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Ok gang - I am looking at old pic's again - last time I did this was the weekend that my bro died.. I hope it's not me next..

I have portraits of me and bros - was going to hang up but need new frames - then I went to the garage and brought in pic albums - I got a woven crate thinking to put them in to keep them in the house - Found the writings of my dad's when he was on the vent before he died - my last bday card - more old pic - so I am going through this - I have a mess... Found some more slides that I need to get pictures done -

Candice - just budget your calories for dinner

Karla - that's has been my whole worry since I got banded 2 yrs ago - it's wasn't so much about losing the weight - and I was shocked that I got past my original goal of 170 - - My biggest fear has been keeping it off.. This is why I freak when the scales hit 143 - I allow a 5 lbs variance - but that's it -

Ok back to my mess... I have birthday/mother day/xmas cards going back for YEARS... I have always kept my cards..

I have cards my DS gave Andrew's Mom - hell those are 18 yrs old now...

I keep these personal things - I am like my mom in that respect...

Karla - I don't do cars ;0)

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Okay, finally settled for my 'day' of school work. Now it seems to be a short 1/2 day of school work. Slept in, talked DD#3 through some issues (she's driving home from Chicago, naturally the soon-to-be-ex has changed his mind about dumping her and wants her to turn around and come home), walked, bought groceries, put dinner in the crockpot, made lunch. So now it is 2:00 and I'm JUST settling in to work. grrr.

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I can already tell that the weight training is helping with my running. We actually don't use any machines. Just the free weights and my own body weight. She has tailored my strength training rountines for running. Everything that she has me do has a specific purpose and she tells me how it will help my running. OMG...I must do 100 sets of walking lunges. Okay not really, but it feels like it. Walking lunges without weights, walking lunges with medicine ball and rotations, walking lunges with overhead press using 15 lb dumbbell. Then Friday it was one legged squats with over head press using 15 lb dumbbell followed immediately by one legged jumproping. Then repeat on the next leg. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!

When I started running again after my injury I could tell the difference. My balance is better and my endurance is much better. She tells me all the time that I have shit balance and shit posture (my mommy will agree on that one) so we are working on that as well.

Well I htink I am going to try and take a nap and then go to work. I have to make some videos and doing it tired just makes me angry cause I make too many mistakes.

Chat later!

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Okay, finally settled for my 'day' of school work. Now it seems to be a short 1/2 day of school work. Slept in, talked DD#3 through some issues (she's driving home from Chicago, naturally the soon-to-be-ex has changed his mind about dumping her and wants her to turn around and come home), walked, bought groceries, put dinner in the crockpot, made lunch. So now it is 2:00 and I'm JUST settling in to work. grrr.

Well did DD#3 turn back ??? Well you got stuff done - you won't have to stop and make dinner and you don't have to go to work tomorrow - so you can get your school work done and quilt tomorrow..

I never got dressed - filled up 2 more albums done - need a few more (albums) - cleaned up the mess - for some reason back in 98 & 99 had these weird size photos had to cut to fit book. Now I am going to go thru the computer and print the ones that have never been printed - Well - that's what I am going to work on anyway - going to upload them to wallgreens to print - cheaper that way than me printing..

I can already tell that the weight training is helping with my running. We actually don't use any machines. Just the free weights and my own body weight. She has tailored my strength training rountines for running. Everything that she has me do has a specific purpose and she tells me how it will help my running. OMG...I must do 100 sets of walking lunges. Okay not really, but it feels like it. Walking lunges without weights, walking lunges with medicine ball and rotations, walking lunges with overhead press using 15 lb dumbbell. Then Friday it was one legged squats with over head press using 15 lb dumbbell followed immediately by one legged jumproping. Then repeat on the next leg. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!

When I started running again after my injury I could tell the difference. My balance is better and my endurance is much better. She tells me all the time that I have shit balance and shit posture (my mommy will agree on that one) so we are working on that as well.

Well I htink I am going to try and take a nap and then go to work. I have to make some videos and doing it tired just makes me angry cause I make too many mistakes.

Chat later!

I like free weights better too - I find that I get sore doing free weights more than with machines - Have her have to to sissy squats - you want to talk about hard and something to make you sore !!! I agree with you on the lunges - but hell you had a hell of a time with those when we did the Wii Active ;0)....

