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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Janet, I couldn't have done the pics without you, THANK YOU!!

Janet, Karri, thank you for your kind words. When I look in the mirror, I don't see a decent, middle aged broad. I have always seen fat. I can say, I think I have nice eyes, but that is about it. I do need to work on the self-esteem, AND saying 'thank you' without a derogatory comment about myself. So........'Thank you," now I close my mouth.

Miss Molly thought going potty at 4 am was a good idea, wouldn't mind, but when I took her out to go potty at bed time, she wouldn't go.

This week is going to be a little crazy. Are celebrating one of my quilting buddy's 71st birthday tonight. This lady is amazing. She works as an aide in our library AND runs a before & after school daycare, cooks the kids a full Breakfast every morning, has homemade Cookies for after school, has an incredible yard, quilts, scrapbooks, has 5 married successful sons, and is a real friend. She constantly reminds me to groom and be a lady. Wednesday, my sister and her DH are stopping by on their way to an RV rally. Hopefully Thursday I can be a slug. It will be a challenge to get my walks in, but that is non-negotionable.

Phyl, it sounds like you are ready to tango. I can't remember, but do you need to have the other knee done? Or will you be ready for your PS as soon as you heal? Just think how quickly the rest of the weight will come off when you are mobile. Before long you will have a 'For Sale' sign on that scooter. Actually, keep the scooter, one of us may need it!

Well, it looks like tuna boy did take one look at the pics and say, "oh, hell no". But you know, that's okay. You all gave me such positive comments, even my own children said I 'looked sexy', that I'm glad I did it. First pics that I have allowed to be taken for years. I usually hide out when the school does 'staff' pics. I know...'shut up'.

Well, I suppose I should get busy. It is going to be one of those fall days, cold in the morning and in the 70's for the afternoon. How do you dress for that????

Have a good Tuesday, and ladies, you all are the most beautiful people I know. I can't wait till we all can get together and have fun. Even though $$ is tight, I'm socking away a little every month so next time I can go. Just let me know if we are going out of the country, I don't have a passport.

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Good Morning Gang !!!

Well it's Tuesday - back at work ugh !!! Where did the weekend go - I finally got the 400 pics uploaded to Target and will pickup tonite along with some more albums...

Found this white choc sf ff Jello pudding - would be really good with some walnuts - but alas it's 4 servings and I ate it in 2 servings - so I don't think I will buy again - I didn't have any nuts - I am laying off them for a while just to many calories - even though they are good calories..

Karla - I figured tuna Man wasn't going to turn out - since he made the comment about weight - I don't think he's going to talk to anyone who weighs more than 110 soaking wet - it's him and not you ok. If the conversation is good - and you have a lot in common what's a few lbs. But some pple are super superficial and he sounds like he is - I could understand if you were 400 lbs - but heck whats 20 lbs..

His loss - Plain and simple and yes we are going to have to do something about the self esteem issues..

Your 1st project is to stop the neg talk to yourself - You know when you think - oh this is useless - why bother - I'm a failure - when that though enters your head - say STOP!!! and replace with a posititive thought - and yes you can come up with one - I have lost 73 lbs !!!

You baby sounds like my baby (angel) - sometimes she won't go potty before bed - then wakes me up in the middle of the night to go - or 1/2 hr before I have to get up...

Well pple are walking around so I gotta get to work - CBL

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Good Morning!

Nice sunny morning here. We'll enjoy it because "front" coming this way is supposed to bring us rain again tomorrow. Beautiful weather for Steph and Karri for their walk this weekend, though. Sure hope I can get down there to closing ceremonies, at least!

Good night's sleep last night and feeling good today. So glad I was able to tolerate sitting outside with the neighbors at our Labor Day cookout yesterday.... I lasted an hour and a half. So today we are going to try a ride in the car... costco run. Not that I mind the fact that we are out of groceries... it meant I got a different breakfast this morning!! LOL! I love my seafood omelets, but it was getting tiresome to have the same thing every day! So today I was served a small pancake with an over easy egg on top and one slice of bacon. OH!! It tasted SOOOO good!

