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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Night time note: exercised twice today... may do the bed exercises once more when I go to bed... not too hard. Heel slide, leg lift, isometrics, etc. But I took my third walk of the day, and the longest. After Earl went to hot tub I decided to walk down and surprise him. It was a LONG walk! I set a goal of walking to the mailboxes by the end of this week and hot tub is at the close end of that building, so I will make it to the mail boxes by no later than Friday. I had to stop and rest for a couple of minutes when I got there. Then more ice and pain pill when I got back! I'm really trying to push it. I want to go south!!

Janet.... I know I have at least two more weeks of in home PT. Suspect at the end of next week they'll put me on outpt PT. That won't be bad because there is a place I'm pretty sure I can use right across the street behind Target. I can ride over on my scooter. Probably have to do that at least 2 weeks. I'm not sure what the goals are... My guy, Sam, says 110 degrees flexion, I think. Yesterday he measured me at 97 degrees. I don't know if there are any other requirements. I see the doctor for my post-op check up on the 24th. Hoping to be released to go south no later than Oct. 15.... maybe sooner.


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Good evening ladies. This may be my last talk until after the walk. Hopefully I'll be able to get online tomorrow night but not promissing anything.

Home from Bismarck. Good and bad news....

I have been completely unfilled. Good because I will be able to get nutrition in for my walk. I was so worried that I'd be too tasked without anything in my stomach. Now that is not a problem. So so news, or worriesome for me I guess, is that I have to go in 2 weeks to have an upper gi done. PA is worried that I could have a hiatial hernia or a prolapse. She say that with a prolapse it could fix itself being completely unfilled. She didn't sound too worried, but of course I will. That's the good and bad of it.

Denise, I completely relate to your story. I know that nothing I can say to you really helps but I do hope that you know that I care and will be keeping you in my prayers. Keep talking here. It does help.

Phyl, if you check my notes on Facebook, I have posted the schedule there. I think I tagged you in it, but I'll check and if I haven't I'll do that. It gives you the schedule and the cheering stations. Also, we don't fly out until Monday morning. Maybe Sunday afternoon. We'll just have to see. Karri must leave immediately from closing ceremonies to get back to school on Monday morning. We'll get something figured out. I'm pretty sure I still have your number in my phone. Remember mine is 406-790-0738. I'll be in town Thurs. about 230. My cousin is picking us up at the airport.

Okay...exhausted. I'm going to bed. I know there are a million other things I wanted to say, but you've got me what they are. Love you all. Hugs :thumbup:

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Steph, hang in there. Things are going to be alright!!! Give me a call when you get in. I can't remember if you get to Missoula on Wed or Thurs. My sister and DH are driving through today, so if it is today, I won't be able to meet up with you. If it is Thurs,,,I'm your woman.

Denise...there is nothing I can say to make things better, other than you are in our prayers, and as Steph said, visit frequently, post often. While we are not there to help in person, you and yours will always be in our prayers. I think the rehab in a residential facility and counceling may be the way to go. You DS will be angry and 'hate' you for awhile, but he will be alive. No matter what choices our children/family make, we will always love them. But as a parent, we have to be careful not to 'enable' our children. This is coming from the Queen of Co-dependancy. Speaking of which there are some fabulous books out there on Co-dependancy. I read them when my life fell apart years ago. I will always deal with some of the issues, but they helped a lot.

Which brings me to Janet...thank you for the websites, I am going to visit them today. Last night I was just too tired. I have always had self-esteem issues. Ninety-seven,,,okay,,, 75% of the time I can deal with it, okay... maybe 50%. There are tons of reasons, but that is no excuse. I have never been able to take a compliment with out making a reply that belittles myself. Which is pretty strange, since what goes on in my head is different. If someone complements my quilting, I'll point out the flaws, but in my head when I look at some other's quilting, I'll say, "I can do better than that." Notice I am only speaking about my skills, not my appearance. When I look in the mirror, I do see the troll, the warty hag, the hunchback of Norterdam. I hate to 'groom' up. Is it some hidden desire to make myself really be what I see? When I groom up, it is like literally wearing a mask. Yeah, I look good, but it isn't really me, it is the make-up, clothes, underneath it is still the warty hag. Who knows, I probably need intense psycho-therapy.

Steph, drive safe...

Phyl, I am amazed at how quickly you are healing. Prayer and determination are definitely at work. "You Go Girl!" Oh by the way...now that you are bionic, will you set off metal detectors?

Kari, yep that good German stock does it every time!! We can survive a good hard winter, living off our fat stores, munching on skinny dead people if we have to.