I have gym tomorrow at 10 -then take Andrew for black shoes and get wedding gift - and some more albums - then GF coming over around 3...


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Janet, so far so good, DD#3 has NOT turned back. We talked about trust and how she needs to pursue this career opportunity (1st job in her field) and that just because she is back in MT, doesn't mean she has to eliminate husband from her life. IF he is serious he can prove it. So who knows.

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Hey Everyone, got back from camping today. I was sick the whole time. still sick, been sick since Wed. The skin under my nose is gone. Now the coughing has started.

Phyl- glad you're feeling better

Janet- You look fabulous!

Karla- Do ya'll get a step raise every yr? We get a small raise every Sept. It usually adds up to about 40 dollars more a mt.

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Janet, my trainer doesn't like sissy squats. She says they are too hard on your knees. Different trainers have so many different techniques and they all think they are right. I just think it is so cool that she actually tailors my routine to benefit my running. Plus she says I only need training for 2 months. She is always there if I want to come back for some refreshers but she wants her clients to try it on their own and only if they can't keep improving to come back to her. So I am paid through this month and then I am going to try it on my own. Each time she teaches me a new routine she makes notes and tells me how to know when to improve. When all of the routines become easy (I can do three reps with max weights...which she writes down...then I am to come back to her and get a new set of routines). She said some people can't do it with out her, but she thinks that I will be able to.

I am going tomorrow morning to do my routine on my own. Normally I do it on Wed and Fri but since I will be walking 21+ miles on Friday, we decided that it would be best to do my workout on Monday.

I am really using the 3 day walk to get back into my running routine. I have only run a couple of times in the last few weeks because of injury but I am ready to get back on track.

Well I am going to bed so that I can get up early and go to the gym.

Chat Later,


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Denise, yes we do have 'step' raises. But mine are very small because I do not have a master's degree. I have a BS + 200, but only 15 are in an approved master's degree. I love to take science courses, but really not interested in more education courses, some of them are so lame. Actually one of the reasons I don't have a masters is that I got into an argument with a prof in an education grad class. The class was lame and he was teach 'Project Wild' material wrong. Well I'm a certified Project Wild instructor and I had to open my big mouth. Anyway, he turned out to be my advisor for my grad course of study. He refused to write the plan and to give his approval. I could go somewhere else, but I decided that feeding my kids was probably a better choice and that I really didn't want a grad degree that was lame. STUPID I know. We do get a 5% raise this year, we negotiated it 3 years ago, but it will be the last in a long time with the economy. I'm hoping to retire in the next 15 years, 10 if I can, so I can't justify a master's degree.

Karri, good job on the workout. I hope you have a good time on the 3Day, I'm jealous. I so wanted to go. I'm too woosie to hit people up for money.

Got most of my school work done, so today I hope to quilt. I'm still on the search for good earth science activities.

OOHH, I forgot to mention I got a 'nudge' on eharmany requesting my picture. Now that is the problem, I don't have one. So today, I'm going to 'groom up' and have DD#4 take a few. The gentleman would make a perfect relationship. He is a captain on a tuna boat and out at sea for 3 months at a time. MY type of guy, around only part of the time. The only thing is he can't stand people who are overweight, so that may be a deal breaker. He'll take one look at my pic and head for the hills, which is okay, because anyone who is hung up on weight isn't worth my time. But it is fun to play with.

Well, have been up since 5 am, Miss Molly decided she had to go potty. So I'm almost done with my first cup of coffee, and playing on the computer. Hey I can still take a nap!

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Janet, so far so good, DD#3 has NOT turned back. We talked about trust and how she needs to pursue this career opportunity (1st job in her field) and that just because she is back in MT, doesn't mean she has to eliminate husband from her life. IF he is serious he can prove it. So who knows.

Karla - how old is DD#3?? You are right about him proving it..

My DIL & DS were broke up for a yr but got back together and got married - and knock wood it's still working..

Hey Everyone, got back from camping today. I was sick the whole time. still sick, been sick since Wed. The skin under my nose is gone. Now the coughing has started.

Phyl- glad you're feeling better

Janet- You look fabulous!

Karla- Do ya'll get a step raise every yr? We get a small raise every Sept. It usually adds up to about 40 dollars more a mt.

