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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I try - but you don't listen to me !!!! No soda's no sugar - meat & veggies for the week - step away from the carbs and keep on peddleing :0) Hugs

Me too Kari, consider YOUR butt severly kicked :mad: >>>> there, did you FEEL it????

Just kidding honey, its hard to get BACK to BASICs, but that web site that Janet gave us a couple of pages back was what "I" needed to hear... its free ... so USE IT>

They send you a motivational ditty every day..

I am EATING MEAT, MEAT, PROTIEN.... for a full 3-4 days... no veg, no fruit, no CARBS.. except for what is in my protien shakes.< /span>

After this, my cravings for JUNK< CRAP: SUGAR... etc.. were WAY down. '

PLUS, I get actually FULL after eating my protien... the band is working again for me...

NO SLIDER FOODS & mmmmm NO POP(soda whatever you Yanks call it),,, you don't need that liquid - it is not good for you, depletes your Calcium in your BONES!!!!

It has NO nutritional value whatsoever... don't put it in your BODY!

You are a religious gal right? Well, think of it this way...

God has gifted you with a healthy body, YOU have the responsibility to respect what God has made and to FEED it accordingly...

Don't put JUNK into God's creation >>>> YOU!

{o.k. stepping off my soap box now.... and in the future when "I" wan, you ALL have my permission to quote the above BACK to me!!!}

Had a great B-day, filled out my gratitudes list this a.m. and I am truly blessed with the BEST friends in the entire world...

Love you all gals :thumbup:

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{I loved this, someone sent it to me on my B-day}

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The

Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio

"To Celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My=2 0odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:"

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone..

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15.. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't s ave it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ''In five years, will this matter?".

26. Always choose life.

27. Forgive everyone everything.

28. What other people think of you is none of your business.

29. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.

30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

31. Don't take yourself so seriously.. No one else does.

32. Believe in miracles.

33. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

34. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

35. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

36. Your children get only one childhood.

37. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

38. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

39. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd

Grab ours back.

40. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

41. The best is yet to come.

42. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

43. Yield.

44. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

It's estimated 93% won't forward this. If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title '7%'. I'm in the 7%. Remember that I will always share my spoon with you! Friends are the family :mad: - AMEN :thumbup:

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Folks, I have a question..my lap doc...has suggested that I consider "combination of many B-vitamins and some amino acids, called "Lipotropic injections." It seems to increase energy and boost weight loss." So what do you think? It costs about $50 a month and you give yourself a shot 2-3 times a week?

I'll chat later need to get dinner going. TTFN

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Overboard, the girls at work, surprised me and took me out for BIRTHDAY drinks after work tonight.... I had to work until 8 p.m. and then I met them at the restaurant...

THey were a couple of drinks ahead of me... but I caught up!!

WOW, maybe I'll have to re-think wanting to quit my job after all.. It was a very nice outing and COMPLETEly unexpected. :mad: :w00t: :thumbup:

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Folks, I have a question..my lap doc...has suggested that I consider "combination of many B-vitamins and some amino acids, called "Lipotropic injections." It seems to increase energy and boost weight loss." So what do you think? It costs about $50 a month and you give yourself a shot 2-3 times a week?

I'll chat later need to get dinner going. TTFN

1) Can you afford it?

2) Is there not a supplement that you can buy and take by tablet form, say in the Drug Store??

I have heard (and I'm no expert) that only Gastric Bypass folks don't absorb nutrients as they should (because their stomachs have been re-routed) and therefore can become B-12 deficient. (which you get from meat). I have never heard of a Lapbander not being able to get there nutrients from food, Vitamins orally, etc...

Nurses out there, what do you think? :thumbup:

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Hugs - I would think the oxycond (sp) would take care of the pain - I hear that's some powerful stuff - maybe you should call the doc - I know you arent' a baby when it comes to pain - so I think you should tell your doc that you need something stronger... Glad Earl got out for a bit and that Tracy came over..

Karla - I forgot to congrat you on the 2 lbs WTG.. On the shots - I would get your blood tested 1st - you can buy the sub lingual B12 to take and lapband Vitamins too or any good chewable ones - due to our eating less food is the reason that we need to make sure we take our vitimans (I am terrible at it - but getting a little better I forgot today though and they are right on my desk - I have lap band multi chewable watermelon flavor - so far they are my fav - cinnamon chewable Calcium w/d and b12 tables that you let dislove under your tongue)

Kari has adrenal gland fatigue - I don't think she took any Vitamin and when she got tested all her #'s for vititman were bad bad bad - her doc said that her gland got stressed due to the rapid weight loss - (what I read on the subject is that it's can be due to stress and thyroid issues and that doc disagree about it and what cause it) Anyway - I would try over the counter stuff 1st - but again they are going to cost you about $50 when all said and done - but it would include other necessary vit too...