Janet, I love you. Can I come live with you!!! Your energy level would have me skinny in no time AND you would beat my self-esteem back into shape. I'm telling you, it's you and me babe and an RV, traveling the world. Two knock out gorgeous wemon (gosh can't even spell today) on the prowl, breaking men's hearts. To fund our nomad life style, you can sell insurance from the RV and I could sell quilts. Okay we need a name...The Traveling Vamps?

Best go, have managed to stay with you all past my, "get you butt in gear' time.

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Good Morning!

Bionic woman... yes! The littlest grandkids are calling me "Graminator".... which their father put in their little heads. I'm sure I will now set off the metal detectors. Though, the partial I have in my right knee rarely set them off. Horror story from DS's SIL.. she posted on FB that her partial has to be converted (which my surgeon has been telling me, too) and that she was told it is a much longer, bloodier, more complicated surgery with higher risk of infection and she has to donate some of her own blood! I would've expected it would be LESS complicated. But then I suppose they have to remove the hardware that is in there and start over. OH, well. My doc is just watching it for now.

Karla, just you and I hanging out here so often lately! What's up with that?? Your self esteem issues are hard to understand because you're such an attractive woman who has accomplished so much!

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Good Morning

Phyl you are my idol !!!! You are such a trooper !!! I am just amazed by your determination - It is a reminder to me that if you can do it - I can too... You are just fantastic !!!

Steph - Hugs - at least you are unfilled and will be able to drink and eat to fuel your body for this walk - that was my concern when Karri & I were talking about it - With my restriction I think I would have a problem fueling my body during the walk..

Hopefully whatever is wrong will fix it self while you are unfilled - just make healthy food choices you will be ok..

Karla - Yes You can come and live with me - I would kick your self esteem up - I think we all have issues to some degree - the way that I always covered up my fatness even as a kid was to make fun of myself before others could - I also would say that I can come across very aggressive - pple say they are no longer afraid of me since I lost weight - I don't seem so "big" for lack of a better word.. I cover up my insecurities by coming across as having none.. It's the whole fake it until you make it.. Even fat I thought I was cute - omw in looking at all these pics that I am putting in albums - I have some where I was like 180's and at the time thought I was skinny - well - I wasn't - I never saw how fat I was..

Like I said - I am lucky that I had my Dad - I think he was the saving grace in my life and I also think it has to do with our makeup (dna) - But girl friend I am telling you and you are going to get this from all of us.. You are beatiful - we all look better w/make up that has nothing to do with your inter-beauty - You are beautiful w/ or w/o make - it's just you - and we are going to get you to beleive this..

Ok I gotta get to work - cbl have a good day gang:wub:

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Goodmorning Ladies!

Stephanie, so glad you go unfilled thats a worry you don't need on the road. Good luck with your WALK... you are a dedicated Mama!

Phyl, wow you amaze me with your stickwithitness... you ROCK..Graminator... that is too funny!

Denise; I hate that you are going thru this stress with your DS. We raise them with OUR value systems, but alas they adopt their own and live by them... this does get them into trouble, but honestly even chaining him to the CAMP GROUND didnt work. If he wants loose, he'll get loose... you have to give up the idea that YOU can control his behaviour. I agree with the others, give him to GOD and let go of him.. Tell him you LOVE him always, but that he's got to be responsible for his own actions... (the only one you can control is YOU!) and then let the consequences pile up. If he has to do time in jail for disorderly drunkeness - then so be it... there will be a lesson in it for him.... a hard lesson albiet but you can't save him from himself.

If he can't live by your curfews, then invite him to LEAVE your home... you have a right to a peaceful sleep at night.

He won't starve, he'll be resourceful, there are food banks and welfare...it will be what HE chooses for himself.

I guess this is where the term 'tough love' comes from...

YOu and Hubby need to be on the same page on this and stick together...

Much love and hugs,


Karla: I love the Traveling VAMPS... you have to take me with you though, sounds like SO MUCH FUN...

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erday food.< /p>


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Hey wouldn't that be cool, a SELF CONFEDANCE Workshop BOOTCAMP...

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Good Morning!

Bionic woman... yes! The littlest grandkids are calling me "Graminator".... which their father put in their little heads. I'm sure I will now set off the metal detectors. Though, the partial I have in my right knee rarely set them off. Horror story from DS's SIL.. she posted on FB that her partial has to be converted (which my surgeon has been telling me, too) and that she was told it is a much longer, bloodier, more complicated surgery with higher risk of infection and she has to donate some of her own blood! I would've expected it would be LESS complicated. But then I suppose they have to remove the hardware that is in there and start over. OH, well. My doc is just watching it for now.

