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thanks Phyl for the advice. I have a four-wheeled walker and a high toilet, they said they would give us a seat we could put on top of our toilets, maybe I should take that too. Do you mean like the liquid lortab? that's what I got after my lapband surgery and makes me tired. I don't really want to sleep, I know I need to walk, do I? was it really worth it, I get chicken sometime and wonder. I am bone on bone on both knees, I will do one knee first on Wednesday at 11:30am. It should take 2 hours, does that sound about right? did you get up the first day, they said I should. they have a machine to move the leg and bend the knee for you, did you have that? Man, the pain must be something else. do you just not feel in balance when you walk or is it the pain or both. thanks

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Where is everyone at? I keep checking back and not many posts....I guess you all got skinnier and hotter while I was away (almost a year) and you all got more exciting lives! GOOD JOB! LOL. Me it is saturday night and I am bored and keep checking in on my blackberry. Have a wonderful night all! Hope your pain level is down tonight Phyl. Your doing amazing with Walking. One of muy staff had a knee surgery last october and she didn't do her walking and etc like she was supposed to and she was off work until April. That was her own doing, per her words, because she didn't follow the dr orders but she is so happy now that she did the surgery. Do you have to have the other one done too? Sorry I am sure you have posted that answer before.

I started to read this whole thread but I am only up to page 11. I will catch up with this one but I am sorry I would have 300+ pages on oiur first thread to read. I don't think I could catch up with that one. SORRY! My fault for falling so far behind and not checking in. I am back now though so hope that counts. LOL

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good evening ladies. good night i guess.

I went out to the farm to watch harvest. didn't do much but it was fun to sit in the truck with jeff.

Still no word from the police. I think the longer they wait the more Michael thinks its no big deal. I think he has an eye opener coming. At least I hope he gets them opened.

I'm getting a little worried about my upper gi on Tuesday. I've tried putting it out of my head and that was fairly easy to do when I was all wrapped up in my walk. Now...I guess its the next most important thing on my plate. It is what it is and there isn't anything I can do at this point. There are 3 options. I'm trying to eat things I shouldn't and there is nothing wrong. I have a hiatial hernia that needs repaired. I have a prolapse. Im still getting stuck but not as often. No fill at all. Hoping it is just stress but we will see. Keep me in your thoughts the next few days.

Jackie, it is so good to see you back here. Great news about your dd. One surgery does not fit all and I completely understand how scary it is for each of us. No one of us made this decision lightly. None of us made it without a lot of research. I'm sure you have shared this journey with your dd. She is lucky to have you.

Karla, I so very much hope you can have a good time with these men. I know it is scary. I know there are a ton of frogs out there. Remember, I interent met probably 100 men, dated probably 20, and then married Jeff. There are good guys out there. Give them a chance. Just remember that it will take time and everyone is flawed. Just don't settle for a frog. HAVE FUN!!!

Phyl, be proud of yourself with your walking. It's really great. you are superwoman!

Alright....gotta run ladies. I love you all.

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Kari, don't worry, we will kick your butt. But I had Peanut Butter and crackers tonight, so...what can I say. Long day and battled with my chicken...and the chicken won. I was in town shopping and starving, so thus the Peanut Butter and crackers.

Linda, HOW ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. I am looking forward to those days. But it will be a while longer.

Anyway, better go shower and go to bed.


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Good morning everyone. Just checking in again. My addiction to LBT is returning. LOL I am checking in and thinking about you guys all the time.

I have lost 3 lbs since Friday with the liquids so that is a plus. Like I said before though I had a fill Friday and I am sure that is helping me with this as the hunger is not there.

Anyway~Steph sounds like things are a little quieter with Micheal? I sympothize with you girl. Courtney graduated in May and I was wrestling my own demons (OCD about everything~DIAGNOSED! LOL) Thought I was going to lose my mind. The more she pushed away and tried to take charge the more crazy I became! My phych. put me on a new drug to help with the obsessing over my baby growing up and pushing away and anxiety and I have to say IT WAS A MIRACLE!!! I take Luvox and hey I don't stress nearly as much as I used to and I have been able to calm down and not latch on to her so tight so that has equalled her wanting to be around me and not push me away. That coupled with counseling for her and myself has helped us find a friendship.