Nurse is coming at 2 pm, so I better get my butt in gear and do my exercises and get ready to go for my big excursion!! First time in the car since I came home from the hospital 11 days ago!

Yes, Karla.... listen to Janet!! You are a beautiful woman. You need to look online for some exercises in improving your "self talk"!! Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative! And forget about tuna man... yeah, I didn't like his comment about overweight women, either. A TELLTALE sign of a superficial man who judges with his eyes. Needs to find himself a blonde bimbo, Barbie Doll type.. not a lovely, intelligent woman! (No offense to the blondes, but you get my drift!)


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Karla honey, you are a KNOCK OUT in the looks department... How do you get to be 50(something) and not know you are Very Pretty?.... SOmebody's oviously done a number on your head girl!

So here we are, your are getting slimmer... and you ARE PRETTY... I know of a hundred gals that would trade their pictures for YOURS!! :mad:

And since we've had you on our boards for a while now I can say with certainty that YOUR Insides match your Outsides.. we've all known for a while that you fit in here because you are a kind, talented, caring person... PLUS you are a teacher! And everyone knows how daunting a career choice that is... to be responsible for the next generations education is an awesome responsibility.

I just finished watching your pres. talk to the school kids... what a great idea that was...

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That's GREAT!! Just what I was thinking!

Tolerated a 90 minute trip to Costco... then pain pill and ice wrap! Thought I could do Walmart, too, but after about 45 minutes in costco I was ready to go home! Did all my exercises before we went. Nurse due here in less than an hour to check me out again. Don't think I really need nurse visits, but think in order to keep the PT guy coming they have to include nurse visits for Medicare to pay. At least that's what I'm guessing.

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Hey Janet; those are great resources... thanks for looking them up for us! I am at work now and between px I am reading and printing out the suggestions... really anyone can benefit from more POSITIVE SELFTALK...


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That's GREAT!! Just what I was thinking!

Tolerated a 90 minute trip to Costco... then pain pill and ice wrap! Thought I could do Walmart, too, but after about 45 minutes in costco I was ready to go home! Did all my exercises before we went. Nurse due here in less than an hour to check me out again. Don't think I really need nurse visits, but think in order to keep the PT guy coming they have to include nurse visits for Medicare to pay. At least that's what I'm guessing.

Great job on the Costo run... I bet it was SO nice to get out of the house for a change of pace. :mad:

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Karla, I love your picture in your avatar... but I'd like to see one bigger.... can you post another??

Did you figure the picture thingy out?? I thought I was the LAST dummy to figure it out Hee,hee,hee...:mad:

Now tell me....................how many pictures have you seen me post here?

Karla - I posted on FB that you are gorgeous. Guess it must be those good german genes cause we both carry our weight the same way. E-mail old tuna guy and tell him you're sorry you aren't Barbie but then again, he ain't Ken either. LOL

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Janet, thanks for the web sites, I'll check them out tonight. Yep, tuna man said 'oh, hell no' and 'closed communications', I am working not to take it personally. But I agree that the weight comment bothered me. Chat later tonight, I have a birthday party to head to. TTFN

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That's GREAT!! Just what I was thinking!

Tolerated a 90 minute trip to costco... then pain pill and ice wrap! Thought I could do Walmart, too, but after about 45 minutes in costco I was ready to go home! Did all my exercises before we went. Nurse due here in less than an hour to check me out again. Don't think I really need nurse visits, but think in order to keep the PT guy coming they have to include nurse visits for Medicare to pay. At least that's what I'm guessing.

Phyl Glad you got out a bit - but remember slow and easy - you are just our energizer bunny !!!! Can't keep a good a good woman down can you :0) xoxox J

Hey Janet; those are great resources... thanks for looking them up for us! I am at work now and between px I am reading and printing out the suggestions... really anyone can benefit from more POSITIVE SELFTALK...:mad:

I agree 100% - I really try and practice what I preach - I will say things like stupid Janet - but then I say stop you aren't stupid - I whine and cry a little about my addicition sometime - but gotta say that my self esteem isn't too bad -really never was even when I was morbitly obese - I and I thank my Dad for that

Now tell me....................how many pictures have you seen me post here?

