing to amaze me with your devotion to PT... I wish all my px at the clinic were as focused as you.

Janet? where are you GF did you go out with Debbie? or are you having Sister issues again?

Jackie; Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so "know-it-all-ish" beg your forgiveness.... All you can do is support your DD, and you are already doing that.. you're w/L is awesome!!!

When you are NOT doing the liquids thng, what do you eat ina aday.. just for example?

Karla; How'd it go with Sushi man? Do tell.

Steph; glad you are back with us, have your feet forgiven you yet?

Weekend was not so good foodwise, so today... its back to logging in and being accountable

I LOVE the Xmas challenge.. count me in!~ :biggrin:

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Well dinner and lunch both stuck. I'm wondering since I've lost weight if my band opening slightly too big, so instead of food 'stacking up' it moves partially through and stick. Is that possible?

So breakfast was my usually blueberries, yogurt, & Kashi, Lunch - about 4 bites of chicken & veggies, snack, 100 cal popcorn, dinner 4 bites of steak & veggies, but ended puking up. So todays calories are about 400. This is the cycle I have gotten into. I was doing really well for about 2 months, but the last 2 weeks I have stuck on any hard Protein.< /p>

Geesh, sounds like you need a slight un=fill now??? Or could you do LIQUIDS for a few days, drop a couple of lbs and then band will be a tad looser??? JMHO:tt2:

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good evening ladies. good night i guess.

I went out to the farm to watch harvest. didn't do much but it was fun to sit in the truck with jeff.

Still no word from the police. I think the longer they wait the more Michael thinks its no big deal. I think he has an eye opener coming. At least I hope he gets them opened.

I'm getting a little worried about my upper gi on Tuesday. I've tried putting it out of my head and that was fairly easy to do when I was all wrapped up in my walk. Now...I guess its the next most important thing on my plate. It is what it is and there isn't anything I can do at this point. There are 3 options. I'm trying to eat things I shouldn't and there is nothing wrong. I have a hiatial hernia that needs repaired. I have a prolapse. Im still getting stuck but not as often. No fill at all. Hoping it is just stress but we will see. Keep me in your thoughts the next few days.

Jackie, it is so good to see you back here. Great news about your dd. One surgery does not fit all and I completely understand how scary it is for each of us. No one of us made this decision lightly. None of us made it without a lot of research. I'm sure you have shared this journey with your dd. She is lucky to have you.

Karla, I so very much hope you can have a good time with these men. I know it is scary. I know there are a ton of frogs out there. Remember, I interent met probably 100 men, dated probably 20, and then married Jeff. There are good guys out there. Give them a chance. Just remember that it will take time and everyone is flawed. Just don't settle for a frog. HAVE FUN!!!

Phyl, be proud of yourself with your walking. It's really great. you are superwoman!

Alright....gotta run ladies. I love you all.

I'm sendng you some HEALING Vibes for tomorrows test... HUGS Girlfriend !! :biggrin:

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Wow, I disappear for a couple days and stuff really happens here.

Linda: Congrats on another BABY... you are so lucky!!!!

Kari; O.k. girl you are on! Consider yourself Accountable!! I WILL PHONE YOU!

Phyl; you are continuing to amaze me with your devotion to PT... I wish all my px at the clinic were as focused as you.

Janet? where are you GF did you go out with Debbie? or are you having Sister issues again?

Jackie; Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so "know-it-all-ish" beg your forgiveness.... All you can do is support your DD, and you are already doing that.. you're w/L is awesome!!!

When you are NOT doing the liquids thng, what do you eat ina aday.. just for example?

Karla; How'd it go with Sushi man? Do tell.

Steph; glad you are back with us, have your feet forgiven you yet?

Weekend was not so good foodwise, so today... its back to logging in and being accountable

I LOVE the Xmas challenge.. count me in!~ :biggrin:


I posted this morning - it was right above this post..

I dislike Mondays - It takes me all day to get back in the groove of working...