Candice - Ya girl 2000 calories - well - it was your bday so it's allowable - :0) Back on track tomorrow... Love the list - it's so true..

We have a little girl (well 23 yrs single mom and son has some leg issues/handicap or whatever the new pc word for that is) Well she just bought a house - got the keys yesterday - but has nothing to put into it - no beds etc - she got rid of all that when she moved back home with mom a couple of years ago...

So I gave her some $$ to day to help turn on the utilities and then I went to her supervisor and said we need to have everyone donate stuff they have that they don't need - I am giving her my fridge that's in the garage - I really don't need it - we just keep Water - soda - beer - wine in it..

So we are having a house warming for her Friday - its' a surprise - she was so thankful for the $$ I gave her - she was crying and me too - I told her that I was glad to be able to help - she has worked hard in getting this house and I know how tough it is to be a single mom - and that I was lucky I had my dad to help me and that she doesn't have that - so I am glad that I can help her...

We have asked our bosses to give an early Xmas present - we (office) gives to the less fortunate instead of having an Xmas Party - we asked that they give to her this year and do it early Xmas in September - they gotta meet on it but hopefully they come thru with some $$$ so she can buy some mattresses !!!

Anyway I went to Target and got an ironing board - Iron and a set of pots and pans (on sale for $35) and a ladies tool kit (hammer - screw drivers - measuring tape wrenches etc that are pink)

If just feels so damn good to be able to help someone like her - she is just the sweetest little thing a good worker a good girl who's trying to improve her & her son's life - I just love the hell out of her.....

I have vacuumed and paid bills (I won't be going shopping on this long weekend ;0) fed the dogs - made the kittens a new bed - they kept getting out of the box that Andrew made (he cut a door in it - men and doing dumb stuff - the box is only 6 inches high so mommy can get in and out w/no problem and didn't need the doorway) and the kittens kept getting out so found a box in the garage that my pool lounger came in and made them a new bed without a door so the kitten can't escape and have more room to crawl around in - their eyes are opening well all but one have opened...

So that's my escapades for this evening... I am off to go cook my fish and watch some tv...

Hugs & Love to you all !!!!

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Phyl, I'm with Janet, I think you should call the doc. Yes there is pain, but not so much that you have to over medicate...just a thought.

Okay night sleep, not fabulous. I kept disconnecting my CPAP machine which then woke me up.

Had a heck of a thunderstorm last night. It was super hot and then the storm rolled in. Thunder was so loud that the house rattled and the puppies thought the world was coming to an end, actually I thought the house got hit by lightening. Natually it turned into hail and then rain. but things look okay.

Candice, you are right, I don't know if I could afford the Bcomplex shots. Talked to my daughter the PA and she said that it wouldn't hurt anything. I am considering it once winter hits. I am a hibernator and seem to 'fatten up' for the winter and become dormant. My energy level just sucks during the winter and I really battle depression.

Can't chat long, I REALLY need to be at school by 6:30, it is the only way I can get home by 4 ish. So I'll chat later tonight. TTFN

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Phyl, I'm with Janet, I think you should call the doc. Yes there is pain, but not so much that you have to over medicate...just a thought.

Okay night sleep, not fabulous. I kept disconnecting my CPAP machine which then woke me up.

Had a heck of a thunderstorm last night. It was super hot and then the storm rolled in. Thunder was so loud that the house rattled and the puppies thought the world was coming to an end, actually I thought the house got hit by lightening. Natually it turned into hail and then rain. but things look okay.

Candice, you are right, I don't know if I could afford the Bcomplex shots. Talked to my daughter the PA and she said that it wouldn't hurt anything. I am considering it once winter hits. I am a hibernator and seem to 'fatten up' for the winter and become dormant. My energy level just sucks during the winter and I really battle depression.

Can't chat long, I REALLY need to be at school by 6:30, it is the only way I can get home by 4 ish. So I'll chat later tonight. TTFN

Karla - Vit D & Sun Shine - you need one of those lamps for the winter - it would be a good investment

Good Morning Gang !!!!

Dentist today - gym and that's it...

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Hugs - I would think the oxycond (sp) would take care of the pain - I hear that's some powerful stuff - maybe you should call the doc - I know you arent' a baby when it comes to pain - so I think you should tell your doc that you need something stronger... Glad Earl got out for a bit and that Tracy came over..