Now my son who is 16 is another story. He is reaching out and 'becoming his own man'. He is pretty good but thinks he can do what he wants when he wants ya know.

Both kids are workers. DD started working at 15 AND paying her car payment for the car she chose to buy. She has been very responsible paying all carpayments and insurance each month. My son also works for a local grocery store. He on the other hand does not want a car payment at this point so he bought a cheap little car that runs and he puts 3/4 of paychecks into the savings and pays his insurance and of course blows the rest. I have been pretty lucky that way but I tell you we have had our times when I wanted to trade them BOTH in. Hell not even trade give them away!! LOL

Anyway sorry kinda got off the subject there. Hope things are going better and there is always light at the end of the tunnel though when they are teens it feels as though the tunnel is long and dark and never ending!

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Jackie, we love to hear about each other's families.

I seems to be getting off focus on my eating. A little extra here and there. So, today it the day to get it back together. I think it comes from not seeing the scale move and then getting frustrated. Why work so hard if the scale is frozen. WRONG ATTITUDE! So today I make the new pledge. "I will journal my food and NOT nibble here and there, and not let my head hungries control me!!

Just thought I would share.

This time I'm actually AM going to clean the car, I'm going in....pray for me...it may attack back! Of course I might also find my glasses that I have seen since august?

Check in later, TTFN


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OK,Kari and Karla--It's you and me: -20 by Christmas. We know what we gotta do, now just do it. We've got a lot of inspiration here--no excuses. For me, it's going to mean no snacking or adult beverages when I get home from work, and back to basics at supper time and beyond. I've got some challenges comming up. Tim's still here, and we're having a party next Sunday before he leaves. Parties=food, but there's always something. No more! Look at Candice--once she got serious, the pounds are comming off. Look at Jackie--doing liquids with her DD. We can do anything they can do. Look at Janet, and OMG--look at Phyl! Everyone else here has their own deamons, so we can get off our butts and fight ours too. Are you with me? I don't hear you--ARE YOU WITH ME?

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Linda, you are totally right, we can do this...the last 20!!! Okay, so what is our challenge...20 pounds by Christmas? What's up for grabs....How about a homemade Christmas ornament from each who join the challenge, winner takes all? Or do we want a 1st & 2nd place winner? So Ladies, belly up to the bar as they say, but it is going to be a skinny bar. Linda, have you tried the Mikes Hard Lemonaide Lights? Schmirnoff also has a light version. The Light lemonaids just have 96 cals in them. So let me know what you think!

Just spent the last 2 hours cleaning my car. Bleck, NASTY. but I did find $5 in the change drawer, leaving it there for emergencies, like a Skinny SF Hazelnut latte.

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Just got back from my little nieces cheerleading at the flag football game. UUUGGGHHH so many snachy things people were eating. Thank goodness I have my fill!!!! I seen someone eating NACHO'S WITH CHEESE......yummy!!!!!........but I knew if I even tried chips I would be in trouble pbing because when I have good restriction ships, candy, chocolate and those kinds of things don't work for me. Isn't that crazy? Most people say those are the things that are easiest for them. Ice cream has always made me reflux/foam so that is out as well. That is good though!

Came home and made my chili with no Beans or burger drink. I love it!! Courtney is doing amazingly well with no food. Had a breakdown Friday but we are now on day 3 of 14 and she is ok. She told me when I got home she wants to just sleep the next 2 weeks and I can wake her to take drink her Protein and potassium. LOL I was pretty worried because she went with a friend last night (whom she has trusted and told what she is doing) and I was so afraid she would have a hard time or cave. She called me to tell me........THEY WERE ON A $ MILE WALK! Said they decided they might as well walk since nothing else to do and told me how good it felt.

She is determined and I keep telling her how proud I am of her for sticking to the liquid diet. I think that in itself is really boosting her up. And the fact that her friend (2 of them that know) are very very supportive of her.