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Good afternoon, gals! Another great weather day and the next two days are supposed to be in the mid-80's. I'm getting anxious to start south because I'm afraid that when it ends it's going to be miserable! LOL! Like the rain came down and the rain came down.... little family joke. Oldest son was singing that incessantly on a road trip through CO when he was about 4-5 yrs old. Same words over and over and over until Earl all of a sudden erupted and not so politely asked him to stop singing!

I am feeling SO good it's scary! PT discharged me today. He will ask the doc for 6 weeks outpatient PT. Approached Earl today about possibility of saving the Rx until we get to CA. I can do the exercises I've been doing on our way south. That way we could conceivably leave here Oct. 10th. Shouldn't be any problem to walk 1/2 mile, at least, at RV parks on our way down. I did it again yesterday and will try to increase it to 3/4 mile this week. It just gets so boring... around and around and around. One time I wore my headsets and listened to music on my Blackberry. Don't have a way to listen to books or I'd do that. Now that I'm walking I think I'm going to have to dig out one of my fanny packs. Blackberry around my neck swings back and forth as I walk and its annoying. Besides that.... as use of scooter lessens... I'm not going to want to carry my heavy purse either. I think I'm about ready to try walking down that driveway so I have options other than around the condo loop.

I showed off for the PT guy today. I was in the back when he got here so I strolled down the hall sort of spinning my cane in front of me! He was impressed... walking pretty normal without the cane. He laughed! Flexion didn't increase a whole lot... 114 degrees. I was hoping for 120 but he said not to stress over it... just keep working at it... more BUTT SLIDES!! The exercises are so much easier to do than even a week ago it's amazing. I am really pleased with how things are going. Just 4 weeks tomorrow since surgery and I'm pretty mobile, almost completely off pain meds and really excited about how far I can walk already.

Okay, I'm brain dead now... can't remember what's in all your posts! We'll be waiting to hear about Sushi Man, Karla! Busy weekend again, Janet! Hope you're feeling back to normal soon, Steph! Jackie.... hang in there with those liquids!

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Peaches no offense taken!! I still love ya and appreciate your comments and knowledge.

A normal day for me is yogart mid morning, a cambells Tomato Soup at hand for lunch, or tuna, and supper what ever I cook the family but Protein first. I do not cook fatty foods for them either so we all win. LOL I am not a big sweet eater but if I want something at night when hubby eats his ice cream I have 1/2-3/4 cup low fat strawberry yogart with 100% granola in it. This to me is like ice cream and is just a treat. Not a bad thing but I really try not to eat after supper.

Ok so I went with DD to pre op counseling and to visit with surgeon today. I AM FREAKED OUT!!!!! I know that I made the right choice for me getting the band. I was starting to have an anxiety attack while they were talking to DD about rouxen Y and drain tubes and 'extremely rare complications'. I am soooo scared you guys. We talked about lapband and by pass after counseling before talking with surgeon and she is totally convinced this is the right thing for her. We did talk with the surgeon about both again (as my chest was tightening up and anxiety was rocketing AFTER I took my anxiety med). He talked about both and complications of both and people can fail each because both are a tool and the patient is the one who controls the outcome and etc. He asked her why she was choosing by pass instead of band. She talked of follow ups and fills/cost and she feels the by pass will keep her more 'in line' due to dumping if she 'cheats'. He said he totally understood and agreed with her decision and reasoning. All the way home I was trying to hold myself together. We got home and she went to walk with a friend and I just lost it. I am falling apart with fear!! I called the surgeons office and talked to his nurse and explained how afraid I am and she talked with me and then Dr Matt called me. I trust them it isn't that but this is my little girl who has never had anything except a scope on her knee and sinus crap!!!

They showed us the drain tube and when I went to pick up the display because they wanted us to hold it and look at it my hands were shaking so bad and DD looked at me and said 'what's wrong mom' I said honey I am just worried. I told her I was not trying to scare her but she is my baby and ANY procedure would worry me. She said I am scared to but I have to look at all the benefits just like you did. Tears came to my eyes. When the HELL did she grow up so much?!

On top of it all, she was scheduled for Friday Oct 2 but while we were there they moved it up to Thursday Oct 1.