Denise - Summer colds are the worse - Hugs - Did DS go camping :0)

Denise, yes we do have 'step' raises. But mine are very small because I do not have a master's degree. I have a BS + 200, but only 15 are in an approved master's degree. I love to take science courses, but really not interested in more education courses, some of them are so lame. Actually one of the reasons I don't have a masters is that I got into an argument with a prof in an education grad class. The class was lame and he was teach 'Project Wild' material wrong. Well I'm a certified Project Wild instructor and I had to open my big mouth. Anyway, he turned out to be my advisor for my grad course of study. He refused to write the plan and to give his approval. I could go somewhere else, but I decided that feeding my kids was probably a better choice and that I really didn't want a grad degree that was lame. STUPID I know. We do get a 5% raise this year, we negotiated it 3 years ago, but it will be the last in a long time with the economy. I'm hoping to retire in the next 15 years, 10 if I can, so I can't justify a master's degree.

Karri, good job on the workout. I hope you have a good time on the 3Day, I'm jealous. I so wanted to go. I'm too woosie to hit people up for money.

Got most of my school work done, so today I hope to quilt. I'm still on the search for good earth science activities.

OOHH, I forgot to mention I got a 'nudge' on eharmany requesting my picture. Now that is the problem, I don't have one. So today, I'm going to 'groom up' and have DD#4 take a few. The gentleman would make a perfect relationship. He is a captain on a tuna boat and out at sea for 3 months at a time. MY type of guy, around only part of the time. The only thing is he can't stand people who are overweight, so that may be a deal breaker. He'll take one look at my pic and head for the hills, which is okay, because anyone who is hung up on weight isn't worth my time. But it is fun to play with.

Well, have been up since 5 am, Miss Molly decided she had to go potty. So I'm almost done with my first cup of coffee, and playing on the computer. Hey I can still take a nap!

Karla you and I are twins (opening big mouths and telling it like it is) Hell I just had a dream that I got fired - but that I still had to work for 2 weeks - which is weird cuz in my job if you get fired - you leave right then and there as they don't want you to steal your renewal book (list of all your accounts) well that sorta stupid cuz if you wanted it you could have taken it anytime..

I'm with you about asking pple for $$$ - I am not good at it either.. Plus I don't know about walking for 3 days 20 miles a day - just a little too much exercise even for me :0)

Ya I like your Tuna guy - my kind of guy too - good luck on that and when you post pic there you better post one here - we don't know what you look like - we need a before and current...

I been up since 5:30 Angel potty time - have gym at 10 - then gotta take Andrew to get black shoes for next weekend then GF comming over at 3 so she can order some Protein stuff - she's my bypass freind - has lost 125 in 1 yrs

So I doubt I get a nap today - but that's ok - I can't nap like I use to (meaning I can't sleep away my weekends anymore)

I might doze for 1 hr but that's it..

Karri - don't know what happen to your quote - Thankfully we don't do sissy squats often - and they don't bother my knee - sometime I can't do the machines too deep cuz my knee will act up -

I agree with your trainer - you won't need her like I need mine - both Vicky & I use our hr as our physical exercise and mental health hr.... but next yr I might not be able to afford it..

So next weekend is the big walk... Can't wait to hear all about it..

Well off to ck my other thead - CBL

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8_4_47.gifGood Morning!

Happy Labor Day, everyone!

It's cold here.... 60ish, and cloudy. Rained off and on all day yesterday. I did NOT feel good yesterday. Poor pain control, and no energy level all day. Not sure what it was.. not sick really.

DS & DGS were here for a few hours visit after dropping DGD off at U of WA sorority house. Got a kick out of him.. he said last year after he dropped her off (she was a freshman) he had to sit in his car and compose himself before he could drive off. This year..... picture pumping the air with his fist with a loud resounding "YES"!! LOL! You know how it is when they live away from home for a while and then come back! Her little sister had a similar reaction... last year she was depressed when she left... This year... lets PARTTTTYYYY!! She is 12, I think... she and mom stayed home (San Jose area) and went shopping, to a movie, etc! At any rate, he wasn't looking forward to holiday weekend traffic, so they just stayed for a few hours and headed for Portland so they wouldn't have so far to drive today.

