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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hey there Linda - Glad you popped in - Teeth are ok - It was an impluse thing - I am still trying to get use to them - it's only been a week and I had that gap for 48 yrs.. Had teeth cleaned today - am feeling really bloated - might have something to do with the feta cheese - then watermelon w/salt this afternoon - I haven't gotten on the scales - tomorrow - but I did go to the gym last night and leave in just a few for arms tonight..

I haven't heard from Karri - and haven't seen her on FB - I saw that Steph posted there today - I will email Karri and see whats going on - I think her ankle is pretty messed up - she talked about an injury prior to the walk but never said what it was - so I am taking it - it was her ankle and the walk didn't help - you know our Karri - can't keep her down even when she should (yes darling I know that you can read this - so I am not talking bad about you lol)

Well it's time to head out the door - cbl

Hugs & Love J

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I FOUND YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Janet send me the link a couple weeks ago and I screwed up and deleted the email. I missed all of you and know that I need to come back for the support. As I told Janet my daughter was approved for the band today and is having surgery Oct 2 already. 2 and 1/2 weeks from approval!

I am not sure if you all remember when I told you about Courtney and her weight struggles for the majority of her life. We tried to get her approved before but she was denied. She turned 18 August 29 and I told her we needed to try again if this is what she really wanted. Surgeons office submitted last Friday and I called insurance this morning and was told she is approved. She is in a state of shock! LOL I am so happy.

She sees a psychiatrist and counselor on a regular basis for depression and etc and they are both very supportive and think Courtney will benefit emotionally and mentally from this as well as physical health. They both wrote letters of recommendation this time. I have encouraged her to join lbt and reminded her that this was my life line for quite some time before and after my surgery and suggested she join for the benefit. I thought I needed to practice what I preach and get back on here myself as I have been struggling as well. I see many of you on Facebook but I do not share about my band there so I really am going to try and be better about visiting here and getting the support I need from by band sisters!!!

Wow~so glad to be back!:tt1:

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the dress! You look beautiful! You could do the long dress for the wedding and change the hemline for the reception. I like it best without the shawl--it's perfect! OMG--you look sooo good! Just remember, it's not fair to outshine the bride--be careful! I'm serious!!!

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ALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,244/184/35/65 nt3_dailygoal2.gif 1,200 - 1,550163 - 23632 - 5660 - 127

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Jackie-I'm so happy to see you back here! Sorry, i gotta run right now, but I saw you pop in, and I just want to say Welcome Back! Please post again soon and let us know how we can help. You've missed a lot, but no matter--youi're back and that's what's important!

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Jackie-I'm so happy to see you back here! Sorry, i gotta run right now, but I saw you pop in, and I just want to say Welcome Back! Please post again soon and let us know how we can help. You've missed a lot, but no matter--youi're back and that's what's important!

Thanks Lindaa!!! I have missed you all. I am really glad to be 'home' again!

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So here is pic #1 Top and skirt, full length , with pewter triple strand of pearls... big Bracelet, black stockings, black open toe shoes...

#2 I think I add the cashmina shawl

#4 is the ALTERNATE length for the skirt... its kinda funky... there are buttons inside the side seams of the skirt so you can "hike" it up for affect...

what do you think????




OMG... sweet relief... the pain pills finally kicked in!!

Did call both doc's office and RiteAid (X2). RiteAid did their part, doc's office said he's in surgery all day and check back tomorrow!! In the meantime... I have FOUR pills left. Earl is going to look in cupboard and see if there are any old leftover pills! Right now.... no problem. So if I can get by until bedtime, then take 2, maybe one during the night... some nights I don't need one in the middle of the night. Then there would still be one left for morning. Hopefully, doc will sign and send FAX back to RiteAid by then!

Lasagna sounds heavenly!! Earl and I were talking about Italian food today... my very favorite!! Hardly ever allow myself spaghetti... especially REAL spaghetti.. always use french style green beans! Today bought sweet corn from our favorite corn farm. Will have one for dinner and maybe some salmon.