DD jokingly told me on the way home to make sure I bring the whole bottle of anxiety meds the day of surgery. We laughed and I said 'oh honey I will be eating my 'tic tacs' (as I call them:tt2:) and when you get out of surgery I will be one cool mama.' LOL

I am soooo much more nervous about her surgery than mine.

I am staying strong and supportive for her but freaking out behind closed doors. Normally I would want to eat but when I get stressed my band tightens and I don't even think of trying to eat. Good thing I chose to do the liquids with her. I would have to be doing them now anyway.

Sorry for such a long post. You will probably see many more the next 10 days like this.

Thank GOD I have you all to turn to. Hubby is so passive he has no reaction to anything. Drives me CRAZY!!! I try to talk to him and he just 'dismisses' me. Some days (most) I wonder why the hell did I remarry!!!

Ok sorry for the vent. Needed it!:biggrin:

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OH, Jackie! So sorry you're struggling with this. Sounds like Courtney has done her homework and thought this all through. I'm sure she'll be fine. We're here for you!!

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OH, Jackie! So sorry you're struggling with this. Sounds like Courtney has done her homework and thought this all through. I'm sure she'll be fine. We're here for you!!

Thanks Phyl! I am really falling apart tonight. Thank goodness she isn't home. Can't stop the tears and tummy is pretty upset. Doesn't help that liquids in=liquids out. Add stress to that and................well I am sure you guys get the drift! UUGGHHHH

I just have to come to grips with it. I know she knows what she wants and what is going to happen. It is me obsessing again. Just so scared. I do think it will go fine and she will do great it is getting through the surgery and pain afterwards I am worried about. Our DR is VERY good and I have all the trust in the world in him. I am very happy for Courtney just worried.

On another note......we did talk to Dr about the sleeve today. He has done several of the sleeves.........in Pittsburg! He said that when he worked in Pittsburg they performed the sleeve on several patients. He told us that the nice thing about being in that hospital was they are a research hospital so they were able to do those surgeries for the research. He said that many times they performed the sleeve on patients that were 450-500lbs as a 'starter' program. They did the sleeve because it was less invasive meaning less risky for people who were 450-500lbs. They did this surgery to get them down to a healthier weight and in hopes that some of the medical issues would also go away and then they would perform the gastric by-pass. He said the sleeve is still in a lot of research stages right now and they do not perform it. It was really interesting though because he showed us on a rubber stomach what/how they did the sleeve. Just thought I would share all that with you all.

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Jackie--thanks for sharring the sleeve info with us. As far as your anxiety about Courtney is concerned, sometimes it helps me to remember that there are some things in life that I can control, and other things that I can't. You really can't control Courtney--there is nothing more you can do. IF she has complications, you'll deal with it, but for now, worrying about all the worst case scenerios isn't going to prevent them from happening. We'll all just pray for a good outcome and remember that God is in control of what happens. When you feel the anxiety creeping in you need to go back to what you've learned about stress relief and relaxation techniques. Concentrate on slow deep breathing and identifying tension in your body and consciously relax it. Remember childbirth? (Yeah, I'm an OB nurse at heart). Just try to relax and go with the flow. Schedule a massage if you like that, or a pedicure--or find a Reflexologist! Go for a facial or a spa treatment and just concentrate on feeling the relaxation. I know it's easier said than done, but Courtney will be more relaxed about all of this if you are relaxed and confident.

Hey Candice--how's The Itch? I'm thinkin better since you haven't said much. What finally worked?

Well, as usual, I messed up a little today. One of my students brought in part of her wedding cake--she got married last Saturday. Naturally, I had to have a tiny slice. Then Mel wanted ice cream after supper, so I had a small vanilla cone. All in all, a better day than the last week, but not as good as I planned :biggrin: Kari, Karla: Time to check in. Candice: you too!

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I am checking in. All in all, things went pretty good today. The worst was this morning not long after I posted here. I finished off a piece of kielbassa that was in the fridge. For lunch, I had a lean pocket (260 cal) and for dinner I had a lean Cousine. For an afternoon snack I had two colby-jack sticks (80 ea.) So far I have drank three bottles of Water. I was thinking that maybe tonight, i would have a 100 cal popcorn, but I just noticed the time. Think I'll just have another water.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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