If DGS gets any taller he won't be clearing our doorways! He just turned 16, HS jr and QB of his varsity football team for the 2nd year. I am SO GLAD he's so much bigger than he was last year. It was painful to watch those big linebackers flatten him!

Slept very well last night which always makes a difference in how I feel in the morning! PT is coming in a couple of hours. I'm "icing" right now. Then Breakfast. Then shower and go through my routine once before he gets here.

UH..... check out my ticker!!

Weighed on the Wii this morning.

I am pretty psyched about that!!

I am less than 5 lb away from "ONDERLAND"!!


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Phyl, congrat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are awesome. You have dogged determination, I love that!!! I hope when I get to 'goal', what ever that is, I will have your strength to keep eating like I should.

Janet, DD#3 is 28, but her husband is 25 or 26, I'm not sure. They met in Hawaii while she was going to school and he was stationed at the Navy yard. I thing part of their problem is that he was transfered to Chicago and he hates it. Also, while they were in Hawaii, he was deployed over half of the marriage. He also was young. I think he is unhappy with life and has grown up and doesn't know what he wants in life. So hopefully she will find her way and then they can make a decision about whether they should be together.

Well, done with my mending so I better get going on my walk. It is chilly here also, windy and in the high 50's.

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OMGosh, I just received a reply from the tuna guy...and now have moved through all the steps and begun open communication.... I still haven't uploaded that picture, have to groom up. I know he will take on look at it and go.."Oh hell no!" Why should it matter????? It is the self-esteem thing, I don't have any! But IF I load the picture, I'll put a before and now one on for you guys. My only request....You have to be brutially honest. Do I look 85, am I as fat as an hog ready for slaughter, am I an elephant with all that saggy skin? Okay enough of the animal analogies. It has been 13 years since I really talked to a male...what do you say? "Hey, how's fishing? Catch any dolphins lately?"

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OMGosh, I just received a reply from the tuna guy...and now have moved through all the steps and begun open communication.... I still haven't uploaded that picture, have to groom up. I know he will take on look at it and go.."Oh hell no!" Why should it matter????? It is the self-esteem thing, I don't have any! But IF I load the picture, I'll put a before and now one on for you guys. My only request....You have to be brutially honest. Do I look 85, am I as fat as an hog ready for slaughter, am I an elephant with all that saggy skin? Okay enough of the animal analogies. It has been 13 years since I really talked to a male...what do you say? "Hey, how's fishing? Catch any dolphins lately?"

You're TOOO funny!

Can't think of any great lines, but if you already feel some rapport with "Tuna Man", I'm sure the conversation will flow freely! Relax. Have a glass of wine!

Just spent an hour outside with the neighbors... having a picnic under the carport. Enjoyable visit and big accomplishment.. actually... I just looked at the clock.. it was over an hour and a half. Big accomplishment because it hurts to sit in anything but my recliner for that long. I first tried a foldking chair... then walked back inside and rode the scooter out instead... more options for resting my leg. Had it up on a chiar part of the time, chair rung, etc. Just kept changing positions.. and took a pain pill just before I went out. DH just came back in with me and got me situated in my recliner, leg up on pillows, ice wrap, and I told him to go back out and visit some more.


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Okay got the pictures but can't load them, give me instructions....

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8_4_47.gifGood Morning!

Happy Labor Day, everyone!

It's cold here.... 60ish, and cloudy. Rained off and on all day yesterday. I did NOT feel good yesterday. Poor pain control, and no energy level all day. Not sure what it was.. not sick really.

DS & DGS were here for a few hours visit after dropping DGD off at U of WA sorority house. Got a kick out of him.. he said last year after he dropped her off (she was a freshman) he had to sit in his car and compose himself before he could drive off. This year..... picture pumping the air with his fist with a loud resounding "YES"!! LOL! You know how it is when they live away from home for a while and then come back! Her little sister had a similar reaction... last year she was depressed when she left... This year... lets PARTTTTYYYY!! She is 12, I think... she and mom stayed home (San Jose area) and went shopping, to a movie, etc! At any rate, he wasn't looking forward to holiday weekend traffic, so they just stayed for a few hours and headed for Portland so they wouldn't have so far to drive today.