Well if you were here - I have the bottle of liquid (why don't you ask for that instead of pills - it will work faster) plus I have pills..

I FOUND YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Janet send me the link a couple weeks ago and I screwed up and deleted the email. I missed all of you and know that I need to come back for the support. As I told Janet my daughter was approved for the band today and is having surgery Oct 2 already. 2 and 1/2 weeks from approval!

I am not sure if you all remember when I told you about Courtney and her weight struggles for the majority of her life. We tried to get her approved before but she was denied. She turned 18 August 29 and I told her we needed to try again if this is what she really wanted. Surgeons office submitted last Friday and I called insurance this morning and was told she is approved. She is in a state of shock! LOL I am so happy.

She sees a psychiatrist and counselor on a regular basis for depression and etc and they are both very supportive and think Courtney will benefit emotionally and mentally from this as well as physical health. They both wrote letters of recommendation this time. I have encouraged her to join lbt and reminded her that this was my life line for quite some time before and after my surgery and suggested she join for the benefit. I thought I needed to practice what I preach and get back on here myself as I have been struggling as well. I see many of you on Facebook but I do not share about my band there so I really am going to try and be better about visiting here and getting the support I need from by band sisters!!!

Wow~so glad to be back!:)

Well girl I see you found it... I was at the gym .... Glad to have you back and your DD too !!! I love your signature !!!!



the dress! You look beautiful! You could do the long dress for the wedding and change the hemline for the reception. I like it best without the shawl--it's perfect! OMG--you look sooo good! Just remember, it's not fair to outshine the bride--be careful! I'm serious!!!

ALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,244/184/35/65 nt3_dailygoal2.gif 1,200 - 1,550163 - 23632 - 5660 - 127

Doing good - when you want a treat look at yourself in that BEAUTIFUL DRESS !!!

Tomorrow is Mex food lunch day - but I think I am passing this week ( we have these guys who make the food and bring it to the office - $6 for enchillada rice and Beans and some great hot sauce - i don't eat it all but still it's not about how much you are eating but what you eat) and I am going to hit the gym on my day off and maybe friday too.. I haven't gotten on the scales but my pants are feeling a little snug.. I think I need a tweak - but in all reality - I need to move more and eat less..

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Phyl, I have been following your progress and it seems like pain is an issue after total knee replacement. I am going to have this procedure done on September 23rd and am a bit nervous. I am bone on bone for both knees, we will do one at a time. Will I be okay with a walker after surgery, does it hurt when you try to walk or when you keep it straight or bent or all the time? thanks

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Phyl, I have been following your progress and it seems like pain is an issue after total knee replacement. I am going to have this procedure done on September 23rd and am a bit nervous. I am bone on bone for both knees, we will do one at a time. Will I be okay with a walker after surgery, does it hurt when you try to walk or when you keep it straight or bent or all the time? thanks

Delos - OMG you know I have 50+ eyes - but you lost 2 pple

WTG !!!

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Phyl, I have been following your progress and it seems like pain is an issue after total knee replacement. I am going to have this procedure done on September 23rd and am a bit nervous. I am bone on bone for both knees, we will do one at a time. Will I be okay with a walker after surgery, does it hurt when you try to walk or when you keep it straight or bent or all the time? thanks

Oh, yeah.. pain is an issue. But you can make it through with the right pain meds. A mistake I made was not asking for the pain Rx in liquid form. I have no trouble swallowing pills, but didn't think about it possibly taking longer for the pills to absorb if I took them with food in my pouch. Pain meds seem to be much more effective when I can take them on an empty stomach... before eating. So.. that's advice #1... they will probably send you home with oxycontin and hydrocodone. The oxycontin they told me is a long-lasting... sustained release... taken every 12 hrs. It's supposed to be the big guns but I didn't find it very effective. The hydrocodone Rx was for 1-2 every 4-6 hours. Don't let the pain get ahead of you.. especially the first few days... take it! But definitely ask for the hydrocodone in liquid.