Looks like lbt is pretty quiet today. I got up and straightened the house, swept and vacuumed this morning and now I will relax until time for walk. Gonna go read my book.


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thanks Phyl for the advice. I have a four-wheeled walker and a high toilet, they said they would give us a seat we could put on top of our toilets, maybe I should take that too. Do you mean like the liquid lortab? that's what I got after my lapband surgery and makes me tired. I don't really want to sleep, I know I need to walk, do I? was it really worth it, I get chicken sometime and wonder. I am bone on bone on both knees, I will do one knee first on Wednesday at 11:30am. It should take 2 hours, does that sound about right? did you get up the first day, they said I should. they have a machine to move the leg and bend the knee for you, did you have that? Man, the pain must be something else. do you just not feel in balance when you walk or is it the pain or both. thanks

Yes, liquid Lortab (AKA Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco, Hydrocodone). I was NOT smart not to ask for liquid! And do take the toilet seat "extender". If you already have a high toilet, like handicap, you might not need it, but I'd take it just in case because getting up and down was quite a challenge for the first three weeks. It's just in the last few days that it feels "normal" and easy. Two hours sounds about right. I think they told me an 1 1/4 hr, but DH says surgery started at 8:15 a.m. and was over at 10 a.m. They had some kind of screen he could watch that told him exactly what was going on, which he really appreciated.

The machine you're talking about is called a CPM machine (Continuous Passive Motion). I thought I was going to have one, but I didn't. However, my son-in-law did and he said it hurt. I had those compression things on my feet that kept squeezing. That felt good and keeps the circulation in your legs going. My last knee surgery (partial replacement) they were more like boots that came part way up my leg, but these were just on my feet.

I had a catheter, IV, pain med pump (PCA), O2 thing on my finger, compression things on my feet! I was ATTACHED to a lot of stuff! But the 2nd morning, it all goes away. Take out the catheter... walk to the BR, IV lasted a little longer than everything else but I kept screwing it up everytime I went to the bathroom and they finally took it out, too. I don't remember when the foot things were taken off. But, I also had this knee wrap that circulated ice Water around the knee continuously. We had to buy that because my insurance doesn't pay for purchase or rental of that unit. Doctor recommended it, so we bought it. Used it at home for almost 3 weeks, too. Felt good, but I was really using it too much. Ice is supposed to be about 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off.

Yes, the most important thing... move, walk, flex your feet. Don't let yourself get too stiff. If the pain meds make you sleepy, take smaller doses, but you WILL need pain med to get through this and if you don't take it you won't want to move.

If you have any more questions.... PM me. Don't want to take too much space off subject, though I'm sure the gals won't mind.

Where is everyone at? I keep checking back and not many posts....I guess you all got skinnier and hotter while I was away (almost a year) and you all got more exciting lives! GOOD JOB! LOL. Me it is saturday night and I am bored and keep checking in on my blackberry. Have a wonderful night all! Hope your pain level is down tonight Phyl. Your doing amazing with Walking. One of muy staff had a knee surgery last october and she didn't do her walking and etc like she was supposed to and she was off work until April. That was her own doing, per her words, because she didn't follow the dr orders but she is so happy now that she did the surgery. Do you have to have the other one done too? Sorry I am sure you have posted that answer before.

I started to read this whole thread but I am only up to page 11. I will catch up with this one but I am sorry I would have 300+ pages on oiur first thread to read. I don't think I could catch up with that one. SORRY! My fault for falling so far behind and not checking in. I am back now though so hope that counts. LOL

Jackie, it is really good to have you back!! Yes, I will eventually have to have the other knee done, too. I had a partial on it about 6 yrs ago, but ortho surgeon says the hardware is coming loose because of the weight loss he thinks. Last summer he thought it was more critical than the left, but when I saw him in the spring, it looked the same as the year before so he decided to do the left one first. He'll take a look at the right again when we get home in the spring. In fact, I think I will probably see him in Feb because I'm coming home by myself for a few days. Then if he thinks it needs to be done, I'll tell him I want it in May so I will be pretty much recovered by summer. And yes... you HAVE to do what the doctor says and the PT!! I HATE the butt slide exercise... but that's where I get my flexion back, so as much as it hurts, I'm doing it frequently! The more I move and do my PT exercises the easier it is to walk. My goal this week is three times around the "condo loop", which will be 3/4 mile. I can do 1/2 mile now.