Karla - I posted on FB that you are gorgeous. Guess it must be those good german genes cause we both carry our weight the same way. E-mail old tuna guy and tell him you're sorry you aren't Barbie but then again, he ain't Ken either. LOL

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Hi Everybody,

Karla- I agree with everyone. You look fabulous! I was expecting more homely, trollish, wart on chin with hairs. WTH are you thinking! You're beautiful!

Candice- Love the pics

DS had to come camping with us because he can not be trusted home alone. We were promptly rewarded yesterday morning at 6:30am with a phone call from a guard at the hospital a few blocks away. DS was passed out on the side of road in the parking lot. DH went get him and the cop recognized DH. He said had he realized the DS was the kid from a few wks ago, he would have arrested him. He is 17, so he would go to real jail. I think I wish he would have went. I feel like I have been punched in the face. I can't believe he would do this to us. I can't stop crying, I don't have a clue what to do. I can't even sleep at night now, because I have to worry if he's leaving the house. Our alarm is broken, so I called to get if fixed, then I will be able to set it everynight. Tomorrow is parent night at his school, and I am forcing him to join something. He hates his school and is refusing. I am also putting him in music classes. He needs to meet people. He gravitates to trash. He thinks anyone that I would consider not trash is gay.

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DS had to come camping with us because he can not be trusted home alone. We were promptly rewarded yesterday morning at 6:30am with a phone call from a guard at the hospital a few blocks away. DS was passed out on the side of road in the parking lot. DH went get him and the cop recognized DH. He said had he realized the DS was the kid from a few wks ago, he would have arrested him. He is 17, so he would go to real jail. I think I wish he would have went. I feel like I have been punched in the face. I can't believe he would do this to us. I can't stop crying, I don't have a clue what to do. I can't even sleep at night now, because I have to worry if he's leaving the house. Our alarm is broken, so I called to get if fixed, then I will be able to set it everynight. Tomorrow is parent night at his school, and I am forcing him to join something. He hates his school and is refusing. I am also putting him in music classes. He needs to meet people. He gravitates to trash. He thinks anyone that I would consider not trash is gay.

So sorry, Denise. We went through similar things with our youngest son about 20 years ago and I know how awful it is. You've done all you can as parents. He's going to do what he's going to do until and unless something gets his attention. I'd say pray, pray, pray and turn him over to God.

Back in those days, I could force him to give me a urine sample and take it to my doctor's office for drug screening. These days you can't get away with that because of the "privacy" laws. Our son used to disappear for days at a time. First time he did that I think he was only 14 or 15. I could tell you a lot of horror stories!

He had drug problems for many years, but he's now 37 and holding a responsible job. Still drives me nuts, but seems to be on track. Knew exactly when my surgery date was and said he was coming up because he's been on a job in Idaho. Of course, he not only didn't show up but hasn't called since about a week before the surgery. And that call was to ask for money to send his son back to Spokane because he'd been in Idaho visiting him! UGH!!

Hang in there! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

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Oh Denise Hugs - Have you tried counseling - 17 isn't that still juvie - it is here - but that's not great place either - but I hate saying this sometimes you gotta let them deal with the consequences of their action -

How about a rehab.. Sounds like he is drinking/drugs - I know my son started at 15 - I took him to the county and got some conseling.. Can't say it helped he got busted at 17 and spent a few months in a boy's home (placement as they called it then) He straighten up for a while - hell he's 38 and you all know where we were with him and family last May ... I still worry that he will go back to his old ways..

I agree with Phyl that at that age there really isn't much you can do - I know you want to save him from himself - I understand that and it's so hard to feel so helpless- I have been there done that..

My only suggestion would be find him a rehab..

Come cry on our shoulders we are here for you - wish we could fix it - Prayer & Hugs !!!!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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