Karla, just you and I hanging out here so often lately! What's up with that?? Your self esteem issues are hard to understand because you're such an attractive woman who has accomplished so much!

Isn't it weird that WE can't see OURSELVES as others do? That would solve ALL selfesteem issues. :thumbup:

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where is everyone tonight???? I'm lonely!!!

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where is everyone tonight???? I'm lonely!!!

I'm here! What's up?? Anything new going on??

We went to Walmart today! Almost a 2 hr trip. I tolerated it better than the trip to costco yesterday. Getting in and out of the car was easier today, too. We needed groceries and that's where Earl likes to do the majority of the shopping. :blushing::biggrin::blush:

However, he wasn't impressed today. He's about ready to go to the local stores. Shelves were poorly stocked, 17 checkout lanes were closed and those that were open had LONG lines. I think he was in line close to 30 minutes! It was ridiculous.

PT guy said since I was working on distance (walking) myself, he wanted to have me try some different terrain! So he starts me up this steep grassy hill outside our door. I took two steps before I panicked!! Too scarey! So we went around the back of the building instead.... grass, dirt, stones and a little bit of a slope. So I walked all around the outside of our building... and it started pouring half way around! Earl had to run in and get an umbrella. He was worried about where he had me walking because he doesn't usually go outside with us when we walk. Disappoinment was that I didn't get any more stretch out of my knee.. flexion measured at 97 degrees again, same as Monday. He's coming back next week Monday and Wednesday and said he'll probably discharge me then to start outpt PT.

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I went to the gym - arms - then came home and trying to put all the pic's that I had printed (you know those ones that sit inside your computer and never get printed) well I printed I think 400 - got them in year order (I think I am confused now - these pic's went back to 2001) any way - Looks like I am missing 2004 xmas pic's and some 2005 pics - I found a disk that I made 2003 to 2005 but I can't open it - I think something has happen to it - it says something about needed 95 adadpter - who know - I have written all over it - it has brooks 1st bday - I am going to take it to work to open then maybe to like wallgreesn = hopefully it's not screwed up

But am confused cuz some of these pics are on my computer but not all of them..

Then I made folders with years and took all the folders I had an moved them into the year that pic were taken..

it's 8:30 and I haven't even cooked yet !!!

Phyl - you are doing good - how does the knee feel when you walk - how's the other one..

Where's Karla !!! She's always here .... Maybe doing my self esteem classes lol lol..

Well til tomorrow - guess I am having eggs for dinner - don't feel like waiting 1/2 for dinner ...

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Really? 5 pages since I was here last??? I try to make it everyday but between workouts, school, AND trying not to ignore my husband like I have been the last few days, I don't always make it. School has gone AMAZING the last few days. So excited to meet Steph tomorrow.

Okay have a ton of stuff to do before I go to bed. STILL haven't packed for the walk. I told my biology kids today that we will probably talk about the anatomy of a blister on Monday! LOL!!!

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Phyl - you are doing good - how does the knee feel when you walk - how's the other one.. ...

Have to walk slow... it hurts, so I'm slow, but made it all the way to the kids' play area today. Took me 15 minutes to go there and back. That was my 2nd and last walk of the day. Other knee rarely bothers me. Its the surgeon who is concerned about it, not me. I think his plan is to check it again in the spring and see if the hardware has collapsed any more. Icing right now... pain, but don't want to take pain pills until its closer to bedtime. That way I should be able to get in at least four hours of good sleep.< /span>

Really? 5 pages since I was here last??? I try to make it everyday but between workouts, school, AND trying not to ignore my husband like I have been the last few days, I don't always make it. School has gone AMAZING the last few days. So excited to meet Steph tomorrow.

Okay have a ton of stuff to do before I go to bed. STILL haven't packed for the walk. I told my biology kids today that we will probably talk about the anatomy of a blister on Monday! LOL!!!

So good to hear you so enthusiastic about your work this year! That's GREAT! Will do my best to meet up with you and Steph this weekend... need to find out where the "cheer stations" are in Everett area. Then wil try to go to the closing ceremonies, too. Endured costco yesterday,Walmart today, so I can handle about a 2 hr excursion, and that's a few more days away. Build up more tolerance each day.

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Sorry, my sister with her big ass motor home is here. Nope I didn't get upset about the self-esteem talk, I need it. I really would like to run away to somewhere else. Hang with some good people like you all. It is 10:30 and I still need to shower and get ready for tomorrow. So I best go, but I didn't want you to think I was upset. Just trying to do the family thing. DD#5 came out so it was great to hang with out with her.

Love you all chat probably tomorrow night, the morning I'll be running late.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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