If DGS gets any taller he won't be clearing our doorways! He just turned 16, HS jr and QB of his varsity football team for the 2nd year. I am SO GLAD he's so much bigger than he was last year. It was painful to watch those big linebackers flatten him!

Slept very well last night which always makes a difference in how I feel in the morning! PT is coming in a couple of hours. I'm "icing" right now. Then breakfast. Then shower and go through my routine once before he gets here.

UH..... check out my ticker!!

Weighed on the Wii this morning.

I am pretty psyched about that!!

I am less than 5 lb away from "ONDERLAND"!!



You will have those 5 lbs off by the time you come to the Desert (when is that ;0) and I will make you a new T-shirt - WONDERLAND !!! SO I am going to need a new pic too :0)

I know that when Joseph went to placement when he was 17 - i was so sad - but didn't want him to come home after a few months - I saw him on weekend - he was going to school - he was safe and doing good - I liked it that way..

Right Now




  • 99 °
  • Sunny

Feels Like97°Relative Humidity21%Barometer29.71(Steady)atmDew Point54°Visibility10.00 MilesUV Index5 ModerateWind Speed S 7 mph


Mainly clear skies. Low 74F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.

100 High

74 Low

0 %

Sunrise Sunset

6:23 am

7:02 pm

Relative Humidity21%Barometer29.71(Steady)atmDew Point54°Visibility10.00 MilesUV Index5 ModerateWind Speed S 7 mph Tonight Mainly clear skies. Low 74F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.

Sunrise: 6:23 am Sunset: 7:02 pm

This Week



103 74



103 78



107 79



107 80



107 79



105 78

Here's our weather :0) ....

Phyl, congrat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are awesome. You have dogged determination, I love that!!! I hope when I get to 'goal', what ever that is, I will have your strength to keep eating like I should.

Janet, DD#3 is 28, but her husband is 25 or 26, I'm not sure. They met in Hawaii while she was going to school and he was stationed at the Navy yard. I thing part of their problem is that he was transfered to Chicago and he hates it. Also, while they were in Hawaii, he was deployed over half of the marriage. He also was young. I think he is unhappy with life and has grown up and doesn't know what he wants in life. So hopefully she will find her way and then they can make a decision about whether they should be together.

Well, done with my mending so I better get going on my walk. It is chilly here also, windy and in the high 50's.

OMGosh, I just received a reply from the tuna guy...and now have moved through all the steps and begun open communication.... I still haven't uploaded that picture, have to groom up. I know he will take on look at it and go.."Oh hell no!" Why should it matter????? It is the self-esteem thing, I don't have any! But IF I load the picture, I'll put a before and now one on for you guys. My only request....You have to be brutially honest. Do I look 85, am I as fat as an hog ready for slaughter, am I an elephant with all that saggy skin? Okay enough of the animal analogies. It has been 13 years since I really talked to a male...what do you say? "Hey, how's fishing? Catch any dolphins lately?"

Darling - 1st I'm going to kick your butt - you can't look 85 - and I I know I have more saggy skin that you do - my arms are awful - but 138-143 is great and hell I'm 54 (almost 55) and I have earned every wrinkle..

Let's see the pic - then I will tell you the TRUTH !!

You're TOOO funny!

Can't think of any great lines, but if you already feel some rapport with "Tuna Man", I'm sure the conversation will flow freely! Relax. Have a glass of wine!

Just spent an hour outside with the neighbors... having a picnic under the carport. Enjoyable visit and big accomplishment.. actually... I just looked at the clock.. it was over an hour and a half. Big accomplishment because it hurts to sit in anything but my recliner for that long. I first tried a foldking chair... then walked back inside and rode the scooter out instead... more options for resting my leg. Had it up on a chiar part of the time, chair rung, etc. Just kept changing positions.. and took a pain pill just before I went out. DH just came back in with me and got me situated in my recliner, leg up on pillows, ice wrap, and I told him to go back out and visit some more.


Well glad you are comfortable - it's only been what 2 weeks this Tuesday - since you had surgery - girl we just can't keep you down can we lol ...

Well did the gym - Andrew got shoes - bought wedding gift - vaccummed cleaned the kitchen and trying to upload 73 pics to Walgreens - but it won't go... I guess I will save them to a disc and go to the store to print..

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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