Karla - I forgot to congrat you on the 2 lbs WTG.. On the shots - I would get your blood tested 1st - you can buy the sub lingual B12 to take and lapband Vitamins too or any good chewable ones - due to our eating less food is the reason that we need to make sure we take our vitimans (I am terrible at it - but getting a little better I forgot today though and they are right on my desk - I have lap band multi chewable watermelon flavor - so far they are my fav - cinnamon chewable Calcium w/d and b12 tables that you let dislove under your tongue)

Kari has adrenal gland fatigue - I don't think she took any Vitamin and when she got tested all her #'s for vititman were bad bad bad - her doc said that her gland got stressed due to the rapid weight loss - (what I read on the subject is that it's can be due to stress and thyroid issues and that doc disagree about it and what cause it) Anyway - I would try over the counter stuff 1st - but again they are going to cost you about $50 when all said and done - but it would include other necessary vit too...

Candice - Ya girl 2000 calories - well - it was your bday so it's allowable - :0) Back on track tomorrow... Love the list - it's so true..

We have a little girl (well 23 yrs single mom and son has some leg issues/handicap or whatever the new pc word for that is) Well she just bought a house - got the keys yesterday - but has nothing to put into it - no beds etc - she got rid of all that when she moved back home with mom a couple of years ago...

So I gave her some $$ to day to help turn on the utilities and then I went to her supervisor and said we need to have everyone donate stuff they have that they don't need - I am giving her my fridge that's in the garage - I really don't need it - we just keep Water - soda - beer - wine in it..

So we are having a house warming for her Friday - its' a surprise - she was so thankful for the $$ I gave her - she was crying and me too - I told her that I was glad to be able to help - she has worked hard in getting this house and I know how tough it is to be a single mom - and that I was lucky I had my dad to help me and that she doesn't have that - so I am glad that I can help her...

We have asked our bosses to give an early Xmas present - we (office) gives to the less fortunate instead of having an Xmas Party - we asked that they give to her this year and do it early Xmas in September - they gotta meet on it but hopefully they come thru with some $$$ so she can buy some mattresses !!!

Anyway I went to Target and got an ironing board - Iron and a set of pots and pans (on sale for $35) and a ladies tool kit (hammer - screw drivers - measuring tape wrenches etc that are pink)

If just feels so damn good to be able to help someone like her - she is just the sweetest little thing a good worker a good girl who's trying to improve her & her son's life - I just love the hell out of her.....

I have vacuumed and paid bills (I won't be going shopping on this long weekend ;0) fed the dogs - made the kittens a new bed - they kept getting out of the box that Andrew made (he cut a door in it - men and doing dumb stuff - the box is only 6 inches high so mommy can get in and out w/no problem and didn't need the doorway) and the kittens kept getting out so found a box in the garage that my pool lounger came in and made them a new bed without a door so the kitten can't escape and have more room to crawl around in - their eyes are opening well all but one have opened...

So that's my escapades for this evening... I am off to go cook my fish and watch some tv...

Hugs & Love to you all !!!!

Janet, see why we love you so much... you have a HEART as big as the MOON!!!

You are a very special lady :blink:

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1) Can you afford it?

2) Is there not a supplement that you can buy and take by tablet form, say in the Drug Store??

I have heard (and I'm no expert) that only Gastric Bypass folks don't absorb nutrients as they should (because their stomachs have been re-routed) and therefore can become B-12 deficient. (which you get from meat). I have never heard of a Lapbander not being able to get there nutrients from food, Vitamins orally, etc...

Nurses out there, what do you think? :blink:

I don't think it's necessary. And you're right... that's one of the reasons I chose LapBand over bypass... we don't lose our absorption.. Good Multivitamin and the sub-lingual B-Complex would be cheaper, I would think. Target, Walmart, etc. sell that sub-lingual B for less than $10/bottle and it lasts a long time. I take Centrum Silver chewable multivitamin... around $10 for 60 of them.

I slept GREAT last night and woke up raring to go. I started my exercises as soon as I stood up. Then went through my whole PT routine and took a walk outside before coffee and Breakfast. Much better pain control overnight, and today. A very encouraging morning. Pt guy, Sam, due here within the next 30 minutes or so. May try venturing out on my scooter today. My latte stand moved across the highway over the weekend and I may go see if she's up and running yet after Sam leaves.