Sounds like your kids are doing great! We have a couple of grandkids a little older than that who are kind of in lala land right now! Wanting to do their own thing and not being responsible and not making good decisions!

Kari, don't worry, we will kick your butt. But I had Peanut Butter and crackers tonight, so...what can I say. Long day and battled with my chicken...and the chicken won. I was in town shopping and starving, so thus the Peanut Butter and crackers.

Linda, HOW ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. I am looking forward to those days. But it will be a while longer.

Anyway, better go shower and go to bed.


Yeah, Kari... we WILL collectively kick your butt if you don't get back on track!!

Karla... are you talking those little packages of peanut butter crackers?? A little peanut butter is not a bad thing... if it's only a TBSP or two now and then and part of your day's food plan. It's actually healthy as long as it's not overdone!

OK,Kari and Karla--It's you and me: -20 by Christmas. We know what we gotta do, now just do it. We've got a lot of inspiration here--no excuses. For me, it's going to mean no snacking or adult beverages when I get home from work, and back to basics at supper time and beyond. I've got some challenges comming up. Tim's still here, and we're having a party next Sunday before he leaves. Parties=food, but there's always something. No more! Look at Candice--once she got serious, the pounds are comming off. Look at Jackie--doing liquids with her DD. We can do anything they can do. Look at Janet, and OMG--look at Phyl! Everyone else here has their own deamons, so we can get off our butts and fight ours too. Are you with me? I don't hear you--ARE YOU WITH ME?

LOL!! That's a good pep talk for ALL of us!!

Linda, you are totally right, we can do this...the last 20!!! Okay, so what is our challenge...20 pounds by Christmas? What's up for grabs....How about a homemade Christmas ornament from each who join the challenge, winner takes all? Or do we want a 1st & 2nd place winner? So Ladies, belly up to the bar as they say, but it is going to be a skinny bar. Linda, have you tried the Mikes Hard Lemonaide Lights? Schmirnoff also has a light version. The Light lemonaids just have 96 cals in them. So let me know what you think!

Just spent the last 2 hours cleaning my car. Bleck, NASTY. but I did find $5 in the change drawer, leaving it there for emergencies, like a Skinny SF Hazelnut latte.

20 lb by Christmas!! WOW! That's quite a challenge but it IS doable! My next goal is getting under 200 lb! I'm so close I can taste it!


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thanks Phyl, I really appreciate it, it's good to hear from someone who had this done. it's funny how the knee feels better just before surgery. Doesn't hurt now that much, lol. anyway, I think the pain will come back. I will have the other knee done, but I don't know when I should do it. Maybe in November? I'll see how I heal up first. You've been a real help, thanks.

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Yep Phyl, it was those little package things. I was shopping with DD#4 and we stopped for dinner, I stuck after 2 bites, why do I keep trying chicken? Anyway it was 10:30 at night, I had no lunch because I was 'saving' cals for dinner out. I was starving!!! I had bought a variety package for my classroom students and I love the cheese crackers with Peanut Butter. Anyway, putting the things in the car, and the next thing I know, a package was open and in my mouth. I tried all kinds of rationalizations, but I shouldn't have eaten them, or the 1/2 c ice cream either, but I was hungry. Damn, I hate myself when I give in, THEN okay here is the REALLY stupid part, at 12 am, I'm still up because I took my sleep meds too late, and there in front of me is a bowl of blueberries 1/2 c light & fit yogurt, and 1/4 c Kashi. The cals weren't too bad, it was the fact that it was all unplanned and not when I should eat. I'm almost at 6 months and I should have some control. But I guess there was some, I use to have 2 cups of ice cream, bagel and cream cheese for snack, or 2 packages of the pb crackers.