I had an old walker from the partial I had done on the right knee about 6 years ago. My PT guy didn't like it because it had only 2 wheels, and small ones at that. So the first day he was here he ordered me a 4 wheel walker with brakes and a seat. It was so much easier to walk with that. My doctor said I was to use it for 4 weeks, but my PT guy cleared me today to start using a cane.

Another thing to consider... how handicap friendly is your bathroom?? My latte stand lady insisted I borrow a bedside commode that her mother had used when she had her knee replacement surgery. I didn't think I'd need it, but it turned out to be a lifesaver. I didn't use it at the bedside.. my husband took the seat off of our toilet.. which is rather low and no grab bar or anything... and he put the commode over the top of the toilet. It not only was several inches higher than the toilet, but had arms to hold on to. I just quit using it a day or two ago. I don't know what I would have done without it!

I haven't had a lot of pain with straightening the leg... but my PT said full extension is usually the last thing to come with therapy.. but I was able to do that from the beginning for some reason. It is the flexion that has been a bigger challenge for me, and more painful than extension. But, it gets better with each day. I turned a big corner at about the 2 week point, and this week is even better. I would say that the first two weeks are the hardest. Best of luck to you. I'll be thinking about you.

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Phyl, my only request is that we schedule a quilt shop!

I had a good Open House..some of my last years students stopped by to give me a hug and say how good I looked. Today I actually felt pretty.

Also one of my last year's parents had heard that I got a band...someone talked, great..I really didn't want to go into. I've told 2 people at school. Anyway, I guess she just got her band and had her first fill this week. She it really frustrated because she has only lost a total of 13 pounds. We talked about getting on lbt, but it seems her biggest issue is drinking while she eats. I guess that's the difference between self pay and insurance pay (hey don't yell, I'm only speaking for myself). Since I am paying for ig myself, I'll be damned if I am going to drink while I eat. I have a monthly reminded.

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Hey Everybody- Life going on as usual

My school open house was tonight too.

DS still punished, will be for life. Alarm company coming next Wed. to fix alarm. We will lock him in without the code. A friend at work's husband offered to take DD to a diversion class. She said he had to take it cause he got a DUI and it scared the shit out of him.

I put him in guitar lessons, and I'm making him join a sport, and a club. I need to get GPS on his phone, and I may even put a spying program on the computer, haven't decided yet.

Phyl- You're doing great!

Janet- your story is the reason I'm afraid to let someone live in my Mom's house. Once they're in, you need a lawyer to get them out. Plus they can trash it to get back at you for making them get out.

Candice- The dress is beautiful. Your floor looks just like the floor DH is putting in upstairs right now. He is about 1/2 way done. It really spiffied up this joint.

The grandpaw with the fish was OMG, was that real?

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Weigh=in this morning..... Another one bites the dust!!!

172.4 lbs


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Denise, you are doing the right things with DS...your way or the highway, Good Job!! Do the spy program, it is one more thing that he can 'earn' back while he regains your trust.

Candice, whoop, whoop.!!!!!! You are getting there!!

Well best get going, I've sat here for an hour. I have decided to try the Bcomplex/amino acid shots for a couple of months. I've only lost 3 pounds in the last month and the stress is really starting to kick in. I know my abdominal bloat is related, but I'm tired of walking around like the hunchback of Norterdom. Imagine ice pick under the right shoulder blade. Stress or my gall bladder is acting up. Oh hell no!!

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Thanks Lindaa!!! I have missed you all. I am really glad to be 'home' again!

Yeah Jackie

:) , So glad you are back with us.... don't worry we'll keep you on the straight and narrow...

Congrats on you DD getting the surgery too.. She will have her whole life as a REGULAR sized person... how cool is that!!!

If I could turn back the clock and be slim all my life... wow, its mind boggling to think how much better my self esteem would have been, not to mention my KNEES, BACK and Arteries...

SHe is giving herself the best present ever!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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