Edited by phyllser

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So I am all done with the necessary stuff for my classes so I am totally back here. I got the basic run down from my mommy on everything that is going on and I am going to go and try to read a few pages.

The first thing I saw though as I logged in was about Vitamin B-12 shots. OMG...they are the BEST thing ever!!!!!!!! I have had so much energy, been in a better mood, and despite working unimaginable hours feel very little stress. DH says I am in a much better mood and I feel amazing. There are some vitamin combos that I can take too if I want to, but right now we are just focusing on the b-12 and the Calcium.

So...I haven't fallen off the bandwagon. Just been so busy that I didn't have time to be on here. But I am going to make time now.

People better start kicking my heiny if I am gone too much!

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About the not being able to absorb Vitamin b-12...some people just can't absorb it. Turns out my vitamin b-12 levels have probably been low my entire life. No amount of pills that I would take would help. Before I started getting shots, I was taking 100,000 times the normal dosage and my levels didn't change one bit. After 1 shot they had doubled. Some people just can't absorb it through the intestines at all.

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Yeah, that pot roast idea has been talking to me, too!

Time to exercise again. Pain is not responding well to Rx today.

Earl got away for an hour. He needed it! He keeps saying he has cabin fever. Is hoping I'll be ready to go shopping at costco by the end of the week??? He's been cranky all day, so I was glad he decided to go over to Tracy's... played with his '53 Chevy and the RV and the new puppy. Meanwhile, Tracy stopped by and brought me a Starbucks and helped me get unhooked from my ice bag and pillows so I could go to the BR.

What kind of dog did Tracy get? I've been wondering about that.

Me too Kari, consider YOUR butt severly kicked :) >>>> there, did you FEEL it????

Just kidding honey, its hard to get BACK to BASICs, but that web site that Janet gave us a couple of pages back was what "I" needed to hear... its free ... so USE IT>

They send you a motivational ditty every day..

I am EATING meat, MEAT, PROTIEN.... for a full 3-4 days... no veg, no fruit, no CARBS.. except for what is in my protien shakes.< /span>

After this, my cravings for JUNK< CRAP: SUGAR... etc.. were WAY down. '

PLUS, I get actually FULL after eating my protien... the band is working again for me...

NO SLIDER FOODS & mmmmm NO POP(soda whatever you Yanks call it),,, you don't need that liquid - it is not good for you, depletes your Calcium in your BONES!!!!

It has NO nutritional value whatsoever... don't put it in your BODY!

You are a religious gal right? Well, think of it this way...

God has gifted you with a healthy body, YOU have the responsibility to respect what God has made and to FEED it accordingly...

Don't put JUNK into God's creation >>>> YOU!

{o.k. stepping off my soap box now.... and in the future when "I" wan, you ALL have my permission to quote the above BACK to me!!!}

Had a great B-day, filled out my gratitudes list this a.m. and I am truly blessed with the BEST friends in the entire world...

Love you all gals :blink:

Thanks for the swift kick guys. I appreciate it. I've been battling the munchies all day. Good thing I don't have any munchie food here in the house.


Hugs - I would think the oxycond (sp) would take care of the pain - I hear that's some powerful stuff - maybe you should call the doc - I know you arent' a baby when it comes to pain - so I think you should tell your doc that you need something stronger... Glad Earl got out for a bit and that Tracy came over..

Karla - I forgot to congrat you on the 2 lbs WTG.. On the shots - I would get your blood tested 1st - you can buy the sub lingual B12 to take and lapband Vitamins too or any good chewable ones - due to our eating less food is the reason that we need to make sure we take our vitimans (I am terrible at it - but getting a little better I forgot today though and they are right on my desk - I have lap band multi chewable watermelon flavor - so far they are my fav - cinnamon chewable calcium w/d and b12 tables that you let dislove under your tongue)

Kari has adrenal gland fatigue - I don't think she took any Vitamin and when she got tested all her #'s for vititman were bad bad bad - her doc said that her gland got stressed due to the rapid weight loss - (what I read on the subject is that it's can be due to stress and thyroid issues and that doc disagree about it and what cause it) Anyway - I would try over the counter stuff 1st - but again they are going to cost you about $50 when all said and done - but it would include other necessary vit too...

Candice - Ya girl 2000 calories - well - it was your bday so it's allowable - :0) Back on track tomorrow... Love the list - it's so true..

We have a little girl (well 23 yrs single mom and son has some leg issues/handicap or whatever the new pc word for that is) Well she just bought a house - got the keys yesterday - but has nothing to put into it - no beds etc - she got rid of all that when she moved back home with mom a couple of years ago...