I don't know if I will loose 20 pounds by Christmas, but I have to do something to get back on track. I have asked for an appointment with my fill doc for this comming Friday. If he has an opening, I am going to get a fill, start the bcomplex and amino acid injections, and he says he has a plan of attack he wants to toss around with me. I bought a resistance 'rope' to start tightening my arms. Shall we say flappin in the breeze.

Heard from sushi boy last night late, he is a wildfire firefighter & we have a local fire that blew up yesterday, we have a lot of wind. He will probably be out on fire all week, so we probably won't connect up for a while. No problem.

Got the car & kitchen cleaned, working on laundry, so now I need to hit the lesson plans. I am also applying for a master's program that is paid for by a grant, so it is no cost to the participant. It focuses on middle school science. If accepted i would also get paid $200 per day that I am in meetings or classes. It would help make up some of my budget shortfalls, and would ultimately raise my salary. So wish me luck!

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Yes, I've got to do something. I've got a closet full of really cute tops but most of them are showing that little roll around the waist. Got rid of all the fat clothes and I am refusing to buy anything in a larger size. Besides, I want my Tummy Tuck. I had started giving myself a break on Sundays with pedaling. Not today. I've gone forty minutes so far. What I really need to do is find another gym to go to that isn't too far away or too expensive. So far, the only one I have found that fits that criteria is around forty minutes away. But, there are a few other ladies who are interested in going also, so it is something to think about. I still think my thyroid has a lot to do with the scale moving up. It didn't start till my doctor cut the dosage. So, I either start taking one and a half pills or wait till I go for labs and get back to the doctor.

Jackie - no offense taken. I was just kind of guessing as to what goes thru kids minds. It's been quite a while since I've been there and I don't know either you or your daughter so what I wrote was just something generic. Sounds to me though that you have two terrific kids. I have to admit that I've been blessed with three great kids too, but I would be lying if I said they never gave me any problems.

Karla - I haven't forgotten that care package I told you I'd send off. I got the box and just got to put the stuff in and head to the post office. Oh yeah, I have to wash one of the tops cause I wore it today. I like it so much that I have three of them, in different colors. I just don't look too good in lavender. I have one in soft lime green and coral. Those are more my style. I've mentioned before that I am the worlds best procrastinator but since tomorrow is to be the first day of my new start............maybe I will get them in the mail. (pray)

Okay, gonna let you guys go, I will check back in tomorrow and let you know how things are going for me. For now, I am going through Facebook withdrawal so.............. (guess where I am headed).


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dELOS - I forgot to mention that we are neighbors. I'm only about an hour and a half from Kazoo. We live about a half hour NE of Jackson. Maybe when you're back on your feet (or should I say knees) maybe we can meet up.

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Evening everyone. Checking in before heading to bed to read. Day 3 liquids down. Not having hunger but tired of the same 'see through' stuff. LOL Courtney is pretty excited. She has lost 6 lbs since Friday! I told her that will slow down some though because the body will think she is starving it and hold on to everything.

Cleaning the whole house and finished my filing today. I have a home office and work out of home so it is convenient but also interfering. (sp?) Never get away from work. I am doing much better managing my ocd with work since my meds. Still get things done just don't stress out over it and stay up all night. LOL

Well it is back to work Monday tomorrow. Why do the weekends go so fast?! I am bushed and would love a rainy chilly sleeping day! Haven't had rain in so long I miss it.

Karih the kids are pretty great but believe me we have had many issues. If anyone were to say they have had no issues or problems with their children I would have to say they are niaeve or just flat lying. HAHA

Well I am off. Gonna go check Facebook and head to my book. Army wives is on tonight and have that tivo'ed so I will watch later or tomorrow so I can fastforward through comercials. So excited for TV this week!!!!! All new season premiers! Have to hurry each night and get my things done so I can be on the couch by 7p. Yes that includes my exercise before then too.:biggrin:

Love you all and sooooo happy that I am back into the groove with you all. Just being here and reading about all of you and your lives gives me motivation again. THANK YOU ALL!!!!:biggrin:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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