So I gave her some $$ to day to help turn on the utilities and then I went to her supervisor and said we need to have everyone donate stuff they have that they don't need - I am giving her my fridge that's in the garage - I really don't need it - we just keep Water - soda - beer - wine in it..

So we are having a house warming for her Friday - its' a surprise - she was so thankful for the $$ I gave her - she was crying and me too - I told her that I was glad to be able to help - she has worked hard in getting this house and I know how tough it is to be a single mom - and that I was lucky I had my dad to help me and that she doesn't have that - so I am glad that I can help her...

We have asked our bosses to give an early Xmas present - we (office) gives to the less fortunate instead of having an Xmas Party - we asked that they give to her this year and do it early Xmas in September - they gotta meet on it but hopefully they come thru with some $$$ so she can buy some mattresses !!!

Anyway I went to Target and got an ironing board - Iron and a set of pots and pans (on sale for $35) and a ladies tool kit (hammer - screw drivers - measuring tape wrenches etc that are pink)

If just feels so damn good to be able to help someone like her - she is just the sweetest little thing a good worker a good girl who's trying to improve her & her son's life - I just love the hell out of her.....

I have vacuumed and paid bills (I won't be going shopping on this long weekend ;0) fed the dogs - made the kittens a new bed - they kept getting out of the box that Andrew made (he cut a door in it - men and doing dumb stuff - the box is only 6 inches high so mommy can get in and out w/no problem and didn't need the doorway) and the kittens kept getting out so found a box in the garage that my pool lounger came in and made them a new bed without a door so the kitten can't escape and have more room to crawl around in - their eyes are opening well all but one have opened...

So that's my escapades for this evening... I am off to go cook my fish and watch some tv...

Hugs & Love to you all !!!!

I clicked this cause I was going to respond, but Candice said it best. You are the greatest. Got a heart of gold. Wish I could help, but Ca. is a little far for me.

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Tracy ended up getting a dog from the animal shelter... two puppies left by the side of the road. They took the female. Vet is guessing she is Australian Shepherd/Lab. She's beautiful... kind of beige w/darker brown spots and blue eyes. I think the name is still being debated, but I keep hearing Jim refer to her as "Blue"... which is also their last name. She was just here for lunch, showing off her new iPhone! I WANT one!!

Sam the PT man was here.. Monday he got 75 degree flexion in my knee... today we got it to 82. He's pleased with my progress and added two new exercises. He is trying hard to get me a new walker.. a 4 wheel w/seat and brakes. Mine is only 2 wheels and they are small.. bigger wheels will make it a lot easier to walk. This old one is not particularly safe. Dr's office is lagging in signing the Rx and getting it back to the supplier. That's the only thing holding it up.

Glad to see you back Karri!

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I'm home for the evening and not thinking about school. I was hungry all day, partially because my lunch was lame. I really prefer my chicken salad, but all I had left was a veggie burger. So lunch was 150 cals. I did get attacked by those assassin carrots. Was munching away on them between classes and I stuck. I had to step out into the hall so I didn't puke in front of the kids, not pretty. PB'ed some and managed to keep the carrots down. But I don't think I'm eating them for a while. dinner is tilapia, watermelon, and a new recipe for lite coconut rice. I banked a few extra calories so I can have more than a 'taste' of the rice.

Phyl, thank goodness the pain is under control. You really had us worried. Now you be careful crossing the road.

Janet, how sweet you are!!!

Karri, glad to see you back and thanks for the info on the bcomplex. I have tried suppliments before and they really didn't do anything for me. The doc says I also should be taking vit D and Calcium. I am taking a bariatric chewable multi vit, and have since I had my surgery. Hope school is going well. So far we are just doing the intro stuff. I've had to redo a lot of my beginning of the year activities to be more 'warm and fuzzy' for the 6th graders. I'm not going to get stressed about things, what doesn't get done, doesn't get done.

I know right now I can't afford anything extra, but I am going to seriously consider it when the days get shorter. I do have several full spectrum lights, and they help. believe it or not, what REALLY helps me is a tanning bed. I can lay in the bed for 5 - 10 min and feel like I am a new woman. But...it isn't tax deductable, med's are. But who knows, I not going to think about it for a while.

I'm only going to was 1 mi tonight. I've walked 3 - 4 miles, every day for a month, and now I'm taking a break. It's in the mid to high 90's and I'm hot and tired and cranky. Although, after I walk the mile, I may find that it is what I need.


Edited by cramerk

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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